sponsorship proposal design partner

26th August 2011 Respected Sir, Subject: Sponsorship proposal for SAE Supra India 2012 We, students of PEC University of Technology are participating in Supra 2012, an apex All India formula vehicle design competition organized by SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). We are required to design and manufacture this vehicle to participate in the race that will be held in July 2012, MMSC Chennai. Sponsorship proposal for ‘Media Partner’ Proposed Sponsorship amount: 30,000 (Thirty Thousand) Benefits you would get: Logo prominently displayed on the car (1 place on the Nose (7x2.5 inches)). Logo on the apparels Logo on the website Logo on college magazine A framed picture of the car and the team After the racing competition at Chennai our car would be displayed in the college at all important events (PECfest, Techfest, Open House and Orientation) and also at Chandigarh Parade ground at the Republic Day and Chandigarh Auto Expo. All these events experience large footfall and huge crowds. This

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Sponsorship letter to a company


26th August 2011 Respected Sir, Subject: Sponsorship proposal for SAE Supra India 2012 We, students of E! "ni#ersit$ of %echnolog$ are participating in Supra 2012, an ape& All India formula vehicle design competition organi'ed b$ SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers)* We are re+uired to design and ,anufacture this #ehicle to participate in the race that -ill be held in .ul$ 2012, //S! Chennai* Sponsorship proposal for Media artner!roposed Sponsorship a,ount: "0,000 #$hirty $housand%Benefts you would get: Logo prominently displayed on the car (1 place on the Nose (7x2.5 inches. Logo on the apparels Logo on the we!site Logo on college maga"ine # $ramed picture o$ the car and the teamAfter the racing co,petition at !hennai our car -ould be displa$ed in the college at all i,portant e#ents (E!fest, %echfest, 0pen 1ouse and 0rientation) and also at !handigarh arade ground at the Republic 2a$ and !handigarh Auto E&po* All these e#ents e&perience large footfall and huge cro-ds* %his e#ent -ould pro#ide $ou a platfor, to increase $our brand #isibilit$*Brief information about our expenditures:EXPENDITURESDEPARTMENT AMOUNT(inRs) Wheel Assembly(ra material ! "N" ma#hinin$% &'(('((()*+uspension(mainly Ro#,er arm assembly' pneumati# sho#,s' ishbone arms' heim-oints%&'(('((()*"hassis(Ra material and manufa#turin$% .('((()*/iber body &'(('((()*+teerin$(Be0el $ear arran$ement% 1('((()*Transportation #osts &'(('((()*+afety ,it(/2A appro0ed to be imported on order% &'(('((()*Re$istration fee.('((()*"atalyti# "on0ertor' 3ER+ (4reen te#hnolo$y% 5('((()*Grand Total 7,00,000/-0ur ban3 account na,e is 4EC &ACI'(5 and the account no is 4"1)0"*0+*)"5*We loo3 for-ard for $our positi#e response* %han3ing $ou, 6ours sincerel$"jj-al 7ango %ea, 8eader Supra 2012