shipley art gallery powerpoint

Sightlines Initiative The Language of photography A National Re-Focus Network project New Beginnings Neighbourhood Nursery Southwick Sunderland. ‘The way we see our world’

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Post on 17-Nov-2014




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Lucy Taylor-Hall – Early Years PhotographersCase study of a pilot project taking early years photographers to the Shipley Art Gallery.


Page 1: Shipley art gallery powerpoint

Sightlines InitiativeThe Language of photographyA National Re-Focus Network project 

New Beginnings Neighbourhood Nursery Southwick Sunderland.

‘The way we see our world’

Page 2: Shipley art gallery powerpoint

‘Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the number of moments that take

our breath away’ Anonymous

What you see today is Alex, Harry, Olivia and Macy’s journey so far…

Page 3: Shipley art gallery powerpoint

Alex, Harry, Olivia and Macy’s photography exhibition

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Thinking Through Art…Alex

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Thinking Through Art…Harry

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Thinking Through Art…Olivia

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Thinking Through Art…Macy

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Natural objects

“A ball” Olivia

“I am going to roll it and that’s it” Alex

“Harry’s picking it up” Macy

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Natural objects

“A flower” Olivia

“It was really prickly” Harry

“The eyes on the spider” Alex

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Natural objects

“Is that me? Oh no I think it’s Harry” Alex

“Wow that’s me hand” Olivia

“My hand is smaller than the giants” Alex

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“Oh yeah Harry has made a hand like the giants” Alex

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Rag Rug

“A carpet of twinkle, twinkle little star” Olivia

“A Christmas tree carpet” Alex

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