soliton excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional conductor rb2pt(cn)4(fhf)0.4

Soliton excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional conductor Rb 2 PtCN) 4 FHF) 0.4 O. Pana Æ a , L.V. Giurgiu a , S. Knorr b , J. Rahmer b , A. Grupp b , M. Mehring b, * a Institute of Isotopic and Molecular Technology, P.O. Box 700, R-3400 Cluj-Napoca 5, Romania b 2 Physikalisches Institut, Universitat Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany Received 20 April 2001; accepted 5 June 2001 by J. Kuhl Abstract The authors have studied the soliton generation process in the quasi-one-dimensional platinum Rb 2 PtCN) 4 FHF) 0.4 compound. Under the Peierls-transition temperature T P , a periodic lattice distortion accompanied by a charge density wave CDW) with commensurability N 5 condensates. Local depinning of the CDW generates a soliton±antisoliton pair. The energy spectrum of the 5d z 2 Pt electrons along with charges and spins of all soliton types are calculated. q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PACS: 73.20.Dx; 71.23.An; 71.45.Lr Keywords: D. Electronic band structure; D. Electronic states localized) 1. Introduction Quasi-one-dimensional Q1D) conductors have received much interest since the pioneering work by Krogmann [1], who suggested that mixed-valence planar d 8 metal complexes should exhibit 1D-metallic properties. The extensive research has been developed in systems contain- ing the square planar tetracyanoplatinate ion [PtCN) 4 ] 22 , which builds along the c axis of the crystal to form an in®nite platinum atom chain with an overlap between the 5d z 2 Pt orbitals [2]. The outstanding features displayed by many Q1D molecular complexes are anisotropic physical properties, a Peierls transition accompanied by a giant Kohn anomaly, periodic lattice distortion PLD), and a Fro Èhlich charge density wave CDW) [3]. Unfortunately, the platinum chain compound family, which is very large, remains far less explored. The investi- gation of nearly similar compounds appears as a clue for understanding the effects of dimensionality on various physical properties. Therefore, the authors will focus on anhydrous Rb 2 PtCN) 4 FHF) 0.4 , abbreviated as RbCPFHF), for the following reasons: i) despite a smaller interchain distance than in K 2 PtCN) 4 Br 0.3 ´H 2 O, abbreviated as KCPBr), there is no coupling of adjacent chains by hydrogen bonding [4]. ii) The degree of partial oxidation DPO 0:40 is much larger than the characteristic one for KCP 0.30). This accounts for a shorter intrachain Pt±Pt separation d compared with KCPBr) and implies stronger Pt±Pt bonding [5]. In the present work, the authors propose a theory on the soliton formation in RbCPFHF) within the one-electron approximation together with the determination of the soliton charge and spin in the same manner as it was done for the KCPBr) compound [6]. 2. Soliton generation process in RbCPFHF) The soliton generation in Q1D charge-transfer materials is related to the Peierls transition which results from the instability of the electron±phonon system for perturbations with wave vector q 0 2k F : In the mean-®eld scenario, the Peierls instability leads to a second-order phase transition metal-to-insulator or metal-to-semiconductor) at the temperature T P . Below the Peierls-transition temperature, a PLD results accompanied by a CDW [3]. Also an energy gap 2D will appear in the electronic spectrum at the Fermi Solid State Communications 119 2001) 553±557 0038-1098/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0038-109801)00262-9 PERGAMON * Corresponding author. Fax: 1711-685-5285. E-mail address: [email protected] M. Mehring).

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Page 1: Soliton excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional conductor Rb2Pt(CN)4(FHF)0.4

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Page 2: Soliton excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional conductor Rb2Pt(CN)4(FHF)0.4

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Page 3: Soliton excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional conductor Rb2Pt(CN)4(FHF)0.4

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Page 4: Soliton excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional conductor Rb2Pt(CN)4(FHF)0.4

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