social media for hr v 06.09 final

29 Copyright © 2013 Cognizant Social Network and Technologies – All part of “New” HR for Insurers TATVA 2013 - National Insurance Academy (NIA) Vijai S Raghunathan – Partner and Offshore Leader - Cognizant Business Consulting Insurance

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Presentation at NIA HR Summit on September 6th 2013. Leverageing Social Media for talent attraction, retention and transformation.


  • 1. Copyright 2013 Cognizant Social Network and Technologies All part of New HR for Insurers TATVA 2013 - National Insurance Academy(NIA) VijaiSRaghunathanPartner andOffshoreLeader-CognizantBusinessConsultingInsurance

2. | 2013, Cognizant 3. Copyright 2013 Cognizant Agenda 3 Social Media in HR is not a new concept.. Social Media in todays Business Environment Social Media is a Need, not a Want for Insurers today Insurance Stakeholders on Social Media HR Priorities in the Digital Age Social Media for Transforming HR Technology Enablers for Social Media Social Media Roadmap for HR Transformation 4. Copyright 2013 Cognizant Evolution of social media 5. Copyright 2013 Cognizant 5 Expandingsocialmedialandscape.. 6. Copyright 2013 Cognizant SocialMedia in todays Business Environment 7. Copyright 2013 Cognizant SocialMediaistransformingBusinessacrossIndustries.. 7 From Trying to Sell to Making Connections From Large Campaigns to Small Acts 8. Copyright 2013 Cognizant SocialMediaistransformingBusinessacrossIndustries.. 8 From Controlling Our Image to Being Ourselves From Hard to Reach to Available Everywhere 9. Copyright 2013 Cognizant 9 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Integratingsocial media with marketing Social Media Monitoring Tools Customer Sentiment Analytics Conversation Repository Predictive Analytics % of respondents Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are the key channels insurers are investing on.. They are using social media for engaging with the various stakeholders.. They are also using innovative methods on social media to engage and to get the efforts' worth They are using social media for various activities like collaboration, innovation, marketing, market research, recruiting etc. Insurersacrosstheglobeareinvestingonsocialmedia.. They are investing on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and are using it to for several objectives like user engagement, recruitment, market research etc.. 10. Copyright 2013 Cognizant SocialMedia in Workplace 11. Copyright 2013 Cognizant 11 Time Spend on Social Media ( in minutes/day as of May 2012) Customers,ChannelPartnersandEmployeesareactivelySocial 12. Copyright 2013 Cognizant Andsoeverythingaboutyourorganizationisoutinpublic.. 12 With this, how you run it and your culture has become a fishbowl everything you do is on display for all to see. 36 percent of your employees post your company and brand- related content. 78% of the online population trust peer recommendations with regards to brands and work environment 13. Copyright 2013 Cognizant SocialMedia for HR functions Social Media in Workplace!! HR Headache or Opportunity? 14. Copyright 2013 Cognizant KeyHRPrioritiesinthe DigitalAge.. 14 Recruiting, Developing and Retaining the Best Employees Anticipating and Adapting to Change Enabling the Organization Attract Talent Manage talent Ensure Employee Satisfaction Performance Management Manage Change and Cultural Transformation Manage Globalization HR as a enabler for Competency Development Facilitate improved Collaboration Transform HR into a strategic partner for the Enterprise 1 32 Operational Tactical Strategic 15. Copyright 2013 Cognizant KeyQuestionsfromanHRPerspective 15 Attraction Recruitment On-Boarding Growth & Enablement Retention How do we engage with the job seekers for increased conversion? How do ensure a more robust recruitment process? How to improve the communication with the potential candidates during the recruitment process? How do we ensure a faster onboarding process? How do we ensure improved training and development in a global workplace ? RECRUITMENT RESOURCE COLLABORATION TALENT MANAGEMENT How do we market our company in the job market? How do we proactively identify high value talent ? How can we engage with employees outside of the workplace for increased connect? How can we ensure timely recognition and reward for employees across the organization? How do we ensure transparency and improved communication? How do we enable a collaborative environment in a global workplace? How do we monitor the collaboration and regulate the same? How can we as HR collaborate and become a strategic partner for the different teams? HR Focus Areas 16. | 2013, Cognizant SocialMedia for Recruitment IN RECRUITMENT 17. Copyright 2013 Cognizant 17 Find hard-to-reach candidates Reach higher-quality candidates Increase ROI though reduced sourcing costs Be the employer of choice. SocialRecruitingscoresovertraditionalRecruiting.. 18. Copyright 2013 Cognizant | 2013, Cognizant SocialMedia for Collaboration FOR COLLABORATION 19. Copyright 2013 Cognizant SocialMediawillincreaseConnectandCollaborationforEmployees 19 20. Copyright 2013 Cognizant SocialMediaisCollaborative,notDisruptiveinWorkplace.. 20 Employees are seen increasingly collaborating with others for various reasons 46% of the employees has increased their productivity because of social collaboration 49% 44% 21. Copyright 2013 Cognizant | 2013, Cognizant SocialMedia for Talent Management FOR TALENT MANAGEMENT 22. Copyright 2013 Cognizant SocialMediainTransformingTalentManagement 22 Rewards and Recognition Timely, frequent, & focused recognitions Praise from peers, not just leaders Recognition shared with everyone Employee of the month From Employee of the Month to focused and louder recognitions on social media From Face to Face Discussions Discussions on Social Media From Class Room Training to Just in Time Trainings Collaborative and transparent appraisal mechanism and performance management process Webinars, Video Podcasts, Links on social media as required 23. Copyright 2013 Cognizant HRteamsareperceivingthe benefitsofSocialMedia 23 % of respondents reporting perceived benefits to the use of social media in talent management 24. Copyright 2013 Cognizant | 2013, Cognizant Leveragingtechnologyfor SocialMedia 25. Copyright 2013 Cognizant Proactively engage with employees by Merriment Posts Educating Posts Company updates etc.. Reactively engage Providing resolutions Answering queries etc.. Tyingit alltogetherforaneffectivemodeofsocialmediaactivities 25 LISTEN ENGAGE INFLUENCE INTEGRATE Monitor and Listen to General sentiments about your brand What employees feel? What job seekers feel? Vs. Competitors etc.. Attract talent Build brands name by publishing about things like Social cause initiatives Awards and recognitions Fostering an employee collaboration model across the organization Integrate with backend process like Feedback Mechanism Sentiment Analysis Content Creation etc.. Training and Development Social Analytics Sentiment Analytics Social Media Monitoring Tools Gamifications Innovative communities Collaboration Platforms Automated campaigns Automated Sentiment Analysis and lead generation Integration of social media with mobile Leveraging technology 26. Copyright 2013 Cognizant 26 Yammer ,as an enterprise social software is used for private communication within organizations LeveragingSocialMediaPlatforms Build Profile Set Notifications My Feed Join Groups Follow People Install on Mobile Key Features 27. Copyright 2013 Cognizant | 2013, Cognizant Presenton social media, What to do next? One needs to have a clear social media plan in place !!! 28. Copyright 2013 Cognizant SocialMediaRoadmapand PlanforHRFunctionenablement 28 Technology for facilitating engagement and monitoring Know your Intent/ Purpose HR objectives for going social Identify your destination Target Audience employees, job seekers Finalize your route Collaboration Platforms Lay the road Check your wheels Driver Fill Fuel Have a GPS Have a First Aid Kit Social media risks Reputation Damage Control strategy Maintain Right Speed Initial rollout time Breakeven Time Influencer engagement Continuous improvement Content strategy Response mechanismsSocial Media team Team composition and role mapping Change Management plan Metrics and measurements for effectiveness Social Media engagement and governance mechanisms 29. Copyright 2013 Cognizant Thank You