social studies september 28th - 2nd october.pptx

The people of Israel history from the 1st century to today Social Studies Indicator 1 Boston International School

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The people of Israel history from the 1st century to todaySocial Studies Indicator 1 Boston International School

Page 2: Social Studies September 28th - 2nd October.pptx

The people of Israel history from the 1st century to today

• Objectives: Analyze the changes experienced by the Israelites from the 1st century to today and how Christianity has spread.

• Learning objective: Compare the old Israel with the one of nowadays.

Page 3: Social Studies September 28th - 2nd October.pptx


• Fertile: Capable of producing vegetables

• Coveted: To wish for, especially eagerly

• Tribes: A company, group, or number of persons.

• Civil war:

• A war between political factions or regions within the same country

• Defeat: To eliminate or deprive of something expected

• Holocaust: A great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire.

• Extermination: to get rid of by destroying

• Homeland: one's native land.

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Biblical principle

• Isaiah 19:24

• 24:In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth.

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1500 BC – Abraham, the father of the Jewish People, lived during this era.

• Israel’s Beginnings

• What historians know about the early history of the Israelites is based on accounts from the Bible. In many ways, the Bible is in fact a history book for this civilization. Abraham’s religion was revolutionary compared to other religions of the day. Most religions of that time period believed in the worship of multiple deities. Abraham and his followers believed in just one all-powerful God whom they referred to as Yahweh.

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• Abraham and his followers eventually left Ur to found a new civilization in the land of Canaan. Canaan was among the most fertile lands in the region, and was coveted by farmers for the ease of growing crops.

• For the next two generations the Israelites lived in Canaan in relative peace. Abraham’s grandson, whose name was Jacob, was the father of 12 sons. Each of these sons grew to become leaders over their own tribe. These tribes became known as the 12 tribes of Israel.

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63 BC – The Romans conquered the region.

• After a civil war had broken out in the land of Israel between Pharisees and Sadducees, a Roman general named Pompey arrived and helped the Pharisees defeat the Sadducees in Jerusalem. Then, Rome helped itself to the land of Israel, incorporating it into the Roman Empire.

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1939 - 1939 – 1945 World War II and the Holocaust

• 1939 - 1939 – 1945 World War II and the Holocaust when approximately 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis

• During the 1930s and 1940s, Jews in Germany endure intense persecution. About six million Jews died during World War II, due to a program of state-sponsored extermination by Nazi Germany that targeted Jews and other groups of people. The event becomes known as the Holocaust. The pressure to re-establish a Jewish homeland intensifies.

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Israel nowadays

• The modern state of Israel identifies its roots in the ancient Land of Israel, a concept central to Judaism for over 3000 years. After World War I, the League of Nations approved the British Mandate of Palestine with the intent of creating a "national home for the Jewish people. In 1947, the United Nations approved the partition of Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab.

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• The May 14, 1948 the State of Israel declared its independence, which was followed by the Arab-Israeli War of 1948 with neighboring Arab states, who refused to accept the UN plan. The successive victories in a series of wars later.

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Lets check the video of how Christianity spread