song of the trees

Upload: psychicpoet

Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 8/2/2019 Song of the Trees


    I am the spirit of the Oak and the lifeblood of the forest flows through my veins,

    My roots are connected to many others and we share the same joys and pains,

    From cold Winter chill to Summer thirst my brethren stand together strong,

    And when the wind blasts us you can hear through our foliage an ancient song.

    I touch the lifeflow that courses in all that you see and most of what you do not,You may think wrongly that I am static and rooted only to this very spot,

    But you are mistaken for my branches bend and I shake my leaves and sigh,

    I can reach far down into the earth and beyond and far up towards the sky.

    I cling fast to others like some vast underground network of information lines,

    We exchange a silent energy that goes way beyond your understanding minds,

    Our Mother is the Earth and we cling to her for life and rejoice in her blessings,

    You can count my age when I am felled as you break me open to read my rings.

    My bark is weathered like your skin but nowhere near as fragile or as soft,

    Sometimes at night under the stars I creak aloud as I turn my sight aloft,And watch the heavens and wonder at the many decades that came and went,

    We are the Guardians of the land which man would destroy and oft repent.

    I whisper through my leaves and tell our tales to all who have the voice to hear,

    And when you see my sap bleed you know like you I shed a silent tear,

    I drink through my roots and feed on the rains that wash away mans taint,

    Little do my family like the chemicals and waste that clumsy man has sent.

    I turn towards the sun and feed on the light and grow as surely as you,

    If only man could hear our words and know our hearts were stoic and true,

    We hold all together and are the lifepulse that blooms and sings and plays,

    Would that man could be as true and live in harmony with us during his days.

    I have watched the deer run and listened to the birds and all their chatter,

    And know first hand how a growing thirst of climate changed can matter,

    I have been scorched by fire and hacked and ploughed but still I live,

    My surroundings change but not my heart and the joy I have to give.

    Ley lines call to me and I sense their power a gradual shifting ebb and flow,

    You play with Mother Earth and she screams to us but you do not know,

    I would that your bare feet could touch the very soil we stand in and hear,Or touch us with your palms or face and feel us shiver at times of fear.

    My friends are Elm and Sycamore and our branches touch and sway together,

    We have seen the glory of the Spring bulbs and tasted the acid in the weather,

    I have brothers Birch and Elder who from the furthest points keep in touch,

    My sister Willow weeps alone by the riverbank since disease hurt her much.

    Moss caresses my side and squirrels play up and down my trunk all day,

    Ivy tried to climb me but I choked it from beneath lest it find its way,

    Above the crows nest and I chuckle at their inane blunders and tales,

    Of talk from furthest shores of deadly rain brought by explosive gales.

  • 8/2/2019 Song of the Trees


    I can taste Mother Earths disapproval and yet she still has faith like us,

    We stand alone to watch and wait and are not quick to raise a fuss,

    Sometimes children come to play on a rope they fastened to my bough,

    Other times lovers come to seek shade and give me fresh hope somehow.

    With every new heart comes new hope and I strain to feel their voice,To wish themselves part of the whole and feel as one with us by choice,

    I am Mighty Oak and my wise counsel is always heard and heeded well,

    So I wish with all my fibre that man does not fall to his own deafless spell.

    Hundreds of feet away I drink from a cool stream that feeds the lake,

    I can feel the digging of the mole and the slithering of a grass snake,

    Reverberations tell me what is where even when I cannot see like you,

    My senses extend from tip to root and my dream is to travel like others do.

    If only I could see the fields beyond the forest and gaze on the cliffs beyond,

    Reach for the towers of mans design and to my words have man respond,We all have dreams and goals and I have found contentment where I grow,

    Peace and contentment are to be found where acorn falls not winds throw.

    These days I am more tired of late and sleep a good part of my time,

    I still encourage the saplings to learn and listen for any warning sign,

    My breath speaks to those who wish to listen and learn of our tongue,

    I still sway to the mating dance and tell the stories of the Creation song.

    From garden Apple and Cherry to coastal Tamarisk and country Yew,

    My brethren share a common heart and herd the flowers and sing to you,

    Awaiting all mans understanding when lost ear will hear and treasure,

    For we never tire of believing our World is shared by all in equal measure.

    We are stronger together and children of Mother Natures Earth and skies,

    All creatures living have a part to play from being born to when it dies,

    The song of life calls to all life and is born in all things if you could but see,

    So I reach out my branches and ask that you try to hear and work with me.

    It has taken me many years to make the birds undertand my needs and hear,

    At first they struggled and stumbled and felt all was complicated and unclear,

    But now they are my friends and the insects too help me and we all get along,Some are enemies others are friends but we all sway to the rhythm of one song.

    So as the moonlight touches my side and I yawn and slumber in the night,

    I would ahve you beleive as I do that all this planet can be slowly put right,

    It starts with one act and one whisper that becomes a choir if given time,

    Dance to the orchestra around you and listen from within to follow our sign.

    Take the step feel the peace and share the energy that courses through us all,

    Let your heart beat to the rhythm of life and hear the endless hope in the call,

    We are all part of a network in which energy flows strong within and without,

    So turn on and tune in and dance with joy as we share in hope erasing doubt.

  • 8/2/2019 Song of the Trees
