soul searchers paranormal magazine ~ issue 4, january 2012

January 2012 – Issue 4

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A free bi-monthly online magazine from SOuL Searchers Paranormal Investigations (a sub-group of SOL) with information on upcoming activities and events within the Australian paranormal community as well as articles, photos and information on the paranormal, parapsychology, ghost tours, mysterious locations, psychics and mediums etc.


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January 2012 – Issue 4

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The SOuL Searchers online magazine is produced on a bi-monthly basis and provides topical information to keep you up to date on news and the latest developments happening in the Australian Paranormal community. In addition to our announcements on upcoming activities and events, the SOuL Searchers Magazine will contain articles, photos and information on the paranormal, parapsychology, ghost tours, mysterious locations, psychics and mediums, etc. Your suggestions, comments and contributions are welcomed.

Janine Donnellan is the founder of SOuL Searchers Investigations and the editor of the Paranormal online Magazine. Janine has been conducting house clearings and investigations for over 15 years and established SOuL Searchers Paranormal Investigation Team in 2006. Janine has a certificate of Advanced Achievement in Parapsychology (1998) Australian Academy of Applied Parapsychology and her interest in the occult was developed as a young child through her spiritualist Grandfather. The mission of this magazine is to include articles and information on our investigations and from the Paranormal community and to endeavour to provide logical explanations if applicable on environments and events that are associated with paranormal activity.

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SOuL Searchers is a sub-group of

Spheres Of Light (SOL) ABN 46 385 794 818

For general inquiries or to request an investigation and clearing in your home please contact our Case Manager at [email protected]

To assist us in our investigations please answer our questionnaire to the best of your ability. Click on the link below to download the questionnaire.

SOuL Searchers Questionnaire The initial interview process is conducted by phone using our Questionnaire that goes over detailed questions with the client, including dates and times of occurrences, who was present, description of what was experienced, and location information etc. All information received is kept strictly confidential. It is SOuL Searchers' mission to provide the best service possible to our clients, by listening to their needs, providing solutions and being informative every step of the way. SOuL Searchers are based in Australia, in the southern Sydney, Sutherland Shire & Illawarra areas of NSW. Website built by PackRat & Jenwytch. Design, content addition & site maintenance by Jenwytch. Unauthorised use of the Spheres of Light & SOuL Searchers logo is prohibited. Logo Copyright © 2006-2012 Spheres Of Light. All rights reserved.

Welcome page 2 Note from the Editor page 4 The Occult World of C G Jung page 5 Paranormal Phenomena page 8 Stone Tape Theory page 9 Boreley Rectory page 11 The Duke Hotel Investigation page 15 Ghost Story – Part 1 page 18 Book Review page 24 Haunted Fremantle Gaol page 25 Paranormal Groups in Australia page 27 Workshops, Courses & Events page 31 Friendly Businesses page 36 SOuL Searchers Investigations Page 38 SOuL Searchers Advertising & Deadlines page 40


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2012 is going to be another exciting year for the Australian paranormal community. For starters we have Paracon Australia, our first paranormal conference happening on 24 - 25


March at Oran Park featuring David Wells, a well known UK Medium. I am pleased to advise that SOuL Searchers will also be commencing a 12 week Parapsychology Certificate Course starting on the 7

th March (see

details on page 14). Sadly, 2011 ended with some unprofessional behaviour by a few people on Facebook which I hope will not be repeated this year. Facebook is such a wonderful medium for meeting people and connecting to various groups who share a common interest. I have met so many lovely people lately who are happy to share their experiences. Unfortunately you occasionally come across someone in the paranormal

community who is not ethical in their dealings and have their own hidden agenda. Often their motives are counter productive to what the paranormal community as a whole is trying to achieve, but fortunately they are in the minority. I guess in life you will meet all kinds of people. There are those you meet that have integrity and a high level of professionalism, and they are the ones that we should be giving our focus and encouragement to. Through the concept of supporting each other, the sense of 'all' grows stronger and stronger. Those that create chaos and division serve a purpose in that they give us the impetus to change what needs to be changed. So if you come across some one that is vitriolic and unprofessional on Facebook don’t take on their crap just unfriend or block them. Hopefully they will get the message eventually that their behaviour is unacceptable.

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‘Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart…..Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside awakens.’

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I have always admired Carl Jung as a great psychologist and as an occultist. His life and work has held a great fascination to me. Throughout the years of his long-standing professional career, Jung repeatedly showed great personal courage in his investigation of matters that no one else in the "respectable" psychiatric academia circles of his day would touch. Jung considered himself, first and foremost, a doctor and healer of the psyche, so when Jung believed it necessary to explore a certain tabooed avenue in order to gain a better understanding of the psyche, then he just "went for it." Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was a famous and influential Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist, and founder of Analytical Psychology. His approach to human psychology emphasized understanding the psyche through exploring the world of dreams, art, the occult, mythology, world religion and philosophy. At the time of his death Jung left a huge body of work on such topics as spiritualism, extra-sensory perception, witchcraft, dreams, mandalas, coincidences, astrology, divination, yoga, flying saucers and even Zen Buddhism and the I Ching. It is interesting to note that as a young boy, Jung found himself drawn to the occult. Unfortunately this interest became the basis of his traumatic break with Sigmund Freud which had a great affect on his life. Unlike Freud, Jung was interested in aspects of the unconscious that could not be attributed to an individual's personal development but derived from the deeper non-personal realms common to humankind – the collective unconscious, whose contents he called "archetypes". Jung’s interest with the occult was fostered as a young child by his maternal grandfather, Rev. Samuel Preiswerk, who believed in the paranormal, and had kept a chair in his study for the ghost of his deceased first wife, who was said often came to visit him. Jung’s mother Emilie was also had an influence on his studies into the paranormal. Emilie was intially employed by her father to prevent the

various spirits from disturbing him while he was preparing his sermons. Emilie was a trance medium, a skill she developed herself in her late teens. Emilie continued to enter trance states throughout her life. The young Jung would often hear her speaking in a different voice which gave the impression she had a ‘split personality’. Jung would later on experience his own ‘split personality’ experience at the age of 12. Jung referred to this personality as the ‘Other,’ which he believed was a person from the 18th century, who wore a white wig and buckled shoes, drove an impressive carriage, and held Jung in contempt. Jung believed that he had been this character in a past life. When Jung was 21, his father died and soon after his father appeared in two dreams which changed his views on the possibility of life after death. During his life Jung experienced other dreams which he believed were premonitions, one of his mother’s death and later on his sister Gertrude’s death. In 1900, the 25-year-old Jung joined the prestigious Burghölzli Mental Clinic in Zürich where he developed his theory of ‘complexes’, and initiated a successful ‘patient-friendly’ approach to working with psychotics and schizophrenics. It was at this juncture of his life that he developed a relationship with Sigmund Freud. Although Jung was a loyal supporter of Freud’s work there were, times of dissension. One concerned Freud’s attitude toward parapsychology. The story goes that Freud was sceptical and dismissed the subject as nonsense. Jung disagreed, he began to feel his diaphragm glow, as if it was becoming red-hot. A loud bang came from a bookcase. Both jumped up, and Jung said to Freud: “There, that is an example of a so-called catalytic exteriorisation phenomenon!”, Jung’s long-winded circumlocution for a poltergeist, or “noisy spirit”. When Freud said “Bosh!”, Jung predicted that another bang would immediately happen. It did. Jung said that, from that moment on, Freud grew mistrustful of him. From Freud’s letter to Jung about the incident, one gets the feeling that he felt Jung himself was responsible for it.

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In actuality Jung did seem to have numerous paranormal abilities. In one episode while in bed in a hotel room after giving a lecture, he experienced the suicide of a patient. The patient had relapsed into depression, and shot himself in the head. Jung awoke in his hotel, feeling an odd pain in his forehead. He later discovered that his patient had shot himself precisely where Jung felt the pain, at the same time Jung woke up. In 1920 Carl Jung also had a close and personal encounter with a ghost which was reported in Fanny Moser's book Spuk (1950). Jung was spending a weekend at an English country house a friend had rented which had a history of being haunted. The climax of the haunting occurred when the head of a woman materialized on the pillow of Jung's bed close to his head. The ghostly head had one eye open, and it stared at the astonished psychoanalyst. Jung managed to light a candle, and the frightening spectre disappeared. He later learned from the villagers that all previous tenants of the country house had terminated their occupancy in short order after a night or two in the haunted house. In a hospital in Switzerland in 1944, Jung had a heart attack and a near-death experience. His vivid encounter led Jung to conclude that his experience came from something real and eternal. In this experience Jung saw the Earth from a point of about a thousand miles above it. His accurate view of the Earth from outer space was described in detail two decades before astronauts in space first described it. Subsequently, as he reflected on life after death, Jung recalled the meditating Hindu from his near-death experience and read it as a parable of the archetypal Higher Self, the God-image within. Carl Jung, who founded analytical psychology, centred on the archetypes of the collective unconscious. Unfortunately Jung’s theories have received limited acceptance within mainstream

psychology due to its complexity and inherent mysticism, Unlike Freud and many other early theorists, Jung believed that life did not merely end in death: it came to a point of completion, before crossing over into another experience of expression and development via the death and release of the physical body. Carl Jung himself completed his life on 6 June 1961 after a number of dreams portending a transition to a tower bathed in light on the "other side of the lake." Recommended Reading Psychology and the Occult CG Jung. Includes Jung's Foreword to Phenomènes Occultes (1939), "On the Psychology and Pathology of So-called Occult Phenomena," "The Psychological Foundations of Belief in Spirits," "The Soul and Death," "Psychology and Spiritualism," "On Spooks: Heresy or Truth?" and Foreword to Jaffé: Apparitions and Precognition. Synchronicity CG Jung. A parapsychological study of the meaningful coincidence of events, extrasensory perception, and similar phenomena. The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious CG Jung, Gerhard Adler, R. F.C. Hull. Essays which state the fundamentals of Jung's psychological system: "On the Psychology of the Unconscious" and "The Relations Between the Ego and the Unconscious," with their original versions in an appendix. References:

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There is a high level of paranormal belief, in all societies around the world both geographically and historically. However we must ascertain that some events that we think are paranormal might be misinterpreted and conversely some events that we dismiss as coincidence might be actually paranormal. SOuL Searchers gets approached on a regular basis regarding various types of paranormal activity, the investigation that ensues often reveals some interesting results. Some of the time the problem relates to geopathic stress, other times it can be difficult to give a definitive answer, The following information highlights some of the phenomena that can be encountered during a paranormal investigation: Cold Spots Often cold spots can indicate the presence of a spirit form. Either the room becomes cold or a spot in one area of the room will suddenly become cold. In an investigation one should check the condition of windows and doors to ensure the cold air is not a draft. Rappings - Scratching – Knockings One of the ways spirit can communicate is through sound. Often strange knockings are an indication that a spirit form is close at hand. Objects can also be dropped, moved or thrown. Sometimes the rappings and scratching could indicate an animal presence. One of our clients mentioned spirit activity in a particular corner of a room, it turned out to be a slightly open window that was causing the blinds to hit against the window.

Power Drains and Equipment Malfunctions When a spirit is drawing energy to become more visible they will often draw-in nearby energy; this energy can also come from batteries in video cameras, and other devices. Often cameras, tape recorders, even lights will suddenly go haywire or stop working all together when a spirit is present. During one case a lamp that was flickering and dimming on its own was responding to the off peak water system coming on each night. Physical Sensations Physical encounters can sometimes occur such as the sensation of being touched, pinched, slapped, etc. Sometimes in a paranormal situation fear can create a heightened sense of awareness and occassionaly one’s imagination can create a sense of being touched. Smells These smells can seem to come from nowhere, and develop instantly and disappear just as quickly. The smells can vary from sweet floral smells, tobacco to putrid rotten meat smells. Mists and Other Masses You may see other types of spirit manifestations in the form of strange shadows, black masses and wispy forms like smoke or the mist could be the breath in cold air or cigarette smoke.

Paranormal Phenomena When things go bump in the night

“When all the evidence is presented, and all the false clues have been eliminated, the story that is left, no matter how incredible, must be the truth.” - Sherlock Holmes

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by Janine Donnellan

Back in the 1970s I watched a film called the Stone Tape which had a major impact on my concepts of paranormal activity. The Stone Tape is a television play directed by Peter Sasdy and starring Michael Bryant, Jane Asher, Michael Bates and Iain Cuthbertson. It was broadcast by the BBC. Combining aspects of science fiction and horror, the story concerns a team of scientists who move into their new research facility, a renovated Victorian mansion that has a reputation for being haunted. Investigating, they learn that the haunting is a recording of a past event made by the stone in one of the rooms of the house - the "stone tape" of the play's title. Believing that this may be the key to the development of a new recording medium, they throw all their expertise and high-tech equipment into learning how the stone tape preserves its recording. However,

during the process of their investigations, they try several experiments to eradicate the "haunted recording" only to reveal a darker, more malevolent layer. Since its broadcast, the hypothesis that some ghost's sightings are actual recordings of past events which have been absorbed by the natural environment has come to be known as the "Stone Tape Theory". Essentially the theory is based on the suggestion that buildings and materials are able to absorb and store an impression of living beings who are experiencing a highly emotional and traumatic event which then gets projected back into the environment under certain conditions and or triggers. Current paranormal investigators generally refer to this paranormal energy as Residual Energy or Residual Haunting. The idea of past events being recorded is far from new however, Sir

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William Barrett, Physicist and founding member of the Society for Psychical Research suggested in the late 19th Century; "In certain cases of hauntings and apparitions, some kind of local imprint, on material structures or places, has been left by some past events occurring to certain persons, who when on Earth, lived or were closely connected with that particular locality; an echo or phantom of these events becoming perceptible to those now living." Researchers speculate that the paranormal recording can be captured during times of high emotional and traumatic stress such as murder, grief or an important scene in someone's life. This energy can be stored for an unspecified amount of time in the surrounding building materials or the environment and then the replay is triggered by a number of variant factors such as the anniversary of the event, particular weather conditions, or the phase of the moon etc. Witnesses of this paranormal replay may experience these events differently and according to their own level of psychic ability, stress or emotional levels or even brainwaves. The replay can take a multitude of forms including full manifestations, sounds such as voices or footsteps, smells and feelings. These experiences can be repeated like an ongoing loop. The images that are seen in this type of event may walk through walls or even appear to be several feet above or below ground level such as the famous case that took place in York in 1953 when a farmer in England witnessed a legion of Roman soldiers marching through the cellar that he was working on at the time. On 20th January 2007 some members of SOuL Searchers attended a ghost tour at the Redbank Range Tunnel (Mushroom Tunnel) in Picton, NSW. This tunnel was built in the 1860s to take the railway from Picton to Mittagong. When a new line was built it was left idle until the 2nd world war when it was used to store ammunition. After the war ended it was used to grow mushrooms, hence its nickname 'The Mushroom Tunnel' In 1916 a middle aged woman named Emily

Bollard took a shortcut through the tunnel; unfortunately for Emily, halfway through the tunnel she was killed instantly and her body carried on the front of the train into Picton. In the years that followed, there had been many sightings of a ghostly apparition walking through the tunnel. The tunnel is considered to be one of the most haunted places in Australia. Our investigation team had experienced some pretty scary happenings during our visit and had seen some spectacular light anomalies and orbs with the naked eye. A perfect example of the Stone Tape theory, was also witnessed during the night, a white ghostly figure assumedly of Emily was seen repeatedly walking up to the halfway point of the tunnel. Although skeptics maintain that there is a major problem with the Stone tape theory and believe that there is no satisfactory explanation as to how or why such a recording could take place. A large proportion of traditional centuries-old hauntings can fall under the banner of residual: the lady in grey who 'still is seen walking the path', the headless horseman that appears at midnight or the apparition that appears on the anniversary of its death. The concept of 'stone tape theory' is a neat way of explaining these phenomena. For many such individuals the theory is a valid one; if one has a belief that there is a connection between psychic events that becomes embedded in the environment then stone tape theory is a natural progression and requires no scientific justification. References:

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Built in 1863 near the river Stour in Essex by the Rev Henry Bull for his wife and 14 children Borley Rectory claimed the title of England's most haunted house. The site goes back hundreds of years and is listed as a monastery in the doomsday book of 1066. At the site of the long gone monastery the house was built over long since disused tunnels and chambers. Much of the alleged paranormal activity centres around this time and early claims are of monks and nuns being seen. The picture

opposite is of one of the tunnels under Borley rectory being explored by an investigator.

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Henry Bull died in 1892 in a room they called the blue room. Later occupants will claim to have heard and seen Henry on many occasions in this area. The family remained in the house following his death and in 1900 three of his daughters saw a nun in the garden. A fourth daughter left the house to greet the nun and was startled when it disappeared as she approached. Below is a picture taken near the house of an alleged monk.

After this time a nun was regularly seen watching through the windows of the rectory until the family moved out in 1927. The house remained empty until 1928 when the Rev Smith moved in. From the moment he moved in poltergeist activity was observed including voices and footsteps believed to be that of the previous owner Henry Bull. In 1929 the renowned paranormal investigator Henry "Harry" Price paid his first visit to the site and began his investigations. As he was a known figure at that time the press was hot on his heels and soon the newspaper articles and publicity forced Rev Smith and his family to concede defeat and move out.

In 1930 the Foyster family moved in and so began what was to be the most active and notorious time in the Rectory's history. Most of the activity was centred around Marieanne, one of the ladies of the house and was mostly poltergeist in nature. This included alleged biting and unexplained markings on the walls. Between 1930 and 1935 Harry Price recorded over 2000 instances of paranormal activity and once the Foysters had been driven from the property by a mixture of bad publicity and unexplained happenings the house again lay empty until 1937 when Harry Price was in a financial position to lease the Rectory for his own purposes. In 1939 the house was burnt down in mysterious circumstances and figures were seen standing in the flames near windows. In an interesting picture taken shortly after the fire what appears to be a figure is seen in the upstairs centre window. It should be noted that were no floors remaining on upstairs levels.

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Borley Rectory was demolished in 1944 and even during this time the paranormal activity appeared to continue. Workmen on the site reported masonry and stones moving on their own and one picture survives to tell this story although it is hotly debated and shows a brick apparently caught in mid air (see below). Over the years this case has received much attention. The critics say the house and its alleged activity is nothing more than an

elaborate fake helped on its way by publicity and Harry Price's search for fame. Others say that the activity is part of the rich heritage and history that has occupied that spot on the land for over a thousand years. There are many books written on Borley Rectory both for and against the haunting allegations. I have my own opinion but that is not for this article. I leave it to you to come to your own conclusions.

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or contact Janine on 0408 025 268


- Compiled by Jenny Taylor The Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, situated in the heart of the historic Sydney suburb of Enmore, has been serving patrons since 1876(1) or 1880, with John H. Smith as the first publican.(2) There were three John Smiths in the Newtown area in the 1880s but Alderman

John Henry Smith (Alderman February 1880 - November 1882) is assumed to be the hotelier John H. Smith. A publican named Smith wrote to Council in 1866 requesting that his horse trough remain in its present position of the Newtown Road near White Horse Road. It seems most of the hotels of the day had their own trough and hitching rail(3) and stables. John H. Smith operated the 'Somerset' Hotel in the early 1870s at the intersection of

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Crescent and Station Streets. By the late 1870s he was running the 'Duke of Edinburgh' Hotel on the corner of Enmore Road and Simmons Street.(3)

History of Enmore Road & Simmons Street Enmore Road was an Aboriginal walking track and was known as Josephson's Track in the 1850s. Enmore Ward was created in 1862; the name is taken from the estate owned by Captain Sylvester Brown from 1835 and the Josephsons from 1838 to 1883. Enmore is the name of a small millennium-old town in Somerset near Cornwall; Brown took the name of his employer's estate in British Guiana or Barbados in the West Indies.(4) Simmons Street in Enmore was formed by 1841 and named for Isaac or James Simmons who auctioned the land west of here. James Simmons was an auctioneer/landowner on the Provisional Committee of the Sydney Railway Company, which planned Australia's first railway in the late 1840s between Sydney and Parramatta.(5)

Recent History

The Duke hotel has been run as a family business for the last 14 years, with the current proprietors "taking pride in having created one of the friendliest pub atmospheres in all of Sydney...your time at the Duke will be always be memorable."(1)

The Investigation

This is one of those investigations where everybody experienced the unexpected. It was an investigation organised by a third party and the full scope of the investigation wasn’t forthcoming until we actually arrived at the hotel. This is a good example of why one should personally contact the owner of the establishment to get the actual extent of the investigation. As it turned out the investigation wasn’t in the hotel but in the back of the property in a loft above the old stables, which could only be accessed by a ladder. The staff going up into the loft had complained that they had experienced some strange paranormal activity, one staff had resigned because of it.

The Courtyard in front of the Stables where the sound of horse hooves were heard. The ground floor of the stables had been converted into a kitchen and the loft had become a storage area for the kitchen supplies. With the members of the SOuL Searchers team and a couple of journalists from the Telegraph in toe we proceeded to climb the ladder which was an OH&S nightmare as the metal ladder was a bit greasy from all the cooking in the kitchen. I was also in a state of high anxiety as I suffer from vertigo and the thought of climbing a ladder and even worse coming down the ladder added to the potential dangers of the investigation.

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When we eventually got into the loft we discovered it was crammed up to the ceiling with boxes and junk, and the place had electrical cabling all over the place which as you can guess was not the best conditions for an investigation. The cables also gave off extremely high emf readings and getting any clear audio was near impossible as there was a constantly loud electrical hum. We did get a couple of orbs in a couple of photos which could be paranormal but more probably dust particles. From a psychic perspective it was agreed there was a male presence there but nothing could be substantiated. One of the interesting outcomes for the night was the emf sensor reacting to questions we were asking the entity. One of our team members also managed to record the sound of horse hooves on the courtyard outside. Once we had finished the investigation we had to climb down the ladder with all the equipment and that in it self was another epic journey as the going down was far worse than the going up.

Orbs captured on photos (Is that a cat sitting on top of the ladder in photo1?)

History References: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Photo of Duke of Edinburgh Hotel from Wikipedia

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It is hard for me to remember how I came to

be here at this time. Somehow it seems that I

have lived this moment for an eternity. All I

know for sure is that I must wait, here at this

window, for my family to return.

I try not to think too much of why I wait here.

Whenever I do, the strangest things occur. I

have these little flashes of images, yet I do

not understand what they are and why I see

them. And they unsettle me, these flashes.

So I prefer to stay in the moment, sure of the

one thing I know and understand; that my

family will be home any time now.

I had a day where I decided to concentrate on

those flashes to see if I could understand

what they meant exactly. So I settled myself

in my rocking chair by the window, and

thought. I closed my eyes, and allowed my

mind to drift. I could see my house around

me...but somehow it looked different. I

couldn't pinpoint how, but it did. I saw a

calendar with the year 1886 on the very top. I

heard children's laughter as I turned to them

to children, how I loved them.

There they were, all three of them, playing

happily with their father with not a care in the

world. I felt my heart swell with the power

and love in these memories....but for some

reason I was afraid to let the memories

continue. My heart began to pound and I

pondered whether I would delve further into

my past. All I knew is that I had to make

sense of my life, so I steeled myself and

allowed my memories to surface.

They played out almost like a slide show.

The children, playing happily; me waving

goodbye to them and kissing their father as

they set off from our house; waiting, waiting,

waiting for them to return; standing at the

window, this very window, worrying; and then

the flashes became more intense and faster.

Trace van Lieshout is a Psychic Medium, Author, Artist, and Paranormal Mediator from Rosebud, Australia. One of her passions is to write about her experiences in order to explain the world of the paranormal. Spirits so often come through with messages for us to learn from, and she is honoured to be able to share their words of wisdom with the general public. For more about Trace see her website at

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The stranger riding down my driveway;

opening the door to hear his news and

screaming in pain; my heart breaking; pills in

a bottle; sobbing, heartache, no reason for

living; falling asleep; bright light.....and then I

am here. Again; what happened to me?

And then the most unsettling of things; when

did I last sleep? Eat? Bathe? Why couldn't I

remember doing these simple, everyday

things? I would gaze around my beloved

home, and a thought would creep sneakily in;

why was it so dirty and falling apart? When

had I last maintained it...and why wasn't I

continuing to do so? All I knew is that the

answers to those questions would damn

me...but set me free at the same time.

One day – which day it was I have no clue – I

was standing at my window, waiting as I

always did, when the strangest thing

happened. These black, rolling vessels

arrived and stopped right in front of my

house. There was a creepy looking painting

down the side, with some kind of words; from

here, all I could read was “paranormal”. What

did that mean? What were these things?

Why was I so afraid....yet hopeful at the same

time? I watched as the sides of these

vessels opened up...and people got out.

Strange people, people I did not know...and

they were all dressed in black. I was even

more afraid; black was the colour of mourning

as far as I was concerned. I shrank back into

the shadows as far as I could, so very afraid,

but unable to take my eyes from them.

The next thing I knew they were in my house.

My house! They walked through every room,

discussing things between themselves and

speaking into these strange looking devices.

I couldn't believe they were doing this;

couldn't they see this was my home? Did

they just walk in unannounced into other

people’s homes too? Why they here and

what were they carrying? I was scared; these

people walked in like they owned the

place....and was that my name I just heard?

Surely not....I don't know them. But wait,

here it was again; “Elizabeth? Are you here

Elizabeth?” Wait...they were calling to me!

But this can't be right....they don't know me,

and I don't know them. I stayed very, very still

to hear what they were saying.

“Elizabeth! I am a paranormal investigator.

We are here to get proof of your existence. I

and my crew will be back here tonight to find

you, so you better be ready for us!”

Hang on......what? Did I hear this correctly?

These people were something called

paranormal investigators, and they were

coming back to get “proof of my existence?”

But....why? Who were they, and what did it

matter to them that I was here at all? And

then....a glimmer of hope; just a glimmer.

Maybe they could help me, I thought. Help

me with what, a voice in my head

questioned? Another voice, deeper down

inside me, just whispered “maybe they can

help me”. I went back to my window to watch

these people in black return to their vessels

and move away. They would be back

tonight.....and I was very curious to see what

would happen then.

Before I knew it they were back. These

horrible black vessels returned, and the

people from before all swarmed toward my

house. They seemed to be carrying arm

loads of things, things that I had no idea of

what they were. All I knew is they looked

scary. Maybe they could hurt me, so now I

was even more afraid. I tried to duck as far

back into the shadows as I could, and I was

becoming more and more anxious; for not

only were these strangers taking over my

house, but I was unable to stand at my

window to watch for my family. This feeling

filled me with more anxiety than I had ever

known. All I could do was hope that all of this

would be over soon.

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Sometime later – time was something that I

couldn't quite grasp any more – these people

started to call to me again. I peeked around

the corner at them, and listened;“Elizabeth!

We are back to find you. We need you to

show us that you are here. Come and touch

the K2 meter.”

Huh? What exactly was a “K2 meter”? Why

would I touch it, not knowing what it will do to

me? It looks so scary, like a torture, I couldn't. I could not touch it.

What if something happened and I was not

here to greet my family when they returned?

And what were all the other things? There

were these boxes that seemed to have their

own many boxes with lights, all of

varying sizes. What the hell were these

things? I had never seen anything like

I stayed away. My fear increased as these

people became more aggressive.

“Elizabeth! We know you are here. People

have seen you standing in the window. I

need you to make a sound, or move

something, to prove to us that you are here!”

Now I was really confused. Why did I have to

prove to these strangers that I was here? I

kept to myself, and had my own issues to

deal with like anyone else....I found myself

becoming quite angry with the arrogance of

these strangers. Here they were, coming into

my house with all of their strange equipment,

and they are demanding that I show myself

and prove that I am here? This was

becoming very annoying.

“Elizabeth! I heard that you like to sit in this

chair and rock. Come and sit here now and

move this chair!” The person making these

demands then placed their grimy hands on

my chair. My beloved chair! My husband

made that chair for me when I was expecting

our first child. And now here was this

stranger with their dirty hands all over and it

was driving me crazy! I had to protect my

chair. So, even though I did not want to, I

walked over to my chair and sat down. And

almost immediately I wished I hadn't.

“Oh my god, look at the reading on the EMF!

It's’s going off the charts!”

“Wow, do you feel that cold spot? It's really

freezing around this chair!” “Are you serious?

I just asked for her to sit in the chair....get the

thermal imager, now!” “Did you feel that? Oh

my god, I have goose bumps......make sure

the DVR is recording!”

And on it went, with me understanding

nothing of what they were talking about. As I

sat in my chair as they had asked me to.

This was making no sense. They called me

over and asked me to sit in my chair...and

now they are getting all excited as these

lights flashed and the boxes made beeping

sounds. More people streamed into the

room, with more weird looking equipment.

They all talked excitedly amongst themselves

as they prepared their extra gear....while I sat

in my chair....waiting. God, would there ever

be enough waiting?

Within a few minutes they had sorted

themselves out. With a multitude of people

and strange devices surrounding me in my

chair, the demands began once again.

“Elizabeth! We felt you here! Are you in this

chair? Move the chair for us.....come on; rock

the chair back and forth to prove that you are


I sighed. These people were really starting to

annoy me. But maybe, just maybe, if I did

what they asked.....maybe then they would

help me? Fine; I'd move the damn

chair......wait, why can't I move it? I'm trying

to rock as I always have.....but nothing is

happening. It's almost as if I had no muscles

to move at all. I scratched my head.....why

wasn't the chair moving?

Now my concentration had switched from

these annoying “investigators”, who seemed

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to be going on and on about getting proof, or

evidence, for this chair. Why

couldn't I move it? So many memories

flooded back at that instant; receiving the

chair from my husband; sitting in the chair

with my hands rubbing my pregnant belly;

rocking my three babies to sleep. I never had

a problem moving this chair why

couldn't I now?

For some reason I felt like it was connected

to those weird flashes I had

experienced...and it made me uncomfortable.

I said to myself “Lizbeth! Concentrate on

rocking the chair!” So I did; I focussed all of

my energy, and strained.....and the chair

moved. Just a little, but it moved. I was

elated as I turned to the strangers....but they

were long gone. When did they leave? Oh, I

could hear them downstairs....but why didn't

they wait here? How long did it take me to

summon the energy to move the chair? This

was the moment that I began to feel

frustration. Why did these people have to

come here and ruin everything? Why would

they stand there and demand that I move the

chair...but walk off before I could? I could

feel the dark emotions swirling just beneath

the surface. I was getting angry.

From downstairs I could hear them, still

demanding that I make my presence known.

Now I was not only angry, but determined.

Fine, these people want to come in to my

house and meet me? I would summon every

emotion and every ounce of energy I could to

give them what they wanted. Descending the

stairs, I found them in the sitting room.

“Come on Elizabeth! We're getting tired of

being here. It looks like you're playing with

us. Show us now that you are here! Move

something! Touch one of us! Make a noise!

Do it now!” was time for me to try and

give them what they wanted. I concentrated

my energy on the main one, the one who was

asking most of the questions. Standing

behind him, I took a moment to gather as

much energy as I could....and I reached out

to touch his shoulder.

He jumped a mile. “Whoa....was that you?”

(Was he speaking to me?) “Did you just try to

push me over?” (No, I tried to touch

you asked!) Another voice chimed in; “Why

are you trying to hurt my friend?” (I wasn't.....I

tried to touch him as he asked!) “Well, if

you're going to become violent with us.....”

(Wait....I wasn't violent! I only tried to touch

him!) The whole mood of the room

changed....and I realised these people now

felt threatened by me. This was becoming

ridiculous. All I could think was “they came

into my house...they asked me to touch they're angry! Why did they ever

come here....?”

After the “touchee” recovered from what he

said was “an attack”, he turned to speak.

“ this is the way it's going to be

huh? You're going to play with us.....hey; it's

not our fault that you're dead. Don't blame us

because you took the easy way out and killed

yourself. What was it, a bottle of pills, right?

Just because your family couldn't

handle the thought of being all alone, so you

took the cowards way and committed


My eyes bulged and I hyperventilated; I

began to shake. Dead? Me? My family?

No, that can't be why did I feel that

it was? Those flashes...they began to make

sense now. Oh my god.....I couldn't believe

it.....but it's true. I can feel it. I'm dead.

I collapsed onto the floor and began to sob.

In the background I could hear those

annoying people saying; “Did you hear that?

It sounded like a cry! Keep going....get

another recorder for EVP's...” I ignored them

as I finally allowed myself to remember.......oh I remember.

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It was November 15th 1886. I wanted to

make an apple pie that day. Hearing my

family in the parlour, playing happily, I went to

ask my husband if he could go to the

neighbour’s orchard to bring me back some

apples. The kids shouted happily that they

would go with dad to help pick the best

apples. I smiled, wiped my floury hands on

my apron, and waved them goodbye and they

trotted down the driveway and toward town in

our horse and cart. I went back to my kitchen

to prepare the pastry for the pie. It was when

I noticed the sunlight changing that I began to

worry; they should have been back by now. I

walked upstairs to my favourite window; you

could see for miles in either direction from

here. I gazed back and forth, but there was

no sign of them. I sat in my rocking chair and

anxiously awaited their return. Hours later, a

stranger arrived on horseback. I hurried

downstairs...and found it was not a stranger

at all, but the local sheriff. He looked ashen

as he took me by the hand and said “I'm so

sorry Elizabeth....there has been an accident.

The horse was startled, and took

off.....carriage hit something and tipped

over....everyone sorry......” By this

time his voice had faded as my screams

began. No, it could not be possible. My

whole family, gone? “Noooooo!” I sobbed, as

I ran from him back upstairs to my window. I

heaved myself into my rocking chair,

screaming and crying all at once. My heart

felt as if it was tearing into pieces with the

pain. And then...I remembered....the pills.

Some time ago the Dr had prescribed me

some pills for sleeping...yes, that's what I

needed....sleep; eternal sleep, to be with my

family. I went to my bathroom and found the

pills; went back to my window, sat in my

chair.....took a handful, swallowed. Took

another handful....swallowed. Emptied the

bottle...swallowed. Sighed. It would all be

over soon. Tears still streaming down my

face. Felt sleepy. Closed my eyes. Drifted

out of my body. Saw a light, a beautiful white

light....wanted to go. But....confused....what

about my family? They knew I was here.....I

should wait here for them.....don't want them

to get lost.....light faded away.....and now I'm

back at the window again.

Coming out of the memories, I was shocked.

I had finally realised it....I was dead. What do

I do now? Where was my family? If they

died too, shouldn't they be here with me?

Wait....the light. Did they go into the light?

Were they waiting for me on the other side of

that light? I knew...somehow I knew that was

right. That's what had happened; they had

walked into the light together....and now I was

stuck. I looked around desperately, hoping to

catch a glimpse of it...but nothing. No way out.

It suddenly occurred to me; the strangers.

They seemed to know I was going to be

here....they knew my name! They must know

about the light!!! I was excited; they could

help me, I thought. That's why they are here,

and needed proof; they wanted to help me

find the light! I was, where

were they? Ah yes...I can hear them...they

are in my bedroom. Still asking questions.

Now filled with anticipation, I rushed into the

room to them.

“Oh my god, did you feel that? It was a

massive cold breeze coming in the door” and

on they went. I began to shout to them as

loud as I could; “I'm here!! Help me!!!!”

They looked around, then behind, asking “Did

you hear that? Was that you? Do it again....”

I was exhausted. It had depleted my energy

just by shouting. Drawing as much energy as

I could from the environment, I screamed

again; “Help me!!!!” This time, they didn't hear

me. But surely....they heard me the first time.

They had felt me enter the room. They knew

I was here. With that realisation I was

relieved. It was only a matter of time now

before the light appeared. They would know

how to bring the light back....they were

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Trace van Lieshout ‘s drawing of Elizabeth

experts in the field, by the looks. I was

excited....I was going to see my family again!

And then this; “Ok guys, let’s pack it up....”

What? Oh, ok, they're finished with their the light. Here it comes. Any

minute now.......I can't wait. “We all done?

Everything packed up and back in the cars?

Great job guys....hopefully some of what we

experienced will show up as evidence. It’s

been a long night.....let's go.”

No. This couldn't be. They weren't just going

to leave me....were they? What about the

light? What about helping me? I tried to

scream at them, following them to the front

door; “Wait! The light, what about the light?

How do I get out of here? Help me....please!”

Tears streamed down my face as I begged

for their assistance. They didn't seem to hear

me; they were patting themselves on the

back and talking about “evidence review”.

Surely this wasn't it? Surely they weren't just

going to leave me here? They knew I was

here! They're not going to just walk away......

And then...I'm back at the window. Tears

flooding my eyes as I watch them climb back

into their black vessels and move off. I hoped

they'd be back...or someone else would

come. Someone who knew how to help me

find the light again; someone with a heart, not

just an agenda, I pressed my hands to the

glass.....crying...waiting...watching. Hoping.

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The Red Book Author: Carl Jung Editor: Sonu Shamdasani ISBN: 9780393065671 Format: Hardcover Published: 27th October 2009 "The years, of which I have spoken to you, when I pursued the inner images, were the most important time of my life. Everything else is to be derived from this. It began at that time, and the later details hardly matter anymore. My entire life consisted in elaborating what had burst forth from the unconscious and flooded me like an enigmatic stream and threatened to break me. That was the stuff and material for more than only one life. Everything later was merely the outer classification, the scientific elaboration, and the integration into life. But the numinous beginning, which contained everything, was then." These are the words of the psychologist C. G. Jung in 1957, referring to the decades he worked on The Red Book from 1914 to 1930.

Although its existence has been known for more than eighty years, The Red Book was never published or made available to the wide audience of Jung's students and followers. Nothing less than the central book of Jung's oeuvre, it is being published now in a full facsimile edition with a contextual essay and notes by the noted Jung scholar Sonu Shamdasani and translated by Mark Kyburz, John Peck, and Sonu Shamdasani. It will now be possible to study Jung's self-experimentation through primary documentation rather than fantasy, gossip, and speculation, and to grasp the genesis of his later work. For nearly a century, such a reading has simply not been possible, and the vast literature on his life and work has lacked access to the single most important document. This publication opens the possibility of a new era in understanding Jung's work. It provides a unique window into how he recovered his soul and constituted a psychology. It is possibly the most influential hitherto unpublished work in the history of psychology. This exact facsimile of The Red Book reveals not only an extraordinary mind at work but also the hand of a gifted artist and calligrapher. Interspersed among more than two hundred lovely illuminated pages are paintings whose influences range from Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East to the native art of the new world. The Red Book, much like the handcrafted "Books of Hours" from the Middle Ages, is unique. Both in terms of its place in Jung's development and as a work of art, its publication is a landmark.;jsessionid=4026BB1FEC7FA99D5CC3EBF92A5A0B71

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In the year 2000 while visiting one of my company’s offices in Fremantle I was invited to a Christmas party which was being held at Fremantle Gaol. I had no idea that there would be a night time tour as part of the Christmas celebration.

Dressed in cocktail dress, high heel shoes and carry a glass of champagne, I joined the tour not realising that the tour was going to be in the dark. Had I known I would have worn appropriate shoes and had waited to drink alcohol until after the tour. It wasn’t long before I started to feel the presence of spirit and I immediately put up my protective barriers. As I passed each cell I could hear soft whispers of active spirits and of times past. When I arrived at the room where the hangings were conducted we were advised that 44 people were executed there.. As I listened intently to the tour guide I felt a solid hand on my shoulder, I turned expecting to see a work colleague but there was no one there. No doubt there are many stories of ghostly experiences happening at this prison, some are just recorded memories of traumatic events and some are active hauntings from distressed souls that have endured insufferable conditions, executed inmates and those that were classed as insane.

History Fremantle Prison is a former Australian prison located in The Terrace, Fremantle, in Western Australia. The 6-hectare site includes the prison, gatehouse, perimeter walls, cottages, tunnels, and prisoner art. The prison was one of 11 former convict sites in Australia inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2010 as the Australian Convict Sites. The prison was built by convict labour in the 1850s, and transferred to the colonial government in 1886 for use as a gaol for locally-sentenced prisoners. It closed as a prison in 1991 and reopened as a historic site. It is now a public museum, managed by the Government of Western Australia with daily and nightly tours being operated. Tours Torchlight Tours - Friday Nights Torchlight Tours - Wednesday Nights Prison Tour - Great Escapes Prison Tour - Doing Time Tunnel Tours Bookings: Essential. Tickets must be pre-booked and pre-paid To book tickets, please call 08 9336 9200

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Below will be all the Paranormal Groups listed under each state. If you wish to be added to this list, please email [email protected]

New South Wales W.S.P.R - West Sydney Paranormal Research

West Sydney Paranormal Research (W.S.P.R) is a Not-for-Profit-Organisation who are a small group of hard-working, like-minded and dedicated researchers/investigators - striving to find the truth in claims of paranormal activity. W.S.P.R is made up of professional team members and we operate on a 'logic first' approach to ALL of our investigations. With a wide array of equipment, our aim is to determine whether or not any paranormal activity is present in the location we are investigating. APPI - Australian Paranormal Phenomenon

Investigators The Australian Paranormal Phenomenon Investigators (APPI) are paranormal investigators who use a combination of scientific and spiritual methods to determine the existence of spirits around us. Life experience, common sense and team work are our main instruments when investigating, and we enjoy working with other groups, in order to learn and develop our natural skills. we are open to any investigations, so please contact us for a confidential consultation. Website: SOuL Searchers

SOuL Searchers undertake paranormal investigations from a shamanic perspective. The SOuL Searchers team conducts all investigations in a professional manner, adhering to the wishes of the client; we are also compassionate to the needs of the distressed spirit. We are based in Southern Sydney, Sutherland Shire, the Illawarra & surrounding areas in NSW. ALL investigations are conducted free of charge and therefore all members are volunteers. SOuL Searchers also launched their bi monthly paranormal eMagazine in July 2011. Click on the link for more details: UFO and Paranormal Research Society The society was established to provide the public with information relating to the paranormal world of the unexplained, no matter the type of phenomena. The society beckons the public to forward their own accounts of anything that seems bizarre or unusual so as to defy logic! The Society is an active, in the field group dedicated to pioneering the unexplained world.

The Society has now embarked on a project to deliver this material as recreations professionally produced whereby actors are cast into the roles of the characters and the original account from Australians that are investigated by the Society are put to film. This Series is called EERIE ENCOUNTERS and the first DVD, featuring the UFO phenomenon, is now available from the Society. The series will eventually go to air on TVS. The Society actively engages the public on reports they give so as to lend credibility to the reports they give. Everything from Cryptozoology to ghostly apparitions is covered. Website: E.C.P.S - East Coast Paranormal Society

Our aim is to investigate places not for the purpose of labelling them as ' haunted ' but rather as an opportunity to document and collect data to help us get a better understanding of the paranormal and to help others who are experiencing paranormal activity. We do not think that everything that goes bump in the night is paranormal and we take a scientific approach to all investigations and will always try to debunk before we label something as paranormal. Our team of investigators are professional, dedicated, honest and reliable. Hunter Paranormal

Hunter Paranormal Australian is dedicated and committed to the SCIENTIFIC, LOGICAL, UNBIASED Research and Investigation of paranormal phenomena. The goal of Hunter Paranormal Australia is to research, investigate, and document paranormal activity in an unbiased, logical, and scientific manner. Hunter Paranormal Australia advises that part proceeds from fees, paranormal investigations, introductory tours and donations etc. are directed towards the restoration of selected Pioneer Cemeteries, Historical Societies, Museums, etc within Australia. We also offer packages from an Introduction to the Paranormal to learning to be a Trainee Investigator. Validate Validate is an independent investigative body seeking key elements that may provide evidential support to certain paranormal related theories such as hauntings, alleged foreign intervention i.e. UFO phenomena and cryptozoology. In order to authenticate claims, Validate will endeavour to gather bona fide data without relying on calculations or any conclusions drawn by other groups or organisations. This clean slate approach enables Validate to conduct its own studies without influence. All obtained information (raw data) can therefore be thoroughly scrutinised at Validate’s best capacity.

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In essence, Validate deals with highly controversial areas that are considered as fringe science. Here, even the most qualified scientists who have invested time and risked their academic careers to pursue phenomena research, find it extremely difficult to understand and draw solid conclusions. Validate acknowledges these difficulties through experience. Although Validate operates on strict guidelines, it appreciates the fact that certain events are beyond our academic textbooks. In other words, Validate will not be dissuaded no matter how extraordinary the claim may be. Validate is also dedicated to assisting and coaching groups within the field with the aim of bringing unity to the paranormal (including Ufology) community. Sydney Spirit Stalkers

We are a Group of 4 Paranormal Investigators in Sydney's West area. Our team members specialise in, Tech & Equipment, Photography, Safety, Location Finding, Research and Mediumship. We are always up for an adventure and love looking into haunted areas. We have come across some strange discoveries in various locations, which makes us determined to continue our investigations. If you have anywhere you would like us to check out feel free to have a chat to one of us."Personal Expierience Over Rules All Others Judgement" Australian Ghost Adventures

AGA is a group of paranormal enthusiasts with a diverse background in paranormal research and investigation. We use scientific and alternative methods in our investigations and we do not charge a fee. Collectively we have over 40 yrs experience in the paranormal field. We use various techniques including the "scientific method", wicca, dowsing, alternative (including use of pendulums, crystals). We also use reputable psychic mediums. Modern technology and equipment is used, (including Thermal imaging), to help quantify any results. As a whole this family owned company has many collective years of paranormal investigation experience. Our award winning production team has been enlisted to help collaborate and document our findings on yet to be released DVD’s. The team has extensive experience and have been involved in the A/V industry collectively over 50 years. The latest technology in HD cameras are used, helping to give the viewer a real life ghost hunting experience while sitting in the comfort of their own home. Members of both the AGA teams (Alternative and Technical), have had the pleasure of being involved in Australia’s high rating cult paranormal television series (Haunted Australia). We are a group of paranormal investigators and Psychic mediums. We do investigations, tours, seminars and media productions. We also run tours of haunted locations. We are currently running tours of The Old Geelong Gaol in Geelong Victoria and conduct special events such as sleepovers, halloween

tours and private group bookings for 20 people and over. Website: Southern Tablelands Paranormal Research Society

Southern Tablelands Paranormal Research Society (SAiNT-PRS) - A Team Of Paranormal Investigators Dedicated To Investigating Paranormal Reports From The Southern Tableands And Beyond. Website: ___________________________________________

Queensland Haunted Australia

Our group is currently researching any locations brought to our attention and we are intending on traveling overseas end of this year to research some sites. Our location is just out of Brisbane but will cover all areas. Australian Paranormal Investigators (API)

Australian Paranormal Investigators (API) are a small team of dedicated researchers primarily based in Brisbane, Qld. We operate on a logic first basis and approach from a scientific point of view and our combined knowledge and experience allows our clients the benefit of a thorough and in-depth investigation. We understand that not all things are explainable by science but our vast range of experiences allows us to provide our clients with the necessary support based on their needs. Location: Brisbane and surrounding areas (extensive travel available from anywhere between Maryborough to Coffs Harbour) Downunder Paranormal

We are a small team of paranormal researchers and investigators, based in Brisbane, Qld. We support clients across southern Queensland and Northern NSW who experience unexplained phenomenon. Using a wide range of scientific equipment, we conduct logic-based paranormal investigations and historical research for private and business clients on a no-fee

basis. Website: ___________________________________________

South Australia Celestial World Australia

Celestial World Australia was founded by Michael Barnett with the focus on a wide variety of new age areas such as Mediumship and Spiritual Healing. Michael runs New Age courses and also conducts paranormal investigations ensuring every case is kept confidential. The CWA team uses a variety of equipment for scientific purposes and approaches all cases in a relaxed manner. CWA also uses spiritual

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methods such as mediumship to assist in these investigations. S.A Paranormal

We are a social group of people interested in all aspects of the paranormal. We will be meeting monthly for outings, such as ghost tours, cemetery visits, history tours, movies or for special guest appearances by people involved with aspects of the paranormal. Come and check out our Facebook page for more information. Eidolon Paranormal Eidolon Paranormal was founded by Allen Tiller and uses a variety of tools and technology to gather data and research paranormal events. We conduct our investigations using protocols and techniques which have been developed through our experiences in the field, coupled with techniques adopted from other teams that we co-operate with. Eidolon Paranormal offers research and investigations free of charge. Please email us on [email protected] to arrange an interview time or investigation. We DO NOT CHARGE for investigations. We keep all our data, photos and video confidential unless a client agrees to it being displayed* (if a photo is displayed, the address and names of the client are not shown) Website: Paranormal Field Investigators

We are a small group of dedicated researchers, who look into all subjects related to the paranormal and in particular ghosts and hauntings throughout Adelaide and South Australia. Many of the places that we have had the pleasure to research over the years, have included The Old Adelaide Gaol, St Cecelia’s, Studio 9, St Johns – Kapunda, Gladstone Gaol and even Slater Mill in the USA to name but a few. Some of these investigations will be discussed on this site. However, please note that we do have many more paranormal investigations that are very confidential and, must remain so to protect those sites and their occupants from harassment or potential vandalism. The aim of Paranormal Field Investigators is not only to look into what could be paranormal in nature, but also to look at what can be easily mistaken for a ghost or a haunting. We aim to provide an honest and balanced view of both on this website. If you would like any paranormal situation investigated or, if you simply just want to talk to somebody about it, then please do not hesitate to contact us. PLEASE NOTE: Our investigations are confidential and free of charge. Unless you wish your name or property to become public knowledge, we believe it is our responsibility to keep these confidential and therefore protected. Murrylands Paranormal We are Toni, Neil, Barry and Ann - a fledgling group of Paranormal Investigators based in Murray Bridge, South Australia. We are seeking local stories of urban legends, haunted locations and possible investigation sites in

the Murraylands area to help our neighbours to feel more comfortable in their homes and businesses and also to document any local paranormal activity. We strongly advocate the confidentiality of people who seek our assistance and refrain from identifying specific sites or locations to prevent less serious people from defacing those sites or causing havoc or vandalism. Email: [email protected] Facebook: ___________________________________________

Tasmania Team Strigoi Team Strigoi are based in Launceston, we investigate hauntings, cryptology, UFO's and urban legends all around Tasmania. Our investigations can be public or confidential and we never charge for our services - Team Strigoi are willing to investigate anywhere anytime. Our other goal is to promote tourism in Tasmania and to hopefully encourage people to enjoy a different type of adventure in our state. ___________________________________________

Victoria Spookspotters Paranormal Research Spookspotters Paranormal Research are an active investigation group from ttp:// based in Victoria and covering south east Australia. Not only do we conduct paranormal investigations, but we are also ghost tour developers, a free online forum and learning portal. For more information visit our website or email us at [email protected] Website: Colonial Paranormal Investigations Australia

Colonial Paranormal is Victorian based and was born out of our interest in the Paranormal, and wanting to know about things that go bump in the night! We got started on investigations in 2009 after going to the Point Cook Homestead. We have so far done investigations at Old Melbourne Gaol, Old Geelong Gaol, Point Cook Homestead and J Ward with other groups and are now trying to strike out on our own. We'd love to find more like minded people who want to go on private investigations in Melbourne and around Victoria. We're not a tour group, nor are we out to make a profit or stand on the toes of existing groups. We'd just like to do our own thing. We have all our own gear and all we need is people keen to join us on investigations. By creating Colonial Paranormal we'd like to share the costs involved with getting into places. Most places charge a fee to get into, if we can split that with 10 people it's way cheaper than a tour. You can email us at [email protected] or visit

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the website or you can find us on Facebook "Colonial Paranormal". Link:

Western Australia Twilight Paranormal Investigations

At T.P.I we are all very spiritual our Team consists of sensitives and an empath/medium. We have combined a healthy balance of Spirituality and a Scientific approach to our investigations. Our mission is to seek out the truth and help people, all our investigations are free, nonjudgmental and handle with the utmost care and respect, At T.P.I we believe in all things paranormal. West Australian Paranormal Researchers

We are a group that is very passionate about anything paranormal and we use equally, spiritual and scientific approaches to all our investigations. Our core team consists of 8 members who are all nonjudgmental, respectful and unbiased in their views and are very dedicated to our research. We are happy to come out and help with any problems you may have with your home or business and equally happy to go and investigate the common ‘haunted locations’. All our services are free of charge, can be kept completely confidential and we will help you any way we can. One of our team is a medium clairvoyant who can move your spirits on and we also have connections with a priest should the need ever arise. We are aware WA is a large place and are happy to travel where we can. Please come and visit us on Facebook and on our website or contact us on the email And be sure to check back on the new website currently under construction:

Albany Research Paranormal Society

The Albany Paranormal Research Society consists of a team of investigators who aim to document and record paranormal activities using tried and tested scientific methods. Our aim is to help people who experience unexplained phenomena to regain peace of mind. We are a professional team that will treat our clients with respect and discretion, and attempt to ascertain the true cause of their unexplained activity. If you have an unexplained activity that you would like to talk to someone about or arrange an investigation, please browse our website for further information and contact us via our contact page. Website:

Disclaimer Please note that groups listed here are not endorsed by SOuL Searchers. As a matter of precaution it is recommended that people make all necessary enquiries prior to engaging any group or attending any activity. SOuL Searchers reserves the right to decline or remove any group from the directory without cause and without notice.

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Adelaide's Haunted Horizons Adelaide Gaol All Night Workshop Date: By appointment Time: 8:00pm - 6:00am Price: $130.00 Link: Ever wanted to try your hand at being an investigator for a night? Join us for this unique experience where YOU get to be the investigator for the whole night! This is a great opportunity to not only see and learn how a seasoned team of researchers in the field conduct their investigations, but also to take part in one yourself. As morning approaches, enjoy the sun coming up over the Gaol walls with a warm cup of coffee and discuss the night’s experiences! Includes: Learning about equipment, theories and methods in a series of lectures, reviewing video/audio captured, familiarising yourself with the Gaol, on a conducted Ghost Tour, hands on investigation, using equipment provided by Haunted Horizons and supervision by experienced investigators.

Australian Ghost Adventures How to be a "Ghost Hunter" Seminar Date: TBA Time: TBA Price: TBA Link: Do Ghosts really exist? This question has been asked by so many people and we endeavour to find the proof of such existences. We, at Australian Ghost Adventures strive to find answers to this age old question. As Paranormal investigators we use different methods/techniques to try and achieve positive results. Our team consists of a Technical Team and an alternative team. The technical team uses science and technology to either prove or disprove the existence of the paranormal, and the Alternative team use traditional methodology to get results. Our teams will take you through an interactive and informing seminar about how we operate while conducting an investigation. Explanations of some of the methods used, as well as recounting some chilling personal experiences. So come along and “Dare to be scared”.

Hunter Paranormal Australia Workshop for Introductory Paranormal Investigation Date: TBA

Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm Price: $25.00 Website: Venue: Within the local area of Newcastle This workshop is suitable for anyone who is interested in paranormal investigating and would like to learn the basics. Hunter Paranormal Australia is dedicated and committed to the SCIENTIFIC, LOGICAL, UNBIASED Research and Investigation of paranormal phenomena.


SOuL Searchers Investigations Parapsychology Certificate Course SOuL Searchers is pleased to announce the commencement of a Parapsychology Certificate Course starting Wednesday 7th March 2012. Parapsychology is the scientific study of paranormal phenomena. The paranormal refers to exceptional human experiences that do not seem to be explainable in terms of our everyday understanding or known scientific principles. This Parapsychology Certificate course takes a look at how we perceive ourselves and events outside our own personal world and what we understand about these paradigms. Some of the topics covered include history and philosophy of parapsychology, paranormal investigations, the nature of ghosts, spirits, hauntings and other paranormal phenomena, the role of technical equipment in investigations, geopathic stress, dowsing, vortices and portals, extrasensory perception and psychokinetics, clairvoyance and other psychic senses. Module 1 - 7, 14, 21, 28 March 2012 Pre-requisite: None. Module 2 - 11, 18, 25 April & 2 May 2012 Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Module1. Module 3 - 16, 23, 30 May & 6 June 2012 Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Module 1 & 2 Location: Sutherland, Sydney Course Duration: 3 modules run over 3 months – 12 evenings (2.5 hrs each from 7 – 9:30pm) Course Payment: $180 per module. For bookings and detailed information about the topics covered in this course please send an email to: [email protected] or contact Janine on 0408 025 268

Newcastle Ghost Tours

SSRI101 Paranormal Investigators Course Date: Friday 27th April to Sunday 29th April Time: 4pm on Friday 27th April to 1:00pm Sunday 29th April

Workshops, Courses and Events

If you are conducting a workshop, course or an event on the paranormal and you would like them listed then send an email to: [email protected] and [email protected]

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Location: Sacred Elements (to be confirmed with number of students) Duration: 3 days Price: $495.00 (also includes morning and afternoon tea)!/events/282781048439952/ SRR101 Paranormal Investigator is Australia's first professional Paranormal Investigators Course! Level 1 is SRR101 which covers an introduction to the paranormal being a much needed component in Australian Paranormal Investigation technique. The fundamentals of paranormal investigation, the history of the paranormal, branches of the paranormal, Tools of the trade and much more are included in this 3 day course made up of lectures and workshops. This course is a professional course and the only one currently available in Australia. Places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment. More details coming soon. Email us for further info or call Goulburn Ghost Tours directly: Call 02 4822 8808 for more information and bookings. Please tell LOUISE that you are booking in for the Course in NEWCASTLE. We are after expressions of interest - book in early to avoid missing out . FINALLY AN ACCREDITED COURSE IN NEWCASTLE!!!!!! Email us to go on the list - [email protected]


Australian College of Mediumship Ghost Tour Date: Saturday 18th February Time:7:30pm Price:$60.00 Venue: Berrima Court House, Berrima NSW ACOM Ghost Tours offer something a little different.... Your tour guides are Mediums! You have access to the locations with some investigative equipment available for use. Private & Corporate Tours are welcome so come along & enjoy an interactive Ghost Tour experience. Discounts apply for ACOM Members & Members of the Southern Highlands Ambassador program.

Woodford Academy Ghost Tour Date: Saturday 11th February Time: 7:30pm Price: $65.00 New for 2012 and conducted as a joint venture with Cheryl Smyth of, Woodford Academy with its multitude of uses since 1830, it promises to be a tour full of the unexpected as the oldest collection of buildings in the Blue Mountains district yield their paranormal secrets to our exclusive group.

This tour is limited to 20people, and tickets sales close Friday 27th January due to limitations as part of the venue hire. If you are looking to experience the Spirit world, extend your research or practice your mediumship then this venue is well worth a visit. Newcastle Ghost Tours East End Tours Dates: Friday 10th February Time: 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start. You must be at Muster Point (in front of the Lock Up in Hunter Street next to the old Post Office top of mall). Allow approximately 2 and a half hours for this tour. Price: $45.00 Join us on a walking tour of the oldest streets of the colony where we give you the opportunity to meet the souls that still wander there. Learn about the history of Newcastle which is the second oldest settlement in NSW.Visit Christchurch Cemetery and also the LOCK UP GAOL.

Weekly Tours

Date: Every Friday (available for small groups- Minimum of four people). Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Please allow 2 and half hours for this tour. Venue: The Lock Up on Hunter Street, Newcastle (Between Bolton street and Watt Street). Price: $45.00 which includes admittance into Old Council Chambers (United Serviceman's Club) Join us on our Friday night walking tour during the winter months of the historic and ghostly East End. Join our tour guide in a walk around the first streets of the settlement of Newcastle. Maybe you will encounter the ghost of James Hannell, publican and auctioneer on Hunter Street! We might also take you up to the site of Gaol where public hangings took place. We could walk past the site of the old Royal Hospital where the ghost of the matron can still be seen walking the old corridors. We will definitely be visiting the old Cathedral cemetery! You never know what old soul we shall encounter along the way. Have your camera ready! We also finish our weekly tours with a drink at the United Serviceman’s Club on Watt Street – this will give you an opportunity to look inside the old Council Chambers and also view the amazing collection of WW1 and WW2 artefacts as well as supporting the club. This site a real “gem” and we are sure you will find it totally amazing!

Investigator Nights Date: TBA Time: 6:15pm – 9:30pm (please be on time!) Venue: Miss Porter’s House – King street, Newcastle West (directly across the road from McDonalds Restaurant). Please note that numbers per tour are very limited for the maximum amount of one on one time with each participant. Price: $75.00* Have you ever wanted to be part of a paranormal investigation? We have planned a great experience for

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the ghost hunter in you! This three hour special event will allow you to try all the equipment of a ghost hunter….. Join our team in a real haunted house. Do you dare? Learn aspects of paranormal investigating with our “tech head” girls from BOO! Paranormal -then you will have plenty of time to explore, take photos and stake out some of the rooms with us and listen for things that WILL go bump in the night! *This event charge includes the entry fee into the Heritage listed building and donation to the Heritage Trust for the care and upkeep of this precious piece of Newcastle’s history.

Minmi Cemetery Tour Date: Saturday 11 February 2012 Time: 6pm to 8.00pm (weather permitting), 6.00pm to 8.00pm, 6.30pm to 8.30pm and 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Venue: Muster Point is in the Car Park area directly in front of the entrance gates to the Cemetery – Meeting time is 5.45pm (please be on time). Price: $35.00 (group bookings welcomed) Join us in an investigation of this most haunted cemetery. Your tour guide will fill you in on the history of the site helping you to understand why this spot is such a valuable asset which should be looked after for future generations. Watch out for the spectral form of the lady on the bridge and feel the touches from ghostly forms whose lives and contribution to the village been long forgotten. Have you heard the story about the headless horseman? Let us tell you more. On this tour, we strongly suggest covered in shoes. You are on cemetery grounds and as well as ghosties there could also be creepy crawlies... so let’s stay safe! Please note that these tours are run during the colder months to avoid the mozzies which are ferocious during Dec/Jan believe us! Please also note that these tours are historic in content as well as a safe learning environment for those wishing to possibly experience a bit of the “paranormal”. We only feature the oldest of grave sites (we do not encourage any visitation of newer sites) and expect the highest levels of respect and proper behaviour while on tour. A percentage of all of our tour charges go back to the community! Ghost Tour of Old Government House - Parramatta Date: Saturday 25th February Time: 3:00pm - 1:00pm Venue: Old Government House, Pitt Street, Parramatta NSW Price: $75 per person which includes transportation there and back, BBQ, Tour, Supper & Admin fee or $50 per person for those who are making your own way down or live in Sydney and wish to join us for the evening.!/events/270826226289034/ Here is our first "away event" for 2012. We are going down by mini bus (or you can meet us there). Only 20 places available on bus FIRST TO PAY DEPOSIT WILL HAVE THEIR SPOT SECURED. Leaving time approx 3pm and arrival at Sydney approx 5.30pm. Tour starts approx 7.30pm and finishes at 10pm. Return to Newcastle 1am Sunday morning.

On arrival we will enjoy a light BBQ prepared by the caretaker and staff. The evening commences down in the cellar, where strange tales are recounted from the site's long history. Revisit the scene of a tragic accident and witness places within the house where psychics and guides have had ghostly encounters. Evening finishes with supper while reflecting on your own experiences in this splendid vice-regal residence. Supper includes - wine, juice, tea, coffee, chicken sandwiches, cakes and slices.

Australian Ghost Adventures Old Geelong Gaol - Sleepover Date: TBA Time: 11:00pm - 8:00am Price: TBA Venue: Old Geelong Gaol, Cnr of Myers and Swanston Street, Geelong, VIC The sleepover is again limited to a maximum of 30 people and will give participants access to areas of the Gaol that are out of bounds to the public. Private Tours Date: Contact Australian Ghost Adventures to register your interest Time: TBA Price: From $500.00 Venue: Old Geelong Gaol, Cnr of Myers and Swanston Street, Geelong, VIC What’s available: 1. Private Ghost Tour of the gaol, runs for 90 minutes plus 30 to 60 minutes of free time to roam the gaol on your own "if you dare". This is like or regular tours but you have the place to yourself, experiencing three tours in one. Recommended for groups of 20 to 60 people. Price from $1300. 2. Gaol Hire Dry hire of the Gaol with a staff member (no tour) to look after things. Price from $500. 3. Theme nights, A break away from your seminar or business meetings with options such as Dress ups, Ghost hunts, Psychic sessions, Sleep-overs or be treated as a prisoner. Escape artists and magicians are also available to spruce up a theme. We also allow BYO catering. Price on application Private Tours are available for limited times and dates, enquires 0421 835 or email [email protected] ___________________________________________

Adelaide's Haunted Horizons Tailem Town Ghost Tours Date: Weekly (private bookings also available) Time: TBA (2 hours duration) Price: $25.00 Venue: Tailem Town, Princes Highway, Tailem Bend, SA What is the traveling cemetery? What photos taken in the township caught the attention of a paranormal investigation team? What relevance does the name

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"Jack" caught on their tape have? See and hear material captured both here and in other locations. These are just a few of the questions that will be answered, along with many others, on Tailem Town Ghost Tours. So join us as we guide you through some of the buildings that now reside at the Old Tailem Town Pioneer Village.... after dark! Please note: This walk takes place on uneven ground in many places, for this reason please wear sensible, flat shoes. The area is also dark so please bring a torch if you have one.

Tailem Town Paranormal Investigation Tour Date: Contact Adelaide's Haunted Horizons to register your interest Time: TBA Price: $65.00 Venue: Tailem Town, Princes Highway, Tailem Bend, These tours are slightly different from your run of the mill ghost tours as YOU get to try your hand at a bit of ghost-hunting! Come and hang back after your tour with guides, some of who have also been in or are still in the paranormal research field. Let them tell you of their own experiences as well as reported experiences of others. Listen to stories of strange shadows and unusual photographs taken by the public. Hear about some of the characters that once resided in these very buildings before their death and before the buildings were transported to the township plank by plank. Once the two hour tour finishes, get to experience for yourself just what it is like to sit quietly in reportedly active areas of the township for an hour or two. Over 110 buildings to choose from! This is a great opportunity for the paranormal enthusiast, whether a beginner or an experienced investigator, to be able to get access to Tailem Town for a short time under supervised conditions.

Adelaide Gaol Paranormal Investigation Tour Date: Every Friday night (private tours also available) Time: 9:00pm - 1:00am Price: $75.00 Venue: Adelaide Goal, 18 The Gaol Road, Thebarton, SA These tours are more than your run of the mill ghost tour as YOU get to try your hand at a bit of ghost-hunting! Come and hang back after your tour with guides, some of who have also been in or are still in the paranormal research field. Hear stories of footsteps, seemingly produced by an invisible person, who walked right between two investigators sitting on the staircase, or of the little children who were subjected to the same experience. Listen to how a gentleman who had slipped into the solitary cell to take photos, whilst the guide told the stories, bolted out seconds later when he heard a voice whisper "get out!" behind him. Once the 90mins tour finishes, get to experience for yourself just what it is like to sit quietly in reportedly active areas of the Adelaide Gaol. This is a great opportunity for the paranormal enthusiast,

whether a beginner or an experienced investigator, to be able to get access to the Gaol for a short time under supervised conditions. Please check back on our bookings page for further upcoming tours:

Saint Cecilia Ghost Tour/Investigation Saint Cecilia Ghost Tour/Investigation Night Date: Saturday 3rd March - Sunday 4th March. Time: 5:30pm to 10:00am Price: $180.00 (This is a premium tour which includes: accommodation, 3 course dining, full English breakfast and a night of fun hunting for ghosts) Venue: Saint Cecila Mansion, 2 Callary Street, Peterborough, SA or!/events/206305562794736/ St Cecilia Mansion, a place long reputed to be haunted. Stories of people being touched, people waking to find a figure standing or sitting near their bed, footsteps and strange noises heard often appear in the visitors book. Also hear what a paranormal team experienced there over the time they spent investigating this home. Paranormal Field Investigators have been investigating this Mansion since 2005, long before tours were even a concept. So come with us on a tour around this magnificent home and spend a night in search of Bishop Norton, the original owner and architect of this mansion, Josephine and the little girl who is seen and heard there. This is a premium tour which will include: - An introduction to the house and paranormal theories - A history/ghost tour of this mansion - A 3 course evening meal - A night of Ghost Hunting with use of H.H. equipment if needed - Coffee and Tea facilities at all times - A bed and shower (may be in a shared room) - A full cooked English Breakfast - A night of fun

Colonial Paranormal Date: Saturday 19th November Price: $50.00 Venue: J Ward, Girdlestone Street, Ararat, VIC Join us in an investigation of this institution for the criminally insane. We can accommodate those who wish to set up a DVR or camera system and all attendees will have access to the recorded footage from our DVR, cameras and sound recorders after the event. Ticket price covers entry to J Ward, use of our gear and supper. Allow 2 hours’ drive from Melbourne. We don't recommend driving home after the event. There are several motels and a caravan parks close by, but you will need to book in advance.

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Please remember tickets to this event are non-refundable and not transferrable to other events. For more info email: [email protected]

_______________________________ UFO-PRSA Work Presentation and Discussion Date: Thursday 17th November Venue: Urchin Books, 238 Marrickville Road, Marrickville UFO and Paranormal Research Society Australia will be presenting and discussing their work at Urchin Books, Marrickville, along with guest Psychic Medium

The Rocks Ghost Tours This month's Paranormal Location on The Rocks Ghost Tour is "PARBURY RUINS" Sceptic Andrew sensed a strong presence in the corner next to the fireplace, gave him a bit of a CHILL.

A customer diagnosed the illness of Amelia the ghost who haunts the site. Max smelt a bad odour when standing near the washbasin and felt something touching his back. BOOKINGS ESSESTIAL PHONE 02 9241 1283.Next Paranormal location "Australia's First Hospital"

THE ROCKS TOURS Office Hours Mon-Fri 9.30am-4.30pm, Sat-Sun 10am-5pm.

Sharon Hood

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Come along to Australia’s newest paranormal

conference! This event will gather together some of the leading industry experts, here and abroad showcasing what the Australian paranormal industry has to offer, including international guest and keynote speaker David Wells. For the early bird special of $95.00 you will have entry to ALL workshops, guest speakers and fabulous stalls including the opportunity to meet like-minded people. Don't miss this unique opportunity and secure your spot! To register your interest, go to

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SOuL Searchers Investigations

The majority of SOuL Searchers investigations are private client investigations and they usually incorporate house clearings and can also include geopathic stress assessments. The SOuL Searchers team conducts all investigations in a professional manner, adhering to the wishes of the client; we are also considerate to the needs of the souls that are causing the problem. In addition to utilising our various psychic talents, we use common sense scientific approaches to all our investigations as well as having an open mind to all belief systems, theories & methodologies. Click banner to see Team Bios. Each investigation is conducted confidentially in a professional manner, addressing any concerns such as privacy, safety and

security. It is SOuL Searchers' mission to provide the best service possible to our clients, by listening to their needs, providing solutions and being informative every step of the way. We conduct ALL investigations free of charge and therefore all members are volunteers. For general inquiries or to request an investigation and clearing in your home please email us at [email protected]

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Welcome to "Axis Mundi" ISSN 1839-4396

The Axis Mundi is a FREE online magazine, produced on a monthly basis, which provides topical information to keep you up to date on news and developments in the Australian Pagan community. Subscribers are notified by email each

month when a new edition is ready. In addition to our usual announcements on upcoming activities and events, the Axis Mundi contains articles and information that correspond to a seasonal theme and highlight the rhythms and cycles of the natural world and our lives. Your suggestions, comments and contributions are strongly encouraged. It is through your active participation that this online magazine will grow and develop into a publication that will empower you on your journey through all realms of possibilities personal, spiritual, and magical. The Latin term, axis-mundi, literally means the axis of the world. Our logo expresses a shamanic point of connection between sky and earth where the four compass directions meet. At this point travel and correspondence is made between higher and lower realms and is reflected in the concept of 'as above so below'. In the context of our magazine it is meant to define a group that comes together from various ideologies and shares spiritual ideas, knowledge and experiences and is in a process of constant evolution.

Click on the magazine cover to see the latest issue

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Click here if you wish to be removed from our mailing list.

Bi- Monthly Deadline Dates

Issue Deadline July 12June September 12 August November 12 October January 12 December March 12 February May 12 April

Attention Advertisers

!! Did you know that SOL Magazines has now over 16,000 readers? If you advertise in the SOuL Searchers Magazine your ad will also be advertised for free in Axis Mundi !!

Please send an email to...

[email protected] ...or phone Janine on 0408 025 268

Advertisement Sizes and Costs

"Business card".........$20 per issue or $110 for 6 issues "Quarter page"...........$35 per issue or $200 for 6 issues "Half page".................$55 per issue or $320 for 6 issues “Full page”……………$90 per issue or $520 for 6 issues

(Advertisement sizes are based on an A4 page)

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