ss11 block 1_1920s class_compilation_

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Block 1 class' collaborative powerpoint on social and cultural change in the 1920s.


  • 1. LIFE IN THE ROARING 2OS. Fun and Recreation11. Canadian Cities in Photos. Travel: The Holiday!12. Literature of the 1920s. Womens Role13. Arrival of the Automobile!!. Fashion yowza! 14. Electricity/Household Technology. Jazzchanges everything15. The Wondrous Telephone. Dance, dance, dance!16. Miracles of Medicine

2. Night clubs and Speakeasies (undergroundplaces where alcohol and gambeling wereavailable) The cinema became popular Crossword puzzles Dancing (Charleston) Jazz and dance HallsFun/ Recreation 3. Flappers (young women who were looking tohave fun) Glamour (dressing up and wearing make-up) Radio CarsFun/ Recreation 4. Banned alcohol Grain used to produce alcohol and money usedto buy alcohol could be used to feed families Resulted in the crime rate dropping, andworkers taking paychecks home Eventually it became clear that it wasimpossible to enforce prohibition The government was loosing millions in taxesand salesProhibition 5. Dating did not need any conformation ofcommitment from either side There were no chaperones on dates Couples were now allowed to go out ratherthen the man coming to the womans houseCourtship 6. This allowed the couple to get to know eachother better before settling into an exclusiverelationship Relationships became more focused on findingthe ideal mateCourtship 7. Soldiers returning home from World War Iexpected to find good jobs instead they werefaced with unemployment, rising prices andstrikes. Significant changes were also takingplace such as the new role of women,prohibition (the ban on liquor) andurbanization. 8. In 1920 the economy, that was in a badplace before, turn around and graduallymore people could afford luxuries suchas automobiles, radios and travels.People who did not have enoughmoney to travel before start to have.And travel in holidays become a greatentertainment . 9. People start to go to hotels like The Fairmont Banff Springs, thatexist since 1886. They had to get there by train because was nota common thing to have a car. 10. By earning the right to vote in 1920women made their biggest step in beingaccepted as equal members of society.This freedom changed womens attitudetotally.They changed their fashion, starteddrinking alcohol, smoking and dancing anew type of dance called Swing. 11. Towards theirindependence,women started to study,work and to earn their ownmoney. 12. The role of women as housewives changeddramatically.Especially after the war womencame to the conclusion that therehad to be more in life than justlooking after the children and the house.This new type of women have no plans in their lifesand they can afford to wait that life happens tothem. 13. The averageage formarriage in1920,according tothe USCensus, was21.2 forwomen and24.6 for men. 14. Fashion before the 1920s Before the 1920s- relaxedstrict dress code 1914- skirts ending at theankle 1915- skirts ending at shinlength 15. 1920s Fashion Women now had the right to vote. Women had abandoned the morerestricting fashion. Men had abandoned the highly formaldaily attire. 16. Flapper The Flapper, not only a name of a dress,but also the name for the trendy youngwomen of the day. Simple, adventurous, and much morealigned with the freedom that the menwere so used to. 17. Originated from musicfrom both European andAfrican Began in the 1910s inNew Orleans Streamed into many subgenres( Traditional,Bebop, Dixieland and Bigband) as well asinfluencing most popularmusic 18. Jazz musicians wereknow for thereimprovisational skills Went against mosttraditional music Commonly used innew dances such asthe Charleston and theShimmy 19. First emerged in Canada in1917 with the help of radio Was widely accessible to all Became very popular withyouth Shocked the oldergeneration who preferredclassical music Became a symbol of theroaring twenties ( which wasalso called the jazz age) 20. Had a huge impact ofCanadian society with thehelp of radio Credited with helping tocreate the sprit ofrebelling against the oldergeneration Inspired many musiciansand help introduce blackculture into Canada 21. Dance in 1920sYoung people introduced their own fashion styles and sothe "flapper" and "sheik" came into existence. Youngwomen with short bobbed hairstyles, close fitting hatsand short skirts were referred to as flappers, and youngmen with ukeleles, racoon coats and bell-bottom trouserswere called "sheiks". 22. Changes in the dance- Freed from the restrictions of tightcorsets and the large puffed sleevesand long skirts that characterizeddress during the late Victorian era, anew generation of dancers wasswaying, hugging, and grinding tothe new rhythms in dances.-woman start to participate of thedances at the entertainmenthouses. They also started to dancewithout a men. 23. Dance in the societyYoung people wanted to change the way of live.People who lives in the cities started to make thedifference in the dance and live style.Happier, faster and wilder way to live.Woman introduce a new way to wear (flappers),to dance and to live. 24. Ralation with the warAfter the war, woman were in adifferrent way ralation with thesociety and they started toparticipate in the same way asthe mens in dance and they alsostarted to wear like a man.Young people wanted to changethe lifestyle of the newgeneration. 25. In the 20s there was a huge movement of landscapeartists in Canada. And the impact it had on Canada washuge.There was also the surrealism movement happing inFrance. Danielle Cavelti 26. GROUP OF SEVEN The Group were not just landscape painters, and did not only work in oils (though it was a popular medium in the 20s) it was only after their first exhibition at the Art Gallery of Toronto in 1920 that they began to state themselves as a landscape school.lexander rancis Hansranklin awrenYoungJohnstonCarmichae StewartJackson(oils)Harris (oils) (oils)oils) ames Edwardrthur LismerrederickHerveyMacDonald Horsmanoils) Varley (oils)oils) 27. Two artists that were also a huge part of the group are TomThomson and Emily Carr even though Thomson passedaway before its official formation. The group stated in 1917 and rejoined after the war hadended. Emily Carr was never actually an official member. The group of seven came together because art in Canadawas crumbling. After WW1 many movements started inEurope as well; like surrealism movement in France This was the first major Canadian national art movement.The Group was succeeded by the Canadian Group ofPainters in the 1930s, which did include female members. 28. EMILY CARR Emily Carr was a hugeinspiration in the 20s , aswell as being a painter shewas also a writer. 29. Emily Carr has numerous school detected to her as wellas an art and design school.The movement in Europe shaped a lot of great artists tocome, as well as questioned the boundaries of art in itstime.The group of seven had finally brought light to art inCanada and it would remain that way.HOW HAS IT EFFECTED US TODAY? 30. FilmmakingGiantsMajorfilmmakingcompanieswerefoundedintheearly20ssuchasMGM,WarnerBrothers,andColumbiapictures.Americawastheleadingproduceroffilmsintheworld. Atthebeginningofthedecade,Dinosaursmaketheirfirst filmsweresilentandcolorless. appearanceincinemascreensinIn1922,thefirstall-colorthefilmTheLostWorldon1925.feature,TheTolloftheSea,wasreleased.1926:WarnerBros.releasedDonInCanadathefareofaticketwas Juan,thefirstfeaturewithsoundtwentyfivecentsin1924.effectsandmusic. 31. 1927:WarnerreleasedTheJazz1929:TheAcademyofArtsandSinger,thefirstsoundfeatureto Sciencesheldthefirstceremony includelimitedtalkingoftheOscars. sequences.CartoonShortswerepopularinIn1928,Thefirstsoundcartoon,movietheatersduringthistime.DinnerTime. Thelate1920ssawthe emergenceofWaltDisney.MickeyMousemadehisdebut onNovember18,1928.ForthefirsttimetheyuseatrailerwithsoundtoannouncethefilmTenderloin. 32. Urbanization Canadians becomingmore socialistic Many wanted to indulgein prosperity while itlasted Land no longer offered atlow prices Soldiers returning homesearched foropportunities and jobs Praries were less Overhead view of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Est. 1920s.profitable 33. Praries now less profitable Rising freight rates Tariffs High machinery costsGrand Prarie, AB New machinery available Opened new jobs working to manufacture machines Fewer hands required to manage farms 34. Vancouver andVictoria Major tradingports Panama Canal ProminentAbove: Vancouvers Allen Theatreentertainment cities Many jobsavailablePacific National Exhibit (PNE) 35. -No huge changes were made.-Traditional outside, modern underneath.-Marked the revival of Romantic Chateau- Style Hotels.-Lower Class Homes were still Californian Bungalows.-Not a lot of impact on Canadian society. 36. Banff Springs HotelTraditional Californian Bungalow 37. City Hall and Carnegie Library,Vancouver, B.C 38. The Jones house on 37th Ave & Olsen St Vancouver, BC. Built the end of1929. We moved in on beginning of January 1930. 39. Lone Buttes wooden water tower beside the railway track isone of the last existing structures of its kind in BC, built in 1920 to service the steam locomotives of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway 40. Victoria, B.C 41. The Empress Hotel 42. AutomobilesAssembly line invented in 1918 by Henry Ford.He revolutionized the business so that not just rich people could afford cars.Population in cars increased from 300,000 in 1918 to over 2 million in 1920. 43. Impact on CanadaBefore cars the only method of transportation was horse and train.Gave people a chance to live where they wanted and move around freely.Impacted the design of houses, buildings, and other infrastructure. 44. LeisureCreated the Road Trip and picnic which allowed more Canadians to enjoy life.Provided a new form of entertainment with automobile racing. 45. Problems associated with AutomobilesCreated noise and pollution across Canada.Created traffic jams, motor accidents, and pedestrians getting killed.Cars were targets for thieves 46. ELECTRICITY IN THE1920S 47. WHO HAD ACCESS TO IT? In the 1920s around 800000 1,000,00 had access to electricityin Canada (around 10-15%) Only common in urban places likecities 48. WHO DIDNT HAVE ACCESS? Many farmers didnt have access for many years as it was too expense to build power lines to rural areas 49. WHAT DID IT CREATE? In the 1920s it caused many new inventions to arise such as porch lights, dish washers, ovens, sewing machines, refrigerators and vacuums. 50. SO WHAT? Because of the great advances in electricity in the 1920s it allowed for many great inventions that we still use to this very day. 51. Household Appliances-Made work lesslabour intensive-Many were inventedafter electricitywas introduced-Many families couldnot afford them 52. Refrigerator and vacuum cleanerHuge advances in human technologyLabour saversAffordable for the majority of citizens 53. Washing machine- Washing machines washed and wrung manydifferent clothing articles-Used to customized rolling pins to squeezethe water out of the clothing 54. Electric Iron-Erases creases in clothing such as pants,shirts, socks and under garments-The electric iron used steam and had to beconstant refilled 55. AdvertisementAdvertising cameof age during thisera to sell thegoods that bustlingfactories wereproducing. 56. -New inventions created a false social belief ofwomen-Expected high standards of cleanliness 57. Quick Facts Invented by Alexander Graham First Dial TelephoneBell in Branford, Ontario, 1876. First telephones invented were very noisyand difficult to use. Dial telephones were introduced in 1924 inToronto 3 years later a combined handset withmouthpiece and earphone on the same unitwas invented 58. Bringing Canada together 59. Different in the 1920s Time when the telephones really becamepopular. New versions of the telephone werebeginning to be invented. 60. of theAuthorsofthe20speriodstruggledtoBooksThatDefinethe understandthe Period changesoccurringinThe New Negro by Alain Locke - A society.hopeful look at the negro inAmerica WhilesomewritersThe Great Gatsby by F. Scott praisedthechanges Fitzgerald - The American dreamthat anyone can achieve anythingothersexpresseddisappointmentinThe Waste Land by T.S. Eliot - The thepassing ultimate indictment of the modern worlds loss of personal, oftheoldways.moral, and spiritual values. 61. of the20s MazodelaRoche-She wrote 23 novels, more than 50 short stories, 13 plays and many other works. Her most famous book, being Jalna, sold 9 million copies in 193 English- andAuthorsofthetime:92 foreign-language editions.StephenLeacock- a humoristShe is considered one of Canadas best writers of the 1920swriter. Sunshine Sketches of a and was one of the most famous female writers of the age.Little Town, Arcadian AdventuresWith the Idle Rich is one of hismore notable titles. MorleyCallaghan- a Canadian novelist, short story writer,playwright, and radio personality.He wrote The Loved and the Lost.LeslieMcFarlane,akaFranklinW.Dixson wrote the original HardyBoys, after he passed away hisseries was picked up by ghostwriters. 62. of the The 1920s were times20s of literary creativity.All of a suddenliterature took off at agrand scale. With townsizes increasing getting Books, such as Ladyand reading books waseasier than it has been Chatterleys Lover andin the previous century. All Quiet on the Western Front, opened gatewaysNew ideas were easilyspread!for new authors to experiment with their own styles and genres. 63. Medicine in the 1920sIn 1921, Insulin was first isolated and ready for human treatment by early 1922. In 1928, Alexander Fleming came across a mold by accident that eventually became Penicillin the worlds first antibiotic. In 1922, two American scientists discovered Vitamin E. In 1923, an immunization for Diphtheriawas invented. Within a year, a vaccineagainst TB would also exist. 64. Insulin Diabetes had been a deadly condition priorto the discovery and use of Insulin. Conducting a series of experiments withminimum equipment and ten dogs, Dr.Frederik Banting and Charles Best were ableto isolate Insulin produced by the pancreas. A chronic condition became manageable diabetes patients with only days to live couldsuddenly lead a nearly normal life. 65. Penicillin Returning from vacation, Alexander Flemingcame across a mold that was growing on an oldPetri dish. The mold seemed to have eliminatedsome of the Staphylococcus aureus that had beengrowing in the dish. This hope of an antibiotic would be taken up by Howard Florey and Ernest Chain, who eventually isolated the antibacterial element in a usable form. Penicillin was the worlds first antibiotic, having the ability to treat diseases such as diphtheria, gangrene, pneumonia, syphilis and tuberculosis as well as bacterial infections. 66. Impact on Society As of 2008, approximately 2.4 million Canadianslive with diabetes. Prior to the discovery of Insulin, diabetic childrenrarely lived for longer than a year after diagnosis,while adults lasted for a few years before death. Although not a cure, the use of Insulin was a medical breakthrough thathad a huge impact on Canadian society. Similarly, before antibiotics, a small cut or graze could become infectedand kill its owner. More serious conditions caused by bacteria such astuberculosis and pneumonia were even more deadly. Although it took over a decade for mass production to occur, Penicillineventually became available to humanity as a source of great relief. Considering its role in World War II and its overall effects in Canada,Penicillin was also a breakthrough that had a huge impact on Canadiansociety. 67. Royal Canadian Air Force. The Canadian Air Force wasestablished in 1920 as thesuccessor to the short lived twosquadron air force formed duringWWI At the beginning it was managedby the Air Board and focused oncivilian operations such asforestry and surveying. In 1923 the Air Board cameapart of the Department ofNational Defence and one yearlater was granted the title RoyalCanadian Air Force. 68. Royal Canadian Navy After WWI the Canadian Navy startedbuilding a fleet Although the Canadian Navy had itsown ships, its first warship specificallydesigned for the RCN wascommissioned in 1932. At the outbreak of WWII the RCN had11 combat vessels, 145 officers and1,674 men. 69. Canadian Army In 1920 the Canadian Militia wasreorganized in 1920 the pre-war regiments wereall renamed, several organizationalcorps were created mirroring corpsin the British Army, and new oneslike the Canadian Machine GunCorps or CMGC 70. N TIO V IAA 71. AVIATIONAfter World War 1 many pilots came backand used their skills to show off for people atfairs as well as charging small fees to takepeople for rides.Since WW1 quickened the growth ofairplanes, by the end of the war their weremuch more reliable aircraft. These could beused to transport cargo (mail), orpassengers. As their were advancement inaircraft daring men and women could go outto set new records for speed and distance.In 1927 the first airport was designated inDearborn Michigan. By 1929 there were afew hub ports, with comfortable waitingareas and terminals. 72. AVIATIONPlanes still had competition by themeans of zeppelins. Airships wereused at the same time as planesand also had a much greater loadcapacity. They became reliablemeans of flight that couldtransport many people andsupplies. The age of airshipsended in 1937 with theHindenburg disaster. 73. AVIATION Pilots in the 20s were treatedlike superstars. People werecaptivated by these flyingmachines and huge crowds wouldturn out to greet pilots after theirflight. Huge street parades wouldeven be held in their honor, andwhole cities would come out tocelebrate.The majority of all pilots in the20s came from the war and usedtheir training from the army to flycommercial planes. 74. So Why do they call them the roaring 20s?n what ways did society, culture, technology and the economyroar??? Make a list together and discuss.hinking of what youve seen here and your readings, who do youthink missed the roar of the 20s? Look at your roar list to help youthink about the question then discuss.hat do you think are the three most important changes of the 1920s?Brainstorm. Choose 3. Be prepared to defend your choices. 75. THIS ROARING PRESENTATIONreated by the brilliant students of: SS11 Class, Block 1, 2012, Oak Bay High.