sls19 2014 - final project rubric

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  • 8/9/2019 SLS19 2014 - Final Project Rubric


    Your assignment (to be completed in groups of 3-4 students)1 A written grant proposal (including a 1-page abstract)2 A presentation of your project proposal

    ScenarioThe government of a specic country (your choice) just received $10million (USD) from an anonymous philanthropic donor These funds have !een

    restricted at the donor"s re#uest they may !e allocated to target only onespeci!c nutritional problemin the country% and only one group &ill !e a&arded$10 million for this project Students% &or'ing in groups of three or four% &ill developproposals identifying a specic nutritional pro!lem and a single inter"ention% andpresent their case to a panel of the inistry a!inet (Drs. Lo,Duggan, Fawzi,Teaching Fellows) and *arliament (SLS19 class)

    #roject $e%uirements

    1& 'ritten rant #roposal

    +ach group &ill prepare a written grant proposal% &hich focuses on aspecic intervention to address a single nutritional pro!lem The proposalshould also include that pro!lem"s !ac'ground and conte,t% and theproject"s rationale for intervention (eg% iron supplementation to targetiron deciency among adolescent girls in rural -angladesh)

    The grant should !e -1* pages in length (dou!le.spaced% single.sided%1/ point Times e& oman font% 1.inch margins)% not including the projecta!stract% ac'no&ledgments or references The ma,imum of 10 pages &ill!e strictly enforced

    2n addition to the grant proposal% each group must su!mit a proposalabstract (ma, one page% dou!le.spaced% single.sided% 1/ point font% 1.inch margins)% &hich &ill !e distri!uted to all class mem!ers in advance ofyour presentation% to inform class participation and discussion

    +ndi"idual contributions to the group"s &or' should !e divided intoe#ual sections% and clearly descri!ed in the report ac,nowledgmentssection 2nclude a !rief paragraph% &hich descri!es the individualcontri!utions of each group mem!er to the &ritten nal report% clearlydescri!ing the sections and specic &or' that s3he did

    4or this proposal% you must also include aformal ibliograp.y

    Should contain at least 10 original research articles from outsideof the course (not including internet references or recommendedreadings from the course)

    /ote esearch sessions at the 5i!rary are availa!le 6ou canalso email the li!rarians Diane Sredl (sredl7fas) or Dorothy -arr(d!arr7oe!) &ho are more than happy to meet &ith student

    groups to discuss research strategies *lease use *u!ed or similar search engine to identify important

    scientic articles to provide evidence for your proposedintervention

    Use 8*8 style (or a similar style) and !e consistent throughoutyour paper

    2 roup #resentation

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/9/2019 SLS19 2014 - Final Project Rubric


    +ach group &ill develop a presentation (*o&er *oint% movie or acom!ination of the t&o)% to !e delivered during the Teaching 4ello&sessions% and participate in the ensuing discussion

    Selected groups from Teaching 4ello& sections &ill !e selected to presentto the entire class in the S5S19 lecture on 0onday April 2t.&

    *resentations &ill !e strictly limited to 12 minutes&

    8ll group mem!ers are e,pected to contri!ute e#ually to the developmentof presentations% deliver the nal project presentation% and participate inthe ensuing discussion

    6ou may assume that the class has read your a!stract for yourpresentation prior to class

    #roject pectations

    Students &ill !e evaluated !ased on project a!stract% nal &ritten grantproposal% thepresentation% and the post.presentation discussion% includingthe a!ility to ans&er relevant #uestionsregarding the su!stantive topics innutrition and methods developed in their presentations andprojects

    Note: 4or this project% you &ill not !e re#uired to design a !udget or todescri!e your organi:ation"s structure

    Students are e,pected to &or' in groups of ;.

  • 8/9/2019 SLS19 2014 - Final Project Rubric


    Sections of April 23rd-26t.

    4inal *resentations in T4 sections

    0onday April 2t. Selected presentations in nal class lecture

    5riday 0ay 2ndat

    1167pm4inal written project due(course &e!site drop!o,)

    rant #roposal Suggested Structure'ritten rant #roposal(Page lengths are !ouble$s"ace!, single si!e!, 1 inch margins, 1% "oint &ont, Times'ew oman)

    2 ecuti"e Summary8#roject Abstract (" to 1 "age) $ not inclu!e! in the"age countStatement of eed

    a,imum of ; sentences

    -ac'ground and rationale . ie !rief overvie& of the pro!lem

    State the aims of the intervention including the nutritional pro!lem that is!eing addressed% the target population that it is intended to reach

    *roject Description

    Summary of the intervention design

    Summary of ho& the intervention &ill !e implemented

    Summary of plan for monitoring3evaluation

    Discussion Touch upon feasi!ility% sustaina!ility future directios

    22 Statement of /eed(% "ages)1 *ac+groun! an! Signicance

    Ehat is the nutritional pro!lemF

    Ehat is the !urden of nutritional pro!lem eg% estimated prevalence 3incidenceF

    Ehat are its causesF Ehat are its conse#uencesF

    Ehy is this pro!lem important in nutrition and glo!al healthF% Target Po"ulation

    Ehich population is at highest ris' for this nutritional pro!lem (and &hy)F Ehich population is !eing targeted in this intervention% and &hyF

    222 #rogram Aims and 9bjecti"es(a cou"le o& sentences) Ehat is the primary outcome(s) of the interventionF -e speci!c (eg to

    reduce the prevalence of stunting !y 10G among children under @yrs in2ringa District% Tan:ania)

  • 8/9/2019 SLS19 2014 - Final Project Rubric


    2H :escription of #roject (-$ "ages)1 /nter0ention Design

    Ehat are the 'ey components of your interventionF Ehat specicstrategies &ill !e ta'enF Ehat specic intervention(s) &ill !e conductedF

    Io& strong is the evidence !ase in support of this interventionF Ehat is'no&nF

    Ehy is this the !est intervention for your nutritional challengeF Eere thereother preventive or therapeutic interventions that &ere consideredF

    % /m"lementation Strateg

    Io& &ill this intervention !e implementedF

    2nclude timeline% implementing agencies3partners% and strategy forreaching !eneciary population

    Data 2ollection, Data 3nalsis, 4onitoring an! 50aluation

    Io& &ill the data !e collected and analy:ed as part of this interventionF

    Ehat is the anticipated impact of your intervention on the nutritionalpro!lemF

    Io& &ould the impact3success of this intervention !e measuredF

    2nclude specic indicators% and ho& they &ill !e measured% includingassessment method and fre#uency

    6 :iscussion (1$% "ages)1 Feasibilit

    Ehy are you convinced that you &ill !e a!le to implement this programFEhat factors are essential for the success of this interventionF

    Discuss in terms of feasi!ility% sustaina!ility% and integration &ith relatedactivities that may !e ongoing in your intervention area

    % Strengths an! Limitations

    Discuss the strengths and limitations of this intervention

    8re there other preventive3therapeutic interventions you &ould also

    recommendF EhyF /m"lications an! Future Directions

    Ehat do the results from your intervention mean for future programmatic%research% policy% and clinical interventionsF

    H2 ;onclusion (one "aragra"h)-rieJy summari:e your 'ey points

    6// Ac,nowledgements ('ot inclu!e! in "age count)

    2nclude one paragraph &hich descri!es the individual contri!utions ofeach author to the &ritten project

    6///$eferences ('ot inclu!e! in "age count)

    roup #resentation


    12 minutes maimum in duration 8lthough this may seem !rief for theamount of detail that you &ill &ant to include in your presentation% learningto !e clear and concise is an integral part of !eing a pu!lic health

  • 8/9/2019 SLS19 2014 - Final Project Rubric


    professional 2f provided the opportunity to present a project proposal in thereal &orld% 1/ minutes is li'ely all the time you &ill haveK

    8ll group mem!ers are e,pected to contri!ute e#ually to the development ofpresentations% deliver the nal project presentation together% and participatein the ensuing discussion

    6ou may assume that your classmates and faculty mem!ers have read yourproject a!stract

    #lease note .ere is no re%uired format or structure for t.e

    presentation !e creative and ma'e your presentation 3 movie informativeand entertaining for your audience Io&ever% please address t.e majortopics below at some point during your presentation

    1 ac,ground < $ationale (statement of pro!lem= needsassessment of target pop)

    / 9bjecti"e(s) (!e speci!c% and include primary and secondaryoutcomes)

    ; +nter"ention (denition of the proposed intervention)< Setting (location% target3!eneciary population)

    @ +mplementation (details of the implementation strategy)= 0onitoring and e"aluation (dene monitoring and evaluationplan including speci!c outcomes% and ho& you plan to monitorthem)

    > Sustainability 8 +ntegration wit. eisting acti"ities(considerations of approaches tosustaina!ility and integration &ithrelated activities including standard of care)

    ?imitations (potential limitations of your intervention)9 5uture :irections (implications of ndings eg% &hat results

    mean for future program% policy%clinical care% researchinterventions)