st. francis catholic parishjun 28, 2020  · st. francis catholic parish 1537 rogers avenue...

St. Francis Catholic Parish 1537 Rogers Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134 Phone: 972-227-4124 Prayer During A Health Crisis—Compassionate and Loving Father, In the face of confusion and concern im- part to us the calm of your presence. In You allow us to find hope and healing. Be with those who serve the sick and give them Your caring hands. Be with those who lead and give them Your Spirit of wisdom. Be with those who have fallen ill and give them Your comforting heart. Wrap your arms around our world and hold us in your love. Allow us at this time of trial to then serve as instru- ments of that love to all we meet. We ask this in Your Name. Amen. ©LPi Visitors: We happily welcome you to St. Francis! To register please stop by the office. Visitantes: ¡San Francisco les da coordialmente la bienvenida! Para registrase en la parroquia, visite nuestra oficina parroquial. Reconciliation: Wednesday 5-6 PM , Thursdays 5-7 PM or by appointment. Confesiones: miercoles 5-6 PM, jueves 5-7 PM o por medio de una cita. Weddings: Must contact the Pastor six months prior to desired date. Preparation classes are required before the marriage. Contact office for regulations and any rental information. Bodas: Llamar a la oficina seis meses antes para fijar la fecha. Se requieren clases de preparacion. Llamar para los requisitos o alquilar el Salon Parroquial. Quinceañera: Registered member six months prior to scheduling date. Must have received the sacrament of Confirmation or attending religious education class for Confirmation. Preparation classes are required before the quinceñera. Celebration is on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Must contact the office six months prior to desired date. Quinceañera: Ser miembro de la Parroquia seis meses antes de apartar fecha. Haber recebido el sacramento de la confirmation o estar en clases religiosas para la confirmacion. Se requieren clases para el/la joven. La celebracion es el 3ro sabado del mes. Llamar a la oficina seis meses antes para fijar la fecha.

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Page 1: St. Francis Catholic ParishJun 28, 2020  · St. Francis Catholic Parish 1537 Rogers Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134 Phone: 972-227-4124 Prayer During A Health Crisis—Compassionate and

St. Francis Catholic Parish 1537 Rogers Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134

Phone: 972-227-4124

Prayer During A Health Crisis—Compassionate and Loving Father, In the face of confusion and concern im-part to us the calm of your presence. In You allow us to find hope and healing. Be with those who serve the sick and give them Your caring hands. Be with those who lead and give them Your Spirit of wisdom. Be with those who have fallen ill and give them Your comforting heart. Wrap your arms around our world and hold us in your love. Allow us at this time of trial to then serve as instru-ments of that love to all we meet. We ask this in Your Name. Amen. ©LPi

Visitors: We happily welcome you to St. Francis! To register please stop by the office. Visitantes: ¡San Francisco les da coordialmente la bienvenida! Para registrase en la parroquia, visite nuestra oficina parroquial. Reconciliation: Wednesday 5-6 PM , Thursdays 5-7 PM or by appointment. Confesiones: mie rcoles 5-6 PM, jueves 5-7 PM o por medio de una cita. Weddings: Must contact the Pastor six months prior to desired date. Preparation classes are required before the marriage. Contact office for regulations and any rental information. Bodas: Llamar a la oficina seis meses antes para fijar la fecha. Se requieren clases de preparacio n. Llamar para los requisitos o alquilar el Salo n Parroquial. Quinceañera: Registered member six months prior to scheduling date. Must have received the sacrament of Confirmation or attending religious education class for Confirmation. Preparation classes are required before the quinceñera. Celebration is on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Must contact the office six months prior to desired date. Quinceañera: Ser miembro de la Parroquia seis meses antes de apartar fecha. Haber recebido el sacramento de la confirmation o estar en clases religiosas para la confirmacion. Se requieren clases para el/la joven. La celebracion es el 3ro sabado del mes. Llamar a la oficina seis meses antes para fijar la fecha.

Page 2: St. Francis Catholic ParishJun 28, 2020  · St. Francis Catholic Parish 1537 Rogers Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134 Phone: 972-227-4124 Prayer During A Health Crisis—Compassionate and

2 | St. Francis

Day Date Time Intentions Sat 06/27 5:00 pm †Bob Yenco, offered by Barb Yenco 7:00 pm For the People Sun 06/28 8:00 am Special Intentions for Brooks family, offered by Elise Hernandez 10:00 am For Health and Healing of all Parishioners 12:00 pm †Angelina Nuno, offered by Family Linaje de †Maria Luisa Alva, offered by Family Vazquez Linaje de †Encarnacion y †Cevero Macias Torres Mon 06/29 8:00 am Communion Service Tues 06/30 8:00 am Special Intentions of Charles Taylor, offered by Elise Hernandez †Mireya Donoso Wed 07/01 8:00 am Special Intentions of Andrew Taylor, offered by Elise Hernandez †Mireya Donoso Thurs 07/02 8:00 am Special Intentions of Della Taylor, offered by Elise Hernandez †Mireya Donoso Fri 07/03 8:00 am Special Intentions of Tim Taylor, offered by Elise Hernandez †Mireya Donoso

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 28, 2020

Weekly need for Operational Expenses is 10,746.00 Sunday Offering 06/21 $2,202.00 Building Fund 06/21 $ 587.00 Renew FORMED 06/14 $ 141.00 WeShare online week of 06/14 $1,776.02 Communion Masses week of 06/13 $ 618.00

Thank you all for your continued support of the par-ishes operational expenses. Online donations for the Sunday offering and Building Fund may be made at: All other second collections may be mailed via USPS to the parish office or dropped in secure drop box on

south side of parish center door.

Sanctuary Candle burns the week of June 28 to July 4, 2020

In loving memory of †Cruz Luis Lopez

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

May he rest in peace.

Offered by Mom and Dad, Gracie & Luis Lopez

In observance of Independence Day the office will be closed on Friday,

July 3. With new office hours taking effect on July 6, the office will reopen on

Tuesday July 7 at 8 am.

En cumplimiento del Día de la Independencia, la oficina estará cerrada el viernes 3 de julio. Con nuevas horas de oficina que entrarán en vigencia el 6 de julio, la oficina

volverá a abrir el martes 7 de julio a las 8 a.m.

Readings for the week of June 28, 2020 Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a/Ps 89:2-3, 16-17, 18- 19 [2a]/Rom 6:3-4, 8-11/Mt 10:37-42 Monday: Acts 12:1-11/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [5b]/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 Tuesday: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12/Ps 5:4b-6a, 6b-7, 8 [9a]/ Mt 8:23-27 Wednesday: Am 5:14-15, 21-24/Ps 50:7, 8-9, 10-11, 12- 13, 16bc-17 [23b]/Mt 8:28-34 Thursday: Am 7:10-17/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [10cd]/Mt 9:1-8 Friday: Eph 2:19-22/Ps 117:1bc, 2 [Mk 16:15]/Jn 20:24-29 Saturday: Am 9:11-15/Ps 85:9ab and 10, 11-12, 13-14 [cf. 9b]/Mt 9:14-17 Next Sunday: Zec 9:9-10/Ps 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13-14 [cf. 1]/Rom 8:9, 11-13/Mt 11:25-30 Observances for the week of June 28, 2020 Sunday: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles Tuesday: The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church Wednesday: St. Junípero Serra, Priest Friday: St. Thomas, Apostle Saturday: Independence Day Next Sunday: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Independence Day LPi

Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, and kindness in your smile. Mother Teresa

Page 3: St. Francis Catholic ParishJun 28, 2020  · St. Francis Catholic Parish 1537 Rogers Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134 Phone: 972-227-4124 Prayer During A Health Crisis—Compassionate and

Please keep the sick members of our Parish family in your prayers: Diana Diaz. Jane Dacey, Leslie Lewis, Tony Gonzales, Jerry Miceli, Bob Hanson, William Weissman, Tina Storti, Raquel Baiza, Kenneth Cruz, Jr., Richard Oishei, Kenny Gun-derman, Debbie Myers, Jesus Aguilar, Rosendo Lopez, Julia Lopez, K C Pena, Leah Pena, Lillie Munoz, Andres Gillian, Rosa Trujillo, John Gary, Marie Thompson, Rev. Albert Becher, Oscar Guerrero, Don Nannen, Lourdes Vela, Severina Ve-la, Isidra Reyna, Enemencio Jaso, Alveno & Ruby Dickson, Connie & Bob Tezyk, Mary Brown, Catalina Gonzalez, Bri-anna Dean, Nicolas & Angelo Florido, Rosa Maria Santos, Yolanda Diaz, Inez Pena, Jose, Felipe, & Teresa Munoz, Jose-fina Aguero, Laurie Williamson, Osvaldo Mendoza Jr., Abigail Renata, Jerry Donoho, Abraham Perez, Yamil Ramirez, Luis Maldonado, and all those who are not listed and still are in need of our prayers. If you have a person to add on this prayer list, please call the office at 972-227-4124. You can also write the names of your sick loved ones in the notebook on the stand in the Narthex. Lancaster, TX Page 3

During this time, the Food Pantry Hours have

changed. Please call the St. Vincent de Paul helpline

at: 972-218-6605 for food and/or assistance, leave

your name and number, and one of our volunteers will

call you back. Due to COVID-19, in these uncertain

times, Thursday is the day that volunteers are handing

out food. You will be asked to remain in your car and

a volunteer will bring out the items you are in need of.

Thanks for your patience.

May God Bless each of you!

Durante este tiempo, las horas de despensa de alimen-tos han cambiado. Llame a la línea de ayuda de San Vincent de Paul al: 972-218-6605 para obtener asis-

tencia, deje su nombre y número de telefono, y uno de los voluntarios le devolverá la llamada. Debido a CO-VID-19, en estos tiempos inciertos, el jueves es el día en que los voluntarios reparten alimentos. Se le pedirá

que permanezca en su automóvil y un voluntario le traerá los artículos que necesita.

Gracias por su paciencia. ¡Que Dios los bendiga a cada uno de ustedes!

Effective Wednesday, July 1, The sacrament of reconciliation/Confession is being offered on Wednesdays from 5-6 pm, and on Thursdays from 5-7 pm, or you can call the office at 972-227-4124 to schedule an appointment. There will no longer be Saturday evening confes-sions.

A partir del miércoles 1 de julio, el Sacramen-to de la reconciliación / confesión se ofrece los miércoles de 5 a 6 p. m. y los jueves de 5 a 7 p. m., o puede llamar a la oficina al 972-227-4124 para programar una cita. Ya no habrá confesiones los sábados por la noche.

From the Decree issued by Bishop Burns on 6/17/2020, we are in “PHASE THREE”; Starting on July 6 weekday mass schedule will resume as follows:

Del decreto emitido por el Obispo Burns el 17 de junio de 2020 estamos en la 'fase tres' Apartir del 6 de julio las Misas diarias se reanudara con los siguentes horarios:

Monday-8 am Communion Service Tuesday-8 am English Mass

Wednesday-6:30 pm Spanish Mass Thursday-8 am English Mass

Friday-8 am English Mass

Until further notice, beginning on Monday July 6, the new parish office hours will be as follows:

Hasta nuevo aviso, a partir del lunes 6 de julio, el nuevo horario de la oficina será el siguiente:

Monday-Office closed Tuesday– 8 am to 5 pm

Wednesday 8 am to 5 pm Thursday 8 am to 5 pm

Friday 9 am to 4 pm

Page 4: St. Francis Catholic ParishJun 28, 2020  · St. Francis Catholic Parish 1537 Rogers Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134 Phone: 972-227-4124 Prayer During A Health Crisis—Compassionate and

Lancaster, TX | 4

To stay up to date with everything taking place due to COVID-19 the parish of St. Francis is staying up to date with modern technology. As a means of commu-nication with all of our parishioners, we ask that you register on Flock note. If you haven’t registered, please visit: . Below is the icon you will see. Type in your First name, Last name, Email, and Mobile Phone # and click on sign me up, you will then be given the option to receive information for groups that you are interest-ed in, and click next. You will then be sent a message needing to verify your email and phone # and that is it. Now anytime there is anything going on in the parish we will be able to communicate with you, and keep you informed. This is an excellent way to stay in touch with you all during these unprecedented times. Thank you for helping us keep you updated.

Para mantenerse al día con todo lo que sucede debido a COVID-19, la parroquia de San Francisco necesita mantenerse al día con la tecnología moderna. Como medio de comunicación con todos nuestros feligreses, le pedimos que se registre en la nota Flock. Si no se ha registrado, visite: A continuación se muestra el icono que verá. Escriba su nombre, apellido, correo electrónico y número de teléfono móvil y haga clic en registrarme, luego se le dará la opción de recibir información para los grupos que le interesan, y haga clic en siguiente. Luego se le enviará un mensaje para verificar su correo electróni-co y número de teléfono, y eso es todo. Ahora podre-mos comunicarnos con usted y mantenerlo informado. Esta es una excelente manera de mantenerse en con-tacto con todos ustedes en estos tiempos sin preceden-tes. Gracias por ayudarnos a mantenerlo actualizado.

Calling Priests Father

Question: Why do Catholics call priests Father?

Answer: One of the common objections evangelical Christians have to Catholics is our practice of calling priests by the title Father. They will often cite a pas-sage in Matthew’s Gospel in which Jesus tells his fol-lowers: “Call no one on earth your father; you have but one Father in heaven” (23:19). It seems pretty straight-forward, but when we put this verse in context, we see that Jesus is speaking out against religious leaders who had forgotten what their proper role was and who were bad examples through their own hypocrisy and elitist attitudes. In other Gospels, we find Jesus himself using the title father for different characters, such as in the Para-ble of Lazarus and the Rich Man (Luke 16:19-31]) and the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). If we put the verse from Matthew into the full scope of Je-sus’ teachings, he isn’t saying that we can’t use words like “father,” “rabbi,” or “master.” Rather, he is telling us that we should be mindful of the full meaning of those titles and not to misuse them. To call a priest “Father” is more than a sign of re-spect for the office of the priesthood. It goes all the way back to the way St. Paul understood his own work as a missionary and evangelizer. Paul wrote, “I am writing you in this way not to shame you but to ad-monish you as my beloved children … It was I who begot you in Christ Jesus through my preaching of the Gospel. I beg you, then, be imitators of me. This is why I have sent you Timothy, my beloved and faithful son in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 4:14-17). Yes, we have God alone as our heavenly Father, but there are also those here with us who nurture and nourish our faith through their teaching and care. This is why the title of Father has been applied to the church’s pastors in different ways since the earliest days of the Church, including monks and nuns using the title “abbot” and “abbess” (from abba) for their spiritual leaders and Christians around the world rec-ognizing the “Holy Father” or “pope” (from papa) as the head of the family that is the Church. The title Fa-ther is a reminder that priests have a special responsi-bility to care for, protect, feed, listen to, and nourish those who have been entrusted to them, all after the example of our Father in heaven who never ceases to give us what we truly need. ©LPi

Page 5: St. Francis Catholic ParishJun 28, 2020  · St. Francis Catholic Parish 1537 Rogers Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134 Phone: 972-227-4124 Prayer During A Health Crisis—Compassionate and

Religious Education

Lancaster, TX Page 5

From June 17 until June 27, 2020, 103 children received the Sacrament of the Eucharist for which they had been prepared. De junio 17 a junio 27, 2020, 103 niños recibieron el Sa-cramento de la Eucaristía para el cual se habían estado preparado.

Regarding new registrations, parents must commit to be the main catechists of their children and somehow begin to familiarize themselves with virtual communi-cation, join Flocknote and contribute at least $10.00 on a weekly basis. This decision was hard to make es-pecially as we resume with Sunday Services and space is still limited. However, one of the Precepts of the Catholic Church is to provide for the needs of the Church. Tentatively in September when classes resume, we will start meeting every other Sunday with 12 students per classroom. Children currently attending classes will enrolled first and have all the month of July to do it. In the month of August, I will start open enroll-ment for new students. Please wear your face-mask and keep social distanc-ing, so this pandemic will come to an end.

May God Bless you Always! Gabriela Vela, PCL


Con respecto a las nuevas inscripciones, los padres deben comprometerse a ser los principales catequistas de sus hijos y de alguna manera comenzar a familiari-

zarse con la comunicación virtual, inscribirse a Flo-cknote, y contribuir al menos $10.00 semanalmente.

Esta decisión fue difícil de tomar, especialmente cuan-do reanudamos los Servicios Dominicales y el espacio

aún es limitado. Sin embargo, uno de los preceptos de la Iglesia Católica es ayudar en las necesidades de la Iglesia.

En Septiembre cuando se reanuden las clases, tentati-vamente, comenzaremos a reunirnos cada dos domin-

gos con 12 estudiantes por aula. Los niños que actual-mente asisten a clases se inscribirán primero y ten-

drán todo el mes de julio para hacerlo. En el mes de agosto, comenzaré la inscripción abierta para nuevos estudiantes.

Usen cubrebocas y mantengan la distancia social pa-ra que esta pandemia llegue a su fin.

¡Dios las colme de bendiciones! Gabriela Vela, PCL


I was recently at a Catholic conference and had a conversation with someone living in the thick of Holly-wood culture. He was Catholic and spoke of how hard it was to live out his faith amid tremendous temptation and negativity toward religion. He spoke about how going to daily Mass helped to keep him centered and stay strong in his faith. He was a great witness to living out one’s faith in the face of disbelief. One thing that he told me stood out above all the rest. He spoke of his engagement to his fiancé and how important it was to him that God was a major part of their relationship and their lives as individuals as well. He told me he said something to her like, “If you don’t love Jesus more than you love me, this is never going to work.” What an amazing and truly moving witness! Songs and books are written about the intense long-ing one human being can have for another. We can de-scribe another as meaning everything to us. We speak of wanting to offer our complete selves to our beloved. However, true love is about more than wanting to be with that person. It is about wanting that person to know a love even greater than theirs: the love of God. No love can last without God. My Hollywood friend knew this to be the case. He showed his true love for his wife-to-be by sharing more than himself — he shared the very One who created love. Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi


Hace poco estuve en una conferencia católica y tuve una conversación con alguien que vivía en la cultura de Hollywood. Él era católico y habló de lo difícil que era vivir su fe en medio de una tremenda tentación y negati-vidad hacia la religión. Habló sobre cómo ir a la misa diaria le ayudaba a mantenerse centrado y mantenerse fuerte en su fe. Era un gran ejemplo de como vivir la fe de uno frente a la incredulidad. Una cosa que él me dijo se destacó por encima del resto. Habló de su compromiso con su prometida y de lo importante que era para él que Dios fuera una parte pri-mordial de su relación y sus vidas como individuos tam-bién. Me comento que le dijo algo como: "Si no amas a Jesús más de lo que me amas a mi, esto nunca va a fun-cionar." ¡Qué testimonio tan asombroso y verdaderamen-te conmovedor! Se escriben canciones y libros sobre el intenso anhe-lo que un ser humano puede tener por otro. Podemos des-cribir al otro como que significa todo para nosotros. Ha-blamos de querer ofrecer nuestro ser completo a nuestro ser amado. Sin embargo, el verdadero amor es más que querer estar con esa persona. Se trata de querer que esa persona conozca un amor aún mayor que el de ellos: el amor de Dios. Ningún amor puede durar sin Dios. Mi amigo de Hollywood sabía que este era el caso. Mostró su verdadero amor por su futura esposa al compartir más que a sí mismo: compartió al que creó el amor. Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS © LPi

Page 6: St. Francis Catholic ParishJun 28, 2020  · St. Francis Catholic Parish 1537 Rogers Avenue Lancaster, TX 75134 Phone: 972-227-4124 Prayer During A Health Crisis—Compassionate and

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