skills: set sample size and rate in audacity concepts: analog versus digital data, analog to digital...

Skills: Set sample size and rate in Audacity Concepts: analog versus digital data, analog to digital conversion, digital to analog conversion, sample rate, sample size, quality-file size trade off This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. Recording and encoding analog data

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Skills: Set sample size and rate in AudacityConcepts: analog versus digital data, analog to digital conversion, digital to analog conversion, sample rate, sample size, quality-file size trade off

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Recording and encoding analog data

Where does this topic fit?

• Internet concepts– Applications– Technology– Implications

• Internet skills– Application development– Content creation– User skills

Analog data

But, computers require digital data …

Which clock is digital? Analog?

A digital clock

00 0201 03 04 …


Analog to digital converter

Digital to analog converter

Recording and playing sound


10010110 (150)11001001 (201)11000111 (199)…


10010110 (150)11001001 (201)11000111 (199)…

Analog to digital converter

Digital to analog converter

Reading and adjusting temperature


10010110 (150)11001001 (201)11000111 (199)…


10010110 (150)11001001 (201)11000111 (199)…

Sensors for all sorts of things• Speed• Rate of flow• Pressure• Altitude• Acceleration• Motion• Rotation• Temperature• Light level• Sound• Compass direction• Blood pressure• Heart rate• And more …

The Internet of things

Sampling an analog signal

How can we improve the fit of the digital curve? (Hint: 2 ways)

1. Increase the sampling rate

What is the second thing we can increase? Hint: how did we increase the variety of colors in images or symbols in text?

2. Increase the sample size (more bits per sample)

Increase sample rate → quality ↑ file size ↑

Increase sample size → quality ↑ file size ↑

Recording tradeoffs

0 0 A

0 1 B

1 0 C

1 1 D




Increase code bits → quality ↑ file size ↑

Edit > Preferences > Quality

Set default sample rate and size

Set sample rate and size

Analog Digital

What other real world phenomena can we sample and input to a computer?


Self-study questions

At a sampling rate of 8,000 16-bit mono samples per second, what would be the file size for a one minute recording?

How much larger would a stereo recording be?

How much larger would the file size be if we were to sample at 48,000 samples per second?

How much larger would the file size be if the samples were 32 bits each?