social venture partners cincinnati - invest differently june 15, 2016


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Welcome to Social Venture Partners

Social Venture Partners is Greater Cincinnati’s home for engaged philanthropists.

We are part of an international network of 3500 Partners who collectively invest

time, talent and grant money in innovative ways to strengthen local nonprofits. Our

purpose is simple: to enable our investees to make the Cincinnati region a stronger

and more vibrant community.

Invest Differently

Social Venture Partners - Who we are

Our Cincinnati Partners:

Range in age from 25 to 60+ years

Range in life experience from those who have climbed the corporate ladder,

to life-long volunteers, to those starting their adult lives

About half are working full time and half are retired or self-employed

Some join to share their leadership, others to hone their skills

Half are women

Have skills that range from time management and event planning to strategic

planning and risk assessment to accounting and financial skills to creative

talents to social work

Some are sponsored by the corporations they work for

All are looking for a way to combine the power of business with their

passion for philanthropy

Social Venture Partners - Who we are

“When I hear a Lead Partner talk

passionately about work we are doing

with an investee, I feel really good about

the stewardship of my investment.”

SVP Founding Co-Chair and Current

Partner, Garen Wisner

“SVP Partners quite simply have a

burning desire to use their business

and life skills to improve their

communities. SVP is hands-down my

favorite volunteer experience.”

SVP Founding and Current Partner,

Susan Ingmire

“It is difficult to be an effective

philanthropist by yourself; even if you

have the money and the time. With the

pooled resources, both in money and in

expertise, it is much easier to really

make a difference.”

Former SVP Chair and Current Partner,

Glenn Bitzenhofer

“Investing $1,000 through SVP is like

writing a $4,000 check because we

leverage our financial contribution with

many hours of intellectual capital to

make a bigger impact.”

Former SVP Treasurer and Current

Partner, Joe Ratterman

Social Venture Partners - What we doA global network of local donors seeking to make a difference in our communities by doing good

better. We do this by pooling our contributions for greater impact with nonprofits selected for


Social Venture Partner grants are just the beginning of our investment. Partners invest their

expertise, experience and networks to help nonprofits succeed.

In Cincinnati, grants are typically $35,000 - $75,000 over three years. Each grant is leveraged by

the strategic contribution of our partners’ time and expertise, so that the average benefit to the

nonprofits is three to five times greater than the cash grants alone. That’s $200,000 - $300,000

per investee.

The engagement between Social Venture Partners and nonprofit investees fosters a relationship

that makes customized, sustainable change possible for the nonprofit, and an unparalleled

journey to increased philanthropic impact for our partners.

Social Venture Partners – What we do

Nonprofits we fund and have funded

Social Venture Partners – What more we doWe cultivate effective philanthropists

We are committed to developing a community of informed, powerful donors.

The engaged philanthropy model provides partners with a unique opportunity to

learn about the challenges facing our community and local nonprofits.

From annual SVP International conferences to local panel discussions with

nationally recognized experts, SVP education programs allow partners to build

skills and knowledge for truly effective philanthropy. We offer partners a safe

forum to explore more deeply their giving philosophies and interests.

Social Venture Partners – What more we doFast Pitch is a technique borrowed from the venture capital and start-up communities.

It is a way to showcase and accelerate nonprofits making a difference in our city.

Nonprofits get training in telling effective, inspiring stories and then compete via a 3-

minute pitch for up to $30,000 in prizes.

In its third year, Fast Pitch 2016 was bigger and better than ever! It was attended by

550 people and we continue to hear the impact beyond the cash awards.

Social Venture Partners – Join usThere are several options to join the partnership. Partners or their corporate sponsors

make a minimum, tax-deductible, annual contribution of:

$6,000 for families

$3,000 for individuals

$1,500 for young professionals (<35)

Donations are pooled to fund the local nonprofits Social Venture Partners supports as well

as our programming and operations. These contributions are stretched further by those

who volunteer their time and skills to strengthen our Investees, Social Venture Partners,

and the social sector at large. Our hands-on approach leverages our financial

contributions by a ratio of 4:1. This is what differentiates Social Venture Partners from

other funders.

Partner roles are very flexible. Some Partners use Social Venture Partners as a way to

make a highly leveraged gift, others take advantage of our education sessions and peer

learning opportunities, and some dig into strategic projects with our Investees.

Social Venture Partners – Join usCorporate Partner Executive Leadership Program:SVP offers hands-on experiences for executives to develop and practice leadership skills

through direct community involvement with our selected nonprofits. You – the executive

or employer – can select projects or activities based on interest, time and development

needs. Recent projects include developing effective board members, assessing critical

needs for organization growth, building a strategic plan, and leading volunteer teams.

Benefits of a corporate sponsorship include:

Building problem-solving skills

Learning to get comfortable in your discomfort

Increasing knowledge and professional expertise in philanthropy

Networking with other business and community-minded people

Generating substantial and meaningful civic involvement

Contributing to employee engagement

Social Venture Partners – Why it matters

The nonprofits we support are changing lives.

Some examples in the last year:

Provided daily breakfast and lunch to over 2,000 underserved children during the summer months.

Reduced child abuse in Greater Cincinnati by hosting over 800 supervised visits per month in

addition to providing several other programs.

Supported 53 community gardens in 22 neighborhoods, yielding over 2,400 pounds of fresh,

healthy food for the families living there.

Social Venture Partners helps investees serve more people, provide more effective

programs, and make an even greater impact by remembering one simple rule: stronger

nonprofits deliver better results.

The health of a nonprofit often gets overlooked. Things like sound financial systems and

up-to-date technology are not rallying cries, but they can mean the difference between

reaching 100,000 and 1.5 million people in need.

Social Venture Partners – Why it matters

Since joining SVP:

Partners give more

60% of partners surveyed have increased their giving

73% of those who increased their giving said that SVP was a factor

Partners give more strategically

Through shared learning, collective grant making and volunteering, our Partners develop a

more strategic approach to their giving

Among those who indicated a change in their approach, 99% say that SVP was a factor

Partners are more involved in their communities

The majority of Partners surveyed have increased their civic engagement in

several areas, and many are community leaders

Among those whose engagement increased, 94% said that SVP was a factor in that


Source: 2011 Demonstrating SVP’s Impact Survey


Thank You

To learn

Email: [email protected]

Social Venture Partners – What we do

2012 Graduate

The Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati builds community through gardening, education, and

environmental stewardship. In 2011, with the support of Social Venture Partners, the Civic Garden Center

opened the Green Learning Station - a place where all generations can get hands-on experience in using

environmentally responsible methods to grow gardens anywhere and everywhere: yards, rooftops, walls,

patios, driveways and parking lots.

“In our excitement about the Green Learning Station, the project had gotten a little outside of the mission of

the Civic Garden Center. Fortunately, Social Venture Partners came into our lives and encouraged us to

align it more closely with our strategic plan. I would tell anybody to leap at the opportunity to work with SVP.

The dollars involved pale in comparison to what they bring to the table in terms of intellectual capital and


Betsy Townsend, Project Manager, Green Learning Station

(A Project of the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati)

Social Venture Partners – What we do

2013 Graduate

Gorman Heritage Farm’s mission is to provide people an opportunity to explore and learn the history,

methods and values of a working farm in a natural setting. Gorman Heritage Farm, located on 120 acres

overlooking the Millcreek Valley in Evendale, provides an outdoor classroom to

connect visitors with topics including history, food systems, life science and geology. Social Venture

Partners supported Gorman Heritage Farm with developing their mission and vision, strategic planning,

leadership development, marketing and fundraising.

“Social Venture Partners are truly partners and friends to Gorman Heritage Farm and many

other local non-profits. SVP certainly helped the Farm advance to the next level in both the

operation and management needs so it was finally able to function as an effective nonprofit

organization. The commitment of the SVP members is an invaluable tool and enduring legacy

helping small non-profits to thrive and grow.”

Chris Schuermann, Executive Director, Gorman Heritage Farm

Social Venture Partners – What we do

2013 Graduate

Imago’s mission is to foster a deeper harmony with Earth by providing educational experiences, creating

opportunities for discussion and community building, and conserving natural areas. As a grassroots,

environmental education organization located in the Price Hill neighborhood, Imago has been modeling and

educating about living in concert with the natural world for over 30 years. Throughout its history, Imago has

featured innovative programs and solutions designed to reconnect people and the planet. Imago’s Earth Center

preserves 23 acres, including an urban forest. Social Venture Partners supported Imago with planning and

programming, marketing, board development, strategic planning and fundraising.

“Imago was in an exciting, but turbulent transition. Organizationally, we had been doing amazing work, but we

were looking to reach a new level, one that had more impact and stability. SVP was crucial in guiding us to that

next place. Thanks to SVP's thoughtful and hands-on consultation, we have been able to reach new heights

and expand our impact. We are still in this exciting process, and it's thanks to SVP that it's been so fruitful.”

Chris Clements, Executive Director, Imago

Social Venture Partners – What we do

2014 Graduate

Whole Again focuses on the nutritional, physical fitness, and academic needs of children from lower-income

families. Whole Again provides meals, educational and recreational enrichment programming for 1,500

underserved youth and their families annually. Their Summer Food and Enrichment Program was

established to improve the overall quality of life for our area’s children at 29 sites. Social Venture Partners

supported Whole Again with leadership development, financial management, strategic planning and


“You don’t feel like someone is coming in to take over your organization and try to make you into something

they think you should be. They listen and try to understand who we are and what we do. SVP comes in to

really be a partner with our organization. So it fits their name. They’re partners with one another and they’re

partners with us as a nonprofit, which is really good.”

Pastor Chandler, President and CEO, Whole Again

Social Venture Partners – What we do

2016 Graduate

Family Nurturing Center is a non-profit social service agency located in Northern Kentucky and Hamilton

County, OH dedicated to ending the cycle of child abuse by promoting individual well-being and healthy family

relationships. Our services and programs focus on the education, prevention, and treatment of all forms of child

abuse and neglect. Social Venture Partners supported Family Nurturing Center in the areas of risk

assessment/management, Marketing and Communications, Board structure and governance, HR and

computerizing visitation program database.

“Family Nurturing Center is so grateful for the partnership with SVP. We had an amazing three year journey, in

which we accomplished many things together. SVP members made personal contributions of time, talent and

even additional financial resources. Our primary liaisons, Paul Gelter and Michael Ratterman are absolutely

extraordinary to work with, and every single partner that we called on responded generously and

enthusiastically! The contributions and impact of SVP will last long after the formal collaboration ends – we’ve

made lifetime friends and advocates.”

Jane Herms, Executive Director, Family Nurturing Center

Social Venture Partners – What we do

Current Investee

Lawn Life provides disconnected youth with an opportunity to gain real work experience and transferable

skills in landscaping and home renovation. The young men and women are empowered by the

responsibilities and results of earning a fair wage for their work. Lawn Life provides under-resourced

communities with detailed landscapes at reasonable prices with excellent service in a professional way.

Social Venture Partners is supporting Lawn Life with financial management, leadership development, human

resources, marketing and research.

“I have been very impressed with the work of Social Venture Partners. In a very short time, SVP has made

an incredible impact in Greater Cincinnati by investing in innovative solutions to pressing problems facing

today’s society. We are excited about the $20,000 annual grant, but we are even more excited about the

intellectual capital that SVP invests. We are honored to be selected and excited to see how much impact we

can have over our next three years of partnership.”

Tim Arnold, Founder and Executive Director, Lawn Life