smart, scalable, & sophisticated: how to optimize your marketing, not just your conversion rate

copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN Smart, Scalable, and Sophisticated: How to Optimize Your Marketing, Not Just Your Conversion Rate ! $ $ $ $ $ $ 324795 938465 843651 425638 836559 984632 093640 337485 304858 444093 738930 374583 183294 272727 002929 282644 292002 333303 172394 272893 018393 266549 745218 132235 336785 667393 123641 123675 019838 593000 127840 183934 091274 028344 120309 324895 987343 234988 102883 123489 987234 235408 234878 890720 [presented by] Kate O’Neill, CEO of [meta]marketer

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Presented by Kate O'Neill at Pubcon South 2013 in New Orleans as part of the "Conversion & Landing Page Optimization" panel.


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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Smart, Scalable, and Sophisticated:

How to Optimize Your Marketing, Not Just Your Conversion Rate


$$$$$$324795 938465 843651425638836559 984632 093640337485304858 444093 738930374583183294 272727 002929282644292002 333303 172394272893018393 266549 745218132235336785 667393 123641123675019838 593000 127840183934091274 028344 120309324895987343 234988 102883123489987234 235408 234878890720

[presented by] Kate O’Neill,

CEO of [meta]marketer

Page 2: Smart, Scalable, & Sophisticated: How to Optimize your Marketing, Not Just Your Conversion Rate

copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Who’s Kate O’Neill?‣ linguist by education, passionate about how we communicate,

driven by improving customer experience, and geeky about data

‣ first departmental website at UIC, first intranet at Toshiba, first content manager at Netflix

‣ described by Adobe Test&Target product manager as “on the bleeding edge of web optimization--she's creating the best practices instead of following them.”

‣ past roles at Toshiba, HCA,, lots of startups, etc.

‣ Marketing analytics, optimization, insights, strategy

‣ We help clients understand their customers based on data and insights from their marketing efforts so they can be more effective in creating lasting relationships with them.

‣ Four years old; large and high-growth clients have included Symantec / PC Tools, Ingram Book Publishing, XO Communications, Grand Ole Opry, and dozens of other e-commerce, B2B, companies and brands.

What’s [meta]marketer?

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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

me: @kateo [m]m: @metamarketer

<3 Twitter?

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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

growing marketing

effectiveness yields bigger wins than

an increase in conversion rate

in a single campaign or channel.

Page 5: Smart, Scalable, & Sophisticated: How to Optimize your Marketing, Not Just Your Conversion Rate

copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Marketing that starts with

relevant customer experiencesand then

continues to improve through a

disciplined and data-driven approach

is the most effective and ultimately most profitable


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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Empathy Experience Effectiveness Efficiency


creative analytical

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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

dashboardrevised audience matrixrevision stage revised

scheduled reportrevised flow map

draft stage scheduled reportdraft flow mapdraft audience matrix

dashboard sketch

sketch audience matrix feasibility reviewsketch flow mapwhiteboard

stage ad hoc report


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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Introducing...the Next Big Thing

in the Startup World.

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Wonderful Cat Wings, LLC*

cat wingsonderful

*May be a fictional company.

Page 10: Smart, Scalable, & Sophisticated: How to Optimize your Marketing, Not Just Your Conversion Rate

+ = $I mean, right?

The Basic Idea

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“We need SEO!”So we can convert all those “cat wings” searchers!

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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

And the ones who ARE searching for it:

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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Well, crap. Maybe we don’t have

a market.

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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Figure out your sweet spotConsideration Preference Purchase LoyaltyAwareness

cat accessories cat clothing feathery cat wingscat wings wonderful cat wings

The Sweet Spot

suggested marketing effort

potential traffic likely conversion

Page 15: Smart, Scalable, & Sophisticated: How to Optimize your Marketing, Not Just Your Conversion Rate

copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Emerging vs. established concepts

‣ Are people actually searching for and talking about your concept?

‣ Or are you basing your online acquisition model on wishes and unicorns?

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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

What if we back up a step?

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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

search social

landing pages




measure m

easureinsights in



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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

First pass: whiteboard-levelpeople with cats who spoil them

people who buy cat clothes

people who buy premium cat foods ???



test channel

give their cat the best

doesn't your cat deserve it?


take pictures, show adorable cat

Instagram, Pinterest

nothing is as cute as cat wings

give cat the best life



??? ??? ??? ???

??? ??? ??? ???






Page 19: Smart, Scalable, & Sophisticated: How to Optimize your Marketing, Not Just Your Conversion Rate

copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Your kitty is your little

angel. Doesn't he

deserve wings?

Only the best for your kitty. Visit us online and see our wonderful selection of wings that your cat can wear.

how a sketch-level ad concept might read:

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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Facebook = awesome for testing demographics.

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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

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second pass: draft-levelcat spoilers, unaware of


cat spoilers, aware of

related market

aware of wings aware of brand


how might you recognize them

by search terms by search termsdirect traffic;

concept searches

direct traffic; brand searches

direct access to login page;


what types of search terms

cat accessories, cat toys cat clothing

cat wings, gold cat wings

Wonderful Cat Wings

{brand} + login or help

what do they need to move


cat wings are ideal cat toy, accessory

images of cats in cat wings?

selection? price? quality?

quality? return policy?

support? appreciation?

how to measure success

engagement purchase; signup for newsletter

purchase purchase? return visits, referrals


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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Reinvest insights to achieve sophistication and profits.



324795 938465 843651425638836559 984632 093640337485304858 444093 738930374583183294 272727 002929282644292002 333303 172394272893018393 266549 745218132235336785 667393 123641123675019838 593000 127840183934091274 028344 120309324895987343 234988 102883123489987234 235408 234878890720

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copyright © 2013 [meta]marketer Inc., Nashville, TN

Watch small gains grow into big wins.

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Your call to action:Email me your favorite a-ha moment about customer empathy to be registered free for our next webinar, coming up in June.

For questions and follow-up:

[email protected]

‣ Twitter: @kateo / @metamarketer

‣ LinkedIn: kateoneill

Thank you for your time.?
