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SPE 2017-2018 Officer Candidate Profile

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SPE 2017-2018

Officer Candidate


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Page 3: SPE 2017-2018 Officer Candidate Profilespe.tamu.edu/.../02/Candidate-Profile-Handbook.pdf · Ravi Lad Vice President External Class of 2018 Motivation My motivation for the position

Meet the Candidates

"Don’t call it a dream. Call it a plan."

Jordan Argamany


Class of 2018 Motivation Throughout my time thus far in this department, I have been afforded many

opportunities and received invaluable guidance from faculty and fellow

students alike. As SPE President, I will pay it forward and share what I’ve

learned to help fellow SPE members. Serving as the current SPE Secretary, I

experienced the challenging learning curves during officer transitions and

aim to outline the long-term goals of the organization in order to maximize

efficiency in the execution of future SPE events by the next officer team.

Involvement SPE Executive Officer

Secretary Spring 2016—Present

SPE Presidential delegated tasks:

o Led weekly officer meetings and analyzed past SPE events for performance improvements

o Created meeting agendas regarding future SPE events and funding allocations

o Secured funding from SEC for Fall 2017 multi-organizational soft skills workshop

o Represented SPE at the welcome event for Class of 2019 PETE majors

Amended the TAMU SPE constitution to create a 6th officer position

o Reallocated officer duties in order to maximize efficiency amongst the officer team

Reviewed monthly chapter committee reports

o Will be used to compile the annual report for SPE International student chapter awards

Established SPE Mentorship Committee and assisted in the development of the Student Mentorship Program

Maintained weekly chapter communication with over 1200 members

o Coordinated event marketing efforts in conjunction with the SPE Media committee

Represented TAMU SPE at ATCE 2016 in Dubai

Vision for the Coming Year Engineers can only be as effective as the tools at their disposal. The success of every generation of Aggie Engineers is

ground in having a broad range of skillsets, both technical and professional. As SPE President, I plan to have more

industry professionals provide training programs that can further distinguish the qualifications and capabilities of our

members. Lastly, with the collective efforts of the executive officer team, I hope to create an unprecedented amount of

opportunities for Aggie Petroleum Engineers and to make it enjoyable for every member along the way.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer The most critical factor of the success of an organization is to motivate its members to carry out its central vision. With

such a large number of members, each with unique ideas and interests, one of the biggest challenges of TAMU SPE is to

align the goals of its members and provide opportunities for its members to achieve those goals. As a unified whole, the

organization can execute a vision that is more effective than the summation of its individual ideas.

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Meet the Candidates

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

William Nelson


Class of 2018 Motivation During my time at Texas A&M University, I have come to love and appreciate

the Aggie core values and the integral part they play in TAMU-SPE. My

motivation to run for office is embodied by my desire to maintain the integrity

and enhance the technical and professional competence of our outstanding

student chapter, while upholding the Aggie core values. I am excited for the

opportunity to employ the skills, dedication, and passion that I have developed

over the three years of involvement and leadership in SPE to help advance the

excellence of the chapter by serving as President.

Involvement Director, Recruitment Committee Fall 2016—Present

My goal is to work diligently to actively recruit and encourage participation within SPE.

The committee has been able to achieve this goal by initiating participation in the MSC Open House, hosting the

annual Galveston Rig Trip, representing TAMU-SPE at the Annual SPE-GCS Memorial High College Fair,

educating freshman students through continued Freshman Seminars and tirelessly conducting tours of the

Richardson building for prospective students.

I also had the privilege of being a mentor for the newly formed SPE mentorship program.

Member, Recruitment Committee Fall 2015—Spring 2016

As a sophomore, I served as a dedicated member of the Recruitment Committee. I was able to work closely with

the committee leadership and learn how to effectively encourage prospective students to become involved in

SPE. This position allowed me to grow professionally and transition into my current leadership role.

Vision for the Coming Year I will work to grow and diversify TAMU-SPE’s professional network. I plan to do this by creating a database and

fostering a beneficial relationship with graduating and recently graduated Texas A&M Petroleum Engineers. This will

help current students better prepare for the transition into industry and aid in the funding of special events. Furthermore,

I plan to grow the chapter’s network by creating a more welcoming environment for incoming sophomore Petroleum

Engineering students. The College of Engineering has undergone a transition that greatly affects us, and it needs special

attention to maintain the excellence of SPE.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer The biggest challenge for an officer is communicating effectively. It is critical for the officer team to concisely

communicate with members, committees, leadership, department faculty, alumni, and industry representatives. Without

this communication, TAMU-SPE would not be able to fulfill its purpose of developing technical competency. I plan to

overcome this challenge by working closely with my fellow leaders to develop open communication between the entire

chapter and the officer team. This open channel of communication will allow us to surpass any other challenges that the

future officer team may face.

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Vice President


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Meet the Candidates

"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do." - Lewis Cass

Ravi Lad

Vice President External

Class of 2018 Motivation My motivation for the position primarily comes from two places: (1) A desire to

prove that a market downturn does not mean defeat, but rather a challenge—an

opportunity for our members to grow as professionals such that they succeed in

their endeavors, regardless of a commodity price tag; and (2) To get the chance

to help in creating more tangible opportunities for our students to learn, interact,

socialize and network.

Involvement Outreach Committee

Director Fall 2016—Present

Managed committee activity and its members

Reached out to teachers in both B/CS school districts, as well as companies and organizations to jointly

host/sponsor events such as energy discussions, school presentations and STEM fairs

TAMU SPE Student Mentorship Program

Co-Chair Fall 2016—Present

Overseeing committee outreach by composing mentee application and establishing relationships with the broader

oil & gas community

Recruitment Committee

Member Fall 2015—Spring 2016

Composed a “guide for tour guides” document for present and future committee members

Led department tours and volunteering for Aggieland Saturday

Vision for the Coming Year I would like to see our chapter accomplish three items: (1) I want to help create a significant increase in the number of

students hired for internship and full-time opportunities by holding more networking events and supporting the new

mentorship program, (2) I want to help create, maintain, and foster our organization’s industry and professional contacts

such that SPE’s events are reliably funded, (3) I want to help create new event opportunities for students, for example a

field trip to a local operational pumping unit. Given my experience in working with the external community through

Recruitment, Mentorship, and Outreach, I am confident that I can help our chapter attain these goals in the coming year.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer The most difficult task of being an officer I expect will be to successfully help each and every student get their voice

heard. SPE is an organization built by its members, and therefore it should remain a priority that the organization does

exactly what the members want. Though a daunting challenge, I will do my part to reach out to the SPE membership in

person, over the phone, at events, etc and ensure that their (your) thoughts and opinions get translated into tangible action

and results.

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Meet the Candidates

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." - Napoleon Hill

Mohammad Abbas

Vice President External

Class of 2019 Motivation The motivation behind running for this position is to overcome the challenges we

face as Petroleum Engineers and a shared vision to connect the internal members of

the society with the outside industry at a larger scale.

Involvement Conference Committee

Member Fall 2016—Present

Worked with the director of our committee during the months of Sept-Dec to organize and evaluate different

options and flights for the SPE Student Symposium held in Denver, Colorado

Participated in Company/Student Lunch and Learns, General Meetings and dinner at Fox & Hound

Vision for the Coming Year My vision for TAMU-SPE for this coming year is to keep an updated resume book for the students and to connect them

directly with the industry and companies. Also, ensuring sponsorships for all SPE events such as general meetings and

lunch and learns will be a big part of my vision as the External Vice President.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer In my opinion, the biggest challenge of being an officer will be ensuring the proper time commitment along with

working with different types of people with busy schedules. With that being said, I believe challenges can be easily

overcome if faced properly and with the right mindset.

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Vice President


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Meet the Candidates

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer

Alan Shepstone

Vice President Internal

Class of 2018 Motivation I feel that I am an excellent choice for VP Internal as I will work diligently

to continue the success of the chapter. I want all of our members and

committees to continue to flourish, since they make the chapter's activities

successful. Since assuming a committee leadership role, I have become

privy to most of the internal workings of the chapter and understand how to

improve it.

Involvement Hospitality & Tailgating Committee

Co-Chair Spring 2016—Present

Assisted with ordering food for General Meeting and Lunch & Learns to ensure proper monetary procedures are


Helped coordinate with companies and other committees in our efforts to ensure events run smoothly

Member Fall 2015—Spring 2016

Assisted with setting up tailgates and food at hospitality

Attended General Meeting and various chapter events

Vision for the Coming Year I would like to see the chapter continue growing in quality and advancement opportunities. In this time of continuing

recovery, it is important to stand out in a crowded and competitive industry. As VP Internal, I will help the leadership

teams and members by working together to proactively solve problems that may arise and respond quickly and

effectively to deal with any challenges faced by the chapter.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer In my opinion, the largest challenge of being an officer of the chapter is the time commitment required to effectively

perform at and beyond the required duties. However, this time requirement can be overcome through a diligent work

ethic and good organizational skills, both of which I feel I am in possession of and intend to improve on, regardless.

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Meet the Candidates

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress;

working together is success." - Henry Ford

Miranda Jones

Vice President Internal

Class of 2018 Motivation My primary motivation for running for Vice President Internal is to seize

the opportunity to utilize my talents to serve in an active role in the growth,

development, and operations of the TAMU-SPE Student Chapter.

Additionally, I have a motivation to continue to develop myself

professionally through this role and surround myself with passionate, hard-

working students that have similar goals to my own. I believe that I have

the experience, the organizational, professional, and leadership skills, and

the dedication to empower the leaders and members of our exceptional


Involvement Merchandise Committee

Co-Chair Fall 2014—Present

Ordering, packaging and distributing merchandise required significant organizational skills, alumni interaction,

dedication, and many long hours and fueled my passion for SPE through promotion of our prestigious chapter.

Recruitment Committee

Assisted in planning and hosting recruitment events for high school and freshman prospective petroleum

engineering students and gave department tours and presentations to prospective students and their parents

TAMU SPE Student Mentorship Program

Provided resume expertise and career fair/interview guidance and continued to offer assistance through a

successful recruiting season and academic semester

Vision for the Coming Year I want to focus on a vision that applies specifically to the role of Vice President Internal. I have a vision to develop the

leaders of our chapter into such a well-oiled machine that the standard, although still critical, duties of our committees

become second nature. This will allow our leaders to devote a more significant portion of their time and talent to

developing new ideas for their committees and creating growth of the chapter. I will be able to lead a carefully selected

group of board chairs in empowering their committees. I have a desire to better define the leadership roles within SPE,

especially co-chair roles, and establish organized, structured training for the SPE members that fill these roles to

empower them to advance the Texas A&M University SPE Student chapter to unprecedented levels.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer The role of SPE officer requires even more than talent, dedication, and time. It requires a complete giving of self: the

Aggie core value of selfless service, I think the biggest challenge that the officer team will face is putting the good of the

organization and the members above personal goals and aspirations. I am very passionate about servant leadership and

believe that overcoming the challenge of sacrificing our own interests for the betterment of the society and members will

provide a firm foundation for extraordinary growth of our student chapter.

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Meet the Candidates

"Where there is a will, there is a way."

Yunan Li


Class of 2018 Motivation I had relevant experience with TAMU study abroad program

in 2015 in Beijing and I was in charge of the budget as well as

money management issue. I have also done similar job when I

was one of the representatives of SPE student chapter in

China. Additionally, I have my own code to apply machine

learning technique to summarize, analyze, and roughly predict

the data of incoming and outgoing money.

Involvement Alumni Relations Chair, Oklahoma University Fall 2015—Spring 2016

Strengthen alumni connections and tend to raise funding at Oklahoma University

Representative of SPE Secretary Office, China

Held the first international competition regarding off-shore drilling platform design

Vision for the Coming Year In my view, I would like to champion the diversity of TAMU SPE and further improve the reputation and influence

across the world. I would recommend to work with other SPE student chapters to spread knowledge and build

connections, so that our SPE chapter is done for all, for the sake of human development, and the world.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer What might be challenging for me is that I am familiar with the university in limited sense. The reason is that I just

joined TAMU since 2016 fall semester. But I am able to adapt the new environment fast and work in an efficient


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Meet the Candidates

Kyle Soares


Class of 2018 Motivation I want to put TAMU SPE in a position that is stable through the ups and downs

of the oil and gas industry. By maintaining reserves, SPE can continue to

motivate young professionals to grow and develop as competitive candidates

for future recruitment opportunities.

Involvement TAMU SPE Student Mentorship Program

Founder/Director Spring 2016—Present

Connected experienced upperclassmen with underclassmen and gave SPE students the insight they need to gain a

competitive advantage in engineering career fairs and interviews

In Fall 2016, the program’s participants received over 100 interviews and obtained 23 internship offers (hire rate

of 64%) without spending a penny

Career Development Committee

Member Fall 2015—Present

Planned leadership workshops, mock interviews, Lunch & Learns, and Career Enhancement Events

Set record-breaking attendance to Fall 2016 CEE and laid foundation for updating corporate email invite list and

improving efficiency in planning the CEE before focusing full time on the Student Mentorship Program

Vision for the Coming Year I want others to be able to have a platform to express their ideas and make them a reality. SPE committee members

should be able to approach the officer team with initiatives that will progress the organization and see those changes

happen. It's my job as the treasurer to ensure a budget surplus so that we can secure and allocate funds to these initiatives

in any job market for the betterment of TAMU SPE without spending our reserves.

Challenge I Expect as an Officer The biggest challenge will be bridging the gap between what the international organization wants and what the TAMU

SPE members want. By aligning the goals of its members and its international counterpart, TAMU can inspire others to

participate in SPE and further improve upon it through each leadership cycle.

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Meet the Candidates

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller

Cameron Osterhaus


Class of 2018 Motivation As Secretary, I want to be able to represent our amazing student chapter through

and show the SPE chapters around the world how much we have accomplished

during the year by working together as a unified team. I believe an officer should

be someone who will lend a helping hand and to connect incredible people with

each other which is exactly why I want to run. I want to be able to give my best

effort to the SPE student chapter and every one of our members because I want to

lead the path our success.

Involvement Social & Sport Committee

Co-Chair Fall 2016—Present

Organized events such as the Christmas Social, the Crawfish Boil, intramural sports teams, and several other SPE

sponsored events

Philanthropy Committee

Co-Chair Fall-2016—Present

Connected our members to many different volunteering opportunities in Galveston and Bryan/College Station

Helped organize profit shares to raise money for Twin City Missions

Vision for the Coming Year This upcoming year, I want SPE to be the top student-run chapter in the world. We are the largest and the best

organization at Texas A&M University because of our hardworking and selfless members. The basis of the SPE lies with

our members and the amount of commitment they give to each event they attend or help prepare for, from the general

meetings to tailgates to reaching out to local schools. My vision is to reward our members for their dedication to our

student chapter at TAMU and for their outstanding achievements. Another vision of mine is to connect our younger SPE

members with the older, more experienced members for their advancement and success in their professional careers.

Many of our members are not privileged with the network of mentors and connections others may have, and I aim to

equalize the playing field so all our members will have the network they deserve. This network will give students

amazing opportunities to secure jobs easier and will leave fewer of our members without internships or full time jobs.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer I am not currently an SPE officer, but I would imagine the biggest challenge for an officer of SPE would be learning how

to handle an organization of its size on a daily basis. This challenge is one that excites me because, as Secretary, I will be

able to communicate events, ideas, and other important information to every single one of our members each week and I

will be able to hear their responses directly. Being able to hear from so many amazing members is priceless because

when all our minds are put together, we become an unbreakable force that can accomplish anything we desire.

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Meet the Candidates

Lauren Borden


Class of 2019 Motivation I am striving to become the SPE secretary to apply leadership, responsibility

and to serve others while helping me grow as an individual. I chose the

position of secretary because I like to communicate with others and I would

like to both inform and encourage members to become involved, and to

overall assist in the management of SPE's activities. Most importantly, I

desire to work with the team of officers to help make it a successful year and

go above and beyond for the members of SPE.

Involvement Hospitality & Tailgate Committee

Member Fall 2015—Present

Helped setting up food for several SPE events such as General Meeting, Lunch & Learn and Tailgate

Attended meetings, Career Enhancement Event and networking workshops

Received Society of Petroleum Engineers Scholarship upon leaving high school

Vision for the Coming Year Should I become the new secretary, I would apply my abilities and time to accomplish what is expected of me, while

assisting the other officers to accomplish SPE's overall goals. My vision would be for the officers to work well as a team

and to put extra effort into make this year a successful year, learning from the past and looking forward to the future. The

industry has gone through many changes this past year. As secretary, I would strive to find ways to encourage members

and inform them about various activities and opportunities that will help them to stay involved, and further develop their

leadership in the industry, since I believe Texas A&M University is exceptional in this area.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer I think the biggest challenge and key objective is team involvement and utilizing the strengths of all members. I believe a

strength of mine is time management and making sure the "To-Do List" is performed on the due date, and I would like to

find ways to encourage all as a team to stay on task and make sure our goals for the year are accomplished. I believe that

helping this organization reach the defined goals would be an amazing opportunity for me to step up and begin a life

long journey of improving the industry that I have chosen as a career.

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Meet the Candidates

Ahria Haghpeykar


Class of 2018 Motivation The opportunity to implement previous leadership experience and make

an impact in the department.

Involvement Outreach Committee

Member Fall 2016—Present

Actively engaged and continued education in our community by talking/presenting at various schools in order to

fostering publicity of the oil & gas industry

Have been a member of SPE since freshman year and actively attend meetings

Vision for the Coming Year Enhance the interface between committees, students, and SPE as a whole.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer Trying to make an impact as opposed to simply fulfilling the job description. It takes creatively and dedication to leave

something better than you found it, which is a challenge I am excited to face.

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Meet the Candidates

"The best way to predict your future is to create it" - Abraham Lincoln

Dmitry Ridner

Graduate Representative

Class of 2018 Motivation I was first exposed to SPE during my first semester of graduate school in

the fall of 2016, and immediately felt a connection to its core values, its

energy, diversity, and deep commitment to serving its members. As

Graduate Representative, I want to showcase the passion and hard work

of the students that make this chapter the greatest of its kind. By doing

so, I want to voice the unique perspectives of graduate students, and be a

guide for undergrads who may be thinking of future graduate studies.

Involvement Technical Development Committee

Member Fall 2016—Present

Helped with procurement of software licenses for training workshops

Participated in the preparation of spaces for student training events

Attended TAMU-SPE General Meetings

Vision for the Coming Year TAMU-SPE is at its heart, an organization that exists to advance the technical and professional expertise of its member

students. During a difficult economic time for the industry, many students may feel frustrated and discouraged by the

prospects. It is exactly during these times that TAMU-SPE can help them out. Its events and activities should give

students the valuable interpersonal skills needed for finding a place for themselves in the industry, even during tough

conditions. This means knowing how you can get the most out of speaking with seasoned professionals, how to ask the

right questions, how to discover your hidden potential, and how to reach out to the right people. Each event that students

participate in should be a dialogue in which they can both learn and also share their knowledge with others. Through this

kind of cooperation, all students come out stronger and have the confidence to face the challenges of the professional


Challenges I Expect as an Officer The biggest challenge of being an SPE officer is the need to balance and effectively carry out the interests of a large and

diverse student chapter, comprised of students of a variety of different backgrounds, specializations, and stages in their

education. In doing so, the officer must ensure that each student feels a strong sense of community and belonging in the

organization, as well as inspire them to continue to participate in SPE throughout their careers for academic and

professional development.

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Meet the Candidates

"There exist limitless opportunities in every industry. Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier." - Charles Kettering

Jimmy (Xiao) Jin

Graduate Representative

Class of 2018 Motivation As a Texas A&M University student who have studied in this department for an

accumulation of almost 8 years, I feel that I have not really contributed to the

societies here at our petroleum engineering department. For my last few years

as a PhD Candidate, I really want to have a chance at making a different for our

department by utilizing the leadership skills that I have accumulated so far. I

have served as Vice President of CSA (Chinese Student Association),

President/Fundraiser Chair/Pledge Captain of Beta Tau Omega (a Multicultural

Greek Council fraternity), Sports Coordinator of VSA (Vietnamese Student

Association), and also for my work in the oil field I have led hydraulic

fracturing and cementing crews in field operations and safety meetings.

Involvement General Member

Attend frequent meetings, workshops and social events

Vision for the Coming Year There are at least two things I want to accomplish: 1) to involve graduate student more in the societies (SPE, AADE, Pi

Epsilon Tau), especially those not born and raised in the United States. From my time as a PhD student here, I noticed

that one of the biggest issues that graduate students have when it comes to finding a job is they cannot pass the

leadership questions being asked in the interview, this is mainly a cultural issue thing because many countries, such as

China, South Korea, etc, leadership positions are looked down upon by parents and professors and education seems to be

the only thing, unlike in the U.S. where even in high school it is about how many officer positions you can get in

addition to good grades. 2) I would like to increase the relationship between graduates and undergraduates through more

communication. Before this semester end, I should have met all the requirements of joining Pi Epsilon Tau. I hope I can

create a strong tutoring committee there and make T.A.s more than just T.A.s, and this in turn should benefit SPE too.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer Typical challenges of being an officer includes the initial transition, lack of leadership experience, get over emotional at

meetings, etc. Other than the initial transition being the challenge here I do not see anything else I would really call a

challenge. With my experience managing officer meetings during my undergraduate and my work experience working

with large frac crews, I think I would be very useful to the SPE officer team.

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Meet the Candidates

On forecasting the future: "Predictions are fraught with danger especially when they pertain to the future."

Joshua Ebin

Graduate Representative

Class of 2018 Motivation Joshua’s SPE journey began in 2009 with the University of Calabar student

chapter (Nigeria, section 103) where he was fortunate to help expand

membership participation while serving as Student Membership Chair. His

motivation in running for the TAMU SPE Graduate Representative position

is to support activities that enhance graduate student member participation

in SPE career and professional development activities as well as promote

interaction with the undergraduate student members. He is interested in

supporting the TAMU SPE board in accomplishing their goals for the

2017/2018 session through his MPG vision

Involvement Career Development Committee

Member Fall 2016—Present

Identified and planned professional development opportunities for members

Assisted the team with logistics and planning of the Fall 2016 Career Enhancement Event among other events

SPE Student Membership Chairman

Helped double the chapter membership through activities that encouraged membership participation at the

Student Technical Conference and Exhibition (STCE) and the Nigerian Annual International Conference and

Exhibition (NAICE)

Vision for the Coming Year First I want to improve interaction and SPE membership event participation among graduate and undergraduate student

members through technical specialty groups, incentives, as well as external and internal sponsorship resources for

conference presentation and participation. Secondly I aim to support graduate membership interests and encourage

mentorship for newly admitted graduate SPE members each semester by adjusting SPE meetings to meet changing

membership needs and creating more awareness of SPE graduate opportunities in a timely and efficient manner. Finally,

I wish to sustain and improve successful TAMU SPE footprint at events and conferences globally by encouraging the

development of technical knowledge and participation in opportunities that enhance technical, professional competence

and mastery of research presentation delivery.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer The biggest challenge of serving as TAMU SPE Graduate Representative is time management. The position will require

team work initiative and the ability to organize and adjust flexible schedules to balance the demands of SPE assigned

duties, academic course work, and research.

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Meet the Candidates

Mehrdad Alfi

Graduate Representative

Class of 2018 Motivation I like to make grad students more tied into industry and think in a more

practical way on their research.

Involvement Technical Development Committee

Director Fall 2016—Present

Held training and technical sessions

Member Fall 2015—Spring 2016

Vision for the Coming Year TAMU-SPE will have a successful year and should progress by involving more students into committees and activities.

Challenges I Expect as an Officer To manage your time in a way that you guarantee serving the SPE community at your highest potential.