so this is it

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 So this is it


    So this is it, the report of this entire fiasco? The Rokudaime Hokage, Naruto asked his downcast

    looking Jounins, Konohamaru and Sasuke.

    Hai. The mission was a success though Konohamaru began to defend before being harshly cut-off by

    an irate Naruto.

    I do not regard the death of one of our foremost kunoichi in exchange for a bunch of moronic pirates as

    successJounin! he snapped, in a strangely terse voice.

    Ne, Naruto, now that you bring it up, this was what struck me odd. The pirates werent the usual,

    rather more like anomalies. Some of them could use Jutsus.

    So? How does this matter Sasuke? Or are you trying to tell me that after fighting a whole slew of

    ridiculously powerful warriors, some low-life missing nins banding together for piracy suddenly is

    threatening to you? the blue-eyed Hokage taunted.

    The Sharingan flared to life and spun madly in resentment. No! But something is still amiss Naruto.

    When I stormed their stronghold, I saw that not only were they well organized, but some of them used

    the extinct Bloodline Jutsus he said the last in a whisper. One particularly repugnant fellow could use

    Smoke Release; another Soldier of Fortune could use Scorch Release, thankfully not at Pakuras level.

    He spoke with a shudder of that terrifying undead Suna kunoichi. But the fact remains that these

    Bloodlines have died out with their last known users dying and some of them dyingagain, during the

    Fourth War.

    Naruto frowned at that. Were the pirates really alive? Or were the mostly alive? You know, like Edo


    Well, they bled; they werent sluggish or gave any other symptoms of being controlled as puppets. Ididnt even need any seals to subdue them. Good old decapitation and wide spread destruction sufficed.

    I would say they were alive and were subjects to a forbidden art. Perhaps someone is experimenting

    with bloodlines again, someone like Orochimaru.

    The assembled three bit back a curse at the mention of the Snake-Sannins name.

    Do you have any leads on that front then Sasuke?

    Not at the moment. I did recover some Nautical Books and CaptainsLogs as well as their navigation

    charts from the Pirate Fortress. Ill run it through with the Cryptanalysis department. They are bound to

    find something useful.

    Yes, that would be best. Naruto agreed and turned a bit somber. And I suppose I should round up the

    old crowd too. If nothing, they would want to say goodbye at the memorial stone. To think, yet another

    of the much vaunted Konoha-12 has fallen.

    Sasuke eyes softened for a moment, and then he nodded and disappeared in a shunshin, dismissing


  • 8/12/2019 So this is it


    Konohamaru lingered a moment longer, dithering and hesitating, and then finally gathered enough

    courage to speak up. Not as a Jounin this time, but as an otouto, a younger brother.

    Niisan, there is somethingstrange, that I want to tell you. And oh, a message too.

    What is it Konohamaru?

    Well, in Suna, on the night we were staying in the guesthouse, I dreamt an odd dream. In it, I saw

    Haruki-sensei, or rather more accurately; I saw Haruki sensei as he was in the past. There were three

    girls in it too, exotic looking and with strange names. Daphne Greengrass, Hermione Granger and a

    Ginny, thats what they were called. The dream concerned something called, the Try Visored


    Tri-Wizard Tournament? Is that what you heard? Naruto asked sharply.

    H-Hai. I am sure. I heard them discussing about the First Task and something about fighting Dragons.

    Naruto nodded, his face looking drawn, haggard, as if he was dreading what he was inevitably going to

    hear, and motioned Konohamaru to continue.

    Well, in the end, I...uh, Haruki sensei spoke to me. He warned me rather, and said that I was standing

    on the edge of a precipice, and that I was poking my nose where it didnt belong, and I should let the old

    bones lie. After that warning, he asked me if I was indeed ready to take the plunge.

    And what did you say to that?

    I said that I had already leapt off the cliff, come what may.

    Narutos pale visage gained a little color as he smiled a little. Good old Monkey boy! What happenednext?

    I woke up.

    Oh? Then what was this about a message that you said?

    Konohamaru frowned thoughtfully, He, that is, Haruki sensei, told me to tell you that he still keeps his


    Narutos face lost his remaining color as he sighed mournfully. At least her passage was among those

    she called friends. She will see them again, those that she lost. He said softly, seemingly to himself.

    With a grim finality, the Hokage thought in silence for a few minutes then spoke. Very well,

    Konohamaru-kun. You have given me a lot to think on. You are dismissed, though I want you here in my

    office after three days. Be here by the crack of dawn.

  • 8/12/2019 So this is it


    Bowing respectfully, Konohamaru backed out and walked away, leaving the Hokage looking

    introspective and grief-stricken in the shadowy eaves of his office. He remained like that for a long

    while, until a soft warm hand rested on his shoulders, offering some comfort.

    He leaned into his wifes touch and closed his eyes. Youknow Hinata-chan; it was on a day like this

    when we had finally buried Anko-san. That pale morning, Haruki sensei told us something invaluable,something about sacrificing for others, I still remember his words, And when your time comes to take

    the blow for someone else, smile and take it without flinchingAnd when that time comes, I promise

    you something. I will be there to hold your hand till the bitter end. And that's my Promise of a Lifetime.

    He always was a brave soul, wasnt he? Hinata said softly.

    Yeshe was, the bravest, but dont you see? Konohamaru told me about how Haruki had come to him in

    a dream, and told him to remind me that he still keeps his promisehe somehow knew what was going

    to happen to Tenten. And he still keeps his promise of an easy death, a death among those who you

    love, from beyond the grave, as long as you live and die for someone else

    Hinata gasped as the implications set in. But surely you dont mean that you have to walk down his

    Path too?

    I do not know. I know that it would be the right thing to do. If I have learnt something over the years,

    its that, the right things need the right time to be done. Dattebayo.

    I guess we will face it when it comesjust like old times Naruto-kun.

    The Sixth Hokage smiled softly and nodded at his wiser-than-him wife. Their future was uncertain, but

    that was no reason to trouble the present.

    Heading out from the heavy atmosphere in the Hokages office, Konohamaru went out towards the

    Jounin Lounge, The Blunt Kunai, for a much needed drink. As he walked down the familiar narrow alleys

    and wide bustling squares, he was suddenly struck with the surreality of it all. What was he really doing

    here? Chasing after the shadows of a long-lost legend, who was by now more myth than man? To think

    that once, Haruki too had walked down these very paths, meeting with the same very people he

    currently was meeting. Nevertheless, except a few, Konoha still plodded on, leaving its heroes behind.

    Its citizens, the descendants of those very people who had made Narutos life a living hell, now cheered

    him on as their new, charismatic, powerful Hokage.

    Even today, the market street was overrun with hectic shoppers, the smell of spices and roadside food

    permeating thickly in the air. Here and there, hawkers sold questionably fresh vegetables and exotic

    fruits. In the more posh areas of the market, silk and cotton were being haggled over by rich men,

    dressed ostentatiously, preening themselves as the big frogs in a little pond.

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    And there lay beneath the brightness and glamour, the underbelly of Konoha, the beggars, the destitute

    and the whores. Impoverished, unwashed, looking enviously at the easy, simple lives of the carefree and

    the wealthy, much the way Konohamaru did.

    The irony wasnt lost on the scarf wearing Jounin. Beggars and Shinobi were no better in the eyes of the

    rich. The same rich, who wouldnt spare a torn shirt for a pauper, would be the first to rise up theirhackles when the Shinobis were unable to defend their cozy existence.

    Tenten had died. Died fighting off pirates. Not one of them cared. Kakashi had bled and killed his heart

    for them; fighting the man he once called brother and teammate. No one cared. Haruki had worked

    tirelessly for their safety for years, but now that he was gone, No one cared. But he remembered vividly

    the way the scarred Jounin had been spit on by the ruling rich, when he had returned too late to stop

    Deidaras rampage. And Kurenaishe had lost the most of all, her lover, her husband, and the support of

    a family, all within a year. And yet no one cared. They were quick to condemn her. Including me

    Konohamaru thought bitterly.

    Konohamaru suddenly felt sick to his bones. Was this the rot and corruption that Orochimaru had seen

    which prompted him to start his mad quest? Had Madara foreseen the fall of the world after seeing the

    current society and thusly sought to destroy it? Had trying to stop the end of the world only accelerated


    Too many questions, yet Konohamaru had no answers. Now, more than ever, he could appreciate the

    heavy responsibilities the Kages bore. To see the small part of world you had sworn to protect, collapse

    within itself, caving in like a termite-eaten tree, while you could do nothing but watch helplessly.

    So engrossed was he in his thoughts that he almost didnt notice that he had arrived. Not that the

    garish entrance was easy to miss. Sighing inwardly and missing the presence of the chirpy Hanabi,Konohamaru went inside.

    Very little had changed for the cozy little establishment in the past few years. The dcor was shinier and

    a bit grander, while the refreshments and drinks served were of a higher quality, yet, as if to

    compensate, the quality of Shinobi entering these stalls had declined as of late.

    Nodding at the proprietor, Konohamaru ambled over to his usual spot and waved the pretty waitress for

    his bottle of sake. As he waited for the rice beer to arrive, he took off his long scarf and loosened the

    heavy Jounin Flak Jacket, to feel more comfortable, then took a moment to look around.

    There was a group of Inuzukas sitting on a wide table to the far end, celebrating the promotion of one oftheir own, at least thats what he could deduce from the raucous yells and loud barks. Which belonged

    to the ningen, and which to the ninken was up for debate.

    There were a couple of Hyuugas too, veterans of the Fourth War, and possibly the Third, judging from

    the wrinkles and fine lines adorning their aristocratic faces. They sat in a semi-private booth alone,

    sipping leisurely from the chilled bottle of a high quality Fuma Distillery Sake, proudly marked with a

    large 1, the year of the victory over the Juubi. Rich Snobs.

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  • 8/12/2019 So this is it


    Genma seemed abashed for a moment, before breaking out in a wide grin. But we got pasht all that. He

    shaved...Nosabedsavvvved, our hidesh on that B-rank to Harakori City. Didnt he literally talk that big

    Iwa Ninja to crying boredom? He helped ush eshcape with our liveshh that day. Remember that?

    He was a good man indeed. You were there when he died, werent you,Konohamaru-kun? What do

    you remember of your youthful times together?

    Konohamaru reflected silently, swirling his sake around, and then drinking it down in a shot, he spoke.

    He was an irritating, infuriating taskmaster. He never let me play pranks as much as I wanted, and

    reduced me to rebellious boredom more times than I care to count. But in the end, he was the man who

    faced a platoon of White Zetsus to let us all escape. You, me, Udon, Moegi and so many others. He was

    the man who trained me patiently since I was a kid, and then he died for me. To Ebisu, the most

    maddening, yet one of the best teachers I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

    Konohamaru refilled and toasted him memory of the self-professed Elite Teacher. With cries of Hear

    Hear and Well said!the three Jounins drained their glasses, only to refill them just as quickly.

    You know, Kakashi should be here toowhere is that youthful rival of yoursh?

    Gai sighed again, an eerie action one could never have imagined on a younger Gai. He isnt the same

    Kakashi I knew once, now he is lesser than the meanest shadow of his former self. Cant blame him, not

    after what Haruki-san did for him, can you?

    Genma mumbled drowsily, hugging his bottle to his cheek, Nooo, I supposh not.

    Konohamaru perked up at the tidbit like a shark sensing blood, or Kisame sensing fearsame thing


    Ive never heard of this, what happened? he asked casually, trying not to let his enthusiasm for the

    subject show.

    he he he, its reshtricted information, Kohonamaru-kun. Re-shtric-ted. Go bother Kakashi if you want to

    really really know. Where ish he anyway? Genma declared importantly, and failed to look the part


    Where do you think? Hes at the memorial grounds.Madaras war created so many new graves to

    mourn. Ebisu, Sandaime-sama, Tsunade-sama, Fu-san, all those other poor JinchuurikisSo many dead,

    all sacrificed at the altar of a misguided mans war.

    The youngest Sarutobi blinked away a few creeping tears and the mental images of his Grandfather

    dying in Deidaras bombing spree for the second time that evening, and retorted angrily. Misguided my

    ass, he was a power-hungry maniac with delusions of grandeur. Him and his little lapdog, Uchiha Obito!

    Gai shook his head, No. Despite all their war-like actions, Madara and Obito only wanted peace. They

    wanted to save this world as much as they tried to destroy it. Their motives were hidden under layers

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    and layers of duplicity, subterfuge and red herrings, and only were fully revealed when they finally died

    at the Battle on the Lonely Cliffs.

    Konohamaru reeled at this revelation. You mean to say that he didnt really want to destroy the world

    as we know it, didnt try to enslave us all? Was it just one elaborate setup?

    Genma decided to speak up now, appearing more sober and serious, Not exactly. He didwant to

    destroy the world as we know it. But he had a just cause for it too. You have to understand, Madara was

    a haunted man. He was forever chased by the ghosts of his weakness in not being able to save his older

    brothers. So he worked hard, grew stronger, but inspite of his strength, his younger brother Izuna still

    died. He didnt hate Tobirama-sama, the one who struck the fatal blow to Izuna, but he hated the

    conflict prevalent which drew such powerful shinobi in its wake. He loathed the division and friction

    caused by the endless cycle of revenge.

    So, what did he do? What was his solution?the youngest Sarutobi asked breathlessly.

    He created a threat. A threat dangerous and deadly enough to force the shinobi in the world to unite,unite in a shared fear. And you know something? We did. The Allied Shinobi Force, we called ourselves.

    So proud to cooperate with each other. Bah, all it took was the simple promise of annihilation to force


    B-But what of the Eye of the Moon plan?

    Gai laughed at the imploring question. A Back-up, if you will. Madara was a youthful strategist

    foremost. If he had failed to unite the Allies, he would have gone through with it, hypnotizing everyone,

    including himself, in a reality of their own making. A living dream, if you will.

    Thats just stupid. It would still only have been an illusion, wouldnt it?Just a waking dream!

    Perhaps. But there are dreams that you dont want to wake from, and some illusions are better than

    reality. Genma said with lidded eyes, slumping back to the table.

    This seems a lot to take in. Now I hope you dont tell me that the Snake Sannin was merely

    misunderstood too.

    Both the veterans laughed out loud at that. Oh shweet Kami, no. He was an idiot with a god-complex. A

    shelf-sherving bashtard till the end. None of his dreamsh were of peace, or some higher purpose. All he

    wanted was to sityes, siton his high tower and watch the world burn.

    I noticed. His Invasions were not benevolent. Not at all. Konohamaru said dryly.

    Hah, it was shpectacular, the way he was foiled. Haruki out-maneuvered that bashhtard at every turn. I

    should know, I was there.

    We were there. Dont be so unyouthful to forget about me Genma. Gai admonished.

    yesh yesh, you were there too. Who drank all my sake?

  • 8/12/2019 So this is it


    Both Gai and Konohamaru ignored him.

    I was too young, and grandfather had forbidden me to watch from the stands. I was stuck with the old

    men of the Sarutobi clan, learning more than I ever wished about proper grooming for monkeys. I do

    know some of it, how Haruki-san learned of the threat, how he marshaled the forces and brought

    together Two of the Five Villages to fight together. But I dont know what happened on the actualinvasion.

    I suppose it wont hurt to tell you, after all, it wasnt any state secret what had happened.

    But then why dont more people know about it?

    Gai frowned thoughtfully, I dont rightly know, but I can guess. At the time, Haruki-san was an

    invaluable resource for Konoha, so they may have kept the details under wraps to use his skills as a

    trump card. But now that the whole world knows of his youthfulness, it would be pointless to add even

    more mystique to his legend.

    That makes sense, oddly. Can you tell me what happened during the invasion?

    Of course, Konohamaru-kun, my youthful team was burning with their flames of youth that day! So

    were we all, to tell the truth. The day began quite unassumingly when

    Chuunin Exam Day, Konoha Outer

    Hiruzen Sarutobi stood serenely at the West Gate of Konoha, awaiting the arrival of the Kages. To his

    right side stood a smartly dressed honor guard, consisting of a bakers dozen of newly promoted Jounin,

    and to his left was Kosuke Maruboshi, the Eternal Genin of Konoha, a veteran shinobi as old as him. He

    was acting as his counselor today, as his second-in-command, Shikaku Nara had been shanghaied intoservice by his, not that he would admit it, most trusted Shinobi, Togieka Haruki.

    Hokage-sama! There are two dust clouds approaching. One from the west, the other from the east!

    Ah, so my esteemed colleagues arrive. You have sharp eyes, young Jounin.

    The Jounin in question flushed at the praise from his Kage, and bowed his head in deference. Sarutobi

    glanced at him once, and smiled, sharing a look with Kosuke.

    Soon, the dustclouds were visible to all, and within minutes the two processions were nearing the gates

    of Konoha. Instinctually, the Honor Guard stiffened and went for their weapons at the sight of foreign

    shinobi, a sign of the jumpiness of youth. Kosuke and Sarutobi remained unruffled and dignified.

    The Suna contingent was in a diamond formation, and when they bowed down to their knees as one,

    the Kazekage was revealed standing in their midst. At his signal, the front rank parted to allow him and

    an elderly advisor access to step out. In contrast, the Mizukage was already standing at the helm of her

    forces. Being used to the frontlines in a war that had barely ended, she couldnt tolerate being held back

    or protected. Behind her hovered an average looking man, with an eye patch over one eye.

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    The Kages exchanged bows and nodded to their shinobi escorts, who acknowledging the dismissal, fell in

    line and marched away, leaving the Kages and their aides to greet each other in peace.

    Mizukage-sama! I bid you welcome to our humble village, and to you too, Kazekage-sama, and

    Honored Advisors, you too. Please, avail yourself of Konohas hospitality for the few days that you are


    Thank you,Hokage sama, for your gracious invitation. The Kazekage said rather stiffly, looking clearly

    uncomfortable at his close proximity with the man whose village was benefitting indirectly from his own

    villages misfortune.

    On the other hand, Mei Terumi, the Mizukage was rather more exuberant. Oh, do call me Mei, Hokage-

    sama, and just so you know, I intend to fully make use of your offer. Do you know, inspite of us being in

    the middle of Land of Water, Kiri has very few hot-springs to its name. Not like the famously relaxing

    bath houses in Konoha, isnt that right, Ao?

    The eye-patch wearing former Hunter-nin nodded, That is correct. Why, even back in my day, Konohashot springs were regarded a rare treat, one which was highly regarded. Infact, I recall, two minor trade

    agreements were signed at that location too. Mizukage-sama has been looking forward to them too. The

    moment she heard that a genin had made it to the finals, she knew she could not tarry.

    Behind him, the delectable Mizukages face darkened asshe said in a sickly sweet voice. Did I hear you

    right Ao? She could notmarry?



    Yes, Mizukage-sama?

    Shut upor I will kill you. She said in a soft whispery voice, promising pain.

    The poor man could only turn pale white and shudder as his life was threatened for the umpteenth time

    that day. One of these days, he knew she really would kill him. The Hokage watched this byplay with

    great amusement, next to him; Kosuke closed his eyes and smiled, giving off a carefree air. The Kazekage

    could only look on in disdain.

    Mizukage-sama, you havent introduced your subordinate.

    Ohmy apologies. She said with a tinkling laugh. He is Ao, my self-appointed Bodyguard, Counselor

    and the Commander of my forces. The last bit is appointed by me though, just to clarify.

    Kosukes eyes widened and he whispered something in the Hokages ear, who in turn stiffened and

    looked up sharply.

    Ao, you said? Sarutobi frowned thoughtfully. I dont suppose you recall anything about Himachi

    Hyuugas lost eye, do you?

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    Ao turned a further shade of pale, as the proud spikes of his hair drooped.

    What? The Kazekage barked. He is that Ao? Ao, the All-Seer? Baki has been harassing me for a while

    about how you and your men were stealing our wool and silk! Now that you mention it, isnt that a Suna

    Silk Haori that you are wearing?

    Ao started to shiver, caught between the two terrifying Kages, both of whom wanted a piece of him.

    Erahperhaps, um, you can settle these transgressions with Mizukage-sama, if I may be so bold.

    Mei, who had been daydreaming about cornering Haruki, and the Hot Springs, or preferably both

    together, heard the ire-inducing words through her selective hearing.

    Mizukage-sama.too old. Is that right Ao?

    Trembling, Ao closed his eyes and began mumbling. Whether apologies or prayers was anyones guess.

    Ao, The Three Kages whispered dangerously.

    Yes, my Lords?

    Shut upor we will kill you.

    An ANBU posted a mile away noticed the sudden scream of ungodly terror. By the time he reached the

    source, there was nothing to be seen, except footprints of five pairs of legs, and the evidence of a man

    being dragged away. The occurrence would remain unexplained.

    While the Kages were engaged in frivolity, elsewhere the atmosphere was nowhere as light. In the dull

    lighting of the basement of the Marauders Den, Haruki paced in front of a large detailed map ofKonoha. Shikaku slouched to his right, yawning widely as he marked critical and strategically important

    points on the map with little smiley faces. On his left side wall, poor Inoichi sat, hooked up to a strange

    contraption that went over his head. A small posse of Yamanakas sat in a neat row, fitted with smaller


    The rest of Harukis inner circle all sat in attentive poses in front of the commanders, or milled about,

    exchanging pleasantries. Zabuza, who had arrived the night before, lounged on top of his sword, which

    was embedded a foot deep in the wood paneled walls. He had strange habits. Asuma was nowhere to

    be seen, as was Haku. Kakashi and Gai were engaged in yet another of their pointless displays of

    youthfulness. The others all looked torn between looking amused by the antics of their comrades, and

    looking serious at the thought of the impending invasion.

    While the camaraderie and general attitude tended to be light-hearted and humorous between them

    all, there was a time being serious and focused. That time was now.

    Okay Haruki began at length. Menand women. This Is it.The Big One. The One we have all been

    waiting for

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    Get on with it already Haruki! Zabuza yelled from his sword-cum-perch at the back.

    Haruki shrugged. He couldnt really blame them for getting irritated at Old Ollies favorite speech. God

    knows that he did every time Oliver Wood rattled off his spiel.

    Alright Alright, but make no mistake, this is likely to be one of the biggest missions of your life, so listen


    What is the Objective? He barked.

    To defend Konoha and its citizens from any and all recognizable threats and to neutralize the same.

    Shikaku recited mechanically.

    Known Threats?

    Suna. They are the ones most likely to benefit from our destruction. Oto, which is a bit obvious, all

    things considered. Also the minor villages like Taki, or Hoshi, or maybe Kusa.

    Why dont you also add Iwa and Kumo to the list, eh Shikaku? You have added nearly everyone else as

    a threat! Chouja teased his long time friend.

    Shikaku grinned lazily, Troublesome. Let me put it this way, If my deer go missing, and everyone says

    they saw Madara dancing naked around the deer sanctuary, Id still suspect an Akimichi.

    Everyone laughed even as Chouja huffed, defeated by the verbal jab for now.

    Yes Yes Shikaku, you are hilarious. But the fact remains that these are the ones who stand to gain the

    most. Iwa and Kumo will in fact be put on the defensive if Konoha falls. They will fall under a combined

    threat of rebel Villages and dissenters. So no, they do not want the current Five Village system to fail.

    We understand, so I have to keep an eye out for the little ones, the ants of the shinobi world, trying to

    mass on the solitary predator. Zabuza declared philosophically.

    Haruki wiped a faux tear from the corner of his eye, I never knew you had it in you tobe a poet

    Zabuzathat was...b-beautiful!

    Cut it out the man of the hour growled.

    Sure. That reminds me, I have one last thing to discuss before we move on to the main plan.


    To their credit, none of the assembled team members even flinched,a testament to Harukis skill in

    selecting tolerant and open minded Jounins. Though Yagura and Utakata tensed slightly, in anticipation

    to what Haruki was going to say about them and their brethren.

    What of them? Yagura finally asked with unflinching, if terse politeness.

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    Nothing of them. Its just that there are four powerful Jinchuuriki with one suspected to arrive today

    secretly too. Its a valuable, if dangerous resource. One, that I dont want someone like Orochimaru

    taking an undue advantage of.

    Utakata scoffed. What is he going to do? Release them in the middle of Konoh- and then stilled as he

    realized that he had answered his own question. After all, Kiri had tried to do something similar, albeitunsuccessfully during the Third War.

    Precisely. So we need to keep that damn snake away from every last one of them. Gaara and Naruto

    will be exposed to danger, unless I try to keep them away, but they will at least be surrounded by

    Jounins to keep them in check. Not to mention that Ill be there too, but as for you two

    Dont try to keep us away from the fight Haruki. Utakata interjected. Yagura-san and I are powerful. It

    would be a waste to hide us in the closet.

    Haruki glowered. You should really let me finish.Had you done that, you would have heard that instead

    of risking you at the village center, Id prefer you far away. So I give to you both the responsibility ofwatching over two of the four walls of Konoha, along with the Sannins.

    Everyone hushed at that, recognizing the incredible honor that Haruki was bestowing on the two

    Jinchuurikis. The Hanshi was showing a great amount of trust by allowing two foreign Jounin to oversee

    and supervise such a crucial village security measure.

    Of course, Haruki could read their minds and see that their intentions were honest and noble, but no

    one else knew that.

    I-I will not let you down.

    Nor me. Not one enemy would cross the walls while I breathe.

    Haruki nodded in acknowledgement. So its settled. Utakata, you will guard the Nishimon,the Gate of

    the West, along with Ebisu and a contingent of Chuunins.

    Utakata and Ebisu sized each other up and finding the otheradequate, merely tilted their heads. Prima-

    donnas, Haruki called them.

    Pervy-sage, he called out then to Jiraiya, who bristled. You will watch the Kitamon, the Gate of the

    North. Oto will likely attack from that direction. Perhaps you will even meet your lovely Roachy-chan!

    Haruki! I told you before; I only wanted Orochimaru back because he was my friend, not because I was

    gay for him! He yelled, much to everyones amusement.

    Oh Jiraiya, I knew all along that your posturing was an attempt at denial. Tsunade laughed daintily,

    amusement flickering in her soft brown eyes.

    Tsu-hime! No! YouknowImeyoubig106really big he protested nonsensically.

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    Haruki patted his back in mock sympathy. Oh Jiraiya, If you are gay, its o-kay! he said in a sing-song


    Argh! I hate you, Haruki. Jiraiya pouted.

    Shows over. We can pick on the old man later. So, Tsunade-hime, will you grace the Azumamon, Gate

    of the East for us? Feel free to grab some chuunins as backup.

    Gladly, and I can volunteer Shizune to watch the Hospital.Shes quite well trained in the healing arts


    Of course. That was the role I had in mind for her. Which just leaves the Minamimon, the Gate of the

    South, for you, Yagura. Raido and his squad of Chuunins will assist you.

    This duty done, Haruki moved on to the next one. The assigning of the multitude of tasks.

    Now, for protection detail, we need people to watch over the important village landmarks. The enemy

    will definitely attack these in a bid to weaken or demoralize us. Its our duty to not let that happen.

    Kakashi, I am making you the Captain for this part of the mission. You, along with Gai and Nai-chan are

    responsible for guarding the Konoha Genin teams from attempts at their lives. Feel free to command

    them during the actual invasion though, they are more than ready.

    Kakashi raised his only visible eyebrow lazily. Oh joy. More responsibility, why cant Asuma do it?

    Where is he anyway?

    Yosh! I havent seen the youthful Sarutobi-san since morning either!

    Haruki grinned mischievously, his green eyes positively twinkling in merriment.

    Oh. He has a very special assignment, which we can say, is tailor-made for someone of his talents. He is

    just getting ready for it.

    Kurenai groaned at Harukis tone, it never boded well for anyone. Though she was curious as to what

    Haruki had in store for her childhood friend. Judging from the knowing glint in Kakashis eye, she wasnt

    the only one.

    Gai, the artless simple man that he was, was oblivious to this, as he asked, Yosh! What a youthful

    assignment it must be, to require such extensive preparations! Surely his fires of youth are burning

    bright! I will burn brighter still! If I cannot, I will run on my fingers around Konoha for fifty laps, or I will-

    Gais youthful tirade was interrupted by a plaintive cry from inside one of the changing rooms.

    Haruki! Are you sure you ordered the right size for me? My Haori feels a little tight in the middle. Even

    Haku here is finding it troublesome to make me fit inand he is the disturbing kid who wears Kimonos

    and Haoris on a daily basis.

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    Zabuza growled at the slight to his adopted son, while the rest of the assembled looked at each other


    In the silence that followed, one could hear Asumas grumbling and grunting, and Hakusreally odd

    giggling, as he presumably helped Asuma to outfit himself.

    After some moments, Asuma called out again, So, how is the meeting going? Everyone knows what to


    The green-eyed Jounin quirked his lips in a smile, and answered keeping his voiceneutral. The meeting

    is done. It has been done for around an hour; you wasted so much time getting ready.

    You could almost hear the relief in Asumas voice, as the sounds of a door clanging open was heard. Ah,

    Merciful Kami, I can safely come out then. Hey, Haruki, can you tell me if this stupid thing makes me

    look fat? I know I havent exercised much these days, but this is ridiculous. He said emphatically, as he

    entered the main hall, and saw everyone staring at him. Their expressions guaranteeing long long

    sessions of blackmail and ridicule for several years to come.

    Troublesome he sighed sadly.

    Despite the frivolity of the gaudy Haori, Asuma had been given an important mission; that to guard the

    Daimyos, as well as to keep an eye on the Lords of the smaller villages who were on the suspect list, look

    out for the underhanded tricks and foul play as such. The Daimyo of fire had graciously permitted Asuma

    to guard him once again. This time under a disguise, dressed as one the numerous Councilmen.

    Soon, the others were given their assignments too. Genma, who was the official proctor, was in a prime

    position to establish a secured arena when the invasion occurred. Hana, Kotetsu and Izumo, the three

    young Chuunins were relegated to patrol duty, while the Ino-Shika-Cho trio were ordered to bestationed at the Marauders den and act as command and control to help coordinate the teams. Zabuza

    and Haku were stationed at the Academy to act as its final defense. Itachi had already been given his

    special mission a day before, in an effort to keep his status as a double agent a bit longer. The clan heads

    too had been instructed to be prepared for war. Hiashi had insisted on being drafted on the attacking

    teams once more, but had to settle with watching over his daughters and nephew. Tsume and Shibi

    were patrolling the inside perimeter of Konoha even now, marking strategic points for recon and early

    warning system. Though inglorious, Dog urine and small bugs were excellent tools to be used as


    At long last, the sole remaining issue was that of the ANBUs. For this, the Scarred Jounin turned tothewell, more Scarred Jounin.

    Ibiki!Here you are my man; Ive been meaning to ask you about the ROOT ninjas which were deemed

    reparable and useful.

    Ibiki grimaced. For such an extensive network as the ROOT, managing to hide right under their noses

    was an affront.

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    Yes, according to the information we extracted, there were nearly six hundred active operatives. Can

    you believe it? Six Hundred! Out of those, merely fifty seven were deemed loyal to the village and were

    ranked to be at a Jounin level. Danzo had tried to subvert them to the best of his ability, but we

    managed to recondition them.

    That many? Haruki asked with some surprise, I would have thought that there would be a lot fewer,knowing the way that crippled bastard was.

    Yes, Danzo had thoughtthat his Secrecy Seal and his brainwashed Army was a great idea, but his

    particular brand of brain-washing relied on prolonged refreshing of his doctrine in the test subjects.

    Fortunately for us, that kind of amateurish stuff can be easily turned back given enough time. Which we

    dont have currently, however, what we do have is a bunch of inexperienced ninja who are unsure of

    their loyalties, save that to the Leaf, and will fight for it. Already a couple of squads have been deployed

    to take care of some malcontents and potential traitors.

    Good. What of the other ranks? And you mentioned six hundred operatives.

    I was coming to that. We have One Hundred and Thirty Four Chuunin ranked Shinobi and Thirty Six

    Genin ranked. There are also One Hundred and Ninety Eight unranked Shinobi-in-training, mostly

    children between the ages of Six to Eight.

    Haruki was thoughtful for a second. That leaves nearly 175, which you have omitted about. What of


    They were in too deep. They had to be put down. Shame. It was such a dreadful waste. Ibiki said,

    sounding disappointed. We may have lost some of the most experienced Ninja from ROOT program,

    but there are several gems secreted away in there. Even in the young kids, I can notice some unique and

    talented future Ninja, if you want; I can send a couple of the more interesting ones to you.

    No. Ill be leaving for Kiri within the season. Rather, you assign them as Additional Genin to the Rookies.

    Im sure Kakashi and the rest will teach them as well as they did their own teams.

    Preposterous! There has never been a four genin team in the history of Konoha! The few we tried

    during the wars were abject failures.

    Do think before you speak Ibiki. You saw at the exhibition match just how talented this bunch is. At

    least one, if not all, from each team is going to become a Chuunin by tomorrow morning. Mark my

    words. By observing their teamwork and individual strengths, the ROOT genin will see the might of

    Konoha shinobi in action.

    Ill keep that in mind. Ill admit to beingintrigued. A pity that none show a talent for T&I.

    Haruki sweatdropped and changed the subject. So, we have a pool of 425 more ninjas, how many are

    ready right now?

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    20 Jounins and 50 Chuunins, thats the best I can do. Even these seventy are little more than hunting

    dogs on a leash. You merely point and they will tear a target to pieces.

    Thats more than I could have dared to hope for. Ill leave this task to you. Meet up with Inoshishi, the

    Boar ANBU and deploy these 70 operatives along with the ANBU wherever you see fit. Keep in mind that

    they are the ones responsible to rebuff the brunt of the attack. Our Elite Jounins will be able to join inonly once the Arena is quelled.

    Ibiki nodded then bowed deeply in a gesture of respect. I will not fail. Konoha will remain strong.

    I know you wont my friend.

    Once Ibiki had walked off, Haruki took a minute by himself to merely observe. There was a nervous

    excitement as everyone read through their mission scrolls, or scrambled to get their uniforms ready, or

    hollered loudly for their missing team partners. It was chaotic, with subtle undertones of purpose and

    harmony. Ordered Chaos, if you will. If there was one thing that Haruki was proud of, it was that even

    after so many eons of existence, even after seeing so many people that faces and personalities began tooverlap, he had never lost sight of the fact that these were people, not tools to be used.

    He smiled wistfully, thinking of the old days, of how this familiar scene was repeated in so many

    different ways. Before, at the Burrow, with the Weasleys, then with his own little family, and with his

    adopted relations, the so-called Harrys Army. The only thing which seemed to be missing was-

    Haruki-kun, are you feeling alright? You looked a little lost, sitting in your corner over there. Kurenai

    questioned, keeping a soft, firm grip on Harukis shoulder.

    Togieka Haruki, the Teacher of Teachers, The Scion of Death, and once upon a time, The Boy-Who-Lived,

    smiled a soft smile and kissed the wine-eyed Genjutsu Mistress, forgetting all his troubles and thoughtsin that moment of affection and intimacy.

    No, there is nothing missing anymore was all that he could think.

    Harukiiiiiii! Mei squealed, as she brushed back her fiery long hair from her eyes and rushed to glomp

    her favorite Jounin.

    The Jounin in question widened his eyes for a fraction of a second, then quickly vanished with a soft

    pop, only to appear some distance away behind Kurenai.

    Nai-chan, darling, sweetheart?

    Rolling her eyes, Kurenai played along, Yes dear?

    Remember when I saved you from being burnt alive?

    Yes dearest, though I would hardly call getting a little scorched in the kitchen as being burnt alive.

    She continued her voice extra-sweet.

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    Details, Details. He waved the valid point off, Its the thought that counts.

    As you say, why mention this now?

    You owe me a life debt for that, Im calling it in.

    Kurenai arched an eyebrow, looking highly amused. Oh? Pray tell, what would you consider a suitable


    Seeing the exuberant Red-headed Kage approach, Haruki made his decision quickly. Save me fromthat

    scary lady, please?

    Kurenai was about to scoff, but then felt her Womans intuition warn her of imminent caution, one

    which is only caused by the dreadful appearance of an equally beautiful and talented specimen of the

    female form, vying for the affections of the same male.

    Or in other words, a Rival.

    Haruki-kun Mei began, catching up to the elusive Jounin. Stop hiding behind the skirts of this little

    lady. Oh, Pardon me, she isnt wearing any. She said cattily.

    Kurenai narrowed her eyes at the buxom redhead. Yes dear, come on out. This Baa-chan would like to

    speak with you. She said viciously, letting a smirk show.

    Oh, of course, to a barely out of diapers upstart like you, I suppose I seem old-er. But that just makes

    me more experienced and mature. Mei added, winking salaciously at Haruki, who merely sweated

    where he stood.

    Is that why you hide your face behind that ridiculous fringe? To hide the wrinkles of old age I assume.

    Mei lost her cool momentarily at that remark, but quickly recovered. At least I dont have to weak

    those snug bandages to emphasize my chest.

    No no, of course you dont. You just leave it out in the open for the whole world to see.

    Why you little bitch!

    Back off, you red headed slag!

    And so it continued until both women were red in the face from breathlessness, while Haruki was red

    listening to the insults tossed around by the two women. Taking a deep breath, the two glared at each

    other for a long moment before cracking up in laughter, much to the bewilderment of a certain green-

    eyed Jounin.

    Mei was the first to speak, So, you are the one who won Harukis affection before me. Hmm, you arent

    me, but you arent bad either. Treat him well, here, her voice lost all warmth and the light, teasing edge

    and became softer and serious. and dont hurt him, because if you do, Ill kill you.

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    The sound of cheers and hollers continued to thrum and increase steadily. The genins could hear

    Harukis voice announcing, gravelly and serious, all traces of hilarity absent. He announced the arrival of

    the dignitaries in the specially marked boxes. It was necessary, as with the Exam being a premium event,

    attracted the Daimyos and their courts, (and in many cases, Courtesans), powerful guild leaders and

    merchants, Businessmen and many others besides. Each, a potential client, and more importantly, a

    source of income.

    First came the Daimyos of the Great Five. Polite Applause.

    The Daimyo of Taki. Wan applause.

    The Daimyo of Kusa. Half-hearted applause.

    The Daimyos of Snow, Benisu Islands, Tea, Cotton, Vegetable and the rest were barely acknowledged.

    The only Daimyo not present was the Lord of Rice, for obvious reasons. Harboring and abetting a known

    criminal like Orochimaru tends to cut short your invites to grand soirees apparently.

    Then the Kazekage was announced to a rousing cheer. The people were bored with the gaudy and prissy

    parade of the Daimyos that they found the stony faced Kazekage to be cheer-worthy. Strange were the

    whims and fancies of the world.

    The cheers soon grew in volume, mixed with hoots and whistles as the Mizukage was announced, no

    doubt for the attractive, desirable yet heroic aura that the woman presented.

    Soon, the volume grew to crescendo, so voluminous in its collective roar that it drowned out the sly

    chuckle of a shadowy figure slipping away from the stands. The Hokage finally arrived, a picture of

    strength and wisdom, power and age. He walked up to the box set aside for the Kages and rapped a

    black staff sharply on the ground to quell the noisome crowd. At a signal from him, the green-eyed

    Jounin bowed and positioned his microphone towards Sarutobi.

    Sarutobi cleared his throat, only to meet a burst of static which made everyone cringe. Frowning, he

    adjusted the device and spoke again, the raspy hoarse voice of the aged Hokage soon echoed around

    the village through inconspicuous speakers.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Kages and Daimyos and Shinobi of all caliber, I, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third

    Hokage of Konoha bids you all welcome.

    He paused for the cheers to die down again, and raised a gnarled hand in acknowledgement.

    A month ago, many brave genins faced challenges, mortal dangers, and their own fears and

    inadequacies to emerge from the Forest of Death. It is said that No one leaves the Forest of Death alive

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    Naruto nodded grimly and settled into his stance.

    Genma, who by this time had taken his place as the Proctor of the final round, signaled the start of the

    match. With a blur, the two combatants were off, trading rapid blows, showing off their speed and


    Neji gracefully weaved in between Narutos punches, calmly waiting for openings for a subtle palm

    thrust, or for a debilitating jab, all of which he exploited ruthlessly. Not that any stopped Narutos

    relentless assault.

    Is that all you got? Is closing my Chakra points the best you can do? Naruto roared as he jumped back

    when the combat lulled and flared his chakra, forcing open the closed Tenketsu points. Wind Release:

    Divine Wind! he cried out, unleashing a powerful gust of wind towards the Hyuuga.

    On his part, Neji was unfazed as he peaceably sidestepped the technique before lunging forward, his

    palms outstretched, Eight Trigrams Vacuum Wall Palm! The powerful technique blew the Uzumaki off

    his feet as he hurtled through the air, and crashed painfully against the wall. Though it looked painful,Naruto jumped back to his feet and smirked; Now we are getting started. and dashed forward with his

    fist raised, meeting Nejis own, causing shockwaves to burst out at the point of contact. Lets give them

    a show to remember.

    Outskirts of Hi no Kuni, 70 miles from Konoha

    The supply caravan had been traversing for several days now, bringing flour, meat and other such

    victuals to a small garrison of ninjas nearby. The merchant was paid substantial gold to keep his

    deliveries a secret. The implied danger to his continued health if he blabbed was understood very well

    by him. It was supposed to be the last delivery, and he had been paid half up front, with the rest due on

    his return.

    The merchant, a rather plump man, wiped at his brows in relief. There we are, arent we? I would

    recognize those old ruins anywhere! he remarked idly to the serving girl walking next to him, who only

    nodded wordlessly.

    This is your first time on this trip, isnt it? Im sure a backwater girl like you doesnt get to see ninjas at

    work much. You are in for a treat then; just you wait and watch he kept blabbering, oblivious to the

    distinct lack of interest on part of the girl, who was intently watching the tree tops.

    last time we were here a month ago, when suddenly these ninjas appeared out of thin air! Thin air!

    Can you believe it? It was just so sudden!

    Excuse me sir, the girl interjectedflatly, but which ninjas are we delivering to? Onseeing the

    garrulous merchants questioning look, she continued. I mean, my mother used to send eggs and milk

    on regular basis to Konoha, and none of us ever had to deliver supplies on secluded outskirts like this...

    The merchant floundered for an explanation, well, you seehehe

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    Neji sighed, accepting his defeat and signaled his surrender by deactivating his Byakugan. Very well.

    Proctor, I surrender. Then he turned towards the blonde and asked him, If you dont mind answering

    my question Uzumaki, tell me how you managed to avoid being seen by the Byakugan?

    Narutos face lit up in a proud grin at that.For all your talk of being all observing, you didnt catch your

    small habit of having a quick look around once your shiny chakra dome died down. I thought and hopedthat this was because your vision was limited but it. So I took a risk and positioned myself to take

    advantage of that tiny window. It paid off luckily, didnt it?

    Neji nodded impassively and started walking towards the stands. He turned his head once and caught

    the blondes eye with his own gaze and bowed his head slightly in respect for the younger genins ability

    and skills.

    Present Day, The Blunt Kunai

    And after that? Konohamaru demanded, a pleading note entering his voice. What happened after Nii-

    san defeated Neji-san?

    TenTen won her match; she overpowered Yaguras poor genin, Steel Release or no. It was during the

    next match that the alarm was raised. Genma remarked grimly. They came in from the east, and soon

    were swarming everywhere. Outside the walls and inside it too, and then, the slaughter began.

    Gai nodded, an uncharacteristic grimace on his face, and then stood up shakily. The winter might lick at

    our edges yet our tree remains strong. Its leaves are in the spring of youth even if some wither and fall.

    He started to walk out and mused thoughtfully, I do wonder if its better for a leaf to fall when its

    green or when its yellow.

    Konohamaru watched the two veterans walk away, feeling a sense of loss and regret. Not for the first

    time he wondered where it would all lead. When it would all end. The fragile peace which the Shinobi

    Alliance had forged in fires of war seemed to be in constant peril, threatened by the unknown shadows

    which kept massing to crush it. Yet we endure. Thats what shinobis are good for, in the end. Enduring.

    He thought bitterly.

    Carelessly tossing down some coins to cover his bills, Konohamaru left the Lounge to pay his respects at

    the Memorial Stone. He hoped to find Kakashi there, even though he knew that pestering the man for

    details of the past was less than useless. Apart from going on dangerous S-ranked missions and

    occasionally meeting his old team for dinner, the Cyclops was laconic and curt to a fault, choosing to

    keep his distance from his fellow Shinobi.

    Konohamaru felt pulled and stretched inside. He was curious to understand and know about the man

    that was Haruki, on the other hand he instinctively knew it was a tale of heartbreak and tragedy, and

    was reluctant to pursue his obsession. It felt somehow voyeuristic, to relive and hear about the

    memories of those long gone. It was disconcerting to learn the beginnings of Konohas Finest, while

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    knowing the fate of those who didnt make it. They, who went from living breathing people to scratches

    on a hunk of stone. It felt like such a..waste!

    Konohamaru was so lost in his morbid thoughts that he nearly failed to notice the two figures standing

    by the stone. The taller of the two was standing a little bit away from the stone, looking away towards

    the setting sun. The smaller figure was hunched, head bowed in prayer.

    Kurenai-sanSayuri-chan Konohamaru thought wistfully. They had been in his mind frequently over

    the past few days. Hearing about the lively, witty Jounin of the past and seeing the bitter, melancholic

    woman today was a study in contrasts. Konohamaru had disliked her intensely at first, believing her to

    be using his uncle for personal ends, believing her to be faithless lover who hadnt even waited for

    Harukis disappearance to be confirmed before ensnaring poor Asuma. Then later, when Asuma had

    succumbed to his war wounds, whispers of her being a Black Widow, a Temptress abounded. Within

    Sarutobi clan and the genteel civilian snobs, Kurenais name had become an anathema. She was

    relegated to a small cottage on the outskirts of the village, even as the Sarutobi clan did their best to

    ignore her existence.

    That was then. But in the years that followed, Sarutobi clan was greatly diminished, dwindling down to

    Konohamaru and few others besides. Konohamaru had made some half-hearted overtures at peace with

    the estranged woman, but they had been none-too-gently rebuffed. It was only in the past couple of

    years that he had even begun meeting with Sayuri-chan, and that too only after Narutos rather pointed

    comments and jabs.

    It was now that Konohamaru understood the consequences of those foolish, angry decisions of the past.

    Konohamaru felt ashamed. He felt foolish and small. He just knew that if his Grandpa and his Uncle were

    here, they would have been disappointed with him. Naruto never said anything, but Konohamaru could

    read the disdain and despise at his decisions in his eyes.

    Steeling himself, Konohamaru forced himself to approach the two. Uh, Kurenai-san he began

    hesitatingly. are you heading back home after this?

    Red eyes turned to look coolly at him. Judging him and finding him wanting.

    Yes, Sarutobi-san.

    Erm, do you mind if I walk with you? Its been a while since I met Sayuri-chan. What do you say to some

    ice-cream Sayuri-chan?

    Brown eyes regarded him with hesitant affection. Wary, yet trusting. Innocent, yet terribly lonely.

    Konohamaru hated himself for standing with those who caused the innocent young eyes to harden with

    loneliness and pain.

    Okay Uncle Kono! Sayuri exclaimed, a small smile blossoming on her face.

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    The walk back home was punctuated with stilted conversations and awkward silences. Kurenai walked a

    step behind Konohamaru while Sayuri trotted at her mothers side, occasionally venturing close to the

    closest thing she had to a big brother. Her excited happy chatter kept the walk from turning into a

    complete debacle.

    All too soon, they reached the little cottage. Kurenai opened the door and was about to step in whenshe was stopped by Konohamaru.

    Kurenai-san, you know you are welcome to stay at the Clan home. You dont need to live out here by

    yourself anymore.

    I find myself not needing the welcome of the Sarutobi clan anymore, Konohamaru-san. Now if you will


    -or you can stay at the Marauders Den! Its practically yours!! Konohamaru blurted out.

    The impassive red eyes grew even colder, resembling chipped rubies. Sharp and dangerous.

    Improper implications aside, that house belongs to the Hokage and Konoha now.

    Kurenai-san, itsI am now learning more about the facts of the Fourth War, things that I didnt know

    before. I find my eyes being opened, as I realize my ignorance and stupidity. He bowed his head in

    deference. I am unworthy of your forgiveness, but I would like it all the same. Please, Kurenai-san, Im


    A shadow passed over the beautiful face as Kurenai internally wrestled with her decision. At long last,

    she sighed and asked in barely a whisper. Why now?

    I dont know! I mean, Im just now seeing underneath the underneath of what happened in those

    turbulent times. Im learning about you, about Haruki-san and the many heroes of that era. I dont know

    much, but I do know that you have been treated unfairly. I- I just want to make amends.

    Kurenai said nothing, but the raw emotion in her eyes spoke volumes. Stiffly, Kurenai turned back and

    walked into the dark recesses of her home.

    Uncle Konowhats wrong? Why did mum leave like that?

    Konohamaru sighed heavily and took her small hand in his. Uncle Kono has made some bad choices in

    the past Sayuri-chan. That has made your mum quite angry at me.

    A slight tension in the air was all the warning he got before he was hurtled twenty feet through the air

    and landed painfully against a tree.

    Go away Uncle Kono! You made mum sad! Dont come back till you can make her smile again!

    Much to Konohamarus surprise, the brown eyes shifted and distorted.

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    Poison-green eyes blazed angrily at him, before the door was slammed shut, leaving a gaping

    Konohamaru to slump in defeat on the ground.

    A/N 1: Yes. Sayuri is Harukis daughter. Kurenai was treated badly following the end of 4th

    Shinobi war.

    After Harukis disappearance, she married Asuma, who died soon after. The Sarutobi elders treated her

    as an embarrassment and ordered her to stay away and not bring any more shame to the clan. Thisdecision was ratified by Konohamaru, who was young, pliable and found himself in the position of de-

    facto clan-head. Grieving at the death of his grandfather and uncle, he foolishly went along with the

    narrow-minded judgement.

    A/N 2: Next Chapter will be released in 15 days or after 50 reviews. Whichever comes sooner. Promise.

    A/N3 : Sorry for the year-long hiatus. I had health issues and my final year of college. The lack of reviews

    only served to discourage me and I lost interest in this. Thanks to those who PMd me and gave me

    inspiration to continue this story. While I wont resort to review-whoring, Ill still request you guys to

    give me feedback. It helps more than you realize. 300-odd people are following the story, and just 153

    reviews. Not fair. :D

  • 8/12/2019 So this is it
