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  • 8/2/2019 SRM JP Seminar




    Scott Mandelker, PhD

    Tokyo, Japan Seminar March 1997


    Seminar Introduction 2

    Higher Self, Service, Spiritual Balance 4

    Personal Introduction 5

    Part I: ET Souls on Earth (Walk-ins and Wanderers) 9

    The Walk-in Process 9

    ET Wanderers 12

    The ET Agreement 14

    ET Awakening Path 15

    Varieties of Wanderers Awakening 17Successful Wanderers Integration, Q & A 19

    Part II: Cosmic Plan and Spiritual Path 24

    Cosmic Plan and Polarity 25

    Unity and the Creator 27

    7 Dimensions and the Purpose of Life 30

    The Process of Soul Evolution 33

    The Left-Hand Path, Q & A 35

    Path of Service to Self 45

    Soul Choice of Polarity 47Positive and Negative ET Contact 50

    ET Contact and the Law of Free Will 52

    Free Will and Human Consciousness 53

    Human Consciousness on Earth, Q & A 56

    Part III: Body/Mind/Spirit Transformation, Q & A 64

    Ascension and Earth Harvest 69

    Final Comments 70

    Basic Chart on Cosmic Plan 74

    The New ET Questionnaire 75

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    Seminar Introduction

    First of all, I want to thank everyone for coming today. I want to thank my translator, Mr.

    Kotaro Kusunoki, the staff of SWO (Spiritual World Organization in Tokyo), and my SWO

    manager and friend, Mr. Daisuke Todo. I am happy we are all here today.

    Some people may consider me a UFO researcher, but actually, this is not quite true. For me

    personally, its much more important to realize true self or Higher Self than talk about ET groups

    and UFO sightings. I think meditation is far more important than gathering information about

    UFOs or secret government cover-ups. However, all these topics represent different areas of

    human knowledge and experience, all of which is important to understand the great change

    now taking place on Earth.

    So, in todays seminar I am going to present a lot of information, but I also want to present a

    set of spiritual values, a way to weigh or measure different kinds of spiritual information. In the

    world today we have a lot of teachers and a lot of teachings. When it comes to UFOs and ETs,

    there is also a lot of conflict, disagreement and confusion.

    Some things about ETs and UFOs we can understand very easily and plainly. And there are

    other things that are hard to know -- which many people spend years to research and study. Yet,

    a lot of the more complicated material -- such as the ruins of Atlantis, techniques of remote

    viewing, or predictions of Nostradamus, for example is not essential to spiritual growth. In any

    book of channeled information, or in teachings given by any particular teacher, some of what

    they present is essential, but some of it is not.

    If you spend lots of time gathering information that is, in and of itself, not essential, then

    you will forget yourself. You may even find that you end up with more confusion than when you

    started, because many of the ideas your read remain as questions youll never be answered, at

    least in the present lifetime. On the other hand, if you focus on information essential to spiritual

    growth, you will become at-one with yourself, at peace with yourself, feeling more complete

    and full of ease. Youll become less confused.

    When you study and contemplate this kind of information, essential information, your

    thinking will become clearer and consciousness becomes more simplified. So, in the first part of

    our seminar today, we will talk about ET souls and cosmic plan, and hopefully, you will get a

    greater vision of the Universe in which you live. This is essential information, I believe.

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    This material begins with a discussion of ET souls on Earth, and ends with some teachings on

    Higher Self, world service, and spiritual balance. In my understanding, these three last topics are

    the most essential ones in the entire seminar. Actually, they are universal essentials, for both

    humans and ET groups, past, present, and future. Ill touch upon these subjects throughout the


    But right now, in the first part, well talk about cosmic plan, which is the same thing as

    universal soul-evolution. In the beginning, well also discuss ET groups that come to Earth -- ETs

    both good and bad, those here to help and those here to take control, these different ET groups

    and how they relate to UFO sightings and the contacts taking place today. This will be our

    foundation for understanding all ET contacts, and the present UFO phenomenon on Earth.

    In the final part of the seminar we will focus more on the three essentials I just mentioned:

    Higher Self, world service, and spiritual balance. These topics also give you a preparation for the

    next level of work, which includes two seminars, Wanderers Workshop, and The Infinite Self:

    Healing and Balance, which I also present in Japan and in America. [Note: both of these are

    available as free PDF files at]

    Both of these workshops are really one-day workshops, although sometimes I will present

    them in just three hours. Wanderers Workshop is for people who are sure, or pretty sure they

    are ET souls, but also for those who feel a heart-commitment to world service and helping

    people. In the second seminar, The Infinite Self, we focus on the essential principles of self-

    healing, including chakras and life-lessons, karma, Higher Self, meditation and service. This

    material all comes from the level of Higher Self, what is called 6th density.

    Both seminars include lots of time for dialogue, which we cant do so much today, since our

    time is limited. But today Ill include some of this material, and by the end of our work youll

    have a stronger foundation for further study and spiritual growth. What I will give today is part

    of a much larger set of teachings.

    So even before I even introduce myself, I want to talk about some of the basic principles of

    our work, and youll also see them come up later at the end of the day. If you hear this material

    at the start, youll be able to fit the information on cosmic plan in a wider perspective.

    As always, our circle of learning begins at Source and returns to Source, and every end is a

    new beginning. So here at the start of todays work, lets take a look at the ending. This will give

    you a kind of higher ground upon which to view the rest of what you hear today.

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    Higher Self, Service, Spiritual Balance

    The first and most important point is this: you are Higher Self. From my own experience in

    meditation and Buddhism, we cant really say Higher Self is out there, floating somewhere up

    in the sky, as we usually imagine. Actually, each of us, each person in the room is an expression

    of Higher Self right now. This core Self is called Atman in the Hindu tradition, which is an ancient

    Sanskrit word. It is not an exaggeration to say that the voice which comes out of your mouth is

    actually the voice of Higher Self, the voice of true self.

    You may wonder, How can I be Higher Self when I am so confused, with all these

    problems? But actually, when you are speaking or thinking, the Being who does the speaking or

    creating thoughts is actually your true self. But of course, this true self can become greatly

    confused, by forgetting itself. And so, all the work we do today is basically to help make sure the

    voice which comes from your mouth, and the thoughts you think, are a clear true expression of

    Higher Self, rather than a confused Higher Self. Actually, the personal self and Higher Self are

    just one being.

    This is very important to realize. Its very important to know, right here and now at the start

    of this advanced work, that your true self is complete and whole and perfect. If you know this,

    then you can understand that spiritual path is about pulling away the confusion that surrounds

    this pure self, the true Self that you are. This is the basic purpose of all study, meditation, and


    Next, when we talk about world service, we enter the topic of ET souls on Earth. Yet, its

    probably better to call this, universal service. Service to others is a universal process that

    occurs throughout the entire Creation. Actually, all the action that takes place in this world, or in

    any other world, whether clear or confused, good or bad, can also be thought of as some form

    of service.

    We can understand, at a very deep level, that all action everywhere, is just form of service to

    God or service to the infinite Creator. This perspective is very important when we try to

    understand cosmic plan, positive/negative ET groups, and especially, the purpose of ET souls on


    Finally, when we talk about balance, the most important thing to remember is that balance

    key to enlightenment and spiritual growth. It is much more difficult to achieve balance than to

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    achieve genius in one particular area. The most important balance we can make is between love

    and wisdom, the magnetic force of unconditional acceptance and pure receiving, and the

    radiatory force of clear mind-knowing and intuitive, precise communication. Ill talk more about

    this later, and I cover it extensively in the Infinite Self seminar. This concerns the development

    of 4th and 5th chakras, and is also the key to all effective service.

    Personal Introduction

    So these are the three essentials: Higher Self, world service, and balance -- and Ill return to

    them throughout the seminar. But before I go on, let me give you a short introduction to myself,

    how I decided to write my book, From Elsewhere, and become interested in ET souls, cosmic

    plan, Buddhism and meditation. If you get a sense of who I am and my background, youll have a

    better understanding of my own spiritual values, as well as the path that many ET souls follow.

    I was born in 1962 in New York City, and today [mid-1997] I live in San Francisco where I do

    teaching, counseling and writing. My interest in spiritual matters began in High School. There

    were two different things happening to me beginning at that time, and they came together in a

    kind of explosive way. The first was a somewhat romantic, idealized, and rather fantasy-based

    interest in Eastern mysticism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and the yogis life. I had a great,

    somewhat childish longing to live alone in a forest, or up on some mountain top. It was really a

    fabulous dream.

    But the second thing was much more grounded: I was going through a tremendous amount

    of suffering and despair in my heart. As we say in English, I was having a mid-life crisis. I

    actually had my own mid-life crisis from age 16 to 25, which is somewhat young for this kind of

    break-down. But if you have an idea that life on Earth, in the present way, may end at the time

    of 2010-2013 A.D., which is not too far away, then you could certainly consider this the middle

    of my life. In 2013 A.D. I will be about 51 years old, so I guess you can say that age 25 was the

    middle of my life.

    You may be a little confused here, and wonder what Im talking about. Please be patient

    with these ideas. In the second part of the seminar well talk more about the current time

    period, which is called Earth Harvest. This time is very, very important for ET souls or

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    wanderers to understand, and its also essential to understanding just why UFOs and ETs are

    visiting in all the different ways they contact us. This is a very special time, a unique event in the

    life of the cosmic plan and in the scheme of soul evolution.

    Anyway, when I had all this suffering and despair I had only one choice. There was only one

    thing in my life at that time that brought me peace of mind, putting out the fires of my pain. And

    this one thing was meditation. It was very formal, disciplined Buddhist meditation, similar to

    what youll find in Zen temples nowadays in Japan. It is also similar to what youll find in

    Thailand, in the Vipassana tradition of insight meditation. Right here at the start, you should

    understand that meditation begins with concentration, and then (hopefully!) ends in satori

    [Japanese, meaning enlightenment experience]. Its not an easy path, but its a very wonderful

    path. It just gets deeper and deeper.

    But, in between the beginning, where we learn meditation and develop mental

    concentration, and the end in which we experience spiritual break-through (also called kensho

    in the Rinzai Zen school), there are all sorts of changes that happen to us. Actually, you may not

    believe it, but meditation is a practice that basically compresses billions of years of soul

    evolution into a short period of time. What might take most souls several billion years to

    achieve, in terms of spiritual growth and development of consciousness, can take several

    lifetimes with intensive meditation.

    All the higher level, elder ETs know about meditation, of course. All the mystery schools on

    Earth that teach formal meditation and techniques of spiritual initiation were given by

    benevolent ET groups, thousands of years ago. But there are definitely two roads we can take.

    The first goes very fast, and the second goes very slow, but both lead to complete

    enlightenment and return to Source, to the heart of the infinite Creator. Most souls choose the

    slow way, and most souls in the universe stay with their soul group on their own worlds,

    needing billions of years to become one with Higher Self. Yet, meditation is the fast path, and if

    you practice and develop yourself this way, your soul evolution is greatly accelerated. This is

    also important for ET souls to understand.

    To make a long story short, after doing lots of meditation, my suffering basically cleared

    away and disappeared. Not totally, but a lot of it. This came after long periods of meditation at

    Japanese Zen temples in America, and Thai temples in India and Thailand. I also developed some

    spiritual vision showing the way of freedom from so-called ego.

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    I left college for a few years to do this work. When I finally returned to college, a close friend

    of mine whom I met at school turned out to be a real-live shaman. He was trained in the native

    tradition of Carlos Castenada, who himself wrote many books about his study and practice with

    an elder shaman named Don Juan. Perhaps you know of these books.

    This friend of mine had the ability to consciously go out of his physical body, then return

    with full awareness, without forgetting anything. He and I actually worked together, doing some

    out-of-body journeys and practices. And from at that time, I had many out-of-body experiences

    which were very clear. These included ET contact, situations where I received teaching, and also

    did some kinds of white magic rituals for planetary healing. I also went to other planets and

    dimensions, although I dont remember it all perfectly.

    There is also a New Age technology in America called Hemisync. This technology uses

    sound signals in the two ears, so the two hemispheres of the brain come to vibrate in harmony,

    with the right and left halves achieving certain brain wave frequencies. By hearing different

    tones in the two ears, the brain achieves synchronized frequencies and vibrates in a unified way.

    This process can lead to all sorts of things, and especially, to altered states of consciousness.

    You can also have out-of-body travel. For myself, I had a very conscious, clear experience of

    going higher and higher out of my body, then passing through a kind of veil or membrane, then

    meeting my ET family directly. This one experience changed my life, and it was deeply personal.

    The feeling I had was like being bathed in love, remembrance or recognition. It was a classic

    and somewhat common type of ET contact for Wanderers -- to meet our soul family. There are

    two things that one normally feels in this kind of situation. The first is a tremendous rush of

    love. It is probably more than you have ever felt from anyone you love on Earth. It is extremely

    pure and strong. The second thing that is common to this kind of experience is a feeling that the

    spiritual beings youre meeting actually know you better than you know yourself. This is a

    somewhat strange feeling.

    During this kind of contact, you feel they already know you so deeply. Actually, its a

    complex feeling. I felt like I knew, and finally remembered that I had been living this life having

    forgotten so much -- I realized intuitively that I had forgotten so much about myself, although I

    still couldnt remember exactly what it is I had forgotten! Sometimes I still have this feeling of

    how much Ive lost now living this 3D life on Earth. Anyway, this experience gave me certainty

    that I am an ET soul, that I have genuine cosmic family, and that I am living only a shadow of my

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    total self, while Im down here in body on Earth. After this experience, I returned to this body

    crying tears of joy and sorrow.

    After this, I stayed in school for many years. I stayed at my college and got a BA in Buddhist

    Studies and Psychology, went on to graduate school for a Masters degree in Counseling, and

    finally got a Ph.D. in East-West Psychology in San Francisco. And so my book, From Elsewhere, is

    basically what I wrote in 1992 as my PhD doctoral research. For my dissertation, I interviewed

    25 people in the US, all of whom consider themselves ET souls. But actually, even before I

    interviewed them, I knew a lot about the subject, I already knew I was a Wanderer on Earth. So,

    I was not doing research at all

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    Part I: ET Souls on Earth (Walk-ins and Wanderers)

    The two words I usually use to describe ET souls are Walk-ins and Wanderers. Actually,

    there are many terms used for ET souls on Earth, such as Star Born, Star People, and Star

    Seed. All of these terms are fine, but they are not quite perfect. None of them explain the total


    To use the term, Star Born, is not too helpful because ET souls are definitely born on Earth,

    not on some other star. And they are called ET souls not because of their seed or DNA

    genetics, not because of any physical quality at all. They are called ET because of their soul-

    origin. Some people who study UFOs or do channeling also talk about ET-human sexual

    interaction in the past, the idea that certain ET groups came here and made hybrids (or are still

    doing so today), and that the human body has some ET genetics mixed in with Earth human

    DNA. This is true, but it is not really important for understanding ET souls on Earth. I also dont

    like to call these people Star Children because as a soul, an expression of infinite Creator and

    Higher Self, its kind of degrading to consider yourself a small child. Its important for us to

    appreciate our power and spiritual maturity.

    So, I prefer to use the terms Walk-ins and Wanderers, but they do mean just about the

    same thing as all the other terms I mentioned. However, these two terms are somewhat

    different, and they point to two distinctly different kinds of ET-human incarnation. Let me

    describe each of them for you.

    The Walk-in Process

    With a Walk-in, were talking about soul-exchange. One soul comes in, which is the ET

    soul, and another soul goes out of the same human body-mind system (which is often a

    human 3D soul). Actually, this experience is not common. But it can happen during a near-

    death experience, out-of-body experience, severe illnesses and coma, and occasionally during

    accidents or serious trauma. This is like a death-and-rebirth experience. The persons

    consciousness changes completely: from being very depressed and dysfunctional, to becoming

    very bright and very open.

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    One man I interviewed in my first book, From Elsewhere, was a heavy drug user for 25 years.

    He used drugs all day long for years and years. He was also a mean, cruel, angry person. In his

    own Walk-in experience, his mind changed completely in the space of a just a few days --

    actually, you could say it changed overnight. So I will tell you his story right now, then well finish

    talking about Walk-ins and move into the topic of Wanderers.

    In terms of this mans Walk-in process, it didnt happen all of a sudden. Even before the

    experience, he was in a support group for drug users. He was trying to help himself a little bit,

    but the group did not feel so good to him. So, like many of the people I interviewed who later

    said that they had a Walk-in experience, he started to hear a spiritual voice in his head. But this

    voice was very helpful, not scary or trying to control him in any way. It was not like he felt

    possessed by some demonic force; it was nothing like that. This voice just said things like, read

    that book, or go to this place and meditate, or, go talk to that healer over there. The voice

    in his head made all sorts of helpful suggestions.

    All these recommendations and advice did help a little. But they didnt produce any kind of

    great transformation. The great transformation came later, during an ordinary day when he was

    in a cafe talking to his friends. He brought along the spiritual book he was reading, and then he

    put it in his bag. At one point in the conversation, one of his friends asked him to get the book

    from out of his bag. When he then opened the bag to get the book out, it was gone.

    This was actually a sort of miracle, because he knew without a doubt that he had just placed

    the book into his bag a few moments before. And after he raised himself up from looking into

    his bag, which was sitting down on the floor, a tremendous rush of energy came into his body

    and streamed into his head. A huge amount of grief, sorrow and sadness arose in his mind. He

    started crying and crying uncontrollably.

    And in the middle of all this pain and all his tears, he noticed his friends newspaper in front

    of him. And he saw a sentence typed very plainly before him: You have paid the toll, you can

    cross the bridge. Of course, this was a strange thing to see, and it wasnt written in the

    newspaper at all. It was like a vision of words superimposed on the normal newspaper print. It

    was a spiritual vision, obviously, and he even knew it at the time.

    But what happened over the next few days was even more amazing. During this time, for

    the first time in his life, he was intensely psychic and his body charged with energy. He could

    read peoples thoughts, he could tell the future, he knew some winning lottery numbers, and he

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    needed only a few hours of sleep at night. Yet, even more important than all this, was the fact

    that for the first time in his life he began to feel and understand love and joy, kindness and

    caring. These feelings were entirely new to him.

    From that day forward, he never used drugs again. He simply had no more interest, so he

    didnt need to struggle with himself at all. He started reading spiritual books and meditating,

    going to groups where he could share his feelings, and being genuinely honest with people. This

    was all new to him.

    He began to feel great responsibility for his actions and became very concerned with his

    own personal development in a moral way. It was a complete change from how he was before

    he had that experience. And he never returned to the old patterns of drug addiction, anger,

    emotional raging and selfishness.

    Actually, there is a follow-up to his story, which is also interesting. Years later he told me

    that he thinks maybe the experience was not a Walk-in at all -- which is how he interpreted it at

    the time, just as his spiritual teacher also said. In fact, many Walk-in healers in America seem to

    think that almost all who ask them for advice must be a Walk-in! Anyway, today he thinks

    maybe his experience was just a kundalini awakening process, an inner spiritual energy change,

    or a descent of pure force from Higher Self.

    In America, I have met many people who say they are Walk-ins, who then later think,

    maybe Im not. This is because it is difficult to know if there really is another soul involved, a

    new soul coming into ones body. Its hard to know if it isnt just a form of direct contact with

    Higher Self, and only felt like another soul coming in. Many experiences that people consider to

    be Walk-ins are probably just that persons own spiritual energy rushing in.

    And theres another interesting point about his story. This is the fact that his addiction was

    really a form of prolonged self-punishment. We can understand this from the vision he saw in

    the newspaper. His life of drug addiction was based on a deep belief that he had to pay some

    kind of toll, that he owed some kind of debt, and grew out of an unconscious sense that he had

    to make some kind of pay-back for having been bad in the past.

    For many people (and Ive seen this with counseling clients too), drug or substance-abuse

    addiction is a way to punish themselves, which comes from what I call, karmic guilt. These

    feelings of guilt or regret are generally a hold-over or residue from past life actions. Whenever

    you see someone hurting him or herself through addictive behavior, or through any kind of self-

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    defeating patterns, you can wonder if at some level of their mind they think they deserve to

    suffer. In this mans spiritual awakening, the vision in the newspaper told him that he had finally

    paid enough and could now cross over to the other side -- which was the other side of life,

    moving into true self-respect. At last, he could begin to be good to himself; and by that, he was

    naturally good to others around him.

    So if you are a healer, or know someone who has a drug or gambling addiction or even an

    alcohol problem, you should be alert to the possibility its self-destructive behavior. And you can

    wonder if perhaps the person thinks they have to punish themselves for some reason, which is

    usually for something they did in the past, in this life or a previous one. You may want to help

    them uncover just why they are so angry at themselves.

    ET Wanderers

    OK, so now lets talk about Wanderers. The first thing I want to say is that Wanderers are by

    far the largest group of ET souls on Earth, and almost all ET souls here are Wanderers and not

    Walk-ins. While Walk-ins may or may not be ET souls, as it depends on the origin of the soul

    entering the persons body, Wanderers are always ETs, and they come in at birth so theres

    no soul-exchange at all. They are old souls of higher dimensional origin from birth, and remain

    so throughout their lifetime, of course.

    In my understanding, there are nearly 100 million ET souls on Earth, and some of these are

    also young children. Once I met a famous Japanese spiritual author and researcher, and after we

    talked about my book, he told me that when his daughter was three years old, she told he and

    his wife, you are not my real parents. She also told him she came from outer space! She said

    she came from space and then went into her mommys belly. Obviously, she didnt forget too

    much through the birth process. Definitely, shes an ET Wanderer.

    In America, I know many parents whose children act like their teachers. Sometimes these

    little children act like parents to their own parents, who are of course much older in human

    years than they are. This phenomenon of young children being so spiritually mature is kind of

    new, and it is happening today because we are getting so close to Earth Harvest after 2010 A.D.

    Ill talk more about this later.

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    Actually, most of the ET souls on Earth are not young children like this -- although they all

    started out as children, of course! They are adults, in all countries and all races. Some of them

    have been here since Atlantis and early-Egypt, whom I call the long-contract folks, since their

    contract with earth is to stay here for thousands of years. Many more of them have been here

    for the past 300 or 400 years, beginning in the Renaissance in Europe and the Western industrial

    revolution. These social changes were associated with certain changes in human consciousness,

    in both social and political thought in the 17th and 18th centuries, and triggered waves of

    Wanderers to take birth among the people here.

    This number, 100 million ET souls, sounds really large, but it is only about 1.5% of the total

    human population, so it is not really such a big number. And again, you can find them in every

    country, every race, every religion, and in any family. Sometimes they are born into families

    where the parents or brothers and sisters are ET souls, but oftentimes not. It depends on ones

    karma, and of course, the spiritual decision they made before taking human birth.

    Wanderers basically come here to help Earth and all human beings, but its not because they

    must be here. A more mature term for Wanderers is this: the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow.

    This is because they come to Earth feeling the sorrow and pain of humanity. They come because

    they want to be here, and no one forces them to come. They are here because they know their

    own spiritual light, the true inner light, and simply want to bring this light to a planet where

    there is great darkness great confusion and ignorance.

    And so, you can say that about 98% of the souls on Earth are here because they have to be

    for their own learning -- which is the learning of love, an essential achievement in their universal

    career as souls. But about 2% of the souls here are here fully by choice, not because they need

    to learn love. ET souls already understand love (and thats why theyre here!). However, while

    theyre here on Earth, of course, they can definitely become confused and self-destructive.

    At a high level of understanding, you can certainly say all souls are one, and human or ET

    souls are basically no different essentially. This is true, spirit is spirit and God-essence is God-

    essence whether they are native to 3D or higher dimensions. But in terms of space-time

    evolution, multi-dimensional development and cosmic plan, there definitely is a path of learning

    by which different souls are at different levels of spiritual maturity. These are the different

    stages of the same universal path of returning to Source.

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    On this path, which is the path of cosmic plan, Wanderers are souls native to higher

    dimensions, from levels of consciousness or spiritual evolution that are higher or older than

    the 98% of other souls now incarnate on Earth. Wanderers come from worlds that are

    associated with 4th, 5th, and 6th chakras, while 98% of the souls on Earth are still at the stage of

    3rd chakra development, gradually moving into 4th chakra, which is about love and healing,

    kindness and compassion. If you look at any days newspaper, you can see that most souls on

    Earth have still not learned the lessons of love.

    I have detailed all this information on the hand-out sheet, Basic Chart on Cosmic Plan [at

    the end of this transcript]. What is most important to understand here is that ET souls,

    Wanderers and genuine Walk-ins all come to Earth under the Law of Service. They come here

    under their own free will, with respect for the free will of humanity, which is at a critical stage of

    spiritual awakening. There are no accidents, and we are all here by our own choice.

    The ET Agreement

    No one makes ET souls come to Earth, no one says they must or have to. Yet in America, Ive

    met many people who know they are ET souls, but they feel like it was a terrible mistake that

    they ended up on Earth. They are very unhappy in this world, and in particular, theyre quite

    miserable living in the US, which is not the most loving nation in the world, obviously. But this

    point needs to be understood: to respect the free will of humanity, which is not ready, willing or

    able to accept the fact of multi-dimensional universal life, ET souls come here and take upon

    themselves a kind of human veil, a kind of mental curtain that makes them forget who they

    are and why theyre here. Of course, this is quite a challenge to us.

    By agreement, ET souls incarnate in just the normal way, into an ordinary human body-mind

    system. So, you can say ET souls are not special at all, which is just the point. They dont want to

    be special, nor to appear special. They just want to help. Perhaps what does make them special

    is just that: that they want to help the world, which unfortunately is not too common among in

    society. If Wanderers do inner spiritual work, they can definitely remember who they are and

    why theyre here. By the changing planetary energies, its also getting easier for people to recall

    their cosmic origins, and that gives us a little advantage.

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    Under the 3D veil, Wanderers forget their origin, identity, and basic purpose on Earth. Its

    important to understand that the people I interviewed in From Elsewhere are simply those who

    have woken up or awakened to their ET identity, but about 85% of the Wanderers here, 85% of

    the 100 million are still sleeping and have no idea they are from other dimensions.

    Going through the kind of Walk-in experience I described above, or Wanderers coming to

    remember their soul origin, can certainly be considered a path of awakening or path of

    remembering, a piercing of the 3D mind-vei. But this awakening is not the same as satori or

    mystic enlightenment. Yet for Wanderers, it is an important first step.

    ET Awakening Path

    When we look at the awakening process, we see it usually takes many years. Almost no one

    I interviewed, or met in later years, came to the conclusion that, I am an ET soul overnight. It

    is not necessary to know you are an ET soul to live a good life or be happy, or do world service

    and be helpful to people around you. Certainly not! But, if this information is interesting to you,

    then I encourage you to discover the truth: Are you, or are you not, an ET soul? If these ideas

    are not interesting, or you dont know and dont care, dont worry about it and just leave it

    alone. For some people however, this kind of information is essential, and can even save their

    life -- while for others it is not important to their spiritual development. And yet, both of these

    kind of people may be Wanderers.

    Let me describe the course of the awakening process. For most people, in the beginning

    there is just a sense of sleep, a condition of low or even no spiritual seeking. Most Wanderers

    dont become spiritual seekers as children; their spiritual interest develops gradually, like

    anyone else.

    The state of spiritual sleep, at least as an adult, often comes from a deep sense that my life

    is hard enough, I dont want to make it more difficult. So they dont look deeply into the

    meaning of life, their strange experiences or feelings of being different. Many people have an

    idea that says, I dont want to be different, Im really not different. Im just like everyone else.

    But if they happen to hear something about ETs, or see something like a UFO in the sky or in a

    dream, or read something in a book about other worlds, they may get a little shock that disturbs

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    their false peace of mind. Their life of denial gets challenged, their world-view becomes a little

    cloudy. They may also start to sense that they have a hidden life, or that theres something

    about their life which is a mystery, somewhat strange or unusual.

    This kind of shocking wake-up, small or large, often comes from dreams, UFO sightings or

    direct ET contact. It may come from channeled information, a psychic or healer who says you

    are not from Earth! The person may have a strange dream in which theyre on another world,

    or in space, or in some other time and place thats both alien to Earth and yet somehow

    strangely familiar. These can be memories of the Wanderers home-world.

    Of course, these are very personal experiences, and I often help people like this in my

    counseling. Ive met people in the US and Japan whove had nearly the same kind of ET wake-up

    experiences, so they are not related to the country or culture youre born into.

    The shock that is felt may wake someone up from their deep spiritual sleep, but they usually

    still have all sorts of denial, and it is common that they continue to reject the idea that they are

    really from elsewhere although now theyve begun to realize there really is something

    different about them. Since this shocking event or experience comes from the outside, they can

    still say, No, no, no, that was just an odd experience. I cant understand what it means. They

    still want to keep the comforting system of intellectual denial.

    But over time, they may do more self-reflection and start to think about these things more

    deeply. This is the long phase of deeper seeking, which can take years or decades. Some people

    never get out of this phase, and never arrive at the certainty they really are a Wanderer. They

    only know they are different, they dont know why, but they still dont really want to know it all

    because theyre afraid of what they may discover. Only some people go all the way to the

    conclusion: Yes, I am an ET soul, and its not a big deal.

    You know, Jesus said, seek and you will find. This is a universal law of evolution. What is

    really happening in the process of ET awakening is that the person is developing a longing for a

    deeply buried truth they forgot. Actually, spiritual seeking and longing are some of the most

    important qualities we can have on the spiritual path. They sort of guarantee our continued

    development so be honest with your deep needs!

    So it is a spiritual law: if you seek something, youll get it. Though it probably wont come to

    you immediately, and it probably wont come in exactly the way you imagined it would come,

    given enough time, things do come to us. So if you are seeking something very pure and high,

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    you will receive something very pure and high. If your seeking is a little confused, what you

    receive will also be confused. Since our seeking is rarely pure, often mixed with other desires,

    conflicts and doubts, what we usually get is not quite what we had hoped for.

    But for Wanderers or ET souls, this seeking to remember always leads to deeper self-

    realization and awareness. So they can say, Yes, I really am a Wanderer, all these things really

    are true. At this point, the person can validate their own experiences, and make the conclusion

    that their dream, vision or out-of-body ET contact was real. They know it for themselves, by

    themselves and clearly, without any psychic or channel telling them, you should believe it!

    At that point, they can then proceed with greater integration of the experience. They may

    then be able to understand why they felt how they felt during childhood and their younger

    years, why they had certain important life-experiences, why they met this or that person, and so

    on. This is the phase of deeper spiritual integration.

    Varieties of ET Awakening

    After awakening, the person usually feels a lot more calm and relaxed, because some degree

    of inner struggle has ended. When the inner struggle of am I or am I not different? is finally

    finished, then things really start to fit together and they can understand many other elements of

    personal life. But sometimes, the person takes a wrong turn at this point, and because there

    may also be a lot of spiritual energy coming into the body-mind-spirit system, they may become

    grandiose. They then become proud ETs, talking always about me, me, me. This is a wrong

    turn that some already-awakened ET souls take.

    This kind of person then thinks they have to tell everyone they know, I am ET, the ETs are

    here! Isnt it great? Now youve got to wake up! They act like this and make a lot of trouble. In

    psychological terms, this is called spiritual inflation. It is like eating too much cotton candy,

    which is fine in small amounts, but will surely make you sick if you eat a lot. So it actually makes

    them sick to their stomach, and by being so loud about their awakening and so proud of

    themselves, they also make the people around them sick, too. They get very excited about

    being an ET soul, and all they talk about are ETs and UFOs. You can see some spiritual teachers

    like this in Japan, as well. Unfortunately, some wanderers never get out of this phase!

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    You may even know people like this. Ive met them in America, in Israel, in Japan; you can

    find dozens of websites like this online. While these people are definitely awakened to their

    higher-dimensional identity, theyre not yet really clear about life-purpose. Although they think

    theyre helping the world by talking all day and night about ETs and UFOs, this is not really an

    advanced form of world service, it actually steps on many peoples toes, and doesnt really help

    human beings in the way they need to be helped.

    Another common response some people make to ET awakening is withdrawal. For these

    people, they already know they are not from Earth, and they become totally sure they really

    dont want to be here any longer. So they say, just leave me alone, Im going to hide away until

    dimensional shift, then go back home! These people usually felt big alienation even before

    coming to realize their ET roots, and already felt they were not part of human culture and

    society. They already felt this way for many years. And now they know why, but it doesnt help

    them get rid of the painful feelings. It just helps them explain it all.

    So now that they know why they are suffering on Earth (because theyre not from here and

    this is definitely not their true home), they really dont want to stay! They want to become a big

    bird, put their sand and just be invisible. All they want is to go to sleep at night and wake up on

    their home planet in the morning yes! They dont like being on Earth, they know they dont

    have to be here, and now they really want to get out of here ASAP. Although this kind of

    reaction sounds kind of extreme, almost all Wanderers feel it sometimes, and I myself often feel

    it. Ive just gotten used to it but I also understand the value of 3D challenge.

    A third common response to ET awakening is tremendous fear and panic. Some people feel

    a kind of sharp edge of vulnerability, a sense that earth is a dangerous place... Im in danger

    here. Honestly, this is somewhat true! This kind of sharp pain doesnt usually last long. But in

    terms of dull suffering, not the panic-attack variety, many Wanderers do feel chronic spiritual

    and emotional pain from the basic separation and non-lovingness of earth humans, and theyre

    well aware of the many conflicts and inequities in human society.

    You have to remember, ET souls come from worlds and soul-groups of great harmony, great

    interpersonal interaction, tangibly felt unity and massive love. They came to live on Earth

    willingly, but here is definitely a world of conflict and struggle, with very little love to be seen

    anywhere (just check the nightly news). Of course, this is exactly why Wanderers and ET Walk-

    ins are here (to help bring love/light) -- but once theyre here, its hard to be detached when

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    youre living right in the middle of continual world war. This is exactly the feeling I had when I

    was a teenager and had what I called my mid-life crisis. I too felt this kind of pain in the

    world. Of course, it was also a reflection of my own personal pain.

    I didnt understand just why I felt that way at the time, and I came to understand it only

    many years later. Now I see that I had just a somewhat ordinary Wanderer-reaction to living on

    Earth, sensing that I was different, but not having an inner spiritual center-point from which to

    navigate this world. Therefore, just knowing youre a Wanderer is not quite enough.

    Successful Wanderers Integration, Q & A

    So, if a person doesnt fall into these various traps of awakening, if they stay balanced and

    steady, theyll continue to integrate that cosmic understanding with the very personal issues of

    their human on Earth. They basically make a synthesis between their spiritual vision and

    realization of universal principles, along with their personal patterns and issues. They can live in

    the metaphysical as well as the physical, the individual and the collective, the human and the ET.

    They have a foot in both worlds, their head in heaven and feet on earth. They can also take

    practical steps to make sure they are fulfilling a genuine spiritual purpose. Only by that can we

    feel true peace and happiness on earth.

    This integration comes from having both an appreciation of humanity and human condition,

    plus an appreciation for ones cosmic heritage, the great light of higher dimensions, and the

    glory of cosmic plan. It ultimately develops in us a true humility or humbleness. The most

    mature people I know who are say they are Wanderers make no big deal of it. Theyre not

    particularly interested in teaching about ETs or UFOs, they rarely share the fact they know

    themselves to be from elsewhere. Theyre more interested in service and self-development.

    And this is for a good reason. It is because all the ETs you might contact, and all the ET souls

    whether theyre on Earth back in home densities all of them still have to develop along the

    spiritual path. Its the same spiritual path we follow on Earth, and the goal is just the same: to

    become One or aligned with Higher Self, to live true self day and night. And its done through

    self-reflection, service, meditation, and study. This is why the most mature Wanderers I know

    are all concerned with helping others and developing love-wisdom, in a balanced way.

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    So if you read some book on channeling that claims to come from an ET, and this ET is not

    talking about Higher Self, service, meditation and self-development, then I dont think its a real

    source. There are many different channels and channelers today, in Japan as well as the US, and

    they all have different levels of spiritual maturity. Some of the material is basically trivial, some

    is interesting and helpful, and some talks about the essential principles of evolution. Youve got

    to figure out for yourself what is really worth your time.

    So when a person completes the awakening process successfully, they come out of it with

    greater balance and poise, and they move straight into some form of service. Now, one of the

    reasons all this information is coming out today, and more people come to this conclusion about

    themselves, is because most of the Wanderers contracts for Earth are now ending, and will

    generally terminate around Harvest time, 2011-2014 A.D.

    Again, Wanderers or ET souls make agreement to be on Earth, generally to stay for a certain

    amount of time. But for every one of them, there is a time limit after which they will definitely

    go home. When I meet Wanderers in America and say, Oh, soon you are going home!, they

    are all very happy. Happy or not, I do think its true (happy, but true!). If you have this kind of

    feeling, or if a channel or psychic told you this is your last lifetime, then you certainly may be a

    Wanderer about to go home. Congratulations!

    I guess you can say that now is ET family reunion time. It is very common for Wanderers to

    have dreams of family reunion in some way -- memories of before birth, life in another

    dimension or on the inner planes (such as the astral plane). Although such dreams are for the

    purpose of helping them wake up and remember who they are and why theyre here, these

    dreams also remind us this is a special time on earth, and that time is short...

    You can also use my other hand-out, The New ET Quiz [included at the end of this

    document] to see how well you score, and if you get a high score, maybe over 70 points,

    perhaps you are a Wanderer too. But only you can decide it for yourself. Since we are now

    ending this part of the seminar, why dont we take some questions. Dozo. [go ahead, Jp.]

    Q:I have three questions. This is the first one: You said that there are 100 million ETs on Earth.

    How many are living in Japan?

    A: Well, that is somewhat hard to say. At one time, I used to think perhaps there are 20 million

    ET souls living in the US, but Im not quite sure now. Since Japan is much smaller in population

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    than America, perhaps there are 10 million, but again, its hard to say. If the global average is

    1.5%, and if you have 50 million people in Japan [Note: the figure is about 130 million] this

    would be about 7.5 million ET souls [18 million, corrected]. I think there are also some countries

    with a higher percentage of Wanderers and spiritually minded people, such as the US, Japan,

    and England, so if you use a figure of 2% Wanderers in Japan, that makes the total closer to 10

    million, which seems right [perhaps 20 million?]. What is your second question?

    Q:My second question is about world service. What is it, and can you give a concrete example?

    A: Well, what I am doing now is a form of world service. If someone asks you a question in the

    subway and you give them directions, youre also doing world service. Essentially, world service

    is sharing love-light, whether it is with your cat or a stranger, through a lecture or painting,

    signing a peace agreement or carrying your garbage to the street in a careful, conscious way. To

    freely offer love-light is the heart of service, and all service can be thought of as world service,

    since all the energy we radiate enters the planetary energy grid. Ill talk more about this later.

    Q:My last question is about what you call Harvest. After 2010, you say that Wanderers will go

    back to their home. Is their home different or the same as when they left it to come to Earth?

    A: This is kind of interesting. First of all, the souls who are what I call native to Earth, the souls

    learning love for the first time in their soul progression, are themselves from many different 3D

    planets. And ET souls also come from many different higher-dimensional worlds. So, both the

    98% native souls, and the 2% Wanderers are from all sorts of origins. But yes, most of the

    Wanderers will go back to their different home-planet worlds after Harvest.

    The longest that most Wanderers have been here is about 75,000 years, which is the entire

    cycle of 3rd density on this planet. Yet, very few have been here that long, and most have been

    here, reincarnating of course, for less than 10,000 years. That may seem like a long time, but

    relative to higher dimensions its not too long at all. So I dont really think much has changed in

    the home-planet group since any given Wanderer was on earth. In higher worlds, the cycles of

    evolution are millions of years, and no great change would normally occur in just a few

    thousand. And some Wanderers have been here only a few hundred years, which is like the

    blink of an eye back home.

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    I can also tell you a funny story, related to all this. I once did a TV show in Arizona, and in the

    audience was an old man. He was very short, very thin, and very old. He looked like a turtle. He

    was also very loving and kind, a very bright little old man. And when I met him I felt sort of

    honored or overjoyed, although it was just the first time I met him (at least in this lifetime),

    because I felt very clearly that he was a special representative of his ET group.

    I could see and understand, intuitively, that he was from an ET group that doesnt come to

    Earth very often. They are amphibious, sort of like water-beings that live like reptiles. I imagine

    they evolved from a 3rd density race that was like turtles, yet, that doesnt really matter, since

    they were obviously highly developed. If you remember the movie, Star Wars, there was the

    famous character Yoda who was also like a turtle, with great wisdom. I call him, Yoda the

    swamp guru, like a guru in India. This was my feeling, that the old mans group was very holy.

    The next day, the old man came back for counseling, although he didnt really know why. He

    just had a feeling he should be in the audience for my TV interview, and then he had a feeling he

    should come for counseling. He was just following intuition, and I guess he was being guided.

    But the next day at our counseling meeting, there he was wearing a bright green two-piece suit,

    and he looked just like a little old turtle-man. I was very happy to see him that way -- and maybe

    he even received some guidance that morning to wear that particular suit. Anyway, I had great

    appreciation for him, because I felt his group is very high and very pure. Honestly, I felt honored

    to have him come meet me. Sometimes the ordinary people we meet are not ordinary at all,

    and sometimes theyre meeting us to connect their particular ET group with ours. There are lots

    of deeper things going on here than we realize.

    Q:I think Sedona, Arizona is a place where we can easily contact ETs. Do you think so?

    A: I actually never went to Sedona [as of 1997], but I have heard its sort of an interdimensional

    airport, with a set of energy vortices that allow communication between different levels of the

    Earth system. So yes, it is probably much easier to have contact with higher dimensional beings

    there. But Ive also heard from some reliable people that there are quite negative beings

    hanging round there too, so Id be careful if I were you.

    Q:You said you met your family in out-of-body experience. Did you also meet your soul-mate?

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    A: Well, what we call soul-mate for a Wanderer is usually a member of the home density

    group. This is ones true ET family. Honestly, since the groups are so unified, you can say the

    entire society is ones soul-mate, but of course, there are other meanings for the term that are

    more specific. It can also mean two souls who were together in a past life and are pre-destined

    to meet in this lifetime, to be together in some way for mutual learning.

    The term soul-mate can also refer to any two people at the same soul-level, such as two

    Wanderers from 6th density, who are not of the same group, but have work to do together on

    Earth. So soul-mate can refer to a Wanderers ET family, to similar soul-groups working

    together, or to a past-life bond being re-joined today. In my own major out-of-body experience,

    I only met my family, not any particular soul who is my personal mate.

    Q:What do you mean by spiritual family?

    A: Well, first you need to understand there are different levels of activity: Wanderers have

    home densities, also called higher dimensions. Wanderers come from particular dimensions, in

    which all other souls from their group are considered ET family. At the same time, there are

    also invisible dimensions of Earth, as physical life here is not the only world for soul-evolution on

    the planet. These are the so-called inner planes, like the astral plane, and there are people

    who as soulsregularly work together in out-of-body states on inner planes.

    So to return to the idea of soul-mate, which is close to the idea of spiritual family, you should

    realize that sometimes souls from different worlds work together, while in other cases, theyre

    from the same higher-dimensional soul-group. You can think of both as spiritual family.

    Q:You said there are more evolved Wanderers in the USA, England, and Japan. Why is that?

    A:I think its simply that those countries are more open to global unity, New Age world service,

    and spiritual evolution in general, so Wanderers would be attracted there simply because they

    might be able to do more good for a greater number of people. Their influence in the world

    might be greater if theyre born in those countries. This is not a question of any place being

    better than any other one, and there are many religious and pious people in Third World

    nations. Its only a question of which country would be a better platform to put Wanderers in a

    position to do world service and help more people.

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    Part II: Cosmic Plan and Spiritual Path

    In this second half of our seminar, were going to expand our frame of discussion. Since

    weve now talked a bit about ET souls, were now going to discuss what this all means for

    human evolution and personal transformation. Using the hand-out, A Chart on Cosmic Plan, I

    will give you some information on UFO groups now visiting the planet, who they are and why

    they are coming here in such large numbers. This material is an outgrowth from my book, From

    Elsewhere, and considers the deeper spiritual importance, for both Earth and the cosmos, of ET

    souls living among us. This can also be called the big picture.

    If you imagine that the cosmos like a movie, a movie that never stops but just keeps going

    on and on, they we cant really say where or how it all began, and we already know that it never

    ends, so we also dont know the conclusion of the movie either. This is exactly what I mean

    when I say, the big picture. Actually, this comparison between universal evolution (which is

    what we are talking about here) and a human film, is useful. Today, modern science and human

    physicists know something about holograms, which are pictures created by light in which each

    part encompasses or expresses the whole of the image. It is a very mystical view to realize that

    all Creation is like pictures or flashing images created by light. This is actually a type of kensho or

    enlightenment experience for meditators.

    So even though we can touch the chair or the floor [or if you are reading the transcript, you

    can touch the paper in front of you], it is actually only a form created by light, a blend of various

    frequencies of energy, which are themselves not quite solid. Even my talking and your thinking

    are experiences created by light. You can say that the material of our physical world is

    temporarily frozen light, or something like liquid light that takes a certain shape and holds it for

    a certain length of time.

    When we try to understand cosmic evolution or cosmic plan, we are trying to comprehend

    the universal design or universal pattern, the design of cosmic light throughout the entire

    universe. This is like getting to know your own patterns of feeling, thinking, and acting -- yet, all

    of this is simply a set of patterns of apparently solid light, complex interacting frequencies of

    energy which are, in themselves, in constant motion. This is the metaphysical basis for the

    primary Buddhist teaching that says that all things are impermanent and not solid; they are

    empty, which is expressed by the word, ku. When we come to understand universal design,

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    we can also understand what is called spiritual path, and this is extremely important for our

    own well-being and for the future of planet Earth.

    Cosmic Plan and Polarity

    So were going to paint the picture of cosmic design, which is not a static thing. This is the

    same as the path of souls and soul evolution. It is a living, dynamic picture. On one side, we have

    what is called the right hand path of love and unity. And on the other, we have what can be

    called the left hand path which is a way of increasing separation and control of self and others.

    These are normally called good and evil, although these terms imply judgment and


    Yet, that is our human way of thinking. In the Mind of the Creator, I can assure you there is

    no preference for either path. Of course, love and unity are more pleasant, and more

    importantly, they do embrace cosmic Truth. Yet, at the same time, the Creator does not dislike

    the path of illusion, and does not hate evil. Finally, we can also say that there is a middle

    path, which is really the way of initiation, the way of the adept, and it is primarily concerned

    with meditation and advanced spiritual training. It is also a path of no karma. You can see this in

    some Buddhist and Hindu teachings.

    This center-path can also be called the initiate path, and it is the path of accelerated

    growth. Normally, each of the two other paths, the so-called right-hand and left-hand, take

    billions of years to accomplish. I will explain each of these in more detail later, and you need to

    understand them to also understand about UFOs and ET contact. But the middle path only takes

    hundreds or thousands of years, which is not a long time for a soul, cosmically speaking. In the

    Tibetan Buddhist tradition, they say that a person can become fully enlightened in just 7

    lifetimes. In the Hindu tradition, this is the same as becoming perfectly God-realized. I imagine

    7 lifetimes is about the quickest one can progress through the entire path, but I think it almost

    never happens.

    Normally, the majority of souls choose one of the two paths. According to the ET channeled

    source that I base a lot of my teachings on, only about 10% of the souls in this galaxy (and I

    imagine in other galaxies as well) choose the left-hand path of evil, separation, and control. Now

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    you may be a little stunned here, because what Im saying is kind of radical. Im saying that the

    conscientious practice of evil is definitely a spiritual path! It is a path to God! Now, I hope you

    dont think I am evil, too!

    So am I encouraging you to go out and do bad things to people? Of course, not. The left-

    hand path does not understand the importance of love -- but you do, and I do too. If I were on

    the left hand path, I would probably be in government, or big business, or in the military. Thats

    where most of those souls usually end up on Earth: in the kind of career which can bring great

    wealth and worldly power.

    But at the level of Higher Self, there is no more good or evil. In the state of true Unity, there

    is no more polarity or judgment. You can think of Higher Self as the essence of 6th chakra, the

    third eye, and it is a being of Unity, at One with the Creator. Although it fully appreciates cosmic

    love, it also understands and appreciates free will, and it does not stop anyone from choosing

    the left hand path.

    At this level of awareness, the consciousness of Higher Self or true self, what we on Earth

    call evil is not really bad -- its simply a choice. It is not the most efficient way to return to

    the Creator, and it is filled with pain and suffering, conflict and struggle, illusion and deceit, but

    nevertheless, it is a valid way to develop many elements of the total self, which is the

    body/mind/spirit complex that we use for evolution. When you really understand what the

    negative path is all about, how it operates and how it reasons, you will definitely understand

    that a great deal of consciousness can be developed along that path. You may not like that

    path, its definitely not pleasant, and true evil is really ugly -- but at least you wont

    underestimate it either, and therefore you wont get tripped up by it. You wont be naive, which

    is really important. Unfortunately, many good and kind spiritual people are naive.

    Of course, the negative path does not understand love and harmony, peace and

    compassion, unity and holiness. The negative path does not develop or appreciate the power of

    love, and that is why we call it evil. The souls who choose that path, just like the power elite of

    every nation on Earth, have a great deal of pride and ego, and they definitely think theyve got

    it all together.

    At a much later stage of the path, quite close to Higher Self, they do realize that theyre

    missing something. Then they do have to open up to true love, which is exactly what theyve

    been missing throughout the eons of their soul path. Its sort of a surprise to them, and they do

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    have to embrace love eventually. But this can be postponed for billions of years of soul-

    evolution. Isnt that strange?

    Again, all of this can be found on the hand-out, A Basic Chart on Cosmic Plan. If you read it

    closely, youll get all of what Ive said. If you really understand all this, youll have no problem

    understanding global UFO sightings and ET contacts, which are really not difficult to understand,

    once you have the key. Youll also be able to better understand ET agendas, your own spiritual

    path and your place in the universe. All of these things can certainly be understood if you make

    the effort. But most people dont make the mental-spiritual effort, and thus they remain in


    Unity and the Creator

    Returning to the metaphor of the movie, we can now talk about the actors (also be called

    the players on stage) and the basic story line thats being played out. Who are the actors and

    actresses in the great drama that we call cosmic evolution? Actually, there is only One Actor.

    You might wonder about this, and you might look around and say, No, there are a huge number

    of souls all over the Universe; of course we are not alone. Well, this is actually a trick of the

    senses, another play of light and shadow, made by smoke and mirrors. You may think, as most

    everyone does, that there are many, many people all over the place -- animals, spirits, ETs, and

    so on. But this is not quite true.

    You know, whatever we see is simply what our human perception allows. Whatever we

    consider to be Real is simply that which we perceive with our bodily senses or our mind. The

    only reason that there are ten thousand people attending this seminar today, is because of

    limited perception. Relying on their normal perceptions, most humans on Earth do not recognize

    what each of you here today can see: They cant see that there is non-physical spiritual reality.

    Thats why youre here: because you realize that theres more to Life than meets the eye. This is

    because your higher senses are somewhat active.

    Yet, the quality or completeness of your perception of what exists (and thus your idea about

    what is Real), depend totally on the quality of your consciousness or spiritual awareness. You

    already know that all mystic traditions talk about Unity or Oneness, the idea that God is One

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    and we are One with God. Even this teaching comes from higher consciousness and expanded

    perception, born of someones mystic practice and spiritual realization. Just this idea is beyond

    our normal body/mind senses.

    Now, what I am calling higher consciousness is not really higher in the sense of being

    better or superior to any other form of consciousness. It is just more complete, more holistic.

    But it is associated with the higher chakras in the body. You can say that the energies of the

    higher centers have less distortion, and more fully express the nature of the awareness of the

    Creator, which is infinite love and light, power and intelligence. You can consider this faster

    energy, or higher frequency light.

    Actually, what Im talking about here is energy that allows a greater vision of reality. When

    we achieve greater balance between our spiritual forces and physical bodies, a balance and

    greater integration of spiritual and physical awareness, we will naturally develop and be able to

    use our higher senses, with expanded perception. Of course, this is one of the goals of

    meditation, which is, if you remember, the central path of evolution. The goal of this path is the

    same as the goal of the other two paths, and that is full conscious fusion with Higher Self, or

    true self, which means Oneness with infinite love and light, and the heart or mind of the Creator

    and Its Creation.

    You can think of Higher Self consciousness as the full development of the third eye, the 6th

    chakra at the forehead. The quality of awareness at this level of being, or energy

    development, is the awareness of Unity. But this understanding is not higher or somewhere

    outside yourself; it is actually your true core-awareness. This is what I said in the Introduction to

    the seminar: Higher Self is not up there in the sky somewhere. This awareness is just the true

    you who lives at peace with all things, and is not separate from anything else in Creation. It is

    the true nature of our soul.

    And the point about the actors on the stage is this: when you awaken and develop this level

    of perception, you will clearly see that there is only one Actor in the movie. Who is this Great

    Actor, with oh, so many faces and costumes and disguises? It is the One Infinite Creator, no less.

    And He is You, too. You are the Infinite Creator! Thats exactly what Unity means.

    So at this level of perception, when you see peoples different bodies, and you sense their

    different characters, you will also realize that it is a mistake to assume that this means they are

    fundamentally separate from each other. At the level of Higher Self, there is no more feeling of

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    separation between any-thing -- neither solar systems and planets, nor endless souls and the

    self. You realize that the idea that they are different and disconnected from each other is just a

    particular level of interpretation, based on the physical 3D senses we are using. Just because

    two bodies exist in apparently different places, does not mean theyre not interconnected by

    energy -- and their energy connection, if seen from the level of Higher Self, actually shows you

    that they are elements of a unified system.

    So even though you see different bodies, you can understand that these forms are actually

    part of the formless whole, which contains everything and in which everything is unified in a

    single system. This is exactly the same as the Zen Buddhist teaching that says form is empty,

    emptiness is form. This means that things are not things, theyre essentially not separate

    from each other, and at higher levels of understanding, we realize that life is not quite as it

    appears to be and cant accurately be described by words or thoughts at all. Even emptiness is

    just another word, as is the word unity.

    In the fullest awareness of unity, for a completely enlightened soul or Higher Self, past-

    present-future are all transparent and easily known, because time is seen as non-linear. Both

    time and space are seen as continuous, or unified like a circle. Higher Self actually stands outside

    the time continuum. But souls on the path back to Higher Self do experience time, which means

    cause and effect, free will and karma, and they have to make all the many choices that come

    from a sense of solid time and space.

    In the awareness of Unity, when different souls are perceived, they are not seen as

    fundamentally separated beings, but rather, as patterns of energy unified into a greater system,

    like a planet or a soul-group. When different bodies are perceived, they are seen as forms of

    densified energy that represent yet another set of energy patterns along with mind and spirit --

    and again, existing in a greater unified whole. At this level of awareness, there isnt even the

    notion of individual souls, let alone separate minds and bodies, so it is really hard to talk about

    Unity in words.

    Most enlightened teachers dont talk too much about it. Actually, at the level of Higher Self,

    words themselves are no longer used, and truth is known directly without thought. I guess you

    the reason that I spend so much time talking about all these things is because Im not yet fully

    enlightened! If I were, maybe Id just smile, or drive a taxi, or clean the streets.

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    So what does all this mean? Well, returning to where we started, if you can appreciate this

    kind of vision of Unity, then you realize that there is only one Actor on the cosmic stage, and

    that is the One Infinite Creator, at-One with Creation. All souls, all dimensions, all time, all

    potentials, and all experience, everywhere and in every imaginable way, is just the form of the

    One Being. And how does this relates to what we are talking about here today, about UFOs and

    ET souls?

    Well, it may be shocking to consider, and you may not really be able to appreciate this, but

    one thing it means is that all the evil ETs in higher densities, all the negatively oriented human

    leaders who are oppressing and raping the Earth and humanity, and all the many billions of

    humans who have no idea about spiritual path, and are simply living and dying -- all of these

    souls are also the One Infinite Creator, and they are not separate from you or me, at the level of

    their essence.

    To really understand and live unity, we have to make peace with the fact that everything we

    see, and everything we experience -- including evil, cruelty, confusion, sorrow, and fear -- all of

    this is complete and whole and perfect. It is all the experience of the One Creator, and the

    Creator blesses it all equally. This is easy for us to do when we feel pleasure, but its hard to do

    when we feel pain.

    From the perspective of the One Infinite Creator, which is all Life everywhere, there are little

    pockets of light, little gatherings of brighter light called Higher Self. But, you yourself are an

    expression of one of these pockets of light. Although we have a body and mind, and a spirit-

    energy that we use for experience, our source of Being is Higher Self. As I said before, the voice

    that comes from your mouth and the breath that you draw into your body are basically

    empowered and enabled to happen by the Will of Higher Self. It projects the three energy fields

    we call body, mind, spirit, but our core awareness is always and forever directly connected to

    the Life of the Infinite Creator. Its useful to understand this.

    7 Dimensions and the Purpose of Life

    So when we look at A Basic Chart on Cosmic Plan and see the diagram of 7 density life

    [final sections here], we can see that the manifestation of the Creation starts from top-down,

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    from the Infinite Creator to solar systems, to planets, Higher Selves, souls and bodies. But the

    process of soul evolution goes in reverse, and the goal is to go from individual consciousness

    back to universal awareness, which is called the path of return. This is done by eliminating all

    distortions within and between the elements of our body/mind/spirit energy system,

    developing more and more appreciation of Oneness, which is exactly the same as joining with

    Higher Self in 6th dimension.

    This is also a path of remembering, because we are returning back in awareness to the

    higher levels of being which are our source. I think Socrates said that all spiritual learning is

    really remembering, and I think it is true. So it is the job of souls to re-member or join together

    once again all the many parts of themselves that have become distorted over time, to heal their

    energy blockages and imbalances, to unify consciousness with itself and realize the perfection or

    emptiness of all things. This process is the story-line of the great movie, and we already know

    there is only one Actor -- yet we can also say that the one Actor has an infinite number of

    costumes and masks. In fact, the Greek root of the English word personality, is persona,

    which also means mask. Our human personality is just a mask for the One Actor of Creation. If

    you can understand this, youll appreciate your true nature much better.

    To define the spiritual path, we can say that the purpose is for the body/mind/spirit to

    realize and regain its true, infinite nature. OK? So now that weve talked about the players and

    the story, the next subject concerns the setting. Where exactly does this movie take place,

    and what is the setting or stage upon which the players play? Well, the great cosmic drama

    takes place in 7-dimensional systems, also called octaves, in an arena of infinite time and

    space. Its definitely a major motion picture!

    These 7 densities are like seven planes of existence, but obviously, they are not flat like a

    plane of wood or a piece of paper. Our world is three-dimensional, and the symbol I use for

    Earth is the circle with the equal-armed cross within it [ ]. This is a very ancient symbol and theexplanation of it is a bit long, but briefly, we can say that the cross represents the challenge of

    balancing spiritual and physical energies, which is the challenge for souls on Earth. Our planet is

    considered a 3rd density world, which means that human beings are working in, and through

    3rd chakra consciousness. This is a very important point to remember when we discuss ET souls

    and so-called higher density life.

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    As a 3D world, the Earth plane offers certain lessons for souls on the cosmic path. And thats

    why we use the cross within the circle to symbolize it. Like the Christian cross on which Jesus

    was crucified, the cross shows the union of the vertical and the horizontal: spirit and matter.

    The horizontal line is also a symbol for the two spiritual paths available on Earth: the positive

    and the negative, what we call good and evil. In the story of Jesus, he was placed in the

    middle and offered himself to the world from that position, which is the perfect point of spirit-

    matter balance, bringing light into darkness, not rejecting anything and loving everything

    equally. That was his teaching to 3D Earth souls.

    You can also say that in our life on Earth, it is the Higher Self thats living in the center of the

    cross, aware of both the Creator and the world of matter, both above and below. Like Jesus,

    who was nailed to the cross in pure self-offering to the world, the Higher Self also gives its

    energy freely to the soul, whether or not that soul follows the path of good or evil. Higher Self

    also loves both matter and spirit equally, without rejecting anything.

    When you look at the Chart on Cosmic Plan you will see the system of 7 densities or

    dimensions. To understand what I mean by 3rd density, you can realize that our physical

    world, as well as the entire physical universe that we can see through a telescope -- all of this is

    just a single dimension: the 3rd dimension. If you take a space ship and go out into space, and

    you go on and on and on, you will still remain only within the confines of 3rd density, although

    all densities do interpenetrate each other. Everything that we can perceive with our normal

    body/mind senses are still only 3D.

    And so, the entire physical universe we live in is actually just a single frequency of existence.

    The physical 3rd dimension is but one of the seven basic levels of existence in our octave or

    system of soul evolution. To be honest, although Im not sure of this, I imagine that every one of

    these densities is infinite, and that the total number of densities, sub-densities, and octaves of

    experience are also infinite.

    This means infinite time and infinite space, and Id assume, an infinite number of souls. But

    this infinite time and space organizes itself into particular octaves and densities, and within

    those systems, it organizes into particular galaxies and solar systems, planets and moons. This is

    just the infinite Mind or awareness of the One Creator organizing itself into what are called

    Logoi or sub-Creators, which also subdivide and organize themselves into what we call the

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    Higher Self. Logos is a Greek term that can be translated as Word; Logoi is the plural form.

    These terms indicate a creative principle.

    Of course, the total universe of all dimensions is primarily invisible to us -- which means that

    theres a lot more out there than we perceive with our normal senses. Again, returning to the

    image of the cosmic play, we know that the One Infinite Creator is the primary Actor, and that

    all the different souls at all different levels of awareness, both positive and negative, are the

    characters or roles played out by the Main Actor. The story here is about increasing self-

    development, the growth of energy and awareness, so that the players all return to their

    Source-Being, which is infinite love and light.

    The Process of Soul-Evolution

    The next topic in the discussion is just how this cosmic drama takes place: how do the

    different souls return to their Source? The first thing to know about this is that the overall

    system of 7 densities relates to our body energy system, and specifically, to the 7 chakras. Each

    one of these levels relates to a certain level of consciousness. These are seven levels of learning.

    These are also seven forms of the expression of God. Basically, the 7 dimensions and 7 chakras

    are seven ways that the One Infinite Creator can know itself. The One Actor is also the

    conductor of a seven-part symphony.

    When we bring all this back to ourselves, we need to consider the different ways we can live

    our lives, and the different ways we can meet each experience that comes to us. You can say

    that there are 7 types of responses to situations, 7 different primary states of awareness. In the

    development of the chakras, there also comes a time when we must make a choice in terms of

    how we use these energies.

    This is like growing up and becoming an adult. What happens when we become a mature

    person? Of course, we have to make all sorts of choices. Ideally, when we grow up, we develop

    a more complete understanding of who we are, what we want, and what is important to our

    lives. We have to think about what we want to do with our lives. To understand this in

    metaphysical terms, we need to take another look at the human personality, the major

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    elements or aspects of who we are in time and space. And so, we talk about the 3 elements of

    personality: body, emotions, and intellect or thought.

    On my business card, the name of my company is Universal Vision. That is also the name

    of my second book, which may be published in Japan some day. It should be published in the US

    in 1999. If you really understand what I am talking about here today -- in terms of ET souls,

    cosmic plan, and the essentials of personal transformation -- you will also have a greater

    universal vision.

    The other important thing about my business card is the symbol or logo on the right side.

    This is the major symbol I use for all my work, and it shows a circle with a triangle within it, and a

    point or dot in the center of it all. This is a geometric shape that represents the total self: body,

    mind, and spirit. It is shown by the three major figures: a circle, triangle, and point. But it can

    also represent the human personality, soul, and Higher Self. What we call personality, in

    metaphysical terms, is indicated by the equilateral triangle within the circle.

    The triangle has three parts, and so does the personality. We have a physical body, an

    emotional body or a set of feelings, and a mind or intellect. On the triangle, one side represents

    the emotions, the other side represents the intellect, and the baseline represents the physical

    body. If you just understand this one simple idea, it can be very useful for your own future self-


    In 3rd density life, in the human school of soul-evolution on Earth, there are two major

    goals. This also relates to the development of 3rd chakra, which again, relates to 3rd dimension

    and the school house we call life on Earth. The first goal is the full development and

    integration of personality, which as I said before, is made up of three parts: the physical body,

    emotions, and thinking intellect. This is an important achievement that is definitely one step

    up from the level of consciousness of the animals. It is essential to our growth as souls, but it is

    not particularly spiritual. People who are relatively successful in society generally have some