sleep tips for athletes to improve performance


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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Sleep Tips for Athletes to Improve Performance
Page 2: Sleep Tips for Athletes to Improve Performance

From professional football teams to Olympic athletes, Dr. James Maas educates and advises a variety of athletes on the disadvantages of sleep deprivation. Dr. James Maas helps sports professionals establish reliable sleeping patterns that improve competitive performance.

During sleep, the human body repairs itself and recharges. For an average person, sleeping seven to nine hours a day is optimal.

Page 3: Sleep Tips for Athletes to Improve Performance

However, for athletes, whose bodies endure more stress, additional hours may be necessary according to orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist Dr. David Geier. A good example involves the study of Stanford University’s basketball team. Players added two extra hours of sleep to their routine, resulting in a 5 percent increase in speed and a 9 percent accuracy boost in free throws. Similar studies in other sports have shown comparable result.

Page 4: Sleep Tips for Athletes to Improve Performance

To ensure enough sleep, athletes should

incorporate a midday nap into their

regimen or consider retiring to sleep earlier.

Other tips to reduce sleep disruption

include cutting back on substances

containing caffeine and alcohol, refraining

from consuming sleep medications,

practicing natural relaxation techniques,

and allotting additional time to time zone

adjustment when traveling.