solution to eradicate corruption

7/18/2019 Solution to Eradicate Corruption 1/4 SOLUTION TO ERADICATE CORRUPTION Headline: More bite in corruption fight Publication: NST Date of publication: Aug 16, 2010 Section heading: Main Section Page nuber: 010 !"M#AT$N% corruption i& one of the &i' National (e) *e&ult& Area +N(*A identified in the %o-ernentTran&foration Prograe +%TP. The N(*A focu&e& on three /e) area& that are o&t prone to corruption, hich are regulator) and enforceent agencie&, go-ernent procureent and grand corruption. "ne of the /e) initiati-e& for regulator) and enforceent agencie& i& to &trengthen and epoer copliance unit&. Thi& ill reduce corruption b) en&uring that there are chec/& and balance& ithin the enforceent agencie&, pre-enting opportunitie& for i&conduct to go undetected. The Mala)&ian Anti!orruption !oi&&ion +MA!! i& the lead agenc) o-er&eeing deli-er) under the N(*A. !urrentl), the police, !u&to& Departent, *oad Tran&port Departent +*TD and $igration Departent ha-e e&tabli&hed their on copliance unit&. MA!! i& no focu&ing on a)& to enhance the copliance unit& of the&e agencie&. $ ha-e et ith the head& of the la enforceent agencie& and e are currentl) conducting training for officer& of copliance unit& at the Mala)&ian Anti !orruption Acade) +MA!A, &aid MA!! chief coi&&ioner Datu/ Seri Abu (a&&i Mohaed. The police, !u&to& Departent, *TD and the $igration Departent are the four agencie& percei-ed a& ha-ing the loe&t integrit) in the 2003 Mala)&ian Tran&parenc) Perception Sur-e). The&e four al&o recorded the o&t nuber of corruption ca&e& brought to court b) the MA!! in 2004 and la&t )ear. Thi& focu& on copliance unit& i& the late&t N(*A initiati-e being ipleented to re&tore public confidence and increa&e the !orruption Perception $nde' &core, hich &a Mala)&ia dropping fro 25 in 14 to 46 la&t )ear. 7hile it a) ta/e onth& before an) po&iti-e re&ult& are &een, thi& initiati-e& ill deli-er la&ting and direct ipact to the ra/)at, ho deal ith enforceent officer& on a dail) ba&i&. !opliance onitoring i& crucial in area& li/e the !riinal $n-e&tigation&

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Page 1: Solution to Eradicate Corruption

7/18/2019 Solution to Eradicate Corruption 1/4

SOLUTION TO ERADICATE CORRUPTIONHeadline: More bite in corruption fight

Publication: NST

Date of publication: Aug 16, 2010

Section heading: Main Section

Page nuber: 010

!"M#AT$N% corruption i& one of the &i' National (e) *e&ult& Area +N(*A

identified in the %o-ernentTran&foration Prograe +%TP. The N(*A focu&e&

on three /e) area& that are o&t prone to corruption, hich are regulator) and

enforceent agencie&, go-ernent procureent and grand corruption.

"ne of the /e) initiati-e& for regulator) and enforceent agencie& i& to &trengthen

and epoer copliance unit&.

Thi& ill reduce corruption b) en&uring that there are chec/& and balance& ithin

the enforceent agencie&, pre-enting opportunitie& for i&conduct to go


The Mala)&ian Anti!orruption !oi&&ion +MA!! i& the lead agenc) o-er&eeing

deli-er) under the N(*A. !urrentl), the police, !u&to& Departent, *oad

Tran&port Departent +*TD and $igration Departent ha-e e&tabli&hed their

on copliance unit&.

MA!! i& no focu&ing on a)& to enhance the copliance unit& of the&e agencie&.

$ ha-e et ith the head& of the la enforceent agencie& and e are currentl)conducting training for officer& of copliance unit& at the Mala)&ian Anti

!orruption Acade) +MA!A, &aid MA!! chief coi&&ioner Datu/ Seri Abu

(a&&i Mohaed.

The police, !u&to& Departent, *TD and the $igration Departent are the

four agencie& percei-ed a& ha-ing the loe&t integrit) in the

2003 Mala)&ian Tran&parenc) Perception Sur-e). The&e four al&o recorded the

o&t nuber of corruption ca&e& brought to court b) the MA!! in 2004 and la&t


Thi& focu& on copliance unit& i& the late&t N(*A initiati-e being ipleented to

re&tore public confidence and increa&e the !orruption Perception $nde' &core,hich &a Mala)&ia dropping fro 25 in 14 to 46 la&t )ear.

7hile it a) ta/e onth& before an) po&iti-e re&ult& are &een, thi& initiati-e& ill

deli-er la&ting and direct ipact to the ra/)at, ho deal ith enforceent officer&

on a dail) ba&i&.

!opliance onitoring i& crucial in area& li/e the !riinal $n-e&tigation&

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Departent +!$D, !oercial !rie& $n-e&tigation& Departent +!!$D,

Narcotic& Departent, and the $nternal Securit) and Public "rder

Departent in the police force8 enforceent and cu&to& di-i&ion& of !u&to&

Departent8 enforceent, foreign or/er&, -i&a, pa&&, perit, &ecurit) and

pa&&port di-i&ion& of the $igration Departent8 and the enforceent di-i&ion

of *TD.

Apart fro the copliance unit&, the go-ernent i& loo/ing at ipleenting

&e-eral other initiati-e& that are de&igned to &top corrupt practice& in other /e)

area& of public &er-ice, including in&titutionali&ing 9ob rotation& to pre-ent an)

lin/age beteen enforceent officer& and criinal organi&ation& and creating a

perforance league chart for local authoritie&.

"ther initiati-e& include defining the paraeter& of &upport letter&, publi&hing

detail& on go-ernentprocureent, and conducting &tudie& to re-ap political


A erotolerance polic) ha& been forulated to protect hi&tlebloer&. The7hi&tlebloer Protection ;a act a& pa&&ed in Dean *a/)at on April 20

and in Dean Negara on Ma) 6.

The go-ernent al&o ai& to &ol-e corruption ca&e& ithin one )ear hile &tiffer

puni&hent ha-e been introduced, including a nae and &hae databa&e that

publi&he& the nae& of corrupt officer&.Posted by nasrulsaifulrizuan8 at 2:15 PM 16 comments: Email ThisBlogThis !hare to T"itter!hare to #aceboo$!hare to Pinterest

Monda), March 1<, 2011


Corruption produces a very bad effect on the society. It destroys the ethics and the values of the

society. Corruption maes the people to do every type of bad thin!. "ue to corruption people do

not perform their duty #ell. There are many e$amples of corruptions lyin! in our society. %eoften see& #hen a common citi'en

violate a la#& police arrest him. (ut as he offers bribe to the officer& he immediately release him

after tain! the bribe from him. This sho#s that the police officer is corrupt and he not performin! his duty #ell. )ie #ise our courts are not fulfillin! their duty in a #ell manner. If 

you have money& you can mae the *ud!e tae decision in your favor. In this #ay the innocent is

 punished and the culprit released. Our politicians& doctors& en!ineers& *ournalists& teacher etc are

doin! corruption in their fields. In these circumstances #hat do you e$pect #ith our society+ Theans#er is ,*ust corruption-. %hen a common man sees corruption in every field of life& he also

maes himself a corrupt man.

Others effect of corruption in alaysia is reduced public trust in !overnment increase

vulnerability of the poor.Corruption that reduces !overnance capacity also may inflict critical

collateral dama!e/ reduced public trust in !overnment institutions. 0 declines& research hassho#n that vulnerability of the poor increases as their economic productivity is affected. The

concept of social capital refers to social structures that enable people to #or collectively for the

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!ood of the !roup.12 One of the most important and #idely discussed elements of social capital

is trust& both interpersonal trust and trust in institutions of !overnments trust an important

element of social capital 33Recent research on social capital su!!ests that there is a relationship bet#een corruption& trust and poverty. The proposition is that corruption destroys people4s trust

in !overnment and other institutions. This effect is most salient for the lo#est income !roups and

lo# social capital affects people4s #illin!ness and ability to en!a!e in productive activity.

Posted by nasrulsaifulrizuan8 at 1%:&' PM 1( comments: Email ThisBlogThis !hare to T"itter!hare to #aceboo$!hare to Pinterest

7edne&da), =ebruar) , 2011

Causes of Corruption

)hat causes corru*tion is+ first+ a clear o**ortunity+such as the en,elo*e of cash sitting in the *ar$inglot- This $ind of o**ortunity in the go,ernment could

be a go, mining com*any "ith no com*etitors+or a long list of licenses and fees re/uiredfor shi**ing goods into or out of the country-

!econd+ "hat causes corru*tion is little chance of getting caught- This lac$ of accountability comes *rimarilyfrom a0 a lac$ of trans*arency+ for eam*le+"hen *ublic officials do not inform about or e*lain"hat they are doing+ including a declaration of their "ealth+ houses+ and cars and b0 "ea$ enforcement+"hen la" agencies do not im*ose sanctions on *o"er holders "ho ha,e ,iolated their *ublic duties- This isthe case+ for eam*le+ "hen udges are in the *ay of the ruling *arty or there are too fe" *olice officersto enforce the la"-

Third+ "hat causes corru*tion is bad incenti,es+such as a cler$ not earning enough to li,e on or notbeing sure that he "ill ha,e a ob tomorro" so thathe su**lements his income "ith bribes- 3n etremecases+ *eo*le do not ha,e an incenti,e to *erformtheir official duties+ but actually *ay for their obs"ith the understanding they "ill ma$e moneythrough bribes- #or eam*le+ loo$ at the follo"ingtable sho"ing *ublic sector obs that are 4sold inthree different countries-

#ourth+ "hat causes corru*tion is attitudes or circumstancesthat ma$e a,erage *eo*le disregard thela"- Peo*le may try to get around la"s of a go,ernmentthey consider illegitimate for eam*le+ not *ayingtaes to the a*artheid go,ernment in !outh

 7frica0- Po,erty or scarcity of goods such as medicine0may also *ush *eo*le to li,e outside the la"-!o+ corru*tion is not ust about ethics- 3ts alsoabout ho" the go,ernment is set u* and managed-

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