seventy-first critical bibliography of the history and philosophy of science and of the history of...

Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947) Author(s): George Sarton and Frances Siegel Source: Isis, Vol. 39, No. 1/2 (May, 1948), pp. 70-139 Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society Stable URL: . Accessed: 09/05/2014 01:17 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . The University of Chicago Press and The History of Science Society are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Isis. This content downloaded from on Fri, 9 May 2014 01:17:27 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

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Page 1: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of theHistory of Civilization (To October 1947)Author(s): George Sarton and Frances SiegelSource: Isis, Vol. 39, No. 1/2 (May, 1948), pp. 70-139Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science SocietyStable URL: .

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Page 2: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

Seventy-first Critical Bibliography

of the

History and Philosophy of Science

and of the History of Civilization

(to October I 947)

The latest Critical Bibliography to appear was the seventieth which was published in Isis, 37, I84-282, I947, but bibliography no. 59 which was to be included in no. 86 of Isis (vol. 32, 2) has not year appeared, because the Ger- man invasion of Belgium stopped the publica- tion of vol. 32 (part i of that vol., no. 85, has appeared in I947; part 2, no. 86, wil appear in 1948).

This seventy-first bibliography contains about I050 items. They have been kindly con- tributed by the sixteen following scholars: C. W. Adams (London) R. C. Archibald (Providence, R. I.) B. Barber (Cambridge, Mass.) P. Bockstaele (Melle, Belgium) I. B. Cohen (Cambridge, Mass.) R. N. Frye (Cambridge, Mass.) Mark Graubard (Minneapolis) F. R. Johnson (Berkeley, Cal.) Gino Loria (Genoa) M. F. A. Montagu (Philadelphia) J. Pelseneer (Brussels) A. Pogo (Cambridge, Mass.) G. Sarton (Cambridge, Mass.) J. B. deC. M. Saunders (San Francisco) H. R. Viets (Boston) C. Zirkle (Philadelphia)

The general plan of this bibliography was explained in volume 36, p. 22-23. The method of classification was devised to satisfy the needs of historians of science in general, rather than those of historians of particular sciences. For example, a student of the history of physiology will find only a few of the physiological items under the heading 36. Physiology. Studies de- voted to definite physiologists would be found in the chronological section of part I, and those devoted to, say, Hindu physiology in section 9. India of part II. It would not take him very long, however, to glance through the whole bibliography and mark with a pencil the items pertinent to his own investigations. No method of classification can satisfy immedi- ately every need, but we believe that ours is sufficiently clear to be of use to every scholar willing to take the few necessary pains.

This seventy-first Bibliography contains an analysis of the Festschrift dedicated to me ('947; Isis, 38, I27-28). To the kindness of Mr. R. J. Forbes of Amsterdam, I owe copies of the numbers of the Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin, der Naturwissenschaften sund der Technik, published during the war (vol. 39, 1940, 217-412; vol. 40, 1941-42, 372 p.). Vol. 40 covers really the years 1941-43; I do not know whether the publication of vol. 41 was begun. Those copies of the Mitteilungen enabled me to include references to a number of German publications not available to me. This bibliography includes also the first addenda to my Introduction (vol. 3, 1948).

I entreat the authors of relevant books and papers to send me copies of them as promptly as possible in order that their studies may be registered in this bibliography and eventually reviewed and discussed. By so doing they will not simply help me and every other historian of science, but they will help themselves in the best manner.

Most of the notes were selected by me. They were typed by Miss Frances Siegel, and the typing and proofs read by Dr. A. Pogo.


October 31, 1947 Harvard Library, I85

Cambridge 38, Mass.

Part I Fundamental Classification

Centurial 8th CENTURY B.C.

TEGGART, FREDERICK J. The argument of Hesiod's Works and Days. Journal of the History of Ideas, 8, 45-77, 1947.

7th CENTURY B.C. HERZFELD, ERNST. Zoroaster and his world.

2 vols. xvii + viii + 85i p. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1947. Sir William Jones, whose memory has been recently

celebrated in many parts of the world (Isis, 37, 74-212),

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Page 3: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

6th Century B.C. - 4th Century B.C. 7I

was a great man, but even the greatest men say foolish things. Thus, Sir William in his Lettre it Monsieur A. du P. (Londres 1771; facsimile in Osis, 3, 222), de- clared that if Zoroaster was a fool, it would have been better for Anquetil Duperron to leave him in the dark- ness. And even as late as 1924 A. Meillet judging vari- ous translations of the Avesta said "c'est un champ de ruines informes oft ne se reconnait aucun ordre." The interpretation of the Avesta is indeed exceedingly diffi- cult, almost hopeless, but that is a reason the more for honoring Anquetil Duperron, who was the first to attempt that desperate task. See my article on him in Osiris (3, 193-223, I937) and I. Bernard Cohen's note in Isis (33, 18-23, 1941); see also, for the Greek tradition of Zoro- aster, J. Bidez and F. Cumont: Les mages heUinisis (2

vols., Paris 1938; Isss, 3z, 45s-62). Herzfeld's work is a collection of preparatory studies

of personal names, sociology, ethnography and topog- raphy. In the first, he discusses the chronology and con- cludes that the most probable date of Zoroaster's period iS 570 to soo (in my Introduction, I placed him in the 7th cent.). The following chapters may be of special interest to our readers. I4. Post and travels. Z. drives with a two-horse team on a "highway"; 34. Arithmetic and astronomy (p. 6I5-29); 35. The sea; 36. Naviga- tion; 37. The seven climates, orientation, chronometry; 42. Hellenism and Christianity (p. 771-79). The young- est datable passage in the Avesta dates A.D. 346 or later and c. A.D. 360 the Avestic script was invented by Atarpfit Mahraspandan (no reference to Bidez and Cu- mont's work quoted above); 43. Industries; 44. Archi- tecture; 45. Sculpture; 46. The Book of Daniel; 47. Z.'s death. The Avesta contains no allusion to Z.'s death. Addenda. The lack of index and glossary is the more deplorable because the book is so rich.

G. S. A labor of many years has produced these two vol-

umes with a wealth of details on all aspects of Iranian religion and culture as found in the Avesta. The author sums up past work on the Avesta and then proposes his own theories, some of which are new and original. One feature which is prominent throughout the first volume is a strong criticism of Nyberg's Die Religionen des alten Iran, Leipzig 1938. Of interest to historians of science is the chapter on "Chronology," where Herzfeld upholds the traditional date of Zoroaster as 258 years be- fore the Seleucid era. On p. Is he argues convincingly that one must add 296 years to the Christian era to ob- tain the corresponding year of the Zoroastrian era. The chapters on "Arithmetic and Astronomy," "Navigation," "Industries," and "Architecture" present a number of interesting philological problems. The work is marred by the lack of any index, inconsistencies in spelling, loose references, and by frequent ironical polemics against those who hold different opinions on questions of Iranian philology.

R. N. F.

6th CENTURY B.C. MONTAGU, M. F. ASHLEY. Theognis, Dar-

win, and social selection. Isis, 37, 24-26, I947.


BRUNN, L. VON. Hippokrates und die me- teorologische Medizin. I. Gemerus, 3, I5I-73, I946; II. Ibid., 4, I-I8, I947.

CUMONT, FRANZ. A propos des dernimres paroles de Socrate. Comptes rendus de PAcad. des inscriptions, II2-26, I943.

FOUCART, GEORGES. Le soleil d'H6rodote et la cosmophysique des physiologues. Bull. de I'Institut d'Egypte, 25, 83-IOO, I942-I943.

[HIPPOCRATES]. The genuine works of Hip- pocrates. Translated from the Greek by Fran- cis Adams. With an introduction by Emerson

Crosby Kelly. x + 384 p., 8 pls. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1939. Reviewed by Charles A. Kofoid, Isis, 32, 135-36,


KRAYL, KARL. Hippokrates-Brevier. 2. verb. u. verm. Aufi. i56 p. Stuttgart, Enke, 1941. Reviewed by Zaunick, Milt. Gesch. Mcd., 40, 79,


LORENT, HENRI. Deux notes de logique math6matique. II. Zdnon d'ElIe et la thWorie des ensembles. Mathesis, 56, nos. 1-2; Sup- pl6ment, p. 17-23, 1947.

MARCY, G. Le "p6riple d'Hannon" dans le Maroc antique de M. J. Carcopino. Journal asiatique, vol. 234, 1-57, I943-45 (I947). Defending S. Gsell's interpretation of the Periplus,

elaborated by himself, against Carcopino's. More archae- ological information is needed to decide the question.

G. S.

ROME, ADOLPHE. Sur la date de composition de l'Iphig6nie i Aulis d'Euripide. i5 p. (Mis- cellanea Giovanni Mercati, 4, Letteratura classica e umanistica. Studi e Testi, I24). CittiL del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vati- cana, 1946. The author believes that the date of the play can be

determined on astronomical grounds - end of July 409. G. S.

SARTON, GEORGE. Third answer to Query 24. Hippocratic oath in Arabic (Isis, 20, 262, I933). Isis, 32, II6, I947.

SCHUBRING, KONRAD. Untersuchungen zur tJberlieferungsgeschichte der hippokratischen Schrift De locis in homine. 74 p. (Neue Deutsche Forschungen, 288, Abt. Klass. Phi- lologie, 12). Berlin, Junker u. Diunnhaupt, I941. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 283,


4th CENTURY B.C.-whole and firsat half

BIDEZ, JOSEPH; LEBOUCQ, G. Une ana- tomie antique du coeur humain. Philistion de Locres et le "Timee" de Platon. Revue des etudes grecques, 57, 7-40, 1944. This is a posthumous publication of the great Belgian

Hellenist, Bidez, who died suddenly in Ghent, Sept. 1945, when the proofs of this article were being mailed to him. For his bibliography to 1938, see Osiris VI. This article includes a new edition of the Hippocratic treatise on the heart ascribed to Philistion of Locroi (IV-I B.C.). The anatomist Leboucq has added an anno- tated French translation. He concludes that Philistion was one of the great anatomists of antiquity, a late con- tinuer of Alcmaeon of Crotona (VI B.C.). It is certain that he had dissected human bodies; he had discovered that the auricles of the heart survive the ventricles.

G. S.

BROMEHEAD, C. E. N. Plato and the law of water supply. Geographical Journal, Io8, I23-25, I946.' Almost all the principles involved in the British Water

Act of 1945 were laid down in Plato's Laws, 844, a-d; 845, cle. C. W. A.

SCHUHL, PIERRE-MAXIME. La fabulation platonicienne. I 27 p. (Bibliotheque de philoso-

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Page 4: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

72 4th Century B.C. - ist Century phie contemporaine). Paris, Presses Universi- taires de France, I947.

Study of Platonic myths organized around two cen- tral themes: (I) the idea of proportion, (2) Plato's use of scientific instruments as symbols. The author is thus obliged to make various digressions in our field. I. Introduction; II. Survey of the present stage of Platonic studies; III. Myths: I. Platonic myths, 2. Science and myth; IV. Myth and proportion; V. Myth and technol- ogy: I. Plato and the Trojan horse, 2. Ananke's spindle, 3. The myth of Politics, 4. A machine to weigh souls, S. An astronomical mechanism in Vergil's fourth ec- logue; VI. Beyond the myth, Plotinian silence. This well documented book will be more instructive for the philosopher than for the historian of science. G. S.

4th CENTUTRY B.C.-second half

ARISTOTLE. On the heavens. With an Eng- lish translation by W. K. C. Guthrie. xxxvi + 379 p. (Loeb Classical' Library). Cam- bridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1939.

Reviewed by George Sarton, Isis, 32, 136, 1947.

COOPER, LANE. Aristotelian papers, revised and reprinted. xi + 237 p. New York, Cornell University Press, I939. Reviewed by D. J. Allan, Journal of Hellenic Studies,

63, 128, 1943.

McKEON, RICHARD. Aristotle's conception of the development and the nature of scien- tific method. Journal of the History of Ideas, 8, 3-44, 1947.

SCHILFGAARDE, P. VAN. De Logika van Aristoteles. 88 p. (Encyclopaedie in Mono- grafieen, Afdeling Logica, No 7). Den Haag, Servire, 1944.

SHUTE, C. The psychology of Aristotle. 148 p. (Columbia Studies in Philosophy, i). New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 194I.

Reviewed by D. J. Allan, Journal of Hellenic Studies, 63, 129, 1943.

STROMBERG, REINHOLD. Theophrastea. Studien zur botanischen Begriffsbildung. 235 p. (G6teborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vit- terhets-Samhiilles-Handlingar, Bd. 6). Gote- borg, Wettergren & Kerber, 1937. Reviewed by Marzell and Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med.,

39, 338-39, 1940.

3rd CENTURY B.C.-whole and first half

PRRAUX, CLAIRE. Les Grecs en Egypte d'apres les archives de Zenon. go p. (Collec- tion Lebegue, no. 78). Bruxelles, Office de Publicite, I947. Belgian frs. 25.

Attempt to summarize the social and technical con- ditions obtaining in Egypt soon after Alexander's con- quest. The data are extracted from the archives of a Greek intendant called Zenon (c. 260 B.C.). Some of the chapters deal with the administration of a large estate, its cultivation, vineyards, orchards, the cattle, hunting and fishing, apiculture, weaving, beer brewing, building, baths, ceramics, transportation, labor, foreign and domestic trade, money, banking, credit, the relations between Greeks and Egyptians, religion, administration, standards of life, etc. In short, we are given a fully documented study of the life in Egypt, chiefly the ma- terial life, shortly before the middle of the third cen- tury B.C. G.S.

THAER, CLEMENS. Euklids Data in arabi- scher Fassung. Hermes, Zeitschrift fur klassi- sche Philologie, 77, I97-205, 3 figs., I942.

tYNVER, A. StYHEYL. Avicenna's praise of Euclid. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, I98-200, I fig., I947.

3rd CENTURY B.C.-second half

LEJEUNE, ALBERT. La dioptre d'ArchimMde. Annales de la Soc. scientifique de Bruxelles, 6i, 27-47, 5 figs., I947.

2nd CENTURY B.C.-whole and first half

GORDIS, ROBERT. The original language of Qohelet. Jewish Quarterly Review, 37, 67- 84, 1946.

Apropos of Ecclesiastes (Introd., I, i8o). Gordis concludes that it was originally written in Hebrew.

G. S.

1st CENTURY B.C.-whole and first half

ERNOUT, A. Lucrece. II5 p., frontispiece. (Collection Leb?egue, nos. 8o-8i). Bruxelles, Office de Publicite, 1947.

"Le poeme de Lucrece est peut-etre l'oeuvre la plus belle, en tout cas la plus originale et la plus profonde de toute la litterature latine: c'est aussi celle qui a le moins vieilli. La personne meme de l'auteur est entouree d'une legende autour de laquelle historiens et psychologues ne cessent de batailler. Sans appareil encombrant d'erudi- tion, dans un expose simple et clair, illustre par de nom- breuses citations, M. Ernout s'est efforc6 de donner une solution aussi exacte et complete que possible du 'pro- bleme lucr6tien' sous tous aspects: l'homme et son milieu, l'oeuvre; la doctrine d'Epicure, sa conception de l'uni- vers (l'atomisme), des dieux et des hommes, sa morale du bonheur: il a analyse les caracteres de l'art lucretien, et degage les traits qui lui donnent sa particuliere beaut6."

LUCRETIUS. De rerum natura libri sex. Edited with prolegomena, critical apparatus, translation and commentary, by Cyril Bailey. 3 vols. Oxford, Clurendon Press, 1947. 63 s.

1st CENTURY B.C.-second half

SPALLICCI, A. La medicina in Orazio. io6 p. Milano, Scalcerle, 1940.

Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di storia deUe sci- ense, anno 32, 115, 1941.

1st CENTUTRY-whole and first half LLAMAS, JOSA. Filon de Alejandria. Sefarad,

2, 437-47, 1942.

MILLAS VALLICROSA, JOSt M.a Jesucristo segun les Evangelios. 477 p., pls. Barcelona, Ediciones Alma Mater, 1944. 37 Ptas. The author, well known to historians of science as

well as to Arabic and Hebrew scholars, has taken advan- tage of his long stay in the Holy Land (Isis, 34, Si8) to make a deeper study of the geographical background of the evangelical events. This has enabled him to make a fresh study of the Gospels and to prepare a new inter- pretation of them. It is divided into four parts. Pre- liminaries (the N. T., its authority, geography and his- tory of Palestine); I. Jesus' occult life; II. His public life. Three years; III. Passion; IV. Resurrection. The book is illustrated with 2 maps and 62 plates obtained from the library of Montserrat, showing many aspects of the evangelical landscape. G. S.

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Page 5: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

ist Century - 4th Century 73

SCALINCI, NOR. Sul presunto autore greco che Celso avrebbe copiato. Atti e Mem. dell'Accademia di Storia dell'Arte sanitaria, 39, fasc. 3-4-5, 1940. Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di storia delle sci-

eanse, anno 32, Io8, 1941.

STEGEMANN, VICTOR. Dorotheos von Sidon und das sogenannte Introductorium des Sahl ibn Bigr. 89 p. (Monographien des Archiv Orientalni, Untersuchungen, Texte und Vber- setzungen, hrsg. von J. Rypka, Band ii). Prag, Druckerei des Protektorates Bohmen und Mihren, I942. One of the earliest printed accounts of Arabic astrology

was the work of Zahel appended to the second edition of Ptolemy's Quadripartitum (Venice 1493; Klebs 814.2). This Zahel was Sahl ibn Bishr (IX-I), a Jewish astrolo- ger of Khurisan (Introd., I, 569). Stegemann shows that Sahl and the Arabic astrologers in general derived much of their knowledge not only from the Quadriparti- tum of Ptolemy but also from Dorotheos of Sidon, a contemporary of Manilius (I-i). The text of Doro- theos had been communicated to the Arabic world, prob- ably by Theophilos of Edessa (VIII-2). This confirms our impression that Arabic astrology was essentially of Greek origin. Greek astrology travelled to Edessa, Bagh- dad and the Middle East, then back westward to Egypt, Tunis, Morocco, Spain. By the way, Dorotheos was well known at the end of the Middle Ages; he was quoted by Antonio da Montulmo (XIV-2) and by Symon de Phares (end of XV), see Introd., 3, 148I. G. S.

Ist CENTltRY-second half

CORSINI, ANDREA. San Luca. Rivista di storia delle scienze, anno 38, 49-62, 1947.

FLACELI:RE, R. Plutarque et la Pythie. Revue des etudes grecques, 56, 72-III, I943.

KLEIST, JAMES A. The Epistles of St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch. Newly translated and annotated. ix + I62 p. (An- cient Christian Writers: The Works of the Fathers in Translation, i). Westminster, Md., Newman, 1946. Reviewed by Martin R. P. McGuire, American His-

torical Review, S2, 542, 1947.

[PLUTARCH]. Plutarch ulber Isis und Osiris. Teil I: Die Sage. Text, tlbersetzung und Kommentar von Theodor Hopfner. 192 p., 35 figs., i map, ii pls. Teil II: Die Deutungen der Sage. tlbersetzung und Kommentar von Theodor Hopfner. 313 p., i6 figs., 5 pls. (Monographien des Archiv Orientalni, Un- tersuchungen, Texte u. tYbersetzungen, hrsg. v. J. Rypka, 9). Prag, Orientalisches Institut, I 940-4I .

Reviewed by Diepgen, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 72, 1941/42 and by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 267, 1941/42.

SOURY, GUY. Plutarque, pr&tre de Delphes. L'inspiration prophetique. Revue des dtudes grecques, 55, 5o-69, I942.

2nd CENTURY-whole and first half

CHANG, Y. C. Chang-Hen, A Chinese con- temporary of Ptolemy. Popular Astronomy, 53, 5 p., I945.

Study devoted to Chang H6ng (II-i) by a member of the Institute of Astronomy of the Academia Sinica, now in Williams Bay, Wisconsin. G. S.

CRONE, G. R. The origin of Ptolemy's Geo- graphia. Geographical Journal, io8, 264, 1946. Criticism of the thesis of Leo Bagrov (1946; Isis, 37,

187) of which the main conclusion is that the Geo- graphia as it is known today is a compilation by a Byzantine scholar of the tenth or eleventh century who made use of Ptolemy and others, and that the maps were drawn even later, probably in the thirteenth cen- tury. C. W. A.

JONES, W. H. S. The medical writings of Anonymus Londinensis. viii + I68 p. (Cam- bridge Classical Studies). Cambridge, Uni- versity Press, I947.

This text, discovered in the British Museum by Sir Frederick Kenyon in I892, edited by Hermann Diels in I893, is reprinted here with few changes, but Jones has added an English translation and an introduction. Galen is not mentioned; out of 20 authorities quoted, 7 are otherwise unknown and the latest is Alexander Phila- lethes, who flourished at the beginning of our era. The papyrus is 12 ft. long, divided into 39 columns, c. I900 lines; it is probably of the second century, a copy made for private use of an earlier work. The text is divided into three parts: (i) definitions; (2) the aetiology of diseases according to various authorities; (3) the develop- ment of physiology after 300 B.C. from Herophilus to Alexander Philalethes. "The whole makes a strange mix- ture, which raises considerable doubt in the reader's mind whether it represents a single work, or two, or possibly even three, separate though slightly connected compilations, perhaps not by the same author." Max Wellmann has suggested that the main source of part 3 was perhaps an unmentioned one, Soranos of Ephesos (II-i), chief of the eclectic Methodists. That suggestion is plausible but unproved. G. S.

MERCATI, GIOVANNI. Un nuovo capitolk di Sorano e tre nuove ricette superstiziose in Aezio. Studi e testi, 31, 42-46, Roma, I9I7.

Apropos of Soranos of Ephesos (II-i) and Aetios of Amida (VI-x). G. S.

PALMER, J. A. B. The identification of Ptol- emy's Dounga. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, I65-73, I946.

2nd CENTURY-second half [GALENOS]. Galeni in Hippocratis epidemia-

rum libr. VI comm. I-VIII. Ediderunt Ernst Wenkebach, Franz Pfaff. xxx + 508 p. (Cor- pus medicorum Graecorum V IO, 2, 2). Leip- zig, Teubner, I940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesck. Med., 39, 284, 1940.

LEVY, HARRY L. Gnomonica in Aulus Gel- lius. American Journ. of Philol., 6o, 30oi-6, 2 figs., I939.

4th CENTURY-whole and first half

CONTE, LUIGI. Dalla "sezione del cono" di Sereno. II. Period. matem., I9, I6-35, I939. III. Ibid., 20, I-23, I940.

Reviewed by Vogel, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 317, 1940.

KEIMER, LOUIS. Interpretation de quelques passages d'Horapollon. iv + 54 p., 43 figs. (Supplement aux Annales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte, cahier no 5). Le

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Page 6: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

74 5th Century - 7th Century

Caire, Institut fransais d'arch6ologie orien- tale, I947.

5th CENTURY-whole and first half BERTRAND, LOUIS. Saint Augustin. 317 p.

Montreal, Les Editions Varietes, I945.

5th CENTURY-second halt JALLAND, TREVOR. The life and times of

St. Leo the Great. viii + 542 p. London, So- ciety for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 194I.

Reviewed by Milton V. Anastos, American Historical Review, 52, 305o-6, 1947.

MtILLER, CONRAD. Volumen und Oberfliiche der Kugel bei Aryabhata I. Deutsche Mathem., 5, 244-55, I940. Reviewed by Vogel, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 3i8, 1940.

PROCLUS DIADOCHUS. Euklid-Kommentar. Erste deutsche Ausgabe, besorgt und einge- leitet von Max Steck. XXiv + 592 p. Halle, Abderhalden, 1945.

Reviewed by E. Schubarth, Experientia, 3, 80-81, 1947.

6th CENTURY-whole and first half BARNES, WILLIAM H.; YUEN, H. B. T'ao,

the Recluse (A.D. 452-536) - Chinese alchem- ist. Ambix, 2, I38-47, I946. Apropos of T'ao Hung-ching (VI-z). G. S.

[CASSIODORUS]. An introduction to divine and human readings, by Cassiodorus Senator. Translated, with an introduction and notes by Leslie Webber Jones. Xvii + 233 p. New York, Columbia University Press, 1946. Professor Jones' work announced in Isis (37, 73) was

issued more quickly than we had expected. It is a very welcome addition to the tools needed for the study of early monastic education in Italy. Scholars will use it together with the critical text of the Institutiones, edited by R. A. B. Mynors at Oxford in 1937, upon which it is based. They will need not only Mynors' text, but his elaborate indices. Jones has done his work exceedingly well. The volume is divided into three almost equal parts, his introduction, Book I, Book II. The trans- lation (the first in any language) is soberly but suffici- ently annotated. The Institutiones were meant as a gen- eral introduction for the reading of divine and secular letters, with all the bibliographic references which C. considered necessary for his monks at Vivarium. He ex- plains briefly the different parts of the Bible and the nature of a number of patristic writings. How should the Scriptures be studied? Which other books, e.g., cosmog-aphies, should they consult for a better under- standing? Regulations for scribes. A short chapter deals with medicine, the authors recommended being Diosco- rides, Hippocrates, Galen, Caelius Aurelianus (Celsus was unknown). Book II (a little shorter than Book I) is a summary of the seven liberal arts, too brief really for use, except as a bibliographic guide. Astronomy is dealt with in less than s p. and is very rudimentary indeed, much below the level of Greek astronomy before Plato. We classify this book under VI-3 to conform with the Introd. (r, 426), but it was written sometime after s53. It represents the best thought in Italy after Belisarios' victories (539). Belisarios destroyed the Gothic-Roman culture but did not replace it by anything better. It is true Greek influences Increased in S. Italy until the Norman conquest (ro6o), but those influences were un-

related with ancient Greece and decidedly obscurantist. At any rate, Jones has made it much easier to assess the educational efforts of Cassiodorus and to probe the great depth of his Christian piety and the very shallow depth of his scientific knowledge. It would be worth while to compare the science of Cassiodorus with that of Isidore of Seville a century later, and with that of Bede two cen- turies later. Judging from the number of MSS, Cassio- dorus was well known in the Middle Ages, yet he did not interest the early printers. The ed. pr. of book I and of books I-II appeared only in Ir566 and 1579. Jones' Cassiodorus fully deserves to be a part of the excellent series, Records of civilization, edited by Professor Austin P. Evans. G. S.

JONES, LESLIE W. Further notes concerning Cassiodorus' influence on mediaeval culture. Speculum, 22, 254-56, 1947.

NEUBURGER, MAX. The Latin poet Maxi- mianus on the miseries of old age. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 2I, II3-I9, I947.

SCHOLDERER, VICTOR. Conradus, Boethius and pseudo-Boethius. Speculum, 22, 257-59,


SCHRADE, LEO. Music in the philosophy of Boetius. Musical Quarterly, 33, I88-200, New York, 1947.

7th CENTURY-whole and first half BLACHiRE, RRGIS. Le Coran, traduction

selon un essai de reclassement des sourates. liX + 275 p. (Islam d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, 3). Paris, Maisonneuve, I947.

First volume of a new work on the Qur'an which will extend to four. This is a general introduction dis- cussing fully the constitution and development of the vulgate (oral and written), describing and criticizing it; parts 2-3 will contain a new translation arranged like Radwell's in chronological order; part 4, excursus.

G. S.

7th CENTURY-second half

BRUCE-MITFORD, R. L. S. The Sutton Hoo ship burial. A provisional guide. 62 p., 24 ills., I8 figs. London, Trustees of the British Museum, 1947. 3 S. Tentative description of the treasure found in I939 in

one of eleven barrows at Sutton Hoo, Suffolk. That bar- row was a cenotaph of an East Anglian king, possibly Aethelhere (c. 655 A.D.). It included a ship some 8o ft. long and a quantity of objects of various kinds, many in gold and silver. It was a pagan cenotaph, possibly the last one, representing the flower of pagan art. The style of ornament foreshadows the style characteristic of the early Christian illuminated MSS to be written and limned somewhat later in Iceland and northern England. Many of the objects and coins are of course anterior to the burial, e.g., there is a great silver dish with control stamp of the Byzantine emperor Anastasius I (493-538). The finest piece is a great belt-buckle of solid gold (I5 oz.). "The gold jewellry is full of new and daring ideas; it shows an overflowing exuberance, and displays the highest possible level of craftsmanship, excelling any- thing that has preceded it in Saxon archaeology." "Fi- nally, there is the revelation of the wide contacts - Frank- ish, Scandinavian, central European, Byzantine, and beyond -of a Saxon royal house of the early seventh century. Already in all probability in the time of Red- wald there had developed in East Anglia a highly cos- mopolitan culture, one element in which was a direct knowledge of objects and patterns of the classical world."

G. S.

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Page 7: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

8th Century - oth Century 7 q

ERHARDT-SIEBOLD, ERIKA VON. Old English riddle no. 39. PMLA, 6I, 9I0-15,

1946. "I have gradually become convinced that there ex-

isted somewhere at some early period among the Celtic peoples of the British Isles a thesaurus of knowledge, which had been accumulated from material originating in the Italy of the post-Plotinian, Neoplatonic-Christian era. This thesaurus may have been the ultimate source of the speculative elements contained in Aldhelm's enigma Creatura and in the Old English riddles 39 and 74."

8th CENTURY-whole and first half [BEDE]. Bedae opera de temporibus. Edited

by Charles W. Jones. xiii + 4I6 p. Cam- bridge, Mass., Mediaeval Academy of America, 1943e

Critical edition of all Bede's extant computistical works, De temporibus (703), De temporum ratione (725), and two letters, together with excerpts from the Irish Computus for comparison, and an elaborate study (120 p.) on the development of the Latin ecclesiastical calendar. Good indices. The whole work constitutes an excellent textbook on computus, a subject of central importance for the understanding of mediaeval thought.

G. S.

CARROLL, SISTER M. THOMAS AQUINAS. The Venerable Bede: his spiritual teachings. iX + 270 p. (The Catholic University of America Studies in Medieval History, 9). Washington, D. C., Catholic University Press, 1946. Reviewed by M. L. W. Laistner, American Historical

Review, 52, 358, 1947.

DUBLER, CRSAR E. Sobre la cronica arabigo- bizantina de 741 y la influencia bizantina en la Peninsula Iberica. Al-Andalus, II, 283-349, 6 figs., 1 946.

LEVISON, WILHELM. England and the Con- tinent in the eighth century. xii + 347 p. (The Ford Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in the Hilary Term, 1943). New York, Oxford University Press, 1946. Reviewed by A. B. White, American Historical Re-

view, 52, 306-o8, I947'

8th CENTURY-second half ABBOTT, NABIA. Two queens of Baghdad:

mother and wife of Hariun al-Rashid. ix + 277 p. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1946. Reviewed by William Thomson, American Historical

Review, 52, 49699, 1947.

GANZENMt7LLER, WILHELM. Ein un- bekanntes Bruchstulck der Mappae Clavicula aus dem Anfang des 9. Jahrhunderts. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, I-I5, I facs., I94I/42.

SVENNUNG, J. Compositiones lucenses. Stu- dien zum Inhalt, zur Textkritik und Sprache. x + 204 p. Uppsala, Lundequist, I94I. Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di storia delle sci-

enze, anno 33, 113, I942.

9th CENTURY-whole and first half GAUTHIER, LEON. Antce&dents greco-arabes

de la psychophysique. 104 + 5I p. in Arabic. Beyrouth, Imprimerie Catholique, I939.

Reviewed by George Sarton, Isis, 32, 136-38, 1947. First edition and French translation of a treatise of al- Kindi (IX-I) on the properties of composed drugs, in- cluding a vague anticipation of the Weber-Fechner law.

G. S.

KLINKE-ROSENBERGER, ROSE. Das Got- zenbuch Kitab al-asnam des Ibn al-Kalb!. tUbersetzung mit Einleitung und Kommentar. 143 + 42 P., 2 pls., i map. (Sammlung orien- talischer Arbeiten, 8). Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 194I -

Reviewed by G. Ryckmans, Musion, 56, 163, 1943.

NEUSS, WILHELM. Ein Meisterwerk der karolingischen Buchkunst aus der Abtei Priim in der Biblioteca Nacional zu Madrid. Spani- sche Forschungen, 8, 3744, Munster, I940.

Reviewed by Zinner, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 324, 1940.

SIGGEL, ALFRED. Gynakologie, Embryologie und Frauenhygiene aus dem "Paradies der Weisheit uber die Medizin" des abfi Hassan 'Ali b. Sahl Rabban at-Tabarl nach der Aus- gabe von M. Zubair as-$iddlql. Vbersetzt und erliiutert. Quellen u. Studien zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften u. d. Medizin, 8, 2i6-72, Berlin, Springer, I94I.

Reviewed by Diepgen, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 8o-8I, 1941/42.

SPIES, OTTO. Al-KindF's treatise on the cause of the blue colour of the sky. Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 7-I9, September 1937.

9th CENTURY-second half LUCKEY, P. Thabit b. Qurra uber den geo-

metrischen Richtigkeitsnachweis der Auflosung der quadratischen Gleichungen. Berichte der mathematisch-physischen Klasse der saichsi- schen Akademie d. Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, 93, 93-II4, 3 figs., 1941. First edition of a new text of Thibit ibn Qurra with

German translation and elaborate commentary and glos- sary. "The verification of algebraic problems by geo- metrical proofs." The text was found in an Istanbul MS (Aya Sofia 2457.3). G. S.

MENASCE, P. J. gkand-Gumanik Viar, La solution decisive des doutes. Texte pazand- pehlevi transcrit, traduit et commente. 300 p. (Collectanea Friburgensia, 3o) Fribourg, I945. Although this post-Islamic text in Pehlevi and Pazand

had been edited and translated by E. West in I 887 (Introd., i, 59I), the progress of Iranian philology since then made a new study desirable. Most of t.e text is concerned with Zoroastrian critiques of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, but much of Zoroastrian cosmology and theory of the elements are found in the work. The translation is accompanied by extensive notes, primarily philological, and complete indices with a Pehlevi glos- sary. A lexique technique Pehlevi-Arabe, although small, is of interest. The author is professor at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. R. N. F.

NOAILLES, PIERRE. La collection des cent treize novellks de Leon le Sage et sa composi- tion par l'empereur. Comptes rendus de l'Acad. des inscriptions, 249-64, I943.

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Page 8: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

76 ioth Century - 12th Century

PETERS, CURT. Johannan b. Serapion. Mu- SdOn, 55, I39-42, I942.

Note concerning the Christian physician, Serapion the Elder (IX-2).

VAN DE VYVER, ANDRI:. Hucbald de Saint- Amand, 6colatre, et l'invention du nombre d'or. Melanges Auguste Pelzer, 6I-79, Lou- vain, I947.

10th CENTURY-whole and first half

ADNAN-ADIVAR, ABDULHAK. FarabL. Is- lam Ansikilopedisi. Islam Alemi Tarih, Cog- rafya, etnografya ve biyografya Ifigati, 34. ciUz, Ayri Basim. 20 p. Istanbul, Milli Egitim Basimevi, I947.

Article on al-F8ribi extracted from the Turkish trans- lation of the Encyclopaedia of Islam. That translation is much expanded, especially concerning the articles of Turkish interest. Al-Faribi was of Turkish origin.

G. S.

[FARABI] FarabV's Canons of poetry, edited and translated by Arthur J. Arberry. Rivista degli studi orientali, I7, 266-78, 1938.

WOLFSON, H. A. Arabic and Hebrew terms for matter and element with especial refer- ence to Saadia. Jewish Quarterly Review, 38, 47-6I, 1947.

10th CENTURY-second half

DARLINGTON, OSCAR G. Gerbert, the teacher. American Historical Review, 52, 456- 76, I947.

MERCATI, GIOVANNI. Filippo Xeros Reg- gino. Giovanni Alessandrino jatrosofista e altri nel codice Vaticano degli "Ephodia." Studi e Testi, 3I, 9-4I, Roma, 19I7.

The Ephodia is the Greek translation of the Zid al-musifir of Ibn al-Jazzar (X-2). G. S.

11th CENTURY-whole and first half AL-BIRUNI. Die Einleitung zu al-BirfinTs

Steinbuch [al-Djamahir fl ma'rifat al Djawa- hir]. Mit ErlIuterungen iubersetzt von Taki ed Din al Hilali. xii + 4' p. (Samm- lung orientalistischer Arbeiten, H. 7). Leip- zig, Harrassowitz, I94I.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesck. Med., 40, 272, 1941/42.

CASSINA, UGO. Sulle equazioni cubiche di al Biruni. Period. matem. 21, 3-20, I941.

Reviewed by Vogel, Mitt. Gesck. Med., 39, 3I8, 1940.

GARCIA GOMEZ, EMILIO. A prop6sito de ibn Vayyan. Resumen del estado actual de los estudios hayyanTes con motivo de una pub- licacion reciente. Al-Andaluis, II, 395-423,

I946. Apropos of the edition of vol. III of the Muqtabis of

Ibn Ijaiy&n (XI-i) by Father Melchor M. Antufia (Paris 1937). G. S.

MEYERHOF, MAX. The earliest mention of a manniparous insect. Isis, 37, 32-36, I947.

Apropos of al-Birilni, with an excursus on the Biblical manna. G. S.

12th CENTURY-whole and first half

ALONSO, MANUEL (S. J.). Hermann de Carintia: de essentiis, edicion preparada y anotada. Miscelanea Comillas, 5, 7-I07. Uni- versidad pontificia de Comillas, Santander, I946. Reviewed by Emilio Garcia G6mez, Al-Andalus, i:i,

493-94, I946.

ALONSO, MANUEL (S. J.). Las fuentes literarias de Domingo Gundisalvo. El "De processione mundi" de Gundisalvo, y el "K. al-'aqlda al-rafl'a" de IbrThlm ibn Dawfid. Al-Andalus, II, I59-73, I946.

LEVY, RAPHAEL. The term language in Le pelerinage de Charlemagne. Modern Lan- guage Notes, 42, I25-27, I947.

First Western use of the word language to mean "any community of people having a language of its own."

LEVY, RAPHAEL; CANTERA, FRANCISCO. The beginning of wisdom. An astrological treatise by Abraham ibn Ezra. lxxvi + 235

p. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1939. Reviewed by Solomon Gandz, Isis, 32, 138-4I, 1947.


LINDHEIM, BOGISLAV VON. Das Durhamer Pflanzenglossar. Lateinisch und Altenglisch. 8i p. (Beitrage zur Englischen Philologie H. 35). Bochum-Langendreer, P5ppinghaus, 1941.

Reviewed by Marzell, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, I66, 1941/42.

MILLAS VALLICROSA, JOStJ M.a Yehudi ha-Levi como poeta y apologista. 284 p. (Biblioteca hebraicoespaniola, 2). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti- ficas, Instituto Arias Montano, 1947.

Elaborate study of Judah ha-Levi by the master of Judeo-Spanish literature. It includes a full biography, together with an analysis of the Sefer ha-Kuzari (chs. 3-4) and 85 examples of Judah's poetry translated into Spanish. Though that poetry must be read in Hebrew to be appreciated at its full value, the Spanish transla- tions illustrate the height and complexity of his poetical genius. Judah ha-Levi was one of the greatest poets of the Middle Ages. By the way, he was not born in Toledo (as I put it in my Introd., 2, x86) but in Tudela (the two place names were easily confused by the copyists of the Hebrew or Arabic MSS). G. S.

MILLAS VALLICROSA, JOSt M.' Un tra- tado de almanaque probablemente de R. Abra- ham ibn 'Ezra. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 4I9-32, New York, Schu- man, I947.

The author had previously identified and ascribed to Rabbi ben Ezra (XII-I) (I) tables for the meridian of Pisa 1154, (2) a treatise on the astrolabe, dictated probably in England in 1158-6i; both in Latin ver- sion. The present article is devoted to a Latin treatise on the almanac which he is inclined to ascribe also to the same author. G. S.

12th CENTURY-second half

BJORCK, GUDMUND. Apropos of the Los Angeles ms. of the Salernitan "Post mundi fabricam." Isis, 32, I28-29, I947.

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Page 9: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

13th Century 77 BOUTEMY, ANDR&. Gautier Map, conteur

anglais, extraits du De nugis curialium. 92 p. (Collection Lebegue, 6me serie, no. 69). Brus- sels, Office de Publicite, I945. Reviewed by Urban T. Holmes, Jr., SpecuIum, 22,

277-79, 1946.

GUTTMANN, MICHAEL. Maimonides fiber des biblische "Jus talionis." Dissertationes in honorem Dr. Eduardi Mahler, 415-26, Budapestini, I937.

ILARINO DA MILANO. L'eresia di Ugo Spe- roni nella confutazione del Maestro Vacario. Testo inedito del secolo XII con studio storico e dottrinale (Studi e Testi, no. ii5). Citta del Vaticano, I945. Ugo Speroni flourished in Piacenza in 1175-85.

Vacarius (XII-2), who had been his friend, condemned his views one by one in the text now published for the first time, Liber contra multiplices et varios errores (Io8 p.). Father Ilarino, a member of the Istituto storico dei Frati minori cappuccini, has added an elaborate in- troduction of 475 pages. The book will interest Eng- lish readers, because the Italian, Vacarius, was the first teacher of civil law in England and spent a great part of his life from c. 1143 to II98 in that country (Introd., 2, 465). G. S.

MAZON, ANDR&. L'auteur probable du poeme d'Igor. Comptes rendus de l'Acad. des in- scriptiOnS, 2 I3-20, I944.

SPIES, MARIA. Vber die Krankheitsaetiologie und ihre Grundlagen in Causae et curae der heiligen Hildegard von Bingen. 4I p., MUn- chen, Med. Diss., Konstanz, 1941.

13th CENTURY-whole, and first halt AIKEN, PAULINE. The animal history of Al-

bertus Magnus and Thomas of Cantimpr6. Speculum, 22, 205-25, I947.

CARRUCCIO, E. L'estrazione di radice cubica, mediante inserzione di due medie proporzionali fra due segmenti dati, in Leonardo Pisano. Period. matem., I9, I89-97, 1939.

Reviewed by Vogel, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 3I8, I940.

COLLINA, GRAZIANI GIOVANNI. Giovan- ni Mordente da Faenza, antesignano dei do- centi faentini nel sec. XIII. 32 p. Faenza, Lega, 194I .

Reviewed by Giuseppe Mazzini, Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 33, 20, I942.

GRUNEBAUM, G. E. VON; ABEL, THEO- DORA M. Az-Zarnfijl Ta'llm al-muta'allim, Tarlq at-ta'allum. Instruction of the student: the method of learning. 78 p. New York, Published under the Auspices of the Iranian Institute and School of Asiatic Studies, by King's Crown Press, 1947. $2.00.

This is a very welcome translation of one of the best sources for the history of education in mediaeval Islam. The text covers 56 pages and is preceded by a good explanatory introduction of i6 p. It would be interesting to compare it with Jewish and Latin writings of the same age. Al-Zarnuxji Burhin al-din (XIII-i) "had a very real purpose in writing his book (in the year 1203). He saw about him many students struggling for an education and for the attainment of knowledge, but falling short of their aim, whether this aim was 'modest or splendid.' According to him, these students

did not succeed in their goal because they were not cognizant of the right methods of learning, or if they were, they did not abide by them but floundered around and wasted time. Therefore, az-Zarnflji decided to ex- plain to students a method of study which he had read about and heard from his own teachers." My only regret is that the Arabic text (difficult to obtain) was not reprinted together with the translation. G. S.

HOLMES, URBAN T., JR. The position of the North Star ca. I250. Isis, 32, I4-I5,


KORL9N, GUSTAV. Die mittelniederdeutschen Texte des 13. Jahrhunderts. Beitradge zur Quellenkunde und Grammatik des Friihmittel- niederdeutschen. 252 p. (Lunder Germanis- tische Forschungen, I9). Lund, Gleerup, 1945.

Reviewed by Carl F. Bayerschmidt, Speculum, 22, 28I-82, 1946.

SCHUTZ, ALEXANDER H. (editor). The romance of Daude de Pradas called Dels Auzels Cassadors. 225 p., 4 pls. (Contributions in Languages and Literature, no. ii). Colum- bus, Ohio, Ohio State University Press, I945.

Reviewed by Hans J. Epstein, Isis, 37, 100-03, 1947.

WILSON, E. F. (editor). The Stella Mans of John of Garland. Edited together with a study of certain collections of Mary legends made in northern France in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Xii + 224 p. Cambridge, Mediaeval Academy of America, I946. Reviewed by Archer Taylor, Speculum, 22, 272-75,


13th CENTURY-second half [ARNALD OF VILLANOVA]. Bedside man-

ners in the Middle Ages. The treatise De cautelis medicorum attributed to Arnald of Villanova. Translated by Henry E. Sigerist. Quarterly Bulletin, Northwestern University Medical School, 20, 8 p., fig., I946.

JOHNSON, MARTIN CHRISTOPHER. Greek, Moslem and Chinese instrument design in the surviving Mongol equatorials of I279 A.D. IstS, 32, 27-43, I947-

MAIER, ANNELIESE. Nouvelles questions de Siger de Brabant sur la Physique d'Aristote. Revue philos. de Louvain, 44, 497-5I3, I946.

MAZZINI, GIUSEPPE. Arnaldo da Villanova eretico e avventista. Revista di Storia delle Scienze, anni 35-37, 41-45, I946.

MULLER, JEAN PIERRE (O.S.B.). Rambert de' Primadizzi de Bologne. Apologeticum veri- tatis contra corruptorium. Edition critique. XXXiV + 2I9 p. (Studi e Testi, io8). Citta del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, I943.

Rambert de' Primadizzi, Dominican, was a personal disciple of St. Thomas and one of the early defenders of Thomism. The English Franciscan, William de la Mare (XIII-2), had begun the Franciscan opposition to Thomism in his Correctorium (Introd., 2, 950) which the Dominicans affected to call Corruptorium. Ram- bert's book was an answer not simply to the Correc- torium of William de la Mare, written in 1278, but also to that of Jean Quidort, written a little later, 1282-84. Rambert composed it in Paris between 1286 and 1299.

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Page 10: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

78 13th Century - 14th Century "II brosse dans son Apologeticum un portrait des luttes doctrinales de l'epoque. Autour de Guillaume de la Mare, ses confreres Matthieu d'Aquasparta et Richard de Mediavilla, puis Henri de Gand et Gilles de Rome, tels sont les 'Magni' antithomistes, qu'il se fait fort de combattre au nom de la vnite, en invoquant l'appui de quelques confreres, disciples de S. Thomas comme lui, et de quelques maitres es arts. ." Rambert was appointed bishop of Castello (Venice) in I303; he died in 1308 and was buried in the Dominican church of Venice. The text of his Apologeticum is edited from the unique MS written at the end of the thirteenth century (Bibl. univ. Bologna cod. 1at. s539). The edition was under- taken at the request of Mgr. Martin Grabmann; it was done with great care and is well indexed. The author is a monk of Clervaux, professor at the Pontifical In- stitute St. Anselm, Rome. G. S.

[Peter of Spain]. Correction to Introd. (2, 891). The first edition of the Thesaurus pauperum is that of Antwerp 1497 (Klebs 749, Stillwell J 2I2), not Antwerp 1476. H. R. V.

RODOLICO, FRANCESCO. Commento ad al- cuni passi di Ristoro d'Arezzo. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 38, 17-23, 1947.

SAYILI, AYDIN M. Al QarafI and his explan- ation of the rainbow. Isis, 32, I6-26, 1947.

THORNDIKE, LYNN. Aegidius of Lessines on comets. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 403-4I4, New York, Schuman, 1I947. "It is the purpose of this paper to discuss more

fully the author and contents of a treatise on comets, to which only a brief paragraph was devoted in the sec- ond volume of my History of Magic and Experimental Science. This treatise was occasioned by the appearance of a comet in 1264 from the latter part of July to early October, was composed by a brother Aegidius of the order of Friars Preachers, and was entitled, 'On the es- sence, motion and signification of comets.'" The author concludes that this brother Aegidius is identical with the Belgian Giles of Lessines (XIII-2) who wrote a Coxcordia temporum carried to the year I304. G. S.

THORNDIKE, LYNN. Blasius the Franciscan and his works on Computus. Isis, 37, 46-47, 1947.

TJERNELD, HAKAN (editor). Moamin et Ghatrif, Traites de fauconnerie et des chiens de chasse. 443 p., 3 PIS. Stockholm, Fritze, 1945. Reviewed by Hans J. Epstein, Isis, 37, 100-03, I947.

VANDERFORD, KENNETH H. (editor). Setenario, de Alfonso elt Sabio. Edicion e introduccion de Kenneth H. Vanderford. IXXX + 271 p., I0 facs. Buenos Aires, Facul- tad de Filosofia y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto de Filologia, I945. Reviewed by Agapito Rey, Hispanic Review, IS, 222-

25, 1947 and by Isabel Pope, SpecuIum, 22, 85-87, 1947.

VAN DE VELDE, A. J. J. Roger Bacon 65o jaren na zijn dood herdacht. Jaarboek 1942

van de Koninklijke Vlaamsche Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van Belgie, I90-230.

VERNET, ANDRP. Jean Perr6al et la "Com- plainte de Nature," attribuee a Jean de Meun. Comptes rendus de l'Acad. des inscriptions, 93-I00, 1943.

"On sait depuis longtemps que Jean de Meun tXIII- 2 3 n'est pas l'auteur de tous les 6crits qui ont ete publi6s sous son nom, mais on est loin d'avoir identifi6 les auteurs vritables de tous ces apocryphes: tel est le cas de la Complainte de Nature A I'Alchimiste errant attribuee A Jean de Meun. Ce poame de z820 vers octo- syllabes daterait, croit-on, des premieres ann&es du XVIe siecle et serait dti A un Lyonnais. De fait, l'examen de la tradition manuscrite et imprim6e confirme ce qui 6tait acquis jusqu'ici et permet meme d'aller plus loin en revelant le nom de l'auteur." The author shows that the real author was Jean Perreal (d. 1530). See Introd. (2, 932; 3, 1135). G. S.

VERRIER, REN&. Etudes sur Arnaud de Vil- leneuve, v. 1240-1311. 87 p., 6 pls. Leiden, Brill, 1947.

Biographical details concerning Arnold of Villanova (XIII-2) and the two sons of his sister, married to Z. Blaise, Armengaud Blaise (XIII-2) and Jean Blaise (C. I276-1341), surgeon and investor. Verrier thinks that the Villanova or Villeneuve in Arnold's name is probably Villeneuve-les-Vence (now called Villeneuve- Loubet) between Antibes and Nice. There are many documents concerning Jean Blaise; two of them are reproduced in facsimile. G. S.

WALZ, P. ANGELUS (editor). Serta Albertina. In honorem caelestis patroni a summo Pon- tifice Pio PP. XII rerum naturalium indaga- toribus recens dati. 336 p., 3 pls. Roma, Pont. Athenaeum "Angelicum," 1944.

Collection of writings devoted to Albert the Great by a number of experts. It opens with a papal brief dated Dec. i6, I94I and signed by cardinal Maglione. It is divided into two parts dealing, respectively, with generalities and with special sciences. The first part in- cludes a bibliography of Albert's scientific writings and of their criticism by Angelus Walz and Augustus Pelzer, then three studies on Albert's scientific method and philosophy by S. Dezani, M. Grabmann and F. Tinivella. The second part is subdivided into four sections; we shall simply name the authors of papers in each section. Physica, chemica: P. Mufioz Vega, A. Maier, M. Hudeczek, T. De Dominicis, N. Albuerne. Mineralogia, astronomia: A. Neviani, G. Stein. Botanica, Zoologia: G. Negri, A. Chigi. Biologia, Physiologia, Anthropo- logia: U. Pierantoni, S. Killermann, Rh. Liertz, B. Thum, S. Baglioni, G. Ovio, M. Ansaldi, N. Pende. The Epilogus by M. Hudeczek discusses the relation- ship of Albertine science to modern science. The lack of an index is regrettable, but we must not forget that this important book was printed in Rome in times of great misery. G. S.

14th CENTURY-whole and first half ADNAN, ABDULHAK. Sur le Tanksukname-

i-Ilhani der Ulum-U-Funun-i-Khatai. Isis, 32, 45-47, facs., 1947.

FOWLER, GEORGE BINGHAM. Intellectual interests of Engelbert of Admont. 251 p., frontispiece. (Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, no. 530). New York, Co- lumbia University Press, 1947. $3.00. Doctor's thesis which originated in Professor Lynn

Thorndike's seminar ten years ago and was completed under bis direction. It is an elaborate study of Engel- bert's life and work which remains somewhat incon- clusive. "For a number of reasons, Engelbert's place in medieval intellectual history cannot at this time be finally determined," but the author expresses his inten- tion to continue his investigations, and we hope that these may be fruitful. In the meanwhile, he bas provided us with a full statement, well documented, of the knowl- edge available today. G. S.

FUCHS, WALTER. The "Mongol atlas" of China by Chu Ssu-pen and the Kuang-yu-t'u.

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Page 11: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

14th Century 70 With 48 facsimile maps dating from about 1555. 32 p. (Monumenta serica, Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking, monograph 8). Peking, Fu Jen University, I946. The atlas of Chu Ssu-pen (XIV-_) was dealt with in

my Introd. (3, 807), but I did not know of Fuchs' edition of it. That edition was mentioned in the ap- pendix (3, I85o), but it reached me only now. The 48 maps are reproduced in facsimile but unfortunately of so small a size that many Chinese characters are nothing but unreadable smudges. Chu Ssu-p8n compiled his atlas of China and neighboring countries in 1311-20 on the basis of extensive travel and study; it has come down to us in the revised edition of Lo Hung-hsien (1504-64). The work of another YUan cartographer, Chu's contemporary, Li Tse-min (fl. 1330) is also lost but represented in the Korean map drawn by Ch'uan Chin in 1402 and in an undated Chinese map (c. I600). Chu's atlas, the Kuang yu t'u, was first edited by Lo Hung-hsien in I154I, but it was not printed until c. I555. Later editions appeared in I558, 156I, 1566, 1572, 1579, 1799. These editions are discussed and compared by Dr. Fuchs. For his work on the Manchu atlas see this bibliography under China. G. S.

J. S. F. Town life in the XIV century as seen in the court rolls of Winchester City. I636 p. Winchester, Warren and Son [no date, I947?].


The court rolls of Winchester contain many illustra- tions of English custom and law in the fourteenth century; they help us to understand such subjects as the relation of the king to the city, the jurisdiction of the court, debasement of coinage, procedure, juries, com- purgation, city officers, sanitation, market and trades, morality, women (a woman might be punished not only for immorality but also for being a communis rixatrix or garrulatrix), clergy, the burghmote (city council). Many extracts from the rolls in dog Latin or in English enable the reader to examine the evidence and to ap- preciate its original form. This monograph might be used profitably in a seminar on mediaeval culture.

G. S.

JOHN, ROBERT L. Dante. 280 p. Vienna, Springer, 1946. Reviewed by Robert Rie, American Historical Re-

vieW, 52, 558, 1947.

LEONCINI, FRANCESCO. Monna Tessa e le Oblate Ospitaliere di S. Maria Nuova. 22 p. Firenze, Mori, 1946. Monna Tessa is probably an abbreviated form of

Madonna Contessa. Before 1348, the name Tessa was not rare in Italy, having been assumed probably in remembrance of the illustrious Contessa Matilde di Canossa (1o46-IIXS). Monna Tessa founded the order of Franciscan Oblates (Suore Oblate Francescane) de- dicated to medical nursing, in S. Maria Nuova in Careggi. She died in 1327. G. S.

RASHID-AD-DIN. Sbornik Letopisei III. Trans. A. D. Arends. 340 p. Moskva, Akad. Nauk, Institut Vostokovedenia, I936. This is the first volume in a projected series of sis

(three of Persian text and three of the corresponding translations) on Rashid al-Din's Jami' al-Tawarikh by the Oriental Institute in Leningrad. Only the history of the Mongol tribes, Cinggis Khan and his successors will be treated in these volumes. The present book contains a translation of the history of the Il-Khans of Iran. The entire text has already been edited as fol- lows: The section on Hulegu by E. Quatremere, His- toire des Mongols, Paris I836; The sections on Abaqa, Arghun and Qaiqatu, by K. Jahn, Ta'ril-i-Mubdrak-i- Gdzdni, Prag 1941; and the section on GhAxan, by K. Jahn, History of Gkdxdn K/dn, London 1940. The Russian translation, however, is based on two MSS, one from Tashkent and the other the excellent MS of the

Top Kapu Saray (Revan K5*k I5I8) in Istanbul (not used by Quatrem&re or Jahn), collated with five other MSS. (All are listed in C. Storey, Persian Literature, London 1935, 74.) The translation is well indexed, but the notes are left for a separate volume which will include notes on the rest of the series. R. N. F.

RASID AL-DIN. Ta'r1b-i-Mub&rak-i-G&z&n!. 6o + I07 p. (Persian text with German sum- mary). (Abh. der Deutschen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und Kunste in Prag, I. Heft). Prag, I94I.

With this volume the section of the Jdmi' al-Tawdrikh entitled Ta'rfkh-i-Mubdrak-i-Ghdzdni is at last com- pletely published. This volume deals with the reigns of the Il-Khans Abaqa, Arghun and Qaiqatu, providing the missing link between the reign of Huflegu, ed. Quatrembre, Paris I836, and Ghazan, ed. K. Jahn, London 1940. The edition is based on the Vienna MS, hence there are no alternate readings. A detailed Ger- man summary with index increases the usefulness of the work. Dr. Jahn is at present continuing his work on the history of Rashid al-Din, and has finished the section on the history of the Franks. R. N. F.

ROBERTSON, D. W., JR. The cultural, tradi- tion of Handlyng Synne. Speculum, 22, I62-

85, I947.

SARTON, GEORGE. Query no. 86. The date of Urbano of Bologna. Isis, 32, ii8, I947.

SARTON, GEORGE. Query no. 88. Barlaam's Logistica. Isis, 32, II9-20, I947.

SARTON, GEORGE. Query no. 89. The astro- nomical summary of Theodoros Metochites (d. I332). Isis, 32, I20, I947.

SAYF IBN MUHAMMAD AL-HARAWI. The Ta'rikh Nima-i-Harat. Persian text ed. by M. Z. a*-5iddiq1. 26-822 p. Calcutta, I944.

This extensive history of the city of Herat is preserved in a unique MS in the Imperial Library in Calcutta. The date of composition is the early four- teenth century and the contents are mainly concerned with the Mongol invasions and the rulers of the Kart dynasty of Herit. There is a wealth of detail about the founding of the city and a description of the buildings of Herfit, as well as many anecdotes about the rulers and prominent men of the city. The book is well indexed. R. N. F.

THOMSON, S. HARRISON. Walter Burley's commentary on the Politics of Aristotle. M6- langes Auguste Pelzer, 557-78, Louvain, I947.

"Burley's Commentarius in VIII libros Politicorum Aristotelis is an important work, not only by reason of its popularity in his age and after, but as well for the emphasis he laid upon Aristotle's via media in mat- ters of the person and power of the ruler, the nature and extent of the state, and the rights and obligations of citizenship. Burley evidently felt the need for an ap- peal to this middle way in times when most political writers were bitterly partisan in their views."

14th CENTURY-second half CALL, REGINALD. The Plimpton Chaucer

and other problems of Chaucerian portraiture. Speculum, 22, I35-44, 2 pls., I947.

LA CAVA, A. FRANCESCO. Igiene e saniti negli statuti di Milano del sec. XIV. (codice inedito). 99 p. (Contributi della Scuola di Storia della Medicina dell'Universita di Mi- lano). Milano, Hoepli, I946. Information derived from a MS of the Ospedale

maggiore in Milan dated 5485 but reproducing regula-

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Page 12: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

8o i5th Century tions of the previous century. See my Introd. (p. I659 and addenda to that page). G. S.

SOMOGYI, JOSEPH DE. Biblical figures in ad- Damirl's Hayat al-Hayawan. Dissertationes in honorem Dr. Eduardi Mahlen, 263-99, Budapestini, I937.

15th CENTURY-whole and first half FREITAS, JORDAO DE. 0 cabo de Bojador.

Origem desta denominacao. Import'ancia de ultrapassagem deste cabo por Gil Eanes. Ethnos, 2, II9-22, I942.

HONECKER, MARTIN. Der Name des Niko- laus von Cues zeitgen6ssischer Etymologie. Zugleich ein Beitrag zum Problem der Ono- mastika. 28 p. (Cusanus-Studien 5, Sitzungs- ber. d. Heidelberger Akad. d. Wiss., Phil-hist. KI., I939/40, 2. Abh.). Heidelberg, I940.

HONECKER, MARTIN. Die Entstehungszeit der "Docta ignorantia" des Nicolaus von Cues. Hist. Jahrb., 6o, I24-4I, I940.

HONECKER, MARTIN. Nikalous von Cues und die griechische Sprache. Nebst einem Anhang. Die Lobrede des Giovanni Andrea dei Bussi. viii + 76 p. (Cusanus-Studien 2, Sitzungsber. d. Heidelberger Akad. d. Wiss., Phil.-hist. KI., I937/38, 2. Abh.). Heidelberg, I938.

MENDELSOHN, CHARLES J. Bibliographical note on the "De cifris" of Leone Battista Alberti. Isis, 32, 48-5I, I947.

SANCEAU, ELAINE. Henry the Navigator. I44 p. London, Hutchinson, I946. Reviewed by A. E. C., Geographical Journal, 107,

259-61, I946. C. W. A.

15th CENTURY-second half

APERLO, G. Iconografia di Leonardo da Vinci nelle medaglie. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 33, 4I-57, ills., I942.

BOTTAZZI, FILIPPO. Il pensiero scientifico di Leonardo da Vinci. Bibliografia med. biol., 2, 735-57, I940. Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle

Scienze, anno 33, 24, 1942.

CAPPARONI, PIETRO. Un ritratto di Niccol6 Leoniceno, maestro di Paracelso a Ferrara. Rivista di Storia dell Scienze, anno 33, I-I4, portr., I942.

DIBNER, BERN. Leonardo da Vinci, military engineer. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 85-III, i8 figs., New York, Schu- man, I947-

Well documented and well illustrated survey of Leonardo's contributions to military engineering begin- ning with the Master's statement, "When besieged by ambitious tyrants, I find a means of offense and defense in order to preserve the chief gift of nature, which is liberty." G. S.

FAVARO, GIUSEPPE. La Bibbia nei mano- scritti di Leonardo. Atti e Mem. R. Acc. di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Modena, serie V, vol. V, I94I.

. Conobbe Leonardo i libri "De imitatione Christi" ?

* Velivolus et Leonardus. Excelsior, nr. I, I94I.

. In Leonardum anatomen exordien- tem. Carmen. Nel "Volume di scritti in onore del Prof. P. Capparoni," Torino, Mi- nerva med., 194I.

Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia dele Scienze, anno 33, 24, 1942.

GANZENMIULLER, WILHELM. Liber florum Geberti. Alchemistische Ofen und Gerate in einer Handschrift des I5. Jahrhunderts. Quel- len und Studien z. Gesch. d. Naturw. u. d. Medizin, 8, 273-304, 76 figs., I94I.

Reviewed by Diergart, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 123, 194I/42.

GAROSI, A. A proposito di Francesco Benzi (o Benci). Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 34, 53, I943.

GAUDIN, A. M. Mineral concentration by oil adhesion in XVth century. A selective process was apparently used in recovering lazurite. Engizeering and Mining Journal, I4I, 43-44, I940.

Apropos of the lapidary of Mubammad ibn Mansulr written in the second half of the fifteenth century.

G. S.

GUTHRIE, DOUGLAS. King James the Fourth of Scotland: his influence on medicine and science. Bulletin of the History of Medi- cine, 2I, I73-92, 4 figs., I947-

James IV, born 1473, crowned 1488, died 1513. "King James the Fourth of Scotland was a worthy pioneer of science and medicine. In the long line of Stuart kings, with their curious mixture of wisdom and folly, he stands out as a monarch whose advanced views brought benefit and enlightenment to his realm and hastened the dawn of a new age."

HARASZTI, ZOLTAN. Dr. Sarton on scien- tific incunabula. Isis, 32, 52-62, I947.

HARFF, ARNOLD VON. The pilgrimage of Arnold von Harff, Knight, from Cologne, through Italy, Syria, Egypt, Arabia, Ethio- pia, Nubia, Palestine, Turkey, France and Spain, which he accomplished in the years I496 to I499. Translated from the German and edited with notes and introduction by Malcolm Letts. xxxv + 325 p., ills. London, Hakluyt Society, I946. Members of the Hakluyt Society seem to receive

more books than they deserve, for this is the fourth work and the sixth volume to reach me in a short time. This is no. 94 of the second series. The text, originally ded- icated to the Duke William IV of Jilich and Berg and his wife Sibylla, was first printed by E. von Groote in Cologne I86o; the translation is made from that single edition. The pilgrim, Arnold, cannot possibly have visited all the countries which he describes; follow- ing the example of many other pilgrims (e.g., the Fleming, Joos van Ghistele, 148I-85; Isis, 34, 25-27) he felt justified in adding the experiences of others to his own. There would be little harm in that if he would but warn his readers and tell them what he has seen, and what others have (naming them), but unfortunately he does nothing of the kind and the value of his account is much smaller than it might have been if he had

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s5th Century 8i been more honest. The translation is beautifully pre- sented in the best Hakluyt tradition, with all necessary notes, introduction, chronological summary, bibliography and index. The illustrations reproduce the woodcuts of Groote's edition. G. S.

MUNSTER, LADISLAO. Un dimenticato grande clinico del 400: Baverio de' Bonetti. Progressi di Terapia, Milano, febbraio, I942.

Archiatri pontifici: Baverio. Rivista medica per il clero, Bologna, I940-42.

Reviewed by G. Mazzini, Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 34, 55-56, I943.

POPPER, WILLIAM. Extracts from Abiu l-Mahisin ibn TaghrT Birdi's chronicle en- titled Hawadith ad-duhur fl mada'l-ayyam wash-shuhur (part 4). Indices, glossary, and variants from Vat. MS. Arab 727. Berkeley, University of California Publications in Se- mitic Philology, 8, i-cxl, 737-92I, I942. (Re- ceived in July I947).

This volume brings to its conclusion the author's mas- terly edition of the Hawidith al-duhur. It contains many additions from a MS discovered by G. Levi della Vida in the Vatican, where it was hidden under a false title and a wrong authorship; it also contains indices and a glossary to the whole work. This completes the enormous work devoted by Professor Popper to Ibn Taghri Birdi and published in the same series by the University of California since I909. I refer to his edi- tion not only of the Hawidith but also of the Nujfim. We may recall that vol. I and vol. 2, part I of the Nuitim were edited by Juynboll, vol. 2, part 2, vol. 3, part i, vols. 5 to 7, by Popper. In the meanwhile, a complete edition was begun by Al7mad Zaki pasha (d. 1934) in Cairo 1929; that edition was based upon a Constantinople MS except for the period 868 to II29 missing in that MS; for that period what the Cairene editor calls the a41 is not a MS as one would expect but the Leyden edition to 975, and after that the Cali- fornia edition. The introduction to the Cairene edition includes three hitherto unknown biographies of Ibn Taghri Birdi and other materials; see also Gaston Wiet's study on that historian (Bull. Institut d'Egypte, 12, 89-i0S, 1930). To return to the California edition, it does credit not only to Professor Popper but also to the University which sponsored it with so much intelligence and generosity. Every Arabic scholar is indebted to them. G. S.

ROSENTHAL, ERWIN. The German Ptolemy and its world map. I5 p., map. New York, The New York Public Library, I944.

Apropos of the map for Der deutsche Ptolomaeus, C. 1493 (Klebs 813), here reproduced from the only known copy recently acquired by the New York Public Library. G. S.

SCALINI, NOR. Asterischi Galateani. Bari, Cressati, I946.

Apropos of Antonio Galateo, author of De podagra et de morbo gallico (I494-95), published in i868, etc. Reviewed by A. Corsini, Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 38, 69, I947.

SCHMID, ALFRED (editor). Conrad Tursts jatro-mathematisches Gesundheitsbuchlein fUr den Berner Schultheissen Rudolf von Erlch. Mit Einleitung herausgegeben. (Berner Bei- trage zur Geschichte der Medizin und Natur- wissenschaften). Bern, Haupt, I947.

Reviewed by B. Milt, Gesnerus, 4, 6I-63, 1947. Conrad Turst was a physician, astrologer, and humanist of Zulrich. His regimen sanitatis is edited from a well written MS in the Central Library of Zurich. G. S.

SIMILI, ALESSANDRO. Alcuni documenti inediti intorno a Francesco Benzi (o Benci). Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 33, 8I- I02, 2 figs., I942.

SIMILI, ALESSANDRO. Un certificato medico inedito di Baverio Bonetti. Policlinico, Sez. prat., Roma, I dicembre I941.

. Un episodio della carriera profes- sionale di Baverio Bonetti, lettore bolognese. Athena, Roma, I94I. Reviewed by G. Mazzini, Rivista di Storia deUe

Scienze, anno 34, ss-s6, 1943.

SINGER, DOROTHEA WALEY. An unusual plan of the universe. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 4I5-I8, I facs., New York, Schuman, I947.

Apropos of strange diagrams found only in two B. M. MSS of XV/XVI cent. "A slightly eccentric sun is sur- rounded by concentric zones. Luna illumines the zone close around the sun, next is a dark zone in which is a circle containing the legend Mercurius. Next is a narrow light zone presumably designating the firma- ment. Inscribed in semi-circles around this zone are the names of the planets Mars, Mercurius, Jupiter, Venus and Saturnus, besides Sol and Luna. Outside these appear large circles with the names of the Four Elements, and beyond are smaller circles with the names of the zodiacal signs.".... The central legend opens with the word Benedicite, while the words Robert Freihucer are perhaps discernible on the left, and pos- sibly the date I482 on the right."

TAVIANI, SIRO. Saggio par il commento a due capitoli del trattato della pittura di Lionardo da Vinci. Rivista di Storia delk Scienze, anno 34, 69-75, 3 figs., I943.

TAVIANI, SIRO. II moto umano in Lionardo da Vinci. Societa italiana di storia delle sci- enze mediche e naturali. lxiv p., luglio I942.

TAYLOR, F. SHERWOOD. George Ripley's song. Ambix, 2, I77-8I, I846.

VALE, GIUSEPPE. Itinerario di Paolo San- tonino in Carintia, Stiria e Carniola negli anni I485-I487 (Codice Vaticano Latino 3795). Xii + 303 p. (Studi e Testi, I03). Citti del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vati- cana, I943.

The text (p. 121-268) is fully annotated, well in- dexed, and preceded by an introduction explaining political conditions in the diocese of Aquileia before and during Paolo Santonino's residence in Udine. After the death of the patriarch Lodovico Trevisan, cardinal camerlengo, in I465, the see remained vacant for six years. Santonino, chancellor of the "curia patriarcale" was in office during the patriarchates of Marco Barbo (I47I-91) and of Ermolao Barbaro (1491-93). The diocese was invaded by Turks and afflicted by the war between the emperor Frederick III and the king of Hungary, Matthias Corvinus. Santonino's accounts of his journeys are interesting, because he was a keen observer, paying attention to many things. He died c. IS07. G. S.

VALLENTIN, ANTONINA. Leonardo da Vinci; the tragic pursuit of perfection. Trans- lated by E. W. Dickes. xii + 56I p., 4 col. pIS., 31 pls. New York, Viking Press, 1938. Reviewed by C. A. Kofoid, Isis, 32, 141-43, 1947.

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Page 14: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

82 i6th Century

16th CENTURY-whole and first half

A. Mathematics

ECKMAN, JAMES. Jerome Cardan. xiv + 120 p. (Supplement to the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, no. 7). Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1946. $2.00.

This monograph is not a new life of Cardan written for the benefit of the general student of the history of science. Such a reader will find Dr. Eckman's pages rough going indeed. The treatise is rather a scholarly reappraisal of the facts and opinions presented by earlier writers upon Cardan, with the special aim of assessing the importance of his contributions to science, and particularly his contributions to medicine. The author, moreover, rightly examines Cardan's work in the light of the ideas of his own age, realizing that we cannot understand a man's career apart from the life and thought of the period in which he lived. In the process of studying Cardan in the milieu of the Europe -and especially the Italy-of the sixteenth century, the primacy of the University of Padua in promoting original scientific inquiry becomes manifest.

The 335 notes assembled at the end of Dr. Eckman's study supply a valuable bibliography of the studies of Cardan. This reviewer was disappointed, however, be- cause the author was too often content to state, suc- cinctly and clearly, the divergent opinions of previous writers regarding some aspect of Cardan's career in- stead of carrying his researches further so that he could present with confidence a new and more firmly grounded interpretation. Because Dr. Eckman has thus limited the purpose and scope of his monograph, he has given us the prolegomena for a new scholarly biography of Cardan, but not that greatly-to-be-desired biography.

F. R. J.

RICHESON, A. W. The first arithmetic printed in English. Isis, 37, 47-56, I pI., 1947. An introduction for to lerne to recken with the pen,

or with the counters (St. Albans 1537). Anonymous, often reprinted. Richeson gives a complete analysis of this book. G. S.

B. Physical Sciences and Technology KESTEN, HERMANN. Copernicus and his

world. Trans. by E. B. Ashton and Norbert Guterman. x + 408 p., 8 ills. New York, Roy, I945.

Reviewed by Francis R. Johnson, Isis, 37, 82, 1947.

LIMBERGEN, JOS VAN. De groote Revolutie van Copernicus. I95 p., I6 pls. Brussels, Steenlandt, 1944.

Vie de Copernic, &crite sous une forme plus ou moins romanche et populaire, avec des annotations i la fin du livre (x6x-x93). Livre de peu d'importance. P. B.

[MANSSON, PEDER]. Peder Manssons Schriften Uber technische Chemie und Hutten- wesen. Eine Quelle zur Geschichte der Tech- nik des Mittelalters ubersetzt und erlautert von Otto Johannsen. vii + 26I p., i facs., figs., i map. (Schriftenreihe der Arbeits- gemeinschaft fur Technikgeschichte des Ver- eins Deutscher Ingenieure im NSBDT, i6). Berlin, VDI-Verlag, 1941. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 124-25,


THORNDIKE, LYNN. Johann Virdung of Hassfurt: dates of birth and death. Isis, 37, 74, 1947. The dates are 1463 and I538-42. G. S.

C. Natural Sciences

CRONE, G. R. A manuscript atlas by Battista Agnese in the Society's collection. Geographi- cal Journal, Io8, 72-80, I946. Portolan of c. ISSo. 'A comparison of Agnese's

world map with others current about the same time is by no means to his discredit . . . (he) at least refrained from speculations, no doubt because he accepted the work of practical cartographers such as Ribero.'

C. W. A.

JULIEN, CHARLES-ANDRA; HERVAL, RENt; BEAUCHESNE, TH1tODORE (edi- tors). Les francais en Amerique pendant la premiere moiti6 du XVIe siecle: textes des voyages de Gonneville Verrazano, J. Cartier et Robeval. 223 p. (Colonies et empires: Collection internationale de documentation coloniale. Deuxieme serie: Les classiques de la colonisation, I). Paris, Presses universi- taires de France, I946. Reviewed by Gustave Lanctot, American Historical

Review, 52, 566, 1947.

D. Medical Sciences BELLEI, ALBERTO. II IV centenario del

"De humani corporis fabrica" di Andrea Vesalio. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 34, 76-88, 1943.

CAMPANA, AUGUSTO. Manente Leontini fiorentino medico e traduttore di medici greci. Firenze, La Rinascita, I94I. Reviewed by Giuseppe Mazzini, Rivista di Storia

delle Scienze, anno 33, 20, 1942.

FRANKEL, WALTER K. Paracelsus, the founder of occupational medicine. Occupa- tional Medicine, 3, 288-99, 4 figs., 1947.

JUNG, C. G. Paracelsica, zwei Vorlesungen iiber den Arzt und Philosophen Theophrastus. i88 p. Zurich, Rascher Verlag, I942.

Reviewed by G. H., AMbix, 2, 19698, 1946.

MERCATI, GIOVANNI. Su Francesco Calvo da Menaggio, primo stampatore, e Marco Fabio Calvo da Ravenna, primo traduttore del corpo Ippocratico in latino. Studi e testi, 3I, 47-7I, Roma, I9I7.

NEGKER, JOBST JOST DE. Anothomia oder abconterfectung eines Weybs leyb wie er inn- wendig gestaltet ist. (Anatomische Tafel aus dem Jahre 1538). Neu-Herausgabe von Mar- tin Vogel. io p., i pl. Stuttgart, Hippo- krates-Verlag Marquardt, 1941.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 275, 1941/42.

OSBORNE, NANCY F. The doctor in the French literature of the sixteenth century. xviii + 140 p. New York, King's Crown Press, 1946. Reviewed by 0. Temkin, Bulletin of the History of

Medicine, 20, 595-96, 1946.

[Paracelsus]. Nova Acta Paracelsica. III. Jahr- buch der schweizerischen Paracelsus-Gesell- schaft, 194 p., ills. Basel, Birkhauser, 1946. It will suffice to mention the publication of this

third volume without analyzing it. It contains, like

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x6th Century 83 the two previous ones (Isis, 37, I98), various articles on Paracelsus and his relationship to other men, such as Mippocrates, Plotin, Schopenhauer, the Rosicrucians.

G. S.

[Paracelsus]. A Paracelsus celebration took place in Salzburg on Sept. 23-25, 1941. (Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 368, 1940) and another in Berlin, Oct. 24, 1941 (Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 307-309,


PEZZI, GIUSEPPE. In margine al viaggio di Magellano. Ricerche storico-mediche. Rivista di Storia deUe Scienze, anni 35-37, 72-74,


PROSKAUER, CURT. A merry medicine for the teeth (ca. 1520). Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 21, 102-109, 4 figs., 1947.

Apropos of Une joyeuse m6decine pour les dents, added to the last edition (c. I520) of Guillaume Alexis: Le debat de l'homme et de la femme, first printed in Paris c. 1490.

SAUNDERS, JOHN B. DEC. M.; O'MALLEY, CHARLES DONALD. Andreas Vesalius Bruxellensis: The Bloodletting Letter of 1539.

An annotated translation and study of the evolution of Vesalius' scientific development. Studies and Essays offered to George Sar- ton, p. 3-74, facs., New York, Schuman, 1947. The "Epistola, docens venam axillarem dextri cubiti

in dolore laterali secandam: & melancholium succum pertinentibus, purgari" was first printed in Basel x539, then again in Venice xS44. It is here completely trans- lated with abundant notes. Saunders remarks: "In this letter we perceive the first steps in the slow and gradual loosening of traditional bonds whence eventually emerged the principle that the validity of a hypothesis rests solely upon facts established by observation. Here Vesalius asks a first tentative question 'whether the method of an anatomy could corroborate speculation'; a question not without moment in a day when principles based solely upon the power of the intellect, were enshrined as truth. The venesection letter is there- fore transitional, occupying the period of his scientific adolescence, bridging the interval between the frankly Galenical anatomy of his earlier recension of Guinter's Institutianes Axatomicae, 1538, and the observational method which made the Fabrica (x543) the first posi- tive achievement of modern science."

SINGER, CHARLES. A word on the philo- sophic background of Vesalius. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 75-84, New York, Schuman, I947.

"'Vesalius even as anatomist-perhaps specially as anatomist-could not help thinking of the end, the design, for which man was made. The spirit of Re- naissance art gave a form to the Galenic teleology with which he was beset. Man is a work of art, God an artist. Men and women are the Great Artist's study for His grand design in His own image. Imperfect studies indeed. Vesalius, unlike Galen, was not for ever harping on the perfection of every detail of the bodily mechanism. He had before him bodies of criminals, worn-out paupers, and those wasted by disease, yet aU shadowing a unique conception in the mind of the Godhead. It was for the anatomist to reach closer than these poor corpses to the type of perfection. We think of anatomy in terms of evolution, and our ques- tions are always 'Whence?' and 'How?' Vesalius thought in terms of design, and his questions were 'Whither?' and 'Why?' He was a true teleologist who sought the consummation, the telos, the end, for which Man was made."

VAN DRIESSCHE, ALBERT. Andreas Vesa- lius. Ioo p., ills. Diest, Pro Arte, 1943. Short biography of Vesalius, with many illustrations,

by a member of the Royal Flemish Academy of medi- cine. G. S.

K Alia

CASPARI, FRITZ. Erasmus on the social func- tions of Christian humanism. Journal of the History of Ideas, 8, 78-I06, zI947.

DECKERS, THILDA. Erasmus de veelomstre- dene. 91 p., 25 ills. Diest, Pro Arte, 1943.

A brief, well illustrated, account of Erasmus, "the much discussed one." It includes the text of his auto- biography published in Dutch in Rotterdam c. x6i S. The original Latin MS is lost, but there exist various adaptations of it. G. S.

ESTELREICH, J. Au Mexique sur les traces de Vives. 34 p. (Extrait de "La Mission de l'Es- pagne"). Paris, Plon, 1941.

ESTELREICH, J. Vives 1492-1540. Avant- propros par Bernard Fay. XViii+222 p. Ex- position organisee i la Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, janvier-mars 1941.

KRISTELLER, PAUL OSKAR. Francesco da Diacceto and Florentine Platonism in the sixteenth century. Miscellanea Giovanni Mer- cati, Volume IV, Letteratura classica e uma- nisdca. 45 p. (Studi e Testi, I24). Cittk del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1946. The Florentine Francesco da Diacceto (1466-i522)

was a kind of successor to Ficino (d. 1499) as a teacher of Platonism; none of his works were published during his life time. His Latin "treatises and his attempted synthesis of Plato and Aristotle were to find their con- tinuation in the work of the Pisa Platonists of the late sixteenth century, whose writings might profitably be made the subject of further study. Although Diacceto cannot be compared with Ficino either in his thought or in his inlluence, as a local successor of Ficino's Pla- tonism he was not merely the dead end of the Platonic Academy, but he transmitted and modified its heritage and thus prepared the way for the Tuscan Platonism of the later sixteenth century which found its literary center in the Accademia Fiorentina and its philosophical center in the University of Pisa." G. S.

LEFRANC, ABEL. Nicolas Cl1nard, humaniste belge, et les commencements du Collage de France. Comptes rendus de l'Acad. des in- scriptions, 422-39, I94I.

Apropos of Alphonse Roersch's edition of Clinard's correspondence. G. S.

[MORE, THOMAS.] The correspondence of Sir Thomas More. Edited by Elizabeth Fran- ces Rogers. xxiii+584 p., 5 ills. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1947. $7.50. This scholarly edition of More's correspondence is the

fruit of a devoted labor continued during a quarter of a century. It includes all his extant letters, Latin and English, with the exception of the letters to or from Erasmus which are simply mentioned in their proper chronological place with reference to Allen's edition of them. The student of More will thus be obliged to re- fer frequently to the Opus epistolarum Erasmi (x9o6 ff.; Isis, 34, 247); on the other hand, the student of Eras- mus will be indebted to Dr. Rogers for much informa- tion included in many of More's letters. To quote an example, More's Latin letter to Martin Dorp, written in

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84 i6th Century (2nd half) Bruges in 1515, is a veritable treatise (p. 27 to 74 in this edition) discussing the Encomium Moriae, as well as Erasmus' edition of St. Jerome and of the New Testa- ment. The letters are fully annotated and well indexed. Mrs. Percy Stafford Allen has added a foreword, which might be considered her husband's posthumous blessing of the great undertaking. G. S.

RITTER, GERHARD. Erasmus und der deut- sche Humanistenkreis am Oberrhein. Eine Gedenkrede. Mit einem Anhang: Die Eras- musdrucke der Freiburger Universitatsbiblio- thek von Josef Rest. 85 p. (Freiburger Uni- versitaitsreden, H. 23). Freiburg i. Br., I937.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 40, 1941/42.

ROERSCH, ALPHONSE. Clenard peint par lui-meme. Textes choisis, traduits et anno- t's. 78 p. (Collection nationale). Bruxelles, Office de publicite, I942. Reviewed by G. Ryckmans, Muslon, 55, 193, 1942.

ROERSCH, ALPHONSE. Correspondance de Nicolas Clenard. T. III: Recueil de lettres traduites en franqais. xii+2I3 p. (Academie Royale de Belgique, Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Collection des Anciens Auteurs Belges, 2). Bruxelles, Palais des Academies, I94I. Reviewed by G. Ryckmans, Muslon, 55, 193, 1942.

SULLIVAN, FRANK; SULLIVAN, MAJIE PADBERG. Moreana, I478-I945. A preli- minary check list of material by and about Saint Thomas More. Unpaginated. Kansas City. Mo., Rockhurst College, I946.

16th CENTURY-second half

A. Mathematics

RICHARDS, JOHN F. C. Boissiere's Pytha- gorean game. Translated with notes on the text. Scripta Mathernatica, I2, I77-2I7, II

figs., I946. Apropos of the Rythmomachia of Claude de Bois-

siire (Paris I556).

SAEDELEER, ANTOON DE. Het streven naar eene volmaakte inrichting van den staat. Op den drempel der I7e eeuw. 53 p., 7 pls. (De Seizoenen-reeks, nr. 45). Ant- werpen, Nederlandsche Boekhandel, I943. Etude sur le livre "Vita Politica. Het Burgherlick

Leven." (Leyden, by Franchoys van Ravelenghien. 1590) de Simon Stevin. P. B.

B. Physical Sciences and Technology

CUONZO, GAETANO. II contenuto scienti- fico-medico delle opere "De caeleste physiono- mia" e "De humana physionomia" di Giam- battista Dalla Porta. 24 p. Palo del Colle, Andriola, I942. Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle Sci-

enze, anno 34, 93, I943.

DIJKSTERHUIS, E. J. Tycho Brahe. I4 De- cember I546-24 October i6oi. Hemel en dampkring, 45, I-II, 27-33, 7 ills., I947.

ESPARTEIRO, ANTONIO MARQUES. A tec- nologia naval dos "Lusiadas." Ethnos, 2,

I03-I7, I942.

JOHNSON, FRANCIS R. Marlowe's astronomy and Renaissance skepticism. ELH, A Jouirnal of English Literary History, I3, 24I-54, I946.

"In the textbooks of his day [Marlowe] would have found no detailed exposition of the Copernican theory; in only a few might he have come across a casual ref- erence to the new heliocentric hypothesis. On the other hand, most of the books that he examined, though ex- pounding the conventional astronomy with its ten mov- ing spheres, would have mentioned that the evidence for the ninth and tenth spheres was of an entirely different order from that for the first eight. In Ricius' or Fine's works, however, or in the exposition of their theories in such treatises as Clavius' commentary on Sacrobosco, he would have found authority for the emphatic re- jection, on the basis of empirical skepticism, of the existence of any moving sphere beyond the eighth, and a logical explanation offered for the observable heavenly motions without recourse to additional spheres. To a mind such as MIarlowe's, with a natural inclination to embrace unconventional in preterence to orthodox views, the dissenting tradition, typified by Ricius and Fine, would have a special appeal."

[Liebau, Andreas]. Anregung zu einer Neu- ausgabe des ersten lateinisch geschriebenen Lehrbuchs "Alchemia" v. J. I597 des Andreas Liebau (Libavius) anlasslich der 325. Wie- derkehr seines Todesjahres (gest. i6i6). By Diergart, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, I84, I94I/42.

NALDONI, M. A. Un manuscrit inedit de G. B. della Porta. Atti Fondaz. G. Ronchi, I, 48-56,


SARTON, GEORGE. Floating docks in the sixteenth century (Isis, 36, I53-54, I946). Isis, 37, 74, I947-

TAYLOR, F. SHERWOOD. Thomas Char- nock. Ambix, 2, I48-76, ill., I946. Thomas Charnock was born in 1524 or 1526 in

Faversham, Kent, and died in 1581.

C. Natural Sciences PHILLIPS, JOHN GOLDSMITH. Portrait of

a potter. Bulletin of the Metropolitan Mu- seum of Art, 5, 240-44, ills., I947.

Apropos of a painted terracotta bust in the Metro- politan presumed to be that of Bernard Palissy.

G. S.

ZIMMERMANN, WALTHER. Hieronymus Harders Handherbarium. Arch. d. Pharma- zie u. Ber. d. Deutsch. Pharmazeut. Ges., 8- 34, I939. Reviewed by AMarzell, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 340,


D. Medical Sciences

ARCARI, PAOLA MARIA. Agostino Bucci, medico-politico alla Corte dei Savoia. I70 p. Roma, Nuove Grafiche, I942.

Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle Sci- enze, anno 34, 95-96, 1943.

BECKER, GEORG. Wilhelm Fabricius von Hilden. Ein Lebensbild unter Beriucksichti- gung seiner Beziehungen zum Berkischen Lande. 69 p., 4 figs. (Ver6ffentlichungen der

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i 6th Century (2nd half) 8 5

Stadtbiucherei Wuppertal, 5). Wuppertal-El- berfeld, Martini & Griittefien, 1941.

Reviewed by R. J. Schaefer, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 247-48, I94I/42.

DUCCESCHI, VIRGILIO. Giulio Pozzi (....

1567) e la sua opera "De Plagis seu cruentis vulneribus capitis, Lectiones." Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 32, 53-6o, i ill., I94'.

LA CAVA, A. FRANCESCO. La peste di S. Carlo. Note storico-mediche sulla peste del 1576. Prefazione del Prof. Antonio Cazzaniga. 239 p., 32 figs. (Contributi della Scuola di Storia della Medicina dell'Universita di Mi- lano, 2). Milano, Hoepli, I945. A study, medical, administrative, cultural, religious,

of the plague which visited Milano in I576 and is called "la peste di San Carlo" because of the part taken by St. Carlo Borromeo (I538-84), then archbishop of Milano, in helping the sick, burying the dead, giving confidence to the living. Elaborate bibliography and index.

G. S.

MURATORI, GIULIO. Su due insigni anato- misti del I500 (G. B. Canani e G. Falloppio) e sul teatro anatomico di Ferrara. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anni 35-37, 1-12, 3 figs., 1946.

NIERENSTEIN, M. (d. 1946). Luiz de Mer- cado. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, I24-27, I947.

PESCE, GIUVANNI. Bartolomeo Paschetti medico veronese e la sua produzione scienti- fico-letteraria. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 33, 58-72, 3 ills., I942.

PICCININI, PRASSITELE. Come Andrea Bacci da S. Elpidio merito la cittadinanza onoraria romana. Atti del 5? congresso na- zionale di Studi Romani, 5. Apropos of Andrea Bacci (1524-I600), author of

an elaborate work De thermis in seven volumes. Reviewed by G. Veriti, Rivista di Storia dell Scienze, anno 38, 71, 1947. G. S.

SIMILI, ALESSANDRO. Gerolamo Mercuriale lettore e medico a Bologna. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 32, I6i-96, 6 figs., I94I.

E. Alia

[BODIN, JEAN]. Response of Jean Bodin to Paradoxes of Malestroit and the Paradoxes. Translated from the French, second edition, Paris: Jacques du Puys, I578, by George Albert Moore. xviii+go p. Washington, D. C., Country Dollar Press, I946. First English translation of Bodin's Responsio ad para-

doxa Malestretti (I 568) made upon Bodin's French edi- tion of it (1578). Bodin's little treatise is important in the history of economic theories, because it was the first to offer an elaborate explanation of the revolution in prices which occurred at that time. "There are some 'mercantilist' elements in his mode of thinking; there is, however, also a belief that relaxation from restric- tion would be highly advisable. His time shows the early beginnings of mercantile policies, and he paid his tribute to them; however, he was ahead of his time by advising less restriction on trade, and sounder monetary policies." G. S.

FORD, J. D. M. (editor). Os Lusiadas by Luis de Camoes. Edited with introduction and notes. ix+45I p. (Harvard Studies in Ro- mance Languages, 22). Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1946. Reviewed by A. R. Nykl, Hispanic Review, IS, 225-

35, '947.

IVES, S. A. Alonso de la Vera Cruz: The father of scientific and legal study in America. Rare Books, Notes on the History of Old Books and Manuscripts, 5, I-5, facs., New York, H. P. Kraus, I947.

Short biography of Alonso Gutierrez (3'508-84) who assumed c. I535 the Augustinian habit and the name Alonso de la Vera Cruz and proceeded to Mexico. He wrote four books, all printed in Mexico: Recognitio sum- mularum (I554), Dialectica resolutio (I554), Phisica speculatio (I557), Speculum coniugiorum (I556). The third and fourth might be called the first scientific and legal treatises to be published in the New World. The Phisica speculatio is an Aristotelian treatise, including many references to "modern" authors, chiefly Pedro Ciruelo whose commentary on the sphere of Sacrobosco was printed with the latter (Paris I498; Klebs 874-25, 25 var.), and also many references to Mexican peculiari- ties. At the end of the Physica speculatio was reprinted, by way of astronomical introduction, the Compendium spherae of Giovanni Campano (XIII-2). G. S.

MERCATI, ANGELO. II sommario del pro- cesso di Giordano Bruno. Con Appendice di documenti sull'eresia e l'inquisizione a Modena nel secolo XVI. I55 p. (Studi e Testi, ioI). Citth del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, I942.

The process of Bruno lasted seven years and its acts are lost, but a summary is preserved written in 1589 by the assessor of the Roman tribunal. The MS of that summary was found and copied in the secret archives of the Vatican in x886-87, then lost again and re- discovered by the author in 1940 in the personal ar- chives of Pius IX. The text beginning "Quod frater Jordanus male sentiat de sancta fide catholica contra quam et eius ministros obloquutus est" covers p. 55 to II9 (in the original MS p. 9 to 295). This is followed by accounts of the prison of the Inquisition in Rome, November 1596, and by notes concerning heresy and in- quisition in Modena in the sixteenth century. The text is carefully annotated and indexed. G. S.

[WOLF, EDWIN 2ND]. Doctrina Christiana. The first book printed in the Philippines, Manila, I593. A facsimile of the copy in the Lessing J. Rosenwald collection. Library of Congress, Washington. With an introductory essay. vi+50 p. + facsimile. [Washington, D. C., Library of Congress, I9471. $2.00.

Complete facsimile copy of an extremely rare (unique?) book discovered in Paris in 1946 and given by Mr. Rosenwald to the Library of Congress. It is a xylographic book printed in the Dominican monastery of St. Gabriel in Manila, 1593, containing the elements of Christian doctsine (prayers and catechism) in Spanish, in Tagalog characters and also romanized. In spite of what the title says we are not certain that this is the first book printed in the Philippines. Wolf concludes: "We have the possibility, but not a likely one, that an Arte by Juan de Quifiones was printed xylographically in I58i; we know that in the first half of the year 1593 two Doctrinas were printed xylographically-al- though we have no way of telling which came first - one in Tagalog from the Talavera-Plasencia-Oliver text, and one in Chinese written by Juan Cobo, both edited and printed under the supervision of Domingo de Nieva and Juan de San Pedro Martyr; we surmise that be- tween 1593 and I602 other works were also printed

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86 17th Century xylographically, such as the small tracts of Juan de Villanueva and some of the books of Blancas de San Jose, Nieva and others; and in I1602 was printed by Juan de Vera, in all likelihood from movable type, the book of Our Lady of the Rosary by Blancas de San Jose."

17th CENTURY-whole and first huzlf A. Mathematics

DE WAARD, CORNELIS. Descartes et Regius. A propos d'une lettre ouverte peu connue adressee a Descartes. Revue philosophique, 344-56, I947. Text of a Latin letter addressed by Pieter Wassenaer

to Descartes, dated Utrecht 9 Feb. I648, preceded by a study vindicating Henri Le Roy (Regius) against Des- cartes. G. S.

HUMBERT, PIERRE. Cet effrayant genie. . . L'oeuvre scientifique de Blaise Pascal. 264 p., i6 pls., i6 figs. Paris, Michel, I947. The author of this book, examiner at the Ecole

Polytechnique and professor at the Faculty of sciences of Montpellier, is favorably known to a large circle of French-reading people because of his delightful studies on Peiresc, Duhem, Gassendi, Copernic, Galileo, etc. The present volume explains every aspect of Pascal's scientific work, Pascal's own words being frequently quoted. The book seems to be very well documented but includes no notes, no detailed references, no index. It is written very clearly and smoothly for humanized men of science rather than for scholars. The author has a great gift of scientific explanation and must be an excellent teacher. The Acad6mie des sciences awarded to him its Prix Binoux in 1940 (Isis, 37, 79).

G. S.

KOYRA, ALEXANDRE. Entretiens sur De- scartes. II3 p. New York, Brentano, I944.

Reviewed by Leo Roberts, Isis, 37, 83, 1947.

STEWART, H. F. Blaise Pascal. Proceedings of the British Academy, 28, I97-2I5, I942.

B. Physical Sciences and Technology CASSIRER, ERNST (I874-I945). Galileo's

Platonism. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 277-97, New York, Schu- man, 1947.

"Galileo gave to the Greek classical method of 'prob- lematical analysis' a new breadth and a new depth. He applied it to a subject in which it had never been used before. He proved its fertility not only for mathemati- cal but also for physical thought. In this respect he went far beyond Plato. But if Plato could have seen his work he would not have failed to see in it the work of a kindred spirit. 'I myself,' says Plato, in his dia- logue Plsaedrus, 'am a lover of these processes of division and bringing together as aids to speech and thought. And if I thinik any other man is able to see things that can naturally be collected into one and divided into many, him I follow after and ((walk in his footsteps as if he were a god.))' Galileo was not only one of the greatest scientists; he was also one of the great 'dialec- ticians' in the Platonic, not in the Hegelian sense of the term. He possessed to the highest degree the gift of diairesis and synagoge. He introduced sharp distinctions between things that had been confused and he united and brought together natural phenomena that hitherto had been regarded as disparate and heterogeneous."

CASTALDI, LUIGI. I microscopi costruiti da Galileo Galilei (6fo-i63o) con notizie sugli inizi del telescopio. SocietA italiana di storia delle scienze med. e natur., LXVII p., ottobre, 1942.

DEFOSSEZ, L. Les savants du XVII. siecle et la mesure du temps. Preface de M. A. Jaque- rod. 34I p., 44 pIs., I20 figs. Lausanne, Edi- tion du Journal suisse d'horlogerie et de bijouterie, I946. I. Introduction. 2. La mecanique avant Galilee. 3.

Jost Burgi, horloger, astronome et mathematicien. 4. Galil6e. 5. Christian Huygens et i'horloge A pendule. 6. Contestations au sujet de l'invention de i'horloge A pendule. 7. Le pendule cycloidal. 8. Le centre d'oscilla- tion. 9. Le pendule et la mesure universelle. ro. Le probleme des longitudes et les horloges marines d'Huy- gens. I I . Le pendule conique. I12. Le spiral reglant. 13. Robert Hooke. 14. L'isochronisme des oscillations. Le balancier marin parfait. I5. Influence de la tem- perature sur la marche des instruments horaires. I6. La montre de Leibniz. Quelques perfectionnements des hor- loges et des montres. 17. L'evolution de la mecanique au cours du XVIIe si6cle. Appendices. i. Termes tech- niques d'horlogerie; 2. bibliographie; 3. index des noms propres. The book is well documented and illustrated; the author is professor of physics at the University of Neuchatel and director of the Swiss Laboratory of chro- nometric research; he is thus familiar with every aspect, theoretical and practical, of the subjects discussed.

G. S.

FAVARO, GIUSEPPE. Galileo e l'Acquapen- dente. Atti R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, I02, 47-52, I942-43.

Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Stona delle Sci- enze, anno 34, 93, 1943.

FILIPPI, ANGIOLO. Parere anatomico sulla identificazione di due dita, pollice e indice, della mano destra di Galileo Galilei. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 34, 42-47, I943.

GANZENMOLLER, WILHELM. Das chemi- sche Laboratorium der Universitat Marburg im Jahre I6I5. Angew. Chem., 54, 2I5-I7,


Reviewed by Diergart, Mitt. Gesck. Med., 39, 328, I1940.

[Gordon, Robert]. Gordon's astrolabe at the Royal Scottish Museum. Nature, I59, 533, I947.

Apropos of Robert Gordon of Straloch (zI8o-z66i). G. S.

GREGORY, JOSHUA C. Astrology and as- tronomy in the seventeenth century. Nature, 159, 393-94, 1947.

LEONCINI, FRANCESCO. Le reliquie di Gali- leo Galilei. Rivista di Storia deUe Scienze, anno 34, 1-4I, 6 figs., I943.

LORIA, GINO. Prime linee di una bibiliografia Torricelliana. Estratto da Torricelliana, anno 1945, 7 p., Faenza, I946. Torricellian bibliography from 1644 to 1946. One of

the main items is the Opere (3 vols.), edited by Prof. Loria himself and G. Vassura and published in 19i9. The Torricellian museum of Faenza was destroyed dur- ing the war. G. S.

McCOLLEY, GRANT. Christopher Scheiner and the decline of neo-Aristotelianism. Isis, 32, 63-69, 1947.

NEVIANI, A. Lettere chimische ed alchimiche nel carteggio linceo di Federigo Cesi. Atti e memorie dell' Istituto italiano di storia della chimica, serie 2a, vol. 3?.

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Page 19: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

I7th Century 87 Reviewed by G. Verita, Rivista di Storia deUe Sc-

ense, anno 32, I55, 1941.

RONCHI, V. En quoi consistait le "secret des lunettes" de Torricelli? Scientia, 79, 23-29,


ROSEN, EDWARD. The naming of the tele- scope. Foreword by Harlow Shapley. xvi+ iio p., frontispiece, I5 figs. New York, Schu- man, I947. $2.50.

Elaborate study of a little point of astronomical no- menclature. The argument is too complex to be sum- marized here; it must suffice to record the conclusion, referring readers to the book itself for the abundant details. The term telescope was derived by the Greek poet and theologian, John Demisiani of Cephalonia, and publicly unveiled by Frederick Cesi, founder and presi- dent of the Lincei, at the banquet given in Galileo's honor on April 14, i6ii, by the Duke of Acquasparta at his place high above St. Pancratius in Rome. The first appearance in print occurs in the Book of Julius Caesar La Galla: De phoenomenis in orbe lunae novi telescopii usu a D. Gallileo Gallileo nunc iterum susci- tatis (Venice 06i2). The term cannocchiale (still used in Italy for telescopes in general, but chiefly for the refracting kind) was probably invented by Joseph Bian- cani in i6ii. G. S.

SARTON, GEORGE. Mersenne's correspon- dence. Isis, 32, 127, 1947.

TAYLOR, F. SHERWOOD. Galileo and the freedom of thought. XV+212 p., portr., 14 figs. (The Library of Science and Culture, 7) London, Watts, 1938. Reviewed by I. Bernard Cohen, Isis, 32, 143-45,


WILSON, WILLIAM JEROME. Robert Child's chemical book list of I64I. Journal of Chem- ical Education, 20, 123-29, facs., 1943.

ZINNER, ERNST. Zur Ehrenrettung des Si- mon Marius. Vierteljahrsschrift der Astrono- mischen GeseUschaft, 77, 53 p., 1942.

Biography and bibliography of the astronomer, Simon Marius (I573-I624), rival of Galileo. Zinner lists 6 MSS and 66 printed works dating from I596 to his death. The majority of his wrritings are calendars and prognostica (extending to I629). He translated Euclid I-VI into German (before I6I8) and devoted books to the comet of I596 and to that of I6I8. His most im- portant work is his Mundus Jovialis anno z6oo detectus ope perspicilli belgici (I614). He was a keen observer, witness his discovery of the satellites of Jupiter and determination of their movements, his recognition that the third is the most brilliant and that their magnitude varies; he made many other observations concerning the variability of Mercury, the magnitude and appearance of B Cas, and the mysterious sunspots. His observations equal the best of his time. Zinner's study is followed by extracts from Marius' correspondence and from his writings, and concludes with the hope that Bamberg may honor his memory by the publication of a facsimile edi- tion of the Mundus Jovialis. May that hope be soon realized. G. S.

D. Medical Sciences BAYON, H. P. William Harvey (I578-I657).

His application of biological experiment, clinical observation, and comparative anat- omy to the problems of generation. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, 5I-96, 2 figs., I947.

[DE WALE, JAN]. Jan de Wale. Zwei Briefe uber die Bewegung des Chylus und Blutes an

Thomas Bartholinus, Son des Caspar, I640. tVbersetzt u. erliutert von Bernward Josef Gottlieb. 87 P. 3 figs. (Klassiker der Medizin, 33). Leipzig, Barth, I942. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 86,


GITTINGER, GEORGIANNA SIMMONS. Martin de 'Porres. American Journal of Phar- maceutical Education, II, 269-72, I947.

HERPIN, A. Essai sur Francis Bacon. Ses opi- nions sur la m6decine. Preface de Leon Binet. 8i p. Paris, Baillire, I947.

MAZZITELLI, MICHELE. La peste. Nel centenario de "I promessi sposi" (I840-

I940). 184 p. Apuania Carrara, Bassani, I940.

Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle Sci- ense, anno 32, 153, 1941. Apropos of the plague of Milano in x629-30.

VAN HELMONT, J.B. Dageraad, ofte Nieuwe Opkomst der Geneeskonst. Rotterdam, i66o. 405 p. (Facsimile-uitgave bezorgd door de Kon. VI. Ac. Geneesk. van Belgie, in samen- werking met de Kon. Vla. Ac. voor Wetensch. van Belgie en de Ac. roy. de Medec. de Bel- gique), 1944.

VARGAS ROSADO, PEDRO. Altspanische Gesundheitslehre, medicina espafiola. Con- tenida en proverbios vulgares de nuestra lengua, muy provechosos para el buen regimniento de la salud y mis larga vida. Compuesta por el Dr. Juan Sorapin de Rieros-Granada afno x6i6. 41 p. (Arbeiten d. deutschnord. Ges. f. Gesch. d. Med., d. Zahnheilkunde u. d. Na- turw., 23). Greifswald, Bamberg, 1940. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 268,


E. Alia

ALMAGIA, ROBERTO. L'opera geografica di Luca Holstenio. Xi+172 p., II pIs. (Studi e Testi, 102). Citta del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1942.

Luca Holstein was born in Hamburg in 1596, studied in Leiden, visited Italy with Philip Cluver (one of the founders of historical geography), travelled considerably, but spent a great part of his life in Rome, where he died in x66i. He was a great bibliophile, who collected books and MSS not only for the Barberinian and Vatican li- braries but also for his own located in Sant' Onofrio sul Gianiculo. His library included some 3500 items the majority of which are now in the Biblioteca Angelica of Rome. He was very erudite, being especially in- terested in historical geography. Elaborate indexes.

G. S.

CAMPANELLA, TOMMASO. Epilogo magno (Fisiologia italiana). Testo italiano inedito con le varianti dei codici e delle edizioni la- tine a cura di Carmelo Ottaviano. 6o6 p. Roma, R. Acc. d'Itaiia, I939.

Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle Sci- enze, anno 32, 71, 1941.

GABRIELI, GIUSEPPE (I872-I943). II car- teggio Linceo della Vecchia Accademia di Federico Cesi (I603-I630). Parte III ed

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Page 20: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

88 l7th Century (2nd half) ultima (anni I625-I630. . .). Indici. Memorie della R. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filolo- giche, 7, fasc. IV, p. 999-I446, Roma, Bardi, I942-XX.

The first two parts of this work appeared in I938 and 1939. This final part includes documents nos. 8ii to io5i dated from I625 to i65i, plus a number of earlier documents which had been omitted in the earlier parts. The whole collection is very fully indexed. It is now possible to write an elaborate history of the first acad- emy of the Lincei, but unfortunately Dr. Gabrieli will not be able to do it himself. He died in April 1943. Many articles of his dealing with Arabic science ap- peared in Isis (vols. 6, 7), and many more were listed in our bibliographies. The last years of his life were largely devoted to the study of the early Lincei. His great work on the subject will be a source of great value for the study of science and learning in the first half of the seventeenth century. G. S.

OPPENHEIMER, JANE M. John Hunter, Sir Thomas Browne and the experimental method. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 2I, I7-32, I947.

17th CENTURY-second half A. Mathematics

ADAMS, C. W. Answer to Query 57. Early decimal instruments (Isis, 24, 432). Isis, 37, 68, I947.

GLANSDORFF, MAXIME. La philosophie de Newton. Synth9ses, 2, 25-39, I947.

HESSEN (i. e., GESSEN), BORIS MIKHAI- LOVICH. The social economic roots of New- ton's Principia. Current Book Distributors, Sydney, I946. This is a reprint by the Communist Party of Aus-

tralia of the essay first published in the Russian con- tributions to the Second International Congress of the History of Science, Science at the Crossroads (London I93I; Isis, 20, 535, 591). G. S.

JACOB, C. T. Notes on Newton's letter of I677 to the Hon. and Rev. John North. Hinrichsen's Musical Year Book 1947-I948, 479-8I, London, I947.

JONES, SIR HAROLD SPENCER. Isaac Newton. Ciel et Terre, 63, 73-85, I947.

Conference faite devant le Comite belge d'histoire des sciences, le 25 janvier I947.

METZGER, Helene. Attraction universelle et religion naturelle chez quelques commenta- teurs anglais de Newton. 223 p. Paris, Her- mann, I938. Reviewed by George de Santillana, Isis, 32, I45-48,


(Newton). The Royal Society. Newton Ter- centenary Celebrations, 15-I9 July, I946.

Calendar. 8 p., i ill.

(Newton). Newton tercentenary celebrations at the Royal Society, I942. Addresses by Sir Henry Dale, E. N. da C. Andrade, Lord Ray- leigh and Sir James Jeans. 44 p., 4 pIs., fig.

[Newton]. Query no. go. Newton's correspond- ence. Isis, 32, I2I, I947.

SCHRECKER, PAUL. Leibniz and the art of inventing algorisms. Journal of the History of Ideas, 8, I07-I6, I947.

SERGESCU, P. Sur l'identite des auteurs de quelques articles mathematiques inseres dans "Le Journal des Savants," I684-I703. Analele Academiei Romane Memoriile Secliunii Stiinti- fice, I7, 4I9-39, Bucure?ti I942.

VAN OS, CH. H. Tijd maat en getal, naar aanleiding van Spinoza's brief over het on- eindige. 20 p. (Mededeelingen van wege het Spinozahuis VII). Leiden, Brill, I946.

B. Physical Sciences and Technology

CORSINI, ANDREA. Alcune lettere di Nic- colo Stenone. Rivista di Storia deUe Scienze, anno 32, 4I-52, I94I.

VAN DE VELDE, A. J. J. Robert Boyle 250

jaren na zijn dood op 30 December I69I, herdacht. Jaarboek I94I van de Koninklijke Vlaamsche Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van Belgie, Klasse der Wetenschappen, I66-2II.

C. Natural Sciences

GOIDANICH, GABRIELE. I primi docu- menti dell'esistenza dei funghi microscopici, con speciale riferimento all'opera di Hook e di Malpighi. Boll. della R. Staz. di Patol. Vegetale di Roma, A. 2I, 3I8-31, I94I. Fi- renze, I942. Reviewed by R. Corti, Rivista di Storia delle Scienze,

anni 35-37, 8o-8i, I946.

LAVOIPIERRE, MICHEL; LAMBERT, PIERRE. A sandfly described in I69I. Na- ture, I59, 444, I947.

By Filippo Bonanni. G. S.

PRANDI, DINO. Bibliografla della opere di Francesco Redi e riproduzione della lettera intorno all'invenzione degli occhiali scritta a Paolo Falconieri. viii+48 p. Reggio EmiHia, Nironi e Prandi, I94I.

Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Stona delle Sci- enze, anno 33, I9, I942.

STEVENSON, IAN P. John Ray and his con- tributions to plant and animal classification. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, 250-6I, I947.

D. Medical Sciences

CASTALDI, L. Bernardino Genga (I655-I734), uno dei rivendicatori di Colombo e di Cesal- pino per la scoperta della circolazione del sangue. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 32, I03-04, I94I.

COLE, F. J. Dr. William Croone on generation. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. II3-35, 4 figs., New York, Schuman, I947.

Annotated translation of Croone's Latin paper De for- matione pulli in ovo read to the Royal Society in March I672, but printed only in 1757. William Croone (1633- 84) was one of the original F.R.S. and its first secre-

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i8th Century 89 tary; the Croonian lectures are named after him. "Croone was a preformationist and an ovist, believing that a complete microscopic foetus is suddenly precipi- tated in the egg, as if stamped in a mould, before incubation or even before fertilization. Malpighi differs from Croone only in holding that this precipitation does xot occur before fertilization but as the result of it, the ultra-microscopic foetus assuming visible form as its parts are unfolded and grow. Croone's foetus is actually nothing but a fragment of vitelline membrane which has accidentally caricatured the features of a bird." "Malpighi's observations, on the other hand, are sound to the smallest detail-uninfluenced in the slightest degree by his erroneous theoretical views." "Croone and Malpighi were the first to claim to have proved by categorical experiment that preformation was not abstract dogma but concrete fact. And what is still more astonishing is that for well over a century Mal- pighi's misinterpretation of his own beautiful discoveries was accepted on every side. For all the influence they exercised on the evolution of embryology, those dis- coveries might almost never have been made. And so the history of science teaches us that the way of ob- servation is hard, that speculation is a snare, and that a sound judgment is one of the rarest manifestations of the human mind."

LEISSNER, GEORG. Acidularumelistra narum lympha, Das ist: Kurtzer Bericht des Elster- Sauerlings / Wie solcher durch Chymische prob und praxin medicam ... kriifftig be- funden und beruhmet worden . . . Von Georgio Leisnero, Physico und Medico Ordi- nario zu Plauen in Voigtlande / In Verlegung des Autoris, Druckts Joh. Christian Meyss / I669. Faksimile Neudruck. 2I3+4 p. Leipzig, Bibliograph. Institut, I940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 97, 194I/42.

E. Alia CADBURY, HENRY J. Penn, Collinson and

the Royal Society. Bulletin of Friends His- torical Association, 36, I9-44, I947.

William Penn was elected a FRS in i68i and was heartily interested in the RS, witness a letter written in 1683 to the antiquary John Aubrey. The first part of that beautfful letter is given at the end of Cadbury's article. G. S.

COSTIL, PIERRE. Andre Dudith, humaniste hongrois (I533-I589). Sa vie, son oeuvre et ses manuscrits grecs. xii+482 p. Paris, "Les Belles-Lettres," I935.

DENNY, MARGARET. The early program of the Royal Society and John Evelyn. Modern Language Quarterly, I, 481-97, I940.

DOBELL, CLIFFORD. The Kincardine pa- pers. The Royal Society of London, Notes and Records, 4, I74-78 (Dated Oct. I946 but published May I947).

Papers concerning Sir Robert Moray (i608-73), first president of the Royal Society.

GUNTHER, R. T. (editor). Early science in Oxford. Vol. XIV, Life and letters of Edward Lhwyd. xv+576 p. Oxford, University Press, I945.

Reviewed by M. F. Ashley Montagu, Isis, 37, 82, 1947.

MALEBRANCHE (I638-I7I5). Oeuvres com- pletes. Edition critique publiee par Desire

Roustan en collaboration avec Paul Schrecker sous les auspices de l'Academie franqaise, de l'Acade'mie des Sciences, de l'Academie des Sciences morales et politiques. Tome I. De la recherche de la verite, livres I et II. xl+ 49I p., frontispiece. Paris, Boivin, 1938. Reviewed by George de Santillana, Isis, 32, I48-50,


SARTON, GEORGE. Answer 2 to Query no. 68. A XVIIth century Malay dictionary. Isis, 37, 68-69, 2 facs., I947.

18th CENTURY-whole and first half B. Physical Sciences and Technology

FLECKENSTEIN, J. 0. Die Entdeckung der Nutation der Erdachse vor 200 Jahren. Ex- perientia, 3, I22-23, I fig., I947.

KENT, ANDREW. A chemical bicentenary at the University of Glasgow. Nature, I59, 594, I947. William Cullen's first course in chemistry, I747.

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL. Treatise on copper. Translated into English by Arthur Hodson Searle. 536 p. London, British Non- Ferrous Metals Research Association, I938. Reviewed by Klemm, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 334,


C. Natural Sciences CESTONI, GIACINTO. Epistolario ad An-

tonio Vallisnieri. 2 parts. Con introduzione e a cura di S. Baglioni. 930 p. Roma, R. Ac- cademia d'Italia, I940-4I.

EHRSTROM, ANDERS. Reminiscences con- cerning Linne (in Swedish). Svenska Linne- Sallskapets Arsskrift, 29, 69-72, I946. Reminiscences prepared in I820 by a former student

of Linne, who became curate of Kronoby (Finland); edited by his great-grandson.

FUSSELL, L. E. The farming writers of eigh- teenth century England. Agric. History, 2I, 1-7, 1947.

GERTZ, OTTO. Commentary on Swederus' edition (I907) of Linne's lectures on horti- culture (I759). (In Swedish). Svenska Linne-Sallskapets Arsskrift, 29, 85-90, 1946.

MANNERFELT, MANS. On communications and travelling two hundred years ago. Svenska Linne-Sallskapets Arsskrift, 29, 57- 62 (in Swedish), II4 (summary in English), I946. The author "has tried to answer the question as to

how people travelled in Linnaeus's times, what facilities were available, etc. It seems impossible, he points out, that Linnaeus should have made this long journey on horse-back, as has hitherto been supposed. He does not even seem to have possessed a map or a guide-book."

NEVIANI, ANTONIO. La precisa data di nas- cita del conte generale Luigi Ferdinando Mar- sili. Rivista di Storia della Sienze, anno 34, 65-68, I943.

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go i8th Century

NYBELIN, ORVAR. Fauna Svecica. 200th anniversary (in Swedish). Svenska Linn6- Sallskapets Arsskrift, 29, 63-65, I946. Apropos of Linne's Fauna suecica I746, the first

Swedish fauna, containing I357 species; the second edition, I76I, contained 2328. Nowadays, the number is estimated at about 20,000, most of them insects.

G. S.

PETERSSON, VIKTOR. Notes on the history of oleaginous plants in Sweden (in Swedish). Svenska Linne-Sillskapets Arsskrift, 29, 73- 82, I946. Efforts made by Linne and sea captain Carl Gustaf

Ekeberg to cultivate exotic plants in Sweden for eco- nomic reasons. See summary in English, p. II5.

PINI, GIOVANNI. Jacopo Bartolomeo Beccari. 8o p. Bologna, Cappelli, I940.

Reviewed by D. Giordano, Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 32, II2, I94I.

RODOLICO, FRANCESCO. La Toscana de- scritta dai naturalisti del Settecento. Pagine di storia del pensiero scientifico. Firenze, Le Monnier. Reviewed by G. N., Rivista di Storia delle Scienze,

anno 34, I5s, I943.

STRESEMANN, ERWIN. Baron von Pernau, pioneer student of bird behavior. The Auk, 64, 35-52, I947. Johann F. A. Pernauer, Freiherr von Perney, Herr auf

Rosenau, was born at Steinach, Lower Austria, in i66o, and he died at Rosenau near Coburg in I73I. His books on birds which began to appear in I702 remained anon- ymous for more than two centuries; Stresemann suc- ceeded in I925 in unravelling the mystery. G. S.

TREMBLEY, MAURICE. Correspondance in6dite entre Reaumur et Abraham Trembley comprenant II3 lettres recueilies et annot6es. Introduction par Emile Guyenot. lvi+432 p., frontispiece, figs. Geneva, Georg, 1945. Reviewed by George Sarton, Isss, 37, 87-89, 6 figs.,


UGGLA, ARVID HJ. How Linn6 obtained a statue of Venus for his botanical garden (in Swedish). Svenska Linne-Sdllskapets Ars- skrift, 29, 9I-98, 2 figs., I946.

D. Medical Sciences [Boerhaave]. Memorialia Herman Boerhaave,

optimi medici. I33 p., 9 pls. Haarlem, Bohn, I939. Reviewed by J. B. deC. M. Saunders, Isis, 32, I58,


ESPOSITO VITOLO, ANTONIO. Di un fram- mento manoscritto di dispensatorio fitotera- pico del sec. XVIII. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 34, 48-52, I943.

GIORDANO, DAVIDE. Morgagni. 270 p. To- rino, Utet, I941.

Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle Sci- enze, anno 32, I99, I94I.

HALLER, ALBRECHT. Tagebuch der Stu- dienreise nach London, Paris, Strassburg und Basel 1727-1728. Mit Anmerkungen hrsg. von Erich Hintzsche. 47 p. (Berner Beitrdge

zur Gesichte der Medizin und der Naturwis- senschaften, Nr. I). Bern, Haupt, I942.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 249,


HINTZSCHE, ERICH. Albrecht Hallers anato- mische Arbeit in Basel und Bern, I728-I736. Z. Anat. u. Entw. gesch., III, 452-69, 2 facs., Auszug in: Verhandlungen d. Schweiz. Natur- forsch. Ges., I2I, 2I5-I6, I94I.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 278-79, 194I/42.

NEUHAUS, ELSE. Nicolas Andry, ein zu Unrecht vergessener Arzt des I8. Jahrhun- derts. 36 p. Opladen, Eiden, I939.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 244,


OLIVIER, EUG:NE. M6decine et sant6 dans le Pays de Vaud au XVIIIe siecle, I675-I798.

Tome premier. xx+648 p. Lausanne, Edi- tions La Concorde, I939.

Reviewed by George Sarton, Isis, 32, I50-53, I947.

RUSSELL, K. F. The anatomical library of Dr. Richard Mead (I673-I754). Journal of the History of Medicine and AUied Sciences, 2,

97-I09, 3 figs., I947.

SIMILI, ALESSANDRO. Una relazione autop- tica inedita di Pier Paolo Molinelli. Rivista di Storia deUe Scienze, anni 35-37, 55-65, I946. Report of an autopsy dated I729.

WEGNER, RICHARD N. Christoph Jacob Trew (I695-I769). Ein FUhrer zur Blutezeit naturwissenschaftlicher Abbildungswerke in Nirnberg im I8. Jahrhundert. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 2I8-28, 1940.

EK Alia

HOOYKAAS, R. Rede en ervarin in de natuur- wetenschap der XVIIIe eeuw. Rede uitge- sproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van buitengewoon hoogleeraar in de Faculteit der wis- en natuurkunde aan de Vrije Uni- versiteit te Amsterdam op Vrijdag I Feb- ruari I946. 63 p. Inaugural lecture of the new professorship of the

history of science established in the Free University of Amsterdam. The subject of that lecture was "Reason and experience in the natural sciences of the eighteenth century." G. S.

SPURLIN, PAUL MERRILL. Montesquieu in America I760-i80I. xi+p. I-45, 258-82.

(Louisiana State University, Romance Lan- guages Series, 4). University, Louisiana, I940.

Well documented Johns Hopkins thesis. As the Esprit des lois was published in English as early as 1750, any American who was intellectually in touch with England may have known of Montesquieu as early as I750 and been influenced by him. In fact, the earliest traces of Montesquieu's influence upon American thought appear in 1760; they go on increasing until the end of the cen- tury. The first American edition of the Spirit of Laws was published only in I802, in Worcester, but the colonists could use just as well the editions printed in England. G. S.

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i8th Century (2nd half) 18th CENTURY-second halt

A. Mathematics

CARTAN, ELIE. Remarques sur Gaspard Monge (I746-I8I8) dans le discours de M. Cartan, president de l'Acad6mie des sciences, Paris, I6 decembre I946, p. Io-i7.

RAFFINI, PAOLO (I765-I822). Opere ma- tematiche. PubbHlcate sotto gHl auspici del Circolo matematico di Palermo a cura del prof. dr. Ettore Bortolotti. Vol. I-2. Paler- mo, I915-1943.

Vol. 2 of the Opere was completely printed and bound at Palermo in T943 when the bombing of Sicily began. The whole edition, except for four copies, was destroyed. A third and last volume is ready in MS; it includes Ruffini's most interesting correspondence with other mathematicians. The publication of these two volumes is very desirable. R. C. A.

SERGESCU, PIERRE. Mathematiciens fran- cais du temps de la Revolution fransaise. Analele Academiei Romane Memorile Sec- liunii Stiinlifice, I6, 5I3-6o. Bucure?ti, I940.

SERGESCU, PIERRE. La vie et l'oeuvre de Gaspard Monge. Sciences, no. 54, 288-3I0 (received Sept. I947).

B. Physical Sciences and Technology

ARTZ, F. B. L'enseignement technique en France pendant l'6poque revolutionnaire (I789-I8I5). Revue historique, 53 p., I946.

Continuation of a memoir the two first parts of which, dealing with the periods i5oo-i7oo, i700-89, ap- peared in the Revue d'histoire moderne (i937, 1938).

G. S.

BERTRAND, GABRIEL. Remarques concern- ant la d6couverte de l'oxygene. Discours presi- dentiel a l'Academie des sciences le 20 dec. I943. Explaining on the basis of documents that Lavoisier's

share in that discovery is far greater than that of Priest- ley and Scheele. G. S.

BOUCHARD, GEORGES. Guyton-Morveau, chimiste et conventionnel (1737-I8I6). 365 p. Paris, Librairie Acad6mique Perrin, I938. Reviewed by Henry Guerlac, Isis, 32, 153-56, 1947.

BROWN, SANBORN C. The discovery of con- vection currents by Benjamin Thompson, Count of Rumford. American Journal of Physics, IS, 273-74, I947.

CLOW, ARCHIBALD; CLOW, NAN L. Dr. James Hutton and the manufacture of sal ammoniac. Nature, I59, 425-27, I947.

DEWt, HENRI. Jean Morand, ami des maitres de fosses li6geois et fervent admirateur des institutions liegeoises. Rev. universelke des mines, 3, 3-10, I947.

Morand (1726-i784), membre de l'Acad. des Sci- ences de Paris.

DRUMMOND, BERNARD. Query no. 9I. Wil- liam Murdoch (I754-I839). Isis, 32, I2I,


FIERZ-DAVID, H. E. Die chemische Zeichen- sprache zur Zeit der Phlogistik. Tobern Olof Bergman (I735-I784). Experientia, 3, 42-44,


FORD, EDWARD. David Rittenhouse, astron- omer-patriot, I732-I796. vm+226 p. (Penn- sylvania Lives. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1946. Reviewed by William E. Lingelbach, American His-

torical Review, 52, 387, I947.

[Franklin]. Benjamin Franklin House. Nature, i6o, I5, I947.

GOODMAN, NATHAN G. (editor). A Benja- min Franklin reader. Oniginal drawings by Fritz Kredel, text illustrations by Rafael D. Palacios. xxi+8i8 p. New York, Crowell, I945.

Reviewed by I. Bernard Cohen, Isis, 37, 85-86, 1947.

HOOYKAAS, R. De wet van massabehoud. Chemisch Weekblad, 43, 244-48, I947.

History of the law of conservation of mass in chemi- cal transformations, with special emphasis on Lavoisier.

G. S.

KADEK, M. G. Geographical works of M. V. Lomonosov. Moscow State University, Oochenyye zapiski (Memoirs), no. 104, 3-16, I946.

KENDALL, JAMES. The first chemical jour- nal. Nature, I59, 867, I947.

LICHTENBERG, GEORG CHRISTOPH. Tag und Dimmerung. Aphorismen, Schriften, Briefe, Tagebuicher. Mit einem Lebensbild hrsg. von Ernst Vincent. 3. erweit. Aufl. 498 p., 5 figs. (Sammlung Dieterich, 75). Leipzig, Dieterich, I94I.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 255, 1941/42

MATTHAEI, RUPPRECHT. Goethes biologi- sche Farbenlehre. Goethe, N. F. des Jahr- buchs der Goethe-Gesellschaft, I, 42-54, I936. Reviewed by Diergart, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 311,


MIELI, ALDO. Lavoisier y la formaci6n de la teoria quimica moderna. I54 p. (Colecci6n Austral). Buenos Aires, Argentina, Espasa- Calpe, I944.

Reviewed by I. Bemard Cohen, Isis, 37, 86-87, 1947.

MUGRIDGE, DONALD H. Scientific manu- scripts of Benjamin Franklin. Library of Congress, Quarterly Journal of Current Ac- quisitions, 4, I2-2I, 2 facs., I 947.

NORDENMARK, N. V. E. Fredrik Mallet och Daniel Melanderhjelm. Tv& Uppsala-astron- omer. 256 p., 2 portr., I4 figs. Uppsala, Alm- qvist & Wiksells, I946. Biographies of two Uppsala astronomers, Fredrik Mal-

let (I 728-1797) and Daniel Melanderhjelm (1726-I8io), with full bibliographies, portraits and other illustrations. The lack of a summary in an international language is very regrettable, for it jeopardizes the international fame of these two distinguished men. G. S.

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92 i8th Century (2nd half) ROZBROJ, H. Jean Paul Marat (I743-I793).

Ein Naturforscher und Revolutionaer, sein Zusammentreffen in der Geisteswelt mit Goethe, Lamarck, Rousseau u. a. I36 p. (Historische Studien hrsg. von E. Ebering, 3I5). Berlin, Ebering, I937.

Reviewed by W. Pagel, Isis, 32, i56-57, 1947.

VAN DE VELDE, A. J. J. Twee eeuwen na de geboorte van Carl Willem Scheele. 9 Dec. I742- 21 Mei I786. Jaarboek I942 van de Koninklijke Vlaamsche Academie voor We- tenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van Belgie, Klasse der Wetenschappen, 23I-

272, i6 ills.

VAN DOREN, CARL (editor). Benjamin Franklin's autobiographical writings. xvi+ 8io p. New York, Viking Press, I945. Reviewed by I. Bernard Cohen, Isis, 37, 85-86, 1947.

[ZACH, FRANZ XAVER]. Briefe Franz Xaver Freiherrn von Zach, Direktors der Herzog- lichen Sternwarte am Gotha-Seeberg, und seines Nachfolgers, Bernhards von Lindenau, von I79I-I8I6 an P. Martin Alois David, Adjunkt und Direktor der Koiniglich Prager Sternwarte. Mit Unterstiitzung des Masaryk- fondes beim Cechoslovakischen National- Forschungsrate aus dem Archiv der Prager Sternwarte hrsg. von Otto Seydl. 207 p. Prag, Konigl. Bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften, I938. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, II5,

1941/42 .

C. Natural Sciences

BROWN, HARCOURT. Buffon and the Royal Society of London. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 137-65, New York, Schuman, 1947.

Contents: I. The background; II. Savant and virtu- oso; III. Buffon and England; IV. Kingston and Hick- man; V. Translations from English scientists; VI. Buf- fon visits England; VII. Buffon elected F.R.S.; VIII. Letter to Ffolkes, i8 July 174I; IX. Polyps; X. Letters to Ffolkes, January-March, I743; XI. Conclusion.

CAPPARONI, PIETRO. Lazzaro Spallanzani. 283 p., 6 pls. (I Grandi Italiani, Collana di biografie, 13). Torino, Unione Tipografico- Editrice Torinese, 194I.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 259, 1940; by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia dell Scienze, anno 32, II4, I94I.

CHIOVENDA, EMILIO. Documenti relativi a James Bruce e Luigi Balugani che visitarono l'Etiopia nel I769-I772. Atti d. R. Accad. d'Italia, Rendiconti d. cl. di sc. fis., 2, 439-96, 2 facs., 1941.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 164, 194I/42.

DILLER, AUBREY. Maps of the Missouri River before Lewis and Clark. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 503-I9,

New York, Schuman, I947.

EISINGER, CHESTER E. The influence of natural rights and physiocratic doctrines on

American agrarian thought during the Revo- lutionary period. Agric. Hist., 2I, I3-22,


GICKLHORN, JOSEF; GICKLHORN, RENRE. Th. Haenkes Bedeutung fur die Erforschung Siudamerikas vor Alexander v. Humboldt. Mitt. d. Geogr. Ges. in Hamburg, 47, 263-364, I fig., I941. Reviewed by Zaunick; Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 253-54,


HUNKIN, J. W. William Curtis, founder of the Botanical Magazine. Endeavour, 5, 13- I7, i pl., 6 figs., 1946.

JESPERSEN, P. HELVEG. J. C. Fabricius as an evolutionist. Svenska Linne-Sdllskapets Arsskrift, 29, 34-56, ills., 1946.

LAMBERT, E. Note sur la valeur historique de la carte de Ferraris. Bull. de la Soc. royale belge de Geographie, 70, 27-36, I946.

LARSEN, ESTHER LOUISE. Pehr Kalm's ob- servations on the fences of North America. Agricultural History, 21, 75-78, 3 figs., 1947.

New and unabridged translation of passages from En Resa til Norra America (Stockholm, 1753-176I) describing the several types of fences used by the farm- ers.

LONGO, B. Domenico Vandelli e la fondazione del primo Orto Botanico nel Portogallo. Rel. stor. fra l'Italia e il Portogallo, R. Acc. d'Italia, Roma, 1940.

Reviewed by Giuseppina Dragone Testi, Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 32, io5-io6, I94I.

MAINE, REN&. La Perouse [174I-881. Paris, Le Sagittaire, 1946.

NORDENMARK, N. V. E. Wargentins Beob- achtungen ilber o (Mira) Ceti. 26 p., 3 figs. (Stockholms Observatoriums Annaler, I3). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksells, I941.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 325, 1940.

RENIER, A. Les contributions de Robert de Limbourg (1731-1792) a l'etude du quater- naire de l'Est de la Belgique. La Geologie des terrains recents dans l'Ouest de l'Europe; compte-rendu de la Session extraordinaire de la Societe belge de Geologie, de Paleontologie et d'Hydrologie et de la Societe Geologique de Belgique, tenue en Belgique, du I9 au 26 septembre 1946. 495 p., 97 figs., 12 pls. Bruxelles, 1947, pp. 420-5l.

RICKETT, HAROLD WILLIAM. The Royal Botanical Expedition to New Spain, 1788- I820, as described in documents in the Archivo General de la Nacion [Mexico]. Now trans- lated and collated. 86 p., 9 pls., ills. Chronica Botanica, ii, no. I, I947. $2.50.

Important contribution to our knowledge of colonial science in Mexico. "The national archives of Mexico, Archivo General de la Naci6n, are housed in the Palacio Nacional on the Plaza Mayor. They are bound in some thousands of volumes, forming several series. In the series entitled Historia, volumes 460-466 contain the records of the Expedicion Botdnica sent by Charles III in 1787 to survey the 'natural productions' of his do-

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i8th Century (2nd half) 93 main of Nueva Espafia and to establish there a botanical garden. These papers I was privileged to sample during a short stay in Mexico in 1943 as a grantee of the Com- mittee for Inter-American Intellectual and Artistic Co- operation. From them, with a few other contemporary papers, I have attempted in the following pages to re- construct the history of botany in Mexico from 1787 to z820." G. S.

SCHONEWILLE, OTTO. Die Bedeutung von Goethes Versuch iuber die Metamorphose der Pflanze fur den Fortgang der botanischen Morphologie. Bot. Arch., 42, 42i-60, 1941.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, I64, 1941/42.

[Spallanzani, Lazzaro (1729-99)]. Inauguration de la statue de Lazzaro Spallanzani, corres- pondant de l'Academie des sciences, i l'Uni- versite de Pavie, le mardi ii avril 1939.

Discours de Maurice Caullery. 8 p. (Institut de France, Academie des sciences). Paris, Palais de l'Institut, I939.

TARGIONI-TOZZETTI, GIOVANNI. Vera natura, cause e tristi effetti della ruggine, della volpe, del carbonchio, e di altre malat- tie del grano, e delle biade in erba, dall'opera "Alimurgia" (I767), con presentazione, anno- tazioni e biografia dell'autore di Gabriele Goidanich. xxiv + I64 p. (Reale Accad. d'Italia, Studi e documenti, I2). Roma I943. Reviewed by R. Corti, Rivista di Storia delle Scienze,

anni 35-37, 8o-8r, 1946.

WACHSMUTH, BRUNO. Die Entwicklung von Goethes naturwissenschaftlicher Denkweise und Weltanschauung von den Anfangen bis zur Reife. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 305-o6, 194I/42.

D. Medical Sciences

BENNETT, LYDIAN RUSSELL. Sandifort's "Observationes," chapter I, concerning a very rare disease of the heart. Bulletin of the His- tory of Medicine, 20, 539-70, 3 pls., 1946.

BITTEL, KARL. Der berUhmte Hr. Doct. Mes- mer am Bodensee. 2. veranderte Aufl. io8 p., 4 pls. Friedrichshafen a. B., See-Verlag, I940. Reviewed by Diepgen, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 48,


BRIDENBAUGH, CARL. Dr. Thomas Bond's essay on the utility of clinical lectures. Jour- nal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, IOI-9, I947.

CAMPER, PETRUS (I722-89). Petri Camperi itinera in Angliam I748-I785. Camper's travel journals edited with English translation, in- troduction and notes by B. W. Th. Nuyens. Opuscula selecta Neerlandicorum de arte medica, XV. lx + 264 p., I7 pls. Amsterdam, I939. Petrus Camper, professor of medicine in various Dutch

universities, was one of the most illustrious physicians of the second half of the eighteenth century. This vol- ume, edited and commented upon by Dr. Nuyens, con- tains the diaries wherein Camper recorded his impressions of England. His first journey occurred in 1748 (Aet. 26). The travel from Leyden to London is described as well as his stay in England, and the diary includes the notes

which he took at the lectures on midwifery delivered by Dr. William Smellie (I697-1763). He returned to Eng- land in 1752 when he was professor in Franeker. His third and last visit, in 1785, occurred toward the end of his life, when he had become himself a man of impor- tance in his profession. He came no longer to study but rather to communicate to his English colleagues his own obstetrical views. The three diaries are edited in their original language, Dutch or Latin, and translated into English. The end of the book (p. 22i-64) contains biographical notes concerning all the men mentioned.

G. S.

DRAKE, T. G. H. Antiques of medical interest. Tooth brush set, silver, London, I799. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, 48-50, 2 figs., I947.

GOIDANICH, GABRIELE. L'opera fitopato- logica di Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti e la sua importanza nella storia della patologia vege- tale. Atti della R. Accad. dei Georgofili, 8, 27I-83, Firenze, I943.

Reviewed by R. Corti, Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anni 35-37, 8o-8I, I946.

GIBSON, JAMES E. Benjamin Rush's appren- ticed students. Transactions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, I4, I27-

32, I947.

GRAPE, ANDERS. Linne, Abraham Back and the Pharmacopoea Svecica of I775. Svenska Linne-Sallskapets Arsskrift, 29, I-34, (in Swedish), II4 (summary in English), I946. The first official pharmacopoea of Sweden appeared in

1775. The author shows "that the new Pharmacopoeia, which it took about twenty years to complete, was mainly the result of Back's efforts. He compiled a first draft in 1761, and then untiringly urged his colleagues on to finish the revision. The contributors included C. W. Scheele, the famous chemist."

[Haller, Albrecht (I708-77)]. Albrecht-Haller- Gesellschaft founded in Bern on May 3, I940. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, I88, I942.

MOSER, 1. Dr. med. Johann Melchior Aepli aus Diessenhofen, ein thurgauischer Landarzt aus dem Ausgang des 18. Jahrhunderts. Gesnerus, 3, I74-92, 1946; 4, 43-59, I947.

PELLEGRINI, FRANCESCO. Briciole di storia delle universith: i bilanci dello Studio Ferrarese dal I77I al I778. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anni 35-37, 2I-24, I946.

PEPPER, 0. H. PERRY. Benjamin Rush's theories on blood letting after one hundred and fifty years. Transactions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, I4, I2I-26, I947.

PONZI, E. Nel centenario della morte di Paolo Assalini. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anni 35-37, I3-20, I fig., I946.

ROSEN, GEORGE. Leonhard Ludwig Finke. On the different kinds of geographies, but chiefly on medical topographies, and how to compose them [I795]. Translated from the German with an introduction. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 20, 527-38, I946.

SHRYOCK, RICHARD HARRISON. Benja- min Rush from the perspective of the twen-

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94 1gth Century

tieth century. Transactions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, I4, 113- 20, 1947.

TISCHNER, RUDOLF; BITTEL, KARL. [Franz Anton] Mesmer und sein Problem. Magnetismus - Suggestion - Hypnose. 392

p., frontisp., Io figs. Stuttgart, Hippokrates- Verlag Marquardt, 194I. Reviewed by Diepgen, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 44-48,


VAN DE VELDE, A. Petrus J. Van Bavegem geneeskundige en Petrus van Bavegem apo- theker. Kon. Vlaamsche Acad. voor Geneesk. van Belgie. Verhandelingen, 8, 74-88, I pl., I946.

WINSLOW, CHARLES EDWARD AMORY. The epidemiology of Noah Webster. Transac- tions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 32, 2I-IO9, I portr., 1934.

E Alia BETTS, EDWIN MORRIS (editor). Thomas

Jefferson's Garden Book. 704 p., 36 ills. Phila- delphia, American Philosophical Society, Mem- o0rs, 22, 1944.

Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 37, 84-85, 1947.

BROWNE, CHARLES A. Thomas Jefferson and the scientific trends of his time. 63 p., I4 ills. (Chronica Botanica Reprints, no. I). WaItham, Mass., 1943.

Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 37, 84-85, 1947.

EDWARDS, EVERETT E. Jefferson and agri- culture. 92 p. (Agricultural History Series, no. 7). Washington, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, I1943. Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 37, 84-85, 1947.

JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Papers read before the American Philosophical Society in celebration of the bicentennial of Thomas Jefferson. PhiIa- deIphia, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 87, I99-289,


Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 37, 84-85, 1947.

[Jones, William (I746-94)]. Proceedings of the Sir William Jones bicentenary conference held at University College, Oxford, September 2-6, I946. 63 p. London, Royal India Society, '947. 5 s. This publication is disappointing for scbolars in-

terested in Jones. Only a few pages are devoted to him, including an academic address by A. J. Arberry and a formal report of the meeting. The bulk of the book deals with war experience in the teaching of Oriental lan- guages. G. S.

MAZON, ANDR1. Catherine II, historienne de la Russie medievale. Comptes rendus de PAcad. des inscriptions, 458-72, 1944.

SCHMID, GtVNTHER. Die Goethe und seinem Andenken gewidmeten Biicher aus dem Gebiet der Naturwissenschaft und der Medizin. Eine Bibliographie. Phiobiblon, 12, 244-53, 1940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 35, 1941/42.

WALKER, RALPH S. (editor). James Beattie's London diary I773. 143 p. Aberdeen, Univer- sity Press, I946. I2/6. This diary of James Beattie's (1735-1803) second

visit to London in search, this time, of a pension is ex- tremely interesting for the light which it throws upon the life of the period. As a poet, Beattie enjoyed a fair reputation, but it was his Essay on Truth, pub- lished in 1770, which gave him an ephemeral fame. The work was completely satisfactory to those who would read without thinking. No one who could think could possibly have been taken in by it. Beattie was no philosopher, nor was he the mediocrity he has often been made out to be. His attacks on Voltaire, on Hume, and on the slave trade, did stir the mud-puddles of some people's brains, and he deserves an honored if not a very high place in the history of our cultural develop- ment. Beattie is himself rather dull, but he writes of matters in this diary which, though mainly concerned with himself, are nevertheless, by virtue of the period, not only of interest but of value. The editor's intro- duction and notes are excellent. The volume is well and attractively illustrated, and there is a good index.

M. F. A. M.

19th CENTURY-whole and first half

A. Mathematics

DUPUY, PAUL. La vita di Evariste GaIois, a cura di Carlo Motti. xxviVI4I p. (Antologia universale Tumminelli, Is5). Roma, Tumminelli, I945-

GREEN, H. GWYNEDD. A biography of George Green, mathematical physicist of Nottingham and Cambridge, 1793-I841. Studies and Es- says offered to George Sarton, p. 545-94, facs., New York, Schuman, 1947. Contents: Introduction. General account: z. Tabular

history of George Green and his relatives; 2. Summaries of the wills of the father and of the mathematician; 3. Account by W. Tomlin, Esq.; 4. Account by Sir Edward Ffrench Bromhead; S. Extracts from letters concerning the rediscovery and republication of the Essay; 6. The list of subscribers towards the first publication of the Essay with biographical notes. List of minor references.

MARTINEZ, J. A. F. Sophie Germain. Sci. Monthly, 63, 257-60, 1946. A short account of the scientific activities of Sophie

Germain (1776-I83I). She won the Grand Prix of the Institute of France in l8I 6. The equation of elastic lamina is still called Germain's equation.

B. Physical Sciences and Technology

ARCHIBALD, RAYMOND C. P. G. Scheutz, publicist, author, scientific mechanician, and Edvard Scheutz, engineer, - biography and bibliography. Mathematical Tables and other Aids to Computation, 2, 238-45, 1947.

COLEBY, L. J. M. The chemical studies of P. J. Macquer (I7I8-I784). 132 p. London, Allen & Unwin, I938. Reviewed by Klenim, Mitt. Gesck. Med., 39, 329,


HOLMBERG, ARNE. Ein bis jetzt unbekannter Brief von J. von Liebig an J. J. Berzelius aus dem Jahre 1836. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 235- 38, 1940.

JONES, SIR HAROLD SPENCER. John Couch Adams and the discovery of Neptune. 43 p., frontispiece. Cambridge, University Press, '947.

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igth Century KELLY, RALPH. Matthias W. Baldwin (I795-

i866), locomotive pioneer: 32 p., portr., ills. New York, Newcomen Society, American Branch, I946.

MATSCHOSS, CONRAD. Dr. Ernst Alban. 33 p., fig. (Deutsches Mus., Abh. u. Ber., Jg. I2,

H. 6). Berlin, VDI-Verlag, I940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 37, 1941/42.

MARSHALL, CHAPMAN FREDERICK DEN- DY. A history of British railways down to the year I830. Xi+246 p., ioi figs. Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press, I938.

Reviewed by Klemm, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 355, 1941/42.

MITTASCH, ALWIN. Julius Robert Mayers Stellung zur Chemie. Mit Anhang: Bemer- kungen ilber die Kr-ifte der unbelebten Natur. Von J. R. Mayer. Originalgetreuer Abdruck aus Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, 42, 233-40 [I842]. 23 p.+8 p. facs. Berlin, Verlag Chemie, I940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 129, 1941/42.

PIETSCH, E.; SCHIMANK, H. Aufruf zur Sammlung des Robert-Mayer-Nachlasses. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, i86, 1941/42.

STENGER, ERICH. Daguerre-Schriften. i8 p., 30 figs. Berlin-Charlottenburg, Selbstverlag des Verfassers, 1936. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 141,



HALDEN, E.; BOTTAZZI, F. J. B. Beccari, G. Taddei e la biochimica del frumento. Quaderni della nutrizione, no. 3, 1939.

Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Stona delle Sci- cexe, anno 32, 75, 1941.

AMARAL, AFRANIO DO. Maximiliano, Prin- cipe de Wied. Ensaio bio-bibliografico. Bole- tim do Museu Nacional, 7, Rio de Janeiro, Museu Nacional, I87-210, I portr., I map, 193I.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 55, 1941/42.

ANGELROTH, H. Philippe-Charles Schmerling (I79I-I836). BuU. de la Soc. r. belge d'anthrop. et de prdhist., 56, 44-57, 1945.

[Bessa, Pancrace]. Brazilian botanical paintings of the early igth century. Isis, 37, 75, I947.

CASTALDI, L. I contributi di Alberto Ferrero Della Marmora all'ornitologia e alla lepidot- terologia. (Dal "Volume di scritti in onore del Prof. P. Capparoni). Torino, Minerva medica, 1941.

Reviewed by C. Maxia, Rivista di Stona delle Sci- ense, anno 33, 23, 1942.

HAGEN, VICTOR WOLFGANG VON. Rafi- nesque, the unnatural naturalist. The life story of one of the strangest personalities that ever

passed across the scientific stage in America. Natural History, New York, September I947.

JOST, LUDWIG. Eine unbekannte Schrift Karl Schimpers. Ber. der Dtsch. Bot. Ges., 58, 306- 27, I fig., I940.

Reviewed by Diergart, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 340, 1940.

[Lamarck (I744-I829) ]. Commemoration du deux-centieme anniversaire de la naissance de Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck au Museum natio- nal d'histoire naturelle a Paris, le samedi I5 juin I946. I5 p. Paris, Palais de l'Institut, I946.

LIPSCHITZ, S. J. An unpublished portrait of Alexander von Humboldt. Bull. de la Soc. des Naturalistes de Moscou, Sect. biol., 47, 420-2I,

I portr., 1938. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 42,


McVAUGH, ROGERS. The travels and botani- cal collections of Dr. Melines Conkling Leaven- worth. Field & Laboratory, I5, 57-70, I947.

MERRILL, ELMER D.; REEDER, JOHN R. New plant names published by Amos Eaton between the years I8I7 and I840. Bartonia, 26-79, 1946.

ROSTAND, JEAN. Un grand r6volutionnaire de l'esprit. Jean Lamarck (I744-I829). Les let- tres franVaises, 6, n? III, 7 juin, 1946.

SHRYOCK, RICHARD HARRISON. The strange case of Wells' theory of natural selec- tion (1813): some comments on the dissemi- nation of scientific ideas. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 195-207, New York, Schuman, 1947.

"The indifference with which William Charles Wells' suggesticn of the 'Darwinian hypothesis' was received when first proposed in 1813, and the subsequent lack of recognition, are interesting phenomena in the history of ideas. Although this statement of the theory of natural selection in the origin of species was declared by Dar- win himself to have been 'the first recognition which has been indicated,' subsequent historians have usually ignored it. This was true, until very recently, even of those specializing in the history of biology. It is safe to say that at the present time, Wells' writing on this theme is still little known to scientists and almost un- known to general historians." Wells' very clear antici- pation was overlooked, not only because the world was not yet ready for it, but also because it was buried in a paper entitled "An Account of a Female of the White Race of Mankind, Part of Whose Skin Resembles that of a Negro; with Some Observations on the Causes of the Differences in Colour and Form Between the White and Negro Races of Men." Moreover, Wells presented it in a hesitant and half-apologetic manner. How could one expect the world to take it seriously, if he himself did not attach more importance to it and did not proclaim it in a more likely place and with more emphasis?

G. S.

WILSON, J. WALTER. Dutrochet and the cell theory. Isis, 37, 14-21, I fig., 1947.

ZAUNICK, RUDOLPH. Aus Leben und Werk von Lorenz Oken, dem Begriinder der deutschen Naturforscherversammlungen. Eine Quellensammlung im Auftrage der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Arzte bearbeitet

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Page 28: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

Q6 1gth Century

und herausgegeben. 2. Abschnitt: Lorenz Oken und J. W. von Goethe, dargestellt auf Grund neu erschlossener Quellenzeugnisse von Max Pfannenstiel in Gemeinschaft mit Rudolph Zaunick. 63 p., I portr. Leipzig, Barth, I94I. Reviewed by Diepgen, Mitt. Gesck. Med., 40, 32-34,


D. Medical Sciences ANDERSON, FANNY J. The doctor and the

newspaper in the territory of Michigan, i8I7- I837. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, 20-47, I947.

BENASSI, ENRICO. Alcune lettere di Vincenzo Chiarugi a Giacomo Tommasini. Rivista di Storia delle Sciense, anno 32, 6i-65, I94I.

FULTON, JOHN F.; STANTON, MADELINE E. The centennial of surgical anesthesia. An annotated catalogue. I02 p. New York, Schu- man, I946. Reviewed by John C. Krantz, Jr., Bulletin of the

History of Medicine, 20, 721, 1946.

HEUBACH, SENTA. Die Frauenheilkunde bei Lucas Schonlein. Inst. f. Gesch. d. Med. u. d. Naturwiss. an d. Univ. Berlin, 64 p. Berlin, Ebering, I940. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 294,


LOCKEMANN, GEORG. F. W. SertUrner, sein Leben und Wirken. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40,

30I-02, I94I/42.

MILES, WYNDHAM. William Stephen Jacobs. Journal of Chemical Education, 24, 249-50, 2

figs., I947.

Jacobs was born in Brabant, Belgium, in 1772 and arrived in Philadelphia in 1794 or 1795; he was prima- rily a physician but was interested in chemistry. He wrote a book on urinary and intestinal calculi (Phila- delphia I8oI) and The student's chemical pocket com- panion (ib. x 802, reprinted x807). His chemistry was derived mainly from Chaptal and from Fourcroy. In 1803, he moved to St. Croix in the West Indies, where he died in x843. G. S.

MILLER, GENEVIEVE (editor). Wm. Beau- mont's formative years: two early notebooks, I8II-I821. With annotations and an intro- ductory essay. xv+87 p., ills. New York, Schuman, I946.

NEUBURGER, MAX. Zur Zentenarfeier der Narkose. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 59, 20 p. (received July, 1947).

The veteran historian of medicine wrote this paper to do his share in the international centennial of the discovery of inhalation anaesthesia. The undated re- print wvas received in July 1947. G. S.

OLMSTED, J. M. D. Francois Magendie, pio- neer in experimental physiology and scientific medicine in XIX century France. XVi+290 p.,

5 pls. New York, Schuman, I944.

Reviewed by J. B. deC. M. Saunders, Isis, 37, 9'91, 1947.

SCHONFELD, WALTHER. Die Syphilis-En- demien an der deutschen Nord- und Ostsee- kuste im beginnenden I9. Jahrhundert. Eine

geschichtliche Studie. I30 p. (Arbeiten der deutsch-nord. Ges. f. Gesch. d. Med., d. Zahn- heilkunde u. d. Naturwiss., 28). Greifswald, Bamberg, I94I.

Reviewed by Diepgen, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 92, 1941/42.

SCHUMANN, OTTO. Morphium. Ein bio- graphischer Roman ilber den Entdecker des Morphiums Friedrich Wilhelm Serturner. 278 p. Berlin, Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag, I940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 258, 1940.

[Semmelweis, Ignaz Philipp (i8i8-65)]. Many studies on him are reviewed in Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 50-52, I94I.

[Semmelweis]. Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (i8i8- i865). An annotated bibliography. By Frank P. Murphy. Bulletin of the History of Medi- cine, 20, 653-707, I946.

SHRYOCK, RICHARD HARRISON. Trends in American medical research during the nine- teenth century. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 9I, 58-63, I947.

STROMGREN, HEDVIG LIDFORSS. Die Zahnheilkunde im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. 274 p., ills. Copenhagen, Munksgaard, I945.

Reviewed by Curt Proskauer, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, 272-73, 1947.

TRIDENTE, MAURO. La dottrina omeopatica di Samuele Hahnemann nella luce della storia e al vaglio della critica. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 32, I2I-50, I94I.

WAITE, FREDERICK G. The first medical diploma mill in the United States. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 20, 495-504, I946. Apropos of the Christian College, New Albany, In-

diana, incorporated in x833.

WALLER, A. E. A fictitious medical degree of the i830's. BuUetin of the History of Medi- cine, 20, 505-I2, I fig., I946. Medical diploma issued in 1833 by the University at

New Albany, Indiana.


Catherwood also is missing." The story of a forgotten celebrity who introduced two con- tinents to the marvels of Mayan civilization and led a romantic and adventurous life as an explorer, mining engineer, and railroad builder. Natural History, 56, I04-II, I40, ills., I947.

RIVLIN, JOSEPH B. Harriet Martineau. A bibliography of her separately printed books. I50 p. New York, The New York Public Li- brary, 1947.

Elaborate bibliography of the writings of Harriet Mar- tineau (I802-76), who translated Comte's Philosophie positive but wrote considerably on many subjects. On account of the multiplicity of her interests the lack of a subject index is deplorable. G. S.

SANTILLANA, GIORGIO DE. Positivism and the technocratic ideal in the nineteenth cen-

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1gth Century (2nd half) 97 tury. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 247-59, New York, Schuman, I947. "My point will be this: that the technocratic ideal

of the nineteenth century is essentially different from that of the eighteenth, and that the developments of the new character bring out into sharp light the funda- mental philosophical contradictions implied in it."

19th CENTURY-8econd half

A. Mathematics

ARCHIBALD, RAYMOND CLARE. Material concerning James Joseph Sylvester. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 209-

17, 4 ills., New York, Schuman, I947.

This may be considered a supplement to Archibald's earlier paper on Sylvester (Osiris, I, 85-154, 1936), which included a biographical summary. G. S.

DURAND, W. F. Answer 3 to Query 80. In- vention of logarithmic paper. (Isis, 30, 95, I939). Isis, 32, II7, I947.

[Picard, Emile (i856-i941)]. La vie et l'oeuvre d'Emile Picard. Lecture faite en la seance annuelle du 2I d6cembre I942, par Louis de Broglie. 45 p., portr. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, I942.

B. Physical Sciences and Technology BAILEY, V. A.; LANDECKER, K. On the

'inventor' of radio-communication. Australian Journal of Science, 9, I26-29, I fig., I947.

Discussing the Russian claim that A. S. Popov, not Marconi, was the inventor. G. S.

BATES, RALPH; McKELVEY, BLAKE. Lewis Swift, the Rochester astronomer. Rochester History, 9, 20 p., 3 figs., 1947.

BECQUEREL, HENRI. El descubrimiento de la radioactividad. Introducci6n, nota biogrifica y traduccion de Cortes Pla. 205 p., figs. Buenos Aires, Espasa-Calpe Argentina, I946. This Spanish translation of the fundamental memoirs

of Henri Becquerel (I852-1908) is a fine monument to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of radioactivity. That discovery may be considered the be- ginning of the new physics, the astounding development of which it was our privilege to witness. Dr. Cortls Pla, to whom we owe already so many important publica- tions on the history of physics, has not only made the translation but added the indispensable biography, intro- duction and notes. We only regret the absence of a por- trait. G. S.

BERTRAND, GABRIEL. Sur l'origine de la decouverte de la radioactivite. Cormptes ren- dus, 223, 698-700, I946.

Fin 1893 ou d6but I894.

[Branly, Edouard (I844-I940)]. Ceremonie du centenaire de la naissance de Edouard Branly a l'Institut Catholique a Paris, le samedi 27 mai I944. Discours de Maurice de Broglie. 9 p. Paris, Palais de l'Institut, I944.

GODEAUX, LUCIEN. Notice sur Alexis Brial- mont (I82I-I903). Annuaire de l'Acadimie royale de Belgique, II3, I7-43, I947.

HOWE, G. W. C. Alexander Graham Bell and the invention of the telephone. Nature, I59,

455-57, I947.

[Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike (I853-I926)]. Les basses temperatures et l'oeuvre de M. Kamer- lingh Onnes. Lecture faite en la seance an- nuelle du I8 decembre I939 par Emile Picard. 24 p., portr. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, I939.

KtYHNERT, HERBERT. Otto Schott. Eine Studie uiber seine Wittener Zeit bis zur Grin- dung des Jenaer Glaswerkes. xiii + 28I p., 4I figs. (Jahrbuch d. Vereins f. Orts und Heimatkunde in der Grafschaft Mark, 54). Witten-Ruhr, M-irkische Druckerei, Aug. Pott, I940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 130, 1941/42.

LANGEVIN, PAUL. Cinquante ans d'evolution de la science 6lectrique. Atomes, no II, 57-6o, I947.

Ecrit en 1933.

LEE, SIR GEORGE. Oliver Heaviside and the mathematical theory of electrical communica- tions. vii + 32 p., frontispiece, 5 figs. (Science in Britain). London, Longmans, Green, I947.

Oliver Heaviside (1850-1925). "This account of his life and work, though brief, makes clear the great extent of his contribution to science-the electrical circuit the- ory, the expansion theorem, his work generally on telegraphic and telephonic communication, including his research into electric wave propagation which subsequently resulted in the discovery of what is now called the Kennelly-Heaviside Layer in the atmosphere. In the course of this work he showed how the waves were re- flected from conducting obstacles, a condition subse- quently utilised in the science of Radar. His greatest achievement in telephony was the invention of 'loading' or the addition of inductance to cables."

LENZEN, VICTOR F. Helmholtz's theory of knowledge. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 299-3I9, New York, Schu- man, I947.

"Helmholtz came close to the positivist doctrine that scientific concepts are conceptual frames for the ordering of experience. In seeking causal explanation one is led to explain phenomena in terms of the action of force upon matter. He stated that if such abstractions, which can never be objects of experience, are proposed as the final and sufficient ground of natural phenomena, one can not assert that experience proves that phenomena have sufficient grounds. However, at the conclusion of his lectures on the theory of vision, published in I868, he asserted that the relations of time, space, equality, and those which are derived from them, of number, size, regularity of coexistence and of sequence are common to the outer and inner world, and that we may look for a complete correspondence between our presentations and the objects which excite them. Again, in the Handbuch der physiologischen Optik he stated that manner and force are merely the revealed causes of the facts of experience. Although Helmholtz frequently expressed himself sceptically, his empiricism was interwoven with a cautiously formulated realist theory of knowledge."

[MACH, ERNST]. Letters from Ernst Mach to Robert H. Lowie. Isis, 37, 65-68, I947.

Ten letters and cards dated i9ii to 1913. Mach died in 1916. G. S.

MILLER, WM. MARION. An attempt to har- ness perpetual motion in Ohio in the nine- teenth century. Isis, 37, 57, I947.

ROBINSON, R. Discovery of molecular asym- metry. Nature, I59, I6I, I947.

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98 igth Century (2nd half) Apropos of Pasteur. Discussing the differences be-

tween molecular asymmetry and crystalline asymmetry. G. S.

URBACH, OTTO. Werner Siemens. 79 p., r portr. (Sch6pferische Niederdeutsche, 3). Osnabriuck, Fromm, 1941.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, r 75, 1941/42.

VERSCHAFFELT, J. E. Notice sur Pierre de Heen (i85i-i9I5). Annuaire de l'Academie royale de Belgique, II3, 45-I42, I pl., 1947.

Vie, oeuvre, bibliographie.

C. Natural Sciences

BEALE, G. H. Timiriazev, founder of Soviet genetics. Nature, 159, 51-53, 1947.

Apropos of Climent Arcadievich Timiriazev (1843- 192 0).

BONNER, JAMES C. The Angora goat: a footnote in Southern agricultural history. Agric. Hist., 2I, 42-45, I947.

COUPLAND, REGINALD. Livingstone's last journey. 271 p. London, Collins, I946? Reviewed in American Historical Review, 52, 366,


[DARWIN, CHARLES]. Charles Darwin and the voyage of the Beagle. Edited with an in- troduction by Nora Barlow. v + 279 p., frontispiece, i5 ills., chart. London, Pilot Press, 1945. I5S.

The editor of this book, Lady Barlow, is Darwin's granddaughter. "The series of 36 letters written by Darwin to his family during the famous five-year voyage, are here published in their entirety for the first time. The small notebooks which he carried on his inland journeys have been examined closely for further signifi- cant material. Both series of documents show the dawning light of future achievement, and are the most intimate record we can have of the emotional and in- tellectual reactions and growth of the young man of twenty-three during the discipline of the voyage, which he himself termed 'by far the most important event of my life.' "

[Darwin]. A monument to Darwin in Uurguay. Nature, 159, 90, 1947.

GOEBEL, KARL VON. Ein deutsches Forscher- leben in Briefen aus sechs Jahrzehnten I870- 1932. Hrsg. von Ernst Bergdolt. 272 p., 6 figs., 4 facs. Berlin-Dahlem, Ahnenerbe-Stif- tung Verlag, 1941.

Reviewed by Marzell, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, z6S, 1941/42.

[Haeckel, Ernst (I834-1919) ]. Ernst-Haeckel- Gesellschaft founded in Jena, on Jan. I, 1942.

Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, I87, 1942.

[Henneguy, Louis-F6lix (I850-i928)]. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Louis-Felix Henne- guy, presentee en la seance du io mars 1941,

par Maurice Caullery. i8 p., portr. (Institut de France, Acad6mie des Sciences). Paris, 1941-

HOLMES, S. J. K. E. von Baer's perplexities over evolution. Isis, 37, 7-14, 1947.

JEFFERIES, RICHARD. A classic of English farming. Hodge and his masters. Edited and

with an introduction by Henry Williamson. 340 p. London, Faber and Faber, I946. Reviewed by E. John Russell, Nature, rsg, 588, r947.

KEETON, MORRIS T. Edmund Montgomery -pioneer of organicism. Journal of the His- tory of Ideas, 8, 309-41, 1947.

LOWNES, ALBERT E. Charles Darwin to Charles Harrison Blackley (an early chapter on pollen allergy). Isis, 37, 21-24, facs., 1947.

MENDEL, GREGOR. Versuche iuber Pfilanzen- Hybriden. Der Ziichter, Zeitschrift fur theo- retische und angewandte Genetik, Organ des Forschungsdienstes, I3, 22I-68, 1941.

A facsimile of the holographic MS of Mendel's famous paper. No explanation is added. C. Z.

PEARSON, E. S. Karl Pearson. An apprecia- tion of some aspects of his life and work. Viii + I70 p. Cambridge University Press and The Macmillan Co., New York, I938. Reviewed by H. T. Davis, Isis, 32, 158-64, 1947.

PERSANTI, CARLO. Di Giambattista Adami, malacologo Trentino, nel primo centenario della sua nascita (nato a Pomarolo, 20 aprile I838- morto a Brescia, 5 ottobre I887). Studi Trentini di scienze naturali, I9, 87-101, i portr., Trento, 1938.

RODGERS, ANDREW DENNY, III. Ameri- can botany, I873-I892: decades of transi- tion. 340 p. Princeton, Princeton University Press, I944.

Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 37, 89-go, I947.

WILSON, J. WALTER. Virchow's contribu- tion to the cell theory. Journal of the History of Medicine and AUied Sciences, 2, I63-78, 3 figs., 1947.

D. Medical Sciences ARCIERI, GIOVANNI P. Gaspare Virgilio,

fondatore della psicopatologia criminale e del primo manicomio giudiziario. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 38, 40-48, portr., I1947.

[Behring, Emil von (I854-I917)]. A great many publications appeared in Germany in 1940 to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the dis- covery of serum therapy by Emil v. Behring in I890. For a list of them and reviews of the most important, see Mitteilungen sur Geschichte der Medizin (vol. 39, 260-6g, 1940; 40, 245, 1941/42).

BILLROTH, THEODOR. Jugendbriefe an Georg Meissner. 211 p., 2 pls. Hrsg. von Walter von Brunn. Leipzig, Barth, 1941. Reviewed by Honncher, Mitt. Gesci. Med., 40, 38,


CELLI-FRAENTZEL, ANNA. Emilio v. Beh- ring (I5 Marzo I854-3I Marzo 1917). (Da lettere inedite). Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 38, Io-i6, 2 ilS., 1947.

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igth Century (2nd half ) 99 COLLINA GRAZIANI, GIOVANNI. Bufalini

e De Meis. Rivista di Storia deUe Scienze, anno 34, II5-49, I943.

[De Meis, Angelo Camillo]. In memoria di An- gelo Camillo De Meis (I8I7-I89I). Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 34, 91-92, 1943.

DUPUY, PAUL. Pasteur a I'Ecole Normale. La Pensee, n? 7, 21-28, 1946.

[EATON, THOMAS JEFFERSON]. Diary of Dr. Thomas Jefferson Eaton, an itinerant American surgeon in i856. Transcribed by George F. Hacker. BuUetin of the History of Medicine, 21, 193-223, I947.

GOODWIN, WILLARD E. William Osler and Howard A. Kelly, "physicians, medical his- torians, friends," as revealed by nineteen let- ters from Osler to Kelly. BuUetin of the His- tory of Medicine, 20, 6Il-52, 1946.

LANGEVIN, PAUL. Pasteur, le savant et l'homme. La Pensee, no 7, 3-10, 1946.

MESSEDAGLIA, LUIGI. Per la veritk e per la giustizia: Dante Cervesato e la clinica pedia- trica di Padova. Rivista di Storia delle Sci- enze, anno 33, i5-i6, 1942.

METTENHEIM, HEINRICH VON. Carl von Mettenheimer (1824-1898). Werden, Wollen und Wirken eines alten Arztes in Briefen und Niederschriften. 551 p., 3 portrs., i facs. (Abh. z. Gesch. d. Med. u. d. Nat., N. 35). Berlin, Ebering, 1940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 48-49, 1941/42.

MOISSL, RUDOLF ALEXANDER. Josef Hyrtl und sein Vermichtnis, 40 p., 12 figs. (Niederdonau, Ahnengau des Fiuhrers, Schrif- tenreihe fur Heimat und Volk, 5I). St. P6lten, St. Poltner Zeitungs-Verlag, 1942.

Reviewed by Steudel, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 2S3, 1941/42.

MONDOR, HENRI. Pasteur. I89 p., io ills. Paris, Correa, 1945.

Reviewed by Erwin H. Ackerknecht, Buletin of the History of Medicine, 2I, 128, 1947.

[Pasteur]. Commemoration in France of the fiftieth anniversary of his death. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 20, 711, 1946.

[Pasteur]. Pasteur portraitiste. Arts de France, nos. 11-12, 32-34, 6 reproductions, 1947.

PERRY, ISABELLA H. Vincent van Gogh's illness. A case record. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 21, 146-72, 1947.

PREMUDA, LORIS. Profonde pagine di Luigi Concato: "Sulle fonti del sapere clinico e sul miglior metodo di usarne." Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anni 35-37, 66-7I, 1946.

REUTER, FRITZ. Eduard von Hofmanns Erbe. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der gericht- lichen Medizin in Alt-Osterreich (I898-i938). 72 p. (Nova Acta Leopoldina, 9). Halle

(Saale), Kais. Leopold. Carolin. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, 1940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 6r, 1941/42 .

SARTON, GEORGE. Query no. 87. Pasteur's correspondence. Isis, 32, II9, 1947.

[SONDEREGGER, L.]. Laurenz Sondereggers Briefe an Arnold Baader, den Redaktor des "Correspondenzblattes fur Schweizer Arzte." Ed. by Heinrich Buess. Gesnerus, 3, 193-212, I1946.

STEVENSON, R. SCOTT. Morell Mackenzie. The story of a Victorian tragedy. viii + I94 p., i8 ills. London, Heinemann, 1946.

Reviewed by Walter Pagel, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 21, 131-33, 1947.

VALLERY-RADOT, PASTEUR. Pasteur. Ima- ges de sa vie suivies de quelques 6pisodes dramatiques de sa carriere scientifique. 104 p., ills. Paris, Flammarion, 1947. 200 frs. Album of illustrations (SS p.), portraits of Pasteur

and members of his family, facsimiles, etc. Followed by a few dramatic episodes of his life, e.g., his anxiety when he inoculated the vaccine of rabies into a human body, that of an Alsatian boy, Joseph Meister, who was then (July 6, I88s) nine years old. Joseph Meister died only in 1941 (Isis, 37, 183). G. S.

WAITE, FREDERICK C. Two early letters by Elizabeth Blackwell. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 21, IIO-12, 1947.

WHITE, WILLIAM. Sir William Osler's liter- ary investigations. Journal of the History of Medicine and AUied Sciences, 2, 179-97, 1947.

E. Alia BENTWICH, NORMAN. Solomon Schechter

(1847-I915). A biography. xvi + 373 p. (Golden Jubilee Volume). Philadelphia, Jew- ish Publication Society of America, 1938. Reviewed by Jacob S. Minkin, Isis, 32, 184-85, 1947.

BOARDMAN, PHILIP. Patrick Geddes: maker of the future. With an introduction by Lewis Mumford. xviii + 504 p. Chapel Hill, Uni- versity of North Carolina Press, I944.

Reviewed by M. F. Ashley Montagu, Isis, 37, 91-92, 1947.

FECHNER, GUSTAV THEODOR (I80I-87). Religion of a scientist. Selections from Gus- tav Th. Fechner. Edited & translated by Walter Lowrie. 28I p., portr. New York, Pantheon Books, 1946. $3.50. The Lusatian philosopher, Fechner, is best known

because of his discovery of Fechner's law, which gave great hopes (which did not materialize) of establishing psychology on an experimental and mathematical basis. It is less generally known that his long career at the University of Leipzig was interrupted midway by a mysterious illness which cut him off from the world for three years. When he could resume his activity, he devoted himself very largely to religious questions. Selec- tions from his religious writings are here presented by Walter Lowrie, who before that had devoted ten years of his life to the introduction of Kierkegaard to the English readers. G. S.

FISCH, MAX H. Evolution in American philos- ophy. Philosophical Review, 66, 357-73, 1947.

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0oo 20th Century GLICKSBERG, CHARLES I. Henry Adams

and the repudiation of science. Scientific Monthly, 64, 63-70, 1947.

A humanistic reaction to the scientific discoveries and the philosophy of science in the last half of the nine- teenth century. C. Z.

[Mahler, Edward (i857-1945)]. Jubilee vol- ume in honour of Edward Mahler, Ph.D., Professor of the Royal Hungarian Pfizmany Peter University (retired). Edited on his eightieth birthday by his friends, colleagues, and pupils. ii + 512 p. + 35 p. in Hebrew, frontispiece. Budapest, 1937.

This volume in honor of the Hungarian orientalist, Edward Mahler, contains a number of studies in various languages, also a portrait of the jubilarian, three bio- graphical studies (unfortunately all in Magyar) and his bibliography. Mahler was trained as a mathematician and his main works concerned Oriental chronology: "Astronomische Untersuchung tiber in hebraischen Schrif- ten erwihnte Finsternisse" (Wien z885), die "Biblische Chronologie und Zeitrechnung der Hebriier" (Wien 1887), "Maimonides' Kiddus Ha-chodes" (Wien x889), "Der Kalender der Babylonier" I-II (Wien x892, 1893), 'Handbuch der judischen Chronologie" (Leipzig 19i6).

A great many of his papers were written in Magyar and hence remained inaccessible to the great majority of scholars. Five papers of this Jubilee Volume are listed in the present bibliography. G. S.

MERCATI, GIOVANNI. Opere minori. Rac- colte in occasione del settantesimo natalizio sotto gli auspici di S.S. Pio XI. 5 vols. (Studi e testi, 76-80). Citti del Vaticano, Biblioteca apostolica, 1937-41.

The Vatican knows how to honor its learned servants. Our readers may remember the Miscellanea Francesco Ehrle, six volumes published in the same series (nos. 37-42, 1924; Isis, 8, 813) to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of Cardinal Ehrle. In 1937, it collected in four volumes all the minor writings, including reviews, of Cardinal Mercati, who had been up to that time prefect of the Vatican Library and was then "Biblio- tecario ed archivista di Santa Romana Chiesa." In 194I, a fifth volume was added including a chronology of his life, full bibliography, portrait and elaborate indices. The preface to the whole collection was written by his successor as prefect of the Vatican Library, Dom Anselmo M. Albareda. G. S.

OCKENDEN, R. E. George Henry Lewes (1817-1878). Isis, 32, 70-86, I pl., r947.

WIENER, PHILIP P. The Peirce-Langley cor- responodence and Peirce's manuscript on Hume and the Laws of Nature. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 9I, 201-28, 2 figs., 1947.

20th CENTURY A. Mathematics

[Borel, Emile]. Jubile scientifique de M. Emile Borel, membre de l'Academie des sciences, A la Sorbonne, le dimanche I4 janvier I940.

38 p. Paris, Palais de l'Institut, I940.

FEUER, LEWIS S. Philosophy and the theory of relativity. Science and Society, ii, 259-69, ' 947. Apropos of Philipp Frank's biography of Einstein


SCHILLP, ARTHUR (editor). The philosophy of Bertrand Russell. xv + 8iS p. (The Li-

brary of Living Philosophers, 5). Evanston, Northwestern University, 1944.

Reviewed by Leo Roberts, Isis, 37, 93-95, '947.

B. Physical Sciences and Technology ARCHER, GLEASON L. History of radio to

1926. vi + 421 p. New York, American His- torical Society, 1938. Reviewed by I. Bernard Cohen, Isis, 32, 210-11,


BAXTER, JAMES PHINNEY, 3RD. Scientists against time. xv + 473 p. Boston, Little, Brown, 1946. Reviewed by John W. Oliver, American Historical Re-

ViW, 52, 491-92, 1947.

[Blondel, Andre (I863-1938) ]. La vie et l'oeuvre de Andre Blondel. Lecture faite en la seance annuelle du I8 decembre 1944, par Louis de Broglie. 29 p., portr. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1944.

BOHR, NIELS H. D. Atomic physics and in- ternational cooperation. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 91, 137-38, I947.

[Breton, Jules Louis (I872-1940)]. Notice necrologique, par Georges Perrier. (Institut de France, Acadimie des sciences). 5 p. I940.

EDDINGTON, SIR A. S. Fundamental theory. viii + 292 p. Cambridge University Press, I946. Reviewed by E. A. Milne, Nature, 1S9, 486-88,


(Fabry, Charles (I867-1945) ]. Notice sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Charles Fabry. Lecture faite en la seance annuelle des prix du I6 decembre 1946, par Louis de Broglie. 27 p., portr. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1946.

lHamy, Maurice (i86i-x936)]. Sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Maurice Hamy et sur diverses questions astronomiques. Par Emile Picard. 20 p., portr. (Institut de France, Academie des Sciences). Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1941.

HAYNES, WILLIAMS. American chemical in- dustry: the World War I period, 19I2-I922. Volumes II and III. xliii + 440 p.; xv + 6o6 p. New York, Van Nostrand, 1945. Reviewed by Morris C. Leikind, American Historical

Review, 52, 349-50, 5947.

[Helbronner, Paul (I87I-I938)1. Notice sur Ia vie et l'oeuvre de Paul Helbronner d6pos6e en la seance du 6 mars I939, par Georges Perrier. I3 p., portr. (Institut de France, Academie des Sciences). Paris, I939. For Helbronner, see also Isis, 6, 90o91.

HUGHES, ARTHUR J. History of air naviga- tion. 154 p. London, Allen and Unwin, 1946. Reviewed by J. S. B., Geographical Journal, io8,

2S0-5S p., 1946.

[Jeans, James Hopwood (I877-1946) ]. Obitu- ary by S. Chandrasekhar, Science, 103, 224- 26, 1947.

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Page 33: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

20th Century IOI

[Perrin, Jean (1870-1942) 1. La realite des mol6- cules et l'oeuvre de Jean Perrin. Lecture faite en la seance annuelle des prix du I7 decembre 1945 par Louis de Broglie. 29 p., portr. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1945.

QUEVRON, LOUIS. Cinquante ans d'etudes sur les rayons X. France-Illustration, no 25, 303-05, 3 photogr., 4 figs., 1946.

THIRRING, HANS. Die Geschichte der Atom- bombe. Mit einer elementaren Einfuhrung in die Atomphysik auf Grund der Original- literatur gemeinverstindlich dargestellt. 150 p. (Wissenschaft fiur Jedermann). Wien, "Neues tlsterreich" Zeitungs- und Verlagsge- sellschaft, 1946. Reviewed by E. Broda, Nature, '59, 792, 1947.

THUN, RUDOLPH. Entwicklung der Kinotech- nik. iv + 28 p., i portr., facs., ii figs. (Deutsches Museum, Abh. u. Ber., Jg. 5). Berlin, VDI-Verlag, 1936. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 353,


C. Natural Sciences BRIEN, P. Le lamarckisme de Paul Pelseneer.

Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 71, 134-40, (seance du i8 juin 1946), 1946.

CAULLERY, MAURICE. Les progres r6cents de l'embryologie exp6rimentale. 236 p., 395 figs. Paris, Flammarion, 1939. Reviewed by Charles A. Kofoid, Isis, 32, 222, 1947.

[Cayeux, Lucien (I864-I944)]. Inauguration de la plaque commemoratilve apposee sur l'ecole o'u enseigna Lucien Cayeux A Avesnes- sur-Helpe (Nord), le dimanche 7 juillet 1946. 7 p. Paris, Palais de l'Institut, 1946.

[Colin, Henri]. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Henri Colin (I880-i943) pr6sent6e en la seance du 27 decembre 1944, par Rene Sou- eges. 45 p., portr. Paris, Palais de l'Institut, 1944.

DARLINGTON, C. D. A revolution in Soviet science. Jour. Heredity, 38, 143-48, 1947.

This article was published first in a British journl, Discovery (vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 1947) and reprinted by permission of the author and editor. The author is a distinguished cytologist and geneticist and Director of the John Innes Horticultural Institute. The article con- tains more data on the displacement of genetics in Russia by a doctrine more in keeping with Marxian philosophy (see Isis, 37, Io6-o8). Details of the liqui- dation of the opponents of Academician Lysenko are only slowly coming to light. Incidentally, the party line extends beyond the borders of Russia and Comrade Lysenko (Science, Io6, 60, 1947) has just been elected to Honorary Membership in the Czechoslovak Academy of Agriculture. C. Z.

FAIRCHILD, DAVID. The world was my garden. Travels of a plant explorer. xiv + 494 p., 130 pls. New York, Scribner's, 1939.

Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 32, I64-65, 1947.

[Gravier, Charles (I865-1937)]. Notice sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Charles Gravier deposee en la s&ance du I2 decembre I938, par Emile

Roubaud. I7 p., portr. (Institut de France, Academie des Sciences). Paris, 1939.

HUDSON, P. S.; RICHENS, R. H. The new genetics in the Soviet Union. 88 p. Cam- bridge, England, School of Agriculture, 1946. Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 37, Io6-o8, 1947.

LYSENKO, TROFIM DENISOVICH. Heredity and its variability. Translated by Theodosius Dobzhansky. 65 p. New York, King's Crown Press, 1946. Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 37, io8, 1947.

[Marchal, Paul]. Notice sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Paul Marchal (I862-1942) deposee en la seance du 24 juillet I944, par Louis Fage. 21 p., portr. Paris, Palai-s de l'Institut, I944.

[Merriam, John Campbell (i869-i945)1. Coop- eration in research. By staff members and research associates of the Carnegie Institu- tion of Washington. ix + 782 p. Washington, D. C., I938. Reviewed by H. T. Davis, Isis, 32, 197-200, 1947.

Festschrift in honor of the American palaeontologist, J. C. Merriam.

[MERRIAM, JOHN CAMPBELL]. Published papers and addresses of John Campbell Mer- riam. Vols. 1-4, 2672 p. Washington, D. C., Carnegie Institution of Washihgton, Publ. no. 500, 1938. Reviewed by Alfred Sherwood Romer, Isis, 32, 220-

22, 1947.

[Molliard, Marin (I866-I944)]. Notice sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Marin Molliard d6posee en la seance du 3 juin 1946, par Joseph Magrou. 24 p., portr. Paris, Palais de l'Institut, 1946.

ORLOV, B. P. J. M. Shokalski [i856-i940] and his role in the development of Russian and world science. Moscow State University, Oochenyye zapiski (Memoirs), No. 104, 24-

32, 1946.

PARKER, GEORGE HOWARD. The world expands. Recollections of a zoologist. ix + 252 p., frontispiece. Cambridge, Massachu- setts, Harvard University Press, 1946. $4.00.

Delightful autobiographical reminiscences of a Har- vard professor who has taught zoology to innumerable students and endeared himself to them. Everything in the book is clear, except the title, for the author explains very well the expansion, not of the world but of his own mind. G. S.

VALLOIS, H. V. Marcellin Boule (I86I-I942). L'Anthropologie, 50, 203-10, I fig., 1946.

D. Medical Sciences BARBER, MARSHALL A. A malariologist in

many lands. With a foreword by Paul F. Russell. I58 p. Lawrence, Kansas, Uni'versity of Kansas Press, 1946. Reviewed by Saul Jarcho, Journal of the History of

Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, 2 68-70, 1947.

FISCHER, MARTIN. William B. Wherry, bacteriologist. iv + 293 p. I9 pls., portr., frontispiece. Springfield, Ill., Thomas, I938.

Reviewed by C. A. Kofoid, Isis, 32, I65-66, 1947.

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I02 20th Century

FULTON, JOHN F. Harvey Cushing. A biog- raphy. xii + 754 p., 89 ills., figs. Springfield, Ill., Thomas, 1946. Reviewed by J. B. deC. M. Saunders, Isis, 37, 92-93,

x p1., 1947; and by Warfield T. Longcope, Bulktin of the History of Medicine, 20, 7I8-20, 1946.

McCORD, CAREY P. A blind hog's acorns. 311 p. Chicago, Cloud, 1945. Reviewed by George Rosen, Journal of the History

of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, 275, 1947.

MASTERS, DAVID. Miracle drug. The inner history of penicillin. I9I p., 17 pls. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1946. Reviewed by L. P. Garrod, Nature, z6o, 38, 1947.

MATHIS, C. L'oeuvre des pastoriens en Afrique noire (A.O.F.). Preface de Maurice Caullery. xi + 580 p., 32 pls., i map. (Col- lection: Colonies et Empires, Premiere serie: Etudes coloniales, 2 ). Paris, Presses uni- versitaires de France, 1946.

[Montuori, Adolfo]. L'opera scientifica di Adolfo Montuori nel campo della fisiologia. By Silvestro Baglioni. Atti d. R. Accad. d'Italia, Rendiconti sc. fis., 2, 557-73, Rome, 1941.

PEARSON, S. VERE. Men, medicine and my- self. London, Museum Press, 1946. Reviewed by Walter Pagel, Bulletin of the History of

Medicine, 21, 129-31, 1947.

[Pepere, Alberto]. Commemorazione di Alberto Pepere. By Pietro Rondoni. Atti d. R. Accad. d'Italia, Rendiconti sc. fis., 2, 431-37, Rome, 1941.

SIGERIST, HENRY E. The place of the physi- cian in modern society. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 90, 275-79, 1946.

URDANG, GEORGE. Edward Kremers (i865- 1941), reformer of American pharmaceutical education. Transactions of the Wisconsin Acad- emy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 37, 111-35, 1I945.

E. Alia [Albright, W. F.]. An indexed bibliography of

the writings of William Foxwell Albright. Pub- lished in honor of his fiftieth birthday by a committee of his former students. Prepared for the committee by Harry M. Orlinsky. xxii + 66 p. New Haven, Conn., American Schools of Oriental Research, 194I.

BAITSELL, GEORGE A. (editor). Science in progress. xvi + 322 p. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1939.

Reviewed by M. F. Ashley Montagu, Isis, 32, i66-67, 1947.

[Dept, Gaston Gerard (I9oo-46) ]. Obituaries by M. E. Dumont in Tijdschrift van de Bel- gische Vereeniging voor Aardrijkskundige Studien, I5, 5-I9, port., 1946; by the same in Tijdschrift voor economische Geographie,

38, 2 p.; and by A. Hacquaert in Natuur- wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift, 28, 3-7, I946. These obituaries of the young mediaevalist and

geographer who had already accomplished so much, in- clude portrait and bibliographies. Dept was professor at the Flemish University of Ghent and much could be expected from him; a sudden illness took him away in less than a week. G. S.

[Gregoire, Henri]. Byzantina Metabyzantina. A journal of Byzantine and modern Greek studies. Edited by N. G. Mavris. Volume I (1946), part I. xxv + 270 p. New York City, Published by the Society for the Pro- motion of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies with the cooperation of the Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire orientales et slaves, 1946. This first volume is dedicated to the Belgian School of

Byzantinology represented by Gregoire and Honigmann. In addition to many other articles, it contains various biographies, bibliographies, appreciations, and portraits of these two illustrious scholars. My best wishes to the two jubilarians, as well as to the new journal.

G. S..

[Honigmann, Ernest]. See the note Gregoire, Henri: Byzantina Metabyzantina (vol. i, 1I946).

[Kallen, Horace M.]. Freedom and experience. Essays presented to Horace M. Kallen. Edited by Sidney Hook and Milton R. Konvitz. xix + 345 p., frontispiece. (A publication of The New School for Social Research). Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1947. $3.50.

"This volume of essays in honor of Horace M. Kallen is tendered to him by friends and colleagues on the occa- sion of his sixty-fifth anniversary. So multiple have been the fields in which Horace Kallen has worked, so rich and varied have been his contributions to the thought and life of the nation that several volumes could have been filled with essays by the many distinguished men and women who have felt his influence. Practical con- siderations, however, have compelled the editors to limit the offering to this garland of philosophical essays." The volume includes a beautiful portrait, a bibliography (from 1908 to 1946) and biographical essays by the editors, by Alvin Johnson, and by Edmund de S. Brun- ner. G. S.

SERGESCU, PIERRE. L'Universit6 de Cluj et ses relations avec l'6tranger. Revue de Transylvanie, 10, 33-51, 1945.

TEMPLIN, E. H. Pio Baroja and science. Hispanic Review, i5, i65-92, 1947.

TYRWHITT, JAQUELINE (editor). Patrick Geddes in India. Introduction by Lewis Mumford and preface by H. V. Lanchester. 103 p., 32 ills., frontispiece. London, Lund Humphries, 1947. 10 S. This is a small but very important supplement to

Boardman's biography of Geddes (1944; Isis, 37, 91). Geddes was a pioneer in town planning which he had great opportunities to develop first in Edinburgh, then on a much larger scale in India. Town planning is not simply a matter of mechanics and engineering; to be good, it must be thoroughly humanized. Geddes ex- plained this by precept and example. Beautiful illus- trations and luminous preface by Lewis Mumford.

G. S.

VETTER, QUIDO. Czech science during the war. Scripta Mathematica, 12, 14I-46, 3 ports., 1946.

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Page 35: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

I. A ntiquity- 2. Egypt I03

Part II

Historical and Ethnographical Classification


1. Antiquity-Generalities

DIAZ GONZALEZ, JOAQUIN. Historia de la medicina en la antiguiedad. Caracas, Cecilio Acosta, 1944. The author is professor of medical history and deon-

tology in the Central University of Venezuela. Re- viewed by A. Corsini, Rivista di Storia delle Sciense, anno 38, 64, 1947.

[Gundel, Wilhelm (I88o-i945)]. Wilhelm Gun- del zum Gedachtnis. Xxii+47 p., portr. Stutt- gart-Waldsee, Alfred Druckenmiiller Verlag. Contains a study on Gundel's scientific work by

Alfred Rehm, a biography by Hans Georg Gundel, a bibliography of his writings from I9o6 to I945, and three articles printed for Pauly-Wissowa (but not yet otherwise published): Paranatellonta, Parthenos, and Paulos Alexandrinos. Among his unpublished works is a critical edition of the astrological introduction of this Paul of Alexandria (IV-2). Let us hope that it may soon be published by the care of a competent editor.

G. S.

MONTAGU, M. F. ASHLEY. Knowledge of the ape in antiquity. Isis, 32, 87-I02, I fig., I947.

THAER, CLEMENS. Antike Mathematik. Be- richt iiber das Schrifttum der Jahre I906-i930. Jahresbericht uber die Fortschritte der klas- sischen Altertumswissenschaft, Bd. 283, Jhrg. I943, I-I44, Leipzig, I944.

Elaborate bibliography dealing with 498 items the contents of which are clearly indicated. The bibliogra- phy covers not only Greek and Roman mathematics but also pre-Greek, ancient oriental, and "Nachleben der Antike," East and West. G. S.

2. Egypt

BALL, J. Egypt in the classical geographers. V1+203 p., 8 pls., I8 figs. Cairo, Government Press, 1942.

Reviewed by G. A. Wainwright, Journal of Hellenic Studss, 63, 125-26, 1943.

BUHL, MARIE-LOUISE. The goddesses of the Egyptian tree cult. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 6, 80-97, 1947.

CAPART, JEAN. L'emploi du fer en Egypte. Chronique d'Egypte, 22, II7-I8, I947.

CAPART, JEAN. Fouilles en Egypte. El Kab, impressions et souvenirs. I79 p., frontispiece, ills. Bruxelles, Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, I946. These reminiscences of ten years digging at El-Kib

(Nekhab, Eileithyaspolis), between Luxor and Edfu, on the East side of the Nile, are very attractively written. Capart was the head of the Belgian mission sponsored by the Fondation 6gyptologique, with head- quarters in the house built and occupied until his death by Somers Clarke (d. 1926). Many illustrations but no index. G. S.

CHILDE, A. Etude du zodiaque circulaire de Denderah, dans les Anaio da Academia Bra- sileira de Ciencias, I7, 33-43, 2 pls.; I33-47,

2 pIs., I945.

"Le savant bresilien fait une demonstration d'ordre astronomique qui tend a dimontrer que le fameux zodi- aque de Dend6rah, grav6 i l'epoque romaine 'ne repre- sente pas un etat r&el du ciel' mais bien la reproduction d'un modele etabli vers 785 avant notre ere et qu'il fut en consequence sculpte 'sur les donnees conservees par le college d'astronomes de Denderah.' C'est la meme situa- tion que celle qui a ete relev&e pour les tableaux astrono- miques des temples et des tombes du Nouvel Empire et dont les prototypes sont anterieurs aux regnes des rois dont ils portent les noms."

DE BUCK, A. Defense et illustration de la langue egyptienne. Chronique d'Egypte, 22, 23-37, '947.

DELPORTE, E. Papyrus Michigan III I5o.

Chronique d'Egypte, 22, 73-83, 1947.

DIAZ GONZALEZ, JOAQUIN. El papiro qui- rurgico de Edwin Smith. Roma, Bardi, I946. Reviewed by A. Corsini, Rivista di Stona deUe Sci-

enze, anno 38, 63-64, x947.

DUBS, HOMER H. A canon of visible penum- bral lunar eclipses for the Near East and Egypt from -I400 to -Iooo. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 6, I24-25, I947.

GANDZ, SOLOMON. A few notes on Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics. Studies and Es- says offered to George Sarton, p. 449-62, New York, Schuman, I947.

"A thorough investigation and comparison of Egyptian and Babylonian mathematics has shown that the Egyp- tians did indeed excel in practical mensuration, while the Babylonians were by far superior in notation, arithmetic and algebra, branches of mathematics which must be characterized as more intellectual than mensuration. On the other hand, we have also noticed that the Babylonians did surpass the Egyptians in the fields of religion, lan- guage and writing, and in some of their industrial and warlike arts. Owing to the wide diffusion of their tongue and script the Babylonians must also have by far sur- passed the Egyptians in the international influence of their culture in general."

KEIMER, LOUIS. Histoires de serpents dans l'Egypte ancienne et moderne. xxi+III p. 35 figs. (M6moires present6s i l'Institut d'Egypte, 5o.) Le Caire, Institut fransais d'archeologie orientale, I947.

Elaborate study bringing together all that is known about snakes in ancient and modern Egypt. This might be considered a fragment of the author's unpublished encyclopaedia of natural history in ancient Egypt at which he has been working for a quarter of a century. A long appendix (p. 41-11o) deals with the mystery of snake-charmers. It would seem that it is really possible to "charm" poisonous snakes by means of music and the use of certain plants. The author has gathered a num- ber of credible and incredible stories "ad hoc." The whole constitutes a very interesting contribution to the study of Egyptian folklore. G. S.

LANGE, H. O.; NEUGEBAUER, OTTO. Note, I pl. Chronique d'Egypte, 2I, 228-29, I946. Correction to p. 67 ot the Papyrus Carlsberg memoir.

(See Isis, 36, 209).

LEFEBVRE, GUSTAVE. L'age de IIo ans et la vieillesse chez les Egyptiens. Comptes rendus de Facad. des inscriptions, I06-i9, I944.

LEFEBVRE, GUSTAVE. Origine egyptienne d'un Episode d'un conte des "Mille et une nuits". Comptes resdus de l'acad. des inscrip- tions, 74-84, I943.

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Page 36: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

IOA 2. Egypvt -4. Greece MONNERET DE VILLARD, UGO. Storia della

Nubia cristiana. (Orientalia Cristiana Analecta II8). Roma, Pont. Institutum Orientalium Studiorum, I938. Reviewed by 0. G. S. Crawford, Antiquity, 21, 10-I5,


SNORRASON, EGILL. Cranial deformation in the reign of Akhnaton. Bulletin of the His- tory of Medicine, 20, 6oi-io, 6 figs., I946.

STRACMANS, M.; LIBON, G. Le nom de la planete Venus et ses ant&cedents egyptiens. Latomus, 6, 3-16, 1947.

STRICKER, B. H. De indeeling der Egyptische taalgeschiedenis. (Thiese de l'Universite de Leyde). Leyde, 1945.

Reviewed by B. van de Walle, Chronique d'Egypte, 22, 84-89, 2 figs., 1947.

WEILL, RAYMOND. Remise en position chro- nologique et conditions historiques de la XIIe dynastie egyptienne. Journal asiatique, vol. 234, 131-49, 1943-45 (1947).

WEINBERGER, BERNHARD WOLF. The den- tal art in ancient Egypt. Journal of the Ameri- can Dental Association, 34, 170-84, 8 figs., 1947.

WINLOCK, H. E. The rise and fall of the Mid- dle Kingdom in Thebes. xv+174 p., 48 pls. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1947. $5.00. The veteran Egyptologist gives us here a new account

of one of the most obscure parts of Egyptian history, the period extending from the XIth to the XVIth dynas- ties (2134 to 1576 B.C.). The book is fully documented, well illustrated and well indexed. It is based on forty years of experience written for brother Egyptologists, not for the general reader, and will serve as a supple. ment and correction to the standard histories of Egypt.

G. S.

3. Babylonia and Assyria

DAVID, ANTOINE. L'6criture sumnrienne et l'6criture chinoise. Dissertationes in honorem Dr. Eduardi Mahler, Budapestini, 1937. 58-7I. Confirming the theory of Arthur Ungnad that there

is a relationship between both writings. G. S.

GANDZ, SOLOMON. Studies in Babylonian mathematics III. Isoperimetric problems and the origin of the quadratic equations. Isis, 32,

103-15, 1947.

Contents: I. Isoperimetric speculations in the ancient world. II. The origin of the quadratic equations in Babylonia. III. Stages in the early history of the quad- ratic equations.

NEUGEBAUER, O.; SACHS, A. Mathematical cuneiform texts. 177 p., 49 pls. (American Oriental Series, 29). New Haven, Conn., Amer- ican Oriental Society, 1945.

Reviewed by E. J. Dijksterhuis, Isis, 37, 96-97, 1947.

NEUGEBAUER, 0. The "Metonic cycle" in Babylonian astronomy. Studies in ancient as- tronomy. VI. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 433-48, 4 figs., New York, Schuman, 1947.

"The comparison between the Athenian intercalations between 432 and iso and the Mesopotamian intercala- tions between 622 and 328 is very illuminating. Even in

the period before 481, the Mesopotamian intercalations show much more regularity than was ever reached by Athenian intercalations. Cyclical intercalation was if attested use at least from 381 onwards in Mesopotamia, and can, with a single exception, be extrapolated another century backwards. No cyclical intercalation, on the contrary, existed in the Athenian calendar. These facts make it highly unlikely to see in the Mesopotamian 1g-years cycle the result of Mcton's discovery. The dis- covery of the same facts and the institution of a definite calendaric system in Mesopotamia might very well pre- cede Meton's time. We may expect the final decision frot additional Babylonian material."

NEUGEBAUER, 0. Studies in ancient astron- omy. VIII. The water clock in Babylonian astronomy. Isis, 37, 37-43, 1947.

NEUGEBAUER, OTTO. A table of solstices from Uruk. Journal of Cuneiform Studies, i, 143-48, 1947.

SACHS, ABRAHAM. Two Neo-Babylonian metrological tables from Nippur. Journal of Cuneiform Studies, i, 67-71, 1947.

SIDERSKY, D. Etude sur la chronologie de la premiere dynastie babylonienne. Dissertationes in honorem Dr. Eduardi Mahler, 253-62, Buda- pestini, 1937.

4. Greece AMAND, DOM DAVID. Fatalisme et liberte

dans l'antiquite grecque: recherches sur la sur- vivance de l'argumentation morale antifataliste de Carneade chez les philosophes grecs et les theologiens chretiens des quatre premiers si6c- les. xxviii+6o8 p. (Universit6 de Louvain, Recueil de Travaux d'Histoire et de Philologie, I9). Louvain, Biblioth6que de l'Universite, '945. Reviewed by Arthur Darby Nock, American Historical

Review, 52, 300-01, 1947.

BALOGH, E.; HEICHELHEIM, F. M. Political refugees in ancient Greece. xvi+I34 p. Johan- nesburg, Witwatersrand University Press, 1943.

Reviewed by P. Treves, Journal of HeleUenic Studies, 43, 132-33, 1943.

BROWVNE, C. A. Rhetorical and religious aspects of Greek alchemy. Including a commentary and translation of the poem of the philosopher Archelaos upon the sacred art. Ambix, 2, 129-

37, 1946.

CORNFORD, FRANCIS M. The invention of space. Essays in honour of Gilbert Murray, p. 215-25, London, Allen and Unwin, 1936. "The post-Euclidean [Einsteinian] finite but un-

bounded space takes us back to the pre-Euclidean finite but unbounded space of Anaximander, Parmenides and Empedocles."

DILLER, HANS. Der wissenschaftliche Wert des griechischen Naturbegriffs. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 358-59, 1940.

EDELSTEIN, EMMA J.; EDELSTEIN, LUD- WIG. Asclepius. A collection and interpreta- tion of the testimonies. 2 vols., 470+277 p. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1945.

Reviewed by Aubrey Diller, Isis, 37, 98, 1947.

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4. Greece -5. Rome I05

ELDERKIN, G. W. The bee of Artemis. Ameri- can Journ. of Philol., 6o, 203-13, 1939.

FARRINGTON, BENJAMIN. The character of early Greek science. Royal Institution of Great Britain, Weekly Evening Meeting, Friday, Feb- ruary 23, 1945. 21 p.

FARRINGTON, BENJAMIN. Greek science. Its meaning for us. (Thales to Aristotle). 143 p. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England, Penguin Books, I944.

FESTUGI:RE, ANDRE MARIE JEAN (O. P.) La rev6lation d'Hermes Trismegiste. I. L'as- trologie et les sciences occultes. Avec un appendice sur l'Hermetisme arabe par Louis Massignon. xii+424 p., frontispiece. (Etudes bibliques). Paris, Gabalda, 1944.

Our readers are familiar with the Hermetica edited and translated by Walter Scott (4 vols. Oxford 1924-36; Isis, 8, 343-46; 27, 119). On the basis of that collec- tion and of an abundance of other materials Father Festugiere has discussed that Hermetic literature in great detail. Hermetic occultism is undoubtedly on a very low level but the author has exaggerated the blackness of its background. To say that the second century has produced no original work is a gross exaggeration. The century was not so bad which gave us Ptolemy and Galen, two of the greatest men of science of antiquity, Epictetos and Marcus Aurelius, Theon of Smyrna, Apol- lodoros of Damascus, Marinos of Tyre, Justin Martyr, Tatian, Irenaeos, Celsos, Bardesanes, Sextos Empiricos, Pausanias, Archigenes of Apamaea, Antyllos, Heliodoros, Marinos of Alexandria, Rufus, Soranos, Aretaeosl I wish Father Festugi6re would explain his standard of original- ity in science or philosophy. The occult or magical writ. ings of any century are no doubt contemptible, those published in our own time more so than the Hermetica. In my review of Scott's work I complained that the Arabic documents had been neglected. The same re- proach cannot be made to the present book because of Massignon's inventory of Arabic Hermetic literature published in appendix (x6 p.). G. S.

GREENE, WILLIAM CHASE. Moira. Fate, good and evil, in Greek thought. 450 p. Cam- bridge, Harvard University Press, 1944.

Reviewed by Aubrey Diller, Isis, 37, 98-99, 1947.

HALLIDAY, W. R. Some notes on the treatment of disease in antiquity. Greek poetry and life, Essays presented to Gilbert Murray, p. 277-94,

Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1936.

JAEGER, WERNER. Paideia: the ideals of Greek culture. Translated from the German manuscript by Gilbert Highet. Volume III. The conflict of cultural ideals in the age of Plato. viii+374 p. New York, Oxford Univer- sity Press, I944.

Reviewed by Aubrey Diller, Isis, 37, 99-100, 1947.

JUNGE, G. Die pythagoreische Zahlenlehre. Deutsche Mathem., 5, 341-57, 1940.

Reviewed by Vogel, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 317, 1940.

LAROCHE, E. Les noms grecs de l'astronomie. Rev. de philol., de litt. et d'hist. ancienne, 20,

II8-23, 1946.

MINEUR, ADOLPHE. De la geometrie grecque. Academie royale de Belgique, Bull. de la Cl. des Sciences, 31, 683-710, 1945 (I947),

NESTLE, WILHELM. Vom Mythos zum Logos. Die Selbstenfaltung des griechischen Denkens von Homer bis auf die Sophistik und Sokrates. viii+572 p. Stuttgart, Krbner, 1940.

Reviewed by Diepgen, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 75-77, 1941/42.

NINCK, MARTIN. Die Entdeckung von Eu- ropa durch die Griechen. 287 p., 36 figs. Basel, Schwabe, 1945.

Elaborate account of Greek geography based on the sources. It is divided as follows: x. Introduction, 2. The name Europa, 3. Evolution of Greek cosmology, 4. Discovery of the East, S. Greece and Crete, 6. Italy and islands of the Western Mediterranean, 7. Discovery of the West, 8. Exploration of the North: Pytheas, Li- guria, Celtic lands, Germania. The notes are very incon- veniently placed at the end of the book. No Greek type whatsoever. Are the Swiss printers as hostile to it as their American brethren? G. S.

REY, ABEL (I873-1940). La science dans l'an- tiquite. III: La maturite de la pensee scienti- fique en Grece. xxi+574 p. (Bibliotheque de Synthese historique. L'evolution de l'huma- nite). Paris, Michel, 1939. Reviewed by Aubrey Diller, Isis, 32, x67-68, 1947;

and by Paul Schrecker, TkalUs, 4, 263-66, 1940.

SARTON, GEORGE. Query no. 112. A curious Greek idea concerning the maximum height of mountains and depth of seas. Isis, 37, 71, 1947.

THOMSON, GEORGE. The Greek calendar. Journal of HeUenic Studies, 63, 52-65, 1943.

"The Greek calendar has not received as much atten- tion from students of Greek religion as it deserves. The data have been collected by Bischoff. Nilsson has always appreciated its importance, and his contributions to the subject have laid a broad and solid foundation for fur- ther research. Both Farnell and Harrison neglected it, and Deubner's Attiscke Feste (1932) is less adequate in this respect than Mommsen's Feste der Stadt Athen (1898). The question of 'intercalation was raised in an acute form by Fotheringham, and has never been satis- factorily solved. Meanwhile progress has been made in the study of the Egyptian and Babylonian calendars, with results that have an important bearing on the Greek. This paper does not pretend to be exhaustive. It is merely a discussion of some of the wider issues that arose in the course of an attempt to solve a particular problem - the peculiar method adopted at Olympia for fixing the date of the Games."

5. Rome McDANIEL, WALTON BROOKS. Undesirable

guests and unwilling hosts. Parasites in ancient and modem Italian folkmedicine. Transactions & Studies of the CoUege of Physicians of Philadelphia, 15, 26-35, 1947.

MOUTERDE, R.; POIDEBARD, A. Le limes de Chalcis: organisation de la steppe en haute Syrie romaine. XVi+254 p.; 121 p., pls., map. (Delegation generale de la France au Levant, 38). Paris, Geuthner, 1945.

Reviewed by A. H. M. Jones, Geographicd Journal, ao8, 8"92, 1946.

PERUZZI, DANILO. Sopra tre ricordi sepolcrali di medici di Julia Concordia. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 32, 81-90, 3 figs., 1941.

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io6 6. Middle Ages I. MIDDLE AGES

6. Middle Ages-Generalities

BEAUJOUAN, GUY. Recherches sur l'histoire de I'arithmetique au Moyen Age. 22 p. Paris, Ecole des Chartes, 1947.

This summary, tantalizingly brief, makes one wish that the thesis itself (a Ms. of some 400 p.) may soon be published. The work is divided into four chapters dealing respectively with (z) the arithmetic of Boethius, its diffusion and influence, (2) the abacus and the palaeography of the Hindu-Arabic symbols, (3) algorism and the universities, (4) arithmetic in the fifteenth cen- tury. Catalogue of MSS. G. S.

BUNIM, MIRIAM SCHILD. Further notes on space in mediaeval painting and the forerun- ners of perspective. Speculum, 22, 78-80, I947.

ERHARDT-SIEBOLD, ERIKA VON. Old Eng- lish riddle no. 4, PMLA, 6I, 620-23, I946. "Since the riddles of Anglo-Saxon England introduce

so often 'wonders' of their time, the present riddle may well describe a new invention, a more advanced type of hand-mill. What archaeological finds cannot disclose, possibly a riddle reveals to us."

FIUMI, ENRICO. L'utilizzazione dei lagoni boraciferi della Toscana nell'industria medie- vale. 238 p., pL., map. (Pubblicazioni della Facolta di Economia e Commercio dell' Uni- versita di Firenze, 2I). Firenze, Cya, I943.

Reviewed by F. Rodolico, Rivista di Storia delle Sci- enze, anni 35-37, 82, 1946.

GANSHOF, F. L. Qu'est-ce que la feodalite? Deuxieme Edition. 206 p. Bruxelles, Office de Publicite', I947.

Excellent summary of feudal institutions with quota- tion of the pertinent texts. Strictly speaking those in- stitutions flourished in Western Europe from the Xth to the XIIth century, especially in the countries born out of the subdivision of the Carolingian empire, but also in other countries such as England and Christian Spain which were submitted to French influence. It is remark- able that similar customs obtained as well in other parts of the world, e.g., in the Near East ("colonial" feudal- ism), in Japan, or in the Dar al-Islam (iqta'a). Such customs continued in Western Europe and elsewhere after the XIIth century, and they are not yet completely extinct today. One of the main causes of feudal de- cadence in the thirteenth century and later was the grow- ing habit of vassalage not to one lord but to many. A man *who was bound to feudal service to many lieges was able in critical times to choose his allegiance and even to act as if he were independent. That habit destroyed the feudal system from within. The author discusses the origins of that system in Merovingian times, its early de- velopment in the Carolingian empire, and its full consti- tution in the tenth century. The system existed in its perfection during three centuries, then was submitted to change, decadence and fall. The only shortcoming of the book is the lack of an index, or at least of a glossary of the many technical terms, well explained in the text. The author is already well known by many important publications in French, Dutch, German, and English. The book was first published in September 1944.

G. S.

GANZENMtILLER, WILHELM. Deutsche Glas- macherkunst im Mittelalter. Die Glashiitte, 7I, 293-96, 321-24, 425-28, 13 figs., I94I.

Reviewed by Diergart, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 132,


GANZENMt7LLER, WILHELM. Die Gewichts- bezeichnung ferto. Isis, 32, 127, 1947.

GILLE, BERTRAND. Notes d'histoire de la technique metallurgique. i. Les progres du moyen-age. Le moulin i fer et le haut-four- neau. Mitaux et Civilisations, i, 89-94, 4 figs., 1946.

HALPHEN, LOUIS. Initiation aux etudes d'his- toire du moyen age. Deuxieme edition. I75 p. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, I946. Reviewed by Gray C. Boyce, Speculum, 22, 89-o,


HATZFELD, HELMUT A. The influence of Ramon Lull and Jan van Ruysbroeck on the language of the Spanish mystics. Traditio, Studies in ancient and medieval history, thought and religion, 4, 337-97, I946.

HUURI, KALERVO. Zur Geschichte des mittel- alterlichen Geschiitzwesens aus orientalischen Quellen. 26I p. (Studia orientalia, 9). Hel- sinki, Societas Orientalis Fennica, I94I. Reviewed by G. E. von Grunebaum, Journal of Near

Eastern Studies, 6, 63, I947.

JONES, LESLIE WEBBER. The scriptorium at Corbie: I. The Library. Speculum, 22, I9I-

204, I947-

KRISTELLER, PAUL OSKAR. Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin translations and commen- taries. Isis, 37, 74, I947.

LA CAVA, A. FRANCESCO. Liber regulae S. Spiritus (Regola dell' ordine Ospitaliero di S. Spirito). Testo e commento. Preface by Adal- berto Pazzini. 2I5 p., 62 pls. Milano, Hoepli, I947.

Edition of the rule of the Hospitaler Order of the Holy Ghost as preserved in an illustrated MS of the Sienese School, late fourteenth century, now preserved in the Archivio di stato in Rome. The text is preceded by a history of that Order and a description of the MS and its miniatures. For general orientation see my Introd. (,3, 294).

LOWE, ELIAS AVERY (editor). Codices Latini antiquiores. A palaeographical guide to Latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century. Part IV. Italy: Perugia-Verona. Oxford, Clarendon Press, I947. 70 S.

Reviewed in the The (London) Times Literary Supplement, p. 430, August 23, 1947.

MORENO, ANIBAL RUIZ. La medicina en la legislacion medioeval Espafiola. Vi+202 p.

Buenos Aires, El Ateneo, I946. Reviewed by George Rosen, Journal of the History of

Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, I37, I947.

SALIN, EDOUARD. L'art animalier du haut moyen age francais et ses origines. Comptes rendus de l'Acad. des inscriptions, 86-94, 2 pIs.,


THOMPSON, JAMES WESTFALL. The medie- val library. viii+682 p. University of Chicago Press, I939.

Reviewed by George Sarton, Isis, 32, 175-77, '947.

THORNDIKE, LYNN. The problem of the composite manuscript. Miscellanea Giovanni Mercati, volume VI. Paleografia, bibliografia

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8. Asia-9. India 107

varia. T2 p. (Studi e Testi, 126). Citta del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1946.

THORNDIKE, LYNN. Traditional medieval tracts concerning engraved astrological images. M-langes Auguste Pelzer, 2I9-74, Louvain, 1947

Elaborate study on some 23 texts bearing the names of Enoch, Thebit, Hermes, Belenus, Toz Grecus, Solo- mon, Mahomet, Raziel, Aristotle, Ptolemy, Thetel, Abel, etc. with indices of MSS and incipit. G. S.

WALLACH, LUITPOLD. Yosippon and the Alexander romance. Jewish Quarterly Review, 37, 407-22, 1947.

WHITE, LYNN, JR. Natural science and natur- alistic art in the Middle Ages. Americanu His- torial Review, 52, 42I-35, 1947.


8. Asia (generalities)

Western Asia - ineluding "The anieant East" in general

FORBES, R. J. Ambacht en wetenschap in het oude Nabije Oosten. Rede gehouden ter aan- vaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoog- leeraar aan de Universiteit te Amsterdam op 30 Juni 1947. 46 p. Leiden, Brill, 1947. Crafts and science in the ancient Near East., In-

augural lecture of a new chair at the University of Am- sterdam (Isis 8 99). G. S.

FRANKFORT, H. Cylinder seals. x1vii+328 p., 47 pls. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1939.

Reviewed by M. F. Ashley Montagu, ISis, 32, 174, '947-

WOOLLEY, SIR LEONARD. Syria as the gate- way between East and West. Geographical

Jornal, T07, 179-90, 1946. Coastwise character of early Phoenician trade con-

trasted with the gateway of Northern Syria. Evidence that late Minoan architecture existed in northern Syria two centuries earlier than in Crete; that Bronze Age Cypriote pottery existed in northern Syria long before it appeared in Cyprus; and that oriental features of early Greek art many have been derived from the metal- working industry of Lake Van through northern Syria.

C. W. A.

Central Asia

BAILEY, H. W. Codices Khotanenses India Office Library Ch. ii oo2, Ch. ii 003, Ch. 00274 reproduced in facsimile with an introduction. I3 p., I83 pls. (Monumenta Linguarum Asiae Majoris, 2). Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1938. Reviewed by Reinh. F. G. Muller, Mitt. Gesck. Med.,

40, 228, 1941/42.

KONOW, S. A medical text in Khotanese. 104 p. Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Oslo, 1941. This is the text transcribed, with translation and

vocabulary of a MS brought from Chinese Turkestan by Sir Aurel Stein and deposited in the India Office Library in London. Although Khotanese-Saka is an Iranian language, the Indian influence in it is very strong. In such a text as the present one Sanskrit plays the same role as Latin does in European medicine. The text tells of drugs and preparations to be used in curing various maladies. A wealth of new words is added to our Khotanese vocabulary. If al-Birfini's Kitib al Saydana

were published, it would be of great aid in determining the names of certain drugs and plants in Sogdian and Khlwfrazmian, and thus increase our knowledge of Central Asia before the conquest of Islam. R. N. F.

UNKRIG, W. A. Die Tollwut in der Heilkunde des Lamaismus nach tibetisch-mongolischen Texten im "Statens Etnografiska Museum" zu StockholIm. Reports from the Scientific Expe- ition to the north-western provinces of China

under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin, i9 p.j 2 pIs., Stockholm, I942. Reviewed by F. G. Muller, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40,

296, I941/42.

9. India

COOMARASWAMY, ANANDA K. Symple- gades. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 463-88, New York, Schuman, 1947. "The subject of 'Clashing Rocks' is dealt with at con-

siderable length by A. B. Cook in Zeus III, ii, Appen- dix P, 'Floating Islands', pp. 975-ioi6. We shall ake it for granted that the reader will have consulted this article) in which material has been brought together mainly from classical sources, but also froi many other parts of the world, India excepted. Although so fully treated, the subject is by no means exhausted, and re- mains of absorbing interest, especially if we are con- cerned at the same time with the universal distribution and with the significance of the motif." This study is classified under India because the author pays special attention to the Hindu forms of the myth. He is con- cerned mainly with a single component of the complex pattern, that of the 'Active door.' The 'clashing rocks' presuppose the ancient popular belief in a doorway to the Other world formed by clashing mountain walls. "The Planktai Petrai, in other words, are the leaves of the Golden Gates of the Janua Coeli, of which in the Ch.ristian tradition, St. Peter, appointed by the Son of Man, is now the Keeper." The author's analysis is so elaborate and intricate that it defies analysis, but enough has been said to suggest that the Greek myth of Symple- gades rejoins 'the mythology and religion of all men. G. S.

DIEPGEN, PAUL. Neue Ergebnisse der Erfor- schung der altinidischen Heilkunde. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 2I2-27, I94I/42.

DIXIT, R. S.; DIXIT, K. H. Sankar Balkrishna Dixit: A great Indian savant of the last cen- tury. Science & Culture, '3, 50-53, 1947.

S. B. Dixit (1853-1898) wrote and published in Marathi three astronomical books: (i) a popular account of astronomy, (2) a history of Indian astronomy, (3) a treatise on the Indian calendar. These books have ob- tained a high reputation not only in Maharashtra but in the whole of India. The article is written by his son and his grandson who suggest that the second of these books should be translated into English. G. S.

ESSER, A. ALBERT M. tber den fruhesten altindischen Augenarzt. Graefes Arch. Ophthli- MOi., I43, 498-500, 194I.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt'. Gesck. Med., 40, 229, 1941/42.

HUTTON, J. H. Caste in India. Its nature, function, and origins. Viii+279 p., map. Cam- bridge, University Press, 1946. is s.

"The view put forward in this volume is that it is Caste which has made it possible for the demands of geographical unity and diverse origins both to be satisfied within a single social system, a system moreover which has proved historically. to be very stable. The caste system must probably be regarded as having developed as a sort of organic response to the requirements of the

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io8 9. India -Io. China particular case. There are three main parts in the book: I. The Background, in which the castes occupying dif- ferent parts of India are briefly surveyed. II. Caste, its structure, its strictures, its sanctions, and its functions. III. Origins, in which the author refers to analogous institutions elsewhere, sets out and discusses the various theories of the origin of Caste already propounded and brings his own conclusions to bear upon these. There are Appendices dealing with the exterior or 'depressed' castes, and with the relation between Hinduism and Primitive religions in India." The reader will ask the anxious question: will caste be able to withstand the centrifugal forces of free India and preserve its unity and freedom? G. S.

MUKERJI, DHURJATI PRASAD. Indian mu- sic, an introduction. 68 p., 9 ills., some in color. Poona, Kutub Publishers (no date). R. 5.

RAGHU VIRA (editor). The great English- Indian dictionary. For use in the various Aryan and Dravidian languages of India and Ceylon, namely, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Singhalese, Tamil, Telugu, and allied languages. Volume I5. Volume i, Chemistry. Part i,

Elements, their derivatives and compounds, symbols, suffixes, etc. x+20 p.+303 col. (fo- lio). Lahore, India, International Academy of Indian Culture, April 1944.

This is the only part thus far published of this very ambitious undertaking, and I owe communication of it to the courtesy of the Library of Congress and the kind- ness of Dr. Horace I. Poleman. It includes in frontis- piece a portrait of Col. Rajarajendra M. N. Shitole, a foreword by Sir S. S. Bhatnagar, a preface by the Editor- in-chief, Dr. Raghu Vira, an introduction explaining general principles, names of elements, colour names, Tamil alphabet, etc., then the Periodic table, the chemical dictionary, very detailed, and appendixes. This is stu- pendous, but one cannot help wondering whether it is really worth the trouble. See my article in Isis entitled "The tower of Babel." We reproduce two pages of the dictionary to give an idea of the undertaking. G. S.

RUBEN, WALTER. Schamanismus im alten In- dien. Acta Orientalia, i8, I64-205, 1940. Reviewed by Reinh. F. G. Muller, Mitt. Gesch. Med.,

40, 227, 1941/42.

VALLAURI, MARIO. L'antica medicina indiana. 105 p. (Istituto italiano per il medio ed estremo oriente -Centro per lo studio della medicina indigena, I). Milano, Editoriale Arte e Storia, 1941I

Reviewed by Reinh. F. G. Muller, Mitt. Gesck. Med., 40, 227, 1941/42.

WILBUR, MARGUERITE EYER. The East India Company and the British Empire in the Far East. 477 p. New York, Smith, 1945.

Reviewed by Mark Graubard, Isis, 37, 121-22, 1947.

YOGANANDA, PARAMHANSA. Autobiogra- phy of a Yogi. With a preface by W. Y. Evans- Wentz. xvi+498 p., ills. New York, Philo- sophical Library, 1946. $3.50. Autobiography of a yogi, Mukunda Lal Ghosh, who

was born in the last decade of the last century at Go- rakhpur, Bengal, and assumed the name Yogananda when he joined the Swami Order in 19I4: the religious title Parahamsa was bestowed on him in 1935 by his guru Sri Yukteswar of Serampore, Bengal, who was the disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya, himself the disciple of Babaji the AMahavatar. Yogananda has started schools, missions, and churches in India and America. His biography is a mir- ror of contemporary Hindu mysticism, full of piety,

miracles and superstitions, mixed with ill-digested "science"; a kind of "Hindu science" comparable in some respects with "Christian science." It contains portraits of many people, not only the gurus already mentioned but many others, Jagadis Chandra Bose, Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, some western- ers, too, like Luther Burbank "the American saint" to whom the book is dedicated, and Therese Neumann, the Bavarian stigmatist. The book might be compared with others dealing with Sri Ramakrishna Parahamsa (Isis, 36, 214-15). Yogananda is the exponent of a kind of yoga. called kriya yoga, "union (yoga) with the Infinite through a certain action or rite; a yogi who faithfully follows its technique is gradually freed from karma." To have some idea of his fantastic knowledge of western science, see, e.g., the chapter Outwitting the stars (p. I68-79), p. 146-47, etc. A kind preface was contributed by W. Y. Evans-Wentz, a student of Tibetan yoga in Jesus, Oxford. G. S.

10. China

CHAO YANG BUWEI. Autobiography of a Chinese woman, put into English by her hus- band, Chao Yuenren. xvi+327 p., 26 ills., 2 maps. New York, John Day, 1947.

One of the most interesting autobiographies I have been privileged to read. It describes the life of a Chinese woman physician in many countries; it was translated by her husband who has taken a prominent part in the linguistic survey of China and the unification of the national language. The book is full of wit and of gen- erous feelings expressed without cant. The author is already well known to our readers by her book on Chinese cooking (Isis, 36, 2I6). May she live a thou- sand years! G. S.

CHAO YUEN REN. The logical structure of Chinese words. Language, 22, 4-13, 1946.

CHENG TIEN-HSI. China moulded by Confu- cius. The Chinese way in Western light. I64 p., 9 ills. Published under the auspices of the Lon- don Institute of World Affairs. London, Ste- vens, 1946.

CHU COCHING. The origin of twenty-eight mansions in astronomy. Popular Astronomy, 55, 62-78, 1947.

FUCHS, WALTER. Der Jesuiten-Atlas der Kanghsi-Zeit. Seine Entstehungsgeschichte nebst Namensindices fur die Karten der Mand- jurei, Mongolei, Ostturkestan und Tibet. Mit Wiedergabe der Jesuiten-Karten in Original- grosse. iii+414 p. (Monumenta Serica, mono- graph series, 4). Peking, Fu-Jen Universitlit, 1943I

Der Jesuiten Atlas der Kanghsi Zeit. China und die Aussenlaender. 35 maps. (Monumenta Serica, monograph 3). Peking, Verlegt bei der Katholischen Universitaet, 1941. This volume of 1943 and the atlas of 194I are two

very important publications from the point of view of Chinese cartography and also for the study of Jesuit in- fluence upon Chinese science. The atlas contains 35 mraps in Chinese dealing with provinces of China and with neighboring countries such as the Mukden region, the Amur valley (3 maps), Tibet, Korea, etc. These maps were reproduced from a Japanese collection. A 36th map (not included in my copy) was obtained from the palace museum in Peking. The maps date from I708 to 1717. Nine Chinese texts dating from 1711 to 1720 discuss them. The maps were published thrice: (I) wood- block edition of 28 maps 1717, (2) copperprints 1719,

(3) woodblocks of 32 maps 1721. It is misleading to consider these maps as Chinese examples for Jesuit maps,

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Page 42: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

IIO IO. China -12. Israel for they themselves were compiled by the Jesuits. In addition to the Chinese sources, the author has also con- sidered contemporary western sources, extracts from which are given, Du Halde, Mailla, Gaubil and Ripa. The main part of Fuchs' work (p. 75-414) consists of Chinese and Manchu indices to the maps. G. S.

HOEPPL, R.; I-HUNG CH'IANG. The origin of human helminths according to old Chinese medical literature. Monumenta Serica, 3, 579- 6oi, I938. Reviewed by R. F. G. Miuller, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39,

277, 1940.

HSU, FRANCIS L. K. Magic and science in western Yunnan. The problem of introducing scientific medicine in a rustic community. vii+53 p. (Social Change in Southwest China -Case Study 3). In cooperation with Yen- ching-Yunnan Station for Sociological Re- search, National Yunnan University. New York, International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations, 1943. 50 cents. "It hardly needs to be pointed out that 'superstition'

and magic rule the life and conduct in pre-industrial communities the world over-much more than in modern industrialized communities. One use of such 'superstition' and magic is for the cure or prevention of disease. Such practices and ideas have been one of the main targets of Chinese reform in recent years. The current assumptions on this matter are that (i) 'supersti- tions' and magic have to be replaced entirely by scien- tific knowledge and practices - there can be no half way - and (2) the chief problem confronting the re- fotmer and the farmer alike is that of finance. When there is enough money to enable the people to acquire 'better' things (e.g., modern measures of sanitation) to take the place of the old practices, the 'better' things will prevail. This, it is said, is especially true if the practice concerned has little or nothing to do with mo- ral standards. Are these assumptions sound and work- able? What is the nature of magic and 'superstition'? What do modern social scientists have to say about this problem?"

The author discusses: I. The nature of magic and 'superstitions.' 2. The community. 3. The community in distress. 4. Analysis and summary. S. Findings exam- ined in the light of data from a wider field. 6. Possibili- ties for the introduction of scientific medicine into a rus- tic community. Appendices: r. Three prescriptions locally regarded as most effective. 2. Drugs which appear in two or more of the collected local prescriptions. 3. Drugs in the prescription which is locally regarded as most effec- tive. (Facsimile reproduction of the original transcript).

G. S.

LIN TUNG-CHI. The Chinese mind: its Taoist substratum. Journal of the History of Ideas, 8, 259-72, 1947.

LODGE, JOHN ELLERTON (1878-I942). A descriptive and illustrative catalogue of Chi- nese bronzes acquired during the administra- tion of John Ellerton Lodge (with So plates). Compiled by the staff of the Freer Gallery of Art. v+Io8 p. (Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art, Oriental Studies, no. 3). Wash- ington, 1946. $5.oo. This is not only a splendid monument to the memory

of a great curator; it is also a standard book on early Chinese bronzes. The 56 bronzes elaborately described and beautifully illustrated in this volume were collected in twenty years (1923-42). The notes relative to each were written by Lodge himself, A. G. Wenley, and J. A. Pope; they include a wealth of information not only on the objects but also upon the culture which those objects symbolize. Bibliography of 94 items and good index.

G. S.

MAVERICK, LEWIS A. China a model for Europe. xi+334 p. San Antonio, Anderson, I946. Reviewed by G. Nye Steiger, American Historical

Review, 52, 383, 1947.

NAGASAWA KIKUYA. Geschichte der chinesi- schen Literatur und ihrer gedenklichen Grund- lage. Nach Nagasawa Kikuya, Shina gakujutsu bungeishi. Vbersetzt von P. Eugen Feifel. xii+444 p. (Monumenta Serica, Journal of Oriental Studies of the Catholic University of Peking, monograph 7). Peking, Catholic Uni- versity, 1945. The Catholic University (Fu-jen) of Peking has done

much work of permanent value during the war, largely, I take it, under the influence of Dr. Walter Fuchs. The present volume is a German translation of the Shina gakujutsu bungeishi which was published in Tokyo I938, and obtained considerable success. It will interest our readers, because it brings to them the pemmican of Japanese learning and pays more attention than usual to what might be called "scientific literature." The chapters deal alternatively with belles lettres and with "Wissenschaft." Another new feature is the discussion of novels or stories (sh6setsu) in the literary chapters in spite of Chinese usage to the contrary. The translator's footnotes will appear in a separate volume. Reading of this German translation in facilitated because of its use of the Giles transcription instead of the German one. Good index. G. S.

WARE, JAMES R. Grammar, Chinese. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 489- 50I, New York, Schuman, 1947. Discussion of the peculiarities of Chinese grammar,

peculiarities which it is perhaps easier to learn intuitively than to analyze. G. S.

WARE, JAMES H.; SARTON, GEORGE. Query no. 114. Were the ancient Chinese weights and measures related to musical instru- ments? Answer to Query no. 114. Isis, 37, 73, '947.

11. Japan

NYKL, A. R. Kan-ji. A new method comprising 2700 Sinico-Japanese characters. Based on a complete analysis of 2263 pages of Kenkyiisha's new Japanese-English dictionary. 6+i6 p. Cambridge, Mass., The Author, 1947. $1.00.

Selected list of 2700 Kan-ji derived not only from the KenkyUisha dictionary but from many other Japanese and Western publications. Says the author: "The main purpose of my analysis was to obtain a list which, if completely mastered, would facilitate considerably the rapid reading of Japanese newspapers and reviews of the Kaizd and Chid Koron type up to 194S. A constant exercise and the various combinations of syllables finally fixes the ideograms in the memory, from the stage of mere recognition to the stage of being able to write them from memory with increasing facility."

TAKAHASHI, SHINKICHI. Ezo t8 bi shi k8 (A historical study of smallpox and syphilis in the Island of Ezo). 103 p., 2 maps, I pL. Tokyo, Nank8-d8, 1936. Reviewed by Shio Sakanishi, Isis, 32, 177-78, 1947.

12. Israel-including works devoted to Palestine

BODENHEIMER, F. S. The manna of Sinai. Biblical Archaeologist, I0, 2-6, 3 figs., 1947.

See article on same subject by Max Meyerhof (Isis, 37, 32-36, 1947). G. S.

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Page 43: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

12. Israel III

BUBER, MARTIN. Tales of the Hasidim: the early masters. 335 p. New York, Schocken Books, I947. $3.75. The Hasidim or "the devout" were originally members

of a new Jewish religious movement which developed with considerable success in eastern Europe in the z8th century. For the Jewish people it constituted a new and invigorating renewal of faith, although there were some who ignored or attacked them.

The Hasidim were simple men who believed that they could best worship their God through joy and exaltation of spirit. They viewed their Zaddikim or masters, as the highest embodiment of man's closeness to the Divine. The legends, anecdotes, and stories which the Hasidim for the most part created themselves constitute a mystical body of knowledge of tremendous range. Professor Buber has collected much of this, and in the present volume he gives us an admirably edited one-tenth of his material. This is so good that we hope all of it will be made avail- able in the near future. Anthropologists, students of mythology and of mysticism, psychologists, and sociol- ogists, should find this volume particularly interesting.

M. F. A. M.

DRAZIN, NAHTAN. History of Jewish educa- tion from 5I5 B. C. E. to 220 C. E. I6I p. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1940.

Reviewed by Elazar Goelman, Jewish Quarterly Re- view, 37, 435-38, 1947.

FINKELSTEIN, LOUIS. The Pharisees, the so- ciological background of their faith. 2 volumes, xxviii+793 p. Notes, bibliographies and in- dices. Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society of America, Golden Jubilee Volume. Reviewed by Jacob S. Minkin, Isis, 32, 179-8I, 1947.

GLATZER, NAHUM N. (editor). In time and eternity: a Jewish reader. 255 p. New York, Schocken Books, 1946. $2.75.

An anthology of post-biblical Jewish literature rang- ing over eighteen centuries. Most of the translations have been excellently done for the present edition, and the selections are well chosen to cover formal theology, naive faith, practical law, mystical contemplation, and writings of national as well as of universal interest.

This is a beautiful and appealing work full of the most sudden and fetching surprises. I do hope it will be widely read. It is attractively produced in every way, and editor, translator, and publisher are to be heartily congratulated upon its publication. M. F. A. M.

GOLDBERG, OSCAR. On numbers in the Bible. Scripta Mathematica, 12, 23I-32, 1946.

GRAYZEL, SOLOMON. A history of the Jews from the Babylonian exile to the end of World War II. xxv+835 p., 121 ilS., 24 maps. Phila- delphia, Jewish Publication Society of America 5707-I947. $3.50. The author, rabbi, professor and lecturer, holds since

1939 the very responsible position of editor of the Jewish Publication Society. He is already known to scholars because of his book on The Church and Jews in the thirteenth century and a great many articles. The pres- ent volume is well characterized in his own words "A History of the Jews was written in a most critical period in the annals of mankind and in one of the most dis- astrous in the experience of the Jewish people. After similar tragic episodes in the past, such as the destruc- tion of the Jewish state by Rome and the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, one or more contemporaries of these events undertook to summarize the history of the Jewish people and to reassure their bewildered genera- tions about their future. So destructive have been the storms which have overwhelmed us and so stupendous are the clashing forces about us today that a modern historian, making a similar effort, would need both the

narrative abilities of a Josephus and the elegiac powers of a Joseph ha-Kohen. The purpose of writing A History of the Jews has been much more modest. Avoiding emotionalism, it tries to tell the story as objectively as possible, giving what I believe to be a balanced picture of Jewish life and fate, in the hope of clarifying the process of Jewish development through the centuries. In one respect, however, objectivity was impossible, and all that the reader can expect is fairness. I believe in Judaism, and I have faith in the Jewish people. One of my reasons for writing A History of the Jews has beeni my desire to fortify the spirit and strengthen the determination of my fellow Jews to persevere in the path of our ancestors, and patiently and hopefully to labor for the welfare of mankind." Scholars will naturally turn first to the last chapters which are the newest, as well as in some respects the most terrible. They will be impressed by the author's objectivity and sweet reason- ableness. G. S.

MACHT, DAVID I. Biblical references to car- diac pathology: Proverbs XXI, 4 and Psalms XXIV, 4. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 20, 5I3-26, 2 figs., 1946.

PFEIFFER, ROBERT HENRY. The growth of Old Testament religion. I. The religion of the priests. 2. The religion of the prophets. 3. The religion of the sages. 4. The synthesis in Juda- ism. Shane Quarterly, 31 p., January 1947.

"Let those who, like the Apostle Paul, are inclined to be critical of the 'legalism' of the Priestly Code remenmber that neither the noble and fiery denuncia- tions of Amos, nor the sublime poetry of Job, nor the comforting rhapsodies of the Second Isaiah could have laid the foundations for the noblest religions of mankind unless Deuteronomy first and the Priestly Code later had provided, through forms and ceremonies, the ecclesiastical organization needed to preserve the inspired words of Amos, Job, and the Second Isaiah through the centuries."

SIMMEL, ERNST (editor). Anti-Semitism: a social disease. xvii+I40 p. New York, Inter- national Universities Press, 1946. $2.50.

This is one of the most important volumes on the subject of anti-Semitism to appear within this century. It represents one of the first concerted psychoanalytic inquiries into the structure of the conditions which re- sult in the social disease known as anti-Semitism. Dr. Gordon Allport contributes a preface, the editor, Dr. Ernst Simmel, writes the Introduction, and the seven contributors and their contributions are as follows: Max Horkheimer, "Sociological background of the psycho- analytic approach;" Otto Fenichel, "Elements of a psychoanalytic theory of anti-Semitism;" Ernst Simmel, "Anti-Semitism and mass psychopathology;" Bernhard Berliner, "On some religious motives of anti-Semitism;" Douglas W. Orr, "Anti-Semitism and the psychopathology of everyday life;" Else Frenkel-Brunswik and R. Nevitt Sanford, "The anti-Semitic personality: a research re- port;" and T. W. Adorno, "Anti-Semitism and fascist propaganda." Biographical accounts of the authors are provided.

The studies contained in this volume are of funda- mental importance, among the most valuable ever pub- lished on the subject. There can be no doubt that this pioiieer symposium initiates an approach to the study of racism which constitutes perhaps the most important contribution towards a solution yet made.

TRACHTENBERG, JOSHUA. Jewish magic and superstition. A study in folk religion. xii+356 p. Notes, bibliography and index. New York, Behrman's, I939.

Reviewed by Jacob S. Minkin, Isis, 32, I82-83, 1947.

WRIGHT, G. ERNEST. Biblical archaeology today. Biblical Archaeologist, I0, 7-24, 6 figs., I947.

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Page 44: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

II2 13. Iran -4. 1Islam

13. Iran

MARKWART, JOSEF. Wehr6t und Arang. Un- tersuchungen zur mythischen und geschicht- lichen Landeskunde von Ostiran. Hrsg. von Hans Heinrich Schaeder. 63+202 p., map. Leiden, Brill, I938. Reviewed by Willy Hartner, Isis, 32, I68-74, 1947.

MECQUENEM, R. DE. L'emploi des metaux par les civilisations susiennes. Metaux et Civili- sations, I, 77-88, ills., I946.

14. Islam-also Arabia

ADNAN, ABDULHAK. La science chez les Turcs Ottomans. I82 p. Paris, Maisonneuve, I939.

Reviewed by George Sarton, Isis, 32, I86-89, 1947.

BELAIEW, N. T. Sur le "damas" oriental et les lames damassees. Metaux et Civilisations, i, io-i6, 5 figs., 1945.

BROCKELMANN, CARL. History of the Is- lamic peoples. With a review of events, I939- I947, by Moshe Perlmann. Translated by Joel Carmichael and Moshe Perlmann. Illustrated with 8 maps. xx+582 p. New York, Putnam's, I947. $6. A book written by Brockelmann, to whom Arabists

owe one of their most precious tools, deserves their full attention. The German edition was published by Olden- bourg (Munich 1939). The translators have added a brief sketch of events from 1939 to 1947. They have emulated the author's remarkable impartiality, but it is impossible to deal with events so near to us without evoking criticism from the extremists who cannot con- sider impartial any statement traversing their prejudices.

G. S.

BUCHTHAL, HUGO. A note on Islamic enam- eled metalwork and its influence in the Latin West. Ars Islamica, II-I2, I95-98, I946.

CANARD, M. Textes relatifs i 1'emploi du feu gregeois chez les Arabes. Bulletin des etudes arabes, 6, 3-7, Alger, 1946.

CRESWELL, K. A. C. The lawfulness of paint- ing in early Islam. Ars Islamica, 11-12, I59-66, I946.

FARRITKH, OMAR A. Al-tasawwuf fil-Islim. 224 p. Maktaba Munaimana, Beirult, 1947 (in Arabic). Study of Islamic mysticism derived from Arabic and

Western sources together with many extracts taken from the writings of the great 5iifi authors Ibn 'Arabi (XIII-r) of Alurcia and Ibn al-Firid (XIII-r) of Cairo. The author is professor of Arabic literature and Islamic philosophy in the Maqi5id college in Beirut. G. S.

GARBERS, KARL. Das aktuelle Interesse am Studium der Geschichte der Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaften im islamischen Kul- turkreis. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 306-07, I94I/42.

GONZALEZ PALENCIA, ANGEL. Historia de la literatura arabigo-espafiola. 2a edicion. Bar- celona, Editoral Labor, I945. Reviewed by E. Teres, Al-Andalus, 11, 499-500,

x946. The first edition appeared in 1928.

GONZALEZ PALENCIA, ANGEL. Posicion del P. Arteaga en la polemica sobre mu'sica y poesia arabigas. Al-Andalus, I I, 241-45, I946. Apropos of Esteban de Arteaga: I. Lettere musico-

filologiche. II. Del ritmo sonoro et del ritmo muto nella musica degli antichi. (450 p., Madrid 1944).

GRUNEBAUM, GUSTAVE E. VON. Medieval Islam. A study in cultural orientation. vii+ 365 p., 2 maps. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, I946. $4.00. Excellent book on Islamic culture, containing many

original examples (the sources of which are always care- fully indicated) and many references to classical liter- ature. The author shows that the borrowings from an- cient letters were far more numerous than is generally realized; see, for example, his chapter on Greece in the "Arabian Nights." While aware of the many short- comings of Islam, the author considers it always with friendliness. His book is richly documented, pleasantly written and full of kindness and wisdom. G. S.

KHAN, MOHD. A. R. Muslim contribution to meteoric astronomy. Islamic Culture, 20, 353- 6i, 1946.

KATIB QELEBI. Ke?f-el-zunun. Edited by Professor $erefettin Yaltkaya and Rifat Bilge. 2 vols. Folio, 2056 columns. Istanbul, Maarif matbaasi 194I-43. 20 Turkish liras. Ke?f-el-zunun zeylie by Bagdatli Ismail Pa?a edited by the same scholars. Vol. i folio, 622

columns (to the letter za). Istanbul, Milli egitim basimevi, 1945. io Turkish liras. These three splendid volumes which I owe to the gen-

erosity of my friend, Dr. Abdulhak Adnan-Adivar, are a credit to scholarship and scholarly enterprise in present day Turkey, as well as to their authors. The first two are a reprint of the treasure of Arabic bibliography com- ipled by Mu5taf& ibn 'Abdallah KAtib Chelebi lajj! Khalifa (c. I609-58) under the title Kashf al-zuinun 'an asami al-kutub wal-funuin, which had been first edited together with a Latin translation by Gustav FlUgel in seven quarto volumes (Leipzig I835-58). The new edition includes the Arabic text corresponding to Flilgel's edition (vol. I to 6, 52I). The two editors are Mu- hammad Sharaf al-din Yaltqaya, formerly professor in the University of Istanbul, now ra'is umur al-din (chief of the ministry of religion?) and the mu'allim Rifa't Bilge. Footnotes are added in Arabic and Turkish. The general preface is signed by Prof. YaltqAya (I34 June 1941) and is followed by a biography of Katib Chelebi. Vol. I ex- tends as far as Fliigel 3, 525. At the end of vol. I is

printed a Turkish introduction including biographies of K;itib Chelebi, a translation of Fluigel's introduction, pho- togrphs of Ismail pasa, of Ismail Saib Sencer (I875- 1940), of the tomb of KAtib Chelebi, of some of his MSS.

_ The second work of which the Arabic title reads IdAlb al-maknuin fil-dhail 'ala kashf al-aunfin etc. was prepared by the general Isma'il pasha al-Baghdadi (d. 1920) mentioned above. It is a supplement to the Kashf al-zunOn, but the part thus far available to me extends only to the letter zA, that is, is about half of the whole. It is written entirely in Arabic, and thus will be available to many more Western scholars than if it had been pub- lished in Turkish. Indeed, Arabic is an international language while Turkish is not. G. S.

MASS1t, HENRY. Islam. Translated from the French by Halide Edib. X+270 p. New York, Putnam's, 1938. Reviewed by Solomon Gandz, Isis, 32, r85-86, 1947.

NYKL, A. R. Arabic inscriptions in Portugal. Ars Islamica, II-12, I67-83, 20 figs., I946. "The following is a first attempt at presenting a com-

plete account of the comparatively few Arabic inscrip- tions in Portugal."

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14. Islam -IV. New World II3

RENAUD, H. P. J. L'origine du mot "alma- nach." Isis, 37, 44-46, '947.

RYCKMANS, GONZAGUE. Chronologie sabe- enne. Comptes rendus de l'Acad. des inscrip- tions, 236-46, 1943.

SAUVAGET, J. Introduction a l'histoire de l'Orient Musulman. Elements de biblographie. 202 p. (Initiation a l'Islam, n? I). Paris, Mai- sonneuve, 1943.

Reviewed by H. F., Melanges de l'Universitg Saint Joseph, 26, 145-46, 1944-46.

SAUVAGET, J. Historiens arabes. Pages choi- sies. 192 p., 2 maps. (Initiation a l'Islam, 5). Paris, Maisonneuve, 1946. Reviewed by R. M., Melanges de l'Universitg Saint

Joseph, 26, 146, 1944-46.

SOMOGYI, JOSEPH DE. Buda in the days of Islam. Moslem World, 37, 2I4-23, I947.

TOGAN, ZEKI VELIDI. Umumi Turk Tarihine Giri? (Introduction to a general history of the Turks). Vol. I, from ancient times to the i6th century. 486 p. Istanbul, I946. A general political and cultural history of the Turks

before the rise of the Ottomans has been needed and the present volume, the result of many years of teaching Turkish history at the Univ. of Istanbul, fulfills that need. The author has brought together scattered notices on the Turks from many sources and has written an in- formative book with extensive notes and an index. Un- fortunately, the author has not been as critical as he might have been in his choice of bibliography. Of interest is his opening chapter on the various Turkish peoples of today, with population statistics, and a list of the author's publications at the end. R. N. F.

TYAN, EMILE. Histoire de l'organisation judi- ciaire en pays d'Islam. Tome II, 504 p. (Col- lection des Annales de l'Universite de Lyon). Beyrouth, I943.

Reviewed by P. Mazas (S. J.), Melanges de l'Uni- versite Saint Joseph, 26, 150-51, 1944-46.

WEISS, LEOPOLD. Al-Islam 'ala muftariq al- turuq. Arabic translation by 'Umar Farfikh. Preface by Mustafa al-Khilidli. II7 p. Dar al-'ilm, Beirut, I946. Islim at the crossroads.


A. America

EKHOLM, GORDON F. Wheeled toys in Mex- ico. American Antiquity, II, 222-28, I pl., I946. "If we agree that our miniature vehicles were not

copied from actual vehicles used in transport and that they were not the result of contact with the cultures of the Old World, both of which possibilities seem to me quite unlikely, we are confronted with an interesting prob- lem. We have toys or miniatures involving an important mechanical principle not put to practical use in the culture. Such a situation appears to be extremely un- common in the so-called primitive cultures of the world, for I can find no case comparable to it."

JOHNSON, FREDERICK (editor). Man in Northeastern North America. ix+347 p. (Pa- pers of the Robert S. Peabody Foundation for Archaeology, 3). Andover, Mass., Phillips- Andover Academy, 1946. $2.00.

Dedicated to Frank Gouldsmith Speck, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, this ex- cellent volume contains the following important contribu- tions: Douglas S. Byers, "The environment of the North- east"; W. C. McKern, "A cultural perspective of north- eastern area archaeology"; James B. Griffin, "Cultural change and continuity in eastern United States archaeol- ogy"; William A. Ritchie, "Archaeological manifestations and relative chronology in the Northeast"; Frederica de Laguna, "The importance of the Eskimo in northeastern archaeology"; Albert C. Spaulding, "Northeastern archae- ology and general trends in the northern forest zone"; W. W. Howells, "Physical types of the Northeast"; Carl F. and E. W. Voeglin, "Linguistic considerations of north- eastern North America"; Margaret W. Fisher, "The mythology of the northern and northeastern Algonkians in reference to Algonkian mythology as a whole"; Regina Flannery, "The culture of the northeastern Indian hunt- ers: A descriptive survey"; John M. Cooper, "The cul- ture of the northeastern Indian hunters: a reconstruc- tive interpretation." There is a bibliography of 48 pages.

M. F. A. M.

KINIETZ, W. VERNON. Chippewa Village. The story of Katikitegon. iX+259 p., 53 ills. Cranbrook Institute of Science, Bulletin, no. 25, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, I947. $3.00. This book is based on field work done in 1939-40 in

the Chippewa village on Lac Vieux Desert, Upper Penin- sula of Michigan, near the Wisconsin border. Our read- ers will be interested chiefly in the medical chapter (p. I67-215). Mlany illustrations selected and explained by Robert T. Hatt, director of the Cranbrook Institute, are derived from the Institute's collections; the objects repre- sented come from the same region but not from Lac Vieux Desert. G. S.

MARTIN, PAUL S.; QUIMBY, GEORGE I.; COLLIER, DONALD. Indians before Colum- bus: twenty thousand years of North Ameri- can history revealed by archaeology. xxiii+582 p., ill., Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, I947. Reviewed by Gordon R. Willey, Science, 105, 449-50,


MORLEY, SYLVANUS GRISWOLD. The in- scriptions of Peten. 5 volumes. c+2066 p., i65 figs., 245 pls. Washington, D. C. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication no. 437, 1937. Reviewed by A. Pogo, Isis, 32, I89-93, 1947.

STEARN, E. WAGNER; STEARN, ALLEN E. The effect of smallpox on the destiny of the Amerindian. I53 p. Boston, Humphries, I945.

Reviewed by Mark Graubard, Isis, 37, 124, 1947.

WEDEL, WALDO R. Prehistory and the Mis- souri Valley development program: summary report on the Missouri River Basin Archaeo- logical Survey in I946. I 7 p., map, 2 pls.

(Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, I07).

Washington, D. C., Smithsonian Institution, I947.

WERLAGER, C. A. The non-food use of corn in the domestic economy of the Eastern In- dians. Proc. Delaware County Inst. of Science, I0, 2-22, I947.

B. Australasia and Oceania

VAN ITERSON, G., JR. The Netherlands East Indies and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Literature. 32 p., ils. Amster- dam, North-Holland Publishing Co., I946.

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Page 46: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

II4 z6. History of Science VAN NAERSSEN, F. H. Culture contacts and

sbcial conflicts in Indonesia. Translated from the Dutch by A. J. Barnouw. (Southeast Asia Institute, Occasional papers, no. I). i8 p. New York, I947.

WECK, W. Krankheitslehre, Zauber und ein- heimische Heilkunde in Bali. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 354, I940.

C. Africa-outside Egypt and Islam

LONGRIGG, STEPHEN H. A short history of Eritrea. viii+i88 p., 6 pls., 4 maps. Oxford, Clarendon Press, i945.

POTTIER, RENE. Les artisans sahariens du m'tal. I. Chez les Touareg. Metaux et Civili- sations, I, 3I-40, 9 figs., I945.

SACHS, WULF. Black anger. 324 p. Boston, Little, Brown, i947. $3.00. In the history of our development in understanding

of the nature of human relations this book must take a high place. It is a landmark. Written by a European physician now domiciled and practising psychoanalysis in the Union of South Africa, the book tells the story of an African medicine man, his life experiences, and inner conflicts, etched against the background of two worlds- white and black-in collision. It is an extraordinary document, the record of events now transpiring in a land where a handful of whites are deliberately causing the degradation of millions of their fellow men. Written with deep understanding and sympathy, this book should go a long way towards initiating a New Deal for the colored peoples of South Africa. It represents a beautiful ex- ample of the application of scientific methods to the unravelling of the meaning of a human being and his place in society. M. F. A. M.

Part III Systematic Classification


16. History of Science ARBER, AGNES. Analogy in the history of sci-

ence. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 219-33, New York, Schuman, 1947.

"The tentative sketch which we have offered of the part played by analogies in the service of science, seems to show that, so long as they are allowed to retain their genuine and intrinsic character, they are of incalculable value; but the very essence of this character is smper- fection. When it is forgotten that 'no simile can be effec- tive without an awareness of dissimilarity,' and when this forgetfulness leads to the handling of analogies as if they were complete and perfect, they grade into identities, and thus lose their raison d'etre. It is, indeed, their very im- perfection which sets them in the boundary region of scientific thought, where they can act as connecting links with other worlds of experience; it is this, indeed, which is their individual quality. To understand and use an- alogies aright, we must realise that they are in their nature artistic and creative rather than analytic and logi- cal, and that their function is to illustrate, to suggest, and to illuminate, rather than to prove."

BINET, LAON. Figures de savants franqais. ii8 p., 8 portr. Paris, Vigot, 1946. Leborgne de Savigny, Ed. Nocard, L. H. Faraboeuf,

Lavoisier, Brown-S6quard, Richet, d'Arsonval, Ch. Achard. J. P.

BURGER, D. Overzicht van de eerste 25 jaren (1913-1938) van de Vereeniging voor Geschie-

denis der Genees-, Natuur- en Wiskunde, sinds I928: Genootschap voor Geschiedenis der Genees-, Natuur- en Wiskunde gevestigd te Leiden. Amsterdam, 1938. Chronicle of the first twenty-five years of the Dutch

Society for the History of Medicine, Mathematics and Natural Sciences. G. S.

Cambridge University. Lectures on the history of science, I938-39. Isis, 32, 126, 1947.

DINGLE, HERBERT. The missing factor in science. Inaugural lecture. I8 p. London, Lewis, 1947. 2S.

Inaugural lecture of the new professor of history and philosophy of science at University College, London. Every teacher of the history of science should read and meditate that splendid lecture which is so compact and so full of good thoughts that it does not bear analysis. The "missing factor" is internal criticism of science, and such criticism is to a large extent historical. G. S.

FUETER, EDUARD. Grosse Schweizer Forscher. 308 p., ills. (Hrsg. im Auftrage der Fach- gruppe "Hochschulen und wissenschaftliche Forschung" der Schweizerischen Landesaus- stellung I939 und der Schweizerischen Natur- forschenden Gesellschaft unter Mitarbeit her- vorragender Fachleute). Zurich, Atlantis Ver- lag, 1939.

Reviewed by George Sarton, Isis, 32, I93-97, 1947.

GEISER, SAMUEL W.; GEISER, BESSIE T. A brief short-title list of published works on the history of science. 35 p. (Southern Meth- odist University Studies, no. I). University Press in Dallas, Southern Methodist University, 1947. $0.75.

"The present brief list was compiled primarily for the use of students in a course on the history of science offered by the senior author at Southern Methodist Uni- versity." List of about 700 titles of books. This is far too many for a brief list. A list of, say, a hundred titles, with brief critical notes, would be more useful. The lists published by the John Crerar Library of Chicago (I9II, 1917) were subject to the same criticism. G. S.

[Harvard University]. Seminary on the history of science in Harvard University (1938-39). Isis, 32, 125, 1947-

JAFFE, BERNARD. Minner der Forschung in Amerika. xxvii+480 p. New York, Overseas Editions (no date). German translation of Jaffe's Men of science in America

(New York, Simon & Schuster 1944; Isis, 36, 73). Copy obtained through the kindness of Dr. Carl v. Klinckow- stroem in Munich. G. S.

LEAKE, C. D. Historical notes from commercial trade-journals. Isis, 32, 124, 1947.

LORIA, GINO. Osservazioni e documenti rela- tivi al fenomeno della scoperta scientifica. Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana, anno I, 35-45, 1947.

Discussion of the conditions favoring scientific inven- tions and discoveries. Examples taken from the experi- ence of Newton, Cardan, Cauchy, Poincar6, Helmholtz, Gauss, Airy, etc. G. S.

MERCATI, ANGELO. Lettere di scienziati dall' archivio segreto vaticano. Pont. Academiae Scientiarum Commentationes, V, no. 2, 1941. "In questa dotta memoria il Mercati pubblica lettere

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Page 47: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

i6. History of Science II5 di sedici scienziati, tutte interessanti per contribuire alla loro biografia e alla conoscenza della loro epoca, cio6 di Ulisse Aldrovandi, Niccolb Stenone, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, Gabriele Manfredi, Giovanni-Battista Morgagni, Giovanni Poleni, Antonio Cocchi, Eustachio Zanotti, Rug- giero Boscovich, Giovanni Antonio Battarra, Giuseppe Benvenuti, Michele Rosa, Francesco Angelo Deleurye, Deodato S. G. T. de Dolomieu, Sebastiano Canterzani e Serafino Calindri." Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle Sckenze, anno 34, S9, I943.

MILT, BERNHARD. Ziurichs Vergangenheit in Naturwissenschaft und Medizin (Mittelalter und i6. Jahrhundert). Gesnerus, 4, I9-43,


Modem Language Association of America, Wash- ington meeting. General topics VII: Relations of literature and science. Report of the Biblio- graphical Committee, I945-I946. 9 mimeo- graphed pages issued in I947.

"As indicated in previous years, fairly definite ar- rangements for publication of our accumulated bibliog- raphies in some revised torm were necessarily suspended during the war. The seven reports, issued over a period of eight years and covering publications for about sixteen years, have included some I100 titles; but as mimeo- graphed documents issued to few others than those present at the various annual meetings of the Group, they of course have reached, and can now be reached by, but a scattered few of those who might conceivably find them useful."

MONTAGU, M. F. ASHLEY. Suggestions for the better correlation of literature & science. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 235-46, New York, Schuman, I947.

"The humanities and science are still too far divorced from one another in our present compartmentalized state of development. The department of English or literature in our educational institutions can do most to bring what no one should ever have allowed to have been put asun- der together again. This should be done in the light of the belief that a liberal education is one in which science and the humanities are combined, in which science be- comes one of the humanities, in which the emphasis is upon culture and not upon technics, upon education not instruction, 'To know' in the words of Matthew Arnold, 'the best that has been said and thought,' and it should be added, done 'in the world.'"

PELSENEER, JEAN. Comit6 belge d'histoire des sciences. SixiSme rapport annuel (I938- I939). Isis, 32, 129-30, I947.

PELSENEER, JEAN. Science pure et science appliquee i Ia lumiere de l'histoire des sciences. Alumni, i6, 194-20I, I947.

SARTON, GEORGE. Query no. 92. Falsely identified portraits of scientists and scholars. Isis, 32, M21, 1947.

SARTON, GEORGE. Notes and records of the Royal Society. Isis, 32, I23, I947.

SARTON, GEORGE. Preface to Volume XXXII. Time is money. Isis, 32, 9-I3, I947.

SARTON, GEORGE. Preface to volume 37. Qualifications of teachers of the history of science. Isis, 37, 5-7, I947.

SCHRECKER, PAUL. Bibliography of icono- graphic studies (additions to the list published in Isis, 30, 230-32, I939). Isis, 32, I26, I947.

STIMSON, DOROTHY. A case report on a his- tory of scientific ideas. Scientific Monthly, 64, 148-54, 1947. Paper summarizing twenty-five years of experience in

teaching the history of science in a liberal arts college for women, Goucher College in Baltimore, of which the author is dean. I hope many deans and teachers will read it. G. S.

[Switzerland]. Recherches, decouvertes et inven- tions de medecins suisses. I37 p. Ciba, Bale, I946 ?

XVIe-XXe siecles; 6o notices biographiques, portr., bibliographies.

TOLMER, L. A travers les vocabulaires scienti- fiques (I573-I834). Datations nouvelles. Le FranVais moderne, I4, 28I-300, I946.

17. Organization of Science Internal organization is meant, see Isis, 1, 195. For external organization, national or international, see section 55. [American Philosophical Society]. America's role

in the growth of science. Present trends and international implications of science. Problems of international cooperation in science and the Pilgrim Trust Lecture. Papers read before the American Philosophical Society and the Na- tional Academy of Sciences, October I7-23, I946. iv+I36 p. Philadelphia, American Phi- losophical Society, I947.

Whole issue devoted to the scientific and international interests described in the title, and including also Sir Henry Hallett Dale's Pilgrim Trust Lecture: The free- dom of science. G. S.

Atomic Energy Commission. Official records. Special supplement: Report to the Security Council. IV+I4I p. Lake Success, N. Y., I946.

Distributed by the Columbia University Press, New York City, $i.oo. Collection of all the documents printed in parallel

columns in English and French. I. Proceedings. II. Findings. III. Recommendations. IV. First report on the scientific and technical aspects of the problem of control. V. First report on safeguards required to ensure the use of atomic energy only for peaceful purposes. Annexes.

[Atomic energy]. The United Nations Atomic Energy Commission. An historical survey of the period June I946 to March I947. I28 p., 2 pls., (International Conciliation, no. 430).

New York, Carnegie Endowment for Interna- tional Peace, I947.

COHEN, I. BERNARD. For the education of the layman. The New York Times Book Re- view, Sept. 7, I947.

Criticizing a number of recent scientific books written for the general reader and explaining the standards which such books should meet. G. S.

EINSTEIN, ALBERT. Only then shall we find courage. Science & Culture, I3, 46-48, Cal- cutta, I 947.

First published in The New York Times Magazine.

GRAUBARD, MARK. Science, humanity and politics face the atom. 32 p. Extension Service College of Agriculture, University of Maine, I947.

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I I6 I 7. Organization of Science HUXLEY, JULIAN. UNESCO. Its purpose and

its philosophy. 62 p. Washington, D. C., Pub- lic Affairs Press, American Council on Public Affairs, I947. $I.00. It is hardly necessary to emphasize the importance of

UNESCO to readers of Isis, but if they should need an explanation of UNESCO's purpose and a description of its services, there is no guide more competent than the brilliant biologist, Huxley, who is now its director gen- eral. G. S.

LANGEVIN, PAUL. La science et la paix. Quadrige, nt 5, I5-I9, I946.

TAYLOR, F. SHERWOOD. Is the progress of science controlled by the material wants of man? Society for Freedom in Science, Oc- casional pamphlet n? I, I5 p., I945.

VAN DE VELDE, A. J. J. Het Vlaamsch na- tuur- en geneeskundig Congres van zijn oor- sprong irn I897 tot in I944. Historische schets. I31 p., 7 pls. (Verhandelingen van de Konink- lijke Vlaamsche Academie voor wetenschappen, letteren en schoone kunsten van Belgie, Kl. der wetenschappen, 6). Antwerpen, N.V. Stan- daard-Boekhandel, I944. 65 fr. C'est Dr. Julius MacLeod (I857-1919), professeur A

l'Universit6 de Gand, qui fonda en I897 les Congres Fla- mands des sciences naturelles et medicales. Le professeur A. J. J. van de Velde (Prof. em. de l'Universite de Gand), le seul des 8 fondateurs (Prof. J. MacLeod, Prof. Bouqu6, Dr. C. de Bruyne, Dr. de Buck, Dr. Jan de Windt, Dr. Herman Sabbe, Apoth. G. Staes et Dr. A. J. J. van de Velde) qui est encore en vie, nous donne dans cette etude i'histoire de ces Congres, dont le premier a eu lieu en I897 A Gand et le 32i&me en 1942 aussi a Gand.

P. B.

WILSON, HOWARD E. The development of UNESCO. International Conciliation, no. 43I,

293-343, I947.

18. Philosophy of Science

BAVINK, BERNHARD. Ergebnisse und Pro- bleme der Naturwissenschaften. Eine Einfuh- rung in die heutige Naturphilosophie. 6. neubearb. u. erweiterte Aufl. xii+796 p., 92

figs., portr. Leipzig, Hirzel, I940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 308-30, 1940.

BAVINK, BERNHARD (I879-I947). Was is Wahrheit in den Naturwissenschaften? 88 p. Wiesbaden, Brockhaus, I947.

The author of this pamphlet (which I owe to the kindness of Count Klinckowstroem of Munich) is best known because of his book, Ergebnisse und Probleme der Natunvissenschaften (2nd ed. 192I, 8th ed. Bern 1945),

English translation, The anatomy of modern science (London 1932; Isis, 26, 565; 27, i66). During the Nazi tyranny, the idea of truth had been so deeply per- verted that it is now necessary to reeducate the Germans from that point of view, and to give them a conception of truth independent of blood, race and political cir- cumstances. The Nazi epistemology can be judged from many examples quoted by the author (p. 6-io); it is almost incredible that a nation, as well trained scien- tifically as the German was, could accept such a fantastic perversion of truth. G. S.

CLIFFORD, WILLIAM KINGDON. The com- mon sense of the exact sciences. Edited and with a preface by Karl Pearson. Newly edited

and with an introduction by James R. New- man. IXVi+250 p. New York, Knopf, I946.

Reviewed by Edmund Whittaker, Nature, I 59, 248, 1947.

DELEVSKY, J. L'idee du cycle eternel dans l'histoire du monde. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, 375-40I, New York, Schu- man, I947.

"La suggestion qui semble se degager de notre apergu de l'6volution de certaines idees cosmologiques et cos- mogoniques est celle-ci: ni Retour 6ternel ni 6volution unidirectionnelle irreversible du Monde. L'alternative entre ces deux modalites opposees, seules a accepter pour l'his- toire du Cosmos, n'existe pas en r6alite. En dehors des r6p6titions eternelles, en dehors de la marche vers la mort et l'immobilite finale, on peut imaginer des variations infinies du AMonde toujours nouvelles, avec possibilite de quelques repetitions partielles (dans telles conjonctures ou tels quartiers de l'Univers) ou de combinaisons sem- blables, mais sans repetition g6n6rale et perp6tuelle de formes identiques dans l'ensemble. L'histoire du Monde est un courant du mouvement dans l'Infini, qui ne revient jamais a ses sources et qui n'aboutit jamais au neant. Au lieu de lois, de modeles et de m6canismes simples, on se trouve ici probablement devant une complexit6 immense, peut-etre infinie."

DINGLER, HUGO. Die Methode der Physik. 422 p. Miinchen, Reinhardt, I938. Reviewed by V. F. Lenzen, Isis, 32, 203-05, I947.

FRANK, PHILIPP. The place of the philosophy of science in the curriculum of the physics student. American Journal of Physics, x5, 202-

I8, I947.

JOHNSON, MARTIN. Art and scientific thought. Viii+I92 p. With a foreword by Walter De La Mare. London, Faber and Faber, I944.

Reviewed by M. F. A. Montagu, Isis, 37, 122, 1947.

LE CORBEILLER, PHILIPPE. Man in transit. The Atlantic Monthly, 6 p., May I947.

The author believes that the field of science is not infinite but finite, and that in some cases (physics, chemistry) we are approaching the final boundary. He concludes: "We are now in the middle of just another great period of invention. If one believes that the field of science is finite, as I have tried to show, then he can foresee that this present period of invention will some time come to an end. The Scientific Age, which will come in 500 or iooo years, will be another long stable period, which does not mean a final Utopian stage. Prob- ably, after several thousand years, another revolution will shake it up, springing from a reason as unintelligible to us as scientific research would have been to the Neander- thal man."

LE CORBEILLER, PHILIPPE. Stars, proteins and nations. The Atlantic Monthly, 6 p., De- cember I946. Restatement of the Comtian classification or hierarchy

of sciences.

MARGENAU, HENRY. Western culture, sci- entific method and the problem of ethics. American Journal of Physics, I5, 2I8-28, I947.

POLANYI, M. Science, faith and society. 8o p. (University of Durham, Riddell Memorial Lectures, i8th series). London, Oxford Uni- versity Press, I946. Reviewed by F. Ian G. Rawlins, Nature, I59, 793,


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Ig. Logic- 23. Astronomy II 7 ROSENTHAL-SCHNEIDER, ILSE. The inter-

pretation of scientific evidence. Australian Journal of Science, 9, i6i-66, I947.

SAX, KARL. Soviet science and political philos- ophy. Scientific Monthly, 65, 43-47, I947.

Often, in the long history of scientific research, scien- tists have been forced to conform to some theological, political or economic orthodoxy. This sad condition is not limited to our barbarous or medieval past, but persists today in Russia. It occurred only yesterday in Germany, and not so long ago in some of our more backward states. Professor Sax is doing his share of bringing the present forced conformity out into the open and, incidentally, listing his colleagues who see no -, hear no -, speak no evil. C. Z.

TATARKIEWICZ, WLADYSLAW. From the history of the theory of science. Zycie nauki, 2, 345-53, Krakow 1947 (in Polish with Eng- lish summary). Discussing the work of French critics of science: Am-

pire, Cournot, Claude Bernard, Emile Boutroux, Poin- care, Duhem, Meyerson, Bergson, Edouard Le Roy.

G. S.

WHITTAKER, SIR EDMUND. Space and spirit. Theories of the universe and the argu- ments for the existence of God. vii + I5o p. London, Nelson, 1946. Reviewed by J. C. Hardwick, Nature, I59, 4x8, 1947.


19. Logic and Theory of Knowledge

BETH, EVERT W. Geschiedenis der Logica. 96 p. (Encyclopaedia in Monografieen, Afde- ling Logica, no 37). Den Haag, N. V. Servire, 1944.

20. Mathematics BOYER, CARL B. The concepts of the calculus.

A critical and historical discussion of the derivative and the integral. vi + 346 p. New York, Columbia University Press, 1939.

Reviewed by I. Bernard Cohen, Isis, 32, 205-10, 1947.

DORRIE, HEINRICH. Triumph der Mathe- matik. Hundert beruhmte Probleme aus zwei Jahrtausenden mathematischer Kultur. 2. er- ginzte Aufl. vii + 391 p., 112 figs. B reslau, Hirt, 1940. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 314,


GOLAB, STANISLAW. 0 dorobku matematy- k6w polskich w nauce swiatowej. Zycie nauki, 3, 79-91, 1947 (in Polish). On the achievements of Polish mathematicians.

KARPINSKI, LOUIS CHARLES. Bibliographi- cal check list of all works on trigonometry published up to 1700 A.D. Scripta Mathe- matica, 12, 267-83, 5 figs., 1946.

MAHNKE, DIETRICH; PAGEL, W. Origins of mathematical mysticism. Isis, 32, 131-33, I947-

SCHRECKER, PAUL. On the infinite number of infinite orders. A chapter of the pre-history

of transfinite numbers. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 359-73, New York, Schuman, I947.

This is a contribution to the history of philosophy, of mathematics, and of their fruitful interrelations. The editor of Malebranche (Isis, 32, 148-50) found in the latter's Meditations chr,tiennes the following remark: "Thus you see clearly that finite ratios may exist among infinites themselves. Even infinite ratios may exist be- tween them, since the mind conceives infinite ratios infinitely greater the ones than the others." That re- mark, astounding for its time (I683), was the beginning of two centuries of cogitations which finally led to the theory of transfinite numbers of Georg Cantor (d. i9i8).

G. S.

STRUIK, DIRK J. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A course in the history of mathe- matics. Isis, 32, 123-24, 1947.

VERRIEST, GUSTAAF. Vier voordrachten over de Wiskunde. i68 p. (Collection Lova- nium) Tournai, Casterman, 1947.

Historique de questions telles que la quadrature du cercle.


23. Astronomy BODA, KARL. ioo Jahre Parallaxenforschung

(Vortragsauszug.). Jahresber. d. Physikal. Ver. zu Frankfurt a. M. fur das Rechnungs- jahr 1937/38, 29-32, 1938.

CORT, J. H. Jongere Nederlandsche sterren- kundigen op belangrijke posten in het buiten- land. Hemel en Dampkring, 39, 355-63, 3 portrs., 1941.

Les jeunes astronomes dont Dr. Cort nous parle sont: W. H. van den Bos, Johannesburg; D. Brouwer, Yale Univ.; J. Schilt, Rutherford Obs., New York; W. J. Luyten, Minnesota; P. van de Kamp, Sproul Obs., Swarthmore, Pennsylvania; G. P. Kuiper, Yerkes Obs.; B. J. Bok, Harvard Univ.; H. Zanstra, Pretoria.

GUYOT, EDMOND. L'observatoire cantonal de Neuchatel 1858-I938. Bull. de la Soc. neuchdteloise des sc. nat., 63, 1938, 5-36, 21

figs., Neuchatel, 1939.

DAVIDSON, MARTIN. The stars and the mind. A study of the impact of astronomical development on human thought. x + 210 p., 8 pls. London, Watts, 1947.

Reviewed by H. D. Anthony, Nature, IS9, 521, 1947.

FLECKENSTEIN, J. 0. 300 Jahre Mondfor- schung. Experientsia, 3, 83-84, 1 fig., 1947.

McCOLLEY, GRANT. Humanism and the his- tory of astronomy. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 321-57, New York, Schuman, 1947.

"There is great intrinsic value in the history of the several astronomical hypotheses which preceded, com- peted with, and ultimately gave way to the Copernican theory. In addition, this story holds much enlightenment and humanistic discipline. Fragmentary and incomplete as it is, the present sketch of these once active hypotheses may in some measure indicate that the history of science is both knowledge and intellectual discipline."

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ii8 23. Astronomy- 24. Physics MERGENTALER, JAN. The scientific achieve-

ments of Polish astronomers. Zycie nauki, 2, 226-35, 3i6-i8, I946. Article in Polish with summary in English.

SARTON, GEORGE. Query no. iii. Early ob- servations of the sunspots? Isis, 37, 69-7I, '947.

STEIGER, A. L. VON. Der "kbnigliche" Mensch. Nach einem Vortrag uber den objektiven Wahrheitskern der geburtsastrologischen Tra- dition. i6 p. Bern, A. L. von Steiger, I94I. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 326-27,


STREETER, JOHN W. Twenty Americans on the moon. Sky and Telescope, vol. 6, no. 8, II, I947-

VAUCOULEURS, G. DE. Histoire de la pho- tom6trie stellaire. Bull. Soc. d'astron. de Tou- louse, no 242, II p., 1943.

WANDERS, A. J. M. Het ontstaan van de tegenwoordige maannomenclatuur. Hemel en Dampkring, I-5, 2I-27, 2 ills., I944.

Jusqu'& maintenant 673 des formations (cirques, mers, etc.) observ6es sur l'ecorce lunaire ont regu un nom. Les auteurs de ces noms sont: Van Langeren, 4; Hevelius, S; Riccioli, 203; Hell, 2; Schroeter, 65; Gruithuisen, i; Lohrmann, 7; Madler, 149; Birt, 6i; Lee, 8; Nelson, 17; Webb, I; Lecouterier, I; Schmidt, 54; Gaudibert, 6; Krieger (Konig), 46; Franz, io; Elger, I; Pickering, I; Debes, I; Blagg, I; MUller, 8; Peucker, 2; Chemla- Lamech, 8; Fauth, 5; Wilkins, 2; Commission 17 de l'I.A.U., 4. P. B.

WODETZKY, JOSEPH. tYber die Definition der Syzygien. Dissertationes in honorem Dr. Eduardi Mahler, 374-78, Budapestini, I937.

ZINNER, ERNST. Die Horoskope der Welt- entstehung. Forschungen und Fortschritte, I9,

99-IOI, ills., I943.

ZINNER, ERNST. Kunsthistorisches Museum. Sonderschau in der neuen Burg. Bildteppiche und astronomisches Gerat. I5 p., I8 figs. Wien, I940.

Description of the tapestries and astronomical instru- ments in the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna. i 8 illustrations reproduce the astronomical and other scien- tific instruments dating from the fifteenth century to the eighteenth. G. S.

ZINNER, ERNST. Der Sternenmantel Kaiser Heinrichs. Himmelskunde und Rechenkunst im alten Bamberg. 58 p., pls. (Kleine Bam- berger Biicher, 8). Bamberg, Meisenbach, I939- The title of this elegant little volume is a little mis-

leading, if one disregards the subtitle, for the star mantle which the enmperor Heinrich II wore at his coronation in 1o04 is dealt with only in the opening pages. The book is really an account of astronomy and arithmetic in old Bamberg, with many illustrations. The golden age of that city began when the emperor Heinrich II the Saint founded the bishopric of Bamberg in 1007 and built its magnificent cathedral. G. S.

ZINNER, E. Vermischte Aufsaitze. XXIX. Bericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Bamberg, 47 p., I946. Inhalt: Ein Kalendervorschlag. Das Verhalten der

Tiere bei Sonnenfinsternissen. Nachtrag zum "Wetter

von Bamberg." Die Allensteiner Sonnenuhr des Nikolaus Coppernicus.. Neues ilber Tycho Brahe. Die vermissten Sterne des Hevelius. Alte Beobachtungen des Sternes o Ceti. Sprunghafte Anderungen der Sterne.

24. Physics


nucleare: della pila di Volta alla pila atomica. Viii + 215 p., ill. Milan, Hoepli, I946.

Reviewed by Franco Rasetti, Science, I'O, 455, 1947.

EDER, JOSEF MARIA. History of photog-

raphy. Translated by Edward Epstean. xx

+ 86o p. New York, Columbia University Press, I945.

Reviewed by I. Bernard Cohen, Isis, 37, 103-04, '947.

FRANK, PHILIPP. Foundations of physics.

v + 78 p. (International Encyclopedia of

Unified Science, i). Chicago, University of

Chicago Press, I946.

Reviewed by Victor F. Lenzen, Isis, 37, 104, 1947.

FRIEDMAN, JOSEPH S. History of color photography. x + 514 p. Boston, American

Photographic Publishing Co., 1944.

Reviewed by I. Bernard Cohen, IsiS, 37, 103-04, 1947.


(+ and -), protons, photons, neutrons, meso-

trons, and cosmic rays. Revised edition I947.

x + 642 p., 124 figs. Chicago, University of

Chicago Press, 1947. $6.oo.

Millikan's book on The Electron (Chicago 1917) might be considered the first edition of the present vol- ume. A revised edition appeared in 1924; a third in 1935; this then would be the fourth, brought up to date tO 1946. The first chapter deals with early views of electricity; each chapter is full of historical data. The book will be indispensable for the historian of contem- porary physics. G. S.

MUNSTER, CLEMENS. Geschichte des Ein-

stand-Entfernungsmessers. 32 p., 20 figs. (Deutsches Museum, Abh. u. Ber., Jg. 12, H.

4). Berlin, VDI-Verlag, I940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 320, 1940.

PELSENEER, JEAN. Mus&e de la photographie

i Bruxelles. Isis, 32, 130, 1947.

SCHURMANN, PAUL F. Historia de la fisica.

Prefacio por el Ing. Eduardo Garcia de

Zufiiga. Segunda edicion. 2 VOIS. xxiv + 381

p.; 672 p. Buenos Aires, Editorial Nova

(colophon dated July I946).

Corrected and increased edition of the work first published in Montevideo 1936 (Isis, 29, 172-76).

STARK, JOHANNES; MtYLLER, WILHELM. Jiudische und deutsche Physik. Vortriige zur

Eroffnung des Kolloquiums fur theoretische

Physik an der Universitat Munchen. 56 p.

Leipzig, Helingsche Verlagsanstalt, I94I. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 3x9,


STILL, ALFRED. Soul of lodestone: the back-

ground of magnetical science (A companion

volume to Soul of amber). 233 p. New York, Murray Hill, I946.

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Page 51: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

25. Chemistry II 9

25. Chemistry. Physical Chemistry. Industrial Chemistry.

Ambix. The journal of the Society for the study of alchemy and early chemistry. Vol. II, no. 3 & 4, II5-98, figs., December, 1946.

It is a great pleasure to receive a new number of Ambix. For the sake of collectors, let us say that it is no. 6-7 of the whole series. The first number appeared in May 1937 (Isis, 28, 262). Vol. i included two other numbers which were dated Dec. 1937 and March 1938. The first two nos. of vol. 2 were dated June and Sept. 1938. I would suggest that it would be convenient to give to each number a serial number referring to the whole series. It would be easier then for every owner to know whether his set is complete or not. The present number of Ambix is analyzed in this bibliography. Ambix will ajpear quarterly henceforward. Subscriptions (i .4.0 per year) should be sent to Taylor and Francis, Ltd., Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C. 4. G. S.

BRUNI, GIUSEPPE. Sintesi e natura. Rendi- conti, Reale Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, Parte Generale e Atti Ufficiali, 71, 49- 72, Milano, 1938. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 120,


CEZARD, PIERRE. L'alchimie et les recettes techniques. Mdtaux et Civilisations, x, 5-Io,

41-45, figs., 1945.

Chymia. Annual Studies in the History of Chemistry. Tenney L. Davis, editor-in-chief. Volume I, Philadelphia, University of Penn- sylvania Press, 1948. $3.50. The articles published in this new periodical under

the auspices of the Edgar F. Smith Memorial Collection, University of Pennsylvania, will be listed each in its proper place in our Critical Bibliographies. Crescat et floreatI 0. S. CORBETT, JAMES. Catalogue des manuscrits

alchimiques latins. Publi6 sous la direction de J. Bidez, Fr. Cumont, A. Delatte, Sir Frederic Kenyon et V. de Falco. I. Manu- scrits des bibliotheques publiques de Paris anterieurs au XVIIe siecle. 367 p. Bruxelles, Secretariat Administratif de l'U. A. I., 1939. Reviewed by George Sarton, Isis, 32, 211, 1947.

DUVEEN, DENIS I. Two unrecorded eight- eenth century French chemists and an early Italian alchemical 'unicum.' Ambix, 2, 192-

95, facs., 1946. The title should read "Two unrecorded seventeenth

century chemists." These chemists are Jean Charles de Marsigny and Jean Malbec de Tresfel and their books are dated Rouen 0671, Paris I67I. The sixteenth century book is the Verita de la alchimia by Angelus de Forti- bus (Venice 1525). It is bad method to devote a single article to two unrelated subjects. G. S.

EIDINOFF, MAXWELL LEIGH; RUCHLIS, HYMAN. Atomics for the millions. Illus- trated by Maurice Sendak. With an introduc- tion by Harold C. Urey. Xiv + 28I p. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1947. $3.50. The title needs no explanation; as to the authors,

"during the Second World War Dr. Eidinoff served as a research supervisor on the Atomic Bomb Project at Columbia University and the University of Chicago. In his laboratory at Queens College he is now exploring new uses for radioactive isotopes -products of the peacetime application of atomic energy. Mr. Ruchlis has been a teacher of physics since I936 and at present is president

of the Physics Club of New York." The authors have tried their best to enliven the subject with snappy ex- pressions, jokes and funny drawings. Whether such means are helpful or not I cannot say; they may help morons, but what is the good of that? They would not help me, but on the contrary, they would discourage me.

G. S.

FIERZ-DAVID, H. E. Die Entwicklungsge- schichte der Chemie. Eine Studie. xv + 425 p., Io6 figs., 4 tables. Basel, Birkhauser, I945. Reviewed by Eduard Farber, Isis, 37, Io5-o6, 1947.

FRITZ, FELIX. Leuchtfarben. Geschichte, Herstellung, Eigenschaften und Anwendung. 224 p. Berlin, Chem.-techn. Verlag Boden- bender, I940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 330, 1940.

GIBSON, G. S. The chemical society (of Lon- don) after one hundred years. Endeavour, 6, 63-68, I1947.

A brief centennial history. The past presidents are listed. C. Z.

HILLER, JOH. E. Die Kalisalze in Geschichte und Wissenschaft. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 356- 57, 1940.

HOOYKAAS, R. Het ontstaan van de chemische atoomleer. Tijdschrift voor Philosophie, 9, 63-136, 1947.

"Rise of the atomic theory." Account beginning with Empedocles and Democritos and ending with Dalton.

G. S.

LEJEUNE, FRITZ. Betrachtungen zur Destil- lierkunst. Die Pharmazeut. Industrie, H. 4, 8 p., 37 figs., 1941.

Reviewed by Diergart, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 328, 1940.

MP,TADIER, JACQUES. La th6orie de la catalyse. Vue d'ensemble et essai de syn- these. ioi p. (Actualites scientifiques et in- dustrielles, IooS). Paris, Hermann, 1946. Reviewed by H. W. Melville, Nature, 159, 79!, 1947.

MITTASCH ALWIN. Der Stickstoff als Le- bensfrage. Ein tlberblick. vi + 34 p., 8 figs. (Deutsches Museum, Abh. u. Ber., 13). Berlin, VDI-Verlag, 1941.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 123, 1941/42.

PARTINGTON, J. R. History of alchemy and early chemistry. Nature, 159, 81-85, 1947.

PARTINGTON, J. R. The kerotakis appara- tus. Nature, I59, 784, I947. "Interest in experiments and apparatus seems to

have come into early chemistry from a Jewish source. It was foreign to Greek science; Aristoteles and Theo- phrastos were excellent at description, and in biology, which until recently was purely observational and de- scriptive, and hence their accounts seem so modern. They had little or no interest in experiment, and in Greek tra- dition apparatus was, apart from engines of war, almost entirely confined to toys, which reached a climax in the Byzantine period. To the two streams of Greek tradi- tion, descriptive-biological treatment, and superstitious works such as the lapidaries and bestiaries, a third was added in the earliest chemistry, and this one, character- ized by an interest in experiment and in the devising of apparatus, is uniformly ascribed to a Jewish source. Even if Wellmann's thesis of an Essene origin is not

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Page 52: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

I20 25. Chemistry - 26. Technology accepted, his general theory seems to be plausible. I propose to develop this line of thought in detail else- where."

[Photography]. A long series of recent writings on the history of photography are reviewed in MIitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 137-50, 1941.

PIETSCH, E. Zur Urgeschichte der chemischen Technologie und deren Bedeutung fur die prahistorische Kultur. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 355-56, 1940.

ROMPP, HERMANN. Chemische Fundgrube. Eine Auslese von 250 unbekannten chemischen Patenten und Erfindungen aus allen Landern (9.-3. verbess. Tausend). 193 p. Stuttgart, Franckh, 1941. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 122,


SINGER, DOROTHEA WALEY. Alchemical texts bearing the name of Plato. Ambix, 2, 115-28, 1946.

STENGER, ERICH. Die Photographie in Kul- tur und Technik. Ihre Geschichte wahrend hundert Jahren. 287 p., 6, ills., i pl. Leipzig, Seemann, 1938. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 143,


TAYLOR, F. SHERWOOD. The Chemical So- ciety. Nature, i6o, 6-7, 1947.

THIESSEN, PETER A. Stoffe, Krafte und Gedanken als Trager chemischer Gestaltung. 27 p. (Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 7). Berlin, de Gruyter, 194I. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 120,


26. Technology

For Mining, see 32. Geology; for Industrial chemistry, 25. Chemistry. See also Arts

and Crafts under 45.

BALL, NORMAN T. The classification of pat- ents. Special Libraries, Ii-i6, Jan. I947.

COHEN, I. BERNARD. The development of aeronautics in America. A review of recent publications. Isis, 37, 58-64, 2 figs., 1947.

DITISHEIM, PAUL ( -I945). Le spiral reglant et le balancier depuis Huygens jus- qu'a nos jours. 11I7 p., II7 ills. Lausanne, Editions du Journal suisse d'Horlogerie, 1945. Swiss francs 7.5. These studies derive their value from the fact that the

author (who died on February 7, 1945) was a Swiss maker of chronometers of considerable experience and originality. They deal with: (i) Huygens' fundamental invention of the regulating spiral; (2) Thermic testing of chronometers; (3) Edouard Phillips (I82I-82) and the terminal curves of the spiral; (4) Charles-Ed. Guillaume (I86I-I938) and chronometry; (5) balance wheel with "affixe compensateur"; (6) bulletins concern- ing the continuous observation and regulation of chronom- eters; (7) influence of barometric pressure on their daily rate. The book is beautifully illustrated. G. S.

DUHEM, JULES. Histoire des idees aeronau- tiques avant Montgolfier. These pour le doc- torat 6s lettres, presentee a la Faculte des Lettres de l'Universite de Paris. 458 p., frontis-

piece. Universite de Paris, Faculte des Let- tres, I943.

DUHEM, JULES. Musee aeronautique avant Montgolfier. Recueil de figures et de docu- ments pour servir a l'histoire des idees aero- nautiques avant l'invention des aerostats. 253

p., ill. (Paris thesis). Paris, 1944.

EWALD, KURT. 20000 Schriftquellen zur Eisenbahnkunde. 928 p., 24 pls. Berlin, Springer, 194I.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 354-55, 1941/42.

GILLE, BERTRAND. Notes d'histoire de la technique metallurgique. II. L'utilisation de la houille en siderurgie. Metaux et Civilisa- tions, I, 99-104, 1946.

HIGGINS, THOMAS JAMES. Book-length biographies of engineers, metallurgists and industrialists. 14 p. (received August 1947).

Reprinted from Bulletin of Bibliography, vols. I8 and 19, 1946-47.

HORNELL, JAMES. Primitive types of water transport in Asia: distribution and origins. Joutrnal of the Royal Asiatic Society, I24-41, pls. XII-XIV, 8 figs., 1946.

HORNELL, JAMES. Water transport. Origins & early evolution. xv + 304 p., 87 photo- graphs, 69 figs. Cambridge, University Press, I946. 30 S.

Excellent monograph based not only upon abundant literature but also on long experience obtained in many countries concerning early means of navigation. Those means are divided into three groups: A. Floats and rafts; B. Skin boats (coracles, curraghs, kayaks); C. Bark canoes, duigouts and plank-built craft. G. S.

PESCHKE, WERNER. Das Miuhlenwesen der Mark Brandenburg. Von den Anf-angen der Mark bis um i6oo. viii + IIo p. (Schriften- reihe der Arbeitsgemeinschaft fUr Technik- gesch. des Ver. Deutscher Ingenieure). Ber- lin, VDI-Verlag, I937.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 249,


PLANK, RUDOLF. Die Frischhaltung von Lebensmitteln durch Kailte. 36 p., 27 figs. (Deutsches Museum, Abh. u. Ber., Jg. 12,

H. 5). Berlin, VDI-Verlag, 1940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, i8o, 1941/42.

SPRINGER, WALTER. Der Weg zur mo- dernen Bohrmaschine. Eine technik-geschicht- liche Skizze. 133 p., 94 figs. Berlin-Halensee, Forschungen zur Geschichte der Industrie, 1941.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 3178,


STRUNZ, FRANZ. Der Erfinder, seine Idee und seine Geschichte. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40,

199-212, 1941/42.

ZINNER, ERNST. Feinmechanische Geriate, Meisterwerke der Renaissancezeit. Deutsches Museum, Abhandlungen und Berichte, 15, 26 p., ills., 1943.

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27. Biology 121



27. Biology -Generalities, "Natural History"

BEGOUEN, COMTE. Quelques souvenirs sur le mouvement des idees transformistes dans les milieux catholiques, suivi de la mentalite spiritualiste des premiers hommes. 83 p. Paris, Bloud & Gay, [1945].

Catholic imprimatur, Paris, April 30, 1945.

BRUES, C. T. Contributions of entomology to theoretical biology. Scientific Monthly, 64, 123-34, 1947-

CHARDON, CARLOS E. Longevity and casu- alties among naturalists in tropical America. Scientific Monthly, 64, I08-207, 1947.

From Fernandez de Oviedo (0478-I557) to Ferdinand Nevermann (0881-1938). C. Z.

DUBININ, N. P. Work of Soviet biologists: theoretical genetics. Science, 105, I09-12, 1947.

A listing of the labors and discoveries of Soviet geneticists. Some of the claims made for priority in developing certain fields of research can be easily dis- proved and some of the listed discoveries seem trivial but, over and above this, the sum total of the Russian con- tributions is really impressive, particularly in the applica- tion of modern genetics to evolution. Adequate acknowl- edgment is made of such fundamental work as that of Mendel and Morgan and even N. I. Vavilov is not ig- nored. Those interested in the recent substitution of Marxian for Mendelian genetics in Russia (Isis, 37, io6- o8) will be glad to have evidence that the change was not permanent. Lysenko is not mentioned once in this article. C. Z.

HEDGPETH, JOEL W. Fishers of the Murex (Notes for a bibliography of marine natural history). Isis, 37, 26-32, 6 figs., 1947.

HERIBERT-NILSSON, N. Der Entwicklungs- gedanke und die moderne Biologie. vi + 22 p. (Bios, 13). Leipzig, Barth, 1941.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 159- 6I, 194I/42.

IZQUIERDO, J. JOAQUfN. Nuevas rutas para la especializacion cientifica en Mexico. 39 p. (Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas, In- stituto Politecnico Nacional). Mexico, D. F., Editorial Cultura, 1947.

MAVOR, JAMES WATT. General biology. 3rd edition. xiii + 986 p., figs. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1947. $5.50. The author of this book is professor of biology in

Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. His text book was first published in 1936, the second edition appeared in 1941. "Maintaining a clear simple style and a logical arrangement of material, the new edition makes possible different treatments of the subject matter. This text now includes six main parts. A chapter on the characteristics of living things has been added, and the chapter on the cell has been expanded. New chapters give a background for the chemistry and physics of the cell. The material on hormones and vitamins has been brought up to date and the material on metabolism has been shifted to a new chapter, 'Food materials and metabolism.' The chapters on the mechanism of evolution and early man have been largely rewritten. A topical outline follows each chapter, giving its contents in detail."

MAVOR, JAMES WATT. Laboratory exercses in general biology. 3rd edition. xiv + 333 p. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1947. $3.25. The first two editions appeared in 1936 and 1942;

each edition, including this third one, was designed to accompany the corresponding edition of the author's General biology. The work is divided into 30 units. Everything seems to have been foreseen to facilitate the work of the students and of the instructors, yet much freedom is left to the latter, for the program of investi- gations admits of much flexibility. G. S.

PRENTICE, E. PARMALEE. Hunger and his- tory: the influence of hunger on human his- tory. 268 p. New York, Harper, 1939.

Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 32, 227-29, 1947.

RAVEN, CHARLES E. English naturalists from Neckam to Ray. A study of the making of the modern world. x + 379 p. Cambridge, University Press, 1947. 30 S. After a mediaeval prelude, the author deals wifh

Renaissance naturalists (William Turner, John Caius, Thomas Penny, Thomas Mouffet), then with the Popu- larizers (Harrison, Batman and Lyte, John Gerard, Ed- ward Topsell), the Explorers (John Parkinson, Thomas Johnson, William How, Christopher Merret) and reaches his climax in the Religio medici "the coming of modern man." Says the jacket: "Historians of science have usually given only slight attention to the course of botany and zoology in the past. Yet in Man's attitude to living nature the process of a gradual overcoming of superstition and fabulous tradition, and the development of the modern scientific spirit as a result, is significant and may be followed from man to man. The advance in observation of living things was both cause and indi- cation of a change in spirit, from a passive to an en- quiring mind, and therefore of all that must follow from such a change. Man's attitude to his natural environment ought therefore to be important for any student of social development and of religious and speculative thought. Little by little nonsense was recognized, fables were ex- ploded, superstitions were unmasked; and the world out- look built up out of these elements fell to pieces. The seemingly irrelevant labours of men like Turner or Penny to identify and name and describe bore fruit in a re- fusal to accept tradition on authority and in an insist- ence that statements must be based upon observation and capable of verification."

ROSTAND, JEAN. Esquisse d'une histoire de la biologie. 257 p., I4 ills. Paris, Gallimard, 1I945. Reviewed by Erwin H. Ackerknecht, Bulletin of the

History of Medicine, 21, 269, 1947; and in Nature, 159, 420, I947.

SIMPSON, GEORGE GAYLORD. Tempo and mode in evolution. 237 p. New York, Colum- bia University Press, 1944. Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 37, 109-10, 1947.

ZIRKLE, CONWAY. The discovery of sex- influenced, sex-limited and sex-linked hered- ity. Studies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. i69-94, New York, Schuman, 1947. "This paper will not deal with the inheritance of

sex except in its most elementary and superficial aspects. Sex, of course, is inherited, and much is known about the mechanism involved, but any adequate description of the process would, because of its complexity, have to be very technical. In fact, the transmission of sex utilizes so much of the apparatus of heredity that it affects many different characters with which it is not directly connected. This interaction between the inheri- tance of sex and the inheritance of characters with which it is linked, or its connection with the characters which it limits or influences is extremely important, for it was the investigation of this relationship which led to

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Page 54: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

I22 28. Botany the discovery of much of the physical basis of heredity. The history of the recognition of the role of s6x in sev- eral types of aberrant heredity and its explanation form the subject of the following pages." Clear discussion of many cases followed by elaborate bibliography.

G. S.

28. Botany Agronomy, Phytopathology, Palaeobotany BIDDLE, MONCURE: A Christmas letter:

some flower books and their makers. 49 p., i6 pls. Philadelphia, Moncure Biddle, 1945. Illustrating the evolution of botanical iconography.

C. Z.

BUTTRESS, F. A.; DENNIS, R. W. G. The early history of seed treatment in England. Agricultural History, 2I, 93-103, I947.

The treatment of cereal seed with various substances prior to sowing antedates any conception of the nature of plant diseases or attempts at their control. The origin of the practice is probably to be found in the animistic ideas of primitive peoples. The practice was common in classical antiquity and reappears in the early post-Renaissance agricultural writings. C. Z.

DAU, MALVE. Der Weissdorn (Crataegus oxy- acantha). 103 p., 30 figs. (Monographien alter Heilpflanzen, H. 3). Hamburg, Hansi- scher Gildenverlag, I941.

Reviewed by Marzell, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, I67, 194r/42.

DE WILDEMAN, E. Allilopathie ou teletoxie, en particulier dans le rbgne v6getal. Acad. r. de Belg., Bull. de la Cl. des Sciences, 32, I17-26, I946. La tilktoxie depuis le dibut du XXe siecle.

DURAN-REYNALS, M. L. The fever bark tree: the pageant of quinine. iX + 275 p. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, I946. Reviewed by Gaylord W. Anderson, American His-

torical Review, S2, 354, 1947.

FISCH, RUTH B.; FISCH, MAX H. The Marshall Collection of Herbals in the Cleve- land Medical Library. Bulletin of the His- tory of Medicine, 21, 224-6I, I947.

FULLERTON, B.; ZIEGLER, G. M.; WEISS, H. B. The history of the New Jersey Agri- cultural Society, I78I-I940. New Jersey Agricultural Society, Trenton, I947.

GNEKOW, ROLF. Die Goldrute. (Solidago virga aurea L.). 100 p., 44 figs. (Mono- graphien alter Heilpflanzen, H. i). Hamburg ii, Hansischer Gildenverlag. Reviewed by Marzell, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, x167,


GREVE, PAUL. Der Sumpfpost. (Ledum palustre L.). I20 p., 43 figs. Monographien alter Heilpflanzen, H. 2). Hamburg, Hansi- scher Gildenverlag, I938. Reviewed by Marzell, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, i67,


GtYNTZEL-LINGNER, H. Der Knoblauch. 76 p., 2 pIs., figs. (Zinssers Kleine Heilpflan- zen-Monographien, i). Leipzig, Zinsser, I94I.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 105, r94r/42.

HIGINBOTHAM, BETTY WILSON. Sassafras shaped history. Natural History, 56, I59-64,

ills., I947.

HOWARD, ROBERT WEST. Two billion acre farm: an informal history of American agriculture. Garden City, New York, Double- day, Doran, I945.

Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 37, ii, 1947.

JASNY, NAUM. The wheats of classical an- tiquity. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. in His- torical and Political Sci., 62, I-I76, frontisp., I pI., 1944. Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 37, 96, 1947.

LACROIX, ALFRED. Notice historique sur les membres et correspondants de l'Acad6mie des Sciences ayant travaill6 dans l'Afrique du Nord fransaise depuis le XVIIIe si6cle. Les botanistes. 58 p. (Institut de France, Acade- mie des Sciences). Paris, Gauthiers-Villars, 1940.

LEGGETT, WILLIAM F. The story of wool. 304 p. New York, Chemical Publishing Co., I947. $5.00. This volume is an informal account of the develop-

ment of wool from earliest known antiquity to modem times. Admittedly the technological and inventive achievements of ancient man do not play a major role in our contemporary education or interests because we are apparently preoccupied with the abundance of ma- terial bearing on the recent wave of scientific advance. Besides, we do not seem to consider the remote past of direct relevance and the material is sparse and difficult to come by. For these reasons Mr. Leggett's volume is useful.

The author devotes considerable space to whatever sources there are of the early domestication and herding of sheep by the lake dwellers, Egyptians or Romans, their selective breeding for the loss of the useless bristly hair and the improvement of the downy wool, and dis- cusses fully as well, the development of fabrics and com- merce, from predynastic times in Egypt to the Middle Ages when England ruled the trade. In addition a survey is appended of other sources of wool such as cashmere, camel, llama, alpaca and a few more mammals which never attained the merit and popularity of the sheep.

The approach to the subject is with the lay reader in mind. There is a wealth of material but no documen- tation. The narrative is lively, however, and interesting throughout, the historical, technical, social and political facets of the record of wool being gently and interest- ingly interwoven to expose the multiple aspects of man's mastery over any part of nature. M. G.

LEMMER, GEORGE F. The spread of im- proved cattle through the eastern United States to I850. Agricultural History, 21, 79- 92, I947.

LOWNES, ALBERT E. "Begynnynge of Marche." Old garden books have their place in collections. Library Journal, 72, 430-32,


NADAL, DOLORES MENDEZ; ALBERTS, HUGO W. The early history of Iivestock and pastures in Puerto Rico. Agricultural His- tory, 2I, 6I-64, 1947.

XVIth and XVIIth centuries.

SPRINGER, WALTER (ed.). Die blaue Blume. Von der Schwester des Kaffees, der Zichorie und ihrer Industrie. Mit einem Vor-

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28. Botany- 31. Geography I23

wort von Gunther Schmid. 79 P., 25 figs. Berlin, Forschungen zur Geschichte der In- dustrie, 1940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 342,


VERDOORN, FRANS (editor). Plants and plant science in Latin America. A new series of plant science books edited by Frans Ver- doom, vol. I6. xl + 384 p., 83 pls., ills. Waltham, Mass., Chronica Botanica, 1945.

Reviewed by Conway Zirkle, Isis, 37, IIO-II, 1947.

WISSLER, CLARK. The saga of the "earth nut." Natural History, 56, 126-33, ills., 1947.

History of the potato with maps and illustrations.

WYMAN, DONALD. The arboretums and botanical gardens of North America. Chronica Botanica, 10, 395-482, 17 pls., figs., 1947.

Elaborate account with bibliography, indexes and many interesting illustrations. G. S.

ZANDER, ROBERT; TESCHNER, CLARA. Der Rosengarten. Eine geschichtliche Studie durch zwei Jahrtausende. 78 p., 8 pls. Frank- furt/Oder, Trowitzsch, 1939. Reviewed by Marzell, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 342,


29. Zoology

DUJARDIN, B. L'histoire de la gale et le roman de l'acare. Archives belges de derma- tologie et de syphiigraphie, 2, 13-75, fig., 1946; 3, 1-49, fig., I946; 3, 129-75, fig., 1947.

HECKMANN, BERNHARD. Geschichte und Wesen des Peitschenwurms (Trichuris, Tri- chocephalus dispar) und dessen klinische Be- deutung. 25 p. (Med. Diss. Univ. Gottingen). Quakenbriick, Kleinert, 1940.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 90, 1941/42.

LA CAVA, A. FRANCESCO. Gli scorpioni in terapia. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 38, 24-39, I fig., 1947.

LACROIX, ALFRED. Notice historique sur les membres et correspondants zoologistes et biologistes de l'Acad6mie des sciences ayant travaill6 sur les cotes des colonies fransaises de l'Afrique du Nord et du Nord-est depuis de XVIIIe si6cle. Lecture faite en la s6ance annuelle du 20 decembre 1943. 42 p. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1943.

MARSHALL, F. H. A.; HAMMOND, JOHN. The science of animal breeding in Britain. A short history. vi + 24 p., illus. The British Council, Longmans, Green & Co., London, 1946.

MESSER, HAROLD MADISON. An introduc- tion to vertebrate anatomy. Revised edition. xx + 475 p., 397 figs. New York, The Mac- millan Co., 1947. $4.75. Revised edition of a textbook first published in 1938.

In its preparation, "the author has had in mind three main objectives: first, to make the book somewhat more complete for a one-semester course; second, to improve the quality, and increase the number, of the illustrations;

and third, to correct or qualify certain statements that recent investigation has shown to be questionable." The present edition includes almost 400 illustrations. I. In- troduction, 2. Chordates, 3. Protochordates, 4. Verte- brates, S. Embryology, 6. Integument, 7. Skeleton, 8. Muscles, 9. Digestive system, io. Respiratory system, xI. Circulatory system, 12. Excretory system, I3. Re- productive system, 14. Nervous system, iS. Sense organs, I6. Ductless glands, I7. Origin and evolution of the vertebrates. Bibliography. Glossary. Index.

STRONG, REUBEN MYRON. A bibliography of birds: with special reference to anatomy, behavior, biochemistry, embryology, pathol- ogy, physiology, genetics, ecology, aviculture, economic ornithology, poultry culture, evolu- tion and related subjects. Chicago, Field Mu- seum of Natural History, pt. I, 464 p., 1939; pt. 2, 469 p., 1939; pt. 3, 522 p., 1946. Reviewed by E. W. Gudger, Science, zo6, 71, 1947.

URDANG, GEORGE. The serpents in medi- cine. Wisconsin Druggist, 2 p., Jan. 1947.

YEATES, G. K. Bird life in two deltas. Being the diaries of a bird photographer in the estuaries of the Guadalquiver and the Rhone and their neighbourhoods. I59 p., 68 pls. Lon- don, Faber and Faber, 1946. Reviewed by Frances Pitt, Nature, 159, 725, 1047.



TAYLOR, E. G. R. Ideas on the shape, size and movements of the earth. i9 p. (Historical Association pamphlet no. 126). London,


31. Geography and Oceanography

BARKOV, A. The Moscow school of geogra- phers. Moscow State University, Oockenyye zapiski (Memoirs), no. I04, 17-23, 1946.

BOGGS, S. W. Cartohypnosis. Library Jour- nal, 72, 433-35, 446-47, 1947.

"Hypnotism by cartography may occur when people accept maps uncritically. Self-hypnotism and illusion are sometimes experienced innocently. Mass hypnotism is practiced by those who desire to delude the public. People can seldom be hypnotized against their will. Maps may be employed to de-hypnotize people and to awaken them to a better understanding of the world today."

BURPEE, LAWRENCE J. The discovery of Canada. x + 280 p. Toronto, The Macmillian Co., 1944- Reviewed by J. N. L. Baker, Nature, Is5, I82, 1947.

DEETZ, CHARLES H. Cartography. A re- view and guide for the construction and use of maps and charts. Revised edition I943. vi + 84 p., 30 figs. (U. S. Department of Commerce, Coast and Geodetic Survey, special publication 205). Washington, D. C., U. S. Government Printing Office, I943. $I.OO.

DENUCA, JAN. De geschiedenis van de Vlaamsche kaartsnijkunst. (De Seizoenen- reeks, nr. I8). 96 p., i8 pls. Antwerpen, De Nederlandsche Boekhandel, I94I.

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I24 31. Geography -34. Anatomy

DENUC1t, JAN. Koopmansleerboeken van de XVIe en XVIIe ecuwen in handschrift. 2I3 p. (Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamsche Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunsten van Belgie, KI. der Letteren, 3). Antwerpen, Standaard-Boekhandel, I94I.

Investigation of commercial manuals of instruction of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries written in Dutch, preserved in MS in the archives of the ctiy of Antwerp. Such a study may be of value to students of commercial geography and arithmetic, e.g., to students of Pegolotti (Introd. 3, 771-74). It deals with the textbooks of Balthasar Andrea and others but chiefly with those of the Antwerp firm Van Colen and De Groot (c. I643).

The MS relative to that firm is printed in extenso (p. 30-209).

EMMISON, F. G. The art of the mapmaker in Essex, I566-I860. 5 S. Catalogue of maps in the Essex record office, 1566-

r855. With a foreword by E. Lynam. 21 s. Chelms- ford, Essex County Council.

HOBBS, WILLIAM HERBERT. The discov- eries of Antarctica within the American sector as revealed by maps and documents. 7I p., 3I pls., frontispiece, io figs. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 3I, part I, January I939.

Reviewed by L. McK. Gould, Isis, 32, 214-I8, 1947.

MARAN, REN1t. Les pionniers de l'Empire. Paris, Michel, I946. Champlain, Belain d'Esnambuc, Cavelier de la Salle.

STEFANSSON, VILHJALMUR. Great adven- tures and explorations. From the earliest times to the present, as told by the explorers them- selves. Edited with an introduction and com- ments. With the collaboration of Olive Rath- bun Wilcox. Maps designed by Richard Edes Harrison. 788 p., ills., maps. New York, Dial Press, 1947.

Book written for the general reader rather than for the scholar, but not unscholarly. It covers the whole history of known explorations from Pytheas to Peary, Shackleton, Amundsen, Scott and Larsen, and would be useful to illustrate a course on the history of geography; it derives its main value from the circumstance that the author is himself an explorer who is keenly aware of the realities of exploration. The maps are very good.

G. S.

STEFANSSON, VILHJALMUR. Unsolved mysteries of the Arctic. xvii + 38I p. New York, The Macmillan Co., I939.

Reviewed by Francis R. Johnson, Isis, 32, 212-14, 1947.

[Switzerland]. Hundert Jahre Eidgen6ssische Landestopographie. I838-I938. I. Historische Berichte. 68 p., 6 maps, 5 figs. Bern, I938. Reviewed by Schwerz, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 337,


32. Geology, Mineralogy, Palaeontology, Mining

For Palaeobotany, Palaeozoology and Pa- laeoanthropology, see respectively, 28. Bot-

any, 29. Zoology, and 39. Prehistory.

ADAMS, FRANK DAWSON. The birth and development of the geological sciences. 506 p., ill. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, I938. Reviewed by Wm. H. Hobbs, Isis, 32, 2I8-20, 1947.

BROMEHEAD, C. N. Aetites or the eagle- stone. Antiquity, 2I, I6-22, 2 pls., I947.

[Casteret, Norbert]. Speleology and war. Isis, 37, 75, I947.

[Falun]. Bergslagets Museum. Plan av Byggna- den och Samlingarna. 27 p. Falun 1947. Brief guide of the mining museum of Falun, contain-

ing in appendix two early documents dated 1288 and 1347 (Introd. 3, 220). G. S.

FLINT, RICHARD FOSTER. Glacial geology and the pleistocene epoch. xviii + 589 p. New York, Wiley, I947. $6.oo. A discussion of the principal facts of the pleistocene

epoch in terms of glacial geology. Well illustrated, clear, and sound. M. F. A. M.

HRADECKY, KARL. Geschichte und Schrift- tum der Edelmetallstrichprobe. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Probierkunde. ii + 46 p., 4 figs. (Schriftenreihe der Arbeitsgemeinschaft f. Technikgeschichte des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure im NSBDT, I8). Berlin, VDI-Ver- lag I942.

Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 352, 1941/42.

HUDSON, DOUGLAS RENNIE. Some archaic mining apparatus. Metallurgia, 35, I57-64, I5 figs., I947.

TUNBERG, SVEN. Stora Kopparbergets his- toria. I. Fbrberedande undersokningar. I97 p., 39 ills. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1922.

This splendid volume contains preliminary investiga- tions concerning the history of Swedish mining in gen- eral and of the copper mine Stora Kopparbergs Bergslag in particular. Chapter I deals with the origin of Swedish mining. Bartholomaeus Anglicus (XIII-x) referred to Swedish silver mining which was probably begun in the twelfth century. There was also mining of iron ore, for a Swedish iron-unit (osmund) was known as early as the middle of the thirteenth century in Northern Europe. A large mining concern was already flourishing C. 1280 at Kopparberget. The Swedish king, Magnus Ladulas, did much to promote mining. The German in- fluence was strong; the silver and copper mines at Rammelsberg (Harz) seem to have inspired the work done at Falun. Chapter 2 explains the early development of mining in Dalecarlia. Ch. 3 gives a survey of Stora Kopparbergs Bergslag according to the official accounts beginning in the seventeenth century and various other Swedish publications.

It is a pity that this book was not known to me early enough to be referred to in my Introduction. It wiU serve to complete the note concerning Falun in vol. 3, 219. G. S.



34. Anatomy

DIEPGEN, PAUL. Das Erwachen des anatomi- schen Blicks bei den Arzten. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 304, I94I/42.

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34. Anatomy - 37. Psychology I25

DOBSON, JESSIE. Anatomical eponyms. ix + 240 p. With a foreword by F. Wood Jones. London, Balliere, Tindall and Cox, I946. 30 S.

A biographical dictionary of those anatomists whose names have been incorporated into anatomical literature, with definitions of the structures to which their names have been attached, together with references to the works in which the are described.

Eponyms are not very useful in learning the facts of that abysm of a science (as Rabelais called it), anatomy, but as Professor Wood Jones points out in his foreword, human anatomy is today in great danger of losing its best traditions for the very reason that its eponyms are being replaced by more descriptively useful terms. The student is thereby deprived of his main incentive to learn of the history and of the great masters of his subject. It is sad, but it is unlikely that the eponyms will ever be restored. A work such as the present will be useful to those who occasionally run into a surviving eponym and want to learn its origins and meaning.

There are a fair number of serious errors in the present work, and from the editions of some of the reference works used by the author, it is apparent that she is not as familiar with the source material as might have been expected. It will be news to human anatomists that the "odoriferous or preputial glands . . . are not present in man." It may also be mentioned that these glands were first referred to by Cowper in his Myotomia Reformata, not, as Miss Dobson states, in his Anatomy of Humane Bodies. The latter work was published in 1696, not I694. Edward Tyson was not born at Clevedon, nor was he born in "0649 (or I65o)," but 20 January I650 Old Style, or I65I New Style. Miss Dobson is not very strong on dates. Cowper's paper on the bulbo-urethral glands was published in I699, not I697. Why she fails in this and in many other instances to give the complete bibliographic reference, including the title, to the works to which she refers, remains a mystery, and seriously reduces the usefulness of her book. The biographical descriptions are often most incomplete, and, sure enough, the myth is repeated that Vesalius "was convicted by the Inquisition for post-mortem work and condemned to a pilgrimage to the Holy Land." The portrait of Vesalius which serves as frontisipece could have benefited from the information that it represented a steel engraving made in I837 by Charles Onghena.

But enough. To err is human. The book is very at- tractively produced, and will undoubtedly prove useful to a wide range of students, but it will have to be used with caution. M. F. A. M.

35. Physical Anthropology Anthropometry and Races of Man

BOULE, MARCELLIN. Les hommes fossiles. Elements de paleontologie humaine. 3eme ed., par Henri V. Vallois. xii + 587 p. Paris, Masson, I946.

Reviewed by W. E. Le Gros Clark, Nature, I59, 553, 1947.

DOBZHANSKY, TH.; MONTAGU, M. F. ASH- LEY. Natural selection and the mental capaci- ties of mankind. Science, I05, 587-90, I947.

HOOTON, EARNEST A. Up from the apes. xxii + 788 p. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1946. $5.00.

The thoroughly rewritten edition of a work which was first published in 1931. Up to date, full of Hooton- isms, much that is unacceptable, but nonetheless the best introduction to physical anthropology in the Eng- lish language. M. F. A. M.

PELLER, SIGISMUND. Studies on mortality since the Renaissance. Buletin of the History of Medicine, 2I, 5I-IOI, I947.

36. Physiology human and comparative

ALBERTI, GIUSEPPE. Da Anassagora ad Abderhalden. Idee e nomi nella storia di un fondamentale capitolo della chimica fisiologica: i protidi. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 32, 91-99, I94I.

ALBERTI, GIUSEPPE. Diaeta parca e salute. Lineamenti psicofisiologici nelle antiche regole religiose. Xii + 2I8 p. Milano, Hoepli, I94I. Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle Sci-

exze, anno 33, 75, 1942.

BARCLAY, ALFRED E.,; FRANKLIN, KEN- NETH J.; PRICHARD, MARJORIE M. L. The foetal circulation and cardiovascular sys- tem, and the changes that they undergo at birth. 275 p. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, I944.

Reviewed by H. Fischer, Gesnerus, 3, 213, 1946. Includes a history of the subject, p. 1-33. G. S.

STUDNITZ, G. VON. Grundvorgange des Se- hens. Ioo Jahre Sehstoffe. 23 p. (Nova Acta Leopoldina, 9). Halle (Saale), Kais. Leopold. Carolin. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, I940. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 87,


37. Psychology human and comparative

BORING, EDWIN G. The perception of objects. American Journal of Physics, I4, 99-I07, 4 figs., I946.

DINGWALL, E. J. Some human oddities. Stud- ies in the queer, the uncanny and the fanatical. I98 p., I2 pls. London, Home & Van Thal, 1947.

Reviewed in Nature, i6o, 39, 1947.

HARRIMAN, PHILIP LAWRENCE (editor). The Encyclopaedia of psychology. vii + 897 p. New York, The Philosophical Library, I946. $io.oo.

A most ably edited and valuable reference work. One of the most useful volumes to be published in the field of psychology during this century. M. F. A. M.

PRATT, CARROLL C. The logic of modern psychology. i85 p. New York, The Macmil- lan Co., I939.

Reviewed by Benjamin Ginzburg, Isis, 32, 223-25, 1947.

WHITWELL, J. R. Analecta psychiatrica. xvi + i6o p. London, Lewis, I946. i6 s. As the title implies, a selection from the writings of

different authors relating to psychiatry, under the head- ings: The psychological physician, Tom O'Bedlam, Forms of mental disorder, Melancholy, Melancholia, Delusional, Delusional insanity, The expression in men- tal disorder, Alcoholic insanity, In praise of melan- choly, Suicide, Causes etc. of mental disorder, Planetary influence, Heredity, Treatment, Occupation, Books, Music, Pathology, etc. Some interesting cases, and an historical tabular retrospect of psychiatry. Excellent reading, and informative. M. F. A. M.

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I26 39. Prehistory - 43. Sociology 39. Prehistory

BRAIDWOOD, ROBERT J. Asiatic prehistory and the origin of man. Journal of Near East- ern Studies, 6, 30-42, I fig. 1947.

CLARK, GRAHAME. Whales as an economic factor in prehistoric Europe. Antiquity, 2I,

84-I04, 2 pls., IO figs., I947.

"Archaeologists have long been aware that whales were extensively utilized by dwellers on the Atlantic sea- board of prehistoric Europe. The frequent discovery of cetacean bones in ancient middens and, in regions such as the extreme north of Scotland and the Orkneys, of implements and other objects fabricated from them prompts one to inquire into the source of the whales. Were some of them hunted, or did prehistoric man con- fine himself to stranded specimens? Again, it is interest- ing to speculate on the various ways in which whales, whether hunted or stranded, contributed to the economy of early man."

DAVIES, H. W. Answer to Query no. 65. Early representations of the remains of pre- historic pile-dwellings (Isis, 26, 449-5I, I pl., I937). Isis, 32, II6, I947.

LINDEMANN, FERD. tYber einige Gewichte aus der Bronzezeit Englands. Sitzungsberichte math.-nat. Abt. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 444-49, 7 figs., I935. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 110,


ZEUNER, F. E. Dating the past: an introduc- tion to geochronology. xvi + 444 p. London, Methuen, 1946. Reviewed by V. G. Childe, Geographical Journal, zo8,

227-29, 1946. The reviewer comments on the 'cata- strophic difference in tempo' of progress during the Upper Palaeolithic of at least 30,000 years and the last s,ooo years. 'It can hardly be explained by environmental changes. Historical factors of a distinctively human kind must be invoked. . . . Whether the mechanism was migration or diffusion, pooling of ideas is very clearly attested in the Near East from 4000 B.C., and in Eu- rope from 2500 B.C.' C. W. A.

40. Ethnology Primitive and popular science

BENNETT, WENDELL CLARK. The Eth- nogeographic Board. viii + I35 p. (Smith- sonian Miscellaneous Collections, z07). Wash- ington, D. C., Smithsonian Institution, I947.

The Ethnogeographic Board was established in Wash- ington in June 1942, in order to make available to the United States government all the ethnographic informa- tion which the govemment might need in war time. The Board was disbanded on Dec. 3i, 1945. The present report covers its activities down to June 1945.

G. S.

43. Sociology Jurisprudence and Positive Polity

BRYSON, LYMAN; FINKELSTEIN, LOUIS; MAcIVER, R. M. (editors). Approaches to group understanding. Sixth symposium. xxv + 858 p. New York, Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, I947. $5.00. This is the sixth volume of the splendid series of

symposia organized by the Conference on Science, Philos- ophy and Religion. Previous volumes have been discussed in Isis (e.g., 36, 89). The present volume is so rich

that it defies analysis; it would take too long simply to enumerate the 67 papers, each followed by a discussion. Say the editors: "Members and participants consider various approaches to the problem in the light of indi- vidual experience and background, ranging from that of the anthropologist, the psychiatrist, the sociologist, the historian, the man of letters, the artist, the musician, the member of the government, to that of the philosopher and the theologian. Leaders in each field consider the difficulties and possibilities of obtaining group under- standing and through this analysis contribute to perma- nent solution of national and global conflict. These sixty- seven approaches represent sixty-seven personalities work- ing for a common goal." If discussions could heal the world chaos, this book would do it. G. S.

CHENEY, EDWARD P. (editor). Freedom of inquiry and expression. A collection of facts and judgments concerning freedom and sup- pression of freedom of all forms of intellec- tual life. The Annals of the American Acad- emy of Political and Social Science, Novem- ber I938. Reviewed by Hans H. Gerth, Isis, 32, 200-03, 2947.

DAVIE, MAURICE R. Refugees in America. xxi + 453 p. New York, Harper, I947. $4.00.

The report of the Committee for the Study of Re- cent Immigration from Europe. Tragic, illuminating, and the clearest demonstration of the manner in which we have profited in contributors to our culture and well- being through Europe's great losses, and an immigration policy that could be a great deal saner than it is. De- tailed, careful analyses, and tabular clarifications abound. An important book. M. F. A. M.

HOOTON, EARNEST ALBERT. Crime and the man. xvi + 403 p. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, I939. Reviewed by Robert K. Merton, Isis, 32, 229-38,


HOOTON, EARNEST ALBERT. The American criminal: an anthropological study. Volume I, The native white criminal of native parent- age. 310 p. + appendix of 480 p. of tables. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, I939. Reviewed by Robert K. Merton, Isis, 32, 229-38,


MERTON, ROBERT E. Role of the intellectual in public bureaucracy. Studies and Essays offered to George, p. 52I-43, New York, Schu- man, 1947.

OSBORN, JACOB. The science of human ecol- ogy. 33 p., ills. (received May 1947).

STAPLETON, LAURENCE. Justice and world society. i5o p. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, I944.

Reviewed by M. F. Ashley Montagu, Isis, 37, 119- 20, 1947.

WARNER, W. LLOYD; LOW, J. 0. The social system of the modern factory. Xvi + 245 p. (Yankee City Series, 4). New Haven, Yale University Press, I947.

This study presents detailed empirical evidence of the following fundamental social structural changes in the United States: - I. An increasing proportion, already forming a large majority, of the industrially employed Ls composed of unskilled workers. There seems to be emerging an "industrial proletariat," with its own class interests and ideologies, these being divergent from the traditional credos of American life.-2. It is now vir- tually impossible to "make one's way" up through the

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43. Sociology - 46. Language 127 industrial hierarchy if one starts at the bottom as an un- skilled worker. Routes to the top exist only through the administrative and technical hierarchies, initial ac- cess to which requires specialized academic training. Hence the crucial importance of a system of universal public education for upwardly mobile children of work- ers.- 3. Large-scale, centrally-controlled capitalist, gov- ernment, and labor-union structures have replaced autono- mous local communities. In short, nineteenth-century comnpetitive capitalism has become twentieth-century monopoly capitalism. Unfortunately, this volume is more adequate as a description than as an explanation of these important changes. It lacks an explicit and systematic sociological theory of the "causes" of these phenonena. There is a consequent failure of rigorous thinking that often results in vital inconsistencies, for example, in the treatment of the significance of the individual personality as such for social change. We shall have no real under- standing, in the sense of prediction and effective control, of social structure until we have Just such a sociological theory. For vols. I-2 of this series, see Isis, 34, 421; for vol. 3, Isis, 37, I20.. B. B.

44. History of Civilization General History, Historical Methods,

-Biography, Chronology ARNOULD, MAURICE A. Histori.ographie de

la Belgique. Des origines a I830. 77 P., fac- simile. (Collection nationale, no 8o). Bru- xelles, Office de Publicite, I947.

This elaborate and well documented history of Belgian historiography is divided into four parts: I. Middle Ages, ending with Froissart. II. Burgundian period (1400 to c. i55o). III. Erudition in the Catholic Netherlands (c. I550 tO C. 1750). IV. Forerunners of the modern his- torians (c. 1750 to I830). Abundant notes and good index. G. S.

BARON, SALO WITTMAYER. Modern na- tionalism and religion. x + 363 p. New York, Harper, I947. $5.00. Study of the conflicts due to nationalism, to organized

religions, and to the interrelations of nationalistic and sectarian policies. The subject is divided into 8 parts: I. Varieties of nationalist exeprience. 2. Nationalist fathers. 3. Nationalist epigoni. 4. Catholic interterri- torialism. s. Protestant individualism. 6. Orthodox Caesaro-Papism. 7. Jewish ethnicism. 8. Postwar chal- lenges. This useful and timely investigation was spon- sored and published by the Rauschenbusch Foundation of the Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, N. Y. G. S.

DE BOCK, EUG. Beknopte geschiedenis van de boekhandel in de Nederlanden. 144 p., ills. (De seizoenen no 43). Antwerp, N. V. De Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1943.

Short history of book production and bookselling in the Netherlands. Second edition; the first appeared in I939 in another collection and with a different title, "Het Nederlandse boek. Overzicht van zijn geschie- denis." It is a charming little book, this second edition, illustrated with a dozen plates. G. S.

GREENE, T. M. (editor). The meaning of the humanities. xi + I78 p. Princeton University Press, 1938. Reviewed by M. F. Ashley Montagu, Isis, 32, 225-26,


HALPHEN, LOUIS. Introduction a l'histoire. ioo p. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, I946. Good little book written by the author away from

other books in his retreat of La Louvesc (Ard6che) dur- ing the terrible year 1943-44. It defines, the conditions of honest historical work and will be a source of inspira- tion to young historians. G. S.

KROEBER, A. L. Configuration of culture growth. x + 882 p. Berkeley, University of California Press, I944.

Reviewed by Mark Graubard, Isis, 37, II8-I9, 1947; by G. Levi Della Vida, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 65, 207-IO, 1945. See also Scherman's article, ibidem, 133-44.

WEISINGER, HERBERT. English treatment of the classical-romantic problem. Modern Language Quarterly, 7, 477-88, I946.

WEISINGER, HERBERT. The study of the revival of learning in England from Bacon to Hallam. Philological Quarterly, 25, 22I-

47, I946.

45, History of Art Art and Science, Iconography, Arts and


FINNEY, GRETCHEN L. "Organical musick" and ecstasy. Journal of the History of Ideas, 8, 273-92, 1947.

HONEY, W. B. Glass. A handbook and a guide to the Museum collection. xii + I69 p., 72 pls. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, I946. 7S. 6d.

RAWLINS, F. IAN G. Natural science and the fine arts. Nature, 159, 628-30, 1947. Substance of a Friday evening discourse delivered at

the Royal Institution on February 24, 1947.

46. History of Language, Writing, and Literature

ADAMS, C. W. Linguistic distribution of (i) scientific incunabula, (2) scientific papers dur- ing the period I 795-i863, Isis, 37, 75, I947.

ANDREWS, EDMUND (1892-1941). A his- tory of scientific English. The story of its evolution based on a study of biomedical terminology. ix + 342 p., x8 figs., frontis- piece. New York, Smith, I947. $7.50. I have read this book with deep interest. It is clear

that the author, trained as a physician, had a strong historical and philological instinct. His death at the early age of 48 is a sad blow to the medical humanities, for very much could have been expected from him. The book is of special value, because it combines medical experience with philological insight. The author was well acquainted with many languages, and he had even some knowledge of the Polynesian languages. The latter are curiously introduced, for the sake of comparison, in the chapter on The Aryan Heritage; it is a pity he died too early to know of the remarkable book of M. W. Makemson on Polynesian astronomy (Isis, 34, 72). An- drews' book will be excellent to awaken or stimulate the historical interest of an educated physician or of a physi- cian susceptible to education. It is so instructive and so good that it is a pity it is not better; indeed, it would have been easy to remove various mistakes and improve it materially. The Arabic chapter is particularly poor, and this is inexcusable, for the editor would have had little difficulty in obtaining the criticism of a Sem- itic scholar. The Greek chapter contains also various avoidable mistakes and flippant assertions, e.g., concern- ing the Greek accent (the accent is an essential part of the spoken word). At any rate, doctors reading this book will obtain some important guiding ideas, e.g., that every language is full of foreign elements borrowed from other nations and of fossils from other ages. The origi- nality of Andrews' book lies in its application of that

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I28 46. Language - 5o. History of Medicine theory to the English medical language, the oddities of which the average philologist is not able to appreciate. Good index. G. S.

KRISTELLER, PAUL OSKAR. The origin and development of the language of Italian prose. Word, 2, 5o-65, I946.

STARNES, DE WITT T.; NOYES, GER- TRUDE E. The English dictionary from Cawdrey to Johnson I604-I755. X + 299 p., facs. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, I946. This book contains more than the title suggests, for

the first chapter explains the medieval and Renaissance heritage of the English dictionary, and two of the appen- dices deal, respectively, with medieval and Renaissance vocabularies and with the development of cant lexicog- raphy in England from 1566 to 1785. G. S.

47. History of Morals Moral Organization of Society

LEAKE, CHAUNCEY D. Ethicogenesis. Stud- ies and Essays offered to George Sarton, p. 26I-75, New York, Schuman, I947. Development of a paper first presented to the Cleve-

land meeting of the AAAS in Sept. 1944 and to the an- nual meeting of the Philosophical Society of Texas, Dal- las, Dec. I1944 (Isis, 36, 236). "It is felt that the attempt to define a naturally operative ethical principle govern- ing human relationships is an important contribution to ethicogenesis. The proposed statement is derived from objective and agreed upon biological evidence. While it still lacks the desired precision of formal scientific state- ments, and while its proof is more indicative than for- mal, it may be found to have great significance in the regulation of human affairs, if we will take advantage of it. It seems to mark the successful accomplishment of the first deliberate attempt to establish an ethic on the basis of scientific knowledge and in scientific terms."

48. History of Philosophy See also above, 18. Philosophy of Science BLAU, JOSEPH L. (editor). American philo-

sophic addresses, I700-I900. xii + 762 P. New York, Columbia University Press, I946. Reviewed by A. D. Ritchie, Nature, I6o, 37, 1947.

BRYSON, LYMAN; FINKELSTEIN, LOUIS; MAcIVER, R. M. (editors). Conflicts of power in modern culture. Seventh symposium. xx + 703 p. (Conference on Science, Philos- ophy and Religion in their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, Inc.). New York, Harper, I947.

Former volumes of this series have been reviewed in Isis as they appeared (Isis, 36, 89, 235). The subject of the present volume is well defined by its title. The volume includes no less than 62 papers, some of which are followed by commentaries, and its contents are so rich that they defy analysis. It might be called a little encyclopaedia on the fundamental political problems of our time. Good index. G. S.

KRISTELLER, PAUL OSKAR. The philo- sophical significance of the history of thought. Journal of the History of Ideas, 7, 36o-66, I 946.

RUNES, DAGOBERT D. (editor). The dic- tionary of philosophy. 343 P. New York, Philosophical Library, 1942. $6.oo. "The aim of this Dictionary is to provide teachers,

students and laymen interested in philosophy with clear,

concise, and correct definitions of the philosophical terms, throughout the range of philosophic thought." So the edi- tor in his preface. On the whole, the volume succeeds, but if the layman is to be served as well as the pro- fessional philosopher, much simplification is needed, and much more should be included. "Ockhamism" may be all right for the informed reader, but what is likely to send the lay reader to this dictionary is a phrase like "Occam's razor." The reader will no doubt come upon "Ockhamism" in his search, but no one will tell him that the man he is looking for is being discussed, and as for "Occam's razor" he might just as well go and get himself an electric one for all the help this Diction- ary will give him. Nonetheless, this is an indispensable volume. M. F. A. M.

SCHUHL, PIERRE MAXIME. Machinisme et philosophie. I3I p. (Nouvelle Encyclopedie philosophique). Paris, Presses universitaires de France, I947. First published in 1938; this is the second edition

with a new preface and additions. The theme is the growing conflict between technical progress and the good life. Men must learn to use wisely their new leisure; few have yet succeeded; the bad people dissipate their leisure; many of the best use it not for recreation and meditation but to increase the tempo of life. They deal with excess time as they do with excess money; they want to invest it rather than to enjoy it, and matters become worse and worse. The author describes briefly and well the evolution which has brought us in the hole out of which we seem unable to escape. His book like others of the same kind is disappointing, be- cause he does not indicate a way out except in vague terms, without means of implementation. The root of the evil is greed, personal and collective, but nobody knows how to eradicate it. It is a matter of moral education of course, but who will provide it and how? The way out is very hard and very long and men must be prepared to suffer much before they are able to use their wonderful tools for their own salvation instead of for their destruction. I am optimistic on a long view but pessimistic on a short one (Isis, 36, 89-9z).

G. S.

SOMERVILLE, JOHN. Soviet philosophy. A study of theory and practice. XV + 269 p. New York, Philosophical Library, 1946. Reviewed by Lindsay of Birker, Nature, $6o, 36,


WHITEHEAD, ALFRED NORTH. Modes of thought. ix + 241 p. New York, The Mac- millan Co., 1938. Reviewed by M. F. Ashley Montagu, Isis, 32, 239,


WOLFSON, HARRY A. Causality and Free- dom in Descartes, Leibnitz, and Hume. Free- dom and Experience. Essays presented to Horace M. Kallen, p. 97-II4, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, I947.

VII. MEDICINE 50. History, Organization, and Philosophy

of Medicine ACKERKNECHT, ERWIN H. The role of

medical history in medical education. Bulle- tin of the History of Medicine, 2I, 135-45, I947.

ALBERTI, GIUSEPPE. Memorie mediche epi- grafiche nelle chiese di Roma (dal I al XIX secolo). I6o p. Roma, Edizioni mediche e scientifiche, 1942. Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia deUe Sci-

enze, anno 34, 54, 1943.

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5o. History of Medicine 129

ALLARIA, GIUVANNI BATTISTA. Dentitio difficilis. Nota di storia della pediatria. 55 p. Torino, Bona, 1941.

Reviewed by R. B&ttica-Giovannini, Rivista di Storia deUe Scienze, anno 32, I54-55, 1941.

BAILEY, HAMILTON; BISHOP, W. J. Not- able names in medicine and surgery. Short biographies of some of those whose discover- ies (not necessarily the greatest medical dis- coveries) have become eponymous in the medical and allied professions. 2nd edition, 202 p., 238 portrs. and ills. London, Lewis, 1946. Reviewed by Walter Pagel, Bulletin of the History of

Medicine, 21, 128-29, 1947.

BARBIELLINI AMIDEI, ADEMARO. Lettere inedite di medici e chirurgi piemontesi dei secc. XVI, XVII, XVIII. Torino, Arduini. Reviewed by R. Bettica-Giovannini, Rivista di Storia

delle Scienze, anno 33, 21-22, 1942.

BIZZARRINI, GIOTTO. La paternita del voca- bolo "microbio." Rivista di Storia delle Sci- enze, anni 35-37, 24-26, 1946.

BORGHI, BRUNO. La medicina. Firenze, Salani, I945.

Reviewed by A. Corsini, Rivista di Stona delle Sc- enze, anni 3S-37, 27-28, 1946.

BOTTERO, ALDO. La chirurgia del polmone attraverso i tempi. Prefazione di Pietro Cap- paroni. 197 p., 43 figs. (Studi di Storia della Medicina, i). Milano, Hoepli, I945. History of lung surgery from prehistoric times until

now. I. From the origins to the Renaissance; II. From the Renaissance to the end of the nineteenth century; III. From I900 to 1945. Index. G. S.

BUESS, H. Einfiuhrung und Verbreitung der Allgemeinnarkose. Experientia, 2, 504-o6, 1946.

CALANDRA, E. La celebrazione dei grandi medici siciliani. 139 p. Palermo, Salpietra, 1940.

Reviewed by D. Giordano, Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 32, o06-07, 1941.

CASTIGLIONI, ARTURO. Adventures of the mind. Translated from the Italian by V. Gianturco. 451 p., 37 ills. New York, Knopf, 1946. Reviewed by Erwin H. Ackerknecht, Bulletin of the

History of Medicine, I9, S70-71, 1946.

CASTIGLIONI, ARTURO. Aspetti ed indirizzi degli studi medico-storici. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anno 38, 1-9, 1947.

CHAUMARTIN, HENRY. Originaux et singu- liers. Avec une pr6face d'Edmond Pilon. ioi p., facs. (Petite Histoire de la M6decine 6). Vienne La Romaine (Dauphin6), Ternet- Martin, I947.

Seven essays of "petite histoire medicale": I. Un faux Napol6on en Dauphine. 2. Figures compl6mentaires. 3. Le vin et l'eau ou deux doctrinaires de la tres salutaire Faculte. 4. Le mal academique ou un candidat per- sev6rant. S. Le coup de piston de M. Fleurant. 6. La belle humeur de Panard, franc buveur et prince de la chanson. 7. Quelques Harpagons.

CIPRIANI, MARIANO. I nomi di persona nella terminologia dermo- e venereopatica (sin- tomi, sindromi, malattie). Dizionario. 408 p. Ascoli Piceno, Soc. Tipo-Litografica, 1942.

Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle Sci- enze, anno 34, 54, 1943.

ELLIS, E. S. Ancient anodynes; primitive an- aesthesia and allied conditions. With fore- word by T. K. Penniman. i87 p. London, Heinemann, 1946. Reviewed by Thomas E. Keys, Bulletin of the His-

tory of Medicine, 20, 721, 1946.

FULTON, JOHN F. Seventh annual report of the Historical Library. 30 June I947. Yale University, School of Medicine, 36 p. New Haven, Conn., 1947.

GALDSTON, IAGO. The New York Academy of Medicine I847-1947. Journal of the His- tory of Medicine and AUied Sciences, 2, 147- 62, I947.

GAROFALO, FAUSTO. Contributi italiani diretti e indiretti nella storia della narcosi per inalazione. 24 p. Roma, 1946. Reviewed by G. Verita, Rivista di Stona delle Sci-

enze, anno 38, 72, 1947.

GIBSON, S. Catalogue of an exhibition of books on medicine, surgery and physiology. Bodleian Library, Oxford. 3I p., 2 pIs. OX- ford, University Press, I947. This exhibition was centered, naturally enough, upon

the Oxford scene. One of the illustrations of this cata- logue is the earliest known representation of a dissection, C. 1290 (MS. Ashmole 399). G. S.

GUTHREY, NORA H. Notes on the history of medicine in Houston County prior to I900. (History of Medicine in Minnesota). Minne- sota Medicine, 64 p., July, 1945-March, 1946.

HERRLINGER, ROBERT. Eigennamen in Anatomie und Physiologie, Histologie, Em- bryologie und Physiolog. Chemie. 32 p. Jena, Fischer, 1941.

Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle Sci- enze, anno 33, 27, 1942.

HOWARD-JONES, NORMAN. A critical study of the origins and early development of hypo- dermic medication. Journal of the History of Medicine and AUied Sciences, 2, 201-49,

15 figs., 1947.

HUSNER, FRITZ. Verzeichnis der Basler medi- zinischen Universitatsschriften von I575-I829. 137 p., 14 pls., 5 ills. Universitatsbibliothek Basel, Sonderdruck aus der Festschrift fur Dr. J. Brodbeck-Sandreuter, 1942. This bibliography of the medical publications of the

University of Basel has already been brought to our readers' attention by the late A. C. Klebs in his review of the Brodbeck-Sandreuter Festschrift of which it con- stitutes an essential part (Isis, 34, 417). It is worth while to come back to it, because the parts of a Fest- schrift are easily overlooked, and this particular part has the importance of a separate volume and deserves to be considered as such. Husner lists no less than 1631 items dating from 1575 to 1828, well indexed and beautifully illustrated (portraits, facsimiles). We come across many familiar and illustrious names, such as Platter, Zwinger,

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130 50. History of Medicine

Bauhin, Bernoulli. The book will be indispensable for the students of the history of medicine, not only in Basel, or in Switzerland, but in Europe. It is hoped that this part of the Festschrift which, as Dr. Klebs already re- marked, is the most useful one, may be obtained sep- arately. G. S.

KEYS, THOMAS E. The history of surgical anesthesia. With an introductory essay by Chauncey D. Leake and a concluding chapter, "The future of anaesthesia," by Noel A. Gil- lespie. xxx + I9I p., 45 figs. New York, Schuman's, 1945.

Reviewed by J. B. de C. M. Saunders, with note by G. S., Isis, 37, 3122-23, 31947.

LAIN ENTRALGO, PEDRO. Medicina y his- toria. Madrid, Ediciones Escorial, I94I. Reviewed by Werner Leibbrand, Mitt. Gesch. Med.,

40, 230-38, 1941/42.

LEONARDO, RICHARD A. History of gyne- cology. Forewords by J. P. Greenhill and Victor Robinson. xi + 434 p., 25 pls. New York, Froben Press, I944.

Reviewed by J. B. de C. M. Saunders, Isss, 37, 123- 24, 1947.

LEONARDO, RICHARD A. History of medi- cal thought. 92 p. New York, Froben Press, I 946. This is a brief but lucid and enlightening survey of

the evolution of the fundamental views and approaches in medical theory and practice. It is intended as a guide and stimulant for physicians and acquits itself of this task eminently well. In seven compact chapters the author outlines the salient features of Greek, Roman, Arabian and medieval medical philosophy and then con- tinues with discussions of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to conclude with the modern period. The out- standing men of each period are cited, their contributions discussed and some attempt is made to reproduce the prevailing notions of the cultural environment. There can be little doubt that the general practitioner and average student of medicine unacquainted with medical history will find this little volume an appealing intro- duction. The book is provided with a set of photographs of some outstanding figures in scientific and medical thought. M. G.

L1VY-VALENSI, J. Chaire d'histoire de la medecine. Leqon inaugurale. La semaine des hopitaux de Paris, 22, I709-I719, I946. Lecon ecrite sous l'occupation et qui devait etre pro-

nonc6e des la libmration. L'auteur fut victime de la barbarie allemande. Temoignage honteux du bas niveau de l'enseignement de l'histoire de la m&lecine en France.

J. P.

MANNINGER, WILHELM. Kampf und Sieg der Chirurgie. 292 p., ills. Zurich, Rascher Verlag, I942.

Reviewed by 0. Temkin, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 21, 269-70, 1947.

MARTI IBASEZ, FELIX. El pensamiento m6dico en la historia. 64 p. (Universidad de San Carlos, Facultades de Ciencias Medicas y de Humanidades, 2). Guatemala, I947.

MARTfNEZ DURAN, CARLOS. Las ciencias medicas en Guatemala -origen y evoluci6n. 440 p. Guatemala, Sanchez & De Guise, I942. Reviewed by Arthuro Castiglioni, Journal of the His-

tory of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, 270-72, 1947.

MAYER, CLAUDIUS F.; SARTON, GEORGE. Query no. II3. When was the cause of en- demic goiter recognized? Isis, 37, 7I-73,


MILLER, GENEVIEVE. Medical education in Colonial America. Ciba Symposia, 8, 502-32, ills., I947.

Opuscula selecta Neerlandicorum de arte medica quae curatores miscellaneorum quae vocan- tur Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Genees- kunde collegerunt et ediderunt. Fasciculi XV, XVI, XVII. Amstelodami, sumptibus Socie- tatis, 1939, I942, 1943. Uitgegeven door de erven F. Bohn N. V., Haarlem. The latest volume of this admirable series received be-

fore the war was no. XIV (ISis, 28, 192, 294). A brief review of vol. XV will be found in this critical bibli- ography under the name of Petrus Camper (XVIII-2). The contents of vol. XVI (1942) were listed in Isis, 3S, 357.

Vol. XVII (xxxr + 3S9 p., 8 pls., 1943) is devoted to lithotomy, was edited by M. A. Van Andel, who died too early (in 1941) to enjoy its publication. Because of defective diet, gravel and stones in the bladder were far more prevalent in the past than they are now, and there- fore it is not surprising that an abundant literature was devoted to them. The present volume includes only the writings of Dutchmen, beginning with Erasmus (1526), then follow those of Joh. Van Beverwijck (I652), C. Solingen (I684), Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek (I692), B. S. Albinus (1725), Jan Sermes (1726), Jacobus Denijs (1730), J. H. Francken (I733), Petrus Camper (1777). Every text is given in the original Dutch or Latin and also in English translation. Portraits of the author and of the editor. G. S.

OVIO, GIUSEPPE. L'oftalmologia in Italia. Acta Medica italica, anno 6, fasc. 2, I940. Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle Sc-

enze, anno 32, 107, 1941.

PAZZINI, A. Medicina denigrata e medici deni- gratori. 266 p. Roma, 0. E. T. Polilibraria. Reviewed by A. C., Rivista di Storia delle Scienze,

anno 34, I5I, I943.

ROGERS, SPENCER L. Early psychotherapy. Ciba Symposia, 9, 602-32, ills., 1947. Attitudes toward insanity in primitive cultures. Psy-

chotherapeutic aspects of Shamanism. Egyptian psycho- therapy. Psychotherapy in the Greek and Roman world. Bibliography.

ROSEN, GEORGE. Janus, I846-1946. Journa of the History of Medicine, 2, 5-9, I947.

[Rosen, George; Caspari-Rosen, Beate]. 400 years of a doctor's life. Collected and ar- ranged by George Rosen and Beate Caspari- Rosen. xvii + 429 p. New York, Schuman, I947. $5.00. Very remarkable collection of extracts from medical

autobiographies arranged in an original way according to subjects, as follows: I. Early years; 2. School days; 3. The medical student; 4. The practice of medicine; S. Scientist, scholar, teacher; 6. The doctor marries; 7. The doctor as patient; 8. The doctor goes to war; 9. Writing and politics; ro. Reflections on life and death; Bibli- ography.

Thanks to the wide reading of the two Doctors Rosen, their collection is exceedingly varied and includes many items which will be novelties to the American reader. This is an excellent book for the thoughtful physician or layman. Few of us know medicine from the doctor's angle, but we all know it from the point of view of the patient, and the autobiographies of physicians are gen-

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50. History of Medicine - Si. Epidemiology 131

emlly of greater interest to more people than those of other scientific men. My only regret is the lack of an index, for many more doctors are mentioned in the book than are named in the table of contents. G. S.

SAND, RENIt. Histoire de la profession et des sciences mddicales. Lesons professees i la Faculte de Medecine de l'Universite libre de Bruxelles. 97 p. Liege, Desoer, I945. L'evolution de la medecine comme science et comme

profession. L'histoire des decouvertes medicales. J. P.

SCALINCI, NOl. Prioriti e rivendicazioni ital- iane nel campo della oftalmologia. 24 p. Roma, Soc. per il progresso delle Scienze, 1940.

Reviewed by 1. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia delle Sc- enze, anno 32, zo8, 1941.

SHRYOCK, RICHARD H. The American physician in I846 and in I946. A study in professional contrasts. Journal of the Ameri- can Medical Association, 134, 417-424, 1947.

SHRYOCK, RICHARD HARRISON. Die Ent- wicklung der modernen Medizin. xii + 374 p. Stuttgart, Enke, 1940. Reviewed by L. Castaldi, Rivista di Storia deUe Sc-

enze, anno 32, I52, 1941.

SHRYOCK, RICHARD H. The development of modern medicine: an interpretation of the social and scientific factors involved. xi + 457 p., io ills. New York, Knopf, 1947. $5.00. Dr. Shryock's book on the development of modern

medicine was published originally by the University of Pennsylvania Press in 1936 at which time it was re- viewed by Dr. Leake for Isis (27, 538-39, 1937). The new volume is a somewhat expanded version of the old affecting chiefly the later chapters which have been brought up to date with accounts of more recent de- velopments. A new edition is most welcome since Dr. Shryock's work has established itself as one of the most outstanding and well balanced analyses of the influence of social and intellectual history of the past three cen- turies on the progress of medicine.

J. B. deC. M. S.

SIGERIST, HENRY E. Nationalism and inter- nationalism in medicine. Bulletin of the His- tory of Medicine, 21, 5-I6, 1947.

WACHSMUTH, BRUNO. Der Arzt in der Dichtung unserer Zeit. With a preface by P. Diepgen. 244 p. Stuttgart, Enke, I939. Reviewed by W. Pagel, Isis, 32, 239-40, 1947.

YELLOWLEES, HENRY. The human ap- proach. vii + I89 p. London, Churchill, 1946. io/6. Calculated to supply a serious defect in the education

of the medical student, this charming book by a distin- guished psychiatrist introduces the student to the prin- ciples and practice of human relations, in other words and more technically, psychological medicine. Medical students and young medical graduates will have done themselves a disservice if they forego reading this very helpful book. M. F. A. M.

51. Epidemiology. History of Social Diseases. Medical Geography. Public Health. Balneology. Social Medicine.

[American Psychiatric Association]. One hun- dred years of American Psychiatry. xxvi +

649 p., 32 pls. New York, Columbia Uni- versity Press, I944.

Reviewed by J. B. deC. M. Saunders, Isis, 37, 114-18, '947.

BAZZOCCHI, GIUSEPPE. Cenni storici e clinici su la leishmaniosi americana. Rivista di Storia delle Scienze, anni 35-37, 46-54, 5 figs., I946.

BERTRAND, J. B. Notes sur la sante publique et la medecine en Valais jusqu'au milieu du XIXe siecle. 6o p., 8 figs. St. Maurice, An- nales valaisannes, 1939.

Reviewed by Schwerz, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 299, 1940.

CHAUMARTIN, HENRY. Les mal des ardents et le feu Saint-Antoine. Etude historique, m6dicale, hagiographique et l6gendaire. Avec une preface du Professeur Laignel-Lavastine. 203 + xix p., 43 pls. [no place, published by the author, x, Port de l'6cu, Vienne, Is&re, Dauphin6J, I946. The mal des ardents (ignis sacer, St. Anthony's fire)

was one of the mediaeval pandemics which first ap- peared c. 857 in Xanten in the Rhineland, and caused considerable misery in France, chiefly from the tenth to the twelfth century. Its cure was soon associated with the cult of St. Anthony of Egypt (IV-_). Dr. Chaumar- tin's book is largely devoted to the legends of St. An- thony, especially those concerning his thaumaturgic and therapeutic powers, to the various forms of that cult in France, and its relations with local folklore. It tells the history of the Hospitaler Order of Saint Antoine du Vien- nois, created in his own "petit pays" in IO95. The last third of the book discusses the disease which is now pretty well understood, ergotism. The book contains much in- formation, culled almost exclusively from French and Latin sources and not well organized. The author does not seem to know the German and English literature, e.g., George Barger's excellent monograph, Ergot and ergotism (London 1931). The 43 illustrations deal mainly with St. Anthony. No index. G. S.

COLLET, F. J. Les premieres tracheotomies. Les Annales d'oto-laryngologie, no II, 365- 70, 1944-45X

Depuis l'antiquit&.

DENIS, ERICH. Zur Geschichte der Bluttrans- fusion. 57 p. (Aus der chir. Klin. d. Kran- kenh. Bergmannsheil i. Bochum). Diss. Dils- seldorf, 1940. Reviewed by Haberling, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 86,


FELTEN, JOSEF. Hygiene im Faschistischen Italien. I02 p., 6 figs. (Arbeitsmedizin, Abh. uiber Berufskrankheiten und deren Verhutung, I5). Leipzig, Barth, 1941.

Reviewed by Zeiss, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 300, 1940.

GEBHARD, BRUNO. From medicine show to health museum. Ciba Symposia, 8, 566-6oo, ills., 1947.

MALCOVATI, PIERO. Introduzione storica al trattato di ostetricia. Diretto dal Prof. Cova. Milano, Montuoro, 1947.

Reviewed by A. C., Rivista di Storia delk Scienm6, anno 38, 70, 1947.

[McClellan, Walter S.]. Medical history collec- tions in the United States and Canada. VIII.

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132 5i. Epidemiology - 52. History of Hospitals Collections on the history of balneology in Saratoga Springs, N. Y. The Walter S. Mc- Clellan Collection. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 20, 57I-82, I946.

RANSOM, JOHN E. The ambulance. Ciba Symposia, 8, 534-64, ills., I947.

ROCH, MAURICE. Le goitre et le r8le des medecins genevois dans les decouvertes le concernant. Alma Mater, 3, 407-17, 5 ills., 1946.

SHRYOCK, RICHARD HARRISON. The health of the American people. An his- torical survey. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, go, 25I-58, 1946.

SOLIS-COHEN, ROSEBUD T. The exclusion of aliens from the United States for physical defects. B-ulletin of the History of Medicine, 21I, 33-50, 1947.

STERN, BERNHARD J. Medicine in industry. XiV + 209 p. New York, Commonwealth Fund, 1946.

Reviewed by Alfred Whittaker, Journal of the His- tory of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 2, 273-75, 1947.

STUDER, GERMAN. Das Medizinalwesen im Wallis von 1798-I930. 71 p., 4 figs. Basel, Waldstein, 1940.

Reviewed by Schwerz, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 299, 2940.

TONNES, HEINRICH. Die Geschichte der Aneurysmen. 40 p. (Aus dem Inst. f. Gesch. d. Med. Dusseldorf). Diss. i99. Dusseldorf, Nolte, 1940.

Reviewed by Haberling, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 88, 1941/42.

52. History of Hospitals, of Medical Teaching and of the Medical

Profession CHEVALIER, A. Die medizinische Fakultat von

Paris (bis zur Franzosischen Revolution). Ciba Zeitschrift, 9, 3769-3808, ills., 1947.

HABERLING, ELSELUISE. Beitrage zur Ge- schichte des Hebammenstandes. I. Der Hebam- menstand in Deutschland von seinen Anfan- gen bis zum Dreissigjahrigen Krieg. v + II9 p., 14 figs. Berlin, Staude, 1940.

Reviewed by Diepgen, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 295- 97, 1940.

MUHEIM, EDWIN. Zur Geschichte des Heb- ammenwesens und der staatlichen Gebaran- stalt St. Gallen. 74 p. (Ziircher medizingesch. Abhandlungen, i7). Zurich, Leemann, 1941. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 91,


PALM, ERWIN WALTER. Hospitales anti- guos de la Espaniola. I. El Hospital de San Nicolis de Bari. Multa paucis medica, Re- vista mexicana de medicina, cirugia y especiali- dades, 3, 49-75, ills., 1946.

VALLERY-RADOT, PIERRE. La Faculte de Medecine de Paris. Ses origines ses richesses artistiques. 85 p., 26 ills. Paris, Masson, I944.

Reviewed by Erwin H. Ackerknecht, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 21, 127, 1947.

53. Pharmacy. Pharmacology. Toxicology. BIENFANG, RALPH. The history of military

pharmacy in the United States: a progress report. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, II, 154-56, 1947.

COLLE, HENRY. On teaching history of pharmacy in the colleges of pharmacy in the United States. American Journal of Pharma- ceutical Education, II, 277-79, 1947.

COOK, ROY BIRD. The Annals of pharmacy in West Virginia. 84 p., ills. Charleston, W. Va., West Virginia Pharmaceutical Associa- tion, 1946. Reviewed by George Urdang, Bulletin of the History

of Medicine, 21, 271, 1947.

DURAN-REYNALS, M. L. The fever bark tree. The pageant of quinine. iX + 275 p. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1946. Reviewed by Erwin H. Ackerknecht, Bulletin of the

History of Medicine, 20, 596, 1946.

HESSE, ERICH. Narcotics and drug addiction. 2I9 p. New York, Philosophical Library, 1I946. $3.75. Translated by Frank Gaynor from the German, this

book is distributed in the public interest by the author- ity of the Alien Property Custodian. Each of the nar- cotics and drugs is treated historically, and there is full coverage of the chemistry, clinical effects and their aetiology. There is a good bibliography and an index. Altogether a most valuable work. M. F. A. M.

LATRONICO, NICOLA. I vini medicinali nella storia e nella scienza. Prefazione di Giovanni Dalmasso. 217 p. (Collana di Studi di Storia della Medicina, 4). Milano, Ulrico Hoepli, 1947. Lire 5oo. Part r: Recipes and precepts of ancient medicine:

medicinal herbs, patients and physicians in the four- teenth century, the antique pharmacy of the Ospedale Maggiore in Milano, a favorite drug in the past - medi- cinal wine. Part 2: A treatise of the fourteenth century on medicinal wines. This treatise is anonymous; it was probably composed in the second half of the fourteenth century, before 1378, but the copy preserved in the Ospedale Maggiore is somewhat later, say, first half of the fifteenth century. The original Latin text is not edited, but it is partly translated and partly summarized. Part 3: Examination of the old recipes of medicinal wines from the point of view of modern pharmacology. Bibliography. G. S.

[Penicillin]. The Editorial Board of the Mono- graph on the Chemistry of Penicillin. The chemical study of penicillin: a brief history. Science, I05, 653-59, 1947.

A very condensed account of the investigation of the chemical structure of penicillin. It will be included later as a part of chapter one in a monograph to be pub- lished by Princeton University Press. C. Z.

ROMPP, HERMANN. Chemische Zauber- tranke. 286 p., i6 figs. Stuttgart, Franckh, 1939. Reviewed by Zaunick, Mitt. Gesch. Med., 40, 136,


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Page 65: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

54. Education - 59. Memoria Technica

UHL, ARTHUR H. The American Institute of the History of Pharmacy and the A. Ph. A. Section on Historical Pharmacy. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, II, 149-

53, I947.

URDANG, GEORGE. The American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, Inc. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 673-82 (received, May 1947).

URDANG, GEORGE. The first five years of the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy. Foreword by Arthur H. Uhl. ig p. Madison, Wisconsin (received, May I947).

WEISS, WALTER. Das schlesische Arznei- pflanzenwesen im Spiegel der Gesetze und der Statistik. Mitt. Gesch. Med., 39, 229-34, 1940.



54. Education-Generalities, Methods, CoUeges, Universities

BARZUN, JACQUES. Teacher in America. vi + 32I p. Boston, Little, Brown, I945.

Reviewed by M. F. A. M., Isis, 37, 125, 1947.

ULICH, ROBERT. The dilemma of European education. Harvard Educational Review, I7,

85-90, 1947.

WERTENBAKER, THOMAS JEFFERSON. Princeton, I746-i896. 424 p. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1946. Reviewed by J. Duncan Spaeth, Bulletin of the His-

tory of Medicine, 52, 516-17, 1947.

55. Academies, Societies, Congresses. National and International Organization

of Science Societies and congresses devoted to par- ticular sciences are classified under those

sciences. For the internal organization of science -Ids, 1, 195- see sectson 17.

CAULLERY, MAURICE. Commemoration du deux-cent-vingtieme anniversaire de la fon- dation de l'Academie des Sciences de l'Union des Republiques Sovietiques Socialistes a Mos- cou, le dimanche I7 juin I945. 6 p. Paris, Palais de l'Institut, I945.

JONES, HOWARD MUMFORD. The future of the Academy. Presidential address. 9 p. Boston, Mass., American Academy of Arts and Sciences, I944.

56. Bibliography - Methods, Libraries HOLMBERG, ARNE. Bergianska Biblioteket i

Kungl. Vetenskapsakademiens aigo. Nordisk tidskrift fdr bok- och biblioteksvdsen, 33, I2I-

46, I946.

LEYH, GEORG. Die deutschen wissenschaft- lichen Bibliotheken nach dem Krieg. 222 p.

Tilbingen, Mohr (Paul Siebeck), I947.

The introductory part of this book explains the prob- lem which required a solution and describes the general situation of the German libraries during and after the war. Then foliow detailed accounts of present conditions in a number of libraries listed in alphabetical order from Aachen to Wiirzburg. Not only have many libraries suf- fered much, but the national organization of libraries has been deeply jeopardized. The author has done his work with great care in spite of innumerable difficulties. Good indexes. G. S.

59. Memoria Technica Critical Bibliography no. 7I -Isis, vol. 39, I948.

This note is published at the end of our bibliography solely for the convenience of the scholars who cut out the whole or part of it, attach extracts to catalogue cards and classify them. By adding this note to the others they will be able to find out rapidly whether this par- ticular bibliography has been analyzed or not.

Isis, nos. I07 and io8 (vol. 37, parts I-2, I947) .

These numbers are analyzed in the 71st Critical Bibliography. Every previous number has been analyzed in previous bibliographies.

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Page 66: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

Index of Names Included in the

Seventy-first Bibliography

The Roman figures followed by (i) or (2) refer to the centurial classification (Part I); thus, Adnan, A., XIV(i) means that a paper by Adnan is listed under fourteenth century, first half.

The Arabic figures refer to the historical and to the systematic classifications (Parts II and III) which are subdivided into sections numbered consecutively from i to 6o. For in- stance, Ball, J., 2 indicates that a paper by Ball is listed in section 2 (Egypt); Barkov, A., 31 indicates that a paper by Barkov is listed in section 3I (Geography).

The symbols IV(a), IV(b), and IV(c) refer to the new sections on America, Australasia and Oceania, and Africa at the end of Part II. For instance, Collier, D., IV(a) indicates that a paper by Collier is listed in section IV(a) (America). November I7. MA0 Fi7 -NAV ST1QEGLT.

Abbott, N., VIII(2) Abderhalden, E., XIX(i) C Abel, T. M., XIII(i) Ackerknecht, E. H., 50 Adams, C. W., XVII(2)A, 46 Adams, F. D., 32 Adnan, A., XIV(i), I4 Adnan-Adivar, A., X(i) Aiken, P., XIII(i) Alberti, G., XIX(i)C, 36, 50 Alberts, H. W., 28 Albright, W. F., XX E Alleria, G. B., 50 Almagia, R., XVII(I) E Alonso, M. (S.J.), XII(i) Amand, Dom D., 4 Amaral, A. do, XIX(i)C (Ambix), 25 (Am. Phil. Society), I7 (Am. Psychiatric Assoc.), 5i Anderson, F. J., XIX(i) D Andrews, E., 46 Angelroth, H., XIX(i)C Aperlo, G., XV(2) Arber, A., i6 Arcari, P. M., XVI(2)C Archer, G. L., XX B Archibald, R. C., XIX(i)B,

XIX(2) A Arcieri, G. P., XIX(2)D Aristotle, IV(2)B.C. Arnald of Villanova, XIII(2) Arnould, M. A., 44 Artz, F. B., XVIII(2)B Atomic Energy Commission, 17

Bailey, H., 5o Bailey, H. W., 8 Bailey, V. A., XIX(2)B Baitsell, G. A., XX E Ball, J., 2 Ball, N. T., 26 Balogh, E., 4

Barber, M. A., XX D Barbiellini Amidei, A., S0 Barclay, A. E., 36 Barkov, A., 3I Barnes, W. H., VI(i) Baron, S. W., 44 Barzun, J., 54 Bates, R., XIX(2)B Bavink, B., i8 Baxter, J. P., 3rd, XX B Bayon, H. P., XVII(i)D Bazzocchi, G., 5i Beale, G. H., XIX(2)C Beauchesne, T., XVI(i) C Beaujouan, G., 6 Becker, G., XVI(2)D Bede, VIII(i) Begouen, Comte, 27 Behring, E. V., XIX(2)D Belaiew, N. T., I4 Bellei, A., XVI(i)D Benassi, E., XIX(i)D Bennett, L. R., XVIII(2)D Bennett, W. C., 40 Bentwich, N., XIX(2) E Bertrand, G., XVIII(2)B,

XIX(2)B Bertrand, J. B., Si Bertrand, L., V(i) Bessa, P., XIX(i)C Beth, E. W., ig Betts, E. M., XVIII(2)E Bidcle, M., 28 Bidez, J., IV(i)B.C. Bienfang, R., 53 Billroth, T., XIX(2)D Binet, L., i6 Biruni, al-, XI(i) Bishop, W. J., 5o Bittel, K., XVIII(2)D Bizzarrini, G., So Bjorck, G., XII(2) Blachere, R., VII(I)

Blau, J. L., 48 Blondel, A., XX B Boardman, P., XIX(2)E Boda, K., 23 Bodenheimer, F. S., I2 Bodin, J., XVI(2)E Boerhaave, XVIII(i) D Boggs, S. W., 3I Bohr, N. H. D., XX B Bonner, J. C., XIX(2)C Borel, E., XX A Borghi, B., 5o Boring, E. G., 37 Bottazzi, F., XV(2), XIX(I)C Bottero, A., 5o Bouchard, G., XVIII(2)B Boule, M., 35 Boutemy, A., XII(2) Boyer, C. B., 20 Braidwood, R. J., 39 Branly, E., XIX(2)B Breton, J. L., XX B Bridenbaugh, C., XVII(2) D Brien, P., XX C Brockelmann, C., I4 Bromehead, C. E. N., IV(i)B.C.,

32 Brown, H., XVIII(2)C Brown, S. C., XVIII(2)B Browne, C. A., XVIII(2)E, 4 Bruce-Mitford, R. L. S., VII(2) Brues, C. T., 27 Bruni, G., 25 Brunn, L. v., V B.C. Bryson, L., 43, 48 Buber, M., I2 Buchtal, H., I4 Buess, H., 50 Buhl, M.-L., 2

Bunim, M. S., 6 Burger, D., I6 Burpee, L. J., 3I Buttress, F. A., 28

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Page 67: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

Index to Seventy-first Critical Bibliography Cadbury, H. J., XVII(2)E Calandra, E., 50 Call, R., XIV(2) (Cambridge University), i6 Campana, A., XVI(i) D Campanella, T., XVII(i)E Camper, P., XVIII(2)D Campi, P., 24 Canard, M., I4 Capart, J., 2 Capparoni, P., XV(2),

XVIII(2)C Carroll, Sister M. T. A., VIII(I) Carruccio, E., XIII(x) Cartan, E., XVIII(2) A Caspari, F., XVI(i)E Caspari-Rosen, B., 5o Cassina, U., XI(i) Cassiodorus (VI-i) Cassirer, E., XVII(I) B Castaldi, L., XVII(I)B,

XVII(2)D, XIX(i)C Casteret, N., 32 Castiglioni, A., 5o Caullery, M., XX C, 55 Cayeux, L., XX C Celli-Fraentzel, A., XIX(2)D Cestoni, G., XVIII(I)C Cezard, P., 25 Chang, Y. C., II(i) Chao Yang Buwei, IO Chao Yuen Ren, IO Chardon, C. E., 27 Chaumartin, H., 5o, 5I Cheney, E. P., 43 Cheng Tien-hsi, Io Chevalier, A., 52 Childe, A., 2 Chiovenda, E., XVHI(2)C Chu Coching, io (Chymia), 25 Cipriani, M., 50 Clark, G., 39 Clifford, W. K., i8 Clow, A., XVIII(2) B Clow, N. L., XVIII(2)B Cohen, I. B., I7, 26 Cole, F. J., XVII(2)D Coleby, L. J. M., XIX(i)B Colin, H., XX C Colle, H., 53 Collet, F. J., 5i Collier, D., IV(a) Collina, G. G., XIII(I) Collina Graziani, G., XIX(2)D Conte, L., IV(i) Cook, R. B., 53 Coomaraswamy, A. K., 9 Cooper, L., IV(i)B.C. Corbett, J., 25 Comford, F. M., 4 Corsini, A., I(2), XVII(2)B Cort, J. H., 23 Costil, P., XVII(2)E Coupland, R., XIX(2)C Creswell, K. A. C., 14

Crone, G. R., II(i), XVI(I) C Cumont, F., V B.C. Cuonzo, G., XVI(2)B

Darlington, C. D., XX C Darlington, 0. G., X(2) Darwin, C., XIX(2)C Dau, M., 28 David, A., 3 Davidson, M., 23 Davie, M. R., 43 Davies, H. W., 39 De Bock, E., 44 De Buck, A., 2 Deckers, T., XVI(i)E Deetz, C. H., 3I Defossez, L., XVII(i)B Delevsky, J., i8 Delporte, E., 2 De Meis, A. C., XIX(2) D Denis, E., S I Dennis, R. W. G., 28 Denny, M., XVII(2)E Denuc6, J., 3I Dept., G. G., XX E De Waard, C., XVII(i)A De Wale, J., XVII(x)D Dewe, H., XVIII(2)B De Wildeman, E., 28 Diaz GonziJez, J., I, 2 Dibner, B., XV(2) Diepgen, P., 9, 34 Dijksterhuis, E. J., XVI(2)B Diller, A., XVIII(2) C Diller, H., 4 Dingle, H., I6 Dingler, H., i8 Dingwall, E. J., 37 Ditisheim, P., 26 Dixit, K. H., g Dixit, R. S., g Dobell, C., XVII(2)E Dobson, J., 34 Dobzhansky, T., 35 Dorrie, H., 20 Drake, T. G. H., XVIII(2)D Drazin, N., I2 Drummond, B., XVIII(2)B Dubinin, N. P., 27 Dubler, C. E., VIII(I) Dubs, H. H., 2 Duceschi, V., XVI(2)D Duhem, J., 26 Dujardin, B., 29 Dupuy, P., XIX(I)A,

XIX(2) D Duran-Reynals, M. L., 28, 53 Durand, W. F., XIX(2)A Duveen, D. I., 25

Eaton, T. J., XIX(2)D Eckman, J., XVI(I)A Eddington, Sir A. S., XX B Edelstein, E. J., 4 Edelstein, L., 4 Eder, J. M., 24

Edwards, E. E., XVIII(2)E Ehrstrom, A., XVIII(i)C Eidinoff, M. L., 25 Einstein, A., i7 Eisinger, C. E., XVIII(2)C Ekholm, G. F., IV(a) Elderkin, G. W., 4 Ellis, E. S., 50 Emmison, F. G., 31 Erhardt-Siebold, E. v.,

VII(2), 6 Ernout, A., I(i) B.C. Esparteiro, A. M., XVI(2)B Esposito Vitolo, A., XVIII(i)D Esser, A. A. M., g Estelreich, J., XVI(I)E Ewald, K., 26

Fabry, C., XX B Fairchild, D., XX C (Falun), 32 Farabi, X(I) Farrington, B., 4 Farrukh, 0. A., I4 Favaro, G., XV(2), XVII(I)B Fechner, G. T., XIX(2)E Felten, J., 5 i Festugiere, A. M. J. (O.P.), 4 Feuer, L. S., XX A Fierz-David, H. E.,

XVIII(2)B, 25 Filippi, A., XVII(i) B Finkelstein, L, I2, 43, 48 Finney, G. L., 45 Fisch, M. H., XIX(2)E, 28 Fisch, R. B., 28 Fischer, M., XX D Fiumi, E., 6 Flaceliere, R., I(2) Fleckenstein, J. O., XVIII(i)B,


Flint, R. F., 32 Forbes, R. J., 8 Ford, E., XVIII(2)B Ford, J. D. M., XVI(2)E Foucart, G., V B.C. Fowler, G. B., XIV(I) Frank, P., I8, 24 Frankel, W. K., XVI(I)D Frankfort, H., 8 Franklin, XVIII(2)B Franklin, K. J., 36 Freitas, J. de, XV(I) Friedman, J. S., 24 Fritz, F., 25 Fuchs, W., XIV(i), io Fueter, E., i6 Fullerton, B., 28 Fulton, J. F., XIX(i)D,

XX D, go Fussell, L. E., XVIII(i)C

Gabrieli, G., XVII(i) E Galdston, I., 50 Galen, HI(2) Gandz, S., 2, 3

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Page 68: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

i36 Index to Seventy-first Critical Bibliography Ganshof, F. L., 6 Ganzenmiuller, W., VIII(2),

XV(2), XVII(i)B, 6 Garcia Gomez, E., XI(i) Garofalo, F., 50 Gaudin, A. M., XV(2) Gauthier, L., IX(i) Gebhard, B., Si Geiser, B. T., i6 Geiser, S. W., i6 Gertz, O., XVIII(i)C Gibson, G. S., 25 Gibson, J. E., XVIII(2)D Gibson, S., 50 Gicklhorn, J., XVIII(2)C Gicklhom, R., XVIII(2)C Gille, B., 6, 26 Giordano, D., XVIII(i)D Gittinger, G. S., XVII(i)D Glandorff, M., XVII(2) A Glatzer, N. N., 12 Glicksberg, C. I., XIX(2)E Gnekow, R., 28 Godeaux, L., XIX(2)B Goebel, K. v., XIX(2)C Goidanich, G., XVII(2)C,

XVIII(2) D Golab, S., 20 Goldberg, O., 12 Goodman, N. G., XVIII(2)B Goodwin, W. E., XIX(2)D Gordis, R., II(i) B.C. Gordon, R., XVII(i)B Grape, A., XVII(2)D Graubard, M., 17 Gravier, C., XX C Grayzel, S., 12 Green, H. G., XIX(i)A Greene, T. M., 44 Greene, W. C., 4 Gr6goire, H., XX E Gregory, J. C., XVII(i) B Greve, P., 28 Grunebaum, G. E. v., XI(I),

'4 Giintzel-Lingner, H., 28 Gundel, W., i Gunther, R. T., XVII(2)E Guthrey, N. H., 50 Guthrie, D., XV(2) Guttmann, M., XII(2) Guyot, E., 23

Haberling, E., 52 Haeckel, E., XIX(2)C Hagen, V. W. v., XIX(i) C,

XIX(i)E Haller, A., XVIII(x)D,

XVIII(2)D Halliday, W. R., 4 Halphen, L., 6, 44 Hammond, J., 29 Hamy, M., XX B Haraszti, Z., XV(2) Harff, A. v., XV(2) Harriman, P. L., 37

Hatzfeld, H. A., 6 (Harvard University), I6 Haynes, W., XX B Heckmann, B., 29 Hedgpeth, J. W., 27 Heichelheim, F. M., 4 Helbronner, P., XX B Henneguy, L. F., XIX(2) C Heribert-Nilsson, N., 27 Herpin, A., XVII(i)D Herrlinger, R., 50 Herval, R., XVI(i)C Herzfeld, E., VII B.C. Hesse, E., 53 Hessen, XVII(2)A Heubach, S., XIX(i)D Higginbotham, B. W., 28 Higgins, T. J., 26 Hiller, J. E., 25 Hintzsche, E., XVIII(i) D Hippocrates, V B.C. Hobbs, W. H., 31 Hoeppl, R., Io Holmberg, A., XIX(i)B, 56 Holmes, S. J., XIX(2) C Holmes, U. T., Jr., XIII(i) Honecker, M., XV(i) Honey, W. B., 45 Honigmann, E., XX E Hooton, E. A., 35, 43 Hooykaas, R., XVIII(i)E,

XVIII(2) B, 25 Hornell, J., 26 Howard, R. W., 28 Howard-Jones, N., 50 Howe, G. W. C., XIX(2)B Hradecky, K., 32 Hsu, F. L. K., io Hudson, D. R., 32 Hudson, P. S., XX C Hughes, A. J., XX B Humbert, P., XVII(i)A Hunkin, J. W., XVIII(2) C Husner, F., 50 Hutton, J. H., 9 Huuri, K., 6 Huxley, J., I7

I-hung Ch'iang, io Ilarino da Milano, XII(2) Ives, S. A., XVI(2)E Izquierdo, J. J., 27

J. S. F., XIV(x) Jacob, C. T., XVII(2)A Jaeger, W., 4 Jaffe, B., I6 Jalland, T., V(2) Jasny, N., 28 Jeans, J. H., XX B Jefferies, R., XIX(2)C Jefferson, T., XVIII(2)E Jespersen, P. H., XVIII(2)C John, R. L., XIV(i) Johnson, F., IV(a) Johnson, F. R., XVI(2)B

Johnson, M., i8 Johnson, M. C., XIII(2) Jones, H. M., SS Jones, Sir H. S., XVII(2)A,

XIX(I) B Jones, L. W., VI(i), 6 Jones, W., XVIII(2)E Jones, W. H. S., II(i) Jost, L., XIX(i)C Julien, C. A., XVI(i)C Jung, C. G., XVI(i)D Junge, G., 4

Kadek, M. G., XVIII(2) B Kallen, H. M., XX E Kamerlingh Onnes, H.,

XIX(2)B Karpinski, L. C., 20 Katib Celebi, 14 Keeten, M. T., XIX(2)C Keimer, L., IV(I), 2 Kelly, R., XIX(i)B Kendall, J., XVIII(2)B Kent, A., XVIII(i)B Kesten, H., XVI(i) B Keys, T. E., 50 Khan, M. A. R., 14 Kikuya, N., IO Kinietz, W. V., IV(a) Kleist, J. A., I(2) Klinke-Rosenberger, R., IX(I) Konow, S., 8 Korle'n, G., XIII(I) Koyre, A., XVII(i)A Krayl, K., V B.C. Kristeller, P. O., XVI(i)E, 6,

46, 48 Kroeber, A. L., 44 Kohnort, H., XIX(2) B

La Cava, A. F., XIV(2), XVI(2)D, 6, 29

Lacroix, A., 28, 29 Lain Entralgo, P., 50 Lamarck, XIX(i)C Lambert, E., XVIII(2)C Lambert, P., XVII(2)C Landecker, K., XIX(2)B Lange, H. O., 2 Langevin, P., XIX(2) B,

XIX(2)D, 17 Laroche, E., 4 Larsen, E. L., XVIII (2) C Latronico, N., 53 Lavoipierre, M., XVII(2)C Leake, C. D., I6, 47 Leboucq, G., IV(I)B.C. Le Corbeiller, P., i8 Lee, Sir G., XIX(2)B Lefebvre, G., 2 Lefranc, A., XVI(i)E Leggett, W. F., 28 Leissner, G., XVII(2) D Lejeune, A., III(2)B.C. Lejeune, F., 25

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Page 69: Seventy-First Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization (To October 1947)

Index to Seventy-first Critical Bibliography 137

Lemmer, G. F., 28 Lenzen, V. F., XIX(2)B Leonardo, R. A., go Leoncini, F., XIV(I),

XVII(i)B Levison, W., VIII(I) Levy, H. L., II(2) Levy, R., XII(x) LUvy-Valensi, J., So Leyh, G., S6 Libon, G., 2 Lichtenberg, G. C., XVIII(2)B Liebau, A., XVI(2)B Limbergen, J. van, XVI(i)B Lin Tung-chi, io Lindemann, F., 39 Lindheim, B. v., XII(i) Lipschitz, S. J., XIX(i)C Llamas, J., I(i) Lockemann, G., XIX(i) D Lodge, J. E., io Longo, B., XVIII(2)C Longrigg, S. H., IV(C) Lorent, H., V B.C. Loria, G., XVII(i)B, I6 Low, J. 0., 43 Lowe, E. A., 6 Lowie, R. H., XIX(2)B Lownes, A. E., XIX(2)C, 28 Luckey, P., IX(2) Lucretius, I(i) B.C. Lysenko, T. D., XX C

Mach, E., XIX(2)B Macht, D. I., I2 Maciver, R. M., 43, 48 Mahler, E., XIX(2)E Mahnke, D., 20

Maier, A., XIII(2) Maine, R., XVIII(2)C Malcovati, P., 5I Malebranche, XVII(2)E McClellan, W. S., SI McColley, G., XVII(I)B, 23 McCord, C. P., XX D McDaniel, W. B., 5 McKelvey, B., XIX(2) B McKeon, R., IV(2) B.C. McVaugh, R., XIX(i)C Mannerfelt, H., XVIII(x)C Manninger, W., go Mansson, P., XVI(z)B Maran, R., 31 Marchal, P., XX C Marcy, G., V B.C. Margenau, H., I8 Markwart, J., 13 Marshall, C. F. D., XIX(I)B Marshall, F. H. A., 29

Marti Ibafiez, F., So Martin, P. S., IV(a) Martinez, J. A. F., XIX(I) A Martinez Durin, C., so Masse, H., 14 Masters, D., XX D

Mathis, C., XX D Matschoss, C., XIX(i)B Matthaei, R., XVIII(2)B Maverick, L. A., io Mavor, J. W., 27 Mayer, C. F., go Mazon, A., XII(2),

XVIII(2)E Mazzini, G., XIII(2) Mazzitelli, M., XVII(x)D Mecquenem, R. de, I3 Menasce, P. J., IX(2) Mendel, G., XIX(2)C Mendelsohn, C. J., XV(i) Mercati, A., XVI(2)E, i6 Mercati, G., II(I), X(2),

XVI(i)D, XIX(2)E Mergentaler, J., 23 Merriam, J. C., XX C Merrill, E. D., XIX(i)C Merton, R. E., 43 Messedaglia, L., XIX(2)D Messer, H. M., 29 M6tadier, J., 25 Mettenheim, H. v., XIX(2)D Metzger, H., XVII(2)A Meyerhof, M., XI(i) Mieli, A., XVIII (2) B Miles, W., XIX(i)D Millis Vallicrosa, J. M., I(I),

XII(I) Miller, G., XIX(i)D, 50 Miller, W. M., XIX(2)B Millikan, R. A., 24 Milt, B., i6 Mineur, A., 4 Mittasch, A., XIX(I)B, 25 Modern Language Assoc., i6 Moissl, R. A., XIX(2) D Molliard, M., XX C Mondor, H., XIX(2)D Monneret de Villard, U., 2 Montagu, M. F. A., VI B.C.,

i, i6, 35 Montuori, A., XX D More, T., XVI(i)E Moreno, A. R., 6 Morley, S. G., IN(a) Moser, E., XVIII(2)D Mouterde, R., g MUller, C., V(2) Miller, W., 24 Muinter, C., 24 Mugridge, D. R., XVIU(2)B Muheim, E., 52 Mukerji, D. P., 9 Muller, Dom J. P., XIII(2) Munster, L., XV(2) Muratori, G., XVI(2)D

Nadal, D. M., 28 Nagasawa Kikuya, IO Naldoni, M. A., XVI(2)B Negker, J. J. de, XVI(x)D Nestle, W., 4

Neuburger, M., VI(x), XIX(x)D

Neugebauer, O., 2, 3 Neuhaus, E., XVIII(i) D Neuss, W., IX(I) Neviani, A., XVII(i) B,

XVIII (I)C Newton, XVII(2)A Nierenstein, M., XVI(2)D Ninck, M., 4 Noailles, P., IX(2) Nordenmark, N. V. E.,

XVIII(2)B, XVIII(2)C Noyes, G. E., 46 Nybelin, O., XVIH(i)C Nykl, A. R., II, 14

Ockenden, R. E., XIX(2)E Olivier, E., XVIII(i)D Olmsted, J. M. D., XIX(i)D O'Malley, C. D., XVI(i)D Oppenheimer, J. M., XVII(z)E (Opuscula selecta Neerlandi-

corum), So Orlov, B. P., XX C Osborn, J., 43 Osborne, N. F., XVI(i)D Ovio, G., 50

Pagel, W., 20 Palm, E. W., 52 Palmer, J. A. B., II(i) Paracelsus, XVI(i)D Parker, G. H., XX C Partington, J. R., 25 Pasteur, XIX(2)D Pazzini, A., So Pearson, E. S., XIX(2)C Pearson, S. V., XX D Pellegrini, F., XVIII(2)D Pelseneer, J., i6, 24

(Penicillin), 53 Pepere, A., XX D Pepper, 0. H. P., XVIII(2)D Perrin, J., XX B Perry, I. H., XIX(2)D Persanti, C., XIX(2)C Peruzzi, D., 5 Pesce, G., XVI(2)D Peter of Spain, XIII(2) Peters, C., IX(2) Petersson, V., XVIII(i) C Pezzi, G., XVI(i)D Peller, S., 35 Peschke, W., 26 Pfeiffer, R. H., 12 Phillips, J. G., XVI(2)C (photography), 25 Picard, E., XIX(2)A Piccinini, P., XVI(2)D Pietsch, E., XIX(I)B, 25 Pini, G., XVIII(I)C Pla, C., XIX(2) B Plank, R., 26 Plutarch, I(2) Poidebard, A., S

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138 Index to Seventy-first Critical Bibliography Polanyi, M., I8 Ponzi, E., XVIII(2)D Popper, W., XV(2) Pottier, R., IV(C) Prandi, D., XVII(2)C Pratt, C. C., 37 Prkaux, C., III(i) B.C. Premuda, L., XIX(2) D Prentice, E. P., 27 Prichard, M. M. L., 36 Proclus Diadochus, V(2) Proskauer, C., XVI(I)D

Quagliarello, G., XIX(I)C Quevron, L., XX B Quimby, G. I., IV(a)

Raffini, P., XVIII(2)A Raghu Vira, g Ransom, J. E., 5I Rashid-ad-Din, XIV-I Raven, C. E., 27 Rawlins, F. I. G., 45 Reader, J. R., XIX(i)C Renaud, H. P. J., I4 Renier, A., XVIII(2) C Reuter, F., XIX(2)D Rey, A., 4 Richards, J. F. C., XVI(2)A Richens, R. H., XX C Richeson, A. W., XVI(i)A Rickett, H. W., XVIII(2)C Ritter, G., XVI(I)E Rivlin, J. B., XIX(I)E Robertson, D. W., Jr., XIV(I) Robinson, R., XIX(2)B Roch, M., 5I Rodgers, A. D. III, XIX(2)C Rodolico, F., XIII(2),

XVIII(I)C Rompp, H., 25, 53 Roersch, A., XVI(I)E Rogers, S. L., 50 Rome, A., V B.C. Ronchi, V., XVII(i)B Rosen, E., XVII(I) B Rosen, G., XVIII(2)D, 50 Rosenthal, E., XV(2) Rosenthal-Schneider, I., i8 Rostand, J., XIX(I)C, 27 Rozbroj, H., XVIII(2)B Ruben, W., 9 Ruchlis, H., 25

Runes, D. D., 48 Rusconi, A., 24 Russell, K. F., XVIII(i)D Ryckmans, G., 14

Sachs, A., 3 Sachs, W., IV(c) Saedeleer, A. de, XVI(2) A Salin, E., 6 Sanceau, E., XV(I) Sand, R., 50 Santillana, G. de, XIX(I)E Sarton, G., V B.C., XIV(x),


XVII (2) E, XIX (2) D, 4, 10, i6, 23, 50

Saunders, J. B. deC. M., XVI(I)D

Sauvaget, J., 14 Sax, K., I8 Sayf b. Muhammad al-Harawi,

XIV-I Sayili, F. M., XIII(2) Scalinci, N., I(I), XV(2), 50 Schilfgaarde, P. van, IV(2)B.C, Schillp, A., XX A Schimank, H., XIX(i) B Schmid, A., XV(2) Schmid, G., XVIII(2)E Schonfeld, W., XIX(i)D Scholderer, V., VI(I) Schoneville, 0., XVIII(2)C Schrade, L., VI(i) Schrecker, P., XVII(2) A,

i6, 20 Schubring, K., V B.C. Schuhl, P. M., IV(I) B.C., 48 Schumann, 0., XIX(i)D Schurmann, P. F., 24 Schutz, F. H., XIII(i) Semmelweis, I. P., XIX(i)D Sergescu, P., XVII(2)A,

XVIII(2)A, XX E Shryock, R. H., XVIII(2) D,

XIX(i)C, XIX(i)D, 50, 5I Shute, C., IV(2) B.C. Sidersky, D., 3 Sigerist, H. E., XX D, go Siggel, A., IX(i) Simili, A., XV(2), XVI(2)D,

XVIII(x) D Simmel, E., 12 Simpson, G. G., 27 Singer, C., XVI(i)D Singer, D. W., XV(2), 25 Snorrason, E., 2 Sols-Cohen, R. T., Si Somerville, J., 48 Somogyi, J. de, XIV(2), 14 Sonderegger, L., XIX(2)D Soury, G., I(2) Spallanzani, L., XVIII(2)C Spallici, A., 1(2) B.C. Spies, M., XII(2) Spies, 0., IX(i) Springer, W., 26, 28

Spurlin, P. M., XVUI(H)E Stanton, M. E., XIX(x)D Stapleton, L., 43 Stark, J., 24 Starnes, De W. T., 46 Steam, A. E., IV(a) Steam, E. W., IV(a) Stefansson, V., 31 Stegemann, V., I(I) Steiger, A. L. v., 23

Stenger, E., XIX(i)B, 25

Stem, B. J., 5i Stevenson, I. P., XVII (2) C

Stevenson, R. S., XIX(2)D Stewart, H. F., XVLI(I)A Still, A., 24 Stimson, D., I6 Stracmans, M., 2 Streeter, J. W., 23 Stresemann, E., XVIII(I) C Stricker, B. H., 2 Stromberg, R., IV(2) B.C. Strombgren, H. L., XIX(i) D Strong, R. M., 29 Struik, D. J., 20 Strunz, F., 26 Studer, G., 5I Studnitz, G. v., 36 Sullivan, F., XVI(x)E Sullivan, M. P., XVI(i)E Svennung, J., VIII(2) Swedenborg, E., XVIII(x)B (Switzerland), I6, 31

Takahashi, S., iI Targioni-Tozzetti, G.,

XVIII(2)C Tatarkiewicz, W., i8 Taviani, S., XV(2) Taylor, E. G. R., 30 Taylor, F. S., XV(2),

XVI(2)B, XVII(x)B, I7, 25 Teggart, F. J., VIII B.C. Templin, E. H., XX E Teschner, C., 28 Thaer, C., E(I) B.C., I Thiessen, P. A., 25 Thirring, H., XX B Thompson, J. W., 6 Thomson, G., 4 Thomson, S. H., XIV(i) Thorndike, L., XIII(2),

XVI(i)B, 6 Thun, R., XX B Tischner, R., XVIII(2)D Tjerneld, H., XIII(2) Tonnes, H., Si Togan, Z. V., I4 Tolmer, L., i6 Trachtenberg, J., I2 Trembley, M., XVIII(I)C Tridente, M., XIX(i)D Tunberg, S., 32 Tyan, E., I4 Tyrrhitt, J., XX E

Uggla, A. H., XVIII(I)C Uhl, A. H., 53 Ulich, R., 54 Unkrig, W. A., 8 Unver, A. S., III(i) B.C. Urbach, 0., XIX(2) B Urdang, G., XX D, 29, 53

Vale, G., XV(2) Vallauni, M., 9 Vallentin, A., XV(2) Vallery-Radot, P., XIX(2)D,


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Index to Seventy-first Critical Bibliography I39

Vallois, H. V., XX C Vanderford, K. H., XIII(2) Van de Velde, A. J. J., XIII(2),


Van de Vyver, A., IX(2) Van Doren, C., XVIII(2)B Van Driessche, A., XVI(i)D Van Helmont, J. B., XVII(i)D Van Iterson, G., Jr., IV(b) Van Naerssen, F. H., IV(b) Van Os, C. H., XVII(2)A Vargas Rosado, P., XVII(i)D Vaucouleurs, G. de, 23 Verdoorn, F., 28 Vernet, A., XIII(2) Verrier, R., XIII(2) Verriest, G., 20 Vershaffelt, J. E., XIX(2)B Vetter, Q., XX E

Wachsmuth, B., XVIII(2) C, 50 Waite, F. C., XIX(2)D Waite, F. G., XIX(i)D Walker, R. S., XVIII(2)E Wallach, L., 6

Waller, A. E., XIX(i)D Walz, P. A., XIII(2) Wanders, A. J. M., 23 Ware, J. R., io Warner, W. L., 43 Weck, W., IV(b) Wedel, W. R., IV(a) Wegner, R. N., XVIII(i)D Weill, R., 2 Weinberger, B. W., 2 Weisinger, H., 44 Weiss, H. B., 28 Weiss, L., I4 Weiss, W., 53 Werlager, C. A., IV(a) Wertenbaker, T. J., 54 White, L., Jr., 6 White, W., XIX(2)D Whitehead, A. N., 48 Whittaker, Sir E., i8 Whitwell, J. R., 37 Wiener, P. P., XIX(2)E Wilbur, M. E., g Wilson, E. E., XIII(i) Wilson, H. E., I7 Wilson, J. W., XIX(i)C,


Wilson, W. J., XVII(i)B Winlock, H. E., 2 Winslow, C. E. A.,

XVIII(2)D Wissler, C., 28 Wodetzky, J., 23 Wolf 2nd, E., XVI(2)E Wolfson, H. A., X(I), 48 Woolley, Sir L., 8 Wright, C. E., 12 Wyman, D., 28

Yeates, G. K., 29 Yellowlees, H., 5o Yogananda, P., 9 Yuen, H. B., VI(x)

Zach, F. X., XVIII(2)B Zander, R., 28 Zaunick, R., XIX(i)C Zeuner, F. E., 39 Ziegler, G. M., 28 Zimmerman, W., XVI(2) C Zinner, E., XVII(i)B, 23, 26 Zirkle, C., 27

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