setting and location (music video)

Setting and Location BY ANTONIA ENEMUWE

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Post on 21-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Setting and Location (Music video)

Setting and LocationBY ANTONIA ENEMUWE

Page 2: Setting and Location (Music video)

Where will we be filming?

We've chosen 4 locations for our music video:

1.) Shoreditch

2.) Shoreditch (different location)

3.) Barbican

4.) Angel

Page 3: Setting and Location (Music video)


The first location we have chosen to film at is called The Ozone coffee shop which is located in shoreditch. The wooden interior along with the positioning of the tables, chairs and lighting within the cafe is very music video appropriate making our job all the more easier. This location will be used for our first scene in the video where the artist will sitting on the middle chair looking emotionless.The camera will start up close of our artist the and zoom out slowly to reveal her surroundings. The isolation of the cafe will make this scene all the more interesting and will help to set the mood for the rest of the song of being alone.

Page 4: Setting and Location (Music video)

The Ozone Coffee Shop, Shoreditch

Page 5: Setting and Location (Music video)


A wall on shoreditch high street caught our attention. On it has the quote "Lets Adore and Endure eachother" which definitely relates to love which is what our song is about. We all agreed it would be perfect for our music video. We will film our artist singing infront of this wall reason being most R&B artists are american and although we want to imitate some the common shots and settings in these other artists music videos we want to make sure those watching the music video know our artist is british. This wall is the perfect urban setting to do this however the graffiti isn't too much to the point where the viewer feels they're watching a rap video.

Page 6: Setting and Location (Music video)

Shoreditch High Street,


Page 7: Setting and Location (Music video)


We chose this location this because of the tunnel like atmosphere of the place. The top lights along the urban brick design adds to the edginess of the place and will be a great place to film. This location will be used to track the artist as she is singing. We will be sure to film front shots, back shots and side shots to make our music video all the more enjoyable to watch.

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Beech Street, Babican

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We will also be filming at Platform Lift which is in angel. This was a last minute decision however we feel the more footage we have the better. The same scenes that will be shot in the ozone coffee shop will be filmed here and whichever footage looks better will make it into our music video. The space we will be using will be quite bare so we will have to rearrange the entire room to make it fit in with our music video e.g. remove some tables, rearrange the chairs, adjust the lighting etc.

Page 10: Setting and Location (Music video)

Platform Lift, Angel