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S S o o f f t t w w a a r r e e R R e e q q u u i i r r e e m m e e n n t t s s D D o o c c u u m m e e n n t t f f o o r r a a P P e e r r s s o o n n a a l l A A d d d d r r e e s s s s a a n n d d P P h h o o n n e e B B o o o o k k P P a a r r t t 3 3 : : G G U U I I R R e e q q u u i i r r e e m m e e n n t t s s Prepared for C-S 341: Software Engineering By group #: 3 Group Members: Tom Gendreau Kasi Periyasamy David Riley Date: Oct 02, 2003

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SSooffttwwaarree RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss DDooccuummeenntt ffoorr aa

PPeerrssoonnaall AAddddrreessss aanndd PPhhoonnee BBooookk

PPaarrtt 33:: GGUUII RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss

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BByy ggrroouupp ##:: 33

GGrroouupp MMeemmbbeerrss::

Tom Gendreau Kasi Periyasamy

David Riley

DDaattee:: OOcctt 0022,, 22000033

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1. About this document This document describes the GUI requirements for the software for a personal address and phone book. The product overview and assumptions for the product are given in [1] and the functional requirements are given in [2]. 2. Graphical User Interface Requirements

This section describes the GUI functions that are required to be implemented. There may be several windows at any one time. A sketch of some of the windows is given below. 2.1 Sample Screens Screen name/id: Phone Book

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Screen name/id : Phone Diary

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Screen name/id : Phone Entries

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Screen name/id : Appointment Calendar

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Screen name/id : Appointment Entry

2.2 GUI functional Requirement format The GUI functional requirements use the following format: Index: Name: Purpose: Icon Type: Screen index/identification: Action: Remarks: Cross-references:

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Index, Name, Purpose, Action, Remarks and Cross References serve the same purpose as before. The Icon Type indicates what kind of icon, if any, is used to represent the GUI function. Screen index/identification refers to the particular screen listed before. 2.3. Functions on the Phone Book Screen Index: GUI.PB.1 Name: InitializePhoneDiary Purpose: To initialize the phone diary. IconType: Button Screen index/identification: Phone Book Action: Invoke the initialization function in the phone diary when a user clicks on the button “Initialize Phone Diary”. Remarks: None. Cross references: PB.1 Index: GUI.PB.2 Name: InitializeAppointmentCalendar Purpose: To initialize the appointment calendar. IconType: Button Screen index/identification: Phone Book Action: Invoke the initialization function in the appointment calendar when a user

clicks on the button “Initialize Appointment Calendar”. Remarks: None. Cross references: PB.2 Index: GUI.PB.3 Name: SelectPhoneDiary Purpose: To select the phone diary. IconType: Button Screen index/identification: Phone Book, Phone Diary Action: Read the phone diary and display the “Phone Diary” Screen, when a user clicks on the button “Phone Diary” on the “Phone Book” Screen. Remarks: None. Cross references: PB.3 Index: GUI.PB.4 Name: SelectAppointmentCalendar Purpose: To select the appointment calendar. IconType: Picture Screen index/identification: Phone Book, Appointment Calendar Action: Read the appointment calendar and display the “Appointment Calendar” Screen

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when a user clicks on the button “Appointment Calendar” on the “Phone Book” Screen.

Remarks: None. Cross references: PB.4 Index: GUI.PB.5 Name: Exit Purpose: To exit from the system. Icon Type: Button Screen index/identification: Phone Book Action: When the user presses the “Exit” button, save all the data in both the phone

diary and the appointment calendar, and then shut down the system. Remarks: There is no functionality given in the requirements document for shutting down

the system. It is assumed that the designer/implementer will take care of it. Cross references: PB.5, PB.6

2.4. Functions on the Phone Diary Screen Index: GUI.Ph.1 Name: AddEntry Purpose: To add an entry into the phone diary. Icon Type: Button, set of Text Fields Screen index/identification: Phone Diary Action:

The user must enter last name, first name, address and the phone numbers in the text fields labeled “Last name”, “First name”, “Address” and “Phone Numbers” respectively. The user must select the “Fax” button besides the phone number entry if the number is a fax number. By default, a phone entry is classified as a phone number. The user must enter a last name; other fields are optional. When the user presses the button “AddEntry”, invoke the “AddEntry” function in the phone diary section, and direct the input requests to the text fields labeled “Last name”, “First name”, Address”, and “Phone Numbers” on the “Phone Diary” Screen.

Remarks: The GUI limits the number of address lines to 5 and the number of phone/fax

entries to 3. If the designer changes this limit, the GUI must be modified. There are two text fields labeled “Last name” in “Phone Diary” screen; this

function uses the one on the top. The designer may choose to include a pop-up window to indicate the result of this function (confirmation or error message).

Cross references: Ph.1

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Index: GUI.Ph.2 Name: DeleteEntry Purpose: To delete an entry from the phone diary. Icon Type: Button, Text Field Screen index/identification: Phone Diary Action:

The user must enter a last name in the text field labeled “Last name” and then must press the button “DeleteEntry” on the “Phone Diary” screen. At this stage, the “DeleteEntry” function in the phone diary section will be invoked, and the input request is directed to the “Last name” text box.

Remarks: There are two text fields labeled “Last name” in “Phone Diary” screen; this

function uses the one on the top. The designer may choose to include a pop-up window to indicate the result of this function (confirmation or error message).

Cross references: Ph.3 Index: GUI.Ph.3 Name: ModifyEntry Purpose: To modify an entry that already exists in the phone diary. Icon Type: Button, a set of Text Fields Screen index/identification: Phone Diary Action: The user must enter the last name of the entry to be modified in the text field

labeled “Last name”. The user may enter/modify the information on the text fields labeled “First name”, “Address” and “Phone Numbers”, including the selection of phone entries through the “Fax” button. The user then must press the button “ModifyEntry” to invoke the “ModifyEntry” function in the phone diary section; this will direct the input requests to the appropriate text fields.

Remarks: There are two text fields labeled “Last name” in “Phone Diary” screen; this

function uses the one on the top. The designer may choose to include a pop-up window to indicate the result of this function (confirmation or error message). This function can also be used to add a new phone number or delete an existing phone number. See that the Cross references column includes the corresponding functionalities.

Cross references: Ph.2, Ph.4, Ph.5 Index: GUI.Ph.4 Name: SearchEntry

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Purpose: To search an entry in the phone diary. Icon Type: Button, a set of Text Fields Screen index/identification: Phone Diary Action: The user must enter a last name in the text field labeled “Last name” and then

must press the button “Search” next to the text field labeled “Last name”. This will invoke the “SearchEntry” function in the phone diary section, and direct the input request to the “Last name” text field. The results of this function will be displayed on the text fields labeled “First name”, “Address” and “Phone Numbers” including the phone/fax selection buttons.

Remarks: There are two text fields labeled “Last name” in “Phone Diary” screen. This function uses the one at the bottom.

The designer may choose to include a pop-up window to indicate the result of this function (confirmation or error message).

Cross references: Ph.6 Index: GUI.Ph.5 Name: ListEntries Purpose: To list a set of entries associated with a given phone number. Icon Type: Two Buttons, Text Field, Text Area Screen index/identification: Phone Diary, Phone Entries Action: The user must enter a phone number in the text field labeled “Phone Number” and

then must press the button “Search” button besides the text field entry labeled “Phone Number”. This will invoke the “ListEntries” function in the phone diary section, and direct the input request to the “Phone Numebr” text field . As a result of this search, the “Phone Entries” screen will pop up and the entries corresponding to the phone number will be displayed on the text area in the “Phone Entries” screen. In order to close the “Phone Entries” window, the user must press the “Close” button on this window.

Remarks: The designer may choose to include another separate pop-up window to display error messages for this function. Invoking “List Entries” function again will cause another “Phone Entries” screen to open and hence it is the user’s responsibility to close these windows.

Cross references: Ph.7 Index: GUI.Ph.6 Name: ReturnToPhoneBook Purpose: To return back to the phone book from phone diary. Icon Type: Button Screen index/identification: Phone Diary, Phone Book

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Action: When the user presses the “Phone Book” button on the “Phone Diary” screen, the “Phone Diary” screen is closed and the “Phone Book” screen will be opened. Remarks: None. Cross references: None Index: GUI.Ph.7 Name: Exit Purpose: To exit from the system. Icon Type: Button Screen index/identification: Phone Diary Action: When the user presses the “Exit” button, save all the data in the phone diary and

then shut down the system. Remarks: There is no functionality given in the requirements document for shutting down

the system. It is assumed that the designer/implementer will take care of it. Cross references: PB.5 2.5 Functions on the Appointment Calendar Screen Index: GUI.AC.1 Name: AddAppointment Purpose: To add an appointment into the appointment calendar. Icon Type: set of Buttons, set of Combo Boxes, set of Text Fields Screen index/identification: Appointment Calendar, Appointment Entry Action: The user must select the date and time of the new appointment from the

combo boxes in the “Appointment Calendar” screen and then must press the “Add” button. This opens up the “Appointment Entry” screen. The date and time selected by the user will be displayed on the text fields labeled “Date”, “From” and “To”. The user must enter the description of the appointment in the text fields labeled “Appointment Description”. Optionally, the user may also enter the last name of a person in the appointment into the text field labeled “Last name”. After entering all the data, the user must press the “Save” button. At this time, the function “Add Appointment” will be invoked and the inputs from the text boxes in “Appointment Entry” screen will be redirected to the inputs of this function.

Remarks: The designer may choose to include a separate pop-up window to display error messages and confirmation messages. The “Appointment Calendar” screen has two sets of combo boxes to select

and date and time. This function uses the date parameters and time from the combo boxes on the top of the screen.

Cross references: AC.1

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Index: GUI.AC.2 Name: DeleteAppointment Purpose: To delete an appointment from the appointment calendar. Icon Type: Button, set of Combo Boxes Screen index/identification: Appointment Calendar Action: The user must select the date and time from the combo boxes in the

“Appointment Calendar” screen and then must press the “Delete” button on the same screen. The function “Delete Appointment” will be invoked and the selected values from the combo boxes will be redirected as inputs for this function.

Remarks: The designer may include an additional pop-up window to display error messages and/or confirmation messages.

The “Appointment Calendar” screen has two sets of combo boxes to select and date and time. This function uses the date parameters and time from the combo boxes on the top of the screen.

Cross references: AC.2 Index: GUI.AC.3 Name: ModifyAppointment Purpose: To modify an appointment that already exists in the appointment calendar. Icon Type: a set of Buttons, a set of Combo Boxes, a set of Text Fields Screen index/identification: Appointment Calendar, Appointment Entry Action: The user must first select the date and time of the appointment to be modified from the combo boxes in the “Appointment Calendar” screen. The user must then press the “Modify” button on the same screen. This will being the “Appointment Entry” screen in which the selected date and time will be displayed. Along with the date and time, the appointment description will be displayed on the text fields labeled “Appointment Description” and the last name, if any, will be displayed on the text field labeled “Last name”. The user can only modify the appointment

description and/or the last name. Upon modification, the user must press the “Save” button. At this time, the “Modify Appointment” function will be invoked and the information from the text fields in “Appointment Entry” screen will be redirected as inputs for this function.

Remarks: The designer may choose to include a separate pop-up window for error messages and confirmation messages.

The “Appointment Calendar” screen has two sets of combo boxes to select and date and time. This function uses the date parameters and time from the combo boxes on the top of the screen.

Cross references: AC.3 Index: GUI.AC.4 Name: SearchAppointment

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Purpose: To search an appointment in the appointment calendar. IconType: Button, a set of Combo Boxes, a set of Text Fields Screen index/identification: Appointment Calendar, Appointment Entry Action: The user must select the date and time of the appointment to be searched

from the combo boxes in the “Appointment Calendar” screen and then must press the “Search” button on the same screen. If the appointment is found at this date and time, the “Appointment Entry” screen will open with all the details of the appointment filled in the text boxes on this screen.

Remarks: The designer may choose to include a separate pop-up window to display error messages. The “Appointment Calendar” screen has two sets of combo boxes to select and date and time. This function uses the date parameters and time from the combo boxes on the top of the screen.

Cross references: AC.4 Index: GUI.AC.5 Name: MoveAppointment Purpose: To move an appointment within the appointment calendar. IconType: Button, two sets of Combo Boxes Screen index/identification: Appointment Calendar Action: The user must select the date and time parameters for the existing

appointment from the set of combo boxes on the top of the “Appointment Calendar” screen and must select the date and time parameters for the destination appointment from the set of combo boxes at the bottom of the same screen. The user must then press the “Move” button. At this time, the “Move Appointment” function will be invoked and the information from the combo boxes will be redirected to the inputs of the function.

Remarks: The designer may choose to include a separate pop-up window to display error messages and/or confirmation messages.

Cross references: AC.5 Index: GUI.AC.6 Name: ReturnToAppointmentCalendar Purpose: To return to the appointment calendar main menu. Icon Type: Button Screen index/identification: Appointment Entry Action: When the user presses the “Appointment Calendar” button on the

“Appointment Entry” screen, the window “Appointment Entry” is closed and control is passed back to the “Appointment Calendar” screen. Any unsaved data from “Appointment Entry” screen will be lost.

Remarks: None Cross References: None

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Index: GUI.AC.7 Name: ReturnToPhoneBook Purpose: To return back to the phone book from appointment calendar. Icon Type: Button Screen index/identification: Appointment Calendar, Phone Book Action:

When the user presses the “Phone Book” button on the “Appointment Calendar” screen, the “Appointment Calendar” screen is closed and the “Phone Book” screen will be opened.

Remarks: None. Cross references: None Index: GUI.AC.8 Name: Exit Purpose: To exit from the system. Icon Type: Button Screen index/identification: Appointment Calendar, Appointment Entry Action: When the user presses the “Exit” button from the “Appointment Calendar”

screen or from “Appointment Entry”, save all the data in the appointment calendar, and then shut down the system.

Remarks: There is no functionality given in the requirements document for shutting down the system. It is assumed that the designer/implementer will take care of it.

Cross references: PB.6

References 1. Kasi Periyasamy, Dave Riley and Tom Gendreau, “Software Requirements

Document for a Personal Address and Phone Book – Part 1: Product Overview and Assumptions”, September 2003.

2. Kasi Periyasamy, Dave Riley and Tom Gendreau, “Software Requirements Document for a Personal Address and Phone Book – Part 2: Functional Requirements”, September 2003.