smarties awards - tips for winning


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The Smarties Awards is the only global awards program created specifically to recognize best in class mobile work from around the world. Winning a Smarties is validation that you are among the best, smartest, and most creative in mobile marketing, while also rewarding and enhancing client/agency relationships There are many opportunities to win a Smarties We have introduced some new country specific programs and new regional programs, in addition to our existing global program We encourage you to enter campaigns not just in multiple categories, but also across these multiple programs Go ahead!


Page 1: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning


Page 2: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Mobi le is the most compel l ing , accurate ,

and inc lus ive market ing prac t ice today

In the past few years , mobi le has

exp loded f rom an a f ter thought in

market ing and adver t is ing budgets to a

top pr io r i ty in every marketer ’s campaign

Page 3: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

The Smart ies Awards is the only g lobal

awards program created speci f ica l ly to

recognize best in c lass mobi le work f rom

around the wor ld

Page 4: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Winning a Smart ies is va l idat ion that you

are among the best , smartest , and most

creat ive in mobi le market ing, whi le a lso

reward ing and enhancing c l ient /agency

re la t ionships

Page 5: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

There are many oppor tuni t ies to win a

Smart ies

We have in t roduced some new country

speci f ic programs and new regional

programs, in addi t ion to our ex is t ing

global program

Page 6: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

These new programs wi l l prov ide winners

greater levels of v is ib i l i ty wi th in both

local markets and on a g lobal s tage

We encourage you to enter campaigns

not just in mul t ip le categor ies, but a lso

across these mul t ip le programs

Page 7: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Th is PowerPo in t i s a b r ie f ou t l ine o f t ips fo r

en t ry submiss ions . I t i s impor tan t tha t you

read the Genera l Ru les on the Smar t ies

webs i te -

h t tp : / /www.mmagloba l . com/events / the -

smar t ies /2014/overv iew

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Page 9: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Read the entry overv iew and genera l

ru les, and note the requi res and formats

for creat ive mater ia ls

Star t bu i ld ing your entry off l ine f i rs t ;

once you’ve proofed i t , then you can cut

and paste each sect ion in to the onl ine


Page 10: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Entr ies should engage the judges and

bui ld your business case for winning a

Smart ies award

Wri te your entry l ike a shor t s tory, but

keep i t s imple, c lear, and concise

Be sure to ar t icu late object ives,

s t ra tegies, and tact ics

Page 11: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Be sure your entry form does not have

typ ing errors, is wel l -wr i t ten, and has

log ica l thought sequences

At tempt to t ight ly ed i t your wr i te -ups,

using shor t , br ie f paragraphs wherever

possib le

Page 12: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Smart ies are judged by four areas

¤ Strategy

¤ Execut ion

¤ Creat iv i ty

¤ Resul ts

Al l four areas make up 25% of the to ta l score

Page 13: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Judges look for in format ion and

understanding of the business and/or

market ing chal lenge a long wi th a so l id

mobi le s t rategy

Bui ld your s tory in th is sect ion of the

entry form


Page 14: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Inc lude s t ra tegic object ives

¤Increased market share

¤Brand awareness

¤Time engaged wi th the brand




Page 15: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Who was the in tended ta rge t aud ience?

What was the c rea t i ve and med ia s t ra tegy?

Contex t - F i r s t year o f campa ign? ¤I f no t , how has t he s t r a tegy adap ted t o

p rev i ous resu l t s and new techno logy?


Page 16: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Describe how the campaign was

implemented and i ts level of success


Page 17: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

How d id the execu t ion o r enab l ing techno logy

he lp ach ieve resu l t s?

How was the mob i le component o r enab l ing

techno logy in tegra ted in to the overa l l

marke t ing s t ra tegy?

How c rea t i ve o r soph is t i ca ted was the

campa ign in i t s use o f mob i le med ia?


Page 18: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

What d id the mob i le channe l o r enab l ing

techno logy b r ing to the overa l l campa ign tha t

other marke t ing channe ls m issed?

How was i t matched to spec i f i c marke ts ,

demograph ics re levan t to the overa l l

campa ign execu t ion?

What percen t o f the campa ign budget went to

mob i le?


Page 19: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

How we l l was mob i le techno logy leveraged?

Was the campa ign compl ian t w i th MMA

gu ide l ines and bes t p rac t i ces?

What impac t d id the campa ign have on the

marke t?


Page 20: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Make i t as easy as possib le for judges to

exper ience the creat ive as or ig ina l ly

in tended


Page 21: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Judges wi l l consider

¤Consumer engagement

¤Unique use of mobi le media types

¤Creat iv i ty dynamics and in tegrat ion

wi th overa l l campaign


Page 22: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

We strongly encourage submit t ing a

shor t (2 -3 minute) case study v ideo


Br ie f wr i t ten case study (2 pages

maximum) that captures the creat ive and

actual in teract ive exper ience


Page 23: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

I nc lude ac t i ve URL to land ing page o r FTP s i te

w i th l i nks to each c rea t i ve e lement o f the

campa ign


Mu l t ip le ac t i ve URLs (separa te each URL w i th

a comma)

Make sure s i tes a re l i ve


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Inc lude qual i ta t ive and quant i ta t ive data

to suppor t c la ims of success


Page 25: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Did the campaign achieve i ts ob ject ives

and goals?

What impact d id the campaign have on

the market , i f any?

How innovat ive was the campaign?


Page 26: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

What impact d id the campaign or

enabl ing technology have on fu ture

ut i l izat ion of mobi le in the i r bus iness?

How did consumers receive the



Page 27: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

When prov id ing resul ts , hard numbers

and context wi l l have a great impact on

how your entry is judged


Page 28: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

I f your c l ien t won ' t le t you revea l resu l t s in

te rms o f ac tua l response ra tes o r sa les ,

express resu l t s in re la t i ve te rms

¤Percen tage improvement over con t ro l o r

re tu rn on inves tment ra t io

¤I ndex resu l t s aga ins t your a l lowab le , your

pas t campa igns ' success fu l per fo rmance o r

ano ther s tandard


Page 29: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

I f you do index against past campaigns’

performance, be sure to expla in what

that s tandard is

Index numbers are meaningless i f out o f



Page 30: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning



Ear ly Bi rd – May 16, 2014

On-Time – June 30, 2014

P lease v is i t the Smart ies websi te for

Entry Fees and Mul t ip le Discounts ht tp : / /www.mmagloba l . com/events / the -

smar t ies /2014/overv iew

Page 31: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Smarties Awards Great Work That

Works Great

Show Us What You’ve Got

Enter Now: ht tp : / /www.mmagloba l . com/events / the -

smar t ies /2014/overv iew

Page 32: Smarties Awards -  Tips for winning

Quest ions?

Contact Barbara Parker

barbara.parker@mmaglobal .com or

Your Local or Region Smart ies Off ice