sjlv i like these vacuum...

JNDAY, I I ADVERTISEMENTS. l No. 7. No. 21. W b No.65. BEGINNING TO-MORROW-FEBRUARY 7 PECK & PECK call attention to this extraordinary opportunity to purchase their usual high grade hosiery at re- markable price concessions. A few items of especial interest in women's, men's and children's hosiery, also men's scarfs, are listed below, but there are many other very interesting offerings in this sale. For Women-Lot No. 7- Silk Lisle Stockings in black or white. Very good looking and an excellent wearing quality. At 39c a pair, $2.25 a half dozen. Ordinarily 50c a pair. Lot No. 21-Hand-clocked Silk Stockings, of excep- tionally fine quality and handsome appearance. Black or white, with black or white clocks. At $1.25 a pair. Lot No. 65-Fine Richelieu Ribbed Silk Stockings in smoke, navy, silver, gold, flesh, black, white or bronze, (illustrated.) Also plain Silk Stockings in black or white with hand-embroidered clocks, in black or white. Both of superior quality, very unusual at the price. At $1.65 a pair, $9.00 a half dozen. Ordinarily $2.50 the pair. For Men -Lot No. 91-Good weight Silk Socks. Black and all colors. The very best obtainable at the regular price of $S.oo a pair. Now 79c a pair. Lot No. 35-Best wearing heavy weight Silk Socks. Black or colors. At $1.35 a pair, $8.00 a half dozen. Ordinarily $z.oo a pair. English Spitalfields Silk Scarfs in smart and exclusive designs, ordi- narily $2.50, now $1.50. All our scarfs, plain and fancy, that were $i.50 are now 85c each, $5.00 a half dozen. For Children-Lot No. 9-Chil- dren's Ribbed Lisle Stockings. Ex- ceptionally good. Desirable for school wear. In black, white or tan. At 23c a pair, $1.35 the half dozen. Send for Special Sales Folder. PECK & PECK EXCLUSIVE HOSIERY 8-DAY BANJO CLOCK, $6.75 Delivered Prepaid. Thle clock that gracel tile Iloles of our grandparents, made fanous by Elw. K. Willard. Originated over a century ago, its beauty and Ui·. uliir . S i c lmblied with adaptability as a hanging clock for ally roonm, keep it in constant favor. MAHOGANY CASE 8-day time, 167/" high, 4" dial. Decorated glass pan- els. Brass side pieces and Eagle top. $6.75. Beautifully illustrated 68-page catalog 1. show- ing 191 clocks of differ- ent designs, sent upont request. W. H. ENHAUS & SON Jewelers Since 1847 31 JOHN ST., N. Y. Fatigue Wrecks Health Save your strength. O'Sullivan's Heels of New Live Rubber ab- sorb the shocks that wear you out. 448 Fifth Avenue at 39th St. 586 Fifth Avenue at 47th St. New York Clty decorative your home. desigrsare- a u thentic. based upon the exclu- siveness of Rich our period Parlor designs and the qual- Fixture- ity of our fixtures. Old Englfsh. Selling direct from the factory enables us to bring our prices 20% to 35% below those of retailers. Write for Booklet. "Lighting the Home," Or. better still, call at our shoewrooms. Dale Lighting Fixture Co. 111 West 13th St., NEW YORK. |SIG IRE~·9D a5 PFZ OFrE- IT'S OFF HAIR ON FACE Body or under arams positively removed with root. No electricity, pain nor poisonous drugs. Absolutely harmless. Write for particulars; free demonstra- tion at Mme. Berthe, 12 West 40th St., New York. ADVERTISEMENTS. I I A LDIE--I::NS ADVERTISEMENTS. Many Values Like These Mark Hathaway's Sale It has been our fixed purpose to make this February Sale a fitting cli- max to our most successful Fall and · | Winter Season, and we have planned accordingly. The result is apparent in the profusion of special offers. In the Dining and Bed-Room Suites and in the other Library and Living Room | Pieces, the price range is as low as indicated $21 50 by the few pieces il-. lustrated here. $65. o 00 ft Den ' m. J.Ath abaway Company 62 est 45 t h Street,NerYork "P'urtilure of the Better Kind." -r T"For the IWornan who cares" -®--- My Lady knows that in- telligent care of the skin means retention of the youthful bloom and charm of a beautiful complexicn and dainty hands. For this purpose nothing equals pLEXO INCOMPARABLE C R EAMS These two essential creams are scientifically prepared to be used in conjunction with each other. They will produce results obtainable in no other way. 25c & 50c. Greaseless Cream Cleansing Cream Protects the skin from chap Incomparable for ridding the and wind burn: imparts to the pores of all impurities; will give complexion the velvety bloom of the pure, clear complexion of youth. perfect beauty. PL£)CO EVENSING WHlTE-Imparts that soft, pearly white tone to arms, throat and shoulders. Un- surpassed for the evening toilette and dansant. DOES NOT RUB OFF and absolutely defies detection. EaSily applied with a damp sponge. An absolutely harmless cream. 35c. Per Tube. At Drue and Denartment Stores. 11 I ST. VALENTINE'S DAY ARE YOU GIVING A PARTY? DO YOU WISH TO DECORATE YOUR TABLE IN THE TENDER SPIRIT OF ST. VALENTINE? We have a very pretty display of Favors and Novelties and Table Decorations for the occasion. Red Heart Candy Boxes Metal Arrows Pretty Valentines Paper Napkins Tally Cards Fancy Ice Cases Dinner Cards Salted Nut Cases Snapping Mottoes Silver Novelties China Cupids Dressed Kewpies Heart Doylies Wishbones Fancy Hats Extensive Variety at Moderate Prices B. SHACKMAN & CO., B06-908 Broadway, N. Y. . "The UnAque kO Bet. 20th and 21Hst Sts. "The Unique Favor and Novelty House" Dame Fashion Decrees That yon shall show those allurin7g r(1 ms--sliv themi simt- ply alnd exquisitely? bare itn the evening and wlith but a filmy lace shield for the daylight hours. Which means, of course. a fore- arm and underarm as smooth and soft as your cheek. For decades famous beauties have been using No. 4711 Depilatory as the easiest and safest method for removing superfluous hair--just as you, too, will find it eminently sat- isfactory for attaining a skin clear and smooth and free from hair. If you. or your friends, have been vainly endeavoring to eliminate hair growth by cutting, you will doubly enjoy No. 4711 Depilatory. Made and guaranteed by the manu- facturers of the other world-famous .- TT TOILET PREPARATIONS. No. 4711 Depilatory comes in one size only-an attractive 3-inch bot- tle, complete with orange-wood spat- ula for mixing and applying, and full directions. The price per bottle is 75c at your favorite dry goods store or druggist. Mulhens & Kropff, 25 WEST 45TH STREET, NEW YORK. *Why Have Gray or Faded Hair? HENNA D'OREAL New French Discovery ohich is composed ,f pulver- I ized Henna and Herbs, pro- ' vides the only harmless color- f' ilg in the world. Not affect- ed by previous dye. Will not ol a stain scalp or rub off. All shades, easy to apply.v . Price, Postpaid $1.10. ~ Blond Henna for lightening hair that has grown dark, Price, $2.00. Sold and applied by B. PAUL, Hair Coloring Specialist, 38 W. 38th St., N.Y. Phone Greeley 790 I II In buying "Lebolt" Hand Wrought Silver, you make your purchase direct from the maker and designer, and econ- omize accordingly. Made of sheets of Solid Silver, a highly appreciated gift i . ha.n solidA silver in Ie ubouoc ul lanu irouugit l Silver" are countless other gift sug. gestions. Send for your copy to-dy. LEBOLT ADVERTISEMENTS. II VACUUM CLEANERS Our Annual February Sale of Vacuum Cleaners Is Now On. LARGEST assortment in the world to select from. The sensational reductions apply to 75 different kinds of Hand Power and Electric Vacuum Cleaners. Every known make of Cleaner is on our price lists. NOTHING RESERVED Note the Following Partial List HAND-POWER CLEANERS P. & W. Hand-power Long Tube Style Suction Cleaners; guaran- teed for 2 years. Former price, $6.00. S a e $ .75 . price ... ............ Duntley Combination Pneumatic Vacuum Cleaner and Carpet Sweepers;, very popular. For- -mer price, $8.00. Sale $3.95 price ................. Bissel Combination. Was Q $9.00. Now ........ - Premier Combination, considered by us to be the best.Combination Carpet Sweeper and Vacuum Cleaner sold today. $6.90 Was $10.00. Sale price $69 Twenty Other Kinds of Hand-Power Cleaners at Big Reductions. Send coupon for complete price list. FREE COUP -- NO. 13D Muenzen Specialty Co., Newv York: Without obligaton' to me, send me a pamphlet entitled "How to Select a Vacuum- Cleaner" and -complete price li- of sale prices on Vacuum Clea s to be operat- ed by ...... .... Power.<.-- Name ........................... Address ..................... j NOTICE: "Arrow" indicates space to be filled by the words "Hand" or "Electric," as the case may be. ELECTRIC CLEANERS Eureka Electric-Former price, $40.00. Sale price ................................ Magic Electric-Former price, $38.00. Sale price ................................ Frantz Premier-Former price, $27.50. Sale price................................. Baby Hoover (motor driven brush)-Was $40,00. Sale price ................................ Western Electric No. 11-Was $32.50. Now ..................................... Liberty (also known as Columbia) was $25, now $19.75. Ohio was $30, now $25.50. Send today for complete price list. Our enormous purchases from manufacturers enable us to buy "right" and our plan of selling DIRECT TO YOU saves you the big commissions usually paid to agents, can- vassers and small dealers. In addition to saving you money we give you service part of $29. 50 $29.5s $22.75 $32.75 $26- 75 Royal was $30, now $24.75. Cadillac was $30, now $24.75. Monarch was $75.00, now $65.00. which consists of advising you impartially. SEND NO MONEY NOW Just send coupon for copy of "How to Select a Vacuum Cleaner." It contains much val- uable advice. When we send it we will tell you about our FREE TRIAL OFFER Special attention to out-of-town. mail orders and inquiries for information. We pay all Express Charges. Send coupon now. In connection with above sale-of new Cleaners we are having a sale on agents' samples, shop-worn, and used Cleaners. These Cleaners will be sold only to customers calling at our 42d St. offices. Prices as follows: Arnold Electric was $35, now $7. Magic Electric was $38, now $13. Richmond Electric was $35, now $10. Monarch Electric was $75, now $29. Eureka Electric was $35, now $13. Duntley Electric was $75.00. now $35. Frantz Premier Electric was $25, now $12. And many others, all fully guaranteed. We Bent, Repair, and Exchange All Makes of Cleaners. Muenzen Specialty Co. 131 W. 42d St., One Flight Up. Downtown Branch. Booth 53, Between Broadway and Sixth Ave., Hudson Terminal Concourse, 'Phone 6310-6311 Bryant. 30 Church St. 4 As The Foot is bent so it will grow. Blyn Plan Shoes give the feet free- dom to grow right and the protection to keep them from growing wrong. Yet they cost no more than ordinary shaped shoes of equal quality. PaetCl Patent Colt and Gun Metal Sizes 5 to 8 .... 1.75 81/2 to 1 ... 2.00 11/2 to 2...2.50 Tan Russia Calf Sizes 5 to 11 .... 2.00 111/2 to 2 .. 250 Our Fulton Street (Brooklyn) Store Our Fulton Street (Brooklyn) Store is now located at 442-444 Fulton Street (Old Milkman Building), Opp. Bridge, near Hoyt Street. Across the street from our old store. Newark f 689 Broad Street Store t Opposite Military Park M a - Alail Order ; ^Dept. 2240 U RANTEE O 3d Av, West Side Stre st Side Stores 222-224W 2I5th Sat 3 d Av. and 122d St. t 3d Av., nr. 86th St. 6th Av. & 27th St. 3d Av., 150 & 151 Sts. 8th Av., nr. 39 St. 162 Bowery, nr. Broome. Brooklyn (B'way. bet- Park and Ellery Sts. Stores: 442-444 Fulton St., op. Bridge St. iBroadway, near Greene Ave. Factory 511-519 East 72d St. III A arden Full I adio°li I Gl.o I The Gladiolus is one of the most -satis factory flowers grown be- cause it blooms ) continuously when it is cut and put in water, just as well as when in the I & COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO 534 Fifth Ave. State & Monroe. ground. There is no reason why every fam- ily cannot enjoy this grand flower, for the simple reason that it is as easy to grow as the potato. You can have them in bloom from July to frost if you plant a few bulbs each month from April to July. For only ONE DOLLAR we will send 75 Bulbs of our Grand Prize Mixture, which covers every conceiv- able shade in the Gladiolus kingdom. Last year we sold thousands of these bulbs and have received numerous testimo- nials as to their merits. ORDER YOUR BULBS NOW so as to have them to plant when you begin mak- ing your garden. Simple cultural directions in package. Cut out this advertisement and enclose with Dollar Bill, Stamps or Money Order. or present at our Store and secure this splendid collection of Gladiolus Bulbs for only 51.00, prepaid to your home any- where in the United States, with our 1916 Spring Catalogue. 30-32 Barclay Street, New York. I- I .1as i In one month as others have done. Supporter holds sagging F, chin muscles in natural pos- l tlon during sleep. Snoring pre- I vented. Light, durable, wash- able. Free leaflet, or send $1, Cotton Appliance; $2, Linen. Cora M. Davis, Dept. A, 30 E. 42d St.. N. Y. C. 7ARTBRQZ." -,PROPDUCTS Book Rocks, Boudoir Lamps. Ash Trays, Paper Welghts, Statuary, Portables. Catalog illustrating al- most 200 Art ,Subjects Free on request. KATHODION BRONZE WORKS - 501 Fifth Ave., New York SRTOP Japanese R 'n a, Call, irite or phone Rose Gold- 3 Dia- for tree catalogue, sthe BLtt » BOOK of monds, 10K Slid jewelry, diamonds. Gold, $15.25: 14K silverware. ratcles, Solid Gold, $19.00. cut glass, ivory, novelties. Yo save one-third AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Thousands of splendid jewelry gift for Birthdays, Prizes. Grad- t1 to 1 nations, Weddings....... P 1 I IV CHAS. L. TROUT CO. 170 B'way, Cor. Maiden Lane. N. Y. 2nd floor. Phone Oortlandt 35S6. Open to 6 P. M., Saturdays included . i -N -i Reduce Your Flesh DY wearing one of Dr. ^^ eaine Walter's famous L I rubber garments for men B i and women a few hours a day. This is accomplished by perspiration. Frown Eradicator..$2.00 Chin Reducer ...... 2.00 Neck and Chin Re- ducer ........... 3.00 Bust Reducer ..... 5.00 Abdominal Reducer. 6.00 Brassiere $6.00. Also Union Suits, Stock- Endorsed by lead- ings, &c. Write for ing physicians. booklet. Dr. Jeanne A. B.. Walter, Inventor and Patentee, 353 Fifth Av.. N. Y., Cor. 34th St., 3d door East. Il I1 ADVERTISEMENTS. UA I , , - This artistically carved Louis XVI.- 5-Piece Bed Room Suite in Antique Ivory on solid Mahogany. Consisting of Dresser 44 inches wide, Gentleman's Wardrobe 38 inches wide, Dressing Table 43 inches wide with triplicate French I d A plate mirrors, Twin Beds with panels of cane or wood. The , / drawer work and backs are finely finished in genuine mahogany, J - dust proof construction.- Five pieces at ..................... COMPARE QUALITY OF THIS SUITE WITH OTHERS ADVERTISED. CFodr Children -w and Blucher Styles 10e extra by mail anywhere in the United States. ;t, :I i ma M4 M=L I- I ,,I - f HALF YEARLY SALE OF HOSIERY -11 -- J I I I I N .sJLV . JlLJEi I JL -L" J X.L. I I , ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. IL -1- ·· I I I - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . w w (|----- -- I re - I - 11 - .1 I - a J 1 1IF I 5 11 I I I . u

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Page 1: sJLV I Like These VACUUM offerings in this sale. For Women-Lot No. 7- Silk Lisle Stockings




No. 7. No. 21.

W b No.65.


extraordinary opportunity to purchasetheir usual high grade hosiery at re-

markable price concessions. A few itemsof especial interest in women's, men's andchildren's hosiery, also men's scarfs, arelisted below, but there are many other veryinteresting offerings in this sale.

For Women-Lot No. 7- Silk Lisle Stockings in blackor white. Very good looking and an excellent wearingquality. At 39c a pair, $2.25 a half dozen. Ordinarily50c a pair.Lot No. 21-Hand-clocked Silk Stockings, of excep-tionally fine quality and handsome appearance. Blackor white, with black or white clocks. At $1.25 a pair.Lot No. 65-Fine Richelieu Ribbed Silk Stockings insmoke, navy, silver, gold, flesh, black, white or bronze,(illustrated.) Also plain Silk Stockings in black or whitewith hand-embroidered clocks, in black or white. Bothof superior quality, very unusual at the price. At $1.65a pair, $9.00 a half dozen. Ordinarily $2.50 the pair.For Men -Lot No. 91-Good weight Silk Socks.Black and all colors. The very best obtainable at theregular price of $S.oo a pair. Now 79c a pair.Lot No. 35-Best wearing heavyweight Silk Socks. Black or colors.At $1.35 a pair, $8.00 a half dozen.Ordinarily $z.oo a pair.

English Spitalfields Silk Scarfs insmart and exclusive designs, ordi-narily $2.50, now $1.50.

All our scarfs, plain and fancy, thatwere $i.50 are now 85c each, $5.00a half dozen.

For Children-Lot No. 9-Chil-dren's Ribbed Lisle Stockings. Ex-ceptionally good. Desirable forschool wear. In black, white ortan. At 23c a pair, $1.35 the halfdozen.

Send for Special Sales Folder.



Delivered Prepaid.Thle clock that gracel tileIloles of our grandparents,made fanous by Elw. K.Willard. Originated over acentury ago, its beauty andUi·. uliir . S i c lmblied withadaptability as a hangingclock for ally roonm, keep itin constant favor.

MAHOGANY CASE8-day time, 167/" high, 4"dial. Decorated glass pan-els. Brass side pieces andEagle top. $6.75.Beautifully illustrated68-page catalog 1. show-ing 191 clocks of differ-ent designs, sent upontrequest.

W. H. ENHAUS & SONJewelers Since 184731 JOHN ST., N. Y.

Fatigue WrecksHealth

Save your strength.O'Sullivan's Heels ofNew Live Rubber ab-sorb the shocks thatwear you out.

448 Fifth Avenue at 39th St.586 Fifth Avenue at 47th St.

New York Clty


your home.

desigrsare-a u thentic.

based uponthe exclu-siveness of

Rich our periodParlor designs and the qual-Fixture- ity of our fixtures.Old Englfsh. Selling direct from thefactory enables us to bring our prices20% to 35% below those of retailers.

Write for Booklet."Lighting the Home,"

Or. better still, call at our shoewrooms.

Dale Lighting Fixture Co.111 West 13th St., NEW YORK.


HAIR ON FACEBody or under arams positively removed with root.No electricity, pain nor poisonous drugs. Absolutelyharmless. Write for particulars; free demonstra-tion at Mme. Berthe, 12 West 40th St., New York.




Many Values Like TheseMark Hathaway's Sale

It has been our fixed purpose tomake this February Sale a fitting cli-max to our most successful Fall and

· | Winter Season, and we have plannedaccordingly. The result is apparentin the profusion of special offers. Inthe Dining and Bed-Room Suites andin the other Library and Living Room

| Pieces, the price rangeis as low as indicated

$21 50 by the few pieces il-.lustrated here.

$65. o00 ft Den 'm.

J.Ath abaway Company62 est 45 thStreet,NerYork

"P'urtilure of the Better Kind."


T"For theIWornanwho cares"


My Lady knows that in-telligent care of the skinmeans retention of theyouthful bloom and charmof a beautiful complexicnand dainty hands. Forthis purpose nothing equals

pLEXOINCOMPARABLE C R EAMSThese two essential creams are scientifically preparedto be used in conjunction with each other. They willproduce results obtainable in no other way. 25c & 50c.

Greaseless Cream Cleansing CreamProtects the skin from chap Incomparable for ridding the

and wind burn: imparts to the pores of all impurities; will givecomplexion the velvety bloom of the pure, clear complexion ofyouth. perfect beauty.

PL£)CO EVENSING WHlTE-Imparts that soft,pearly white tone to arms, throat and shoulders. Un-surpassed for the evening toilette and dansant.DOES NOT RUB OFF and absolutely defiesdetection. EaSily applied with a damp sponge.An absolutely harmless cream. 35c. Per Tube.

At Drue and Denartment Stores.



Decorations for the occasion.Red Heart Candy Boxes Metal ArrowsPretty Valentines Paper NapkinsTally Cards Fancy Ice CasesDinner Cards Salted Nut CasesSnapping Mottoes Silver Novelties

China CupidsDressed KewpiesHeart DoyliesWishbonesFancy Hats

Extensive Variety at Moderate Prices

B. SHACKMAN & CO., B06-908 Broadway, N. Y.. "The UnAque kO Bet. 20th and 21Hst Sts.

"The Unique Favor and Novelty House"

Dame FashionDecrees

That yon shall show thoseallurin7g r(1 ms--sliv themi simt-ply alnd exquisitely? bare itn theevening and wlith but a filmylace shield for the daylighthours.Which means, of course. a fore-

arm and underarm as smooth andsoft as your cheek.

For decades famous beauties havebeen using No. 4711 Depilatory as

the easiest and safest method forremoving superfluous hair--just asyou, too, will find it eminently sat-isfactory for attaining a skin clearand smooth and free from hair.

If you. or your friends, have beenvainly endeavoring to eliminate hairgrowth by cutting, you will doublyenjoy No. 4711 Depilatory.

Made and guaranteed by the manu-facturers of the other world-famous


No. 4711 Depilatory comes in onesize only-an attractive 3-inch bot-tle, complete with orange-wood spat-ula for mixing and applying, andfull directions. The price per bottleis 75c at your favorite dry goodsstore or druggist.

Mulhens & Kropff,25 WEST 45TH STREET, NEW YORK.

*Why Have Gray or Faded Hair?HENNA D'OREAL

New French Discoveryohich is composed ,f pulver- Iized Henna and Herbs, pro- 'vides the only harmless color- f'ilg in the world. Not affect-ed by previous dye. Will not ol astain scalp or rub off. Allshades, easy to apply.v .

Price, Postpaid $1.10. ~Blond Henna for lighteninghair that has grown dark,

Price, $2.00.Sold and applied by

B. PAUL, Hair Coloring Specialist,38 W. 38th St., N.Y. Phone Greeley 790


IIIn buying "Lebolt" Hand WroughtSilver, you make your purchase directfrom the maker and designer, and econ-omize accordingly. Made of sheets ofSolid Silver, a highly appreciated gifti .ha.n solidA silver

in Ie ubouoc ul lanu irouugit lSilver" are countless other gift sug.gestions. Send for your copy to-dy.




VACUUM CLEANERSOur Annual February Sale ofVacuum Cleaners Is Now On.

LARGEST assortment in the world to selectfrom. The sensational reductions applyto 75 different kinds of Hand Power and

Electric Vacuum Cleaners. Every knownmake of Cleaner is on our price lists.

NOTHING RESERVEDNote the Following Partial List


P. & W. Hand-power Long TubeStyle Suction Cleaners; guaran-teed for 2 years. Formerprice, $6.00. S a e $ .75

. price ... ............

Duntley Combination PneumaticVacuum Cleaner and CarpetSweepers;, very popular. For-

-mer price, $8.00. Sale $3.95price .................

Bissel Combination. Was Q$9.00. Now ........ -

Premier Combination, consideredby us to be the best.CombinationCarpet Sweeper and VacuumCleaner sold today. $6.90Was $10.00. Sale price $69

Twenty Other Kinds of Hand-PowerCleaners at Big Reductions.

Send coupon for complete pricelist.

FREE COUP --NO. 13DMuenzen Specialty Co.,

Newv York:

Without obligaton' to me, sendme a pamphlet entitled "How toSelect a Vacuum- Cleaner" and-complete price li- of sale priceson Vacuum Clea s to be operat-

ed by ...... .... Power.<.--

Name ...........................

Address ..................... j

NOTICE:"Arrow" indicates space to be filled

by the words "Hand" or "Electric,"as the case may be.

ELECTRIC CLEANERSEureka Electric-Former price, $40.00.

Sale price ................................Magic Electric-Former price, $38.00.

Sale price ................................

Frantz Premier-Former price, $27.50.Sale price.................................

Baby Hoover (motor driven brush)-Was $40,00.Sale price ................................

Western Electric No. 11-Was $32.50.Now .....................................

Liberty (also known as Columbia)was $25, now $19.75.

Ohio was $30, now $25.50.

Send today for complete pricelist. Our enormous purchasesfrom manufacturers enable usto buy "right" and our planof selling

DIRECT TO YOUsaves you the big commissionsusually paid to agents, can-vassers and small dealers. Inaddition to saving you moneywe give you service part of


$32.75$26-7 5

Royal was $30, now $24.75.Cadillac was $30, now $24.75.Monarch was $75.00, now $65.00.

which consists of advising youimpartially.

SEND NO MONEY NOWJust send coupon for copy of

"How to Select a VacuumCleaner." It contains much val-uable advice. When we send itwe will tell you about our

FREE TRIAL OFFERSpecial attention to out-of-town. mail orders and inquiries for information.

We pay all Express Charges. Send coupon now.

In connection with above sale-of new Cleaners we are having asale on agents' samples, shop-worn, and used Cleaners. TheseCleaners will be sold only to customers calling at our 42d St. offices.Prices as follows:Arnold Electric was $35, now $7. Magic Electric was $38, now $13.Richmond Electric was $35, now $10. Monarch Electric was $75, now $29.Eureka Electric was $35, now $13. Duntley Electric was $75.00. now $35.Frantz Premier Electric was $25, now $12. And many others, all fully guaranteed.

We Bent, Repair, and Exchange All Makes of Cleaners.

Muenzen Specialty Co.131 W. 42d St., One Flight Up. Downtown Branch. Booth 53,Between Broadway and Sixth Ave., Hudson Terminal Concourse,

'Phone 6310-6311 Bryant. 30 Church St.


As The Footis bent so it will grow.Blyn Plan Shoes give the feet free-

dom to grow right and the protectionto keep them from growing wrong.

Yet they cost no more than ordinaryshaped shoes of equal quality.


Patent Coltand Gun MetalSizes5 to 8 .... 1.7581/2 to 1 ... 2.0011/2 to 2...2.50Tan Russia Calf


5 to 11 .... 2.00111/2 to 2 .. 250

Our Fulton Street (Brooklyn) StoreOur Fulton Street (Brooklyn) Storeis now located at 442-444 FultonStreet (Old Milkman Building), Opp.Bridge, near Hoyt Street. Across thestreet from our old store.

Newark f 689 Broad StreetStore t Opposite Military Park

M a -AlailOrder

; ^Dept.2240


West Side Stre st Side Stores222-224W 2I5th Sat 3 d Av. and 122d St.

t 3d Av., nr. 86th St.6th Av. & 27th St. 3d Av., 150 & 151 Sts.8th Av., nr. 39 St. 162 Bowery, nr. Broome.

Brooklyn (B'way. bet- Park and Ellery Sts.

Stores: 442-444 Fulton St., op. Bridge St.iBroadway, near Greene Ave.

Factory 511-519 East 72d St.


A arden FullI adio°li

I Gl.o IThe Gladiolus isone of the most

-satis factoryflowers grown be-cause it blooms

) continuously whenit is cut and put inwater, just as wellas when in the



534 Fifth Ave. State & Monroe.

ground.There is no reason why every fam-ily cannot enjoy this grand flower,for the simple reason that it is aseasy to grow as the potato.

You can have them in bloom fromJuly to frost if you plant a fewbulbs each month from April to July.

For only ONE DOLLAR we willsend 75 Bulbs of our Grand PrizeMixture, which covers every conceiv-able shade in the Gladiolus kingdom.

Last year we sold thousands of thesebulbs and have received numerous testimo-nials as to their merits.

ORDER YOUR BULBS NOW so as tohave them to plant when you begin mak-ing your garden.

Simple cultural directions in package.Cut out this advertisement and enclose

with Dollar Bill, Stamps or Money Order.or present at our Store and secure thissplendid collection of Gladiolus Bulbs foronly 51.00, prepaid to your home any-where in the United States, with our1916 Spring Catalogue.

30-32 Barclay Street, New York.

I-I .1as i

In one month as others havedone. Supporter holds sagging F,chin muscles in natural pos- ltlon during sleep. Snoring pre- Ivented. Light, durable, wash-able. Free leaflet, or send $1,Cotton Appliance; $2, Linen.Cora M. Davis, Dept. A, 30 E.42d St.. N. Y. C.

7ARTBRQZ." -,PROPDUCTSBook Rocks, Boudoir Lamps.

Ash Trays, Paper Welghts,Statuary, Portables.

Catalog illustrating al-most 200 Art ,SubjectsFree on request.

KATHODION BRONZE WORKS- 501 Fifth Ave., New York


Japanese R 'n a, Call, irite or phoneRose Gold- 3 Dia- for tree catalogue,sthe BLtt » BOOK ofmonds, 10K Slid jewelry, diamonds.Gold, $15.25: 14K silverware. ratcles,Solid Gold, $19.00. cut glass, ivory,

novelties. Yo saveone-third AT WHOLESALE PRICES.

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