solubility diagram of the system lialh4-diglyme and solubility isotherm in the system...

INORGANIC CHEMISTRY SOLUBILITY DIAGRAM OF THE SYSTEM LiA1H 4- DIGLYME AND SOLUBILITY ISOTHERM IN THE SYSTEM LiA1H 4- KA1H~- DIGLYME AT 25 ~ U. Mirsaidov, S. I. Bakum, and T. N. Dymova UDC 541.8:541.123.2:546 .34'621'11:547.422 Diglyme, together with diethyl ether and tetrahydrofuran, is successfully used as a medium for reac- tions in which LiA1H 4 participates. Data on the solubility of LiA1H 4 in diglyme at several temperatures are cited in [1]. This article presents the results of a study of the solubility of LiA1H 4 in diglyme in a broad range of temperatures, as well as the solubility isotherm in the system LiA1H4-KA1H4-diglyme at 25 ~ The solubility in the ternary system was studied to determine the nature of the interaction in the case of dissolu- tion of two aluminum hydrides - those of lithium and potassium - in diglyme. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD The interaction of the components was investigated by the methods of isothermal solubility, differential thermal (DrA) and visual-polythermal analyses, using the procedures and method of preparation of the solu- tions described earlier [2-4]. Crystalline LiAIH4, containing 98~ of the basic substance, was pro- duced according to the method of [4]. The content of aluminum in the liquid and solid phases was determined complexometrically withxylenol orange as the indicator [6]; lithium and potassium were determined by the method of flame photometry [7] on a PFM ~,~peetrophotometer. The composition of the solvates formed was calculated according to the data of DTA and a chemical analysis of the solid phases, existing at equilibrium at various temperatures. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS LiAltt4-Diglyme System. The results of an investigation of the solubility of LiAIH~ in diglyme are presented in Fig. 1 and in Tables 1-3. The liquidus line in the system LiA1H4-diglyme consists of three branches. The first branch, on the portion 0-0.4 mole 70 LiAIH4, corresponds to the crystallization of pure diglyme (DG). The branch AB in the interval 0.4-4~ mole 70 corresponds to crystallization of the trisolvate LiA1H 4. 3DG, which melts incongruently at -8.5~ the branch BC corresponds to crystallization of the disolv- ate LiA1H 4, 2DG. The nonvariant point B at -8.5 ~ and a concentration of 4.0 mole 70 LiA1H 4 corresponds to the equilibrium LiA1H4.3DG~- ~ LiA1H4.2DG-~ DG The results of a chemical analysis of the solid phases, isolated under conditions close to isothermal, are cited in Table 2. The density of LiA1H 4. 2DG, found by the method of liquid pycnometry in toluene medium, is 1.03 g /cm 3. The results of a determination of the solubility of LiA1Ht in diglyme by the isothermal method (see Table 3) practically do not differ from the data of the method of visual-polythermal analysis. LiA1Vt-KA1H 4- Diglyme System at 25 ~ The experimental data on the solubility in the ternary system LiA1Ht-KAlHt-diglyme at 25 ~ are cited in Table 4 and plotted graphically in Gibbs coordinates in Fig. 2. The formation of solid solutions and double salts is not detected in the system. The solubility isotherm consists of ;wo branches, corresponding to crystallization of: the disolvate LiA1H 4. 2DG and unsolvated KA1H 4. N. S, Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Translated !From Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No. 2, pp. 259-261, February, 1973. Original article submitted March 13, 1972. 1!~75 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. i y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without per;~ission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. 251

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Page 1: Solubility diagram of the system LiAlH4-diglyme and solubility isotherm in the system LiAlH4-KAlH4-diglyme at 25°


S O L U B I L I T Y D I A G R A M OF T H E S Y S T E M L i A 1 H 4 - D I G L Y M E


L i A 1 H 4 - K A 1 H ~ - D I G L Y M E AT 25 ~

U . M i r s a i d o v , S . I . B a k u m , a n d T . N . D y m o v a

UDC 541.8:541.123.2:546 .34'621'11:547.422

Diglyme, together with diethyl e ther and t e t r ahydro fu ran , is success fu l ly used as a medium for r e a c - t ions in which LiA1H 4 pa r t i c ipa t e s . Data on the solubil i ty of LiA1H 4 in diglyme at s eve r a l t e m p e r a t u r e s a re cited in [1]. This a r t i c l e p r e s en t s the r e su l t s of a study of the solubili ty of LiA1H 4 in diglyme in a broad range of t e m p e r a t u r e s , as well as the solubil i ty i so the rm in the s y s t e m LiA1H4-KA1H4-diglyme at 25 ~ The solubi l i ty in the t e r n a r y s y s t e m was studied to de te rmine the nature of the in teract ion in the case of d i s so lu- t ion of two a luminum hydr ides - those of l i thium and po ta s s ium - in diglyme.


The interaction of the components was investigated by the methods of isothermal solubility, differential thermal (DrA) and visual-polythermal analyses, using the procedures and method of preparation of the solu- tions described earlier [2-4]. Crystalline LiAIH4, containing 98~ of the basic substance, was pro- duced according to the method of [4].

The content of aluminum in the liquid and solid phases was determined complexometrically withxylenol orange as the indicator [6]; lithium and potassium were determined by the method of flame photometry [7] on a PFM ~,~peetrophotometer. The composition of the solvates formed was calculated according to the data of DTA and a chemical analysis of the solid phases, existing at equilibrium at various temperatures.


L iAl t t4 -Dig lyme Sys tem. The resu l t s of an invest igat ion of the solubil i ty of LiAIH~ in diglyme a re p re sen ted in Fig. 1 and in Tab les 1-3. The liquidus line in the s y s t e m LiA1H4-diglyme consis ts of three b ranches . The f i r s t b ranch , on the por t ion 0-0.4 mole 70 LiAIH4, co r responds to the c rys ta l l i za t ion of pure diglyme (DG). The b ranch AB in the in terva l 0.4-4~ mole 70 co r re sponds to c rys ta l l i za t ion of the t r i so lva te LiA1H 4. 3DG, which mel t s incongruently at -8.5~ the b ranch BC cor re sponds to c rys ta l l i za t ion of the d i so lv- ate LiA1H 4, 2DG. The nonvariant point B at -8 .5 ~ and a concentra t ion of 4.0 mole 70 LiA1H 4 co r re sponds to the equi l ibr ium

LiA1H4.3DG~- ~ LiA1H4.2DG-~ DG

The r e su l t s of a chemical ana lys is of the solid phases , isolated under conditions close to i so the rmal , a r e cited in Tab le 2.

The densi ty of LiA1H 4. 2DG, found by the method of liquid pycnome t ry in toluene medium, is 1.03 g / c m 3. The r e su l t s of a de te rmina t ion of the solubil i ty of LiA1Ht in diglyme by the i so the rma l method (see Table 3) p rac t i ca l l y do not differ f r o m the data of the method of v i sua l -po ly the rma l ana lys i s .

LiA1Vt-KA1H 4- Diglyme Sys tem at 25 ~ The exper imenta l data on the solubil i ty in the t e r n a r y s y s t e m L i A 1 H t - K A l H t - d i g l y m e at 25 ~ a re cited in Table 4 and plotted graphica l ly in Gibbs coordinates in Fig. 2. The fo rma t ion of solid solutions and double sa l t s is not detected in the s y s t e m . The solubil i ty i so the rm cons is t s of ;wo b ranches , cor responding to c rys ta l l i za t ion of: the disolvate LiA1H 4. 2DG and unsolvated KA1H 4.

N. S, Kurnakov Insti tute of Genera l and Inorganic Chemis t ry , Academy of Sciences of the USSR. T r a n s l a t e d !From Izves t iya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Ser iya Khimicheskaya , No. 2, pp. 259-261, F e b r u a r y , 1973. Original a r t i c le submit ted March 13, 1972.

�9 1!~75 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. i y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without per;~ission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00.


Page 2: Solubility diagram of the system LiAlH4-diglyme and solubility isotherm in the system LiAlH4-KAlH4-diglyme at 25°

T A B L E 1. Data of V i s u a l - P o l y t h e r - mal and Dif ferent ia l T h e r m a l A n a l y - s e s of the LiA1H 4- Dig lyme Sys t em

Content of LiA1H 4, in solution,%

T. of begin- I ingof crys- [ talliz~tion, I

Solid phase

0 0,17 0,30 0,7t 1,08 1,47 2,36 2,96 4,59 6,t2 7,00 8,69

--58,5 --5t ,0 --35,5 --2t --t0

0 t3,5 17,5 27 44 5t,5 65

DG LiA1H4.3 DG The same

LIA1Hr 2DG The same




T A B L E 2. Resul ts of Analys i s of Solid P h a s e s Isola ted f r o m Dig lyme Solutions of LiA1H 4

T. of iso- C, Ilation of

mole ~ crYScalS,

AI con- tent in precipi- tate, %

Mole ratio LiAiH4"di- glyme

2,48 3,72 9,79


--25 --t2

i4,5 40

5,66 5,92 8,00 8,22

T A B L E 3. Solubil i ty of LiA1H 4 in Diglyme a c c o r d - ing to the Data of the I so - t h e r m a l Method. Solid P h a s e LiAIH �9 2DG

T ,~

t : 3,27 50 I : 3,12 50 t :2,23 70 t : 2 , t 6 70

Duration of experiment,


Content of LiA1H 4 in

, solution, %

4 6 4 6

7,2t 7,t8 9,2t 9,05





AJ x ~ ~ 6 ~ A L H ~ . Z , D G

DG-~aA~O~.~DO ~ I ~ lg Zg LiAI, H o. , mol 6/o

Fig . I


80Z/0/~~ 50

DG ~ ,~A~H~

F ig . 2

F ig . I. Fus ib i l i ty d i a g r a m of the L iA1Ha-d ig lyme sy s t e m: i) data of v i s u a l - p o l y t h e r m a l ana lys i s ; 2) data of d i f ferent ia l t h e r m a l ana lys i s ; 3) data of the method of i s o t h e r m a l solubi l i ty; 4) data of [1].

F i g . 2 . Solubil i ty i s o t h e r m in the s y s t e m L iA1H4-KA1H4-d ig lyme , 25 ~

T A B L E 4. g lyme Sys tem at 25 ~

Composition of liquid I Composition of preci- phase, % J pirate, ~

I LiA1H4 KA1H4 ] LiAIl t , KAIHa

4,t9 0 11,80 0 4,18 3,74 tt,25 0,73 3,99 5,99 8,55 1,68 4,03 8,44 t0,66 t ,60 4,0t 10,9 9,58 9,25 3,34 tl ,20 t ,7t 56,20 t ,89 13,00 0,33 78,89 t ,34 13,8t 0,32 71,20 0 14,56 0 7531

Solubil i ty in the LiA1H4-KA1H 4 - Di-

Solid phase

LiA1Ha.2 DG The same


Eutonic KA1H4 The same


The s y s t e m studied be longs to the s imp le eutonic type with eutonic compos i t i on c o r r e s p o n d i n g to 11.8 mole % LiA1H4, 17.4 mole % KA1H 4 and 70.8 mole % d ig lyme .


1. The l i q u i d - sol id equ i l ib r ium in the s y s t e m LiA1H 4- d ig lyme was s tudied in the t e m p e r a t u r e in - t e r v a l f r o m - 6 5 to 70 ~ and that in the s y s t e m LiA1H 4 - K A 1 H 4 - d i g l y m e at 25 ~

2. The ex is tence of the so lva tes LiA1H 4. 3DG and LiA1H 4. 2DG was es t ab l i shed .

3. LiA1H4, KA1H o and d ig lyme f o r m a s imp le eutonic s y s t e m ; the solubi l i ty i s o t h e r m at 25 ~ c o n s i s t s of the b r a n c h e s of c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n of LiA1H 4. 2DG and KA1H 4 with eutonic compos i t i on 11.8 mole % LiA1H4, 17.4 mole % KAIH4, and 70.8 mole % d ig lyme .

i. 2.


H. Clasen, Angew. Chemie, 73, 46 (1961). S. I. Bakum and T. N. Dymova---, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1890 (1970).


Page 3: Solubility diagram of the system LiAlH4-diglyme and solubility isotherm in the system LiAlH4-KAlH4-diglyme at 25°




6. 7.

T. 1~. Dymova, S. I. Bakum, So S. Grazhulene, and M. Mukhidinov, Izv~ Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Khim., 1892 (1970). S. I~ Bakum, U. Mirsaidov, M. E. Kost, and T. N. Dymova, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Set. Khim., 2108 (1972) 0 G. A. Osipov, M. S. Belyaeva, G. K~ Klimenko, L. I. Zakharkin, and V. V. Gavrilenko, Kinetika i Kataiiz, 11, 901 (1970). R. Prshibil, Complexones in Chemical Analysis [Russian translation], IL (1960). N. S Poluektov, Methods of Analysis According to Flame Photometry [in Russian], Khimiya (1967).