st. stephen, the first martyr parish mass schedule€¦ · page three thank you for your generous...

Church of St. Stephen, The First Martyr 75 Sanfordville Road, Warwick, New York 10990 845-986-4028 • Rev. Jack Arlotta……………………………………...Pastor Rev. Reynor Santiago……………………...Parochial Vicar Rev. Jisaya Nayak……………………..Summer Associate Deacon Thomas MacDougall Deacon Daniel Byrne Deacon John Tomasicchio Mr. Anthony Marcella………………………..Music Director Mrs. Mary Juliano………………Parish Business Manager Mrs. Ruthann DiMauro…………………………. . Secretary Mrs. Donna Washio…………...………………… Secretary Mrs. Maxine Martin……………………………. Bookkeeper Mr. Stephen Mandracchia…………………………. Trustee Ms.Katie Bisaro...……………………………………Trustee Mr. Joe Maggio…......………..Parish Council Chairperson St. Stephen Religious Education Program Phone: 845-986-2231 [email protected] Mrs. Lydia vanDuynhoven………………………….Director Mrs. Joanie Rotar…………………………..Office Manager St. Stephen - St. Edward School Phone : 845–986-3533 • Fax: 845-987-7023 Grades Pre-K to Eight Accredited by AdvancED and the Archdiocese of New York Mrs. Bethany Negersmith…………………………….. Principal St. Stephen Cemetery 98 Galloway Road, Warwick, NY 10990 Liturgy, Prayer, and Sacrament Mass Schedule Saturday Evening: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:15 p.m. Weekdays: 7:00 a.m., Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m., Monday to Saturday Spanish Mass: 5:00 p.m. First Sunday of the month Holydays: Please check the bulletin. Morning Prayer: 8:40 a.m., Monday through Saturday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Fridays 7:30-8:30 p.m. Saturdays 3:30 - 4:20 p.m. First Fridays 7:30 p.m. until Saturday, 8:15 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3:30-4:30 p.m. Sundays: 11:30a.m.-12:15 p.m. Anointing of the Sick For the Sacrament, a person or family member must make the request. Late night requests may not be able to be answered until the next day. New Parishioners Welcome to St. Stephen Parish. Please call or visit the parish office to register. Registration helps us to serve you more efficiently, especially in matters such as testi- monial letters, sponsor certificates and school registration. Baptism First four Sundays of every month at 2:00 p.m.. Baptisms are not ordinarily held in Lent. Instructions on first Monday and third Saturday. Call the parish office during office hours to make arrangements. Marriage Parishioners should make arrangements at least six months before the wedding. Call the parish office for an appointment. St. Stephen, The First Martyr Parish A Eucharistic Community, Journeying in Knowledge, Love and Service October 6, 2019 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Church of St. Stephen, The First Martyr

75 Sanfordville Road, Warwick, New York 10990 845-986-4028 •

Rev. Jack Arlotta……………………………………...Pastor Rev. Reynor Santiago……………………...Parochial Vicar Rev. Jisaya Nayak……………………..Summer Associate

Deacon Thomas MacDougall Deacon Daniel Byrne

Deacon John Tomasicchio Mr. Anthony Marcella………………………..Music Director Mrs. Mary Juliano………………Parish Business Manager Mrs. Ruthann DiMauro…………………………. . Secretary Mrs. Donna Washio…………...………………… Secretary Mrs. Maxine Martin……………………………. Bookkeeper Mr. Stephen Mandracchia…………………………. Trustee Ms.Katie Bisaro...……………………………………Trustee Mr. Joe Maggio…......………..Parish Council Chairperson St. Stephen Religious Education Program

Phone: 845-986-2231 [email protected] Mrs. Lydia vanDuynhoven………………………….Director Mrs. Joanie Rotar…………………………..Office Manager St. Stephen - St. Edward School

Phone : 845–986-3533 • Fax: 845-987-7023 Grades Pre-K to Eight Accredited by AdvancED and the Archdiocese of New York Mrs. Bethany Negersmith……………………………..Principal St. Stephen Cemetery

98 Galloway Road, Warwick, NY 10990

Liturgy, Prayer, and Sacrament

Mass Schedule Saturday Evening: 5:00 p.m.

Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:15 p.m.

Weekdays: 7:00 a.m., Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 a.m., Monday to Saturday

Spanish Mass: 5:00 p.m. First Sunday of the month

Holydays: Please check the bulletin.

Morning Prayer: 8:40 a.m., Monday through Saturday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

Fridays 7:30-8:30 p.m. Saturdays 3:30 - 4:20 p.m. First Fridays 7:30 p.m. until Saturday, 8:15 a.m.

Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3:30-4:30 p.m. Sundays: 11:30a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Anointing of the Sick For the Sacrament, a person or family member must make the request. Late night requests may not be able to be answered until the next day. New Parishioners

Welcome to St. Stephen Parish. Please call or visit the parish office to register. Registration helps us to serve you more efficiently, especially in matters such as testi-monial letters, sponsor certificates and school registration.

Baptism First four Sundays of every month at 2:00 p.m.. Baptisms are not ordinarily held in Lent. Instructions on first Monday and third Saturday. Call the parish office during office hours to make arrangements.

Marriage Parishioners should make arrangements at least six months before the wedding. Call the parish office for an appointment.

St. Stephen, The First Martyr Parish

A Eucharistic Community, Journeying in Knowledge, Love and Service

October 6, 2019 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven…

...a time to love…

Please pray for all couples who are preparing for marriage.

...a time to be born…

Please pray for all children, born and unborn.

...a time to heal...

Please pray for all who are ill, especially: Evelyn Aro, Camille Balsamello, Sophia Bayno, Lydia Bonita, Louise Bonomi, Marcella Brewer, Brian Conway, Kevin Cornielle, Paula Cornine, Tom Coughlin, Barry Crandall, Owen Daniel, Charlie Degnan, Stephen DeGloria, Jerry & Antonina DeMarmels, Michael Derych Sr., Colleen Devlin, Mary Ellen Downes, Anne Duke, Gina & Kenneth Eccher, James Elardi, Jean Fay, Nellie Fahy, Gemma Felice-Podwol, Brian Flood, Maria Gabor, Mabel Galu, Karen Gingras, Loukas Glykas, Nick Givas, Ellen Glebocki, Ryan Hasbrouck Robert Hogan, Nicholas Jesus, Jean Johnson, Brian Kane, John Kazmarzyk, Paul Kearney, Claire Kempinger, Jack & Lynne Koval, Joseph Krasniewicz, Marie Lackner, Jennifer Lava, Ian Laroe, Rev. Peter Madori, Tony Majewski, Ann Marie Malcolmson, Joanne Marinello, Jerry Mattera, Fr. Flor McCarthy, Anthony McSorely, Donna Meduski, Melissa Miller, Charles Mistretta, Fiona Moran, Glenn Muse, Mary Nelligan, Maddie Niebanck, Kathleen O’Brien, Pat O’Connor, Msgr. Joaquin Olendzki, Ryan Ostrowski, Anne Pawelek, Dani Pedlow, Kaelyn Pennings, Bryson Phenicie, Sharlene Miller Pizza, Anna & Ralph Poternoster, Cathy Priest, John Quinn, Joseph Reeves, Todd Robbins, Bucky Ross, Peggy Rozhon, Sharon Scannello, Elaine Scharfenberger, Mary Schlagel, Christopher Smith, Mattix Snedegar, Gregg Snignur, Michael Stubbmann, Christine Taylor, Caleb Tetreault, Rosita Tytell, Steve, Joseph vanDuynhoven, Isabella Vonuchtrup, Lisa Weisbrod, Justin Wilson, Kimberly Wittekind, and Eric Wortman.

...a time for war; a time for peace...

Sgt. Heather Baumann, Darren Beers Aviation Mechanic, Pvt. 2 Nicolas D’Ancona (AF), Capt. Edward Dauphin, Cprl. Michael Gerard, Rev. Major Paul Anthony Halladay, Spec. George Layng (AB), Captain Jason Mazzella (AF), PFC Stephen McCall, Pvt. Timothy Merrill (AF), staff Sgt. Bilitis Rangel (AF), , Lt. J.G. Julian Stuart, Sgt. 1st. Class Thomas Sala, Sgt. John Trojanoski, Pvt. Tyler VanDunk, Specialist Grant Watson (AF) Specialist Devin Wood.

...a time to die…

Please pray for the soul of Frank Moore, Sr. . May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the

mercy of God, rest in peace, Amen.

Purgatorial Society

The Purgatorial Society was established to pray for our beloved departed. Those who are enrolled in the Society are remembered on the first Sunday of each month at the 9:00a.m. Mass for a period of one year.

Henry Joseph Beattie, William J. Larkin, Jr., Andrew C. Rizzotti, Patrick John O’Leary, and

Josephine “Pat” O’Neill were enrolled in October.

Mass Intentions

Saturday Evening, October 5 5:00pm Yano & Maloney Families

Sunday, Oct. 6, The 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 Florence Majewski 9:00 Purgatorial Society 10:30 John Guerra 12:15pm Al Sanza 5:00pm Hector Luis Figueroa

For the Week of October 6 Sanctuary Lamp: Melva Scott

Monday, October 7, Our Lady of the Rosary 7:00 For Our Parishioners 9:00 Americo Bartolomeo

Tuesday, October 8 7:00 Ronald B. Petracca, Sr. 9:00 Manuel C. Perry, Sr.

Wed., October 9, Sts. Denis, Bishop, and Companions, Martyrs; St. John Leonardi, Priest 9:00 Holy Souls in Purgatory

Thursday, October 10 7:00 Bill Wendel, Jr. 9:00 Holy Souls in Purgatory

Friday, October 11, St. John XXIII, Pope 9:00 Holy Souls in Purgatory Saturday, October 12, Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00 Joseph Lucerino Saturday Evening 5:00pm Anthony L. Rossi

Sunday, Oct 13, The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 Ciro Coppola 9:00 Thomas Georgalas 10:30 Mary & Anthony Totta 12:15pm Intentions of Liz & Patrick Donnolly 30th Wedding Anniversary

For the week of October 13 Sanctuary Lamp: Deborah Lee Golebiowski

Join us to Praise God in Song Oct 12 & 13 Saturday at 5pm - Teen Choir Sunday at 9am - Adult Choir

10:30am - Folk Group 12:15 - Cantor

Page Three

Thank you for your generous gifts!

Sunday, September 29 - $ 11,684.50 WeShare for September - $11,992.91

Give to St. Stephen’s On-line

Consider signing up for online giving! WeShare will de-duct monthly contributions directly from your checking, savings, or credit card account. There is no cost to you to participate! You may give on ANY DAY of each month or split your donation between different days!

Go to:, click on WeShare, and sign up!

Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

Come and spend time with our Lord!

Every Friday 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Friday, November 1

All Saints Day Nocturnal Adoration begins after

the 7 p.m. Mass First Friday nocturnal adoration is in need of more adorers. Can you commit to one hour a month? Please sign up in the notebook on the display table during First Friday Adoration.

Saturday 3:30 p.m. - 4:20 p.m.

Security Issues

We must realize that we live in challenging times. Situations from the past cannot continue. I am most concerned regarding security in the school building. Mrs. Negersmith and Mrs. VanDuynhoven have es-tablished procedures that ensure the safety of the children in the building. In some cases, adults have questioned and even challenged these procedures. That is just too bad. At this point, if we continue with a CYO program, we will be forced to hire se-curity for practice and game times. Some of us are scheduled to attend a church safety security work-shop in October mandated by the Archdiocese. Un-fortunately, that is the society we live in. Please do not challenge the precautions we take for your own self-interest.


Hospitality Sunday

The first Hospitality Sunday went off very well last week. Unfortunately, a number of people left right after Mass. Those who took part in the cof-fee, tea and cake engaged in conversation with fellow parishioners afterward. The next Hospi-tality Sunday is in two weeks, October 20. We are looking for volunteers to the Hospitality Min-istry. Please call the office for further infor-mation.


Welcome Aboard

Mary Juliano has assumed the position of Parish Business Manager. Mrs. Juliano has been a parish-ioner for a number of years. She recently graduated from the two-year program offered by Villanova University for Church Management. Mrs. Juliano has demonstrated through St. Stephen’s school fundraising activities energy and creativity and ded-ication. We welcome her to this new position.


Renew and Rebuild Update

While we would like to go ahead with some of the major projects of the Renew and Rebuild Campaign, other situations have presented themselves that need to be addressed: lighting in the school and church parking lot and replacing doors in the school and the church. So, if you wonder when the additional building project will commence, these other projects need to be completed.

The Pastor’s Desk

Grocery Cards and Gift Cards

Shop Rite, Price Chopper July Sales $16,275 (Profit $813.75)

Shop Rite - $20, $25, $50, and $100 Price Chopper - $25, $50, and $100

Many retail cards are also available! Clothing, hardware, restaurants,

electronics, fast food, and many more!

Support the parish while you shop!

Credit can be applied to RelEd Tuition and SSSE School Goal!

Available after Mass on weekends and at the parish office Monday-Friday - 9:00a.m. to 3:30p.m.

Please pay by check or exact change!

Town of Warwick Friendly Visitor Program

Volunteers provide transportation and escort to local ap-pointments, grocery shopping, home visits, clerical assis-tance, as well as other services. Volunteers are trained, insured while they are volunteering, asked to donate two hours per week at a convenient time, and go through a background check at no charge. If you know someone would benefit from these services, please call 845-986-1124, ext. 400.

Bring a Friend and Attend our next Volunteer Training Session

Monday, November 18, 2019 TIME: 9:30-12:30 pm

Reservations are required Albert Wisner Public Library

One McFarland Drive, Warwick Call 986-1124 ext. 400

Prayer to Saint Michael

Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our defense against

the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;

and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan

and other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.


Page Four

Altar Server Schedule

Saturday, October 12 5:00 pm - Owen Machingo, Caleb King, Ian Doherty, Matt Doherty Sunday, October 13 7:30 am - Arden Hallett, Julius Radakovits, Lucas Langone, Aedan O’Brien 9:00 am - Phillip Gargiulo, Giovanni Berlingieri, Anika Bre-zina, Ava Roome, William Roome, Nicholas Williams 10:30 am - Dominic Scavullo, Anthony Scavullo, Ayden Williamson, Colin Foley, Elsie Mele, Samuel Hansen 12:15 pm - Anthony Roca, Bella Serrano, Rosalie Mountford, Shea Patterson

Altar Society Appointments

Team # 4 Kathi Bellofatto, Carolyn DeMarmels & Peg Ryan

New members are welcome and needed to join in the Altar Society Ministry. Please call Kathi at 986-2663

to volunteer or for more information.

From Now until November 3, our community will take part in 40 Days for Life … a groundbreaking, coordinated international mobilization. We pray that, with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of the end of abortion.

Planned Parenthood 7 Coates Drive, Goshen 7am-7pm

And 136 Lake Street, Newburgh 7am-5pm Sign up for Vigil Hours at

Today, Sunday, October 6 2pm to 3:30pm

South Side of Rte 211 Middletown

Call 845-496-0391

Pray to End Abortion! Stand up for Life!

Change for Life

Beginning in October, please pick up a baby bot-tle in the atrium and fill it

with loose change or bills.

Monies collected will support

Mother’s Cupboard and other local

Pro-Life Causes!

Orange County Right To Life 46th Annual Banquet

Sunday, October 27 at 2:00 p.m. Kuhl’s Highland House - Middletown

Tickets: $35 before October 21 No tickets sold at the door.

Speaker: Pastor Bruce E. Riers

Mount Moriah First Baptist Church

Liturgical Bible Study

This Bible Study is an excellent learning opportunity to more fully appreciate and understand our participation in the Sacrifice of the Mass. Please join us for a deeper comprehension of the Liturgy of the Word and the Eucha-rist within the celebration of the Sunday Mass. The study takes place on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.

The new Liturgical Year Begins December 1 and we will be ordering new books. To sign up or for more infor-mation, please call 845-986-1521.

Page Five

Senior Bus Angel

The October Sunday Dial-A-Bus for Seniors has been sponsored in memory of the deceased members of the

Knights of Columbus Council 4952.

Meals on Wheels Drivers Needed!

Additional volunteers are needed to deliver meals twice per month. Drivers typically deliver 6-8 meals in an hour or less. Meals are picked up from Mt. Alverno at 11:20am weekdays.

To learn more about this critical program in our communi-ty or to become a volunteer, please call 845-986-3389.

200 Club Winners

September 29, 2019

#03 Kathy Weslowski & # 134 Janet Folino

Little Saints Sunday School Program

We are so excited to share with you the all new LITTLE SAINTS Sunday School Program for children who are not yet old enough to enter our Sacramental Prep Religious Education classes. This program is geared toward chil-dren ages 3 (toilet trained) - 6 (kindergarten) and is a first experience in faith education.

Sessions are held during the 9am Sunday Mass one Sunday a month and three Sundays during Advent and Lent. Children attend the sessions while parents attend 9am mass. Each session will include a bible story, pray er, song, craft and active play.

For more in formation or to Register, go to:

Eucharistic Ministers Needed

at St. Anthony’s & Schervier

Eucharistic Ministers are needed to bring communion to the residents at St. Anthony’s Hospital and Schervier Nursing Home. Your loving service can be offered once a month or once a week, depending on your time and abil-ity. Lay ministers are also needed to set up the altar for Fr. John in the Schervier dining room once a month for the Sunday mass. Please call or text Annette at 845-545-2663 to learn more. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

at Weekend Masses at St. Stephen’s

If you are interested in serving in this ministry at St. Ste-phen’s Masses, please call the office at 845-986-4028 for further information.

Children’s Choir

New and returning boys and girls in Grades 2 thru 8

are invited to join our Children’s Choir!

We will rehearse every Thursday from 4-5pm and sing every 1st and 3rd Sunday at the 9am Mass.

Please call Anthony Marcella at 845-986-4028

to register your child.

Warwick Valley Knights of Columbus Membership Drive

The Warwick Valley Knights of Columbus Council 4952 will be holding a membership drive the weekend of Octo-ber 26 and 27. Members will be in the atrium before and after all masses to answer any questions you may have. Membership is open to all men 18 years of age and older. Please consider joining this wonderful organization and help support your Parish and the local community with the many charitable works our council performs. The Warwick Valley Knights of Columbus Council 4952 will also be selling Charitable & Benevolent Raffle Tickets before and after all masses. The funds raised are used by the New York State Knights of Columbus to support many charitable causes as well as Catholic Schools and Reli-gious Education programs. Tickets are $1.00 each or $10.00 for a book of 12 tickets. $25,000. Grand Prize, $10,000. 2nd Prize, $5,000. 3rd Prize, Plus 10 $1,000. Prizes.

St. Stephen's Women's Sodality

We will meet Tuesday, October 8th at 2:00 p.m. in the Church Meeting Room. There will be a sign-up for the Harvest Bake Sale (Oct. 26-27), Raffle Ideas, and Reser-vations for our Christmas Luncheon at the Landmark Inn. We begin each meeting with the Holy Rosary and extend a warm and gracious invitation to the women of our Parish to join us. For information, please contact Christine Sears 986-6825.

Rosary Rally

Saturday, October 12 Noon to 2 p.m. Pray the Rosary

Adore Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament

Please join us in praying the Ro-sary for the reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Mary’s Meals

$19.50 feeds a child for the school year!

Your ongoing support for the children of Mary’s Meals is greatly appreciated. Now, more than ever, children need the help provided by Mary’s Meals. Call Lydia 986-2231 for more information.

Mary’s Meals Recycling Drop off behind the school in the Mary’s Meal Shed!

Bottles & Cans with NY deposit only! No Gatorade, iced tea, or Tropicana! No food cans or jars!

Help is needed to recycle bottles and cans. Pick them up from the Mary’s Meals Shed, recycle and

return deposits to Religious Ed. If you need more information, please call Lydia at 986-2231.

St. Stephen - St. Edward Pre-K The Pre-K outdoor gym play equipment needs a bit of sprucing up, sand-ing and recoating. If you are handy and would like to volunteer your time and talent, please call Bethany, at 845-986-3533.

Fordham Preparatory School Open House

Thursday, October 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, November 3, from 1 to 4 p.m.

Registration in advance is required Visit:

Fordham Prep is located on the historic Rose Hill cam-pus in the Bronx, adjacent to Fordham University

and the New York Botanical Garden.

For more information, contact: 718-584-8367 or [email protected]

The National Shrine of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Middletown, NY


Saturday, October 12, 2019 9:30am - 3:00pm Continental breakfast, lunch, conference, Scriptural Ro-sary, quiet time to reflect, time to shop in our Gift Shop. Cost: $30pp. Visit for registration form or call Carol Bezak, Shrine Director at 845-343-1879 for information.

St. Stephen’s Reverse Raffle November 2, 2019 — St. Stephen - St. Edward School Gym

Reverse Raffle tickets are now on sale! The Grand Prize of $8000 will be awarded on Saturday, November 2 at the Reverse Raffle Event at St. Stephen's.

Event Tickets are $100. Tickets may be split by up to 10 people and only 250 tickets will be sold.

Tickets may be purchased in the church and school offices. Cash or check, made out to St. Stephens will be accepted.

To view Official Rules, download a Ticket Owner Form, and view Sponsorship Opportunities visit: For information, contact Mary at: [email protected] or 845-325-4638.


(845) 986-1891


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The Warwick Hope Chest

Former Pine Island Elementary School 20 Schoolhouse Road, Pine Island, NY

Shop locally and help those in need!

Looking for incredible deals on men’s, women’s and children’s new and slightly used upscale and design-er clothing, prom and party dresses, men’s suits, shoes and coats as well as a dazzling array of home goods and toys? Shop at the Hope Chest!

Enjoy your “finds,” knowing all proceeds go to support the free clothing bank, which has given away over $200,000 worth of free clothing, shoes, and coats to local folks in need.

Thursday & Saturday 10-1 and Tuesday 4-7

Shoppers, Volunteers and Donations Welcome!

For more information contact:

[email protected] Laura at 845-986-1679

Page Seven

Calling All St. Stephen St. Edward Alumni

Register today to become a part of the

St. Stephen-St. Edward Alumni Association.

Visit our church website at and click on the

"Calling all Warriors" Tab, fill out a quick form online and you're done. Quick, simple, and easy to join us and say:


Prayer Lists If anyone on the bulletin prayer list can be taken off, please let us know.

If you or a loved one is in need of prayer, we can add a name to the prayer list as long as permission is granted

by the person going on the list.

Book of Intentions You are also welcome and encouraged to add a name

for prayer in the book outside the windows by the Baptismal Font.

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