squares of europe

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Landscape architecture



    Working groups / Groupes de travailFrance Maurice Aymard, Youri Carbonnier, Luciana Miotto, Jean-Pierre MuretCrce -, -, , , , , , , Italie Franco Mancuso, Tiziana Lupieri, Alessandro Tricoli, Davide Longhi, Fernando CarusoItalie - Cidac Ledo Prato, Marzia Minore, Maria Luisa LocantorePologne Zdzislaw Mach, Krzysztof Kowalski, Pawel Kubicki, Miroslav Natanek, Lucja Piekarska-DurajEspagne Manuel Ribas i Piera, Maria Rubert de Vents, Ferran Sagarra Trias, Katerina Anastasia, Pablo Arias Sierrad, Elizabet Barcel, Carina Assily, Josep Sol

    research and cultural cooperation project carried out inprojet de recherche el de coopration culturelle conduit enFrance / France , Greece / Grce , Italy / Italie , Poland / Pologne , Spain / Espagne

    with the support of the European Commission / avec le soutien de la Commissioon EuropeneCulture 2000 programme / programm Culture 2000

    scientific director / responsable scientifique : Franco Mancuso, Universit IUAV di Veneziacollaboration / collaboration : Luciana Miottogeneral management of the project / gestion gnrale du projet : Aristoteleio Panepistimeio Thessalonikis,coordinator / coordonnatrice : Maria Ananiadou - Tzimopoulourelations with the European cities / rapports avec les villes europennes : Fernando Caruso

    technical and logistic assistance / assistance technique et logistiqueAlexis Castro and / et Cian Giuseppe SimeoneCulture Lab


    France / FranceMSH - Maison des Sciences de l' Hommecoordinator / responsable : Maurice Aymard

    Grece / GrceAristoteleio Panepistimeio Thessalonikis, Politechniki Scholi, Tmima Architektonon Michanikoncoordinator / responsable : Maria Ananiadou - Tzimopoulou

    Italy / ItalieUniversit IUAV di Venezia, Dipartimento di Urbanisticacoordinator / responsable : Franco Mancuso

    Italy / ItalieCIDAC - Associazione Citt d' Arte e Culturacoordinator / responsable : Ledo Prato

    Poland / PologneUniwersytet Jagielloski, Instytut Europeistykicoordinator / responsable : Zdzislaw Mach

    Spain / EspagneUniversitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Escola Tcnica Superior d' Arquitectura de Barcelona, Departament d' Urabanisme i rdenaci del Territoricoordinator / responsable : Manuel Ribas, Maria Rubert de Vents, Ferran Sagarra

    Internet site of the project / site internet du project : www.placeeurope.net, www.placeeurope.auth.gr

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    Dipartimento di Urbanistica, Universit IUAV di Venezia, Franco Mancuso

    , , :

    Kabelvg Torg, Kabelvg, : Tiziana Lupieri 36 | Narinkkatori, Tennispalatsi Aukio, , -: Giada Ricci 38 | Dvortsovaja Ploscad, , : Lucia Piekarska-Duraj 40 | Stortorget, Kalmar, : Alessandro Tricoli 42 | Victoria Square, Birmingham, : K 44 | Oval Basin, Cardiff, : Tiziana Lupieri 46 | August Bebel Platz, , : olger Pump-Uhlmann 48 | Schouwburgplein, , : Alessandro Tricoli 50 | Plac Zamkowy, , : Miroslav Natanek 52 | Rynek Wielki, Zamo, : Miroslav Natanek 54 | Runek Glowny, , -: Miroslav Natanek 56 | Plac Centralny, , : Lucia Piekarska-Duraj 58 | Place dArmes, Namur, : Luciana Miotto 62 | GrandPlace, Place des Hros, Arras, : Youri Carbonnier 64 | Place Vendme, , : Jean-Pierre Muret 66 | Place de lAgora, Evry, : Jean-Pierre Muret 68 | Place Stanislas, Nancy, : Luciana Miotto 70 | Place Cornires, Monpazier, : Jean-Pierre Muret 72 | Place Bahadourian, , : Luciana Miotto 74 | Place de la Maison Carre, Nmes, : Jean-Pierre Muret 76 | Place de la Comdie, Montpellier, : Luciana Miotto 78 | Place du Capitole, , : Jean-Pierre Muret 80 | Staromstsk Nmsti, , : Pawel Kubicki 84 | Piata Libertatii, Baia Mare, : Mitru Ildico 86 | Vrsmarty Tr, , : Marta Branczik, Peter Farbaky 88 | Primorsky Bulvar, Potiomkinsky Skhodi, , : 90 | Piazza del Sole, Bellinzona, : Tiziana Lupieri 92 | Mariahilferplatz, , : Alessandro Tricoli 94 | Piazza Grande, Palmanova, : Franco Mancuso 98 | Piazza Unit dItalia, , : Tiziana Lupieri 100 | Piazza Erminio Ferretto, Mestre, -: Tiziana Lupieri 102 | Piazza Castello, , : Alessandro Tricoli 104 | Piazza Cavour, Vercelli, -: Alessandro Tricoli 106 | Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Galliate, : Tiziana Lupieri 108 | Piazza Santo Stefano, , : Alessandro Tricoli 110 | Piazza di Spagna, , : Alessandro Tricoli 112 | Piazza del Plebiscito, , : Tiziana Lupieri 114 | Piazza Vittorio Veneto, Matera, : Alessandro Tricoli 116 | Piazza Roma, Carbonia, : Antonello Sanna, Sara Mucelli 118 | Piazza Alicia, Salemi, : Alessandro Tricoli 120 | Plaza do Obradoiro, Santiago de Compostela, : Ferran Sagarra I Trias 124 | Plaza Mayor, Salamanca, : anuel Ribas i Pierra 126 | Plaza del Mercadal, Vic, : Maria Rubert de Ventos 128 | Plaza Mayor, , : anuel Ribas i Pierra 130 | Plaza Mayor, Chinchn, : Elisabet Barcelo Quintana 132 | Plaa Reial, , : Maria Rubert de Ventos 134 | Plaa dels ngels, -, : Maria Rubert de Ventos 136 | Plaza Ochavada, Archidona, : anuel Ribas i Pierra 138 | Plaza del Cardenal Belluga, Murcia, : anuel Ribas i Pierra 140 | Praa do Comrcio, Coimbra, -: Ferran Sagarra i Trias 142 | Praa do Comrcio, , : Ferran Sagarra i Trias, Caterina Anastasia 144 | Tartinijev Trg, Piran, : Tiziana Lupieri 148 | Kralja Petra Kresimira IV Trg, Pag, : Marco Francovic 150 | Trg Republike, , : Tanja Damljanovic, Vera Pavlovic Loncarski, Olivera Petrovic 152 | , , , : 154 | -, , : -, 156 | -, , : - 158 | , , : -, 160 | , , : 162 | , , : , K 164

    : Davide Longhi

    : Laura Corti

    : Tiziana Lupieri, Alessandro Tricoli

    : Alberto Jelmoni, Francesco Zampiero, Davide Ceron, Matteo Tres, Giuseppe Caldarola, Massimiliano Depieri, Silvia Miatello

    , :

    , : -, -

  • -. , . - . . , - . - , - . , - . , . . - - ( 2007). - . , - 19 20 . - - . - - - .

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  • M . , - , - . 2007 -, , (piazza, piazzetta, campo, campiello). , , , - . , ( ) ( - ) , ( ). . 1834 , - . , , - . , - , , , , . -, 21 . . , - , , . - . - . - , , . .

    I 13

  • , Cultura 2000 - -

    , ,

    - Franco

    Mancuso. :

    1. ,

    2. .

    , , -

    - , Universita IUAV di Venezia - , Universitat Polytechnica

    de Catalunya-ETSAB - , Maison des Sciences de lHomme - Paris - , Krakow

    Jagiellonian University - Centre for European Studies- CIDAC- Associazione

    delle citta darte et cultura - Rome - , , 2004-2007,

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    I 15

  • , , ,


    1. Squares of Europe, Squares for Europe, ed. Franco Mancuso & Krzysztof

    Kowalski, Jagiellonian University Press, Cracow 2007.


    , -

    -, 240 .

    2007 Academia 2007 .

    2. The square, a European Heritage A topical survey in five countries

    (Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Poland), ed. Luciana Miotto, Fondation Maison des

    Sciences de lHomme, Paris 2007.

    , , -, 192 .

    3. The Charter of European Squares, 30 recommendations for the creation

    or renovation of squares, ed. Franco Mancuso, Luciana Miotto & Jean-Pierre Muret,

    Fondation Maison des Sciences de lHomme, Paris 2007.

    30 -

    , -

    , -, 16 .

    4. T La Place, ed. Maria Ananiadou - Tzimopoulou, Thessaloniki

    2005 ,

    , , , , , .

    5. www.placeeurope.net www.placeeurope.auth.gr, resp.

    Maria Ananiadou - Tzimopoulou, Thessaloniki 2006-2010,

    , -

    , , , .

    , -

    . Squares of Europe, Squares for Europe -

    , ,


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    Franco Mancuso ,


    13 2007 -


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    The central square of Makrinitsa and the Square of Portaria constitute representative exemples of pel-ioritic squares and the plane tree squares in Greece. Makrinitsa is a traditional pelioritic settlement. The principal pedestrian walkway functions as a spine, connecting all the quarters of the village and giving Makrinitsa the form of a linear, almost vertical settle-ment, characterized by the open and unplanned shape of its urban form, focusing on the central square.The central square is built on a plane which strong-ly sticks out over a slope, in an altitude of 630 meters above the sea, and looks like a big balcony which lends a panoramic view of Volos and the Pagasitic Gulf.Portaria, built on the west side of mountain Pelion has an unplanned form, without a specific outline around a center - the square. The Square is higher than the street level, has interior view and it is formed by lev-els that are slightly different from each other.Around the Square, apart from the two mansions (built at the end of XIX c.), all the other buildings are either con-temporary or old ones, deteriorated from the repairs.The most important functions of both squares are housing, tourism, entertainment and several services. Today the Squares constitute the commercial, cultural, administrative and social centers of the settlements.

    La place centrale de Makrinitsa et la place de Por-taria sont des exemples reprsentatifs des places des bourgs du massif du Plion et des places amnages autour de platanes en Grce.Makrinitsa est un bourg traditionnel du Plion. Le pas-sage pitonnier principal fonctionne comme colonne vertbrale reliant tous les quartiers du village et conf-rant Makrinitsa la forme dun bourg linaire, caract-ris par laspect non planifi de sa formation, les voies convergeant vers le centre du village.La place de Makrinitsa le balcon du Plion est construite sur une pente 630 m au-dessus de la mer, mergeant comme un grand balcon et offrant une vue panoramique sur le Golfe Pagastique. Portaria, construit sur le versant ouest du massif du Plion, sest dvelopp sans plan prcis ni contour spcifique autour dun centre la place. La place est surleve par rapport au niveau de la rue, possde une vue interne et est forme par des niveaux lg-rement diffrents les uns des autres.Autour de la place, part deux demeures, tous les autres btiments sont soit contemporains soit anciens, tous dgrads depuis les rparations.Les fonctions primordiales des deux places sont le lo-gement, le tourisme, la rcration et les divers servi-ces. Aujourdhui, les places reprsentent les centres commerciaux, culturels, administratifs et sociaux de leurs bourgs.

    PLATEIA PLATANOU, MAKRINITSAdeveloper/promoteur:Municipality of Makrinitsa / Municipalit de Makrinitsa project / projet: Municipality of Makrinitsa / Municipalit de Makrinitsachronology / chronologie:

    PLATEIA PLATANOU, PORTARIAMunicipality of Portaria / Municipalit de Portaria project / projet: Municipality of Portaria / Municipalit de Portariachronology / chronologie:Successive interventions, the last in 1964 / interven-tions successives, la dernire en 1964

    credits/crdits:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: S. Gouvousi



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  • Thessaloniki

    Plateia Aristotelous is the most characteristic square in Thessaloniki, the second largest city and a major port of modern Greece, which boasts a continuous historical presence of more than twenty-three centuries. A perfect example of French urban planning of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts at the beginning of the XX c., the plan includes a civic square, a garden with old monu-ments of the multicultural history of Thessaloniki (Byz-antine churches, ottoman baths, etc.) and an avenue. A second square (Aristotelous), more convivial, is of average dimensions (90 m X 130 m) and opens to the sea to become the citys balcony. The civic square was never realised as planned since, following to the excavations, the Hellenistic and roman agora were revealed and an archaeological park re-placed the planned public edifices. The avenue and the Plateia Aristotelous followed Hbrard plan (1918) save for the two-level development of the quay. In 1997, when Thessaloniki was nominated Cultural Capital of Europe, the avenue was pedestrianised and new paving realised.

    Plateia Aristotelous est la place la plus caractris-tique de Thessalonique, deuxime ville et grand port de la Grce moderne, qui a eu une importance histori-que continue depuis plus de vingt-trois sicles.Expression exemplaire de lurbanisme franais de lEcole des Beaux-Arts du dbut du XXe s., lensemble runit une place civique, un jardin o lon trouve des vieux monuments de lhistoire multiculturelle de Thes-saloniki (glises byzantines, bains ottomans etc) et une avenue. Une deuxime place (Aristotelous), plus conviviale, de dimensions moyennes (90 m X 130 m), souvre sur la mer et devient le balcon de la ville . La place civique na pas acquis la forme initialement prvue, car, la suite de fouilles on a dcouvert lago-ra hellnistique et romaine et un parc archologique a pris la place des difices publics projets.Lavenue et la Place Aristotelous ont t ralises se-lon le plan dHbrard lexception de lamnagement du quai deux niveaux. En 1997, lorsque Thessaloniki fut nomme capitale culturelle dEurope, lavenue a t pitonnise et de nouveaux pavages ont t raliss.

    PLATEIA ARISTOTELOUS, THESSALONIKIdeveloper/promoteur:City of Thessaloniki, Organisation for the Cultural Capital of Europe / Ville de Thessaloniki, Organisa-tion de la Capitale Culturelle d Europe project / projet: Requalification of the old Agora site, Dimitris Simonis / Requalification du site de lancienne Agora, Dimitris Simonis; Yannis Aikaterinaris, Pedestrianisation of Aristotelous axis / Yannis AIkaterinaris, Pitonisation de laxe Aristotelouschronology / chronologie:1997

    credits/crdits:1, 9: G. Tsaousakis

    2, 3: Plan Hebrard (1921)4, 8: A. Yerolympos (carte postale)

    5: J. Kyriakudis6, 7: Y. Yerolymbos


    2 3



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    Ecole des Beaux-Arts 20 , , ( , , .) , , (90 . x 130.) .

    . . . Hbrard (1918) . 1997, , .



  • Drama

    Plateia Ayias Varvaras is part of a large-scale project of preservation and rehabilitation of the natu-ral site known as Ayia Varvara springs, situated at the very heart of the city and with a major impact on the urban renewal.Drama, a regional capital and major city of Macedonia, used to be a thermal city in the past, as demonstrated by its name: hydor hydrama ydrama drama.The Ayia Varvara landscape project became the re-flection of Dramas physical and historical culture since 1984, when, supported by the Ministry of Planning, Ek-istics and Environment, the city decided to bring this formerly exceptional and well lived site back from the state of neglect and deterioration proclaimed by the brutal human settlement expansion of the 60s.The squares design appears independent and inte-gratedit has been created surrounding the water, and the springs, pond and stream in the form of a palm are its reflection.Today, Plateia Ayias Varvaras is a very lively multipur-pose place, representative of the city. It is considered one of the best design examples in relation to the site, integrating spatial ecology and urbanity, a creation of high quality and fine living place

    La Plateia Ayias Varvaras fait partie dun impor-tant projet de protection et revalorisation du site natu-rel, connu comme sources de Ayia Varvara, en plein centre ville et avec un grand impact sur la rnovation urbaine.Drama, capitale rgionale et ville importante de Mac-doine, fut la ville de leau dans le temps, comme son nom le rvle: hydor hydrama ydrama drama. Le projet du paysage de Ayia Varvara devient le mi-roir de la culture physique et historique de Drama, de-puis 1984, quand la ville, supporte par le Ministre de lAmnagement, du Btiment et de lEnvironnement, a voulu faire sortir le site, jadis exceptionnel et bien vcu, de labandon et de la dgradation proclams par lex-pansion kistique brutale des annes 60 du XXe.La place dispose dun dessin autonome et intgr: el-le est entoure deau et se reflte dans des sources, tang et ruisseau en forme de doigts. Aujourdhui la Plateia Ayias Varvaras est un lieu fort vivant, et repr-sentatif de la ville. Elle est considre comme un des meilleurs exemples damnagement dans sa relation au site dorigine et dans son pouvoir de revalorisation de lespace urbain.

    PLATEIA AYIAS VARVARAS, DRAMAdeveloper/promoteur:Ministry of Physical Planning, Housing and Environ-ment; Public Corporation for Urban Development and Housing / Ministre de lAmnagement, du B-timent et de lEnvironnement; Entreprise Publique dAmnagement Ekistique project / projet: Maria Ananiadou-Tzimopoulouchronology / chronologie:1986

    credits/crdits:1: Zoi Karakinari

    2-9: Maria Ananiadou-Tzimopoulou










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    1984, 60.

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    Political centre, gathering place for the inhabitants, tourist spot as well as important transport hub especial-ly after the construction of the metro and the tramway in 2003, the Plateia Syntagmatos gathers a lot of functions and hosts numerous political, civic and cultural events.Closely linked to the history of Athens new plan after the city became the capital of the modern Greek State in 1834, it is located east of the triangular plan facing the Acropolis, which allowed the new city developing nearby the historical one. The square acquires its orthogonal shape (240 m150 m) and its final functional destination with the project of F. von Gaertner (1836) that introduces the royal palace into the square. Several townhouses, converted later on into ho-tels, coffee shops and restaurants are erected in a neo-classical style freely adopted by the Greeks. Since the interwar period, modern multi-storey office build-ings replace the neoclassical edifices (banks, insurance companies, airline companies, ministerial services and tourist uses).On the eve of the 2004 Olympic Games, the Office for the Unification of Archaeological Sites of Athens undertakes the re-qualification of Athens historical centre. In spite of the mod-ifications brought to the Plateia Syntagmatos competition win-ning project (D. Manikas, L. Georgiadis, Th. Papadimitriou, M. Aubck), the implementation observes the spirit and the char-acter of the square while adapting it to the new facts: metro entrances, integration of the archaeological sites discovered during the construction of the underground tunnels, etc.

    Haut lieu politique, point de rencontre pour les ha-bitants, place touristique, ainsi que nud important de transport, surtout aprs la construction du mtro et du tramway en 2003, la Plateia Syntagmatos runit une mul-titude de fonctions et accueille de nombreux vnements politiques, civiques et culturels.troitement lie lhistoire du nouveau plan dAthnes - capitale de lEtat grec moderne en 1834, elle est place lest du plan triangulaire en face de lAcropole, qui per-mit la nouvelle ville de se dvelopper ct de la ville historique. La place acquiert sa forme orthogonale (240 m x 150 m) et sa destination fonctionnelle dfinitives par le projet de F. von Gaertner (1836) qui y introduit le palais royal. Plusieurs htels particuliers, plus tard htels, ca-fs et restaurants, se construisent en style noclassique auquel les Grecs adhrent sans quil soit impos. Depuis lentre-deux-guerres des immeubles de bureaux de style moderne en plusieurs tages remplacent les difices noclassiques (banques, socits dassurance, compagnies ariennes, services ministriels et usages touristiques). la veille des Jeux Olympiques de 2004, la Socit dUnification des Espaces Archologiques dAthnes en-treprend la requalification du centre historique dAthnes. Malgr les modifications du projet laurat du concours pour la Plateia Syntagmatos (D. Manikas, L. Georgia-dis, Th. Papadimitriou, M. Aubck) la ralisation respec-te lesprit et le caractre de la place tout en ladaptant aux nouvelles donnes: entres de mtro, intgration des si-tes archologiques dcouverts pendant la construction des tunnels souterrains, etc.

    PLATEIA SYNTGMATOS, ATHNAdeveloper/promoteur:The Office for the Unification of Archaeological Sites of Athens / Socite dUnification des Espaces Archologiques dAthnes project / projet: Dimitris Manikas, L. Georgiadis, T. Papadimitriou, M. Aubckchronology / chronologie:1999 (competition/concours), 2000 (preliminary project/avant-projet), 2004 (realization/livraison)

    credits/crdits:1, 9, 10: Y. Yerolymbos. 2: D. Konstantinou. 3: Romaidi

    Brothers. 5, 6, 8: D. Argyropoulos. 4, 7: D. Manikas









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    , , , 2003, , .

    , 1834 , .

    (240 m150 m) F. von Gaert-ner (1836), . , , , .

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    2004, . (. , . , . , . Aubck), : , ,




    Plateia Syntagmatos, situated at the historic centre of Nafplio, is a representative example of a neoclassic rectangular square. The square, during the first Venetian period at the end of XV c., was in a central position. Two mosques were built during the first Turkish period (1540 -1686), as was Mora Pashas palace, which no longer exists. During the second Venetian period (1686 -1715), the Venetians shaped the square by building the arsenal, which is now the archaeological museum. The square was named Piazza dArmi (Square of Arms), than Square of Plane-tree, and in 1834, it was renamed Louis Square after the name of the father of King Otto I, and finally in 1843 it was nominated Plateia Syntag-matos (Constitution Square).Until 1980 traffic was allowed around the square, which was covered with asphalt except for the side-walks, than the both the citizens and the municipality agreed to pedestrianise the square.Today, the square constitutes a vital centre, it is a strong part of the local identity, and is the focus of po-litical, religious, cultural and social activities.

    Situe au coeur du centre historique de Nauplie, la Plateia Syntagmatos est un exemple reprsentatif de places noclassiques rectangulaires.La place apparat durant la premire priode de loccu-pation vnitienne, la fin du XVe s., en position cen-trale. On y construit deux mosques au cours de la premire priode de loccupation turque (1540-1686), ainsi que le palais de Mora Pasha aujourdhui dis-paru. Durant la deuxime priode vnitienne (1686 -1715), elle fut ramnage en y construisant larse-nal, aujourdhui muse archologique. La place portait alors le nom de Piazza dArmi (Place dArmes), puis el-le sappela Place du Platane et en 1834, elle fut rebap-tise Place Louis, du nom du pre du roi Otto I, pour prendre enfin en 1843 le nom de Plateia Syntagmatos (Place de la Constitution).Jusquen 1980, la circulation tait permise autour de la place asphalte lexception des trottoirs, puis elle fut rduite et limite la desserte du stationnement et aux usagers de la place, pour la transformer en zone pitonnire. Aujourdhui, la place reprsente un centre vivant imprgn de lidentit locale, un foyer dactivits politiques, religieuses, culturelles et sociales.

    PLATEIA SYNTAGMATOS, NAFPLIOdeveloper/promoteur:City of Nafplio / Ville de Nauplie project / projet: Ministry of Planning, Housing and Environment, YXOP / Ministre de l Amnagement, du Batiment et de l Environnement, YXOPchronology / chronologie:1981

    credits/crdits:1: Y. Yerolymbos

    2, 3: Kein Eintrag, D-DAI-ATH-Argolis 118, Deut-sches Archaologisches Institut-Athen

    4, 5, 6: G. Rassias - V. Bougiotis, photographers in Nafplio

    7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13: S. Gouvousi




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    before / avant

    vitality / vitalit

    design / amnagement


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    , 15 , . (1540-1686), , . (1686-1715), , . Piazza dArmi ( ), , 1834 , , 1843 .

    1980 . .

    , , , , .




    The creation of a public space square within the imposing remains of the gothic cathedral of Bourgou in Rhodes started in 1995 when it was made possible to cut out Alhadef street and to visually connect the two parts of the church known for decades as the cut church.The church had been erected in the beginning of the XIV c. along the magna and communis platea that consti-tuted the centre of the market and of the commercial traf-fic of the city of the Knights of Saint John. After its dem-olition, most probably during the ottoman siege in 1522, the gothic cathedral of Bourgou was preserved as a ruin integrated in the Jewish quarters, nearby the bazaar.During the Italian occupation (1911-1943), the monu-ment was freed from the modern additions and valor-ised; later on it was degraded again when the popular Alhadef Street was opened through the ruins.The modern restoration intervention aimed at restoring the inner space to the citizens and numerous visi-tors, as a functional part of the modern city, transform-ing it into a place to walk, meditate and understand the monumental as well as dramatic dimension of the ruins while developing it into a recreation place hosting open cultural and artistic activities.

    La cration dun espace public place au sein des vestiges imposants de la cathdrale gothique de Bour-gou Rhodes dbuta en 1995 lorsquil fut possible de supprimer la rue Alhadef et de lier visuellement les deux parties de lglise connue pendant des dcennies sous le nom de lglise coupe.Lglise avait t rige au dbut du XIVe sicle sur la magna et communis platea qui constituait le cen-tre du march et du mouvement commercial de la vil-le des Chevaliers de Saint Jean. Aprs sa destruction, trs probablement durant le sige des Ottomans en 1522, elle fut prserve en tant que ruine intgre aux quartiers juifs, aux abords du bazar.Durant loccupation italienne (1911-1943), le monu-ment fut libr des ajouts plus modernes et mis en va-leur. Par la suite, il fut de nouveau dgrad par le per-cement de la rue populaire Alhadef.Lintervention de rhabilitation moderne avait pour ob-jectif de restituer lespace interne aux citoyens et aux nombreux visiteurs, en tant que partie fonctionnelle de la ville moderne, le transformant en un lieu de promena-de, de mditation et de comprhension de la dimension la fois monumentale et dramatique des ruines, ain-si quen un lieu de divertissement et de manifestations culturelles et artistiques ouvertes au public.

    PLATEIA TIS PANAGIAS BOURGOU, RODOSdeveloper/promoteur:Ministry of Culture-TDPEAE / Ministre de la Culture-TDPEAE project / projet: Ministry of Culture-TDPEAE / Ministre de la Culture-TDPEAEchronology / chronologie:1995 - underway/en cours

    credits/crdits:1, 5, 6, 7, 8: N. Kaseris

    2, 3, 4: Italian Photo Archive of the Archaelogical Service of Greece / Photo de lArchive Italienne du

    Service Archologique de la Grce9, 10: Y. Yerolymbos









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    1995 Alhadef , .

    14 magna and communis platea . , 1522, , .

    (1911-1943), . Alhadef .

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