skt335 avalokiteshvara 42-hands-and-eyes mantra of great-compassion-dharani-sutra guanyin chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li 104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he 52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye ननन (ननननन) Namo (Bhagavate) नननन Vajra ननननन Kulasya| 104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|नननन-नननननननन-ननननन 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| नननन-नननननन- ननननन Akṣobhyāya नननननननननन DòngBuddha Akṣobhyāya नननननननननन Om Namo Bhaisajya Guru Buddha Ksitigarbha Maha Pranidana Namo Aryavalokiteshvaraya Bodhisattvaya Mahasattvaya Maha Karuna Kaya Om Sarva Abhaya Namo Medicine Master Buddha Mantra Om Namo Ksitigarbha (Di-Zang) Bodhisattva (Pu-Sa): OM BWO LA MWO LIN TWO NING SWO PE HE . Namo Shurangama Dharani Lines 93-360-523: Great White Canopy OM SYI DAN DWO BWO DA LA Lines 1-4: NA MWO SA DAN TWO. SU CHYE DWO YE. E LA HE DI. SAN MYAU SAN PU TWO YE . Lines 47-53: I take refuge in the Five Buddha Familes : NA MWO PE CHYE PE DI. DWO TWO CHYE DWO JYU LA YE. NA MWO BE TOU MWO JYU LA YE. NA MWO BA SHE LA JYU LA YE. NA MWO MWO NI JYU LA Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua and offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696 Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 1 www.Ayurveda- Source:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great- Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc

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Page 1: SKT335 Avalokiteshvara 42-Hands-And-Eyes Mantra of Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra GuanYin Chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li

104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he

52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye नमो� (भगवते�) Namo (Bhagavate) वज्र Vajra कु� लस्य। Kulasya|104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li

sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|सव�-परविवद्या�-च्छे�दन�मो�। 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| अकु�ल-मो�त्य�-परिरत्रा�यणी�मो�।

Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य 不【Bù】 動【Dòng】 佛【Fó】 Buddha Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�यOm Namo Bhaisajya



Ksitigarbha Maha Pranidana

Namo Aryavalokiteshvaraya Bodhisattvaya Mahasattvaya

Maha Karuna Kaya Om Sarva Abhaya

Namo Medicine Master Buddha Mantra

Om Namo Ksitigarbha (Di-Zang) Bodhisattva (Pu-Sa): OM BWO LA MWO LIN TWO NING SWO PE HE .

Namo Shurangama Dharani Lines 93-360-523: Great White Canopy OM SYI DAN DWO BWO DA LA Lines 1-4:




Shurangama Mantra Lines 63-72: Namo Akshobhya Medicine Buddha: NA MWO PE CHYE PE DI. E CHU PI YE. DWO TWO CHYE DWO YE. E LA HE DI. SAN MYAU SAN PU TWO YE.


Shurangama Five Hearts: Lines 104-108:


Shurangama Line 114 Good Sleep - Dreams: TU SYI FA . Lines 115-116 Wisdom: BWO NA NI. FA LA NI .Heart Sutra Prajna Paramita Hridaya Mantra: GATÉ GATÉ PARAGATÉ PARASAMAGATÉ BODHI SVAHA

Avalokiteshvara's Jeweled Mirror Wisdom Prajna Mantra 20 (Line 37): SHR NWO SHR NWO. NAN. WEI SA PU LA. NWO LA GE CHA. WA DZ LA. MAN CHA LA. HUNG PAN JA.


Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Huaand offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696

Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 1 www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.comSource:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc

Page 2: SKT335 Avalokiteshvara 42-Hands-And-Eyes Mantra of Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra GuanYin Chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li

104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he

52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye नमो� (भगवते�) Namo (Bhagavate) वज्र Vajra कु� लस्य। Kulasya|104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li

sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|सव�-परविवद्या�-च्छे�दन�मो�। 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| अकु�ल-मो�त्य�-परिरत्रा�यणी�मो�।

Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य 不【Bù】 動【Dòng】 佛【Fó】 Buddha Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�यLines 144-145 Namo Medicine King Bhaisajya Raja: PI LI JYU JR. SHR PE PI SHE YE. NAMO ARYA SHENG-NONG SHR, NAMO ARYA BHIKSHUS NAGARJUNA - JIAN ZHEN SHR (683-763 A.D.) - DA XIN FA SHR - UPASAKA VASANT LAD


Lines 234-235 Shurangama Stop Mass Weapons: SHE SA DWO LA PE YE. PE LA JAU JYE LA PE YE.

Lines 535-544: Shurangama Mantra Heart: DWO JR TWO. NAN. E NA LI. PI SHE TI. PI LA BA SHE LA. TWO LI. PAN TWO PAN TWO NI. BA SHE LA BANG NI PAN. HU SYIN DU LU YUNG PAN. SWO PE HE. Om Namo Maha Karuna Dharani Mantra. Om Namo Sutra of the Vast, Great, Perfect, Full, Unimpeded Great Compassion Heart

Dharani of the Thousand-Handed, Thousand-Eyed Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Who Regards the World’s Sounds: Namo Guan Yin Bodhisattva's Forty-Two Hands and Eyes Mantras:

The Dharani Sutra says, "One who so much as hears the name of this Dharani eradicates limitless aeons of the heavy offenses of birth and death; how much the more so for one who recites and holds it! You should know that one who obtains and recites this Dharani has in past lives already made offerings to countless Buddhas, extensively planting good roots. You should know that one who can, for the sake of rescuing living beings from suffering and difficulty, recite and hold this mantra according to Dharma, has perfected the great compassion and will soon realize Buddhahood." "If there are Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, Upasakas, Upasikas, young men or young women who wish to recite and hold this mantra and wish to bring forth a heart of great compassion for all beings, they should first follow me in making these vows: 1. Om NAMO AVALOKITESHVARA Maha Karuna Bodhisattva, The Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, "MAY I QUICKLY KNOW ALL DHARMAS . 2. Namo Guan Yin Pu Sa, May I soon ATTAIN THE WISDOM EYE . 3. Namo Chen Ré Zig, May I quickly SAVE ALL BEINGS . 4. Namo Kanon, May I soon ATTAIN GOOD SKILL-IN-MEANS . 5. Namo Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, May I quickly BOARD THE PRAJNA BOAT . 6. Namo Guan Yin, May I SOON ESCAPE THE SEA OF SUFFERING . 7. Namo Guan Yin, May I quickly ATTAIN MORALITY, SAMADHI, AND THE WAY . 8. Namo Guan Yin, May I soon ASCEND NIRVANA MOUNTAIN . 9. Namo Guan Yin, May I quickly DWELL IN THE UNCONDITIONED . 10. Namo Guan Yin, May I soon UNITE WITH THE DHARMA-NATURE BODY . 1. When I face the mountain of knives, the MOUNTAIN OF KNIVES OF ITSELF BREAKS UP. 2. When I face the boiling oil, the BOILING OIL OF ITSELF DRIES UP. 3. When I face the hells, the HELLS OF THEMSELVES DI7SAPPEAR . 4. When I face the hungry ghosts, the HUNGRY GHOSTS OF THEMSELVES ARE FULL. 5. When I face the ASURAS, EVIL THOUGHTS OF THEMSELVES ARE TAMED. 6. When I face the ANIMALS , they ATTAIN GREAT WISDOM . "After you make these vows, recite my name with a sincere heart. Also single-mindedly recite the name of my teacher, the Thus Come One, Amitabha. NAMO ARYAVALOKITESHVARAYA (3x) NAMO GUAN YIN PU SA (9x) NAMO AMITABHA BUDDHAYA (9x)

Om Namo Arya Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva Mahasattvaya Maha Bala Amitabha Buddha Nama Japa Kaya (Namo Great Strength Bodhisattva) (element of perception)

The Dharani Sutra says: “For wealth, various gems, and valuables, use the As-You-Will Pearl Hand and Eye Mantra 1 of 42 (Line 25 of the Great Compassion Mantra): “MWO LA MWO LA. NAN. WA DZ LA. WA DWO LA. HUNG PAN JYA”

HEAL ANXIETY: “For seeking peace and tranquility in all situations, use the Lariat Kracucchanda’s Dharma Jewel Hasta Mantra 2 (62): “MWO LA NWO LA. NAN. JR LI LAI LA. MWO NAI LA. HUNG PAN JA.” “Demon-Ghost binding cord. Drive out deviant, support proper. These secret words are magic.”

Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Huaand offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696

Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 2 www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.comSource:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc

Page 3: SKT335 Avalokiteshvara 42-Hands-And-Eyes Mantra of Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra GuanYin Chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li

104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he

52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye नमो� (भगवते�) Namo (Bhagavate) वज्र Vajra कु� लस्य। Kulasya|104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li

sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|सव�-परविवद्या�-च्छे�दन�मो�। 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| अकु�ल-मो�त्य�-परिरत्रा�यणी�मो�।

Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य 不【Bù】 動【Dòng】 佛【Fó】 Buddha Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�यHEAL: “For all internal illnesses, use the Jeweled Bowl Arogya Hasta Mantra 3 (42): “HU LU HU LU SYI LI. NAN. JR LI JR LI. WA DZ LA. HUNG PAN JA .”

HEAL FEAR: “For all situations where there is fear and unrest, use the Bestowing Fearlessness Sarva Abhaya Hasta Mantra 7 (72): “NWO LA JIN CHR PAN CHYE LA YE. NAN. WA DZ LA NANG YE. HUNG PAN JYA.” “Obstacles melt away. Myriad illnesses return to Spring, blessings and lifespan increase.”

HEAL EYES: “For darkness and lack of light in the eyes, use the Sun Essence Namo Surya Prabha Bodhisattva Mani Netram Hasta Mantra 8 (32): “SHR FWO LA YE. NAN. DU BI. JYA YE DU BI. BWO LA WA LI NING. SA WA HE. ” “Mind-ground’s brilliant light illuminates the world. Stupidity reversed, wisdom is attained.”"Undefiled clear light, The sun of wisdom that breaks through the darkness is able to quell calamities of wind and fire as it shines on all worlds." From the NAMO LOTUS SUTRA - NAMO SADDHARMA PUNDARIKA SUTRA , Universal Door Chapter of Guan Shi Yin (OM NAMO AVALOKITESHVARA SAMANTA-MUKHA-PARIVARTA ): Volume 15, Chapter 25, p. 164

HEAL PITTA: “For sicknesses involving heat and poison, where one seeks coolness, use the Moon Essence Namo Chandra Prabha Bodhisattva Mani Jwara Hasta Mantra 9 (28): “DU LU DU LU. NAN. SU SYI DI JYA LI. SA WA HE ” “Afflicted with fever poisons. Averts disaster, lengthens life, and benefits women and men.”

HEAL LONELINESS: “For quickly meeting up with good friends, use the Jeweled Arrow Kusala Sangha Hasta Mantra 11 (51) “PE YE MWO NWO. NAN. JYE MWO LA. SA WA HE.”

TRI-HEAL ALL: “For various illnesses of the body, use the Willow Branch Arogya Mantra 12 (35): “MU DI LI. NAN. SU SYI DI. JYA LI WA LI. DWO NAN DWO. MU DWO YI. WA DZ LA. WA DZ LA. PAN TWO. HE NANG HE NANG. HUNG PAN JA. ” “Sick & suffering, fever-stricken, chance to thrive renewed.”

“For getting rid of evil obstacles and difficulties, use the White Whisk Vanish the Piled-Up Killing Karma Hasta Mantra 13 (34): “MWO MWO. NAN. BWO NWO MI NING. PE YE WA DI. MWO HE YE RE. YE MWO HE NING. SA WA HE .” “You wish to practice the Sagely Way, but obstacles are unbounded.”

HEAL ALL: “For wholesome and harmonious retinues, use the Jeweled Hu Bottle Hasta Arogya Mantra 14 (49): “NWO LA JIN CHR. NAN. JYE LI SAN MAN YAN. SA WA HE. ” “Sweet dew from the Precious Jug nourishes living things. Elixir for a myriad ills, its great function is revealed.

HEAL GOVERNMENT: “For avoiding difficulties with the law at all times and in all places, use the Ax Law Medicine King Namo Bhaisajya Raja Bodhisattva Hasta Mantra 16 (64): “SYI LU SENG E MU CHYWE YE. NAN. WEI LA YE. WEI LA YE. SA WA HE. ”

HEAL REBIRTH: “For rebirth in the pure lands of the ten directions, use the Blue Lotus Nila Padma Hasta Netram Mantra 19 (26): “LI TWO YUN. NAN. JR LI JR LI. WA DZ LA. BU LA PAN TWO. HUNG PAN JA.”

Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Huaand offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696

Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 3 www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.comSource:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc

Page 4: SKT335 Avalokiteshvara 42-Hands-And-Eyes Mantra of Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra GuanYin Chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li

104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he

52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye नमो� (भगवते�) Namo (Bhagavate) वज्र Vajra कु� लस्य। Kulasya|104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li

sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|सव�-परविवद्या�-च्छे�दन�मो�। 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| अकु�ल-मो�त्य�-परिरत्रा�यणी�मो�।

Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य 不【Bù】 動【Dòng】 佛【Fó】 Buddha Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�यGREAT WISDOM: “For great wisdom, use the Jeweled Mirror Prajna Mantra 20 (37): “SHR NWO SHR NWO. NAN. WEI SA PU LA. NWO LA GE CHA. WA DZ LA. MAN CHA LA. HUNG PAN JA.”

LONG LIFE: “For the Way of the Immortals (Namo Sarva Arya Ayurveda-Tao-Te-Ching Rishi Nagarjuna ), use the Five-Colored Cloud Rishi Hasta Mantra 23 (26): “MWO SHI MWO SYI. NAN. WA DZ LA. JYE LI LA. JA SYIN JA. ”

TRI-HEAL ALL: “For birth in the Brahma heavens, use the Pure Bottle Kundi Hasta Arogya Mantra 24 (30): “TWO LA TWO LA. NAN. WA DZ LA. SHR CHYE LU. JA SYIN JA. ”

HARSH SPEECH, POOR SPEECH: “For accomplishing all superior Brahma sounds, use the Jeweled Bell Brahma Shabda Hasta Mantra 30 (33): “JE LA JE LA. NA MWO BWO NWO SYIN BWO NA YI. NAN. E MI LI DAN. YAN SHENG SHR LI YI. SHR LI NYAN LI NING. SA WA HE.”

HARSH SPEECH, POOR SPEECH: “For mouth karma which is eloquent, clever and wonderful, use the Jeweled Seal Hasta Mantra 31 (24): “SA PE SA PE. NAN. WA DZ LA. NING DAN RE YI. SA WA HE. ”

GREAT COMPASSION: “For covering and protecting all beings with compassion, use the Tin Staff Karuna Protection Hasta Mantra 33 (48): “MI DI LI YE. NAN. NWO LI TI. NWO LI TI. NWO LI JA BWO DI. NWO LI DI NWO YE BWO NING. HUNG PAN JYA.”

PATIENCE: “For causing all beings to be always respectful and loving towards one another, use the Joined Palms Respectful Kind Loving Hasta Mantra 34 (44): “SYI LI SYI LI. NAN. BWO NA MAN RE LING. HE LI.” “SYI LI SYI LI.

Tripitaka True Words: NAN. WEI SA LA. WEI SA LA. HENG PAN JA.”

GREAT MEMORY: “For much learning and extensive study, use the Jeweled Sutra Hasta Mantra 37 (53-56): SYI TWO YE. SWO PE HE. MWO HE SYI TWO YE. SWO PE HE. NAN. E HE LA. SA LA WA NI. NI YE TWO LA. BU NI DI. SA WA HE. ”

“For not retreating from the Bodhi heart from this incarnation until one’s incarnation as a Buddha, use the Non-Retreating Gold Wheel Avaivartika Bodhichitta Suvarna Chakra Hasta Mantra 38 (46): “PU TI YE. NAN. SHE NWO MI DZWO. SA WA HE. ”

EATING DISORDERS: “For fruits, melons, and grains, use the Grape Medicine Superior Namo Bhaisajya Samudgata Bodhisattva Draksha Hasta Mantra 40 (66): “E SYI TWO YE. NAN. E MWO LA JYAN DI NI NING. SA WA HE. ”

TRI-HEAL ALL: EATING DISORDERS: “For satisfying the hunger and thirst of all living creatures, use the Sweet Dew Immortality Medicine Hasta Arogya Mantra 41 (45): “SU LU SU LU. NAN. SU LU SU LU. BWO LA SU LU. BWO LA SU LU. SU LU SU LU YE. SA WA HE. ”

HEAL ALL: Does the work of ALL the other 42 Hands and Eyes Mantras: “For subduing hateful demons in the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, use the Uniting and Holding Thousand Arms Hasta

Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Huaand offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696

Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 4 www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.comSource:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc

Page 5: SKT335 Avalokiteshvara 42-Hands-And-Eyes Mantra of Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra GuanYin Chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li

104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he

52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye नमो� (भगवते�) Namo (Bhagavate) वज्र Vajra कु� लस्य। Kulasya|104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li

sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|सव�-परविवद्या�-च्छे�दन�मो�। 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| अकु�ल-मो�त्य�-परिरत्रा�यणी�मो�।

Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य 不【Bù】 動【Dòng】 佛【Fó】 Buddha Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�यMantra 42 (74): “MWO PE LI SHENG JYE LA YE. NAN. DAN NI YE TWO. WA LU JR DI. SHR WA LA

YE. SA PE DU SHAI. JA MING HE ME YE. SA WA HE .” Maha Prajna Paramita - the path of words is cut off.

Mantra for Patching Flaws in the Recitation: "NA MO HE LA DA NA, DUO LA YE YE. QIE LA QIE LA, JU ZHU JU ZHU, MO LA MO LA, HU LA, HONG, HE HE SU DA NA (SUDHANA), HONG, PO MO NU, SO PO HE. " Chant 3xIncreasing Effect Mantra: OM SAMBHARA SAMBHARA BIMANA SARA MAHA JAVA HUM (7x)To increase by 100,000 times the merit created, recite these special mantras at the end of the session: TADYATHA OM PANCHA GRIYA (five offerings or five faces) AVA BODHANI SVAHA (7x) OM DHURU DHURU JAYA (Victory) MUKHE (Face or Mouth) SVAHA (7x)

Dedication and Transference of Merit (Punya) and Virtue:I Now Universally Transfer the Merit and Virtue of to All Beings to realize Anuttara-Samyak-Sam-Bodhi (“Unsurpassed Proper and Equal Right Enlightenment”: Anuttara is unsurpassed; samyak is proper and equal; and sambodhi is right enlightenment.)

Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Huaand offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696

Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 5 www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.comSource:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc

Page 6: SKT335 Avalokiteshvara 42-Hands-And-Eyes Mantra of Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra GuanYin Chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li

104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he

52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye नमो� (भगवते�) Namo (Bhagavate) वज्र Vajra कु� लस्य। Kulasya|104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li

sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|सव�-परविवद्या�-च्छे�दन�मो�। 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| अकु�ल-मो�त्य�-परिरत्रा�यणी�मो�।

Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य 不【Bù】 動【Dòng】 佛【Fó】 Buddha Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य1.  May Manjushri Bodhisattva Mahasattva bless us all with Great Wisdom (Namo Maha Prajna Paramita -- Om Ah Ra Pa Cha Na Dhi Om Sarva-Dharma 'bhava-Svabhava-Vishuddha Vajra (Chakshur) A Aa Am Ah. Prakruti-Parishuddhah Sarva-Dharma. Yad Uta Sarva-Tathagata-Jnana-Kaya-Manjushri-Parishuddhitam Upa-dayeti A Aah. Sarva-Tathagata-Hridaya. Hara Hara Om Hum Hrih.

Bhagavan-Jnana-Murté. Vagi-Shvara Maha-Pacha. Sarva-Dharma-Gagana-Mala-Supari-Shuddha-Dharma-Dhatu-Jnana-Garbha A Ah.)

2.  May Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Mahasattva bless us all with Great Compassion (Namo Maha Karuna Brahma Vihara -- Om Mani Padme Hum -- Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha)

3.  May Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Mahasattva bless us all with Great Vows (Namo Maha Pranidhana Paramita --Om Boe Lah Moe Ning Toe Ning Svaha OM AH KSITIGARBHA THLIM HUM)

4.  May Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva Mahasattva bless us all with Great Strength (Namo Maha Bala Paramita)

5.  May Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Mahasattva bless us all with Great Universally Worthy Conduct (Namo Bodhisattva Charya Shila OM AH SAMANTABHADRA SAM HUM)

6.  May Bhaisajya Raja and Bhaisajya Samudgata Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas bless us all with Great Medicine Mastery (Om Namo Bhagavate Bhaisajya Guru Vaidurya Vaidya)

7.  May Vajrapani Bodhisattva Mahasattva bless us all with Great Protection (Namo Maha Virya Dhyana Samadhi Dharma-Pala -- Eh Nah Lee Pee Sheh Tee - Om Namo Vajrapani Hum Svaha)

8.  May Maitreya Bodhisattva Mahasattva bless us all with Great Universal Loving-Kindness for all sentient beings (Namo Maha Maitri Kshanti Brahma Vihara -- Om Mohi Mohi Maha Mohi Svaha OM AH MAITRI MAIM HUM)

9.  May Yama Raja Dharma-Pala Bodhisattva Mahasattva bless us all with Great Victory over Birth (Jati), Old-Age (Jara), Sickness (Roga) and Death (Maranam) (Namo Maha Mritunjaya Maha Upeksha Brahma Vihara)

10.  May Mahakala Bodhisattva Mahasattva bless us all with Great Justice and Spiritual Attainments (Om Namo Avalokiteshvara Siddhaya Svaha Maha Siddhaya Svaha - Om Guru Mahakala Hari Nisa Siddhi Dza)

11.  May Maha-Sveta Arya-Tara Bodhisattva Mahasattva bless us all with Great Sympathetic Joy (Namo Maha Mudita -- Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha. Namo Ratna Trayaya, Namo Arya Avalokiteshvaraya, Bodhisattvaya, Mahasattvaya, Maha Karunikaya, Om Tare Tuttare, Namo Sarva Papam Shodhaya Shodhaya, Vishodhaya Vishodhaya, Sarva Samudra Chhashana Karaya Svaha. OM I prostrate to the goddess foe destroyer, liberating lady Tara. Homage to TARE, savioress, heroine, With TUTTARE

dispelling all fears, Granting all benefits with TURE, To her with sound SVAHA, I bow.

12. May Vajrayogini Bodhisattva Mahasattva bless us all with Great Brahmacharya (victory over heat of lust-craving and heat of anger-aversion) (Om Om Om Sarva Buddha Dakiniye Vajra Varnaneyi Vajra Vairochaneyi Hum Hum Hum Phat Phat Phat Svaha). Om Vajrasattva Samaya, Manu Palaya, Vajrasattva, Deno Pratishta, Drido Mé Bhava, Supo Kayo May Bhava, Suto Kayo May Bhava, Ahnu-Rakto May Bhava, Sarva Siddhi May Prayatsha, Sarva Karma Sutsamay, Tsittam Shri Yam, Kuru Hum, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho, Bhagavan Vajrasattva, Ma May Mutsa, Vajrasattva, Bhava Maha Samaya Sattva Ah Hung Phat.We dedicate this merit-virtue to all beings so they may realize limitless contentment-equanimity-detachment (Maha Upeksha), compassionate wish for enlightenment on behalf of all beings (Bodhichitta), ultimate wisdom perceiving reality (Maha Prajna Paramita Anuttara-Samyak- Sambodhi). Namo Arya Sheng - Nong - Jivaka - Charaka - Nagarjuna - Jian Zhen Shr - Da Xin Fa Shr - Shen Kai Shang Ren Shr - Hsuan Hua Shang Ren Shr - Upasaka Vasant Lad Vagbhata Namaha . "From these Gurus and the Three Precious Gems I take safe direction with myself clear as a Bodhisattva holding Compassion and Wisdom I present you with offerings.

Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Huaand offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696

Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 6 www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.comSource:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc

Page 7: SKT335 Avalokiteshvara 42-Hands-And-Eyes Mantra of Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra GuanYin Chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li

104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he

52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye नमो� (भगवते�) Namo (Bhagavate) वज्र Vajra कु� लस्य। Kulasya|104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li

sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|सव�-परविवद्या�-च्छे�दन�मो�। 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| अकु�ल-मो�त्य�-परिरत्रा�यणी�मो�।

Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य 不【Bù】 動【Dòng】 佛【Fó】 Buddha Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�यUpholding the teachings of Sutra and Mantra, I restrain myself from a wide variety of faulty deeds . Amassing within all constructive measures, I benefit beings through the four types of giving - Dharma, Pala, Maitri, Artha." (6x)

Great Compassion Mantra Great White Canopy Syi dan dwo

Bwo da laMaha Karuna Mantra: A line-by-line, word-for-word comparison of the ancient Siddham and modern Sanskrit.

Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Huaand offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696

Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 7 www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.comSource:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc

Page 8: SKT335 Avalokiteshvara 42-Hands-And-Eyes Mantra of Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra GuanYin Chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li

104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he

52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye नमो� (भगवते�) Namo (Bhagavate) वज्र Vajra कु� लस्य। Kulasya|104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li

sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|सव�-परविवद्या�-च्छे�दन�मो�। 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| अकु�ल-मो�त्य�-परिरत्रा�यणी�मो�।

Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य 不【Bù】 動【Dòng】 佛【Fó】 Buddha Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य

You may download the actual WMV Video files of these lectures by visiting:

Source: Hua, Hsuan, Ven., commentary, The Vast, Great, Perfect, Full, Unimpeded Great Compassion Heart Dharani of the Thousand-handed, Thousand-eyed Bodhisattva Who Regards the Sounds of the World, Burlingame, California: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1976.  ISBN: 0917512138 Out of print, but search on and elsewhere.!Bibliography_Namo_Dharani_Sutra_Vast_Great_Perfect_Full_Unimpeded_Great_Compassion_Heart_Dharani.htm


Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Huaand offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696

Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 8 www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.comSource:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc

1.) Na Mwo He La Da Nwo Dwo La Ye Ye Namo Ratna Trayaya I take refuge in the Triple Jewel – Buddha-Dharma-Sangha

2) Na Mwo E Li Ye Namo Arya I take refuge in the most Worthy, Honorable Great Compassion Bodhisattva

3) Pwo Lu Jye Di Shau Bwo La Ye valo kitesh varaya Guan-Yin Pu-Sa

4) Pu Ti Sa Two Pe Ye Bodhi sattwa ya Enlightened being or purity

5) Mwo He Sa Two Pe Ye Maha Sattwa ya Great Purity Great Enlightenment

6) Mwo He Jya Lu Ni Jya Ye Maha Karu ni Kaya Great Compassion Body7) Nan Aum8) Sa Pan La Fa Ye Sarva abhaya Everywhere Fearlessness9) Swo Da Nwo Da Sye Suna dhasya10) Na Mwo Syi Ji Li Two Yi Meng E Li Ye Namo sukrit vé mama Arya11) Pe Lu Ji Di Shr Fwo La Leng Two Pe valo kitesh vara Garbha “Vessel” or “Store” or

“Treasury” “Fetus” or “Matrix”

12) Na Mwo Nwo La Jin Chr Namo Nila kantha Homage to the Blue Necked One

Page 9: SKT335 Avalokiteshvara 42-Hands-And-Eyes Mantra of Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra GuanYin Chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li

104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he

52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye नमो� (भगवते�) Namo (Bhagavate) वज्र Vajra कु� लस्य। Kulasya|104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li

sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|सव�-परविवद्या�-च्छे�दन�मो�। 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| अकु�ल-मो�त्य�-परिरत्रा�यणी�मो�।

Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य 不【Bù】 動【Dòng】 佛【Fó】 Buddha Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य

See also: The Eight Great Bodhisattvas: Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Ksitigarbha, Vajrapani, Bodhisattva, dharani, mantra, Five School of Buddhism - Esoteric

Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Huaand offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696

Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 9 www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.comSource:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc

Page 10: SKT335 Avalokiteshvara 42-Hands-And-Eyes Mantra of Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra GuanYin Chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li

104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he

52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye नमो� (भगवते�) Namo (Bhagavate) वज्र Vajra कु� लस्य। Kulasya|104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li

sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|सव�-परविवद्या�-च्छे�दन�मो�। 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| अकु�ल-मो�त्य�-परिरत्रा�यणी�मो�।

Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य 不【Bù】 動【Dòng】 佛【Fó】 Buddha Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य

Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Huaand offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696

Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 10 www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.comSource:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc

Page 11: SKT335 Avalokiteshvara 42-Hands-And-Eyes Mantra of Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra GuanYin Chenrezig

Medicine Buddha Healing Center Namo Shurangama Mantra 1 Na Mwo Sa Dan Two, 2 Su Chye Dwo Ye, 3 E La He Di, 4 San Myau San Pu Two Sye Namo Pancha Buddha Kula: 104 Chr Two Ni, 105 E Jya La, 106 Mi Li Ju, 107 Bwo Li Dan La Ye, 108 Ning Jye Li

104 Chr two ni 105 E jye la 106 Mi li ju 107 Bwo li dan la ye 108 Ning jye li 544 Da jr two 545 Nan 546 E na li 547 Pi she ti 548 Pi la 549 Ba she la 550 Two li 551 Pan two pan two ni 552 Ba she la bang ni pan 553 Hu syin du lu ying pan 554 Swo pe he

52. Na mwo Ba she la Jyu la ye नमो� (भगवते�) Namo (Bhagavate) वज्र Vajra कु� लस्य। Kulasya|104. Chr two ni 105. E jye la 106. Mi li ju 107. Bwo li dan la ye 108. Ning jye li

sarva- paravidyā-cchedanīm|सव�-परविवद्या�-च्छे�दन�मो�। 105. akāla- 106. mṛtyu- 107-108. pari-trāyaṇīm| अकु�ल-मो�त्य�-परिरत्रा�यणी�मो�।

Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�य 不【Bù】 動【Dòng】 佛【Fó】 Buddha Akṣobhyāya अक्षो�भ्य�यOm Namo Maha Karuna Dharani Mantra. Om Namo Sutra of the Vast, Great, Perfect, Full, Unimpeded Great Compassion Heart Dharani of the Thousand-Handed, Thousand-Eyed Bodhisattva

Avalokiteshvara Who Regards the World’s Sounds: 42 Hands and Eyes Mantras: “For wealth, various gems, and valuables, use the As-You-Will Pearl Hand and Eye Mantra 1 (25): “Mwo la mwo la. Nan. Wa dz la. Wa dwo la. Hung pan jya” “For seeking peace and tranquility in all situations, use the Lariat Krakucchanda's Dharma Jewel Hasta Mantra 2 (62): “Mwo la nwo la. Nan. Jr li lai la. Mwo nai la. Hung pan ja.” “For all internal illnesses, use the Jeweled Bowl Arogya Hasta Mantra 3 (42): “Hu lu hu lu syi li. Nan. Jr li jr li. Wa dz la. Hung pan ja.” “For subduing all wang liang ghosts and spirits, use the Jeweled Sword Subdue Bhuta Hasta Mantra 4 (50): “OMITTED FROM PUBLIC ACCESS” “For subduing

all heavenly demons and spirits, use the Vajra Subdue Asura Hasta Mantra 5 (68): “OMITTED FROM PUBLIC ACCESS” “For conquering all hateful enemies, use the Vajra Pestle

Hasta Mantra 6 (43): “OMITTED FROM PUBLIC ACCESS” “For all situations where there is fear and unrest, use the Bestowing Fearlessness Sarva Abhaya Hasta Mantra 7 (72):

“Nwo la jin chr pan chye la ye. Nan. Wa dz la nang ye. Hung pan jya.” “For darkness and lack of light in the eyes, use the Sun Essence Surya Prabha Mani Netram Hasta

Mantra 8 (32): “Shr fwo la ye. Nan. Du bi. Jya ye du bi. Bwo la wa li ning. Sa wa he” “For sicknesses involving heat and poison, where one seeks coolness, use the Moon Essence

Chandra Mani Jwara Hasta Mantra 9 (28): “Du lu du lu. Nan. Su syi di jya li. Sa wa he” “For promotions in official positions, use the Jeweled Bow Hasta Mantra 10 (39): “Fa she fa shen. Nan. E dzwo wei. Li. Sa wa he.” “For quickly meeting up with good friends, use the Jeweled Arrow Kusala Sangha Hasta Mantra 11 (51) “Pe ye mwo nwo. Nan. Jye

mwo la. Sa wa he.” “For various illnesses of the body, use the Willow Branch Arogya Mantra 12 (35): “Mu di li. Nan. Su syi di. Jya li wa li. Dwo nan dwo. Mu dwo yi. Wa dz la. Wa dz la. Pan two. He nang he nang. Hung pan ja.” “For getting rid of evil obstacles and difficulties, use the White Whisk

Vanish the Piled-Up Killing Karma Hasta Mantra 13 (34): “Mwo mwo. Nan. Bwo nwo mi ning. Pe ye wa di. Mwo he ye re. Ye mwo he ning. Sa wa he.” “For wholesome and harmonious retinues, use the Jeweled Hu Bottle Hasta Arogya Mantra 14 (49): “Nwo la jin chr. Nan. Jye li san man yan. Sa wa he.” “For warding off tigers, wolves, and wildcats, and all evil beasts, use the Shield Hasta Mantra 15 (28): “Fa she ye di. Nan. Yau ge shan nang nwo ye jan nai. La da o be li ye. Ba she ba she. Sa wa he.” If you cultivate the Shield Hand and Eye, you can cross over the sea of birth and death. If you don’t, you can’t. You can cross over the bitter sea of birth and death

through the massive flow of afflictions.” “For avoiding difficulties with the law at all times and in all places, use the Ax Law Medicine King Bodhisattva Hasta Mantra 16 (64): “Syi lu seng e mu chywe ye. Nan. Wei la ye. Wei la ye. Sa wa he.” “For male and female servants, use the Jade Ring As-You-Will Hasta Mantra 17 (41): “OMITTED FROM PUBLIC

ACCESS” “For all kinds of merit and virtue, use the White Lotus Punya Hasta Mantra 18 (27): “Jye meng. Nan. Wa dz la. Wei la ye. Sa wa he.” “For rebirth in the pure lands of the

ten directions, use the Blue Lotus Nila Padma Hasta Netram Mantra 19 (26): “Li two yun. Nan. Jr li jr li. Wa dz la. Bu la pan two. Hung pan ja.” “For great wisdom, use the Jeweled Mirror Prajna Mantra 20 (37): “Shr nwo shr nwo. Nan. Wei sa pu la. Nwo la ge cha. Wa dz la. Man cha la. Hung pan ja.” “For

meeting the Buddhas of the ten directions, use the Purple Lotus Hasta Mantra 21 (40): “Fwo la she ye. Nan. Sa la sa la. Wa dz la jya la. Hung pan ja.” “For uncovering hidden

treasures in the earth, use the Jewel Chest Hasta Mantra 22 (57): “OMITTED FROM PUBLIC ACCESS” “For the Way of the Immortals, use the Five-Colored Cloud Rishi Hasta

Mantra 23 (26): “Mwo shi mwo syi. Nan. Wa dz la. Jye li la. Ja syin ja.” “For birth in the Brahma heavens, use the Pure Bottle Kundi Hasta Arogya Mantra 24 (30): “Two la two la. Nan. Wa dz la. Shr chye lu. Ja syin ja.” “For rebirth in all heavenly palaces, use the Red Lotus Rakta Padma Hasta Mantra 25 (70): “Bwo two mwo jye syi two ye. Nan. Shang jye li. Sa wa he.” “For warding off all invading enemies, use the Jeweled Halberd Hasta Mantra 26 (29): “Mwo he fa she ye di. Nan. San mei ye. Jr ning he li. Hung pan ja.” “For summoning all Gods and good spirits, use the Jeweled Conch Shankha Hasta Mantra 27 (27): “OMITTED FROM PUBLIC ACCESS” “For summoning all the

ghosts and spirits, use the Skull Bone Staff Hasta Mantra 28 (36): “OMITTED FROM PUBLIC ACCESS” “For causing the ten directions Buddhas to quickly come and confer

predictions, use the Recitation Beads Hasta Mantra 29 (38): “Fwo la she li. Na mwo la da nang. Da la ye ye. Nan. E nwo pe di wei re yi. Syi di syi two li ti. Sa wa he.”

“For accomplishing all superior Brahma sounds, use the Jeweled Bell Brahma Shabda Hasta Mantra 30 (33): “Ja la je la. Na mwo bwo nwo syin bwo na yi. Nan. E mi li dan. Yan sheng shr li yi. Shr li nyan li ning. Sa wa he.” “For mouth karma which is eloquent, clever and wonderful, use the Jeweled Seal Hasta

Mantra 31 (24): “Sa pe sa pe. Nan. Wa dz la. Ning dan re yi. Sa wa he.” “For causing the good spirits and dragon kinds to constantly surround and guard one, use the Chi Shih Iron

Hook Hasta Mantra 32 (31): “Di li ni. Nan. E gu lu. Dwo la jye la. Wei sha yi. Na mwo sa wa he.” “For covering and protecting all beings with compassion,

use the Tin Staff Karuna Protection Hasta Mantra 33 (48): “Mi di li ye. Nan. Nwo li ti. Nwo li ti. Nwo li ja bwo di. Nwo li di nwo ye bwo ning. Hung pan jya.” “For

causing all beings to be always respectful and loving towards one another, use the Joined Palms Respectful Kind Loving Hasta Mantra 34 (44): “Syi li syi li. Nan. Bwo na man re ling. He li.” “Syi li syi li. Tripitaka True Words: Nan. Wei sa la. Wei sa la. Heng pan ja.” “For never being apart from the Buddhas throughout all successive lives, use the

Transformation Buddha Hasta Mantra 35 (38): “E la shen. Nan. Jan nwo la. Pe han ja li. Jya li nwo. Chi li nwo. Chi li ni. Hung pan ja.” “For always being present in the

palaces of Buddhas throughout all successive lives and never receiving a body born from a womb, use the Transformation Palace Hasta Mantra 36 (34): “Fa mwo la. Nan. Wei sa la. Wei sa la. Hung pan ja.” “For much learning and extensive study, use the Jeweled Sutra Hasta Mantra 37 (53-56): Syi two ye. Swo pe he. Mwo he syi two ye. Swo pe he. Nan. E he la. Sa la wa ni. Ni ye two la. Bu ni di. Sa wa he.” “For not retreating from the Bodhi heart from this incarnation until one’s incarnation as a Buddha, use the Non-Retreating Gold Wheel

Avaivartika Suvarna Chakra Hasta Mantra 38 (48): “Pu ti ye. Nan. She nwo mi dzwo. Sa wa he.” “For causing the ten-directions Buddhas to quickly come and rub one on the crown,

conferring a prediction, use the Transformation Buddha Atop the Crown Hasta Mantra 39 (49): “Pu two ye. Nan. Wa dz li ni. Wa dz lan yi. Sa wa he.” “For

fruits, melons, and grains, use the Grape Medicine Superior Bodhisattva Draksha Hasta Arogya Mantra 40 (66): “E syi two ye. Nan. E mwo la jyan di ni ning. Sa wa he.” “For

satisfying the hunger and thirst of all living creatures, use the Sweet Dew Immortality Medicine Hasta Mantra 41 (45): “Su lu su lu. Nan. Su lu su lu. Bwo la su lu. Bwo la su lu. Su lu su lu ye. Sa wa he.” “For subduing hateful demons in the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, use the Uniting and Holding Thousand Arms Hasta Mantra 42 (74): “Mwo pe li sheng jye la ye. Nan. Dan ni ye two. Wa lu jr di. Shr wa la ye. Sa pe du shai. Ja ming he me ye. Sa wa he.

Originally transmitted from Arya Nalanda Bhikshu Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and Arya Bhikshu Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Huaand offered freely by American Monk Ven. Losang Jinpa, D.Ayur, Ph.D Buddhist Ayurveda [email protected] (1) 510-292-6696

Berkeley, California, USA Medicine Buddha Healing Center and Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute Page 11 www.Ayurveda-Berkeley.comSource:\buddhist-ayurveda-encylopedia/SKT335_Avalokiteshvara_42-Hands-and-Eyes_Mantra_of_Great-Compassion-Dharani-Sutra_GuanYin_Chenrezig.doc