sofiyanova digital and social media task 2

Module: Digital & Social Media Sofiyanova Egnosiya (ID: 100325292) Improving the digital and social appearance through Audit, Strategy and Plan. The case of VIKOS WATER. Tutor: Dr. Evangelos Liotzis BA (Hons) Business Studies Year 2 Mediterranean College Thessaloniki

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Page 1: Sofiyanova Digital and Social Media Task 2


Digital & Social Media

Sofiyanova Egnosiya(ID: 100325292)

Improving the digital and social appearance through Audit, Strategy and Plan. The case of



Dr. Evangelos LiotzisBA (Hons) Business Studies

Year 2

Mediterranean College


2nd May 2015

Page 2: Sofiyanova Digital and Social Media Task 2


Table of ContentsDigital Marketing Audit.........................................................................................................................3

TOWs Analysis.................................................................................................................................3

Evaluation of competitors..................................................................................................................4

Key Customer Groups.......................................................................................................................5

Customer Journey..............................................................................................................................5

Digital Marketing Strategy.....................................................................................................................7

SMART Objectives...........................................................................................................................7

RACE Model.......................................................................................................................................8

Digital Marketing Plan.........................................................................................................................11

Tactical Plan....................................................................................................................................11

Identification Of Resources & Budget.............................................................................................13



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Digital Marketing Audit TOWs Analysis

The SWOT analysis is one of the most essential parts in marketing due to the identification of

the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a firm (Cojocariu et. al., 2014, pp. 1999-

2003). Hanlon and Chaffey (2015, pp. 53-54) introduced a more complex approach which was

called as TOWs. It is believed that TOWs provides not only a review but also an overview of

strategies to improve the digital presence of a company. After comparing the company with the

main competitors AURA and ZAGORI the following results were generated.

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To begin with the strengths, Vikos has established a great brand name not only offline but

also online since it is present in all social media networks such as facebook, twitter, instagram

and YouTube. Vikos provides a distribution site where the customers are able to

purchase Vikos water and coolers. Moving on to the weaknesses Vikos web experience is

extremely poor since there is a low amount of followers in facebook, twitter, Google+ and other

social platforms, as can be seen from the matrix. Moreover, the engagement with the users and

potential customers has not been established since the company does not interact with them

online. As a result, in comparison with the two main competitors the percentage of traffic is low.

However, Vikos has a great deal of opportunities in order to promote and optimize its digital

presence. The most significant point which is able to bring a return on investment is the creation

of mobile app, a newsletter and an e-shop. Equally important is the opportunity of building

alliances and making cross-selling to increase the profits of Vikos. However, marketers have to

bear in mind some threats in order to eliminate them. Both local competitors and a high bounce

rate are good illustrations of that.

In the final analysis, the TOWs matrix provides the readers with some meaningful strategies

which can be exploit to optimize Vikos digital presence. Consequently, building alliances,

increasing OVP and establishing an effective engagement with the customers can have a positive

impact on Vikos digital and social presence.

Evaluation of competitors

The two main competitors of Vikos are AURA and ZAGORI. After a deep assessment and

comparison of those companies some meaningful results were revealed (Appendix 1, p. 17). To

be more specific, compared to Vikos Aura has an increasing amount of dedicated followers

amounted to 149.211. Despite the popularity in facebook, Aura’s presence in Google+ and

YouTube can be compared to Vikos. On the other hand, AURA is in lack of networks such as

twitter, instagram and LinkedIn where Vikos has built a framework of trust between the

company and the users. Moving on, according to marketing grader the Aura’s inbound links are

devastating comparing to Vikos. Nevertheless, Aura has an extremely high percent of search

traffic 85,11% in contrast to Vikos’ which is 64,72%. Moreover, Aura’s website not only does

not provide all the significant information about the chemical analysis of each product as Vikos

does but also the structure of the official website is quiet inappropriate. Consequently, the users

are not able to find easily all the network platforms on the site. Finally, during the analysis

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2through and there was a lack of information such as the bounce


Moving on, even though Zagori water is one of the most successful companies in Greece, it

has not adopted an efficient digital strategy in order to optimize its profitability. Compared to

Vikos’, Zagori has 64,590 likes at facebook. Nonetheless, the presence in the other social media

such as twitter, YouTube, Google+ is disappointing. Notwithstanding, the inefficient presence in

the social platforms, the percent of search traffic is extremely high of about 93%. One of the

most important advantages is the fact that the official website provides the users with some

significant information such as the chemical analysis of the product and the possibility to contact

via mail or telephone. Under those circumstances, it thought that Zagori has not built a dedicated

relationship with its users since the tweets and the updates at facebook are rare.

Key Customer Groups

Water is the most significant resource of our live and everyone consumes it. As a result, the

identification of key customer groups in the digital world was a challenge (Chaffey et al., 2006,

pp. 183-184; Sweeney, MacLellan and Dorey, 2006, pp. 21-27). It was indentified that Vikos’

water is addressed to household consumption as well as to the offices which utilized bottled

water. Clearly, the target groups that were obtained are: children 1-17 years old, men and women

18-55 years old and the elderly 55+. To be more specific, researches (Cheeseman, 2011), have

shown that mothers prefer to give their children bottled water and Vikos’ soft drinks since they

are convinced that they are protecting their well-being. Moving to the next target of men and

women 18-55 consume bottled water, soft drinks Vikos and cool-tea Vikos due to the quality and

the affordable prices which allow them to follow a balance diet. Finally, the target of 55+ prefers

bottled water since they have to look after both their diet and their health. Their special

characteristics include a low or medium income since the price of the water is low and Vikos’

distribution platforms provide the users with the opportunity to obtain water in premium prices

and with special offers. Additionally, the education of target groups is ranged between low to

upper and they might belong to any social class.

Customer Journey

To understand the customer journey we created customers’ personas and a scenario to

visualize better their online movements (Chaffey, 2014, pp. 6-9) (Appendix 2, p. 18) and we

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2have concluded to the following flowchart. The journey for Vikos’ water begins with the

customers need for water. To begin with, a potential customer may see an advertisement on

YouTube. This stipulates the users to begin their surveys firstly on the official website for

information. Vikos’ official site leads to many popular social networks. Consequently, the users

take advantage of that fact and transfer to facebook in order to search for reviews and additional

information. However, Vikos’ presence in digital world is insufficient, as have been indentified

above. Therefore, users may use search engines such as Google, in order to hunt for lower cost

and for appropriate e-shop or supermarkets. As soon as they have finished with the survey they

make their purchases through an e-shop or a retailer. After the purchase, they utilize additional

information such as the chemical analysis of the water they have bought. As a final stage, the

customers post either a review on facebook or a photo on instagram account. The journey ends

with the word of mouth marketing where they express their view to friends.

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Digital Marketing StrategySMART Objectives

To create an effective and efficient marketing plan some specific objectives have to be set. In

order to respond to this need we utilized the theory of 5S’s. The theory is refers to determination

of the digital marketing goals which will be able to facilitate the review and the control of digital

marketing activities (Swan, 2015). Moreover, the 5S’s stands for sell, serve, speak, save and

sizzle (Smith and Chaffey, 2005). For better application of those goals the usage of the SMART

objectives is essential since they allow defining measurable and specific goals able to serve

appropriately the company. SMART stand for: specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and

time-related (Chaffey et al., 2006, pp. 170-172).

Turning to Vikos’ company, the theory of 5S’s has been adopted in combination with the

SMART objectives. Firstly, the stage of “sell” which refers to the sales growth determined to a

sale increase by 15% within 12 months, seeing that it was a reasonable goal (Chaffey, 2010).

According to the “serve” objective which attempts to optimize customer service we have decided

to add to the main web-site an e-shop, the opportunity to sign up for an e-newsletter and the

option “register as a member” from July 2015. Consequently, this would lead to an engagement

and customers’ loyalty due to the fact that they will constantly receive news and new offers as

exclusively members (Chaffey et al., 2006, pp. 169).

Turning to the “speak” which implies the interaction with the customer through the

communication and participation (Chaffey, 2010). To achieve this goal we attempt to begin

issuing 8 newsletters a year to our customers as from June. Additionally, we have to create a chat

room where customers will be able to interact with the sellers from 8 A.M to 8 P.M. The last

goal in this section is the conduction of online interviews through the facebook fan page every

month starting from July. As a result, the managers will be up to date with the customers’

preferences, complaints and recommendations in order to improve either the product or the

digital presence.

In order to save time and decrease costs we have to outline some objectives on the stage of

“save” (Chaffey, 2010). Hence, selling through facebook, e-shop and third parties such as

Amazon and Skroutz from July will lead to higher profitability and return on investments.

Finally, the objectives of “sizzle” which have to extend Vikos’ brand online have been defined

with regard to the mobile world. Bearing this in mind, we conclude to the creation of a mobile

app for both apple and android with our main products which will facilitate the life of our clients

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2since they will be able to purchase while on move by September. Finally, we have added the

opportunity to follow the course of the order to empower the OVP.

RACE Model

It is believed that to actualize the objectives that have been set above we have to utilize a

digital marketing plan in order to realize in a well-structured way the Vikos’ activities regarding

to the digital presence. Having this in mind, we conclude to the RACE planning model to create

a digital strategy and to take advantages of the opportunities that the digital world provides.

Moreover, it helps to improve the weaknesses of a company applying the best practices in this

field. Before, using the Race in Vikos’ interests we have to determine the four terms; thus RACE

stands for reach, act, convert and engage (Chaffey, 2015).

To begin with, REACH implies the awareness of the brand as well as the traffic to the main

site (Chaffey, 2015, pp. 4-8). To achieve this Vikos has to utilize and optimize the media

channels that the company obtains. To be more specific, the official Vikos’ website, the

facebook fan page, the twitter account, instagram, Google+ and YouTube channel can serve as

good illustration of owned media that Vikos has to promote. Hence, the usage of the above

media channels proves essential to build and maintain a long-term relationship with the

customers as well as to reach further recognition through social media (Zarrella, 2010; Chaffey,

2015). Turning to the paid media, Vikos has to consider about investing in this field which is a

significant one. Clearly, a reasonable investment in display ads, paid search and sponsorship will

generate results such as the empowerment of owned media and increase in the visibility of the

Vikos’ digital presence (Sweeney, MacLellan and Dorey, 2006, pp. 43-46). Finally, the earned

media is the final and the most desirable result of both owned and paid media (Chaffey, 2015).

Therefore, it implies the fact that the company has the ability to reach virality, in a positive sense

though, through the world-of-mouth and publisher editorial.

Moving on, the allocation of media investments is the next pivotal step. To put it differently,

to stand out of the crowd and make noise around its brand Vikos has to invest in search

marketing, online PR and online partnership effectively. As a consequence, the firm will

optimize SEO and SEM, to encourage both users’ and customers’ participation and to achieve

partnership such as affiliate marketing and co-branding (Enge et al., 2010, pp. 79-96). According

to Chaffey (2015), the search marketing is one of the most significant parts in this field and

therefore it has to be utilized in order to make surveys of customer behavior. The results may

lead to optimized strategic action such as developing new content. However, this has to be

reached by using VQVC which stands for volume, quality, value and cost. As a final step we

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2have to take under serious consideration the opportunity that partnership market provides.

Hence, Vikos Company has to attempt the engagement at least of the most important of them in

order to drive visitors and increase the visibility.

The step of ACT involves the action that the users have to take in order to search further

information about a product through their online journey (Chaffey and Bosomworth, 2015, pp.

10). Under these circumstances, Vikos ought to monitor a blog where the users will be able to

read product reviews and articles. In order to reach the lead generation, the company has to take

advantages of analytics and study the behavior of the customers when they reach the official site.

As a result, the managers will be able to generate conclusions of the improvements they have to

produce either on the landing pages or the product pages and make the customers’ journey

enjoyable and effortless (Evans and McKee, 2010, pp. 140-161). As can be expected the ACT is

also about the participation of the users in the whole process due to the shares, comments and

interaction with the others. As a final action to engage the customers and stimulate them to share

we have to create a content marketing matrix in order to compare Vikos’ content of social media

against the competitors which are Aura and Zagori and to exploit the results as can be seen

below (Bosomworth, 2014).

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In order to achieve the desirable engagement Vikos has to enrich its content by adding

newsletter, case studies, widget as Bosomworth (2014) suggests.

Moving on, CONVERT refers to the action of customers’ purchase (Hanlon and Chaffey,

2015, pp. 42-44). Specifically, the web site developers have to enrich the social media channels

by adding tools and opportunities such as “buy now”, “read testimonials”, “limited offers” and

stimulate the clients to take the further step which makes them paying (Raji, Mahmuda and

Abubakrb, 2013, pp 1059-1063). The OVP must be taken under serious consideration wherefore

it encourages the customers to make their purchase online and take advantage of the additional

value such as make the life easier and save money (Chaffey et al., 2006). Equally important is

the conversion rate optimization, where Vikos’ developers must update regularly channels

contents as well as the marketing messages since the digital world is characterized of ongoing

evolution. The above can be achieved through behavioral segmentation and customer journey

analysis. Finally, the merchandising approach is a significant part since in expands the value of a

brand and persuades the clients to make their purchases (Chaffey, 2015). Clearly, the marketers

have to place at the product page an irritant message such as 20% discount to the Vikos cola

through its e-shop.

The pivotal role of ENGAGEMENT cannot be excluded since it implies the long-term

relationship that a company built with their clients (Chaffey and Bosomworth, 2015, pp. 12).

Consequently, Vikos has to interact with their precious customers through chats, replies to

questions and optimize the digital and social presence. The above will lead to the recognition of

Vikos’ digital constant marketing and therefore to engage audience in the whole process by

sharing content in social media and make positive reviews (Brown, 2012, pp. 139-148). Taking

into account the testimony of Chaffey (2015), “e-mail marketing is certainly not dead” Vikos has

to exploit this option as well and make one-to-one marketing for deeper and stronger


Taking as granted the utilization both of SMART objectives and RACE model we provide

the audience with a practical example of the above tools. Clearly we have set some SMART

objectives based on the RACE planning model as can seen below.

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Digital Marketing PlanTactical Plan

After the analysis and the determination of the RACE planning model and the SMART

objectives that have to be applied to optimize the digital presence of Vikos’ company we were

challenged to outline our strategic recommendation in a tactical plan. As a result, we developed a

marketing plan that covers a period of July 2015 to May 2016. Moreover we have set the main

objectives as well as the sub-objectives and have determined the duration of their completion as

can be seen below. Finally, we have provided the readers with a better explanation of each goal

in the Appendix 3, p. 19.

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Main Objectives # Objectives JuneJuly AugSept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Aplr May1 Facebook optimization2 Facebook ads3 Conduct monthly intervies 4 Compatitions with Vikos' product photos5 Twitter optimization6 Google+ optimization7 YouTube optimization8 YouTube ads9 Pinterest account

10 Instagram optimization11 Optimize the official page12 Register as a memeber13 Merchandising apprach (20% discounts)14 Add the option read testimonials15 Add the option limited offers16 E-newsletter17 8 newsleeters issuing a year 18 Introduce an E-shop19 Add button buy now20 Payments though Credit, Debit cards21 Choose the company which will develop the app to purchase22 Track order 23 mobile app Vikos personal dietitian24 Optimize SEM by SEO & PPC25 E-PR (Increase Inbound link-building & make press releases)26 Affiliate marketing through pages concentrating on health, diet & sport27 Begin an e-mail marketing

Metrics 28 Use analytics to study users behaviour29 Customers reports

Conversion rate 30 Updating channels content31 Improvements of landing pages 32 Improvements of pages design33 Display ads (CPA) on pages concentrating on health, diet & sport34 Sell through third parties such as Amazon 35 Google AdWords36 Sponsorship in events such us football, charity races etc37 Inroduction of a Blog38 3 topics per day39 Link with the other social media40 ECRM system

Social Media



Official web-page

Mobile App

Marketing tactics

Paid media

= Plan = On Track = Risk = Behind

Company name: Vikos S.AProject name: Digital & Social Media

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Identification Of Resources & Budget

To complete the above goals we had to determine the recourses as well as a summary budget

for Vikos’ company for the covered period. Clearly, in order to fulfil the previous

recommendation the company has to hire a digital marketing assistant who will be responsible

for the campaigns, marketing researches and the press release. Moreover the presence of a digital

designer is essential since he will be able to optimize not only the official web page but also the

social platforms and the other sites that Vikos utilizes. Junior Social Media and PR Executive are

also significant to update the social media content to generate leads and to expand Vikos’ online

visibility through a properly handled E-PR. Under these circumstances we provided a summary

budget which Vikos S.A has to be use in order to reciprocate to the objectives that have been


Annual Budget for Vikos S.A Time covered 01/06/2015 – 31/05/2016

Budget Was Given: 562800€Elements € NoteDigital Marketing Assistant

5000*12=60000 Responsible for facebook ads, Google ads, SEO, PPC, CPA, third parties,

Digital Designer

5000*12=60000 Responsible for optimizing social media pages & official page, for updating content ect

Junior Social Media & PR Executive

5000*12=60000 Responsible for social media pages and PR

Facebook ads

[10*(7*532)]=37240 [10campains*(7months*532.00€/month)]

YouTube ads

[7*(7*600)]=29400 [6campains*(15.00€/month*7months)]

Newsletter 600*8=4800 600.00€/month*8 monthsE-shop 5000 Online shop with Vikos productsMobile App Purchase

10000 Mobile app for android & iPhone

Mobile App personal dietitian

10000 Mobile app for clients who care for health and balanced diet

SEO 9000*12=108000 9000.00€/month*12monthsPPC 5000*12=60000 5000.00€/month*12monthsAffiliate Marketing

500*7=3500 500.00€/month*7months

E-mail Marketing

720*12=8640 720.00€/month*12months

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Google analytics Analyst

5000*12=60000 Responsible for analyzing Google analytics & customer reports

CPA (Cost Per Action)

1000*4=4000 1000€/month*4months

Sell trough

40*12=480 40.00€/month*12months

Google AdWords

30*12=360 30.00€/month*12months

Sponsorships 7000*4=28000 Football, races ECRM System

[12*(5*23)]=1380 12months(5employees*23.00€ per user/month

ECRM System employees

12*1000=12000 12months*1000€/month

Total 562800€

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Bosomworth, D. (2014) The Content Marketing Matrix: A content marketing planning tool to

help marketers generate ideas for the most engaging content types for their audience. Smart

Insights. Available at:

strategy/the-content-marketing-matrix-new-infographic/ (Accessed: 28th April 2015).

Brown, E. (2012) Working The Crowd Social media marketing for business. 2nd edn., United

Kingdom: British Informatics Society Limited (BISL).

Chaffey, D. & Bosomworth, D. (2015) Digital Marketing Strategy Planning Template: Your

Companion To Creating Or Updating Your Online Marketing Strategy. Marketing Templates:

Smart Insights.

Chaffey, D. (2010) Setting goals for your digital marketing: Set the right goals for digital

marketing using the 5Ss. Smart Insights. Available at:

setting-evaluation/goals-kpis/goals-for-your-digital-marketing/ (Accessed: 28th April 2015).

Chaffey, D. (2014) Managing Customer Journeys 2014: Best practices for creating effective

online customer experiences. Smart Insights Members research report in collaboration with

eCommerce Expo.

Chaffey, D. (2015) Digital Marketing Planning Template: RACE Planning: Your companion to

creating or updating your online marketing strategy. Smart Insights: actionable marketing


Chaffey, D. (2015) Introducing RACE: a practical framework to improve your digital

marketing: The RACE Digital Marketing Planning Framework. Smart Insights. Available at:

improve-your-digital-marketing/ (Accessed: 28th April 2015).

Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F., Mayer, R. & Johnston, K. (2006) Internet Marketing Strategy,

Implementation and Practice. 3rd edn. England: Pearson Education Limited.

Cojocariu, V. M., Lazara, I., Nedeff, V. & Lazar, G. (2013) SWOT analysis of e-learning

educational services from the perspective of their beneficiaries, Procedia - Social and

Behavioral Sciences,116, pp. 1999 – 2003.

Create Digital Marketing Plan: Fast Start Twenty - Chaffey, D. (2015), Video recording, Smart

Insights, viewed 28/04/2015, <


Page 16: Sofiyanova Digital and Social Media Task 2

2Enge, E., Spencer, S., Fishkin, R. & Stricchiola, J. C. (2010) The Art of SEO.1st edn., United

States of America: O’Reilly Media, Inc.

Evans, D. & McKee, J. (2010) Social Media Marketing The Next Generation of Business

Engagement. 1st edn., Canada: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Hanlon, A. & Chaffey, D. (2015) Essential Marketing Models Classic Planning Tools to inform

strategy. Smart Insights (Marketing Intelligence) Limited. (Tuesday, Nov

29th, 2011) (Accessed: 2nd May 2015)

Raji, S. O., Mahmuda, M. & Abubakrb, A. (2013) Evaluation of University Teaching Hospital

Websites in Nigeria, Procedia Technology,9, pp. 1058 – 1064.

Smith, P.R. and Chaffey, D. (2005) EMarketing Excellence: at the Heart of EBusiness. 2nd edn.

Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford.

Swan, S. (2015) A SOSTAC Plan example: How to create a digital marketing plan using PR

Smith's SOSTAC Planning model. Smart Insights. Available at:

Sweeney, S., MacLellan, A. & Dorey, E. (2006) 3G Marketing on the Internet. 7th edn., Canada:

Maximum Press

Sweeney, S., MacLellan, A. & Dorey, E. (2006) 3G Marketing on the Internet: Third Generation

Internet Marketing Strategies for Online Success. 7th edn., Canada: Maximum Press.

Zarrella, D. (2010) The social media marketing book. 1st edn., Canada: O’Reilly Media, Inc.

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Appendix 1

Quantitative Data of presence in the Digital worldVIKOS AURA ZAGORI

Facebook 13.387 149.211 64.590Twitter 230 - 87YouTube 145 207 41Google+ 8 8 3Instagram 534 - -LinkedIn 308 - -Bounce rate 38.70% - -In bound links 83 33 65Percent of search traffic

64,72% 85,11% 92,52%

Newsletter NO YES NO

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Appendix 2

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Appendix 3

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TACTICAL PLAN EXPLANATIONS1. Facebook optimization through improving the design and regularly updating content 2. Begin 10 campaigns with facebook ads to advertise Vikos water on Facebook and

therefore engage the users and increase firm’s profitability3. Digital Marketing assistant will conduct monthly interviews to search customer’s

preferences and dissatisfactions 4. Junior Social Media & PR will conduct competition with regard to Vikos’ products5. Digital Designer has to optimize twitter account by developing the Company’s logo and

the Digital marketing assistant and PR have to update content6. Digital Designer has to optimize Google+ account by developing the Company’s logo

and the Digital marketing assistant and PR have to update content7. Digital Designer has to optimize Google+ account by developing the Company’s logo

and the Digital marketing assistant and PR have to update content as well as to produce more advertising videos

8. Begin 7 campaigns with YouTube ads for 7 months to advertise Vikos’ water and therefore engage the users and increase profitability

9. Create Pinterest account for broadband reasons which will help to expand abroad10. Instagram optimization through improving the design and regularly updating content11. Official page optimization through improving the design and regularly updating

content12. Provide the customer to register as a member and have some bonuses as a client13. Make the first page appealing by adding discounts as a result Return on Investment14. Add the option read testimonials and increase OVP15. Limited offers for clients to increase OVP and increase registers 16. Introduce e-newsletter and provide the customers with the opportunity to be up-to-

date with the latest 17. Issuing 8 newsletters 8 months per year to both engage the customers and increase

OVP 18. Introduce E-shop exclusively for Vikos water products and increase OVP19. Add the button “buy now” making the market convenient to all the customers in every

region of Greece20. Give the opportunity to the clients pay through credit and debit cards21. Choose the appropriate company to develop mobile app for both android and iPhone

and give to the clients the opportunity to make purchases while on the move 22. Develop the option to track the order and therefore engage the customer and increase

OVP23. Develop a mobile App for both Android and iPhone with a personal dietitian for the

customers who care about healthy issues since one of the company’s’ mission is to care about the health and the diet. Engage customers and gain ROI

24. Optimize SEM through the SEO and PPC in order to appear as high as possible on search engines as well as to drive customers to the Vikos’ official page. Hence, the company will increase the traffic reduce the bounce rate and have ROI

25. E-PR is essential to make the company stand out of the crowd online by writing press releases and increase the inbound links. Junior Social Media & PR executive is responsible for the above

26. Exploit the option of affiliate marketing using blogs and sites which focus on healthy issues in order to drive traffic to the official site and the e-shop, decrease bounce rates and increase profitability

27. E-mail marketing is a significant tool to increase potential customers and keep them up to date with the latest developments

28. Analyst has to study the Google analytics and provide the Marketing manager with the useful information in order to make improvements either to the Vikos’ products or the company’s digital appearance

29. Customers reports are also significant to make decisions about the company’s digital activities

30. Conversion rate optimization is essential to produce high conversion rates through updating the content

31. CRO has to focus on improving the landing pages and increase the engagement of the customers as well as to increase OVP

32. CRP has to focus on the design of the pages and increase the engagement of the users 33. Add display adds to sites and make measurement using the cost per action in order to