stability analysis for cellular neural networks with variable delays

Stability analysis for cellular neural networks with variable delays Qiang Zhang * , Xiaopeng Wei, Jin Xu Liaoning Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, Dalian University, Dalian 116622, China Accepted 6 May 2005 Abstract Some sufficient conditions for the global exponential stability of cellular neural networks with variable delay are obtained by means of a method based on delay differential inequality. The method, which does not make use of Lyapu- nov functionals, is simple and effective for the stability analysis of neural networks with delay. Some previously estab- lished results in the literature are shown to be special cases of the presented result. Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Cellular neural networks with delay (DCNNs) first introduced in [1] have found many important applications in mo- tion-related areas such as classification of patterns, processing of moving images and recognition of moving objects. In these applications, the dynamics of networks such as the existence, uniqueness and global asymptotic stability or global exponential stability of the equilibrium point of the networks plays a key role. For this reason, stability of DCNNs has attracted many researchersÕ attention. In the studies of stability for DCNNs, a general assumption is that the delay is fixed. However, in some applications, delay is time-varying even drastic, see [2–15]. The aim of this brief is to provide some new results on global exponential stability for the DCNNs by utilizing a delay differential inequality. Some results in the aforementioned studies emerge as special cases of the main result presented here. An example is given to show the validity of the results. 2. Preliminaries The dynamic behavior of a continuous time cellular neural networks with variable delays can be described by the following state equations: x 0 i ðtÞ¼c i x i ðtÞþ X n j¼1 a ij f j ðx j ðtÞÞ þ X n j¼1 b ij f j ðx j ðt s j ðtÞÞÞ þ I i ; i ¼ 1; 2; ... ; n ð1Þ 0960-0779/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2005.05.026 * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (Q. Zhang). Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 28 (2006) 331–336

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Page 1: Stability analysis for cellular neural networks with variable delays

Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 28 (2006) 331–336

Stability analysis for cellular neural networkswith variable delays

Qiang Zhang *, Xiaopeng Wei, Jin Xu

Liaoning Key Lab of Intelligent Information Processing, Dalian University, Dalian 116622, China

Accepted 6 May 2005


Some sufficient conditions for the global exponential stability of cellular neural networks with variable delay areobtained by means of a method based on delay differential inequality. The method, which does not make use of Lyapu-nov functionals, is simple and effective for the stability analysis of neural networks with delay. Some previously estab-lished results in the literature are shown to be special cases of the presented result.� 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Cellular neural networks with delay (DCNNs) first introduced in [1] have found many important applications in mo-tion-related areas such as classification of patterns, processing of moving images and recognition of moving objects. Inthese applications, the dynamics of networks such as the existence, uniqueness and global asymptotic stability or globalexponential stability of the equilibrium point of the networks plays a key role. For this reason, stability of DCNNs hasattracted many researchers� attention. In the studies of stability for DCNNs, a general assumption is that the delay isfixed. However, in some applications, delay is time-varying even drastic, see [2–15]. The aim of this brief is to providesome new results on global exponential stability for the DCNNs by utilizing a delay differential inequality. Some resultsin the aforementioned studies emerge as special cases of the main result presented here. An example is given to show thevalidity of the results.

2. Preliminaries

The dynamic behavior of a continuous time cellular neural networks with variable delays can be described by thefollowing state equations:


* CoE-m

x0iðtÞ ¼ �cixiðtÞ þXnj¼1

aijfjðxjðtÞÞ þXnj¼1

bijfjðxjðt � sjðtÞÞÞ þ I i; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n ð1Þ

779/$ - see front matter � 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1016/j.chaos.2005.05.026

rresponding author.ail address: [email protected] (Q. Zhang).

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332 Q. Zhang et al. / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 28 (2006) 331–336

or equivalently

x0ðtÞ ¼ �CxðtÞ þ Af ðxðtÞÞ þ Bf ðxðt � sðtÞÞÞ þ I; ð2Þ

where x(t) = [x1(t), . . .,xn(t)]T 2 Rn, f(x(t)) = [f1(x1(t)), . . ., fn(xn(t))]

T 2 Rn, f(x(t � s(t))) = [f1(x1(t � s1(t))), . . .,

fn(xn(t � sn(t)))]T 2 Rn. A = (aij) is referred to as the feedback matrix, B = (bij) represents the delayed feedback matrix,

while I = [I1, . . ., In]T is a constant input vector and time delays sj are bounded nonnegative functions satisfying

0 6 sj(t) 6 s for all j = 1,2, . . .,n. The activation function fi, i = 1,2, . . .,n satisfy the following condition:(H) Each fi is bounded continuous and satisfies

fiðn1Þ � fiðn2Þj j 6 Li n1 � n2j j

for each n1,n2 2 R.This type of activation functions is clearly more general than both the usual sigmoid activation functions in Hopfield

networks and the piecewise linear function (PWL): fiðxÞ ¼ 12ðjxþ 1j � jx� 1jÞ in standard cellular networks [16].

In the following discussion, we will use the notations: for any matrix A = (aij)n·n 2 Rn·n, jAj denotes absolute-valuematrix given by jAj = (jaijj)n·n. E denotes the identity matrix with appropriate dimension.Assume that the system (1) is supplemented with initial conditions of the form

xiðsÞ ¼ /iðsÞ; s 2 ½�s; 0; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n;

in which /i(s) is continuous for s 2 [�s, 0].Due to the boundedness of the activation function fi, by employing the well-known Brouwer�s fixed point theorem,

we can easily obtain that there exists an equilibrium point of Eq. (1). Besides, the uniqueness of the equilibrium pointcan be derived from the global exponential stability established below.Suppose that (1) has a unique equilibrium x� ¼ ðx�1; x�2; . . . ; x�nÞ. Denote

k/ � x�k ¼ sup�s6s60


j/iðsÞ � x�i jp

" #1=p.

We say that an equilibrium point x� ¼ ðx�1; x�2; . . . ; x�nÞ is globally exponentially stable if there exist constants � > 0 andM P 1 such that

kxðtÞ � x�k 6 Mk/ � x�ke��t; t P 0.

Let y(t) = x(t) � x*, then Eq. (1) can be rewritten as

y0iðtÞ ¼ �ciyiðtÞ þXnj¼1

aijgjðyjðtÞÞ þXnj¼1

bijgjðyjðt � sjðtÞÞÞ; ð3Þ

where gjðyjÞ ¼ fjðyj þ x�j Þ � fjðx�j Þ; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n. It is obvious that the function gj(Æ) also satisfies the hypothesis(H).To prove the stability of the equilibrium point x* of Eq. (1), it is sufficient to prove the stability of the trivial solution

of Eq. (3).

Definition 1 [17]. Let the n · n matrix A = (aij) have nonpositive off-diagonal elements and all principal minors of A

are positive, then A is said to be an M-matrix.

The following lemma will be used to study the global exponential convergence of (1).

Lemma 1 [18]. Let x(t) = (x1(t),x2(t), . . .,xn(t))T be a solution of the differential inequality (4)

x0ðtÞ 6 AxðtÞ þ B�xðtÞ; t P t0; ð4Þ


�xðtÞ ¼ supt�s6s6t

fx1ðsÞg; supt�s6s6t

fx2ðsÞg; . . . ; supt�s6s6t

fxnðsÞg� �T

A = (aij)n·n, B = (aij)n·n. If:

(H1) aij P 0 ði 6¼ jÞ; bij P 0; i; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n;Pn

j¼1�xjðt0Þ > 0;(H2) The matrix �(A + B) is an M-matrix;

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Q. Zhang et al. / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 28 (2006) 331–336 333

then there always exist constants k > 0, ri > 0 (i = 1,2, . . ., n) such that

xiðtÞ 6 riXnj¼1

�xjðt0Þe�kðt�t0Þ. ð5Þ

3. Stability analysis

Theorem 1. If there exist real constants aij; a�ij; bij; b�ij; fij; f�ij; gij; g�ij ði; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; nÞ and positive constants p P 1

such that the matrix

Rij ¼ � �pcj þXni¼1

ðp � 1Þjajijpaji Lpbjii þ


ðp � 1Þjbjijpfji Lpgjii

" #dij þ jaijjpa

�ij L

pb�ijj þ jbijjpf

�ij L


( )n�n

is an M-matrix, where dij ¼1; i¼ j;0; i 6¼ j;

ðp�1Þaijþa�ij ¼ 1; ðp�1Þbijþb�

ij ¼ 1; ðp�1Þfijþ f�ij ¼ 1; ðp�1Þgijþg�ij ¼ 1, then

the equilibrium point x*of system (1) is globally exponentially stable.

Proof. Let ziðtÞ ¼ 1p jyiðtÞj

p, then the upper right derivative D+zi(t) along the solution of (3) as follows:

DþziðtÞ ¼ jyiðtÞjp�1DþjyiðtÞj 6 jyiðtÞj

p�1 �cijyiðtÞj þXnj¼1

jaijjLjjyjðtÞj þXnj¼1

jbijjLjjyjðt � sjðtÞÞj( )

6 jyiðtÞjp�1 �cijyiðtÞj þ


jaijjLjjyjðtÞj þXnj¼1

jbijjLjj�yjðtÞj( )

¼ �cijyiðtÞjp þ


jaijjLjjyiðtÞjp�1jyjðtÞj þ



¼ �cijyiðtÞjp þ


jaijjpaij Lpbijj jyiðtÞj

p �p�1

p � jaijjpa�ij L

pb�ijj jyjðtÞj

p �1

p þXnj¼1

jbijjpfij Lpgijj jyiðtÞj

p �p�1


� jbijjpf�ij L

pg�ijj j�yjðtÞj

p �1

p. ð6Þ

Recall that the inequality apbq6 pa + qb holds for any a > 0, b > 0 and 0 6 p 6 1 with p + q = 1, see, for instance,

[19]. Let a ¼ ðjaijjpaij Lpbijj jyiðtÞj

pÞp�1p , b ¼ ðjaijjpa

�ij L

pb�ijj jyjðtÞj

pÞ1p, then we have

jaijjpaij Lpbijj jyiðtÞj

p �p�1

p jaijjpa�ij L

pb�ijj jyjðtÞj

p �1


p � 1p

jaijjpaij Lpbijj jyiðtÞj

p þ 1pjaijjpa

�ij L

pb�ijj jyjðtÞj

p. ð7Þ

Similarly, let a ¼ ðjbijjpfij Lpgijj jyiðtÞj

pÞp�1p , b ¼ ðjbijjpf

�ij L

pg�ijj j�yjðtÞj

pÞ1p, then we can get

jbijjpfij Lpgijj jyiðtÞj

p �p�1

p jbijjpf�ij L

pg�ijj j�yjðtÞj

p �1


p � 1p

jbijjpfij Lpgijj jyiðtÞj

p þ 1pjbijjpf

�ij L

pg�ijj j�yjðtÞj

p. ð8Þ

Substituting the inequalities (7) and (8) into (6), we obtain

DþziðtÞ 6 �pciziðtÞ þXnj¼1

ðp � 1Þjaijjpaij Lpbijj ziðtÞ þ


jaijjpa�ij L

pb�ijj zjðtÞ þ


ðp � 1Þjbijjpfij Lpgijj ziðtÞ


jbijjpf�ij L

pg�ijj �zjðtÞ

¼ �pci þXnj¼1

ðp � 1Þjaijjpaij Lpbijj þ


ðp � 1Þjbijjpfij Lpgijj

( )ziðtÞ þ


jaijjpa�ij L

pb�ijj zjðtÞ þ


jbijjpf�ij L

pg�ijj �zjðtÞ


�pcj þXni¼1

ðp � 1Þjajijpaji Lpbjii þ


ðp � 1Þjbjijpfji Lpgjii

" #dij þ jaijjpa

�ij L


( )zjðtÞ þ


jbijjpf�ij L

pg�ijj �zjðtÞ.


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Let R1 ¼ f½�pcj þPn

i¼1ðp � 1Þjajijpaji L

pbjii þ

Pni¼1ðp � 1Þjbjij

pfji Lpgjii dij þ jaijjpa

�ij L

pb�ijj g, R2 ¼ fjbijjpf

�ij L

pg�ijj g, then the

above inequality can be written as

DþzðtÞ 6 R1zðtÞ þ R2�zðtÞ.

According to Lemma 1, if the matrix R = �(R1 + R2) is an M-matrix, then there must exist constants k > 0, ri > 0(i = 1,2, . . .,n) such that

ziðtÞ ¼1

pjxiðtÞ � x�i j

p6 ri


�zjðt0Þe�kðt�t0Þ ¼ riXnj¼1


pj�xjðt0Þ � x�i j


that is, " #

jxiðtÞ � x�i j 6 r1=pi


j�xjðt0Þ � x�i jp



This implies that the unique equilibrium point of Eq. (1) is globally exponentially stable. h

By using Theorem 1 above, we can easily obtain the following corollaries.

Corollary 1. If the matrix R = C � (jAj + jBj)L is an M-matrix, where L = diag(L1,L2, . . .,Ln), then the equilibrium point

x*of system (1) is globally exponentially stable.

Proof. Let p = 1 in Theorem 1, then we can easily get Corollary 1. h

Remark 1. Due to R being an M-matrix, applying property of M-matrix, we can get CL�1 � (jAj + jBj) is an M-matrix, which is the result of [9, Theorem 3].

Remark 2. For the case C = E, from E � (jAj + jBj)L is an M-matrix, we can conclude that the spectral radiusq((jAj + jBj)L) < 1, which is the result of [10, Theorem 1].

Recall that for a given matrix A, its spectral radius q(A) equals to the infimum of its all matrix norms of A, i.e., forany matrix norm k Æk, q(A) 6 kAk, so we can derive some more restrictive but practical conditions for globally expo-nentially stable.

Corollary 2. For any matrix norm k Æk, if k(jAj + jBj)Lk < 1, then the equilibrium point x* of system (1) is globally

exponentially stable.

Taking p = 2, aij ¼ a�ij ¼ bij ¼ b�

ij ¼ fij ¼ f�ij ¼ gij ¼ g�ij ¼ 1

2in Theorem 1, then we have

Corollary 3. If the matrix

R ¼ � �2cj þXni¼1

Li jajij þ jbjij� " #

dij � Lj jaijj þ jbijj� ( )


is an M-matrix, then the equilibrium point x* of system (1) is globally exponentially stable.

Remark 3. In [12–14], some results on the global asymptotic stability of Eq. (1) are presented by constructing Lyapu-nov functional. Different from our results, all of their results require that the delay function s(t) be differentiable. Thus,compared with the results presented here, their conditions are more restrictive and conservative.

4. An example

In this section, we will give an example to show the conditions given in the brief are milder than those given in someearlier literature. First, we restate the results in [15].

Theorem 2. The equilibrium point of Eq. (1) is globally exponentially stable if


ci � Li


jajij !

> max16i6n



jbjij !


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Theorem 3. The equilibrium point of Eq. (1) is globally exponentially stable if


2ci �Xnj¼1

ðLjðjaijj þ jbijjÞ þ LijajijÞ !

> max16i6n



jbjij !


Example 1. Consider cellular neural networks with variable delays

x01ðtÞ ¼ �c1x1ðtÞ þ a11f ðx1ðtÞÞ þ a12f ðx2ðtÞÞ þ b11f ðx1ðt � s1ðtÞÞÞ þ b12f ðx2ðt � s2ðtÞÞÞ þ I1;

x02ðtÞ ¼ �c2x2ðtÞ þ a21f ðx1ðtÞÞ þ a22f ðx2ðtÞÞ þ b21f ðx1ðt � s1ðtÞÞÞ þ b22f ðx2ðt � s2ðtÞÞÞ þ I2;ð10Þ

where the activation function is described by PWL function: fiðxÞ ¼ 12ðjxþ 1j � jx� 1jÞ. Obviously, this function satis-

fies (H) with L1 = L2 = 1.

In (10), taking a11 = 0.5, a12 = �0.1, a21 = 0.3, a22 = �0.2; b11 = �0.1, b12 = 0.1, b21 = �0.1, b22 = 0.4; c1 = c2 = 1;

s1(t) = s2(t) = jt + 1j � jt � 1j, i.e., C ¼ 1 00 1

� �, A ¼ 0.5 �0.1

0.3 �0.2

� �, B ¼ �0.1 0.1

�0.1 0.4

� �. We can easily check that the

matrix in Corollary 3

R ¼0.6 �0.2�0.4 0.4

� �

is an M-matrix. Hence, the equilibrium point of Eq. (10) is globally exponentially stable.On the other hand, by a simple computation, it is easy to verify that


ci � Li


jajij !

¼ 0.2 < max16i6n



jbjij !

¼ 0.5



2ci �Xnj¼1

ðLjðjaijj þ jbijjÞ þ LijajijÞ !

¼ 0.4 < max16i6n



jbjij !

¼ 0.5.

This implies that the main results in [15] do not hold for this example. Since the delay function is not differentiable,the results in [12–14] cannot be applied to this example.

5. Conclusions

Some criteria have been given ensuring the global exponential stability of cellular neural networks with variable de-lays by using an approach based on delay differential inequality. The results established here extend those earlier givenin the literature. Compared with the method of Lyapunov functionals as in most previous studies, our method is simplerand more effective for stability analysis.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No: 60403001) and ChinaPostdoctoral Foundation.


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