simple steps to optimum health

BY RODDY MACDONALD FOUNDER & MANAGING DIRECTOR OF WATER FOR HEALTH LTD SIMPLE STEPS TO OPTIMUM HEALTH THROUGH BODY ACID ALKALINE BALANCE “All disease comes from the same root cause ........ excess tissue acidityDr Theodore Baroody Alkalize or Die

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There have been major advances in natural medicine over the past few decades including an increasing awareness of the vital role acid alkaline balance has on our health and well-being. This impacts on our energy levels, our immunity and the rate at which we age. In fact several leading researchers and natural health doctors have stated that it is the root cause of all disease.


BY RODDY MACDONALD FOUNDER & MANAGING DIRECTOR OF WATERFOR HEALTHLTD SIMPLE STEPS TOOPTIMUM HEALTHTHROUGH BODY ACID ALKALINE BALANCE All disease comes from the same root cause ........ excess tissue acidity Dr Theodore Baroody Alkalize or Die 1 Contents Introduction 2 Personal Story 5 Body Acid Alkaline Balance What are the benefits?7 You Are Responsible11 Where am I now? Determine your current body acid alkaline status.12 Salivary pH Test12 Urinary pH Test13 Nutrition:Give your body real food and it willrespond positively.14 Fruit and Vegetables15 Sugar16 Protein17 ArtificialAdditives17 Raw Diet18 Overeating18 Moving Forward19 Good Water: The bodys most vital nutrient.20 Salt Villain or Lifesaver?25 Good Fat Bad Fat27 Role of Concentrated 'Greens'29 Stress: Control it or it willkillyou.31 Detoxification: Get rid of toxic acidic waste.33 The Power of the Mind35 Vitamin D: The sunshine vitamin.37 Exercise40 To Supplement or Not Supplement?41 Summary42 Appendix 1 -Recommended 43 Appendix 2 -Acid Alkaline Food Table 45 Appendix 3 -Resources 48 This book is only produced for educational purposes and represents the opinions, observations and research of the author who is not medically trained.Anyone considering implementing any suggestions of a medical or nutritionalnature should discuss withtheir trained health practitioner. Copyright reserved 2012 - Water for Health Ltd. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited withoutthe writtenpermission of Water for Health Ltd. 2 Introduction To get through the hardest journey we need only take one step at a time, but we must keep stepping Chinese Proverb Disease is not normal. We are wonderfullydesigned to live healthy, energetic and vibrantlives.However,wehavebeenconditionedtobelievethatdisease is normal and that itrequires complex solutions. Many of the solutions are actually very simple and itis extremely sad to see so manypeople suffering needlessly the effects of illhealth when there are simple changesthatcan be made whichwill repayhugedividends.Weareincreasinglyconditionedtobelievethatmost disease is genetic, and although our genes do contribute to our levels of wellness, correct choice in terms of diet and lifestyle canoften defy the negative impact of ourgenetic programming.Geneticengineeringhas spawneda massiveindustry but has neglected the big picture of holistic health. There havebeenmajor advancesinnaturalmedicine over the past few decades includingan increasing awarenessofthe vitalroleacid alkaline balancehas on ourhealth and well-being. This impacts on ourenergy levels, ourimmunityand the rate at whichwe age.Infact several leading researchers and naturalhealth doctors have stated that it is the root cause of all disease. Many traditionalallopathic medical doctors stillcling tothe viewthat, except in extreme situations, the bodys buffersystems willadjust the body pH tocorrect levels of balance, no matter what. However recent independent research suggests that this is not the case.Modern living, particularlythe typical western diet, leads tolongtermdisturbanceofacid-alkalihomeostasisresultinginalow-grade chronicacidosis.Researchhas connected thisimbalance todiseasessuch as osteoporosis, kidney stones and rheumatoid disorders. However more and more healthprofessionals inthenaturalmedicinesectorlinkthisdeviationofpH towardsacidityastheroot cause ofourmoderndayepidemics:diabetes, cardiovasculardisease,cancer,arthritis,autoimmunedisorders,hormonal disorders,chronicfatigueandmostgastrointestinaldisorders.The underlying problems behind these diseases may be multi-faceted but there is no doubt that a disruptioninacid alkaline balance exists when thesedisorders occur. Focusingoncorrectingand maintainingyourbody'spH balancewillbringsignificant benefits. The fact that you have downloaded thisreportsuggeststhatyouare readytotakeresponsibilityfor yourownhealth;youareactively looking for solutions. 3 This report - willgive you an introductionto the subject of body acid alkaline balance; - willhelp you assess your current acid alkaline status; - willhelp you identify areas where you can take action; - willprovide you witha list of resources we have found helpful Hopefully, itwillstimulate yourinterestininvestigating the subject more fully. We hope it brings you some insight as to your current health problems and shows you the simple steps you can take to bring about the positive change you want. We firstrecommend you read through the reportin its entiretyand then reread it focussing on one ortwoareaswhere you can startworkimmediately.This will encourage you to continue to take steps along the road to optimum health. We are designed tobehealthy,wearenotmeanttobesicksoirrespectiveofyour currenthealth status take responsibilityforyourhealth and be inspiredtotake action: the rewards are immense. Please notethatthisreportisnotaboutmanaging disease. This reportdoesnotoffermedical advice and youareadvised toconsult yourhealthpractitionerif you are making changestoyourlifestyleoryourdiet. This reportis prepared to share informationwhich the writer,whoisnotmedicallyqualified,hasfound helpful personally andhas seen numerous other people benefiting from. Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease Hippocrates 4 My Personal Story Likemanyotherpeople workinginthenaturalhealth sectorIbecameinterestedandlaterinvolvedthrough having to find solutions for my own health problems. During the 1980s while in my early 30s I was debilitated withME orchronicfatiguesyndrome.Thiswas inthe early years of recognition of ME and was stillregarded by manyas beingallinthemindorwasreferredtoas yuppiesdisease.Infairness mymedicaldoctorswere supportive and didtheirbest to help. However they really did not haveanything to offer and Iwas increasingly toldthat I would haveto live withit. At that time you were told that if you had suffered for more than 5 years withthe disease your chances of ever recovering were slim. Thankfully I did not buy into that thinking. Duringthe80s Iconsulted many otherhealthpractitionersinadditiontomy medicaldoctor.Itried acupuncture,homeopathy,herbalism,kinesiologyand particularlyosteopathy and chiropractic to relieve the problems of back pain that accompanied the problem.Thesealso gave a measure of reliefbut did not really give the lasting solution Iwas looking for. Inadditiontothe muscle pain, brain fogandpoorimmunity,mybloodpressurewasextremelyhigh.Fortunately losing weight and improvingdiethelp tonormalise that. Inthe decadepriorto contractingME Ihad suffered fromrecurrentthroatand chest infectionswith numerous courses of antibiotics, whichIbelieve was a majorcontributortothe onset of ME. AtonestageI followedaglutenfree,dairy freediet recommended bya kinesiologyanddidnoticeasignificantimprovementparticularlyindigestive function. I had suffered withirritablebowel syndrome since my teens. In 1990 I visited a medical doctor who was in private practice and who was using Vegatesting. Itwas my firstintroductionto mind bbody medicine.His testing highlighted a number ofemotional issuesthatneededtobe acceptedand dealt withinadditiontousing homeopathic remedies toaddress the physical issues I was stillsuffering from. He encouraged me to read a couple of books, one being Louise L Hays book Youcan heal your life and Tony Robbins bookAwaken the giant within. I was fortunate to have encountered a doctor that was free from the blinkers of most western medical doctors. Changesindiet,lifestyleand thinkingdida huge lottoimprovemywellbeing. However itwas atthisjuncturethatmyinterestinnaturalhealthwas really engaged and from them on I have read extensively. During my years withME Iwas neverdebilitated forlengthy periods of time as somepeople are, symptoms abated and recurred and Iwas always able to keep 5 working, albeitas Iwas self-employed throughthese years and able tovary my work routine to fit in withmy health. About 2002 I picked up a copy of the book Ph Miracle by Microbiologist Robert Young. Itimmediatelymade sensetome. AtthattimeIwas involvedinthe environmentalsector-primarily inindustrialwastewatertreatment. When operating biological waste water treatment plants there are twoparameters that are criticallyimportant, one is the pH level the other is the oxygen concentration of the water.Consequently the pH Miracle book madesense to me. I realised that if pH and oxygen levels were critical for bacteria in a waste water treatment plant they must also be critical for us also since we are biological systems. I then began researchingthesubjectfurtherandimplementingfurtherchangesand appropriatesupplementation. This again had a furtherbeneficial impact on my health. Myjobwasparticularly demandingandinvolvedextensivetravelling both nationallyand internationally. Iwas able tocope withthislevel ofactivityin stark contrast to15 years previous when somedaysitwas a major challenge to contemplate travelling10 miles intothe nearest town. Iwas glad I never bought into the thinking that I had no option but to learn to live withmy health problems. The company Iwas a directorofwentintoadministrationin2004and Iwas forced totake up employment forthe firsttimein27 years. Ihad always been eitherself-employedora directorof my own business. Employment didnotsit easily withme particularlyworkingwitha large multinationalcompany where decision making was lengthy and bureaucratic. In2006IvisitedthemainEuropean watertreatmenttechnologyexhibition lookingfornewtechnologies formyemployer.OnenteringtheexhibitionI passedthe Korean pavilionand was askedby an exhibitorifIwas interested in antioxidantwater.Ithoughtwhatisheonabout.Thatnightthepenny dropped and the followingday Ivisited all the companies fromKorea who were offering alkaline antioxidant water technologies. In realitythey were probably in the wrong exhibitionsince this was primarilyan industrial andmunicipalwatertreatmentevent.I evaluatedanumberof products, decided on one, brought in a small supply for testing and on the basis of my results handed in my notice and formed Water for Health Ltd. I was then able to workinthe sector thatIhad becomedeeply interested in, natural health and wanted toshare my findings withotherpeople and show whatwas possible to help people maintain or regain health. At Water for Health Ltd we gradually introduced other products to our range with the focus being on quality products which enhanced body acid alkaline balance. Over the years changesindietand lifestyle helped me to regain my health from chronic fatigue and poor immunitywhen Iwas toldIwould just need to learn to livewithit.However alkalizing didhelp me inotherways also inparticular 6 significant improvements indigestive health. MyIBSproblems are fortunately now history. Drinkingalkalinewaterandtakinggreens andafewkeysupplements has become part of my daily routine. Itserves me well in helping me keep functioning at a pace which would not have been possible 25 years ago. My ownexperience hastaught me thatpropernutritionwitha focuson proper bodyacid alkalinebalancecan pay enormous healthdividends. Iconsistently hearfromclientsandcontacts thathaveadoptedthese principlesandhave markedly improved theirhealth and the qualityof theirlives. Some of these had life threatening health challenges. Ifirmlybelieve thatifyou give a sick body what itneedsthe body willrespond and heal itself.The crucialthingbeing tounderstand itsneedsand dowhatit takes to meet that need at every level. Holistic health is the resultofaddressingimbalancesat many levels. We have beenwonderfullycreated and Ibelieve designedtolead healthy energetic lives. Sickness is not normal. Regretfully modern medicine has few answers to todays plague of degenerative diseasesprimarily offeringdrugstomasksymptoms.Ihadnowishtobe consigned toalifeofmedicationwith oftenserioussideeffects andwould encourageeveryone toconsider thevitalrolethatgood nutrition andproper hydration can have on health. We all want to live healthy, pain free, fulfilling lives. Goodnutritionfocusing on proper body acid alkaline balance is in my view is a crucial partofit.Ihopethisshortebookhas stimulatedyourinteresttoexplorefurther and begin totake steps towardshealth. IfI can be ofhelp toyou inany way pleasefeel throughtoget intouch throughmy web site alldont think disease THINK HEALTH. Disease is just a signal from the body that there is an imbalance that needs to be corrected. That imbalance could be nutritional, in our lifestyle or in our thinking. Addressing the imbalance, rather than suppressing symptoms, is vital to achieve optimum health. 7 Body Acid Alkaline Balance What are the benefits? All disease comes from the same root cause, excess tissue acidity Dr Theodore A Baroody Alkalize or Die. There is no doubtthatourbodies are wonderfullydesigned.We are extremely complex biochemical systems. Our body pH is one measure of the health of these biochemical systems. Sowhatdo we mean when we talkofpH?Technically thisstands forpotential hydrogen and is a scale used to measure the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution and thus determine the relative acidity or alkalinityof that solution. The scalerunsfrom0to14.A pH of7.0isneutral,values below7are acid (more hydrogen ions)with0being themostacid,values above 7arealkaline(less hydrogen ions) with14 being the most alkaline. The scale is logarithmic and each wholenumberchange representsatenfoldchange in theconcentrationof hydrogen ions.So,a reading of9 is 10times more alkaline than a reading of8 while a reading of 4 is ten times more acidic than a reading of 5. 8 When we refer to the pH of the body we are talking about the pH of body fluids. The body's fluids can be divided into two groups: intracellular fluid fluid found inside the body's cells extracellular fluid fluid found outside the body's cells made up of a) interstitialfluid , the fluid which surrounds the cells b) blood plasma, the fluid which makes up our blood. The ideal pH of our blood is 7.365, which is very slightly alkaline. Our body works hard to maintain a blood pH between 7.35 and 7.45. If blood pH drops below 7.35 itresults in a condition called acidosis and if itrises above 7.45 a condition called alkalosis occurs. Ifblood pH continues to fall below 6.8 or rise above 7.8 the end resultmaywellbedeath.Slightdeviationsfromtheidealvaluecanhave profound effects on our health. Three major mechanisms are used to maintain blood pH: Buffer Systems. Control the concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood by reacting withweak acids and alkaline salts.There are three majorbuffer systems: Protein buffer system Carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system Phosphate buffer system The Respiratory System - Increases or decreases the respiratoryrate to increase or decrease the amount of carbon dioxide (acid) exhaled. TheRenal system-Controlstheamountofhydrogenionsexcretedbythe kidneys. 9 Traditionalthinkingwasthatthebody would maintain blood pH withlittle impactontherestofthebody.This may wellhave been thecase whenwewere hunter-gatherersbuttoday,forthe majorityofus,ourtypicaldiettends towardsacidityresultinginlongterm stress on the buffer systems which are our body's firstresponsetomaintainingbody fluidpH.Thismeansthatweare continuallyborrowingfromthebuffers' alkaline reserveswithoutfully paying backleading to a gradual depletion. Inthe longtermthismayresultinchronic diseaseas alkalinemineralsarestripped fromourbonesand muscles toneutralise theexcessacidityleadingtoimpairment ofourbonestructure,connective tissue and muscles. We all want to live long, healthy, energised livesandalthoughbodybiochemistryis complex we do notneed tounderstand it Modern agriculture and food- preservation methods have done serious damage to the human diet. The detrimental effects on the human body caused by acidic wastes from processed food and chemical additives are myriad. By- products of the food we eat, acidic wastes are the common denominator in all degenerative diseases. When acidic wastes accumulate, they can cause organs to malfunction and break down. Balancing the bodys acid- alkaline pH factor is a dynamic way to improve health. The Acid- Alkaline Balance Diet explores this exciting new treatment in alternative medicine. Felicia Drury Kliment Author of Acid AlkalineFood Balance Diet to improve our overall wellbeing. Body biochemistry and imbalances of body pH areaffectedbylifestyle,nutrition,psychology,environmentalfactorsand medication.(Wedonotadvise anyone tostoporaltertheirmedicationwithout consultingtheir doctor). There is lotswe can do tohelp canceloutthe negative effectsof modern living and simple changestoourlifestyleand nutritioncan have a significant positive impact. We discuss someof these changesinthe followingchapters butlets get started by replacing the belief that disease is normal withthe belief that we are designed to live healthy, happy and meaningful lives. Althoughitisincreasingly stressed thatdiseaseisgenetic itdoes notalways followthat if you have a genetic susceptibility you willget the disease. Changes to lifestyle and nutritioncan offset genetic weaknesses. Some of the benefits that people have experienced through improvingtheirbody acid alkaline balance are: Improved immunity Increased energy levels Reduction of pain - Wherever there is pain there is acidity Dr Robert Young, microbiologist and author of the pH range of books. Better control over blood sugar levels 10 Reductions in elevated blood pressure Improved mobility Reductions in cholesterol levels Improved ability to survive cancers Improved skeletal health with reductions in osteoporosis and arthritic pain Improved digestion and the reduction of gastrointestinal painas a result of acid reflux, ulcers and bowel problems Improved nutrient uptake and better detoxification Weight loss if overweight - excess weight is an acid problem! This is by no meansan exhaustive listbut someof the areas where people have experiencedimprovementswhentheyaddressunderlyingacidalkaline imbalances. According to the research of Dr Enderlein, our bodies can only be healed of any chronic illness when our blood is at a normal or slightly alkaline pH Michael Lam, M.D. 11 You Are Responsible Mosthealthypeoplehaveaveryimportant commoncharacteristic-theytakepersonal responsibilityfortheirhealth. They do not give away that responsibilityto anyone: doctors and health practitionersare theirservants nottheir masters. Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice William Jennings Bryan Many people have abdicatedresponsibilityfortheirhealth.Regretfully thishas beenencouraged over the last 50 + years by a medical care industrywhere the dominantstrategyhas notbeen toidentifyandcurehealthchallengesbutto medicate todealwiththesymptoms.Littleefforthas been directedtowards diseaseprevention: after all the real moneyis madein managingand maintainingdiseasenotinpromotingwellness.As a consequencemany people have been consigned to a lifetime of medication which in many instances could be avoidedbydietaryandlifestylechanges.Takingpersonalresponsibilitywill encourageand empoweryoutoexamine alltheoptions-and thereare lotsof options-foryourhealthandfollowthestrategy thatisbest foryou.Taking personalresponsibilityisthefirst thingyouhavetodoinyourpursuitof wellness. Makea commitment to yourself that from now on you are in charge, and starting right now take personal responsibility for your health. You are responsible for what you eat, and drink You are responsible for what you think about You are responsible for your habits, good and bad You are responsible for controlling your home environment as far as you possibly can. Takingpersonalresponsibilityistremendouslyempowering.Whenyoutake personal responsibilityforyourhealth you willbegin to makethe choices which willmove you towards your goal optimum health. Itdoesnot matter what your current health status is: Youmay behealthyand wanttomaintainthathealth ensuring a lengthy life span of quality living. You may have a life threatening illness You may have minor health niggles You may have a chronic health condition Wherever you are take personal responsibility and begin to make the choices that willmakea massive difference to your health. 12 WhereamInow?Determineyourcurrentbodyacidalkaline status IsyourbodyspHoutofbalance?Howcanyoutell?Youmaycurrentlybe suffering many of the effects of a body which is out of balance yet be unaware of the rootcauseofyourproblems.So,the firstthingyou need todo is ascertain yourbody'scurrentpositionandthiswillthenallowyoutomonitor improvements as you go along. The ideal way to monitoryour body pH is by venous blood analysis over a period of time. This willgive you an accurate picture of your acid alkaline balance. Most doctors, however, willbe reluctant to do that and private tests canbe expensive. The alternative, which willgive you an indication of the status of your body pH, is to checkthe pH of your saliva and urineover a period. Itis importantto do this over a period to see the trend rather than on a single reading which is unlikely to reflect an accurate picture. Special pH test stripsare available thatare calibrated between a pH of 4 and 9 suitable for testing the pH of urine and saliva. The following is the protocol recommended by Dr Michael Lam in his bookbeating cancer with Natural Medicine. Salivary pH Test Just wet a piece pH test paper withyour saliva two hours after a meal and match itagainst the colour scale. This willgive you a reflection of yourstate of health. Although saliva is generally more acidic than blood, itis a fairlygood indicator of health. Ittells you what your body retains. Salivary pH is a fair indicator of health for extracellular fluids and their alkaline mineral reserves. The optimalpH forsaliva is6.4to6.8.A reading lowerthan6.4indicates that there is not enough alkaline reserves. After meals, the saliva pH should rise to 7.8 orhigher.Ifthere is no increase,itwillimplythatthe body has a deficiency in alkaline minerals especiallycalcium and magnesium,food willnotbe absorbed and assimilated well.To deviate froman ideal salivary pH foran extended time willlead to illnesses 13 Ifthe salivary pH level remains too low,we should take more fruits,vegetables and mineral water and avoid strong acidifiers suchas sodas, whole wheat and red meat to maintain its balance. Urinary pH Test The pH of the urine is an indication of how well the body is working to maintain a proper pH of the blood. It reflects the efforts of the body via the kidneys, adrenals, lungs and gonadsthroughthe buffersalts and hormones. The urinealso shows thealkalinebuilding(anabolic)andacidtearingdown(catabolic)cycles.By taking urinesamples, we canget a fairlyaccurate pictureof ourbody pH asour kidneysfilter outthebuffersalts ofpHregulation.The same litmustestcan provide blood pH estimates based on what the body is eliminating. The urine pH can vary from around 4.5 to 9.0 but the ideal range is still 5.8 to 6.8 To increasethealkalinityinourblood,wecan consumethese foods: almonds, aloe vera, apples, apricots,beepollen,buckwheat,grapefruit, honeylettuce,millet,parsley,raisins,peaches, pineapple,soyproducts,sproutedseeds, crookedspinach,turniptops,wakamemiso soup, azuki beans and mineral water. GettinganestimationofyourcurrentpHlevel willgive you a pointto workfromand may also explainwhyyouarefeelingthewayyouare now.You can then startmaking simple changes tomake the difference thatyou need and want. Measuring improvements inbody pH balance as youstarttoimplementandmaintainthese simple changeswillhelpkeep youfocusedand theactualimprovementsyoufeelshouldhelp keep you on the right path. Now we can go on to look at someof the major areas that are contributingto imbalance of body pH and biochemical functioning and someof the simplechanges youcanmaketoregainyour health. Special pH test strips are available for urine and saliva pH testing. 14 Nutrition: Give your body real food and it will respond positively. Itis often said thatwe are what we eat, but is more accurate to saythatwe are what our bodies metabolise. ThetypicalWesterndiet,highinanimalproducts,sugarsandrefinedand processedfoods can lead tochroniclowgrade acidosis.Ourbodyisacidic in function withmany essential metabolic reactions producing acid residues. This is added tobyacid residues fromfoodbreakdown: every foodbreaks downinto either acid or alkaline residue withinthe body. The body is equipped, withinreason, to dealeffectivelywiththeseresidues however thedietarytrendtowardshigh proteinintakecombined withlowfruit andvegetableintakehasledtoan imbalancewithwhichourbodies struggle todeal some experts believe thataftersomanyyearsofahunter gathererdietourbodieshavenotyet evolvedtodealwiththismodern, relatively new, trend. Unless we know and use foods that have the right chemical elements needed to sustain health we are hopelessly unable to resist disease. Dr. Bernard Jensen Author of Guide to Body Chemistry & Nutrition Ideallywewanttoeat 20-30%ofacid formingfoods and70-80%ofalkaline formingfoods.However most ofourdiets are theopposite witha significantly higher proportionoffood intakecoming fromacid formingfoods.As a general guideline most animal products, processed foods, sugar products, grains, alcohol andcigarettes areacidformingwhilstmostfruit andvegetablesarealkaline forming. Although many proponents of an alkaline diet recommend a vegetarian orvegan approach,Iamnotconvinced thatthisisidealforeveryone.Some people appear to need some meat in their diets to prosper. Forexample thedigestibilityofvegetableproteinislowerthanthatofanimal protein, heme ironfrom meats is well absorbed compared to non-heme ironfrom plants,and some people need moreproteinthanothers intheirdiet.Forbest effect you may want to ascertain your metabolic or nutritionaltype before setting upyourdietplan.You willfinda linkwithintheresourcessection togive you more information on metabolic typing. 15 Fruit and Vegetables Itisalso truethatmostpeople need togreatlyincrease theirconsumption of fruitsand vegetables particularlythe latter. The government (UK) recommend 5 portionsoffruit andvegetables perdaybutthisshouldberegardedasa minimum requirement and ideally you should aim for 2-3 portions of fruitand 7- 8 portions of vegetables per day. Fruitandvegetables providetheprincipal alkalinemineralscalcium,potassiumand magnesiumandarepackedfullof phytonutrientswithmany healthpromoting attributesincludingantioxidant,anticancer Truly the vegetable kingdom contains our best medicine Henry G. Bieler, M.D and ant-inflammatoryproperties. Ideally you should use organic produce bought locally topreserve as much ofthe nutritionalvalue as possible.Ifyou have the space, why not try growing your own? Your dietcan impactthemanner inwhichbloodflowsthroughyourbody.An acidic diet, whileover workingthe body's buffer system, is also likelyto be high incholesterol,saturatedandtrans-fats.Long-term,thiswillimpairblood circulation.Youwill notethattheDietaryApproaches toStopHypertension (DASH)dietshares manysimilaritieswith analkalinediet.Oneofthemain functions of blood is to transportoxygen and nutrientsto the cells and one of the principalbenefitsofcorrectbodypHbalance isthebodys abilitytotransfer oxygenefficientlythroughthe body.This is vitalforimmunityand high energy living. Cancers are known to flourish in low oxygen conditions. 16 Sugar Refined sugar as well as being acidic is considered by some to be a drug and when youconsider theconsumption intheUK and theUSAitwouldappear thatwe may have many addicts. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that hasa dramatic effect on the bodys energysystem.Bloodsugar balance iskeytohavingasteady energy supplythroughouttheday andhighintakesofrefinedsugar causethisbalancetobein continualfluxandmayeventually lead to conditions such as diabetes. Cancer is a sugar-feeder. Learn to cut down the sugar intake (including granular and refined sugar) by up to 90% to create a new sugar environment. You do need food for energy. Change to low glycaemic index complex carbohydrates. Cut off all soda pop, most grains, rice and potato. Dr Michael Lam, M.D Ideallyeveryone should eliminatesugar fromtheirdiet,thisincludes biscuits, cakes,sweets,softdrinks(whichareparticularly acidifying),alcoholandall refined carbohydrates suchas white pasta and white rice. This can be particularly challengingformost people toachievebutwillhave a profoundeffect onyour body so start withlittlesteps. Itis probably the one nutritionalrecommendation that willhave the biggest impact on our wellbeing: Substitutewholegrainsforrefinedgrains-tryquinoa,wholegrainpasta and brown rice. Use safe sweeteners suchas raw honey, Xylitolwhich is now commonly available insupermarkets and Stevia ifitis available inyourcountry both of these may have other health benefits. Avoid artificialchemical sweeteners suchasaspartame (Irecommend that you read the book Sweet Poison by Janet StarrHullifyouareinanydoubt), sucraloseand saccharinwhichalthough bannedasanadditiveinCanadais commonlyusedinmanyother countries. Nuts and seeds,hummus and vegetable sticks / oatcakes / rice cakes rather than sweet cakes and biscuits. The main waste product from the anaerobic breakdown of glucose by cancer cells is lactic acid, which may explain why the body of a cancer patient is so acidic, in contrast to the naturally alkaline body of a healthy person. Andreas Mortiz Author of Cancer is not a Disease Drink water and herbal teas instead of soft drinks tryfreezing herbal teas as ice lollies in warm weather, the fruitones work best. Don't skip breakfast. You may start craving junk food or sugary snacks. Other benefits of eliminating sugars include: 17 Helping to control the candida Albicans (yeast) infection which is associated with many debilitatinghealth problems. Candida Albicans infections are implicated in manydebilitating healthcomplaints.Candidaandother parasiticinfections which feed on sugars,flourishinacidic conditions and add furthertothe acid load onthebody inthattheymetabolise yournutrientsand dumptheirtoxic, acidic waste in your body. Eliminating sugars and focusing on an alkaline diet will greatlyhelp tocreate conditions inthebody thatare less hospitable forthese harmful microorganisms to flourish. Protein Most of us eat much more proteinthan we require most people willonly need 0.8g of protein per kg of body weight tryto thinkof a portionof meat protein as thesizeofapackofcards.Ifeatingmeat,eatgoodqualitymeat,ideally organically grownand concentrateon whitemeats such as chicken and turkey. Limitred meat as muchas possible, tryto reduce consumption to once or twice a week, and eliminate processed meats suchas bacon, hamandsausage which have been linked to cancers. Note also that pork is the most difficultmeat to digest, is a potentialsource oftheparasiticinfectionand as such should be avoided.Fish offersagoodalternativetomeat,with oilyfishbeingparticularlybeneficial. However itis best to avoid shellfish which are often toxin laden. Their function in the environment is to purify the oceans. However ifyouaresufferingfroma serious healthchallengeyouwouldmost probably be better to focus on getting your proteinfromvegetable sources. Good concentratedprotein productsusing pea protein,alfalfaprotein,riceproteinand spirulinaare an excellent proteinalternative withan amino acid profilesimilartohuman muscle. Artificial Additives Aim toeat asnatural a dietaspossible and if youachievethisyouwillhave automatically eliminatedartificialadditives.I'vealready mentionedavoidingartificialsweetenersbut therearemanymoreartificialadditivesout there including MSG,artificialfood colourings, BHA,BHT,nitrites,sulphites and benzoates theseareimplicatedinfoodallergiesand intolerances,hyperactivityinchildrenand certaincancers.Artificialadditivesdo nothingtoimprovebodyacidalkaline balance. 18 Lightlysteamingorstir fryingvegetablesare Raw Diet Many people advocatea raw diet asthis conservesthe maximumnutritionalvalue andindeedformanyfoods cookingwilllessenthe nutritionalcontentofthe food.Rawvegetarian diets have been enormous helpto lotsofpeopleandin particularpeoplesuffering fromserious lifethreatening conditionssuchascancers. Juicingvegetablesandfruits isagreatwaytogivethe bodygreatalkalizing nutrition. preferableformanypeople. Incold,northernclimates warmingfoodsareoften essentialtomanypeople especially inwinter.Take a sensible approach andlearn toreadyourownbody's reaction tofood and you will learn what is best for you. Many cancer sufferers havefound a rawdietto be particularlyhelpful. However all of us would benefit if we consumed at least 50% of our diet from raw foods. Note: The antioxidant nutrientlycopene found intomatoes is increased and also made more digestible by cooking. Overeating Itis interestingtonote thatone ofthebest things most people inthewestern worldcan do to improve the quality of theirlife and extend theirlifespan is to eat less. Overeating, particularlyof the wrong type of foods, increases the production of harmfulfree radicals whichare damaging toourbody. Additionallythe extra weight you end up carrying puts stress on your body's organs and is the basis of manymedicalcomplaintssuchasdiabetes,cardiovascularproblemsand increased cancer risk. 19 Moving Forward Althoughmostmedicaldoctors acceptthatnutritioncanplayan importantpartinmaintaininghealth, fewaccept thatgoodnutrition can activelyheal thebody.The powerof goodnutritionisoftenoverlooked although thereare many people who willtestifytothe fact thatthey have healedtheir bodies,oftenfromlife threatening diseases,using onlygood nutrition.Thisdoesnothappen overnight.Thereisnonutritional magicbullet,noquickfix:change throughnutrition isa processand if you wish totest the power of nutritionthen you havetocommit to thelonghaulandfocusonquality nutritionforlife.Thismayseem daunting but you willprobably notice smallchangesprettyquicklymore energy, better sleep, better mood, and a heightened sense of wellbeing. Because properpH is essential for the performance of so manyvital functions, your body has a built in set of mechanisms that constantly work to maintain proper acid alkalinelevels. But as hardas it may try, the body cannot always achieve and preserve properpH When an individual consistently eats a diet that is largely acidifying- as is often the case in Western countries- the body is forced to carry out its many function s in an unhealthy acid environment All too often the result of this situation is a variety of health disorders that over time can lead to the development of chronic degenerative disease Dr Susan E Brown and Larry Trivieri JR From the Acid Alkaline Food Guide Moving towards a more alkaline diet should be a gradual process unless you are sufferingfromalifethreateningconditionwhenyouneedtotakeserious concertedactioninconjunctionwithyourhealthpractitioner.Gradually eliminateunhealthy food choicesand increaseyourconsumption ofvegetables and fruits. You willbegin to experience the benefits of these gradual changes and this willmake furtherchanges easier to implement and so the cycle willcontinue witheachbenefitmotivatingyoutotake moreaction and toenjoy even more benefits. Inthe resources section at the end of this reportwe haveincluded a number of booksthatyoumightfindhelpfulinchoosing andpreparingfoodsthatare healthy foryou. You willalso finda listof common foods and whether they are alkalizing oracidifyingonthebody.What isimportanttonote isthatitisthe alkalinityoracidityofthefoodafteritismetabolised thatisimportantnotits acidity oralkalinitybefore itis eaten. As an example lemons and limes are very acidic fruits but when metabolised leave an alkaline reserve in the body. 20 Good Water: The Bodys Most Vital Nutrient Probably thesimplest thingthateveryone can dotoimprovetheirhealthand helpbodyacid alkaline balanceistodrinkplentyofgood health givingwater. Regretfully most people are dehydrated which has very negative implications for our health in both the short and the longer term. Our bodies are typically70% water, consequently itis vitallyimportanttokeep that water healthy ifwe are to keep the cells inour body, which are surrounded bywater,healthy.Ourbrainsare85%waterandareparticularlysensitive to dehydration- that is why brain fog and memory impairment is increased when we are dehydrated. Other than alkaline reduced water I also make various kinds of water with healing power. In addition, some kinds of natural water have miraculous healing powers. I am continuing to conduct research in order to prove effectiveness of these various waters. In experience I experience incurable diseases (by modern medicine) being cured by water every day. Nothing would be better if the water we drink every day in show treatment effects in chronic diseases and make people healthy. Water will defiantly become a new breakthrough for modern medicine, which seems to have reached a limit. Professor Won H. Kim, Author of Water of life - a Cure for your body. DrBatmanghelidj,an enlightened medical doctorwhotrainedinLondon under Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, carried out extensive research and lectured internationallyon the health benefits of water. Hewent on to write several books on the subject. In his book Water & Salt he stated: Aftermuchclinicalandscientificresearch,myunderstandingisthatearly indicators of acid burns in the interiorof cells and potential genetic damagethat can takeplace aredifferentformsandintensitiesofpain.Depending onthe degree of dehydration as wellas the extent and location of acid buildup inside the cells - when greater flow of water should have cleared the acid from that area - the classic pains of the body are produced... Heartburn Dyspeptic Pain Anginal pain Lower Back Pack Rheumatoid joint pain Migraine headaches Colitis Pain Fibromyalgic Pain Morning sickness during pregnancy Bulimia Water plays the role of the untiring of carrier of light energy and heat. First and foremost it is carrier of all substances that sustain life. Viktor Schauberger,Author of Fertile Earth 21 Many people have concerns aboutdrinkingpublicsupplywaterandalthough most ofitinthe UK and the developedworldis subject toextensivetreatment thereareincreasingconcerns aboutlowlevelsofpollution andparticularly hormones and drug residues - both legal and illegal. Although these may only be present in very low concentrations itis not yet known what harm ingesting these may causeinthe longer term.Consequentlyitis best tofiltertap waterbefore drinking.Themostpopulartypesoffiltration systems arebased oneither filteringusing activated carbon or using reverse osmosis membranes. ReverseOsmosissystemswillremove allcompoundsand ions fromthewater, but have the disadvantage of leaving the water slightlyacidic, which is not water that is best for your body.In my view this water is pure dead water and not the type of water that is best for our bodies. Activated carbon filtrationwillabsorb the majorityof organic pollutants suchas benzene, pesticide residues and hormones in addition to removing chlorine. They often form a part under-sink inline system as well as simple jug filters.Itis worth notingthatjug filtersusing activated carbon and ionexchangeresins leave the water acidic after filtration. They are fine, ifyour primaryconcern is to stop your kettlefurringupbutnotideal ifwhatyou are lookingforis the best waterfor your health. Shouldyoudrink bottledwater? By drinkingbottledwater you are avoidingtheprincipalpollutants thatcanbefoundintapwater. Howeverthereiscausefor concern ifplasticbottlesareleft exposedtodirectsunlightwhich canpotentiallybreakdownthe plastic releasing DEHPand DEHA intothe water. Although free from pollutantsbottledwatersdonot containthevitalenergyofgood healthpromotingwater. Environmentallyitisalso apoor optionwithhightransportcosts andsignificantmountainsof waste plastics. Overthelastfewdecadesthere hasbeenconsiderableresearch intothetherapeutic propertiesof water.Sincethe1960sthe Japanesehavebeenresearching thepropertiesofalkalineionized wateranddevelopingprocesses 22 withsignificant health benefits. As a result millionsof people in Japan, Korea and otherfareastern countries drinkthiswaterona dailybasis tomaintaintheir health. It is also used in clinics often treating very serious health problems. Professor Won H Kim, an Oxford University trained microbiologist and a leading Korean authorityon the therapeutic benefits of water, listed in his book Water of Life - a Cure For Our Body' six characteristics that good water should have: 1.Water should be free of any contaminants harmful to the human body. 2.The water should contain an appropriate amount of minerals required by the body. 3.The water needs to be alkaline. 4.It requiresbeingabundantin hexagonal water which makeswater structure compact. 5.The watershouldhave theabilitytoeliminatereactive oxygen species (free radicals), which are a major contributorto degenerative disease. 6.The water has to have good energy. Unfortunately tap water, bottledwaterand most filteredwaterdoesnotsatisfy many of these criteria. Experts haveconcluded that the miraculous waters from many famous sources contain these characteristics naturally, which is what gives them their healing power. Sincetheearly1960stheJapanesehavebeendevelopingelectronicwater ionizers to produce the type of water that is ideal forthe body and gives healing benefits.These ionizerssplitthewaterintoalkalineandacidic fractions.The alkaline water stream has many of the benefits listed above. The most cost effective way to alkalize and ionize water is probably the special jug filter which uses bio ceramic minerals to beneficially change the properties of the water you fill it with. In appearance they look similar to ordinary jug filters which are inclined to leave the water acidic after filtration whereas alkaline jug filters produce high alkaline pH water with anti-oxidant properties. 23 However inrecent years theresearch has moved towardsusing thenaturalenergetic propertiesof mineralssuchastourmaline,jadeandrare mineralstocreate waterwhichsupplies thevital propertieslistedabove.This is nowbeing utilised inanumberofsimpledevicessuch as jugfilters andportablewaterionizers,bringingthehealth benefitsofalkalineionizedwaterwithinthe financialreachofeveryone.These systems are much morecost effective thanelectronicionizers and providegreat results. Ifyou already have an existingreverseosmosissystemoraninline carbonfiltration systemyoucanincorporatean alkalizingcartridgeintoyourexistingsystemto turn your water into filtered alkaline ionized water. Although most people putgreat emphasisonthealkalinityofthewaterthisis probablynotthe most importantattributeofthiswater. Itscompactstructure giving better hydration, its abilityto neutralise harmful free radicals and the good energy thatthe minerals transmitintothe waterare at least asimportantifnot more important than the change in alkalinity. InRussiathereistechnology being used basedonthestructureofwaterforboth environmentaland health applications.In thehealtharea itisbeingused totreat peoplewithradioactivepoisoningand thereisnodoubtoverthecoming years moreandmorewill beheardaboutthe healingbenefitsofproperlystructured water. Our bodies are 70-90% water, so finding ways to increase the alkalinity of the body is vital to health Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. Author of The Magnesium Miracle There are a number ofkey misconceptionsabout the roleofwaterinthe body and thesemisconceptions have probably led tomillionsof people suffering and dying prematurely. Inhis last great book 'Obesity Cancer and Depression - How Water CanHelp Cure TheseDeadlyDiseases' DrBatmanghelidj expandson four of the most common misconceptions; Dry mouth is the only sign of dehydration in the body. Actuallydrymouthisnotasigntorelyon.Thebodycan sufferfromdeep dehydration inside its cells withoutmanifesting a dry mouth symptom etc. Waterisasimpleinertsubstancethatonlydissolves,circulatesdifferent things and ultimately fills up the empty spaces. It has no chemical role of its owninthe physiologicalfunctionsofthebody.All chemicalactionsin the body are performed by the solid matter that is dissolved in it. 24 Water is nota simple inertsubstance.Itis the single most complex element in nature. Thehumanbodycanregulateitswaterintakeefficientlythroughouta persons life. This too is incorrect. As we grow older we lose our perception of thirstand fail to drinkadequately untilthe plumlikecells invitalorgans becomeprune likeand can no longer sustain life etc. Any fluid can meet the bodyswater needs: all manufactured beverages and fluids will serve the body in exactly the same way as water. Thisisprobablythemostseriousofallmistakeswhenit comes to fluid management of the body. This mistake is background toall the health problems of our society at present. How much should we drink? The volume of water that you should drinkon a daily basis willbe dependent on your weightandtoacertainextentontheclimate.AsageneralruleDr Batmanghelidj recommended that you drinka half ounce (14ml)forevery pound (45kg)ofbodyweight.Thistranslates to3litresofwaterforatwohundred pound person (90kg). Watershouldbeconsumed throughoutthedaybutatleast 500mlshouldbe taken firstthing inthe morning to replace waterlost duringhours of sleep. Itis best to drinkseparate from our food: ideally at least a half hour before meals or at least 2 hours after. What is essential along withthe water you drinkis to maintain body electrolyte levels the next section looks at the vital role of good salt. As youbegin toagain drinkgood water,yoursenseofthirstreturnsand you begin tofeel the energy levels risinginthe body.Nothing can take the place of drinkinggood healthy, alkaline water. Itis the most importantthing you can do to help promote better body acid alkaline balance.Dr Robert Young, biochemist and authorof the pH Miracle range of books saysIfpeople ask me whatis the one thingthey can do toimprovetheirhealth,myanswer is Drinkalkaline ionized water. 25 Salt Villain or Lifesaver? Therehas been lotsofadvice inrecent yearstoreduceourdietarysaltintake and thishas,insome people,becomeso ingrainedthat all saltisperceivedas 'bad'.Wehaveforgottenthatthebody needssalt to survive and also to maintain our body acid alkaline balance. Not all salt iscreated equal.Ourcommon tablesalt whichis used inmost processedfoods is refined, bleached withchlorine, and Salt is a vital substance for the survival of all living creatures, particularly humans, and especially people with asthma, allergies and autoimmune disease. Dr F Batmanghelidj Author of Water & Salt contains artificialadditives topreventthesalt stickingtogether.Processedsalt shouldbeavoided.AsImentionedbefore,youwanttoeliminateartificial additives from your diet and also to avoid processed/refined foodsso what's your salt alternative? What good salt exists out there? Twogoodchoicesofsaltare unprocessedseasalt orHimalayan rocksalt.Thesecontainawide rangeoftracemineralswhich supplythebodywithessential electrolytes requiredforthe body's day to day functioning. My personal preferenceisHimalayansaltwhich is mined intheunpollutedfoothills oftheHimalayan Mountains.Itis richintraceminerals.My reservation inusing seasalt which Himalayan pink salt is a great natural salt with a wide range of trace minerals. would be the next best choice is the increasingpollutionloadonour oceans. Common table salt hasiodine addedtoitwhich is notthe caseformost natural sea salts orHimalayan Salt.Itisimportantthatyougetsufficientalternative iodine from your diet or you may need to supplement. Mostpeople are aware thatsalthelps regulate thewatercontentofthebody, howeverDrBatmanghelidj inhisbook'WaterandSaltYourHealers from Within'lists numerous functions of salt in the body including: Salt is a strong natural antihistamine. Salt is a strong anti- stress element in the body. Salt is vitalforextracting excessacidity frominside the cells, particularly the brain cells. 26 Salt is vitalforthe kidneys to clear excessacidity and pass the acidity into the urine. Withoutsufficient salt inthe body the body willbecomemore and more acidic. Salt is essential in the treatment of emotional and affective disorders. Saltisessentialforpreserving theserotoninand melatoninlevels inthe brain. Salt, in his opinion, is vital for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Salt is vital for maintaining muscle tone and strength. Salt can be very effective in stabilising irregularheartbeats and contrary to the misconception thatitcauseshigh blood pressure is actually essential for theregulationofbloodpressure-inconjunctionwith waterand minerals. Salt is vital for sleep regulation. Saltisa vitallyneededelement fordiabetics.Ithelps balancethesugar levels inthe blood and reduces the needforinsulininthose who haveto inject it to regulate their blood sugar levels. Salt is vitalforthe generation of hydroelectric energy inall of the cells of the body. Saltisvitaltothecommunication andinformationprocessing ofnerve cells the entire time that the brain cells work from conception to death. Salt is vital for the absorption of food particles through the intestinal tract. Salt is vital for clearing the lungs of mucous plugs and sticky phlegm. Salt on the tongue can help stop persistent dry coughs. Salt is vital for clearing up catarrh and sinus congestion. Salt can help in the prevention of gout and gouty arthritis. Salt is essential for preventing muscle cramps. Salt is vitalin preventing excesssaliva production to the pointitflows out of the mouth during sleep. Osteoporosis may be the result of a water and salt shortage in the body. Salt is absolutely vital to making the structure of the bones firm. Saltcan helpyoumaintainself-confidenceand apositiveself-image-a serotonin and melatonin controlled personality output. Salt can help maintain libido. Salt can help to reduce a double chin. Saltmayhelppreventvaricose veins andspiderveinsonthelegs and thighs. His recommendations in terms of salt intake are to take a quarter of a teaspoon of saltforeverylitreofwateryoudrink.Yoursaltintakeshouldbespread throughout the day, either on your food or, alternatively, add a littleto the water you drink. 27 Good Fat Bad Fat With theamountofresearchlinking high fat diets to heart diseaseand cancerandtheconstantreportagein newspapersandmagazinesit'sno wonderthatmanyofusconclude that fat is bad. Fat,however,isessential tothebody andisthebody'spreferredsourceof energy in addition to its role in hormone production. Whenwespeakofreducingourfat intakeweareespecially talkingabout reducingoursaturatedfatintakeand completelyeliminatingourtrans-fat intake.Asaturated fatissolidatroom temperatureandismainlyfoundin animalproducts.Transfatsare commonlyfoundinmargarineand processedfoodsandinterferewith essential fatty acid metabolism, increase Omega-3s and 6s are required for building the membranes of all cells in the body. EFAs also lubricate joints, insulate the body against heat loss, and prevent skin from drying out. They lower the risk of heart attack and stroke by lowering arteriosclerosis, triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL, and blood clots (including the blood clots that can cause gangrene and blindness in diabetics). The body needsEFAs to make prostaglandins, and prostaglandins are critical to many hormonal actions, inflammatory responses, and chromosome stability Robert O. Young, Ph.D. andShelley Redford Young. Authors of The pH Miracle for Diabetes LDL (thebad cholesterol actually a transportmolecule whichcarries fats and cholesterol fromthelivertothecells) and lowerHDL (thegood cholesterol,a transportmoleculewhichcarries fats and cholesterol fromthe cells tothe liver for excretion or conversion to energy). Asyoumovetoamorealkalinedietyouwill naturallyreduce yourconsumption of saturated fatsanddietarycholesterol,whichisvery beneficial, and should improve cholesterol levels and yourLDL: HDL ratio,whilstreducing your risk of heart disease and hypertension. You need toensure, however, thatyou consumesufficient EFAs, theessentialfatty acidsOmega 3and Omega 6, as the body cannot produce this itself. Ingeneral,wetendtoeat moreomega6than omega 3andweneed toredress thisbalance. Several sources suggest thathumans evolved on aratio of1whereasinthecurrent modern Western dietthe ratiois more likelytobe 15:1. A lowratiohasbeenlinkedtoa reduced riskof manyoftoday'schronicdiseasesandsoitis beneficial to up your intake of omega 3s. 28 Inadditionthese EFAsare knowntobe anti-inflammatoryand protectagainst heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease and skin diseases. Good sources of Omega 3 include oily, cold water fish suchassalmon, mackerel, sardinesand herring.Forvegetarians try walnuts,linseeds, linseed oil,hempoil,chiaseed oil,green leafy vegetables and seaweed. Ifyou prefer to get your omega 3 from a supplement then choosea fish oil froma reputable, high qualityproducer who has removedallthecontaminants.Alternatively considerchiaseedoilwhichisregardedas having thebest balanceofOmega3and 6from any ofthe vegetablesources.However itshould be noted thattoget adequate levels ofDHAand EPA you need to consume fish oil. In addition to its EFA properties chia seed has got a lotof other therapeuticpropertiesparticularlyforthe digestive system. Sources of Omega6 include cooking oils suchas sunflower,oliveoil,processedfoods,egg yolks, grain fed meats, nuts and seeds. Byfollowinganalkalinedietandreducing processed and friedfoods you should loweryour omega 6intakeandimproveyouromega 6to omega 3 ratios. Trials link excessive omega 6 and lack of omega 3 to lower intelligence, higher aggressiveness, impulsiveness, obesity and sex hormones. The list goes on.Evolutionary design seeks to achieve a survival advantage within natures supply levels of new materials. We have broken the supply rules and do not know it. We resupply our bodies with omega 6, upsetting a long held fundamental dietary parameter with dire consequences Robert Brown Author of Omega Six the devils Fat 29 Role of Concentrated 'Greens' GreenVegetableswiththeirhighchlorophyllcontentareavitalpartofan alkaline diet.They are extremely alkalizing,aiddetoxificationand help oxygen transfer through the body. They also supply the body withan extensive range of nutrients. They are vital to build healthy blood. It is an excellent policy to juice green vegetables andgrasses suchaswheatgrassandbarley grass.Freshlysqueezed juicesareextremely nourishingforthebodyandareeasy forthe body to digest. They are particularlygood ifthe bodyisunderstress oryouarecoping witha seriousdisease.Whenstaringtojuicemost peoplefind thattheyneedtomixfruit and vegetable juicesinordertomakethemmore palatable.Asyoubecome accustomed tothe tastes and recognise the combinations thatyou Green Powder is nutrient rich (including easily digested protein) and helps to gently pull your blood and tissues from acidic to alkaline, reaching a natural ideal pH balance Dr Robert Young Author of The pH Miracle like you can increase the vegetable quantities and decrease the fruit. Ifyou need something sweettryaddingcarrotsorbeetrootwhichmake lovelyjuices by themselves. Most people however do not relish the thought of eating green vegetables 3 times perday,and do nothave the timeorinclinationforjuicing.This has led tothe growthofgreensuperfoodmixeswhichcansupplythebenefitsofseveral helpingsofvegetables inasingleteaspoon.Mostofthesesuperfoodmixes combine green vegetables and dehydrated grasses and grass juice powders with algae suchas chlorella and Spirulina and on occasion herbal ingredients togive synergistic benefit. Taking a green superfood mix on a daily basis is a great health strategy to give yourbody densealkalizing nutrition. Some people avoid greens on the basis of taste. However if you mix your green superfood withtwo thirdswater and top it up withyour favourite fruitjuice or smoothie itis actually very pleasant to drink andagreatstarttotheday. Therearenowgreatgreens combinationssuchasGreen VibrancePowder,withthe spectrum ofgreenvegetables, grasses,herbalscombined withVitamin D,probiotics andenzymesgivingyour bodyextensivenutritionto fortifyallthebodysystems andhelpmaintainproper body acid alkaline balance. Fresh Juices have remarkable cleansing and restorative powers. Vegetable juices restore vital mineral (alkaline) reserves to the body and our healing. Bharti Vyas andSuzanne Le Quesne Authors of The pH Balance Diet Thetemperatureatwhichthegreens are dehydrated is vitallyimportanttoconserve nutrientdensity and lifeenergy.The lower thetemperature thebetter.You willseein thepicturehowthelifeenergy inpHresh greensmakesthem stand upmagnetically onaspoon.These greens aredehydrated under 25 degrees Cwhich accounts for their vitalenergy.Interestinglyateaspoonful of greens equatesto3to4servings offresh vegetables so taking green superfood concentrates are a great way to increase the vegetable content of your diet withall the benefits that willbring. Along withplentyofalkalinewater,good saltandessential fattyacids,green superfood mixes formthe foundation of an alkaline diet. They aid detoxification, oxygen transferand provideyourbody withthenutrientsitneedsforoptimal functioning. They help improve immunityand better functioning of the hormonal, cardiovascular,neurological andgastro intestinalsystems.They providewhat youneedtomoveyourbodytowardsitsidealacidalkalinebalance,where disease is really not an issue. 30 31 Stress: Control it or it will kill you. Although dietis a central part oftheacidalkalineequation, andistheareawheremost has beenwrittenabout, stress is a major contributorto body acidalkalineimbalances. Prolonged periods of elevated stress can have anextremely detrimentaleffectonbody biochemistry.Stresscauses biochemicalreactionsin our bodywhichcanhave implicationsthroughoutthe body.Ourbodyhasn'tquite adapted to modern day stress. We get stressed when we're stuck intrafficand late fora meeting. However, our body equates this to our hunter gatherer stress when we were running from lions and tigers.We are putinto'fightorflight'mode and the body shuts downthe systems itdeems unnecessary in a flightsituation. Our adrenal system willgo into overdriveoutputtingthe hormones adrenaline and cortisolwhilstourdigestive and reproductive systems willnot be considered essential and willbe negatively impacted. The stress reactionwas supposedtobeshort-livedbutmanypeople arenow living withchronic stress which puts tremendous pressure on theirbody systems especially the cardiovascular, adrenal and immune systems. Stress reactions are primarilyacidifying so thisstress can have an enormous adverse impact on our body acid alkaline balance. Interestinglythe more acidic ourbodies becomethe lessable we are tohandle stress and consequentlyas wemove thebody intobalancethroughnutritional and lifestyle changeswe are better able to cope withthe stresses that are part of dailyliving.Youcanhelpthisalongbyusingherbalsupplementscalled adaptogens. Thesesubstances help the body to resist stress and include ginseng, rhodiola and ashwagandha. Your local health shop orherbalist should be able to help you inyour enquiries although itis becoming increasingly difficultto access many beneficial herbs inEurope due totheEU Herbal directive,an iniquitous piece of legislation which is supposedly to provide consumer safety but is in fact reducing consumer choice. 32 Inan ideal situationwe wouldavoid stress by removing the source, however asthisis often impossible we need tochangeourattitudeto that stress. We always havea choice: choose to react ornottoreact though we often have to learntechniquestohelpus.Relaxation techniques,yoga andexercise areextremely helpfulincalmingthemindandbodyto reducestresslevelsandimproveourbody acidalkalinebalance.Therearemanydeep relaxationprogrammesavailablethatarea goodinvestmentfor anyonewhoneeds to Repeatedstresses,nomatter what the cause, make a person more prone to adrenal fatigue. The effects of stress is cumulative, and when the individual stressors is quite different James L. Wilson N.D,D.C, Ph.D Author of Adrenal Fatigue The 21st century stress Syndrome bettermanagetheirstress levels. Exercise is probably one of the best, ifnotthe best, therapy forstress and depression, however many people who are suffering from chronic stress willbe exhausted so if you feel that you fall into this category thenfollowa gentle exerciseprogram yoga,Pilates,TaiChiand walkingare suitable. Remember thatalthough exerciseis helpful, strenuous exercise can be a stress on the body. Learn to manageyour time, prioritiseand admit that sometimes you can'tdoeverything.Communicatewiththosearoundyoutoimprove relationshipswithyourpartner,family,friendsandworkcolleagues.Stressis often caused by relationship issues. Most people suffering from high stress levels willbe suffering from an underlying fear. Frequently that fear is totally unrealistic. Fear is justFalseEvidenceAppearing Real.Many ofus have spent toomuch of ourlivesworryingaboutthingsthatneverhappened,withnegative consequencesonourheath.Oftenthe underlyingfear isactually related toour health. As we take personal responsibility,begin tomake betternutritionaland lifestyle changeswe realise thatwe canimprove ourhealth which results inour fear dissipating. When we begin to take responsibilityand realise thatwe are in control of our destiny then this helps stress to dissipate. This in turnwillproduce an additional boost to our health. 33 Detoxification: Get Rid of Toxic Acidic Waste Toxins take many forms and may be: Endogenous i.e. produced as a result of the body's metabolism e.g. urea, ammonia. Exogenous i.e. external to the body e.g. alcohol, drugs Environmental e.g. pesticides, exhaust fumes Natural e.g. solanine from potatoes, cucurbitacin from courgettes Toxinswhicharenotexcretedor madeinactivewill bestoredinthe body and are acidic not alkaline. Signs of toxicitymay take the formof spots, badbreath,headaches,tiredness, irritability,anxiety and rashes.As you movethebodyfromaconditionof acidosistowards proper bodyacid We all know the danger of lead paint, asbestos and carcinogenic particles, but what about all the other more common toxins? Chemicals in foods, cosmetics and household products can negatively affect our health and even cause chronic diseases. Disturbingly, children are often the most vulnerable to health risks associated with chemicals, as feint upsurges in conditions associated with toxins Such as ADHD, asthma and autism reveal. The good news is that there are simple steps you can take t day to rid your home and your foods of the most dangerous chemicals Paula Baille-Hamilton, M.D, Ph.D. Author of TOXIC OVERLOAD alkaline balance the body willnaturallystartto detoxify. Itwillbegin to release toxins, such as heavymetals which are being retained because of the bodys acidic condition. Not onlywillitrelease toxins butwhen the pH of the body is inthe proper range it willuptake nutrients better from your food and supplements. Before detoxifyingitisessential toensure thatyoureliminationchannelsare functioningproperlyas themobilisedtoxinsneed tobeeliminatedfromyour body as quickly as possible. Proper bowel functioning is important, do not start a detoxificationprogrammeifyouarenothavingatleastonenormalbowel movement a day, and ensure that you are consuming adequate fibre and drinking ample amounts of water otherwise toxins willbe reabsorbed into your body. Movingyourdietandlifestyletoamorealkalinedietwillresultinthebody naturallygetting ridofthe toxinsand excessaciditythatisstored inthe body. Detoxificationcanaidthelossofweightas excessfatisessentially anacid problem.Colonichydrotherapyisbecomeincreasinglypopulartoaid detoxification. Ahealing crisistends toproduce symptoms similartothose oftoxicityas the body extracts toxins from the tissues into the blood stream for elimination. These symptoms may make you feel worse than before you started your detox however ultimatelyyouwillfeelbetter!Typicaldetoxificationsymptomsareslight headaches, flulikesymptoms,loosebowel movementsand sometimes rashes. If you experiencesymptoms then rest,drinklotsofwater,consider an enema.If 34 symptoms persist itmay be necessary to slow down your detox or put iton hold for a littlewhile. Somecomplementary practitionersrecommend detoxificationinthespringor summer rather than in winterwhen the 'vital force' retreats and starts rebuilding. Sweating toxins out of the body is a great way to Colon cleansing helps to treat diseases such as severe skin disorders, breathing difficulties, depression, chronic fatigue, nervousness, severe constipation and arthritis. Together with a change in diet and other forms of treatment, the patient will feel much better Michael Lam, M.D. Author of Beating Cancer with Natural Medicine eliminatethem,eitherwith exercise ifthatis possible orwithsaunas/steam baths. The lymph systemdrainstoxinsfromthespace between cells and isdependent onexercisetoeliminate these toxins. Aerobics, briskwalking and Tai Chi willall stimulate circulationbut the best formof exerciseisactually10-20minutesona rebounderorminitrampoline.Rebounderscan beboughtrelativelycheaply andmanycanfit underthebedthoughifyourchildrenhave a trampolinethensimplynegotiate some timeon that.Ifyou are notfittoexercisethen consider locatingamasseusewhoperformslymphatic massage or trya sauna or steam bath. Saunas are considered betterthan steam baths as the dryheat promotes naturalsweating and Far Infrared Saunas are considered best of all. Far infra-red rays are found in morningandeveningsunlightandareeasilyabsorbedbythebody.They penetrate 4-7cm intothe body's tissuesand can activate cells and moleculesin the body, they flush toxins from the lymph system, they normalise blood flow and reduce acidity amongst a host of other benefits. There are centres offeringFar Infraredtherapythroughoutthecountryoryou may wanttoconsider investing inyourown Far Infraredsauna these comein many shapesand sizesand even include portablesaunas.Thesesaunascan be used bymostpeople,even those whocannot utiliseastandard sauna,as the required temperature increase is much lowersittingasitdoesbetween 30-40C compared to a traditionalsauna temperature of 50-60C. Skin brushing is also considered beneficial todetoxification. Deadskin cells can blockpores preventingtoxineliminationviatheskin.Skinbrushes have fairly stiffbristlesand these are used tobrush the skininthe directionoftheheart. Startfromthefeet and continue upthebodyavoiding theface.Skinbrushing should be done on dry skin and ideally followed by a bath to open the pores and allow toxin elimination. To get the best benefit from your bath consider adding Epsom salts start witha fewtablespoonsand buildupto1-2cups.Alternativelyuse Himalayan Saltin yourbath whichwilldrawtoxinsfromthe skin.Alternativelytrya rootginger bath.Add halfa cup ofgrated ginger rootora rounded teaspoonofpowdered ginger toyourbathwatertopromotesweating and toxinelimination.Inboth cases soak in the bath for 15-20 minutes. 35 The Power of the Mind Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and hoping the other person will die. Unknown The mostpowerfulorgan inourbodyis our mind. How we use itis going to have a verysignificantbearingonthequalityof ourhealth inadditionto the qualityof our life in general. Positive thinkingis not a panacea for all lifes problems, but itis a huge help. Itis often said that ourattitudewilldetermine the altitudewe rise to in life. There is probably nothing more importantin our life than our health which is going to be determinedbyourattitude.Positive emotions such as loveandgratitudewill have an alkalizing effect on ourbodies,whilenegative emotions such as anger, guilt and fear are acidifying. An attitudeof gratitude is enormously health promoting. We may feel when we are illthat wehave little tobethankfulforandoften adopt a victimmentality.We allhave lotsto bethankfulforandwhenwebegintolist some of these things itwillhelp to liberate us from these negative feelings. Your emotions affect every cell in your body. Mind and body, mental and physical are intertwined Thomas Tulko Sports Psychologist and Author Louise L Hay in her writingssays that the mental thought patterns that cause the most disease are Criticism, Anger, Resentment and Guilt. To enjoy totalholistic health witha properly balanced biochemistry itisessential toconfrontandrootoutthe negativethoughtpatternsthathavea detrimentalimpactonhealth.Thereare numerousbooksonthemind-body connectiontodisease.Whatisbecoming increasinglyclearisthattoenjoyoptimal healthwith abalanced bodychemistrywe needtobeabletocontrolourthinking. Visualisation techniques canhelp us withthis ascanself-hypnosis,neurolinguistic programmingandcognitivebehaviour therapy.Sometimesjustmakingtimetoget together withfriends and having a good laugh maybeallthat'sneeded laughtertherapy has many adherents.Theseare onlysome of the manytechniquesavailable, we simply havetotakethefirst stepanddoalittle research to see which one suits us. 36 What you continually give to your body with your beliefs or strong feelings, you receive in your body. Every feeling you have saturates every cell and organ in your entire body. Rhonda Byrne Author of the Power One of the most exciting advancesin modern medicine inrecent years has been thegrowthoftechnologies inthefieldof energy medicine. Energy medicine is a very alienconcepttoeveryonewhoviews themselvesaspurely matter. At avery fundamentallevelweareenergysystems. Diseaseisjustamanifestationofan imbalance inourenergy system.Ifweare going toenjoy perfect health whichis what we allwantthen we have got tobringour energy system intobalance.Newadvancesinquantumphysics has ledtothe development of exciting tools suchas Timewaver which accessesthe energy field ofourbodies,highlightsareasofimbalanceandthensuppliesappropriate frequencies to bring our systems into proper balance. This can be a very powerful addition to the changes we are making in our diet and lifestyle. Holistic health occurs when we address issues at every level, physical, emotional and spiritual. Itis the key tohealing- itis the key tooptimalbody acid alkaline balance. Out of clutter find simplicity. From discord find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity Albert Einstein 37 Vitamin D the sunshine vitamin VitaminD,knownasthe sunshinevitaminbecausethe bodymanufacturesit when theskinisexposedto sunlight,isactuallya secosteroidandcurrently thoughttobe morehormone likeinitsaction than vitamin like.Amoleculecalledpro- vitaminD(7- dihyroxycholesterol)is stored intheskinandisactivated whentheskinisexposedto UVBrays fromdirectsunlightproducing vitaminD3 (cholecalciferol).This then needs to be metabolised by the liver and kidneys to the active form of vitamin D3 - 1,25 dyhydroxyvitamin D. Sowhydoweneed vitaminD?Itsmainfunctionistoregulatecalcium and phosphorous absorption and stimulate bone cell mineralisation, insimple terms itworks withcalcium and phosphorous to maintain healthy bones. Itis important formuscle strength,the immune system and general health and someresearch has indicatedthatitmaybehelpfulinpreventingheartdisease,cancer and diabetes. Deficiencycanleadto rickets in children andosteomalacia and osteoporosis. Over the last decade there has beena huge amount of research into the benefits of VitaminD yet ourgovernment has notraised the recommended dailyamountwhichisregarded byleading researchersinthisfieldas being woefully inadequate. Could you be deficient? There arefewfoods whichsupplyvitaminDand those thatdoaremainlyof animal originand supply itin small quantities so we do need to get adequate sun exposure to ensure sufficient levels withinour body. Where doyoulive?IntheUK deficiency iscommon especiallyoverthewinter monthswhenthesun istooweaktogenerate enough vitaminD.Infactitis thought thatduringAutumn and Winterabovethe 37 latitudethe sun is at an angle which minimises UVB rays being absorbed by the skin: this includes most of Europeandalargeproportion oftheUSA(considerthat36.5latitudewas roughly the line used to divide the slave and free states in the USA). As we ageourskin thinswhich results inreduced levels of pro-vitaminD being available forconversion to the active formof vitaminD and this is compounded by the fact that many older adults are houseboundand therefore do notreceive nearly enough sun exposure. 38 Dark skins absorb less UVBrays asmelaninactsasaneffective sunscreen.IfyouareofAfrican or Asian decent now living in less sunnyclimessuchasNorthern Europeyouneedtobewareof deficiency. VitaminDisfatsolubleand anyonesufferingfroman intestinalfatmalabsorption syndromesuchasCrohn's diseaseandcoeliac diseasemaybedeficientthoughinthese casesincreased exposure to sunlight or recommended levels of oral supplementation of vitamin D may notmake a noticeable difference and itwouldbe worthasking yourMD to test for deficiency. Obesity makesvitaminD less bioavailable to the body. As vitaminD is stored in fat cells the body needsto release itfromthese cells to enable utilisation. This is more difficultif stored in deep fat cells. Sunexposurehas had a lotofbad press inrecent years.Many of us wouldnot consider going out in the sun withouta sunscreen, however a sunscreen prevents the sun's UVBrays penetrating the skin so even those who spendmuch of their time outdoors may be vitamin D deficient. Morethaneverweareleading anindoorlifestyle.Mostofusworkindoors, socialise indoors and exercise indoors. Some days our only exposure to the sun's rays is the walk from the front door of the home and office to the car. WithintheUK vitaminD deficiency isverycommon andyoushould consider supplementation toimproveacid alkaline balanceand as a consequencebetter health. To obtain adequate vitaminD productionthe skin should be directlyexposedto sunlight for 10-15 minutes three times a week. Take intoaccount the riskfactors and get your sunlight early in the day or in late afternoon. Expose your shoulders, arms and legs butifyou'reworriedabout wrinklesuse sunscreen on yourface. We recommend as natural a sunscreen as you can find you absorb a percentage of what you put on your skin. Food sources of vitaminD include oily fish: sardines;salmon;mackerel,eggsand mushrooms.Inadditionsome foods have beenfortified with vitamin D. TheUK's DepartmentofHealthbelievethatmost peopleshouldbeabletogetadequate vitaminD fromtheirdietand sun By correcting your Vitamin D deficiency and fixing the acid based imbalance in your diet, you can get a new lease of good health once and for all Dr James E. Dowd, M.D. Author of the Vitamin D Cure 39 exposure. Onestudy, however, tested 7,500 45 year old whiteBritons and found thatalmost90%ofthemwerevitaminDdeficientduringwinterandspring. Recent research found thatmore than 50% of the UK population were deficient with16%severely deficient.Soitseemsthatmostarenotgettingadequate vitamin D from their diet and sun exposure. To maintain acid alkali balance then we suggest thatyou take intoaccount your lifestyleand the factors listed aboveand consider supplementation ifnecessary. Recent studies havesuggested thatindividualsover 40 should take 1,000 IU per day, teenagers and those under 40 should take 2,000 IU per day and 1,000 IU is necessary for children. 40 Exercise I'vediscussed exercisewith respect todetoxificationand stress butitalso has a direct impactonthebody'sacid alkalinebalance.Lackof exercisecanleadto inadequate oxygen uptakein thebodywhereasover exercisecanleadtolactic acidosis.Onceagainitsall about balance. Exercise is not just another lifestyle option for a person who wants to preserve the quality of life and extend his or her productive years as long as possible. Our bodies appear to have been designed to require a minimum level of activity either through work, exercise or both that we dare not ignore. Dr. Jensen Author of the Guide to Body Chemistry & Nutrition Rebounding has beenfound to be 68% more oxygen efficient than other forms of exercise.Itcan be performed bypeople witharthritis(bounce gently fora few minutes)and willpositivelyhelpthose suffering fromosteoporosisbyhelping build bone mass. Jog, jump or simply bounce gently withouteven liftingyour feet from the rebounder. Aerobics is an excellent exercise to increase oxygen levels in the body though you need to make sure that you avoid the anaerobic state which creates the opposite effect. Learn to read yourbody and lowerthe intensityof yourexercising ifyou are breathing veryhard,gettingtiredorgenerally feeling uncomfortable.Yoga, Tao ChiandPilates areallexcellent exerciseswhenrestoringyourbodyacid alkaline balance as all increase oxygen withinthe body withoutover workingthe muscles and causing lactic acidosis. Oneotherformofexercise thatisbecoming increasingly importantistouse vibratingplate exercisers.Theseexercisersvibratethebody givingyou a good workout. Ten minutes on a vibratingmachine is equivalent tonearly an hourof other types of exercise. Whatever you chooseto do itis importantto get moving- not just a gentle stroll roundthe block butreallyget yourbody working. Itwillpay dividends intothe twilightyears of your life.If you are really serious about improvingyour level of fitness, bringing your body properly into balance then invest in a few lessons with a personal trainer. Exercise also hasa powerfuleffect on mood and can aid inyourshifttowards a positive mental attitude.It is one of the best cures for depression. Fitness doesnot necessarily equate to health. There are many very fitunhealthy people around however exercise is a key part of holistic health. 41 To Supplement or Not Supplement? Due to over-farming,much of the commercial land our food is grown in is depleted of minerals. Mineral-poor foods coupled with stressful lifestyles produce the worst kind of results heart attacks, strokes, cancer and diabetes. Phillip Day Author of Simple Changes Intheory the answer is probably not if we are eating a predominantly alkaline dietwithplentyofgoodvegetable nutrition.Weoftenhearcomments made by doctors who know littleabout nutrition thatallpeople aredoingby supplementing is producing expensive urine.That isprobablythecaseifour bodies are veryacidic. When the body fluidsareacidicwewillnotuptake many minerals and vitamins properly. However aswe move our bodies biochemistry to better balance we willthen get better assimilation of nutrients into our cells. Intensive farming over decades has resulted in nutrientimpoverishment of much of our soils. You could eat a totallyorganic diet and find that your food is lacking intraceminerals.Ourbodycanfunctionwithout outmanyofthese trace minerals but we willnot enjoy optimum health withoutthem. We may need tosupplement intheshorttermwithalkalizingmacro minerals such as magnesium,potassium andcalcium tohelptoimproveourbodyacid alkalinebalancebutwewouldbe welladvised tocomplement thatwithtrace minerals. My favoured option is to use a trace mineral solution from natural plant sources.Inparticulartrace colloidalminerals bound upwithfulvicacid.Fulvic Acid is one ofthe humic acid familyand has got itsownparticulartherapeutic benefits.Fulvic Acid was once plentifulin our soils priorto the days of intensive agriculture. Fulvic Acid is believed toaid assimilation of nutrientsintothe cells and help removal of toxins from the cells. Itis also understood to have other anti viral,and antcancer properties.There are several deposits ofdecayedancient plant mineral deposits which are rich sources of fulvicminerals.Analysis shows thatthese deposits haveinexcessof 70 trace minerals inadditiontoa range of amino acids. Frequently they also have a high oxygencontent bound up inthe fulviccomplex.Although fulvicisan acid once metabolised ithas an alkalizing effect on the body. Additionallyyou may have need forsome otherspecific nutrients.Ifyou suffer from diabetes or blood sugar imbalances you would more than likely benefit from chromium supplement. Again plant based nutritionis best. If you are dealing withdegenerative disease and lowered immunitythen you will benefit from taking a broad spectrum high antioxidant blend, ideally plant based. Manybrandsofmultivitamin,multimineralsbrandsonthemarketarelow strength giving limitedhealth benefit so itis importantto invest in a high quality supplement. 42 Summary In conclusion I hope that this briefreporthas sufficiently encouraged you to see thattherearesimplestepsthatyoucantakethatcanmakeanenormous difference to your health and quality of life. From now on you are responsible enjoy the empowerment that this brings- get informedand begin totake positive steps towards health, vitalityand qualityof life into the twilightyears. Start monitoringyour body pH balance to get an indication of your current status and be able to monitorimprovements asyou move yourbody biochemistry into balance. Make good dietary choices gradually eliminate the main acid forming foods and begin consuming more alkalising foods particularlyvegetables. Drinkplentyofgood healthpromotingalkalinewaterideallyfrommineral based water ionizing. Increase yourconsumptionofvegetables andinparticular consume lotsof chlorophyll rich green foods Learn to manage stress rather than let it manage you. Increase yourexercise programmetohelpyourcardiovascular system,your mood and your general wellbeing. Supply your body withalkaline minerals and the fullspectrum of trace minerals, ideally from plant based sources. Use yourmindtohelptocreate healthinstead ofdisease.Focus onpositive emotions and let the negatives go. Implementing just one of these improvements on itsown willbringyou benefit. However if you begin to implement several the effects willbe amplified and speed you along to your goal of optimum health through properly balanced body pH. Eachstep is initself a simple step that you willincreasingly becomethankfulfor as you move intoolder age and see your less well informed peers struggling with ill health and accelerated aging. Goodhealthisnotan accident.Goodhealthis invariablyaresultof properchoicesboth dietaryandlifestyle. Hopefullythisbriefreport willstimulateyouto becomebetterinformed and totake action nowfor thesakeofyourown healthandthosearound you that you love. 43 ..Y..o.-_..,- _ Appendix 1 -Recommended Reading If you are interestedinlearningmorethanwhatyouhave read in thisreportI suggest you toread any ofthese books, all ofwhichI personallyhave foundenlighteningin different ways. They are all available frommostgoodbookshops, oronlineretailers. r ll.N Da-< YOUAilE NOTSICK,YOUARE THIRSTY! b'1'trul:tth:lwa H ' Your Body's A G.Jidelo Controlli119 pHLevelof Your Body for He