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Clothing Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Qpestions ................................ n


Ltupoldine Core ...................... ..... . 2r

Ltna Dunham ................................. Sr

Slxrwin 1'jia ........... ...................... r55

Milena Rosa . ................................. r83

Young Kirn .................................... 201

SoU'Vankham Thammavongsa . ................. 319

'Iryntje Kramer . .... .... ............... .. ..... 49r


You Don't Know What l Deal With -Alesia & Fatima & Aurelia & Ramou from the jotkast BLACK G1RLs TALKING •••••••••••••••• 25

fm Always on the Floor and Working -Mona Kowalska & Heidi Julavits & Ceridwen Morris ....................... 29

Your Jewclry ls Your Stomach -Kiran Desai & HeidiJulavits .............. 4I

Maybc a Lot of People Don't Do This -Ly Ky Tran as told to Heidi]ulavits .......... 65

Raspberries, Blueberries, Strawberries -Mak.ik.o Yamamoto & Stephanie Comilang . .... 77

It's This Mystery, lsn't lt? -Juliet Jacques & Sheila Heti . ......•........ 89

Fo~ ~omen at a clothing swap -Christine Muhlk.e & Kerry Diamond & HeidiJulavits & Leanne Shapton .. . ........ 9r

Anyone Can Look Cool -Kirn Gordon & Christopher Bollen. . . . . . . . . . 99

A Schmatte Looks Good -Dina Goldstein & Jonathan Goldstein ....... I27

You're Never Going to GetThat Money Back - Juliet Landau-Pope as told to Sheila Heti ... . ................. r45

l Always Liked the Pearl Snap -Nik.k.i Haus/er as told to Mary Mann ........ 15I

If Nothing Else, l Have an Ethical Garter -Mac McC/elland & Sheila Heti . ........... r7I

The Surfer ls Nothing Without the Wave -Alexander Nagel & Sheila Heti ............ I87

l Didn't Buy the Baby Any Clothing -Semi Chellas & Sheila Heti ............... I97

I989 - Cath Le Couleur as told to HeidiJulavits ......................... 2n

IfYou Like lt, l Like lt More -Talita & Ben ......................... 213

Billionaire Clients - Ida Liu & HeidiJulavits ......................... 217

Clothes on the Ground - Julia Wallace & Kuch Naren & Sophal & Vantha & Leap . .... 225

Flower X- Leslie Vosshall & HeidiJulavits . .. 253

Oh My God, Who Wears That? -Jagoda Wardach & Sheila Heti . ............ 265

l Had a Little Pegboard - Cindy Sherman & Molly Ringwald . .................... 28r

You Really Are the Most Disagreeable Girl - Lucy Birley & Leanne Shapton ....... 297

Put On a Tux and Go -Monica Bill Barnes & Anna Bass & Leanne Shapton & HeidiJulavits ............... . 307

The Pantsuit Rotation - Alex Wagner & Leanne Shapton ....................... 313

An Older Woman GoingThrough Her Closet - Pamela Baguley as told to Leanne Shapton ....................... 317

A Perfect Peach - Ruth Reich/ & Heidi]ulavits ......................... 383

A brief conversation about dressing -Sheila Heti & Leanne Shapton ........... . 385

The Wetsuit ls Not Fashion - Renate Stauss as told to Heidijulavits . ............ 405

The Dress Goes over Your Head -Michele Ohz Doner & Francesca Marciano . ... 4D'l

lt's a Good Fleece - Kerry Barber as told to Sheila Heti .................... 413

You're Lying with Your Face -Amy Rose Spiegel & Mary Mann .......... 419

Gentle, Conservative Styles - Monika Chhy & Anna Glare Spe/man & ]ennifer Liebschutz . 425

An Outfit for a Turtle - Thando Lobese & Heidi ]ulavits ......................... 443

The Delirium ofDesire -Miranda Purws & Leanne Shapton ........ 447

I'm Not a Fucking D - Helen King & Sheila Heti ........................... 453

A French Girl H oeing- Barbara Damrosch & Eliot Coleman & Heidi julavits . . . . . . . . 461

The Factory Collapsed - Reba Sikder & Sara Ziff& KalponaA!cter .............. . 467

The Eight-Year Dress - Ne/lie Davis & Kate Shepherd . ........................ 481


Textile Names 1 .••••••...••........••• 40

whatever closeness - Mira Gonzalez ....... 305

Textile Names 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• 395

Textile Names 111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 454


Mothers as Others Part 1. • • . • • • • • • . . . . . • 45

A Map ofMy Floor - Leanne Shapton ..... 84

Ring Cycle ........................... 105

Yes? ................................ 136

The Outfit in the Photograph 1 ••••••••••• 150

Thirty-sbc Women - Miranda]uly ........ 157

A Map ofMy Floor - Heidi]ulavits ...... 170

Stylus - Micah Lexier . ................... 191

Stains - Leanne Shapton . ................ 218

Posturing - Zosia Mamet & Leanne Shapton . 233

How to Dress in This New World -Margaux Williamson ................... 246

This Person Is a Robot - Leslie Vosshall . .... 257

The Outfit in the Photograph 11 •••••••••• 269 My Outfits - Thessaly La Force ........... 275

BagDance-Leanne Shaptrm & Heidi Julavits .........• 278

What 1 Spent - Emily Stokes ............. 289

Plastic Baskets - ]osh B/aclcwell ........... 302

Shopping Trails - Kate Ryan . ...........• 324

Mothers as Others Part 2 ••••••••••••••• 331

De Moeders - Ruth van Beelc ............ 365

Color Taxonomy - Tavi Gevinson .......•. 375

Fixes - Rache/ Perry Welty ............... 410

Ow ow ow ow - Katherine Bernard ........ 415

The Outfit in the Photograph III .....•.•. 422

Warp & Weft Nos. 1-6 - Karin Schaefer .... 458

A Map of My Floor - Sheila Heti ........ 477

The Outfit in the Photograph IV •••••••••• 484


Good Moming - Elif Batuman . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Staying Horne - Rose Wa/dman . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Magical - Sadie Stein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Let One Dream Come True -Katie Kitamura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Survey Diary no. 1 - Mary Mann. . . . . . . . . . 85

What 1 Wore to Fall in Love -Sarah Nicole Prickelt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Calarnity- Renee Gladman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

1 Do Care About Your Party - Umm Adam . . 137

Survey Answered with Phrases from My Diary - Sheila Heti ..... 179

The Pink Purse - Emily Gould ........... 223

Mother, Daughter, Mustache -Christen Clifford . ...................... 241

1 Refused - Mansoura Ez Eldin ........... 273

1 Stopped by the Store Every Day -!da Hattemer-Higgins . .................. 345

At the Checkpoint - Shani Boianjiu ....... 355

The Mom Coat -Amy Fusse/man ......... 357

Too Much ofMe - Vedrana Rudan ........ 363

Survey Diary no. 2 - Mary Mann . ......... 393

Ftlthy White Daisies - Christa Parravani ... 397

Lost Mittcns - Heidi]ulavits . .......... . . 401

Summer Diary- Htidi Julavits ........... 42 3

A "Muff Dog" - Gilda Haber . .. ...... .... 429

Covct Dia.ry- Leanne Shapton . ........... 433

Seams, Hcms, Pleats, Darts - Lisa Cohen ... 473

Nothing - Lira Robertson . •.... .... . ..... 497


Womcn Looking at Womcn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Brcasts .....•........................ 35

Mandates of Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

How docs makeup fit into all this for you? . . 71

Economics ofStyle .................... 73

I fcel most attractive whcn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Ifccl mostattractive when . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Advice and Tips „ „ „ „ „ . „ . „ „ „ „ 97

What's thc situation with your hair? ....... 100

What do you wear cvery day? ............ 123

Dress for Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

Color ........................•...... 141

Wom ............................... 147

Unintcntional ........................ 177

Modestand Nakcd . „ „ „ „ „ .. „ ..... 207

First conscious ofwhat you were wearing? .. 215

Protcction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

Handmade ............. .... ....•.. ... 249

40s ....•.••.••..................... . 263

Plcasc describc your mind ............... 266

Shopping ............................ 271

Balm ............................... 277

Sisters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

FJCSt "investmcnt itcm"? ................. 294

Men Looking at Womcn ................ 327

Do you considcr yoursclf photogenic? .. .... 348

Strangers ........ . .... . ..... ......... 351

Gut Feeling .......................... 361

Glamour ............................ 379

I feel most attractive when ...•.......... 381

Smell ... ... ... ....... .. ..... . ....... 389

Daughters and Sons ................... 4n

I fccl most attractive when .............. 421

Closcts .............. ......... ....... 427

Please describe your body .. .. ............ 435

Messages ...................... ..... . 439

Style as Character ..................... 451

More Advicc and Tips .......... ... ..... 455

Do you ever wish you wcrc a man? ........ 462

Fathers .. ... .......... .. ........... . . 479

I fcd most attractive whcn .... ......... . 483

Lost .................•.............. 493


Luise Stauss's over-the-knce socks . . . . . . . . . 2

Tania van Spyk's drcss sets part 1. . . . • . • • . . 10

Claudia Dey's fedoras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Lydia Burkhaltcr's gray swcatshirts . . . . . . . . 20

Odctte Henderson's raincoats . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Kate Ryan's tote bags ..... „ „ „ . . . . . . . . 34

Dorothy Platt's wrap skirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Kristin Anthony's bracelcts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Lisa Naftolin's swimsuits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Amy Rose Spiegel's false cyelashes . . . . . . . . 72

Annie McDonald's clogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Andrea Walkcr's floral-print shirts . . . . . . . . So

Joycc Wall's lipstick blots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Vcronica Manchester's earplugs ........... 96

Mac Pang's safety pins .................. 120

Shcila Hcti's nail polish ................. 126

Dclia Marcus's fricndship bracclcts ........ 132

Tift Mcrritt's handmade guitar straps ...... 140

Pavia Rosati's cashmcrc swcatcrs .... ..... . 144

Sheila O'Shea's hand-me-downs .......... 154

Gwen Smith's conccrtT-shirts ........... 176

Heidi Julavits's stripcd shirts ............. 182

Julia Lcach's jcan jackets ................ 186

Sadie Stein's brassieres .... ....... . ...... 196

Miranda Purves's shirts with Ana Bunci{ . ........................ · . r53 Peter Pan collars ...................... 200 ]innie Lee ............................ r85

Jemima Truman's spare buttons ........... :zo6 Aditi Sadeqa Rao ................... · · · 209

Lisa Przystup's marled socks ............. 2ro ]ill Margo . ........................... 23r

Bay Gamett's leopard-print tops .......... 220

Benedicte Pinset's white canvas sneakers .... 240

Amy Pinkharn's bobby pins .............. 248

Anna Backman Rogers . .................. 295

Margofefferson ............... · · · · · · · · · 353 Alicia Bernlohr ........................ 44r

Annika Wahlström . ............ · .... · · · · 457 Melinda Andrade's aviator sunglasses ...... 252 Lithe Sebesta . ......................... 47r

Tara Washington's knitted hats ........... 262 COMPLIMENTS Kristin Gore's gum .................... 270 Watch - Kate Ryan ..................... 32 Gina Rico's hairbrushes and combs ........ 280 Dress - Starlee Kine ................. · . · · 63 Ernily Shur's prescription eyeglasses ....... 288 Jeans - Starlee Kine .................... r30 Molly Murray's vintage three-inch heels .... 296 Glasses - Mary Mann ......•........... r8r Mary Mann's floss sticks ................ 304 Bra-Lisa Naftolin ..................... 25r Heather O'Donnell's Catholic jewelry ...... 3r2 Scarf - Sheila Heti ..................... 3I5 Charlotte Yoshimura's navy blazers ........ 3r6 Wallet - Kate Ryan ................. · · · 39r Heidi Sopinka's Levi's .................. 326 Coat - Leanne Shapton . ................ · 4r4 Christine Muhlke's identical dresses ....... 344 Skirt - Starlee Kine .................... 426 Melissa Walsh's scrubs .................. 350

Alicia Meier's blotting papers ............ 354

Lorna Shapton's tsinelas ................ 360 Acknowledgments .................. · · · 499

Sarah Brubacher's handmade dresses ....... 382 Contributors ......................... 5or

Jane Larkworthy's lip balms .............. 388 About the Authors ...................• 5r5

Paula Black's hair elastics ................ 392

Mitzi Angel's unworn necklaces .......... 396 Clothing pattern paintings - Emily Hass

Jenny Schily's cigarettes ................. 4!8

Kirn Bost's tights ...................... 432

Rachel Hurn's stolen boyfriend shirts ...... 442

Constance Stern's black cotton underwear .. 441)

lvory Simms's aprons ................... 400 Aria Sloss's white nightgowns ............ 4>6

Marlene Barber's fürs ................... 472

Senami d'Almeida's digital wristwatches .... 478

Tania van Spyk's dress sets part II .•••.••.• 490

Leanne Shapton's white trousers .......... 496


Gintare Parulyte ................. · · · · · · · 33

Rivka Ga/eben ........................ ro3