sinister sculptor quiz 2

Sinister Sculptor Quiz - Part 2

Upload: dana-archer

Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Sinister Sculptor Quiz - Part 2

Q: Who were the two other famous people in the sculptor’s wagon?

A: Donald and Mickey!

Q: What happened to Princess Calla?

A: She was frozen!!!

Q: What did Cavin need to help Calla?

A: The magic tablet!

Q: Did Grammi and Gruffi stop fighting?

A: Yes! They worked together!

Q: Who finished the tablet?

A: It was Gruffi!

Q: Who said the magic words?

A: It was Grammi!

Q: What does King Gregor wear?

A: He wears a crown!

Q: Why does Calla like the Gummi bears?

A: They are cute!

Q: Which one animal does the sculptor not freeze?

A: His horse!

Q: Why doesn’t he freeze the horse?

A: It pulls his wagon!