social toaster

Presented By Vision Multimedia Technologies, LLC |

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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Presented By

Vision Multimedia Technologies, |

Page 2: Social Toaster

Social Networking Today

• Traffic

– Visited by 67% of global online population

• Stickiness

– 10% of all Internet time is spent on member communities

– 4th most popular online activity ahead of personal email

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

•350 million active users

•130 friends on avg.

•64 million mobile users

•45.5 million users

•With 70 followers on avg.

•33% age 18-29

•50 million users

•In 200 countries

•Avg HH Income: $110K

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WOM Teams– Key Influencer


– Blogger outreach

Current Social Marketing Tactics

Pages & Groups– Viewed as a CRM


– Mine existing database to

recruit fans

– Manually post content

Microblogs– Follow people you know

and follow you back

– Follow random people

– Hope they return the


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Social Marketing, Social Nightmare?

• Marketing to Existing Contacts

– What about other prospects?

• Challenging to Grow “Fan” Base

– Costly advertising & web site postings

• Lack of Easy Content Management

– No sophisticated business solution to manage and track multiple social media platforms

• Lack of Metrics– Inability to track:

• Effectiveness of Postings

• Effectiveness of Social Media Platforms

• Traffic to Website

• Link to eCommerce

• Relationship / Equity Drivers


• High Cost & Unknown Return – $100,000+ per word of

mouth campaign!

– ROI tracking is non-existent

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Introducing SocialToaster℠

Social Marketing Automation Made Simple!

• Centralized Postings– Admin creates and broadcasts content

• Brand Ambassador System– Employees, customers, fans or any type of supporter

– Drive traffic to your website via their social networks

• Automated Link Tracking & Real-time Reports– Shows entire process from click to lead capture to sales

• Closing the Loop– Straightforward data allows for easy evaluation of campaign

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Who are your Brand Ambassadors?

• Self-Selected “Super Fans” of your company or brand

• Could include:– Customers

– Employees

– Endorsers

– Fans

• Sign up to allow you to market to their social networks

– With or without incentives

• Ambassadors choose the networks & settings

– Automatic postings or approval-required options

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What does the process look like?



approves content

for broadcast


network sees link

Link to content

shared on

social networks

Your Web site

You create the content

you want to promote

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What does the process look like?

Connections click link

and visit site

SocialToaster generates

real-time marketing

analytics reports for user

Connections sign up for

newsletter, buy products, etc.

SocialToaster tracks ALL of

these activities

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Real Time Reports

High level statistics show

traffic generated by social

marketing including:

– Visitors

– Leads

– Conversions

Reports can also be viewed


– Social Networking Site

– Brand Ambassador

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Why Does SocialToaster℠ Work?

• Easy to get started, simple to use

• You control the message

• Utilizes referral networks from trusted sources

– Posts appear to come from the Ambassadors themselves

• Provides accountability and measurable results

– Closing the loop on social marketing

• Higher click through rates vs. traditional advertising

– The average SocialToaster posting gets 6.5 CLICKS!

– More than 3x the average Google AdWords Campaign*

*Source: AdWordsPro, Google CTR 2.0

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Who is Using SocialToaster℠?

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Case Study

Beta: Rolled out Ambassador program to salon managers

• SocialToaster Beta Campaign Results:– 73% Ambassador Participation Rate

– 3 Total Broadcasts in Campaign• 1 coupon

• 2 blog updates

– Each Ambassador drove 10+ unique visitors to site during campaign

– 6.5 Clicks per Link Posted on Ambassador Social Network

Phase 2: Now rolling out Ambassador Program to 14,500 stylists nationwide

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Cross Promotion Case Study

• Social Media Promotion for Stylists

– SocialToaster provides Redken with a unique

opportunity for cross-selling products via a retailer

social marketing campaign

– Promotion is designed to:

• Incent Stylist Ambassadors to register

• Encourage active participation by Ambassadors

• Drive sales of Redken products via the salon channel

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SocialToaster Marketing Impact

Brand Ambassadors 500

Ambassador Friends per Social Networking Site 100

Sites per Ambassador 2

Potential Reach per Broadcast 100,000

Broadcasts per Week 2

Weeks in Trial 12

Total Reach for SocialToaster Pilot 2,400,000

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Getting Started is Easy!

• Initial Setup & Installation Fee– Customization is available

• Pricing per Post– The more Ambassadors you recruit, the more posts, the

less you pay per post!

• Ability to set monthly budgetary limits– SocialToaster will stop broadcasting when budget is


• In just 4 weeks you can start toasting your competitors’ social marketing!

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Vision Multimedia Technologies, LLC
