ssf concept note_tata motors

Vision We envision a planet where happiness is nurtured by fulfilling the necessities in every sphere of human life Mission We engage, inspire and enrich individuals, with values, joy and enhanced quality of life to become productive citizens, ethical leaders and positive contributors to our community, country and Global society Philosophy Develop Deliver Sustain Engage. Develop. Sustain Engage. Inspire. Enrich SAKAL SOCIAL FOUNDATION (A NGO registered under Bombay Public Charitable Trust Act)

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Vision We envision a planet

where happiness is nurtured by fulfilling the

necessities in every sphere of human life


We engage, inspire and enrich individuals, with

values, joy and enhanced quality of life to become

productive citizens, ethical leaders and positive contributors to our

community, country and Global society


Develop Deliver Sustain Engage. Develop. Sustain Engage. Inspire. Enrich

SAKAL SOCIAL FOUNDATION (A NGO registered under Bombay Public Charitable

Trust Act)

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CONSTANTLY COLLABORATING: We collaborate with each other across geographies, organizations and levels to achieve excellence for well rounded development.

ALWAYS ACCOUNTABLE: We are an ethical, transparent and accountable organization that manages stakeholder expectations and financial integrity.

BEST AND BRIGHTEST: By employing highly competent and energetic employees with varying backgrounds, cultures and ideas and by optimizing team spirit, we are building a dynamic high performance organization that delivers quality.

LISTEN & LEARN: By taking the time to understand, respect and respond to stakeholder evolving needs, we ensure strong relationships and positive outcome. INHERENTLY INNOVATIVE: We are energized by the development of new solutions that improve social well being and cater to beneficiary needs. HAVING FUN: We work with passion, act professionally and have FUN while we are doing it.

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SSF Projects

NGOs Industry leaders

Beneficiary reps

Govt. agencies


Private Sector

Subject matter experts

We work for an inclusive process for addressing difficult issues and

accelerating solution development

Domestic and International

Funding agencies

SSF aims at Consensus Building with all Stakeholders

Intense & radical discussion to find

solutions to problems

NO silos & hierarchy between multiple


Syndication meetings to ensure


Secure commitment for finances and


360 Degree Perspective from all


Outcomes: Key Initiatives on ground with Budget & KPIs

Identification of Entry Point Projects for BIG FAST RESULTS(BFR)

All stakeholders eagerly support implementation

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•Family planning operation services

•Infant Intensive Care

•Preventive health care – physical & mental

•Medical Awareness Program

•Peer Educator Program


•“Save Girl Child” Initiative

•Career Counseling workshop

•Exam stress Counseling

•Interest free loan Scholarships

•Free education for Slum kids

•Hands on Science projects for students

Agriculture & Environment

•Save the river project

•Water Conservation Project

•Model Farming for Large Landholding & Community farming

Youth Skill Development

• Skill trainings through academic curriculum

•Sakal International Learning center imparting skill training since a decade

Current SSF Activities for Community Progression

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Possible Areas for collaboration-

A. Education-

1. Saar Programme

SAAR focuses on imparting quality English language programme to support vernacular schools from the primary level (1st standard to 4th Standard currently), using simple and easy to operate technology through audio-visual teaching aids based on school curriculum.

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Process for SAAR education in Schools

Preparation of content with inputs by experts

Animation and design by Tata

Interactive Systems

Reviewed by Educationists and field team

Finalisation of the

Teaching Aids

Duplication of the Teaching aids on pen

drive for school

Training to Teachers

Use of developed content through pen drive to be

plugged on a TV to be operated by the Teacher with

a ‘remote’

Commencement of teaching

from 1st standard upwards

Monitoring and review


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SAAR Implementation Process

Hiring of Facilitator

Train the teachers

Monitor and evaluate

Report to the Head office and give feedback

Mid Term Revision

Re-structuring the content if required

Implementation/Delivery of course content

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Advantages- Child centric and simple;

low cost and effective

Standardised and replicable.

Can reach the last mile

Addresses a critical need at the bottom of the pyramid

Uses existing curriculum, schools, teachers & infrastructure

Joyful teaching

Brings paradigm shift in child’s perception that learning is fun

Takes away fear of learning a foreign language

Instils confidence in the early years

Empowering and enriching teachers through a sensitive mode of training and teaching

Parents are not forced to put their children in unaffordable expensive private English schools

Quality of education in schools improves by using technology and innovative methods which can be extended to other subjects

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2. Project Kushal: vocational education as part of secondary school

Sakal is working with local NGO partner for its skill Development program which integrates job and life skills training in existing school curricula to make high school education more practical and relevant. The multi-skill vocational education program complements the existing school curriculum with vocational education to help the students learn better. It provides students with hands-on experience in skills such as electrical wiring, welding, carpentry, plumbing, gardening, basic health and hygiene, agriculture etc. The program is delivered by local trade practitioners (carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc.) who teach their trade at high schools. Project Kushal (meaning expert) is a four year multi-skill job and life skills training program, integrating vocational training with secondary and higher secondary school curriculum and introducing school students to the “World of Work” during grades 8th to 12th.

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Curriculum: This multi-skill program covers four Sections: Basic Engineering (welding, carpentry, fabrication, plumbing etc.) Energy and Environment (Electrical wiring, solar energy, bio-gas) Home and Health (nutrition, hygiene, basic health care) / Food

Processing Techniques Horticulture, Nursery and Agriculture Techniques Trainers: Program delivered via local micro-entrepreneurs who are trained to provide multi-skill training. Gender Neutral: Program does not distinguish between boys and girls. Everyone undergoes same curriculum.

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Key Performance Indicators

Increase in enrollment and attendance in the class : 5%

Reduction in dropout rate: 5%

Average revenue generated through student led projects

per school: INR 20,000 per school over four years

Number of youth choosing vocational education stream

post 10th grade : 15% of the class

Number of students starting their own business within

three years of working : 20% of the class

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B. Health Area

1. Health Camps Sakal Social Foundation organizes various ( Eye check-up, Dental, ENT,

Physiotherapy ) health check-up camps for under privileged communities in

tribal, rural and urban areas for last three years specially focussing on the

areas that do not have motorable roads.

Welfare via well being for all : When it comes to development and social

welfare ,the first issue that automatically takes centre stage is that of family

and individual health of citizens. A healthy society is a wealthy society indeed

and SSF truly believes in promoting the cause of well being through its

various initiatives meant for all sections including rural and urban women ,

children , working professionals in the police and IT sectors School children ,

parents , teachers etc.

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Current Initiatives- Check-up for School Children :- ====================== Nearly 6,000 school children from 500 schools , their parents

and other school staff benefited from a mega health check-up drive that was conducted all over Maharashtra.

Fitness for Police Personnel :- ======================= When it comes to health , the most ignored sections of the society are the police personnel owing to their busy schedules . To combat fatigue , less fitness , eye dental , ENT and other problems among the police force , SSF carried out health check-up camps for them in various cities like Aurangabad , Kolhapur , Nashik and pune.

Campaigns for Tribals : -

================== For the under privileged and backward sections of the society like the kanjar Bhat community , Thakkars , Mahadev koli and other tribals of rural Maharashtra , who are prone to malnutrition and anaemia , health awareness workshops , medical camps and specialised check-ups like eye, cancer, dental etc. were held at community setups

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Process of Conducting

Health Camps- Identification of location based on

general/specialised Health camp need

Tie-up with medical facilities available in the area and local administration

Approval from Govt. Health Department for conducting a health camp

Procurement of medicines as per the health indicators of that area

Community mobilisation for participation in the health camp

Set up of specialised health equipments

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2. Mobile Medical Vans Mobile Medical Van (MMV) is a national level multi- centric project initiated by Sakal Social Foundation (SSF) with an objective of providing a comprehensive range of health care services to rural community in remote areas and semi urban slums through an equipped mobile medical van. The programme is based on innovative concept of “Community Centric Sustainable Health Delivery Model”. The programme focuses on providing wide range of Promotive, Preventive and Curative health services to the beneficiaries. The model envisages an efficient and cost effective health delivery system for the community. SSF’s vision through MMV is to provide affordable & advance health care facilities at the door steps of the underprivileged communities. In the coming years we plan to launch 50 such Mobile Medical Vans

in Maharashtra, so as to benefit more than 1 Crore of the rural people out of the current 6 Crore rural population.

Each MMV reaches out to 25000 population every month. Each MMV provides health benefit to around 2000 patients per month MMV would be reaching in small towns and remote villages of Maharastra

every month. These Mobile Medical vans will be planned to benefit in 50 districts of Maharashtra as per need identified.

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Awareness regarding Health, Hygiene and Sanitation

Diagnosis of common diseases

Care and cure through Medicines and supplements

Referral services

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Equipments for Force Vehicle-

• Wall mounted BP instrument •Oxygen cylinder D type Mask with Tubing, •Folding Stretcher •Furniture like doctor chair, patient chair, examination table •Flowmeter with humidity bottle ISI Marked • Thermometers •First aid kit • Glucometer • Weighing machine – Child & Adult • AC

•Dressing drum SS Seamless Size – 11” x 9” •Stethoscope •Nebulizer •Torch •Vaccine carrier • Macintosh sheets •Otoscope (WelchAllyne) • Heamoglobin meter (Superior) • Blood count meter •LCD TV 32” •GPS •Medicines •Nutrition Supplements •Public Address Systems •Inverter

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C. Environment: Sarva Jal Abhiyan (Water for All)- Sakal has adopted 400 villages across Maharashtra for Jalyukt Shivar Abhiyan and done following work

Broadening and deepening river base,

Removing silt from lakes, ponds, farm ponds, and canals which prevents water percolation.

Building check dams, canals, small ponds, and wells (individual and community).

Tree plantation etc.

Sakal has team of experts for water conservation project and also working with Govt. In village mapping, ground water survey and action plan for their Jalyukt Shivar Abhiyan.

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To deliver a “Water for All” by 2019 by ensuring the adequate and consistent supply of required water

Increasing surface water capture (to 36.35% from 32.00%)

Increasing ground water levels (to 36.32 BCM from 33.95 BCM)

Increasing irrigation potential to 58 Lakh Ha from 48.25 Lakh Ha

Providing 135 LPCD for 91 additional ULBs

Enhance water supply to rural by the rejuvenation of all non-functioning rural water supply schemes

Increasing sustainability of water by ensuring recycling of water (30% for domestic, 20% for industry)

Increasing agriculture water efficiency by 50% (24Mm3/lakh MT from 47.9Mm3/lakh MT

Preliminary strategies

◦ Increase efficiency of delivery in 3 levels – water sources, supply and water usage

◦ Aim to identify replicable models to be scaled up across the state of Maharashtra

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3 streams to focus on developing key solutions to deliver “Water for All” in Maharashtra

Governance, Community and Civil Societies, Organizations & Private Sectors

i Surface Water Optimizing storage, conservation and distribution of surface water

To deliver “Water For All” in Maharashtra

Agriculture Domestic and industry Water source and

conservation 1 2 3


ii Water efficiency Optimizing water usage through efficient agriculture practices application of new technologies

Infrastructure Ensuring sufficient infrastructure to ensure provision of water


ii Water usage and efficiency • Enhance existing

governance and increase public-private Sectors collaboration in water usage management

• Ensure enhancements to existing policies to ensure effective governance

Water supply and distribution • Optimize current

operations & maintenance through various methods

• Ensure low contamination rates & sufficient reticulation to future populations

ii Ground Water Optimizing ground water availability and recharge

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There are 154 Talukas which are drought prone and receive less than 700mm of rain water annually with 97 critically effected

Source: PriMove analysis

• 31 million people are impacted directly

• Drought prone Talukas are faced with serious constraints to socio-economic development

• Health issues are also faced involving diseases such as diarrheal, cholera, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, other gastrointestinal viruses, and dysentery

Drought prone areas in Maharashtra

Water source and conservation

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Thank You