specifying air-operated double-diaphragm pumps

S PECIAL FEATURE Specifying air-operated double-diaphragm pumps Air- operated, double- diaphragm pumps (AODDP) find themselves in a host of difficult pumping applicw tions ranging, from municipal sump pumping to high purity operations. They have become the cost effective choice of engineers, industry profe& sionals, and maintenance person. neL This is attributed to inherent features which include: ease of maintenance, variable speed, vat-# able pressure, ability of sel~prime and run dry, deadhead capability to pass solids, and the absence of leak prone dynamic seals~ Due to the ease of specifying an AODDP, it is easy to overlook a variety of con. sideration.~ Long te~i~t satisfaction and high return on investment can be assured if reasonable care is exercised throughout the speciflca. tion proces~ This feature aims to offer some guidelines, and is fog lowed by World Pumps" survey of the principle manufacturers~ Materials of construction Two groups of pump components which are particularly important when specifying the pump's material of construction are the wetted parts and the elastomers. Wetted parts are defined as the inlet & discharge manifolds, liquid chambers, and outer diaphragm piston plates. Diaphragms, valve balls, valve seats and O-rings are collectively known as pump elastomers. One must consider four factors when specifying materials of construction: 1) Chemical compat- ibility, 2) Abrasion, 3) Temperature limitations, and 4) Initial investment. 1) All wetted materials & elastomers must be chemically compatible with the process fluid, as well as cleaning solutions used to clean the system. One can use a Chemical Resistance Chart, available from the AODDP manufacturer to assist in your selection efforts. Gary J. Bowan, Wilden Pump & Engineering, Grand Terrace, CA, USA. If the chemical is not listed in the Chemical Chart, one can contact the chemical manufac- turer for assistance. 2) The AODDP is able to handle viscous, abrasive slurries by design because of the absence of metal to metal, contact. The pump uses two pumping chambers exhibiting low internal velocities. However, abrasion can occur particularly in the discharge ball cage area. One can prevent this from occurring by specifying a wetted material such as cast iron, 316 Stainless Steel or Hastelloy with an elastomer exhibiting abrasion resistance such as polyurethane. Over- sizing the pump and running it slow further decreases the internal velocity, resulting in long component life. 3) Material temperature limitations will vary based on the specific material, consult AODDP manufacture for limitations. "Cold flow," a change in molecular structure, can occur in plastic pumps if operated outside stated tem- perature limitations. The pump may become brittle or soft, creating a hazardous condition. Metallic pumps are usually limited in tempera- ture by the pump elastomer specified. Elasto- mers may increase or decrease in size when operated outside their temperature range caus- ing unacceptable working tolerances. 4) Initial investment is always a considera- tion. Pump prices can vary by as much as 1000% due to the choice of wetted construction and elastomeric materials. One must consider all aspects of the application and compare the Return On Investment to the initial cost. Air distribution system The air distribution system - the heart of the pump - includes the air valve and related components. This system reciprocates the pump by directing the air supply to one air chamber and redirecting systems available on the market. WORLD PUMPS JANUARY 1997 Copyright ',~ 1997, Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 0262 1762/97/$17.00

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Page 1: Specifying air-operated double-diaphragm pumps


Specifying air-operated double-diaphragm pumps

Air- operated , double- d iaphragm pumps (AODDP) f i n d themselves in a host o f difficult pu mping applicw tions ranging, f r o m municipal sump p u m p i n g to high pur i t y operations. They have become the cost effective choice o f engineers, industry profe& sionals, and maintenance person. neL This is at tr ibuted to inherent

f e a t u r e s which inc lude: ease o f maintenance, variable speed, vat-# able pressure, ability o f sel~prime and run dry, d e a d h e a d capability to p a s s solids, a n d the absence o f leak p r o n e dynamic seals~ Due to the ease o f specifying an AODDP, it is easy to overlook a variety o f con. sideration.~ Long te~i~t satisfaction a n d high re turn on investment can be as sured i f reasonable care is exercised throughout the speciflca. tion proces~ This f ea ture aims to offer some guidelines, a n d is fog lowed by World Pumps" survey o f the principle manufacturers~

Materials o f construct ion

Two groups of p u m p componen ts which are pa r t i cu l a r l y i m p o r t a n t when specifying the pump ' s mater ia l of cons t ruct ion are the wetted par ts and the elastomers. Wetted par ts are

defined as the inlet & discharge manifolds, l iquid chambers, and outer d iaphragm pis ton plates.

Diaphragms, valve balls, valve seats and O-rings are collectively known as p u m p elastomers. One

m u s t cons ider four factors when specifying mater ia ls of construct ion: 1) Chemical compat-

ibility, 2) Abrasion, 3) Tempera ture l imitat ions, and 4) Ini t ial investment .

1) All wetted mater ia ls & elas tomers mus t

be chemica l ly compa t ib l e wi th the process

fluid, as well as c leaning solut ions used to

c lean the system. One can use a Chemical

Resistance Chart, available from the AODDP

manufac tu re r to assist in your selection efforts.

Gary J. Bowan, Wilden Pump & Engineering, Grand Terrace, CA, USA.

If the chemical is not listed in the Chemical

Chart, one can contact the chemical manufac-

tu re r for assistance. 2) The AODDP is able to handle viscous,

abras ive s lurr ies by des ign because of the

absence of metal to metal, contact. The p u m p uses two p u m p i n g chambers exhib i t ing low in te rna l velocities. However, abras ion can occur par t icular ly in the discharge ball cage area. One can prevent this from occurring by specifying a wetted mater ia l such as cast iron, 316 Stainless

Steel or Hastelloy with an e las tomer exhibi t ing abras ion resis tance such as polyurethane. Over- sizing the p u m p and r unn i ng it slow fur ther decreases the in te rna l velocity, resul t ing in long

componen t life. 3) Material t empera ture l imi ta t ions will vary

based on the specific material , consul t AODDP

m a n u f a c t u r e for l imi ta t ions . "Cold flow," a change in molecular structure, can occur in plastic pumps if operated outside s ta ted tem-

pera ture l imitat ions. The p u m p may become bri t t le or soft, creat ing a hazardous condit ion. Metallic pumps are usual ly l imited in tempera- ture by the p u m p elastomer specified. Elasto- mers may increase or decrease in size when

operated outside their t empera tu re range caus- ing unacceptab le working tolerances.

4) Ini t ial inves tment is always a considera- tion. Pump prices can vary by as much as 1000%

due to the choice of wetted cons t ruc t ion and elastomeric materials. One mus t consider all

aspects of the appl ica t ion and compare the Return On Inves tment to the ini t ial cost.

• Air distr ibution system

The air d is t r ibut ion system - the hear t of the p u m p - inc ludes the a i r valve a nd re la ted

components . This system reciprocates the p u m p by direct ing the air supply to one air chamber

and redirect ing systems available on the market.

WORLD PUMPS JANUARY 1997 Copyright ',~ 1997, Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 0262 1762/97/$17.00

Page 2: Specifying air-operated double-diaphragm pumps


Some air valves are ex te rna l ly serviceable, with on ly one moving p a r t us ing only p r e s s u r e d i f ferent ia l to opera te . Others use bear ings , springs, magnets , and mechan ica l ass is tance. One mus t cons ider the ease of c leaning and r epa i r t ime needed af ter d i a p h r a g m failure. The var ie ty of a i r d i s t r ibu t ion systems is vast, and one mus t look at the t r ack record of the company and the success enjoyed by the users to evalua te i ts re l iabi l i ty and effectiveness.

Air consumpt ion

One mus t compare the a m o u n t of a i r requi red to pe r fo rm the app l i ca t ion vis-a-vis o the r AODDP manufac turers . This is accompl i shed by calcula t - ing the Total Dynamic Head (TDH) for the specific app l i ca t ion and p lo t t ing this f igure and the des i red gpm on the p u m p pe r fo rmance curve supp l i ed by the AODDP manufac turer . This TDH calcula t ion will t ake into account p re s su re losses a t t r i bu t ed to viscosity, specific gravity, and p ipe friction. Once the po in t is p lo t t ed on the curve, the a i r supp ly p re s su re (psi) and vo lume (scfm) can be derived. The volume of a i r r equ i red to ope ra t e the p u m p can be conver ted to horse- power by using the following calculat ions:

For p u m p supp ly p ressu re u n d e r 40 psi: X scfm x 0.125 = Horsepower

For pump supply pressures between 41-125 psi: X scfm x 0.25 = Horsepower

Choice o f check valves

Most AODDPs use 4 check valves. Two types widely ut i l ized are t he b a l l / s e a t conf igura t ion and the f lap valve type. The b a l l / s e a t configura- t ion exh ib i t s be t t e r pe r fo rmance charac te r i s t i c s c o m p a r e d to t he f lap valve type, i nc lud ing g rea te r vacuum capab i l i t i e s and longer compo- nen t life. The b a l l / s e a t des ign wears evenly because t he valve bal l sp ins when re leased and sea t s on the valve sea t in a d i f ferent pos i t ion on each stroke. The f lap valve, h inged in a f ixed posi t ion, f lexes con t inuous ly a t the same po in t which leads to fat igue and failure. Par t ic les in the p roces s f luid can eas i ly be t r a p p e d between the f lap valve and sea t causing d a m a g e to t he f lap wh ich l e a d s to p u m p per fo rmance concerns. I t is general ly sugges ted t h a t a b a l l / s e a t conf igura t ion be uti l ized. The f lap check valve shou ld only be usd when necessary to pass la rger solids. Ba l l / sea t config- u r a t i o n s can pa s s up to 1 3/8 inch sol ids (Wilden Model M20 - 4 inch inlet) .

[ ] Cost o f maintenance

For years AODDPs have been sub jec ted to ha r sh p u m p i n g du t i e s in ha r sh envi ronments . The AODDP excels in condi t ions where o the r types of p u m p s fail. Cont ra ry to p o p u l a r belief, t hese p u m p s do require main tenance . The e l a s tomers and a i r d i s t r i bu t ion sys tem requi re pe r iod ic inspec t ion and rep lacement . One should t ake into cons ide ra t ion the fact t h a t the p u m p will need to be m a i n t a i n e d and repai red . An inspec- t ion schedule should be der ived based on the specific app l i ca t ion pa ramete r s . Some manufac- tu re r s offer ease of ma in t enance th rough the use of c l amp band style fas teners which exped i t e th is process , while o the r s use a bo l ted flange. One should s tudy an e x p l o d e d view of the p u m p and acqua in t onesel f wi th the n u m b e r of pa r t s and r ep l acemen t p a r t cos ts of the AODDP in quest ion. Repair t ime and downt ime costs mus t also be considered.

AODDP manufac tu re r s offer accessor ies ex- pa nd ing the app l i ca t ion range of the AODDP. These a c c e s s o r i e s give t he a b i l i t y to t a k e advan tage of the i r inhe ren t charac te r i s t i c s in your mos t difficult appl ica t ions . Microprocessor based compu te r s are ab le to cont ro l the p u m p for b a t c h i n g a n d me te r ing . Leak d e t e c t i o n sy s t e ms a re a v a i l a b l e for c o m p l i a n c e wi th EPA and OSHA requi rements . High p re s su re p u m p s are avai lable for app l i ca t i ons requi r ing up to 300 psi d i scharge pressure . Surge dam- pe r s a re also avai lable which min imize pres- sure f luc tua t ion expe r i enced by these recipro- ca t ing pumps .

AODDPs are s imple by design, bu t r easonab le ca re in t h e s p e c i f i c a t i o n p r o c e s s m u s t be exerc ised to assure long t e rm sa t i s fac t ion and high Return On Investment . E duc a t e yourse l f via AODDP manufac tu re r s and the i r d i s t r ibu t ion ne twork to de t e rmine which AODDP is bes t for your appl ica t ion . Some AODDP manufac tu re r s offer de ta i l ed in format ion inc luding pe r fo rmance curves, e x p l o d e d views, pa r t s l is t ings, engineer- ing & ma in t enance manuals , videos, etc. Scruti- nize your local AODDP dis t r ibu tor . What are t he i r capabi l i t ies? Do they know the p roduc t? Can you expec t good service and fas t pa r t delivery?. Are they in the p u m p bus iness or do they sell the p u m p as a commodi ty i tem? Will they be a resource for you and your company?.

Specif icat ion is the key to p u m p performance. As with o the r engineered products , educa t ion and p r o p e r spec i f ica t ion will resu l t in long t e rm sat isfact ion. •

Contact: Wilden Pump & Engineering Com- pany, 22069 Van Buren Street, Grand Terrace, CA 92313, USA. Tel: +1 909 422 1730; Fax: + 1 909 783 3440.