space radiation hazards and strategies for astronaut/cosmonaut protection ОПАСНОСТЬ...

Обзорная часть Авторами проведен подробный анализ источников радиационных повреждений, которые могут иметь значение при космических полетах. Большое внимание в статье посвящено разбору собственных более ранних публикаций. Рассмотрена в том числе роль окислительного стресса и окислительных повреждений при неблагоприятных воз- действиях. Отмечается, что астронавты/космонавты при возможных полетах на Луну, Марс или околоземные асте- роиды должны сталкиваться с риском острого и хрониче- ского облучения от тяжелых частиц, солнечных частиц и галактических космических лучей. Космическое излуче- ние имеет свою специфику по сравнению с «чистым» рентгеновским и γ-излучением в плане поглощения энергии и степени ионизации. Однако в радиационной эпидемиологии и в радиобиологии слабо изучены эффек- ты тяжелых частиц, хотя относительно немногие исследо- вания на животных и культурах клеток, облученных высо- коэнергетическими протонами и тяжелыми ионами, про- демонстрировали отчетливую индукцию онкогенной трансформации in vitro и опухолеобразования in vivo. Тя- желые ионы имеют более значительный канцерогенный потенциал, чем, к примеру, γ-излучение в связи с особым спектром индуцируемых повреждений ДНК и с особой трудностью их репарации. В связи с этим, основная цель космической радиобиологии — разработка методов оцен- ки и предотвращения потенциальных радиационно-инду- цируемых клеточных повреждений, которые могут приво- дить к ракам или иным патологиям во время или после длительного космического полета. В предваряющем экспериментальную часть обзоре авторы подробно разбирают молекулярные механизмы биологических последствий воздействия ионизирующе- го излучения, среди которых ключевыми являются нере- парированные повреждения ДНК, приводящие к мута- циям, апоптозу, клеточному старению, канцерогенезу и гибели. Главная причина таких повреждений — форми- руемые в результате облучения активные формы кисло- рода и продукты перекисного окисления липидов. Изменения на молекулярном и клеточном уровнях способны приводить к нарушению функциональных си- стем организма и к формированию повреждений и пато- логий in vivo, вплоть до тяжелых форм лучевой болезни. В особенности значительным поражающим эффектом обладают тяжелые ионы и космические частицы. Авторы РЕФЕРАТ Обзорно-экспериментальная статья посвящена способам защиты участников космических полетов на основе накоплен- ных фундаментальных данных о механизмах радиационного воз- действия и окислительных стрессов. ABSTRACT Purpose : 1. Discuss the sources of radiation injury and roles of oxidative stress and radiation toxicity. 2. Define the exposure environment of astronauts and cosmonauts working in space and on future exploration–class missions. 3. Review the development of countermeasures for oxidative stress, radiation toxicity and radiation exposure for workers in extreme environments. Methods : Multiple placebo-controlled, randomized prospective studies have been conducted which have studied the therapeutic and radioprotection effects of various oral, parenteral and combination countermeasures on the biological consequences and survival rates after acute and chronic radiation exposure. Results : Discussion: Employing oral chemoprevention formulas, parenterally administered MnSOD-plasmid liposomes, and hyperimmune serum and vaccines directed on radiation-induced toxins, have resulted in reduced lipid peroxidation and DNA damage, as well as increased survival in cell cultures and whole animals receiving acute high-dose radiation exposures. Each of these strategies, alone and in combination, deserve further investigation in the pursuit of effective countermeasures and treatment for occupational exposures which induce oxidative damage. J.A. Jones 1 , M. Epperly 2 , J. Law 3 , R. Scheuring 3 , C. Montesinos 4 , D. Popov 5 , V. Maliev 6 , K. Prasad 7 , J. Greenberg 2 SPACE RADIATION HAZARDS AND STRATEGIES FOR ASTRONAUT/COSMONAUT PROTECTION ОПАСНОСТЬ КОСМИЧЕСКОЙ РАДИАЦИИ И СТРАТЕГИЯ ЗАЩИТЫ АСТРОНАВТОВ/КОСМОНАВТОВ Медицинская радиология и радиационная безопасность, 2013, Том 58, № 3 1 Center for space medicine / Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Dept. Radiation Oncology, University of Pittsburgh, PIttsburgh, PA, USA 3 NASA/Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA 4 Amerisciences, inc., Houston, TX USA 5 Advanced Medical Technologies and Systems, Richmond Hills, On- tario, CA, USA 6 Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladicaucas, Russia 7 Premier Micronutrient Corporation, Palo Alto, CA, USA Ключевые слова: радиация, аэрокосмическая медицина, опас- ность окружающей среды, окислительное повреждение, защита Key words: Radiation, Space Medicine, Space Environmental Hazards, Oxidative Damage, Countermeasures 5 РАДИАЦИОННАЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ RADIATION SAFETY

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Обзорная частьАвторами проведен подробный анализ источников

радиационных повреждений, которые могут иметьзначение при космических полетах. Большое внимание встатье посвящено разбору собственных более раннихпубликаций.

Рассмотрена в том числе роль окислительного стрессаи окислительных повреждений при неблагоприятных воз-действиях. Отмечается, что астронавты/космонавты привозможных полетах на Луну, Марс или околоземные асте-роиды должны сталкиваться с риском острого и хрониче-ского облучения от тяжелых частиц, солнечных частиц игалактических космических лучей. Космическое излуче-ние имеет свою специфику по сравнению с «чистым»рентгеновским и γ-излучением в плане поглощенияэнергии и степени ионизации. Однако в радиационнойэпидемиологии и в радиобиологии слабо изучены эффек-ты тяжелых частиц, хотя относительно немногие исследо-вания на животных и культурах клеток, облученных высо-коэнергетическими протонами и тяжелыми ионами, про-демонстрировали отчетливую индукцию онкогеннойтрансформации in vitro и опухолеобразования in vivo. Тя-желые ионы имеют более значительный канцерогенный

потенциал, чем, к примеру, γ-излучение в связи с особымспектром индуцируемых повреждений ДНК и с особойтрудностью их репарации. В связи с этим, основная целькосмической радиобиологии — разработка методов оцен-ки и предотвращения потенциальных радиационно-инду-цируемых клеточных повреждений, которые могут приво-дить к ракам или иным патологиям во время или последлительного космического полета.

В предваряющем экспериментальную часть обзореавторы подробно разбирают молекулярные механизмыбиологических последствий воздействия ионизирующе-го излучения, среди которых ключевыми являются нере-парированные повреждения ДНК, приводящие к мута-циям, апоптозу, клеточному старению, канцерогенезу игибели. Главная причина таких повреждений — форми-руемые в результате облучения активные формы кисло-рода и продукты перекисного окисления липидов.

Изменения на молекулярном и клеточном уровняхспособны приводить к нарушению функциональных си-стем организма и к формированию повреждений и пато-логий in vivo, вплоть до тяжелых форм лучевой болезни. Вособенности значительным поражающим эффектомобладают тяжелые ионы и космические частицы. Авторы

РЕ ФЕ РАТОбзорно-экспериментальная статья посвящена способам

защиты участников космических полетов на основе накоплен-ных фундаментальных данных о механизмах радиационного воз-действия и окислительных стрессов.

ABS TRACTPurpose: 1. Discuss the sources of radiation injury and roles of

oxidative stress and radiation toxicity. 2. Define the exposureenvironment of astronauts and cosmonauts working in space and onfuture exploration–class missions. 3. Review the development ofcountermeasures for oxidative stress, radiation toxicity and radiationexposure for workers in extreme environments.

Methods: Multiple placebo-controlled, randomized prospectivestudies have been conducted which have studied the therapeutic andradioprotection effects of various oral, parenteral and combinationcountermeasures on the biological consequences and survival rates afteracute and chronic radiation exposure.

Results: Discussion: Employing oral chemoprevention formulas,parenterally administered MnSOD-plasmid liposomes, andhyperimmune serum and vaccines directed on radiation-induced toxins,have resulted in reduced lipid peroxidation and DNA damage, as well asincreased survival in cell cultures and whole animals receiving acutehigh-dose radiation exposures. Each of these strategies, alone and incombination, deserve further investigation in the pursuit of effectivecountermeasures and treatment for occupational exposures whichinduce oxidative damage.

J.A. Jones1, M. Epperly2, J. Law3, R. Scheuring3, C. Montesinos4, D. Popov5,V. Maliev6, K. Prasad7, J. Greenberg2



Медицинская радиология и радиационная безопасность, 2013, Том 58, № 3

1 Center for space medicine / Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX,USA. E-mail: [email protected]

2 Dept. Radiation Oncology, University of Pittsburgh, PIttsburgh, PA, USA3 NASA/Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA4 Amerisciences, inc., Houston, TX USA

5 Advanced Medical Technologies and Systems, Richmond Hills, On-tario, CA, USA

6 Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladicaucas, Russia 7 Premier Micronutrient Corporation, Palo Alto, CA, USA

Ключевые слова: радиация, аэрокосмическая медицина, опас-ность окружающей среды, окислительное повреждение, защита

Key words: Radiation, Space Medicine, Space EnvironmentalHazards, Oxidative Damage, Countermeasures




разбирают собственное исследование, в котором обнару-жено, что крысы, подвергавшиеся воздействию заряжен-ных частиц с высокой энергией от галактического из-лучения, совершают больше ошибок в процессе обуче-ния и проявляют когнитивные особенности, характер-ные для периода старения. Причина заключается в том,что высокоэнергетические частицы подавляют дофами-нергическую систему, нарушая обучение, память и локо-моторные функции даже после воздействия в дозе 0,1 Гр.

Для человека такие экспериментальные данные, по-нятно, ограничены, но известно, что в течение периодавыброса солнечной энергии снижается работоспособ-ность и скорость выполнения определенных задач.

Все это может быть важным в плане полетов наЛуну и Марс, тем более, что Луна лишена атмосферы, аМарс имеет разряженную атмосферу, и, вкупе с отсут-ствием у них магнитосферы, данные моменты приводятк тому, что фон ионизирующего излучения на указан-ных планетах значительно интенсивнее по сравнению сполетами на околоземной орбите. Отсюда следует, чтозащита астронавтов/космонавтов при полетах на Луну иМарс должна включать не только физические способыснижения радиационной экспозиции, но и соответ-ствующие фармакологические средства, а также пост-полетные медицинские процедуры, снижающие по-следствия лучевого поражения.

В первую очередь необходимо снизить уровеньокислительного стресса, который с неизбежностью бу-дет сопутствовать длительным полетам. Авторы пере-числяют окислительные агенты, способные вызватьокислительный стресс в космосе, и, цитируя собствен-ные исследования (анализ биохимических маркеровокислительных повреждений до и после полета) пока-зывают, что астронавты на самом деле испытывали вовремя полета окислительный стресс. Интересным яв-ляется тот момент, что причины окислительного стрес-са дифференцированы для двух различных ситуаций: вовремя космического полета и уже при исследованиипланеты. Анализируются все возможные источникиокислительных повреждений во время и после полета,включая физические упражнения.

Рассмотренные положения приводят авторов к вы-воду о необходимости повышения тем или иным путемантиоксидантного статуса астронавтов/космонавтов спараллельной биодозиметрией с помощью известныхмаркеров (на повреждения ДНК и аберраций хромо-сом). Для достижения эффекта защиты авторами пред-лагается прием препаратов по так называемой «oral for-mula», в составе специального «коктейля», который, содной стороны, должен повысить активность защитныхсистем организма (включая антиоксидантные и иммун-ные) и, с другой стороны, снизить последствия окисли-тельного стресса.

Названная формула, состав которой приведен встатье, включает около 30-ти различных витаминов инутриентов, для каждого из которых указаны необходи-мые дозы. В одном из своих исследований авторы с по-мощью методов молекулярной биологии провели из-учение эффективности некоторых компонентов пред-

лагаемой ими «формулы» в условиях in vitro и in vivo (намышах линии C57BL/6NHsd). Последним перед облу-чением в дозе 9,5 Гр внутривенно вводили плазмиду сгенами, кодирующими Mn-супероксиддисмутазу (ан-тиоксидантный фермент). Кроме того, некоторымгруппам мышам давали «антиоксидантую диету» передрадиационным воздействием. Результатом являлся ра-диозащитный эффект.

Экспериментальная частьВ качестве объекта опытов на животных in vivo ис-

пользовались мыши, крысы, кролики, овцы, свиньи, со-баки и крупный рогатый скот. Животных облучали γ-лучами в дозах вплоть до 10 Гр и изучали систему иммуни-тета, а также выживаемость. Кроме того, в условиях безоблучения исследовали воздействие гипериммунной сы-воротки или парентеральной вакцины, выделенных изэтих облученных животных. Последнее приводило к при-знакам, характерным для острой лучевой патологии (вы-сокие дозы «радиотоксинов» даже индуцировали гибель).Специальные же антитела, полученные против «радио-токсинов», снижали указанные неблагоприятные послед-ствия и признаки, характерные для лучевой болезни.

На людях была изучена степень окислительногостресса у пилотов (по параметрам перекисного окисле-ния липидов, повреждениям ДНК и суммарной анти-оксидантной активности). В случае использования кон-тингентом защитной формулы показатель перекисногоокисления липидов был значительно ниже по сравнениюс группой плацебо.

Общее заключениеВ обзорной части статьи рассмотрены: 1) источники

окислительного стресса при космических полетах; 2)сложность радиационного воздействия вдали от геомаг-нитосферы Земли; 3) некоторые потенциально могущиебыть успешными направления исследования для пред-отвращения и снижения последствий профессионально-го воздействия окислительного стресса, в особенностиострого и хронического облучения.

В экспериментальной части статьи изучено воздей-ствия «oral formula» (из около 30-ти антиоксидантов) иединичного парентерального агента (липосомы с плаз-мидой, содержащей ген MnSOD) в условиях радиа-ционного стресса. Обнаружено, что указанные агентыснижают неблагоприятные последствия облучения.Кроме того, антитела, полученные после иммунизацииживотных нетоксическими дозами так называемых «ра-диотоксинов» (соединений, выделенных из облученныхживотных), также снижали последствия радиационноговоздействия.

Применения антиоксидантной «формулы» на людях(пилотах) уменьшало выраженность окислительногостресса, тестируемого по ряду биохимических маркеров.

Авторы делают заключение, что их предварительныепилотные исследования могут быть важным на совре-менном этапе не только в условиях космических поле-тов, но и для защиты от профессионального облучения вядерной энергетике и при угрозе ядерного терроризма.

д.б.н. А.Н. Котеров





Space radiation is one of the primary environmentalhazards associated with space flight. The three majorsources of radiation in space are the trapped belt radiation,the galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and the solar particleevents (SPE) (fig. 1). Trapped belts of energetic particles,found in the Earth’s magnetic field, consist predominantlyof protons and electrons. GCRs consist of protons, gammarays and high energy, heavy (HZE) particles that originateoutside the solar system. Solar flares – coronal massejections (CME) – are produced by solar magnetic stormsthat can last for hours or days. A solar particle event, whichsometimes accompanies CMEs, may be the most potentspace radiation hazard [1–3].

Thus, astronauts/cosmonauts on exploration classmissions to the Moon, Mars, or near Earth asteroids willface acute and chronic risks of radiation from trappedparticles, solar particle events and galactic cosmic rays.Ionizing radiation is recognized as a significantenvironmental hazard of space travel, posing a significanthealth risk to human crews [4–6]. Crew members aresubjected to greater amounts of natural radiation in spacethan they receive on Earth, exposing them to immediateand long-term risks.

Space radiation can differ from gamma rays and x-raysalone, in terms of energy absorption and ionizationpatterns. Although a significant amount of data onbiological effects of gamma rays and neutrons have beenobtained from atomic bomb survivors and nuclear reactoraccidents, there is very little human radioepidemiologydata on bioeffects of high-energy charged particleradiation. A few studies with animals and culturedmammalian cells show that energetic protons and heavyions can effectively induce oncogenic cell transformation invitro and tumors in vivo. Yet, the basic mechanisms ofradiation carcinogenesis remain to be clarified. Even lessknown are the effects of charged particles on normaltissues. Limited experimental data indicate that heavy ions

can be more effective than gamma rays in damaging normaltissues (fig. 2). One goal of space radiation biology is thedevelopment of methods for assessment and prevention ofpotential radiation-induced cellular damage that couldlead to cancers or other disorders during and after long-term space flights.

Considerable effort has been devoted to elucidate thebiological consequences of ionizing radiation. A majormechanism of effect is the ionizing damage directlyinflicted on the cells’ DNA by radiation [7, 8]. UnrepairedDNA damage is known to lead to genetic mutations,apoptosis, cellular senescence, carcinogenesis, and death[9–13]. Radiation causes injury at the cellular level whenionizing particles collide directly with cellular moleculesor oxidize water in a cell to form free radicals that break up

Fig. 1. Sources of space radiation: a) trapped particles in the Van Allen belts, b) Solar Particle Event from Coronal Mass Ejectiondistorting the Earth’s geomagnetosphere, c) Supernova explosion producing GCR

Fig. 2. Comparing DNA injury tracks between photon andrelativistic heavy ion

а b c


or change molecular bonds. Cells are killed or altered as aresult of the molecular changes. The products of acuteinflammation: ROS, pro-inflammatory cytokines,adhesion molecules, prostaglandins, and complimentproteins all contribute to the progression of radiation injuryleading to the symptoms of ARS. Damage to DNAmolecules has particular clinical significance sincealterations to the genetic blueprints of affected cells arepassed onto progeny cells. While single-strand breaks in aDNA molecule can generally be repaired correctly giventhe double-strand redundancy in DNA structure, double-strand breaks can result in altered genes and genomicinstability when full repair is unsuccessful, leading topermanent mutations in gene expression and regulation.

The ionizing effects of radiation also generate oxidativereactions that cause physical changes in proteins, lipids,and carbohydrates, impairing their structure and/orfunction [14, 15]. Similarly, the hydrolysis of watermolecules introduces a secondary source of oxidative stressin the form of free radicals that also induce the biochemicalalteration, degradation, or cross-linking of cellularmacromolecules [16, 17]. Physical and functional damageto the plasma membranes and mitochondria has beenreported in irradiated cells [19–21]. Known mechanismsof action of reactive oxygen species and products of lipidperoxidation including cross-linking, covalent binding toproteins, and to DNA, contribute to the toxicity ofirradiation to mammalian organisms. Specific RadiationDeterminant (SRD) biomolecules have newly observedtoxic properties resulting from degradation, cross-linkingand modification of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates[113]. The degradative enzymes, e.g. phospholipases, areactivated with the oxidative stress induced by radiation. Anisoenzyme of Phospholipase A2 is responsible for releasingarachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids.Phospholipase A2 exists in almost all tissues, is also foundin snake venoms, and stimulates degradation of membranephospholipids resulting in tissue necrosis. Oxidation ofcarbohydrates has important influence on the function ofmembrane glycolipids and glycoproteins in cell-cellrecognition (antigen recognition) and proteins and lipidsthat protect the cell from the action of lipases andproteases. The radiation-induced expression ofinflammatory cytokines suggests that inflammatoryresponses may contribute to cell death and acute radiationsickness toxicity [22]. However, the acute toxicity that isassociated with ARS is not always attributed to thesebiological mechanisms. High dose or prolonged radiationexposure is known to increase the occurrence of cancer,cardiovascular disease, and cataracts [5, 23–25]. Inaddition to these long-term, degenerative consequences,acute, high dose rate exposures of radiation will induceacute radiation sickness (ARS) and death via well-definedpathologies [16]. However, the underlying cellular andmolecular mechanisms that drive acute radiation-inducedtoxicity are not fully elucidated.

ARS Consequences [26]: An acute dose of 20 Gy ormore (6–40 Gy) is considered fatal in all individuals [27],whereas 5 to 50 % lethality is expected with exposure to2 to 3.5 Gy [28]. The prognosis of patients exposed to sub-lethal doses of radiation depends not only on the dose anddose rate received, but also the medical care available.Survival despite maximal medical care is consideredunlikely for exposures greater than 10 Gy [27]. Withintensive medical care – including antibiotics, bloodproducts, and reverse isolation to prevent secondaryinfection – the LD50/60, which is the dose of ionizingradiation that will result in the deaths of 50 percent of theexposed population within 60 days, is 4.5 Gy, but falls to3.4 Gy if only basic first aid is available [29].

Chronic effects of radiation exposure includeprogressive likelihood of neoplasia, fibrosis, and neuraldamage. The increased incidence of cancer is thought tobe due to genomic instability, aberrant cell cycle regulationand signaling, and other mechanisms that are notcompletely understood [30, 31]. Skin cancer, breast cancer,leukemia, osteogenic sarcoma, thyroid and lung cancerscan all develop as sequelae of radiation exposure. Inaddition, impaired healing and scar tissue formation maylead to cataracts; fibrosis of various organs including theheart, lungs, and kidneys; and inflammation of thegastrointestinal tract. Demyelination of the brain andspinal cord can lead to neurologic dysfunction [32].In general, pathology depends on a number of factors suchas radiation dose, dose rate, dose quality, duration ofexposure, and size of the irradiated field (i.e., whole bodyirradiation versus focused irradiation) [2].

Radiation exposure has also been demonstrated to haveadverse cognitive effects in laboratory animals. Shukitt-Hale et al. [33] found that rats irradiated with highlycharged, high energy HZE particles found in galacticcosmic radiation made more errors in a maze task andexhibited cognitive decrements similar to aging. HZEparticles also disrupted the dopaminergic system andadversely affected spatial learning, memory, and motorfunction even at relatively low doses of 0.1 Gy [2]. Inhumans, data are limited but prediction models suggestthat exposures during large solar particle events (SPEs) arelikely to impair performance. During the peak of a SPE aslarge as the August 1972 SPE, one of the largest on record,Hu et al. estimated that typical tasks would take 1.28 timesas long as normal for completion [34].

With the above radiobiology as a background, theexpectation, for crewed expeditions to the Moon and Mars,is that the radiation environment will have both generalcharacteristics and specific distinctions that need to betaken into account when developing a system of proceduresto ensure crew radiation safety. The Moon’s non-existentatmosphere and the rarefied atmosphere of Mars, incombination with the absence of a magnetosphere on theseplanets, create an elevated radiation hazard compared with




flights in near-Earth orbits [35]. Protection from radiationduring crewed expeditions to the Moon and Mars willrequire the development of a radiation defense system. Thissystem should include continuous radiation monitoring onthe flight trajectory and during a stay on the lunar andMartian surfaces, with the ability to predict radiationevents. It should provide means and methods of reducingradiation exposure, such as a radiation shelter, emergencypharmaceutical agents, and postflight medical proceduresto arrest the radiation effect [35].

Table 1 summarizes the medical manifestationsexpected from radiation exposure. Table 2 provides theclassification of radiation injuries, while Table 3 providesthe basis for classification.

There are specific operational methods that can beapplied to protect astronauts and cosmonauts at the time ofsporadic solar particle events (SPE) that may last fromseveral hours to several days [26, 35]. They includeintelligent planning of EVAs and moon rover excursions andthe provision of a radiation shelter of adequate size. If anSPE occurs during an EVA, the time needed to reach theshelter will be a critical factor. Therefore, the timely warningof danger becomes important in defining the radius andduration of a lunar or Mars surface traverse [26, 35].

Sources of oxidative stress. Space flight inevitablyincreases astronauts’ likelihood of cellular oxidativedamage since the space environment is replete withnumerous sources of oxidative stress. Some of these includehigh linear energy transfer radiation exposure, hyperoxic(100 % oxygen) conditions during EVA and ascent/decent,exercise, and acute gravitational stress of reentry, all ofwhich have been associated with initiating reactive oxygenspecies (ROS) and oxidative damage in both human andanimal studies [36–39]. Oxidative damage producesdownstream effects in multiple tissue types, and since thesources are so widespread, research on oxidative damageand protection overlaps several governmental agencies andscientific groups, as can be seen in fig. 3. Countermeasuresfor space radiation protection could also be developed fornuclear power plant worker as well as civil populations nearsuch sites and in cases of radio-terrorism.

Evidence for oxidative stress during spaceflight.

1. Generalized markers of oxidative damage during spaceflight.

A number of studies show elevated levels of markers ofoxidative damage among astronauts after space flight.Plasma MDA, 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α), and

Table 2

Classification of Radiation Injury (Based on cSv or rem of Exposure) [16]

Table 3

Basis for Classification: (LD50–Lethal Dose for50 % of the Population Exposed) [16]

Classification of Radiation Injury (based on cSv or rem of exposure)

Mild (Survival Probable) < 200 cSv

Moderate (Survival Possible) 200 cSv to 500–700 cSv

Severe (Survival Improbable) > 700 cSv

Basis for Classification: (LD50–Lethal Dose for 50 % of the Population Exposed)

Blood count changes 50

Effective threshold for vomiting 100

Effective threshold for mortality200 cSv (ED10–200;

ED50–285, ED90–350)

LD50 with minimal medical treatment 350 cSv

LD50 with supportive medical treatment 500 (480–540) cSv

LD50 with advanced medical treatment 1000 cSv

Tables 1

Expected Acute General Manifestations Based onExposure Dose (ED, in cSv* or rem of exposure)

in 10, 50 and 90 % of the Population Exposedto the Dose Listed in Less than 24 Hours [16]

Symptoms and Signs

Anorexia Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea Erythema Desquamation

ED10 40 50 60 90 400 1400

ED50 100 170 215 240 575 2000

ED90 240 320 380 390 750 2600

* cSv = centi Sievert, equivalent to 1/100 of a Sievert or 1 rem

Table 4

Changes in oxidative stress biomarkers during an example ISS mission

Compound analyzed Example Pre-flight value

Example Post-flight value

Normal ranges observed in-flight

Maximal changes observed post-flight(percentage change from pre-flight)

Total Antioxidant Capacity 1.54 1.47 1.29–1.83 Decreased up to 30%

SOD 1,318 1,172 1,092–1,817 Decreased 10–30%

Glutathione Peroxidase 51.5 50.8 27.5–73.6 Decreased 5–15%

Malondialdehyde 0.8 0.6 0–2.00 Increased 100–200%

4-OH-alkenal 0.45 0.45 0–2.00 Increased 50–150%

Urinary 8OHDG 3.2 3.7 0.49–7.29 Increased 40–200%



urinary 8-hydroxy-2’deoxyguanosine (8OHdG) have beenmeasured during and after flight as indicators of lipidperoxidation (MDA and PGF2) and DNA damage(8OHdG) [40, 41]. Several investigations show a significantelevation of urine 8OHdG after long-duration missions(fig. 4 a, b) but not after short-duration missions of 17 d[40, 41]. These data are supported by NEEMO data wherecrewmembers underwent a 14-d saturation dive wherethere is an increased partial pressure of oxygen [42].

Urine PGF2α, a marker of lipid peroxidation, isdecreased during flight but elevated after flight [41]. PlasmaMDA is increased both during and after flight [41]. Alongwith increased markers of oxidative damage and decreasedantioxidant defense systems, there is also a decrease in totalantioxidant capacity (see fig. 5a).

Apparent increases in oxidative damage observedduring and after flight could be caused by a number offactors, including altered repair mechanisms, decreasedantioxidant defense systems, and increased oxidative stress.While there is not a consistently observed effect ofmicrogravity on the repair of double-strand breaks [43, 44],there is evidence that down regulation of antioxidantdefense systems occurs during space flight [45].

Another means of assessment of oxidative stress is tolook at the quantity of constituent oxidative stressprotection molecules pre- and post- flight. Examplesinclude: superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductaseselenoprotein family (P, W, V, S), glutathione peroxidaseand thioredoxin reductase; the latter three of which requirenominal selenium levels for complete enzymatic function

Fig. 4. The percent change of 8-hydroxy 2’deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) from pre flight values for Mir (n = 2), ISS (n = 11)

(Smith et al. 2005), and the ground based analog NEEMO (n = 6) [40]

Fig. 5a. Total antioxidantcapacity after space flight forMir (n = 2) and ISS (n = 11)


Fig. 5b. Urine selenium valuespre- and post-flight in ISScrewmembers. (Smith S.,personal communication)

Fig. 3. Sources of oxidative stress and physiological consequences of the exposure; synergistic needs and pathways for researchamongst governmental agencies and scientific communities


(see table 4). Selenium seems to one of severalmicronutrients which may be depleted during longduration spaceflight, and could affect oxidative damagedefense (see fig. 5b). Selenium deficiency has beenassociated with impaired function of the immune system[46]. Moreover, selenium supplementation in individualswho are not overtly selenium deficient appears to stimulatethe immune response. In two small studies, healthy [47,48] and immunosuppressed individuals [49] supplementedwith 200 mg/day of selenium as sodium selenite for eightweeks showed an enhanced immune cell response toforeign antigens compared with those taking a placebo. Aconsiderable amount of basic research also indicates thatselenium plays a role in regulating the expression of cell-signaling molecules – cytokines, which orchestrate theimmune response [50].

2. Sources of oxidative stress during space flight and/orplanetary exploration.

a. Hyperoxia. Currently, astronauts are exposed tohyperoxic conditions for brief periods during launch(10–15 min), entry (30–45 min), and when they performEVA (6–8 h). The pre-breathe protocol for U.S. astronautstypically includes 2.5-h pre-breathe of >95–100 % oxygen[26] to reduce risk for decompression sickness. After the2.5-h pre-breathe, astronauts are typically exposed tohypobaric 100 % oxygen for 6 to 8 hrs during EVA. Theliterature is replete with studies showing injury to virtuallyall organ systems following exposure to hyperoxia orradiation [16, 51]. A hyperoxic environment can induceoxidative damage and impair antioxidant capacity, asdemonstrated in numerous ground-based experimentsusing both normobaric and hypobaric conditions. Underphysiological conditions (i.e., 21 % O2), approximately2–3 % of the oxygen consumed by the body is convertedinto oxygen-derived reactive oxygen species [52].

Human antioxidant defenses are designed to protectthe body in 21 % oxygen environments, but these defensesare easily overwhelmed under hyperoxic environments.It was first suggested in the 1950s that a hyperoxicenvironment may be toxic based on eye damage amongpremature infants in incubators with high oxygenconcentration [37–39]. Evidence exists for increased lipidperoxidation after acute (2 h) >95 % oxygen exposure.Increased lipid peroxidation (measured by urinary n-pentane), occurs in humans within 30 min of breathing100 % O2 [53]. In another study, elevated plasmamalondialdehyde (MDA, another index of lipidperoxidation) was reported in healthy humans after125 min of normobaric100 % oxygen exposure [54].Animal studies support the human data [55, 56]. While theaccuracy of n-pentane as a marker of lipid peroxidation isdebated [57, 58], but increased n-pentane and MDAprovide clear evidence that lipid peroxidation increasesduring hyperoxia. Furthermore, hyperoxic conditions are

also found to induce vasoconstriction in humans [59],deplete pulmonary extracellular superoxide dismutase(SOD) in mice [60], and increase apoptosis in PC12 cells[61], all of which indicate that hyperoxia can inducecellular oxidative damage.

Antioxidant status also decreases during hyperoxicconditions. For example, during acute (3 h) normobarichyperoxia [62] in birds, serum antioxidant (e.g., alpha- andgamma-tocopherol, carotenoids) concentrations weredecreased. Hepatic vitamin E stores was also reduced inpreterm guinea pigs exposed to 98 % oxygen for 48 h [63].Unlike space flight, however, the activity of severalantioxidant enzymes (e.g., SOD, glutathione peroxidase,glutathione reductase, catalase) increase in animal studiesof acute hyperoxia [64, 65].

b. Radiation Exposure. Astronauts flying to highaltitudes (e.g. ISS, Hubble telescope repair), and beyondthe geomagnetosphere, also have the impact of higherspace radiation exposure. Cytogenetic biodosimetryassesses the biological impact of radiation exposure, and itinvolves harvesting white blood cells and quantitatingnumbers of chromosomal aberrations, DNA strand breaks,and translocations. Other biodosimetry tools allow forcorrelation of the physical dose as measured by crewdosimeters and the quality factor of the radiation asapproximated by the Tissue Equivalent ProportionalCounter. Increases in chromosomal aberrations and DNAdamage after space flight are well documented Damage tocellular components such as DNA is a complex process andincludes both direct damage from high-energy particleimpacts on the molecules themselves, as well as indirectdamage from the production of ROS [16, 51].

Supporting evidence of the oxidative stress experiencedby spaceflight crewmembers has been observed innumerous in vitro and rodent experiments which were


Fig. 6. Measures of in vitro lipid peroxidation in lung (CCD-11)and breast (M4) cells exposed to HZE ionizing radiation, a

component of galactic cosmic rays


exposed to “space-like radiation” i.e. high energy particleHZE radiation at particle beam accelerator facilities in theUS and Japan [66]. In these studies markers of oxidativestress such as MDA and 4-HNE (lipid peroxidation, fig. 6)and 8OH-DG (DNA adduct) were elevated,transmembrane potential was altered (lipid damage due toperoxidation), and chromosomes/nucleic acids weredamaged as revealed by FISH and COMET assays showingbreaks, mutations and ploidy disturbances [66]. Additionalevidence reveals that space radiation induces oxidativedamage that results in the increased incidence of cataractsobserved in astronauts traveling outside thegeomagnetosphere or exposed to HZE radiation with highaltitude low Earth orbit missions [67].

c. Interaction with planetary regolith. Through roboticand Apollo mission analysis of regolith as well as curation-facility biochemistry of lunar derived soils, scientists andtoxicologists have identified inhaled regolith as a potentialhazard to astronauts performing EVA on the lunar surface.Lunar regolith is composed of approximately 40 % silica,most of which is in an amorphous state, and relatively non-reactive with human tissue. However, freshly cut orcrystalline silica, especially in the < 10 micron size range,can be quite toxic because of dissemination into the lungperiphery with alveolar trapping and entry into the lunginterstitium. Free radicals and superoxides are generated inthe lung upon interaction of macrophages and other cellularimmune cells with the silica particles, damaging bystanderpneumocytes. Pulmonary damage may be the directconsequence of toxic interaction between quartz particlesand cell membranes, or may be due to silica-inducedproduction of oxidant species by pulmonary phagocytes,that in turn overwhelms pulmonary antioxidant systems andcauses lung injury [68–70]. Data indicate that grinding orfracturing quartz particles breaks Si-O bonds and generates•Si and Si–O• radicals on the surface of the cleavageplanes. Upon contact with water, these silica-based radicalsgenerate hydroxyl radicals (•OH) (fig. 4). These surfaceradicals decay as fractured silica dust ages. Freshly fracturedquartz is significantly more potent than aged silica indirectly causing lipid peroxidation, membrane damage, andcell death. This silica-induced activation results in theproduction of superoxide (O2

–), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2),nitric oxide (NO•), and other oxidant species that candamage lung cells [38–40]. The ultimate consequence ofsilicosis is pulmonary fibrosis, which can be severelydebilitating or even lethal if the exposure is severe and/or oflong duration [71–78].

d. ROS Generation during Exercise. Exercise-inducedfatigue and muscle atrophy are also mediated in part byROS. Electron spin resonance spectroscopy technologyconfirmed earlier findings from the 1950s suggesting thatshort-lived reactive intermediate molecules like ROS arepresent in skeletal muscle after exercise. Since then,

numerous studies support a role of ROS in skeletal musclefatigue. ROS denature proteins directly associated with thesarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release mechanism, thuscompromising tension development. Furthermore,decreased antioxidant status lowers exercise capacity andincreases onset of fatigue in human and animal studies[79]. Astronauts perform extensive upper body exerciseduring EVA activity, and one of the limiting factors incompleting EVA tasks is forearm and hand muscle fatiguedue to extensive tool operation. The fatigue often requirescrewmembers to stop and rest, thereby prolonging theduration of EVA and limits the number of tasks performedduring each EVA [80].

e. Monitoring radiation injury and oxidative stress. Asa step toward that goal, researchers are developing newermethods for evaluating the bioeffects of radiation injury.These methods, in addition to traditional physical “badge-type and instrument” dosimetry, may include biomarkersof exposure: e.g. transepithelial membrane resistance,measurement of membrane sheer, products of lipidperoxidation, and DNA-adduct formation. Other possiblemethods may evaluate markers of health risk, including e.g.assessing cellular DNA for chromosomal aberrations,breaks, and translocations, plus dicentrics, micronucleusformation, etc. via chromosomal painting, FISH, PCC,COMET, H2AX analysis, flow cytometry and newermethods e.g. genomic or proteomic profiling. Forexploratory class missions of long duration, tools for pre-flight risk assessment and in-flight monitoring of oxidativestress and cellular injury will be invaluable to along the crewto modulate their biological exposure and theiremployment of shielding and countermeasures.

Employing an immune enzyme assay is a very efficienttool for biological dosimetry and evaluation of thedifferential diagnosis of acute radiation disease. Theimmune assay targets biological markers of radiationtoxicity – high molecular weight glycoproteins withspecific antigenic properties, found specifically inassociation with the hematopoietic, cerebrovascular,cardiovascular and gastrointestinal forms of acute radiationsyndromes (ARS). The important goal of an earlyassessment with the enzyme immune assay is the accuratedescription of the ARS at the initial phases. Early andprecise differential diagnosis allow physicians to provide aneffective medical management of ARS.

Countermeasures Development. Because acuteradiation sickness occurs within a very short period of time,the opportunities to treat or mitigate the effects of high-dose irradiation are very limited. As an augmentation totreatment, a prophylactic measure could be a moreeffective strategy to address this acute radiation-inducedphenomenon. In addition, preventing the onset of ARSmay also be beneficial in minimizing the other biologicalconsequences of ionizing radiation. For this desired effect,



the authors will describe the development of an oralformula or “cocktail”, directed at reduction of oxidativestress, and enhancement of inherent cellular defensemechanisms. It is likely, if the formula was non-toxic to thecrewmember, that such an approach could also beemployed for reducing the damage associated with chroniclow-dose radiation exposure as well. Secondly, we willdescribe the development of a previously untestedparenterally administered agent, to augment the cell’sinherent defenses against high dose oxidative injury, e.g.from a high dose rate, acute radiation exposure. Theauthors have previously described a novel biologicalmechanism of acute radiation toxicity that originates in thelymphatic system, associated with novel radiotoxins thatappear in radiosensitive tissues after irradiation, calledspecific radiation determinants (SRD) [81]. Thus thirdly,the authors will summarize the development of anexperimental anti-radiation vaccine against these SRD’swhich, because it is directed at a biological mechanismother than DNA damage or oxidative stress, thisimmunologically based form of prophylaxis may be apowerful adjunct therapy that will enhance the efficacy ofexisting and proposed radiation countermeasures.

This collaboration has pursued 3 areas ofcountermeasures development: 1) acute effects mitigation,2) late effects reduction and 3) oxidative stress modulation/ prevention. The work has progressed over a decade andbegan with cell culture experiments, has progressed tomultiple animal studies, and has included preliminaryhuman studies.

Oral Agents: Rationale for development of achemopreventive / oxidative stress protective formula:

Certain antioxidants, e.g., α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid,beta-carotene, SOD, glutathione peroxidase, catalase haveproperties that protect cells from oxygen free-radicaltoxicity [82], and therefore have the potential to decreasethe type of oxidative damage observed among astronautsthat may be caused by hypobaric hyperoxia, and may alsobe able to reduce oxidative damage associated withprolonged hyperoxic environments. Vitamin C is a potentantioxidant capable of reversing endothelial dysfunctioncaused by increased oxidant stress [83]. Though it seemslikely that vitamin C supplementation would mitigatehyperoxia-induced oxidative damage among EVA, it isdebated whether vitamin C could act as a pro-oxidantwhen iron stores are elevated [84, 85]. In one study,treatments with vitamin A, C, or E protected rats exposedto acute hyperoxia (80 % oxygen) against oxygen toxicityby elevating glutathione concentration [86]. In anotherstudy, vitamin E supplementation to rabbits decreased lipidperoxidation and diminished increases in pulmonaryantioxidant enzymes induced by in vitro 100 % oxygenexposure [65]. These increases likely contributeto symptoms of oxidative stress. In another in vitro study,

α-tocopherol was effective in preventing hyperoxia-induced DNA fragmentation and apoptosis [61].Flavonoids have been found to exhibit more antioxidanteffects than α-tocopherol in healthy adults, but thesecompounds have never been tested against hypobarichyperoxia-induced oxidative damage [87]. In addition to aplethora of other tested agents, e.g. a-lipoic acid, folic acid,co-enzyme Q10, selenium, beta carotene, glutathione, andN-acetylcysteine, there are a large number of plant extractsthat have been investigated for their antioxidant properties,such as strawberry and blueberry, hawthorn, Periplanetaamericana, and curcumin [26].

The FDA’s approval of a cardiovascular health claimfor nutritional products containing 25 gm of soy proteinhas contributed to widespread use of soy supplements.Kaplan’s monkey study [88] indicates that long-termconsumption of soy protein containing a modest amount ofisoflavones inhibits the early progression of coronary arteryatherosclerosis. In addition to reducing the risk of heartdisease, isoflavones are being studied in relation to the reliefof certain menopausal symptoms, cancer prevention, andslowing or reversing osteoporosis. Biochemical studiesconducted in mice at Johns Hopkins (Nathan Congdon,ARVO 2003) indicate isoflavones (Genestein) potential inthe prevention of oxidative damage leading to cataract. No.such data is available in human or non-human primates.The anti cataract drug OT 551, (Tempol H) a powerfulantioxidant, to prevent lens protein aggregation, and thuscan serve as a countermeasure for lens protein damageleading to cataract, on astronauts exposed to cosmicradiation [89]. Other oral antioxidant formulas are nowstandard of care in prevention of macular degeneration [6].Quercetin, a plant bioflavanoid, has shown itself to be apowerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger while alsodemonstrating anti-carcinogenic, neuroprotective, anti-viral, and cardio/vascular protective properties. It has alsobeen shown to help prevent cataract formation and exhibitpositive effects on cognitive performance and immuneresponse [90, 91, 93]. In vitro experiments suggest it mayalso be beneficial in protecting against bone loss.Furthermore, recent studies funded by DARPA (DefenseAdvanced Research Projects Agency) have suggested aprotective mechanism against viral illness after exertionalstress in athletes and synergistic properties with othermicronutrients such as Vitamin C, B3, and omega-3 fattyacids [91–95].

Studies performed by Lupton, Turner and colleagueswith the NSBRI show potential reduction in cancer risk inanimals exposed to carcinogens and ionizing radiationwhen supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids and fiber[96]. Omega-3 fatty acids have also shown benefit inimproving cholesterol and lipid parameters in those withunfavorable total cholesterol to high density lipoproteinratios [97, 98]. The safety and efficacy of using algal source



omega-3 supplementation, compared with other sources,such as fish has been shown in multiple studies [99, 100].Combinations of DHA and EPA, and other fatty acids arebeginning to also show efficacy in improving cognitiveperformance and mood, in test subjects with affectivedisorders, traumatic brain injury or exposed toenvironmental stress [102–110].

Thus it was postulated, that a formula mixing low levelsof each of the most effective protection molecules, allowsdelivery to the human without the toxicity associated withhigh-dose, single agents, and with conceivably betterefficacy [101].

Parenteral Treatment of radiation toxicity: In additionto the potential employment of parenteral agents such asAmifostine (WR-1065) in reducing nephrotoxicity due toacute radiation exposure, current medical management isbased on cellular component replacement and supportivetherapy. Hematopoietic cell transplantation has beenrecommended as an important method of treatment of thehematopoietic form of ARS. However in several differenthospitals and institutions, 31 patients with thehematopoietic form of ARS received stem celltransplantation and, in all cases (100 %), the transplantswere rejected, and the lethality rate was 87 %. Thus newand innovative approaches are necessary to improve theoutcomes in high dose acute radiation exposures.

Material and Methods

In vitro studies. The formula was initially tested in cellculture with gamma and HZE particulate radiation fromaccelerators in NYC, NY and Chiba, Japan and found toshow promise in reducing lipid oxidative damage and DNAlesions [66].

In vivo, Animal studies. (Oral + parenteralcountermeasures) C57BL/6NHsd mice receivingintravenous MnSOD-PL prior to 9.5 Gy total bodyirradiation showed increased survival from the acutehematopoietic syndrome and males demonstrate improvedlong term survival [111]. So then, based on pilot data,suggesting possible synergy with parenterally administeredsuperoxide dismutase-containing liposomes, the formulawas tested in rodents at the University of Pittsburg.

Study 1 M&M: Evaluation of whether an antioxidant-chemopreventive diet compared to a regular diet improvedlong-term survival in female mice. C57BL/6HNsd femalemice (18 to 20 gm) were housed 5 per cage and maintainedaccording to IACUC protocols. 160 female C57BL/6NHsdfemale mice (8 weeks of age) which were divided into 4groups of 40 mice. Twenty-four hours before the LD 50/30dose of 9.5 Gy TBI subgroups of mice were injectedintravenously with MnSOD-PL (100 µg plasmid DNA in100 µl). Two of the groups were placed on the antioxidant-chemopreventive diet (table 1) 7 days before irradiation and

maintained on the diet until conclusion of the experiment.The other two groups were maintained on the regular or“house” diet (LabDiet rMH 3000 (5P00) with 0.12 %hydrogen silicon dioxide from TestDiet, catalog #1812877).The silicon dioxide is added as an inert compound tocompensate for weight changes due to addition ofantioxidant ingredients. The antioxidant diet consisted of amicronutrient multivitamin and trace mineral formula(“AmeriSciences®/NASA Premium MultivitaminPremix”, AmeriSciences LP, Houston, TX) and a non-essential antioxidant and chemoprevention mixture derivedprimarily from natural foods (“AmeriSciences®/NASAFruit and Veggie Antioxidant Formula Premix”,AmeriSciences LP, Houston TX). Of this chow serving size,99.95 % was chow mix, 0.024 % was the AS/NASAPremium Multivitamin Formula (table 1), and 0.023 % wasthe AS/NASA Fruit/Veggie Antioxidant Formula. Theconstituents of the antioxidant and chemoprevention dietsupplements are shown in table 5 [112].

In vivo, Animal studies. Several studies were conductedat the Moscow Veterinary Academy and other locations,evaluating the efficacy of both hyperimmune serum and aparenteral vaccine on survival of animals receiving an9dLD100 dose of total body irradiation.

Study 2 M&M: The following experimental animalspecies were studied: mice, rat, rabbit, sheep, pigs, dogs andcattle. All animals possessed normal blood profiles, weightand size for age, and body temperatures. The animals wereexposed to gamma rays, based on body weight of theanimals in doses up to 10 Gy, and were irradiated in RUM-17, Puma, and Panorama devices. The exposure dose rateranged from 3–29 A/kg. On the day preceding radiationexposure, and also 15, 30, and 45 days post-exposure, alympho-venous anastomosis was created surgically. Mild,moderate, severe, and extremely severe acute radiationsickness of the hematological form, as well as thegastrointestinal, toxic and cerebral acute radiationsyndromes, were induced in the experimental groups ofanimals. Gel filtration and high-performance liquidchromatography were used to extract the immunochemicalglycoprotein specific radiation determinants (SRD) fromthe central lymph of animals. SRD (Specific RadiationDeterminant) radiation toxins have been analyzed andfound to be glycoproteins with the molecular weight rangingfrom 200–250 kDa and with high enzymatic activity.

The vaccine was produced from lyophilized SRD(isolated from the lymph of animals irradiated at dosesinducing cerebral and extremely severe ARS), which weredissolved in an isotonic solution of NaCl. The dose ofadministered was based on computation of the amount ofSRD per unit volume of central lymph and absorbed doseof radiation. Animals were randomly assigned to receiveplacebo, vaccine or hyperimmune serum before exposureto radiation. The animals received subcutaneous injections




Table 5

Constituents of the rodent chemoprevention test formula, used with and without the Mn-SOD plasmidliposomes



of an anti-radiation vaccine in doses of 5, 10, 15, or20 µg/kg lean mass and the control animals were injectedwith 1.5 ml of normal saline solution; 10, 15, 30, 60 and90 days before irradiation. The animals received lethaldoses of radiation 15, 30, or 60 days after vaccination. Thecriterion for vaccine efficacy was survival of the animals30 days after irradiation: for rats at a dose of 10.0 Gy,rabbits at a dose of 9.5 Gy, and dogs at dose of 6.5 Gy [81].

In vivo, Human studies. Several small pilot studies havebeen conducted to test the tolerance and efficacy of aformula countermeasure. The studies were based on effectsobserved during NEEMO V, XII and XIII missions used todetermine whether there was indeed evidence of oxidativestress during the mission, a 2 week NEEMO saturation dive[42]. Along with the increased 8(OH) dG excretion duringthe dive, decreased activities of GPX and SOD during(SOD) and after (GPX and SOD) the dive, imply thatoxidative stress and inflammation increased [42].

Study 3 M&M: A follow-up pilot study was performedto assess muscular fatigue reduction with a NAC-basedcountermeasure formula. The study was conducted oncrewmembers training in the NBL during 6–8 hourhyperoxic environmental exposures, and examined theirability to perform tasks observed to induce forearm fatigueduring EVA training activities.

During Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL)spacewalk training dives, employing Nitrox (approx. 40 %oxygen-enriched dual (O2/N2) gas mixture– exposingcrewmembers to UPTD of approx. 1300; lipidperoxidation markers were measured pre- and post- dive.On one dive the crewmember received no countermeasureformula, on the other dive the crewmembers received thecountermeasure beginning 1 week prior to the dive.


Study 1 R: MnSOD-PL administration improvessurvival from LD 50/30 total body irradiation:

Mice that received intravenous administration of100 µg of plasmid DNA in 100 µl of liposomes showedimproved survival as compared to mice in the control groupafter 9.5 Gy TBI. MnSOD-PL showed increased survivalfrom the acute effects of 9.5 Gy TBI (p = 0.031) [112].Mice receiving the antioxidant diet alone did not show animprovement in survival at 30 days with a percent mortalityof 50 % compared to 45 % for the control diet (p = 0.82).The data confirm the previous publication [111] anddemonstrated decreased 30-day mortality in the MnSOD-PL group as compared to the control: 20 % mortality in theMnSOD-PL group vs. 45 % in the control (p = 0.031).Thirty-day mortality was significantly lower in theantioxidant diet + MnSOD-PL group compared to thecontrol house diet or antioxidant diet only: 17.5 % for theantioxidant diet + MnSOD-PL group vs. 45 % mortalityin irradiated house diet controls and 50 % in the

antioxidant diet (p = 0.015 and 0.0041 respectively) [112]. Antioxidant diet improves conditional survival and

ameliorates radiation-induced life shortening:Mice surviving the 9.5 Gy total body irradiation dose at

30 days were followed for evaluation of the late effects of totalbody irradiation (conditional survival). As shown in fig. 7,the conditional survival of mice on the antioxidant diet wassignificantly improved over the 450 days of observationcompared to those on the house diet (p = 0.040). Mice onthe antioxidant diet that received MnSOD-PL in addition,also showed an improvement in conditional survivalcompared to those on the house diet alone (p = 0.010, fig. 7)[112]. These results establish that antioxidant dietsupplements ameliorate radiation-induced life shorteningand provide support for the concept of continuing oxidativestress in the post-irradiation cellular microenvironment oftissues, organs and organ systems [112].

Study 2 R: Administration (I/V or IM) of SRD RT tohealthy, radiation naпve animals induced the development ofclinical symptoms of ARS. Administration of the RT SRD-1 (doses ranging: 0.1, 0.5, 1, 10, 30, 50, 70 and 100 mg/kg) tonon-radiated animals induced acute toxicity which comparesto the deleterious effects generated by high doses irradiation[113]. The highest doses of RT produced death of radiation-naive animals within hours to days after administration oftoxins. For these animals injected with SRD-1 toxins, a shortperiod of extreme agitation was followed by deep coma, andsubsequent circulatory and respiratory depression. The resultsof postmortem histology showed characteristics of intra-cortical hemorrhage and other effects similar to high doseacute cerebral irradiation [113, 114].

Antibodies raised against the SRD antigens can reduceor neutralize the toxic properties of RT-SRDadministration, as well as reduce the toxicity associatedwith acute high dose irradiation (see table 6).

Serum containing anti-radiation antibodies cans also bean effective method for decreasing radiation toxicity and de-toxification of these agents, with similar effects to the vaccine,but of limited duration utility (data not published) [114].

From these studies, it would seem that an anti-

Fig. 7. Conditional survival curves (animals surviving at least30 days) for each of four test groups receiving 9.5 Gy total body

irradiation [112]



radiation vaccine and an anti-radiation immune IgG serumpreparation can be effective in diminishing thedevelopment of post-radiation burns and improve clinicalsymptoms of combined radiation injury. Once immunized,due to immunological memory formation, the animals areable to maintain a reasonably high level of resistance toradiation for several years. Thus, anti-radiation serum andvaccine, could be considered as a part of a radioprotectionstrategy to assist military forces to operate in radioactivezone of military operations, and to protect civilianpopulation in areas of nuclear plant accidents or terroristicattack with nuclear weapon use.

Study 3 R: The following were evaluated: themagnitude of oxidative stress in EVA crewmembers, asmeasured by markers of lipid peroxidation, DNA damage,and total oxidant capacity; the efficacy of antioxidantcountermeasures in reducing simulated EVA-induced totaloxidative stress; and the efficacy of an antioxidantcountermeasure to reduce muscular fatigue seen duringEVA-type activities during NBL training. Each graph infig. 8A reveals the changes in either cellular protectionmolecule (e.g. SOD) or oxidative stress marker (e.g. MDA,4HNE) associated with exposure to hyperbaric oxygenduring an 8-hour NBL Nitrox, hyperoxic training run.

The crewmembers served as their own controls in thispilot study experimental design. In general, there was lesslipid peroxidation and better hand-grip endurance whencrewmembers were taking the countermeasure formula.

After completing the NBL pilot study, severalastronauts, by their own request, have taken thechemoprevention formula during both short duration flighton the Space Transportation System (Shuttle) orbiter andthe International Space Station (ISS). The formula was welltolerated pre- and in-flight by all four crewmembers, andthere were no in-flight side effects of the formula (personalcommunication, data not published). The content of thehuman spaceflight formula is shown in table 7.


There are many sources of oxidative stress in the livesof workers, whether they work in nuclear power facilities,on the front lines of international conflicts, or in thereaches of outer space. The exposure dose can varysubstantially, but at minimum will accelerate the aging oftheir organ systems, and at worse could result in acuteexposure syndromes that may be fatal. A common thread ofthe oxidative stress exposures is ROS-binding to criticalcellular organelles and molecules, which can result incellular dysfunction, mutation of nucleic acids, or evenapoptotic cell death [30]. Currently there are no provencountermeasures for these exposures, aside from a clinicalagent, Amifostine, (Etyhol™), which is used to reducemucositis and other side effects from radiation therapy dosein cancer patients [26]. This manuscript describes: 1)sources of oxidative stress during spaceflight, 2) thecomplexity of the radiation exposure outside of the Earth’sgeomagnetosphere, and 3) some potentially fruitfulavenues of research in developing prevention, mitigationand treatment strategies for those who are occupationallyexposed to excessive sources of oxidative stress, especiallyacute and chronic radiation.

The cytotoxic effects of different types of radiation maybe the single most important clinicopathologic process bywhich oxidative damage is induced from reactive oxygenspecies and radiation toxicity induced by radiation toxins.Radiation toxins (SRDs) with high enzymatic activity andtheir ability to degraded a wide variety of extracellularproteins, lipids, carbohydrates and DNA molecules,induce damage of important intracellular compartmentssuch as mitochondria, ion channels, DNA, as well asactivating degradation of peptide bonds in importantpolypeptides in tissues and vascular endothelium. Yet theexact mechanism by which radiation toxins stimulatedevelopment of the ARS is poorly understood. SRDradiation toxins possess both antigenic and toxicproperties; yet the antigenic properties can be utilized to

Table 6

Summary of the effect of high dose radiation (expressed in Gy) on various animal species and the impact ofa radiation vaccine countermeasure [113]



Table 7

Constituents of human spaceflight chemoprevention formula, flown on Shuttle, ISS flights

Daily Dose Unit

A.) Multivitamins/Trace Minerals (as tablet)Vitamin A (as 70 % beta-carotene and 30 % vitamin A palmitate) 2500 IUVitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 250 mgVitamin D (as cholecalciferol) 1200 IUVitamin E (as natural d-alpha tocopherol succinate and mixed tocopherols) 200 IUVitamin K (as phytonadione) 80 mgThiamine (vitamin B1) (as thiamine mononitrate) 2.25 mgRiboflavin (vitamin B2) 2.55 mgNiacin (as inositol hexanicotinate) 30 mgVitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 3 mgFolate (as folic acid) 600 mgVitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 9 mgBiotin 450 mgPantothenic acid (as d-calcium pantothenate) 15 mgCalcium (as calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate) 500 mgIodine (from kelp) 30 mgMagnesium (as magnesium oxide and chelate) 200 mgZinc (as zinc chelate [monomethionine or glycinate]) 15 mgSelenium (as L-selenomethionine) 100 mgCopper (as copper amino acid chelate) 0.18 mgManganese (as manganese amino acid chelate) 2 mgChromium (as chromium picolinate) 200 mgMolybdenum (as molybdenum amino acid chelate) 56 mgPotassium (as potassium citrate) (7.5 mEq) 290 mgB.) Antioxidant/Chemoprevention agents (as capsule) Daily DoseQuercetin [Source quercetin dihydrate and/or citrus peel)] 800 mgRutin/Hesperidin Source citrus peel] 25/5 mgGreen Tea Polyphenols [Source: Green Tea Extract (leaf)] 450 mgEpigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) 250 mgAlpha Lipoic Acid 100 mgN-Acetyl-L-Cysteine(NAC) synthetic 600 mgLycopene [Source: Source: Tomato Extract 5 %] 5 mgAstaxanthin [Source: Haematococcus Algae Extract 2 %]Lutein Source [Source: Marygold Extract 5 %]



Phytosterols [Source: Soy and Avocado] 250 mgIsoflavones [Source: Soy and/or Avocado Extracts] 350 mgAllicin [Source: High-Potency Garlic Extract (bulb)] 7.5/275 mgGlucosinolates [Source: Cruciferous Vegetable Extract (Brassica spp.) (plant)] 4/100 mgHigh ORAC Fruit Extract [Source: strawberry, escobillo, blueberry, blackberry, cranberry, grape, pomegranate] 1000 mgCoenzyme Q-10 100 mgResveratrol [Source: phytoalexin from grape juice/seed extract (incl: flavonoids, polyphenols, proanthrocyanins)] 150 mgLipid Supplement (from omega-3 fatty acids alpha-linolenic, as gel capsule)DHA (docasahexaenoic acid– from algal oil)EPA (eicosapentanoic acid– from fish oil)



neutralize the toxic properties, by inducing specificantibodies which limit SRD toxicity [113, 114].

This manuscript describes both oral formulas andparenteral agents, e.g. MnSOD-liposomes which canreduce radiation exposure-induced biological effects. Inaddition, active immunization by non-toxic doses ofradiation toxins, that we call the Specific RadiationDeterminants (SRDs) can also be employed to reduce

radiation toxicity. SRD immunization must be providednot less than 24 days before irradiation to have activity, andcan be effective up to three years or more. Activeimmunization by radiation toxins can significantly improvethe survival rate (up to 60 %) versus placebo-controlledirradiated animals. Our studies attempt to show thepotential ability of specific antibodies to neutralizeradiation toxins and thus substantially reduce the effects on



radiation-induced neuro-, vascular, gastrointestinal, andhematopoietic toxicity. Antiradiation antibodies preventthe radiation-induced cytolysis of selected groups of cellsthat are sensitive to radiation. Anti-radiation antibodiesderived from different phases of the ARS can compete withand thus prevent cytolysis mediated by cytotoxiclymphocytes. The therapeutic benefit of neutralization ofSRD radiation toxins could make hemopoetic stem celltransplantation more effective. Antiradiation vaccine andIgG antibodies have shown activity in animals againstseveral different types of radiation include gamma, heavyions, and neutron irradiation [113, 114].


Developing countermeasures for radiation injury has along and storied history, and is proving to be verychallenging. Perhaps the era of high-dose single agents forthis application is coming to an end. The authors of thismanuscript feel that, in order to find a successful approachto protect the human against either acute or chronicsources of oxidative damage or radiation exposure, a multipathway defense strategy must be developed. Oxidativedamage in humans working or living in extremeenvironments is widespread and affects many cellularcomponents. We have try to show that the downstream

biological effects from this damage are variable, based onhost factors, dose quality, magnitude and rate, as well as thepresence or absence of countermeasures. Preliminary andpilot studies in vitro, in animal models and recently inhumans, are showing some promise for both efficacy andsafety/tolerability. The hope is, in these times ofunpredictability in the operation of nuclear power facilities,possible terrorist weapons of mass destruction, andspaceflight operations, that this reported work has inspiredthe reader to bring forth new ideas and engage with authorsin this important and meaningful pursuit.


Scot Smith, PhD, Sara Zwart, PhD, Dan Feeback,PhD, Mark Clarke, PhD, Clarence Sams, PhD, and JamesLocke, MD from the NASA/JSC and COL Keith Manuel,OD, LTC Dan Johnston, MD, from the DOD(Department of Defense), for provision of data frompreliminary studies and support; as well as Jeffrey Sutton,MD Jon Clark, MD and Jeannie Becker, PhD for supportfrom the Center for Space Medicine and National SpaceBiomedical Institute.

Fig. 8 A) Lipid peroxidation marker malondialdehyde levelswere measured during NBL training runs, with and without


B) Forearm endurance measure employing HGD–hand gripdynamometry pre- and post- NBL runs with and without




1400Endurance Results-Repetitions



Pre-Intervention Post-Intervention Post-NBL

Repetitions Completed








Malondialdehydem m





Solid = Placebo











Baseline EVA-1 EVA+0Baseline EVA-1 EVA+0


Dashed = Supplement


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Поступила: 05.12.2011Принята к публикации: 28.02.2013