soreyi pineda

PHRASAL VERBS Soreyi Pineda Rincon Tutor: Royer Dario Ramos Grupo : 56 2015

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Soreyi Pineda Rincon

Tutor: Royer Dario Ramos

Grupo : 56


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Phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs are idiomatic expressions that are formed by combining verbs with prepositions or adverbs. This results in new phrasal verbs with a very different meaning than it gives us the dictionary for individual verbs.


- Verb + preposition: Turn on (encender)

- Verb + adverb: Pass away (fallecer, morir)

- Verb + adverb + preposition: Look forward to

(Estar deseando)

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Get up (levantarse)

Get up from the floor. (levantate del suelo)

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Get in (entrar)

¿ How did the thieves get in?

¿Cómo entraron los ladrones?

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Lock out(Quedarse encerrado, no poder entrar)

I had no key,so i was locked out.

No tenía llaves, así que no pude entrar.

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Go off(Sonar, que algo suene)

¿ Did you hear the alarm go off?...¿Escuchaste sonar la alarma?.....

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Turn out (Apagar)

I turned the lights out before leaving.

Apagué las luces antes de irme.

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Work out (Hacer ejercicio físico)

Susan works out at the gymthree times a week.

Susan hace ejercicio en el gimnasio tres veces por semana.

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Put on (ponerse algo)

My hands were cold, so I put my gloves on

Mis manos estaban frías, así que me puse los guantes.

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Take off (desvestirse)

It was warm,so i took off my jacket

Hacía calor, así que me quité la


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Set off (viaje-recorrido)

We set off very early to avoid the traffic.

Empezamos el camino muy temprano para evitar el tráfico.

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Go on (Continuar)

The show must go on.

El show debe continuar.