sec wpb manager 9.2

Security Guide Workforce Performance Builder Document Version: 1.0  2013-10-11 CUSTOMER SAP Workforce Performance Builder 9.2 Manager

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  • Security Guide

    Workforce Performance Builder

    Document Version: 1.0 2013-10-11


    SAP Workforce Performance Builder 9.2 Manager

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    2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

    SAP Workforce Performance Builder 9.2

    Typographic Conventions

    Typographic Conventions

    Type Style Description

    Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles,

    pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.

    Textual cross-references to other documents.

    Example Emphasized words or expressions.

    EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names,

    transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they

    are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.

    Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages,

    names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and

    database tools.

    Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they

    appear in the documentation.

    Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters

    with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.

    EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER .

  • SAP Workforce Performance Builder 9.2

    Table of Contents


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    Table of Contents

    1 Security settings ........................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Individualising the initial login ................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 Origin restrictions for administrative roles ............................................................................................................ 6 1.3 Separating content and administrative tasks ....................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Password restrictions .............................................................................................................................................. 7

    1.4.1 Applying restrictions to Excel import .................................................................................................... 8 1.5 Communication encryption via SSL certificate .................................................................................................... 8

    1.5.1 Creating a Tomcat keystore ................................................................................................................... 9 1.5.2 Creating an internal certificate ............................................................................................................ 10 1.5.3 Installing an external certificate ............................................................................................................ 11 1.5.4 Adjusting the configuration file ............................................................................................................ 12 1.5.5 Displaying certificates ........................................................................................................................... 15

    1.6 SSL secured LDAP connection ............................................................................................................................. 16 1.7 Single sign-on using Kerberos .............................................................................................................................. 17

    1.7.1 Configuration ......................................................................................................................................... 17 1.7.2 Settings for Mozilla Firefox .................................................................................................................. 20 1.7.3 Settings for Internet Explorer .............................................................................................................. 20 1.7.4 Adjusting the HTTP header size .......................................................................................................... 20 1.7.5 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 21

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    SAP Workforce Performance Builder 9.2

    Security settings

    1 Security settings

    The Manager gives you various options for tailoring work with the web application and communication between

    the client and server to your individual security requirements.

    There are also already security functions implemented by default that prevent unauthorized access or

    manipulation of your content. These include, for example, a function that detects malicious code implemented in

    content as well as a function that grants workarea-specific read and write access.

    The following sub-chapters describe various options that you can use individually or in combination to achieve the

    best possible data security to meet your needs.

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    1.1 Individualising the initial login

    With the shipping of the Manager you get separate credentials to enter for installation assistant and server

    import. This credentials can be adjusted freely after installation.


    To adjust new credentials you must have access to the respective webapps folder on your Tomcat server

    as well as you need local administrator privileges on server machine or at least specially adapted

    privileges permitting you to do changes to files within access protected storage of the web application.

    To adjust the initial credentials please follow these steps:

    1. Go to the webapps folder of your Manager.

    2. Go to folder WEB-INF -> classes and open file with the text editor of your choice.

    3. Search for these phrases and adjust them as your prefer:

    1. init.adminPassword=xxx

    2. init.adminUser=admin

    4. Save and close the file.

    5. Open the Tomcat Manager in your browser (/manager) and do a Reload on respective Manager authority

    or reboot the Tomcat server itself.

    You can now use your adjusted initial credentials to gain access to special protected areas in Manager.

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    1.2 Origin restrictions for administrative roles

    The Administrator IP Ranges server setting lets you restrict access to specific network addresses/address ranges

    from roles with admin permissions. This allows you, for example, to permit access from these types of roles only

    from within the internal company network.

    Enter the IP address as described below:

    As a list of IP addresses

    Enter individual IP addresses separated by a comma, e.g.


    The following additional options are also available when entering IP origin ranges.

    Entry of sub-networks

    You can specify sub-networks by entering the length notation, e.g.


    Using wildcards

    You can structure IP addresses dynamically using the wildcard character, e.g.



    Please keep in mind that if this function is activated, users can only access the server from specified

    origin IP addresses once they have been assigned admin permissions.

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    1.3 Separating content and administrative tasks

    The server-side detection and removal of malicious code implemented in content can also be supported by

    separating content and administrative tasks.

    In this case, after the Filter content permissions if user has admin permissions function has been activated, the

    workarea view is no longer displayed for users with admin permissions (e.g. administration of server settings and

    meta information such as status, milestones, etc.). If the user still needs access to content, a second user account

    without admin permissions must be created for this user. The user then logs in separately with this profile to view

    or edit content.


    If the user account is issued admin permissions when content separation is activated, the Producer-side

    connection to the login data of this user account is prevented. As a result, make sure that if you activate

    this function at a later time, you inform users with admin permissions that it is necessary to return write

    permissions to prevent data inconsistencies resulting from write permissions kept in local workarea

    copies. These can then no longer be returned or are lost when the user logs in with another user account.

    1.4 Password restrictions

    User login information is more difficult for attackers to elicit if different character sets are used in longer character

    sequences. If you use password restrictions, you require users to comply with predefined security criteria when

    entering a password and prevent passwords that are easy to remember and also easy to crack from being used.

    The following restrictions are available to you in the server settings:

    o Minimum password length:

    Indicates the minimum character length of the password. If you enter 0, user accounts may be created

    without passwords.

    o Password must contain number:

    Indicates that the password to be entered must contain at least one numeric character (0-9).

    o Password must contain special character:

    Indicates that the password to be entered must contain at least one special character (&,$,...).

    o Password must contain lower and upper case letters:

    Indicates that the password to be entered must contain at least one upper and one lower case letter.


    o The password restrictions do not apply for passwords from LDAP-supported user profiles because, in

    this case, the Active Directory server administrates the user profiles and their security criteria.

    o The password restrictions do not affect passwords in user profiles that have already been created.

    The restrictions only apply to these profiles when the user changes the password.

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    1.4.1 Applying restrictions to Excel import

    Password restrictions can also be applied when importing user data in an Excel file. To do this, activate the use

    password policy option above the path entered for the Excel file.

    As a result, all users whose passwords violate the restrictions in the Excel file are imported as inactive users. They

    must be manually activated and a new password issued.

    1.5 Communication encryption via SSL certificate

    The Tomcat server environment supports the creation of self-certified SSL certificates and the import of certified

    SSL certificates (Trusted Third Party, e.g. VeriSign, TC TrustCenter, Signtrust, TeleSec, Thawte Consulting). You

    can use these types of security certificates to encrypt the communication between users and the Manager.

    Access then occurs using the address prefix https://.

    To prepare the Tomcat server for SSL encryption, please follow the steps described in the sub-chapters. You can

    find more information in the Apache Tomcat documentation at



    o Keep in mind that the validity of an SSL certificate is limited to a single IP address. If you make the

    server accessible via tunnels or technically similar communication channels, remember that the IP

    address can change as a result and the certificate is then displayed as invalid.

    o To make it possible to access your server using an encrypted connection, it may be necessary for you

    to configure the ports provided for this purpose in your firewall accordingly.

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    1.5.1 Creating a Tomcat keystore

    The keystore of the Tomcat server is a protected repository that contains the security certificates and encrypted

    keys. It is not created manually during installation but must be created manually.

    To create the Tomcat keystore, open your server's command display. (Start > Run > "cmd")

    1. Enter the following command:


    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA


    o If the command line displays the message that the location of the file is unknown, it is possible that

    the %JAVA_HOME% system variable is not declared in your system. If this is the case, replace the

    string with the installation path of your Java instance, e.g. C:\Progra~1\Java\jre7.

    o The command creates the keystore file in the home directory of the user creating the keystore. If you

    want to store the file in a different directory, add the following to the command:

    [...] -keystore /path/to/my/file

    2. You are now prompted to specify a password to encrypt the protected area. Your entry is not shown in the

    command line for security reasons. Confirm your entry by clicking Enter. Enter the password again for


    3. You are then prompted to enter data that is used to create an initial certificate in the keystore. Confirm

    every entry by clicking Enter.

    4. Now enter an individual password for your certificate instance with the alias. Use the same

    password here that you previously used for the keystore because otherwise the Tomcat server cannot

    access the keystore later on.

    The file for the keystore ('.keystore') has now been created in the specified directory.

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    Please keep in mind that when using a system with user account management (Windows Vista/Windows

    7), the command line and server are executed by different users. Your home directory is not available for

    the server as a result. Copy the created keystore file in this case to the respective home directory, e.g. for

    system under C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile. Preparing the keystore

    Tomcat supports keystores in the formats JKS, PKCS11 and PKCS12. Here, the JKS format represents the

    standard Java keystore format which is also created by the keytool command line program contained in the Java


    PKCS12 represents an Internet standard that can be created and changed using various programs (OpenSSL,

    Microsoft KeyManager,...).

    To import a signed certificate, please read the documentation relevant for the tools you are using.


    Every entry in the keystore is opened via an alias. To prevent conflicts, we do not recommend using

    different aliases that are the same except for upper and lower case letters because, e.g. the PKCS11

    format only recognizes upper case letters.

    1.5.2 Creating an internal certificate

    You can create your own local certificates for data encryption for your server. The disadvantage, however, is that

    these certificates are only valid for a short time and they are not verified by a public body. When your users visit

    the server from within a browser, a warning appears that the certificate was not able to be authenticated and it

    has to be manually added to the user's trusted sites.

    Enter the following command in the command line program to create your own certificate:


    %JAVA_HOME\bin\keytool -selfcert -v -alias tomcat -storepass

    The values of the certificate you created are then listed. The certificate is now available.


    The initial connection of the Producer to an SSL-protected server with a local certificate may fail. In this

    case, open the Manager instance with Internet Explorer and confirm the trustworthiness of the certificate

    when prompted. Try to establish a connection in the Producer again.

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    1.5.3 Installing an external certificate

    Using digital SSL certificates from public certification bodies your web application is given authenticated, unique

    keys and additional information from your service provider to encrypt and decrypt the transfer of confidential data

    and to authenticate the origin on your side. Using this type of certificate is particularly necessary when you want

    to make encrypted access to your server possible outside of internal networks, i.e. over the Internet. Creating a Certification Signing Request (CSR)

    To create a certificate from a public certification body, you have to create what is known as a Certification Signing

    Request (CSR) beforehand. This is required by the certification body to identify your web application as "secure".

    1. Create a local certificate by entering the following command in the command line (Start > Run > cmd):


    %JAVA_HOME\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA \


    2. Enter your personal data for the respective prompts and confirm your entries by clicking Enter.


    Some certification bodies require the domain of the web pages to be entered for the first and last name

    prompt. Find out if this is necessary for the certification body you have chosen here.

    3. Now create the CSR by entering the following command:


    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certreq.csr \


    4. Send the file you created in step 2 certreq.csr to the certification body you selected. It can now create and

    send you a certificate.

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    Security settings Importing the certificate

    Once you have received the certificate created by the certification body, you can implement it to your locally

    created keystore. To do this, you have to import what is known as a chain certificate or a root certificate to the

    keystore prior to importing the certificate. You can download this certificate from the page set up by your chosen

    certification body for this purpose.

    1. Import the downloaded root certificate by entering the following command in the command line (Start >

    Run > cmd):


    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -import -alias root -keystore


    -trustcacerts -file

    2. Now import the SSL certificate you received by entering the following command:


    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore



    3. Restart the Tomcat server to load the certificate

    1.5.4 Adjusting the configuration file

    To implement SSL, it is necessary to define a Java (JSSE) connector. Support is not provided for implementation

    via the APR connector which is also available.

    To carry out implementation, proceed as follows:

    1. Use a text editor to open the file server.xml in the conf directory of your Tomcat installation directory.

    2. This file already contains an example of a commented out element for operation with SSL. It

    should look as follows:


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    3. Remove the tags so that the element is no longer commented out and the connector is


    4. Adjust the parameters to your specifications in line with the table below or add them if they do not exist.

    Depending on your server specifications, it may be necessary to enter additional parameters. You can find

    a list of all other parameters in the Tomcat reference.

    Parameter Description

    port Specifies the TCP/IP port on which the Tomcat server

    responds to inquiries for a secure connection. You can

    change the default port 8443 to any one you want. If

    you change the value, please also change it in other

    defined connectors in the redirectPort parameter to

    reroute users accordingly.

    keystoreFile Enter the path to the keystore file. This file is created

    by default in the home directory of the user creating

    the keystore - if you change this value, you should

    have stored your keystore file in a different location.

    Please keep in mind that the Tomcat instance must

    have access rights to this directory

    keystorePass Enter the password necessary to access the keystore

    file. You defined this password in the steps described

    in the chapter Creating a Tomcat keystore.

    5. Save and close the file.

    6. Restart the Tomcat server to reload the changed settings.

    7. Your web applications running on the Tomcat server are now available via secure HTTP communication

    and can be accessed as in the following example:

    https://my server:8443/Manager

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    Security settings Allow encrypted connections only

    To make your installation of the Manager available exclusively via SSL-encrypted communication, several

    additional settings are necessary.

    1. Deactivate access via the HTTP standard port 80. Comment out the respective connector by inserting

    "" after the connector block:


    2. Assign the port number 443 (standard Apache) to the SSL connector. If you prefer to use a different port

    number, you have to configure routing via a proxy server or a port forwarding application (e.g. Iptables).

    3. Adjust any other connectors in use accordingly in the redirectPort parameter.

    4. Save the file.

    5. Restart the Tomcat server.

    Your Tomcat server is now available exclusively via the following address:




    Browser inquiries to the address http://myserver are now ignored by the server - the respective browser displays

    a connection error to the user.


    If you have installed the Tomcat server in addition to a web server like Apache or IIS, inquiries are handled

    by this server instead. An inquiry sent to port 443 would produce an error message in this case. Change

    the port number in the server.xml file to 8443 and forward the inquiry from the Apache web server using

    the mod_jk connector.

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    After deactivating the standard HTTP port, you have to specify the connection address in the connection

    settings of the Producer with the prefix https and the port entry 443, e.g.:


    1.5.5 Displaying certificates

    To display the certificates stored in your keystore, proceed as follows:

    1. Open command line.

    2. Enter the following command:


    %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -list -v -storepass

    3. Confirm your entry by clicking Enter.

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    1.6 SSL secured LDAP connection

    By using LDAPS instead of LDAP it is possible to secure the connection to the Active Directory server with SSL

    protocol. This basically needs some preparation on side of Active Directory server. On side of Manager there is

    only the server address to be changed.

    LDAPs connections to your Active Directory server will be directly available after having installed the Certification

    Authority and integrated a CA certificate in your Active Directory. This certificate can be created by your own or

    provided by a Trust Authority Service like Verisign, Thawte or other.

    Setting up Certification Authority (CA)

    On Active Directory server you have to install the Enterprise Root Certification Authority as well as you have to

    integrate an CA certificate into it. Please read linked documentations to install and configure CA on a Microsoft

    Windows based Active Directory server.

    Setting up LDAPs connection in Manager

    To connect to an Active Directory server supporting SSL-secured connections enter the ldap server address as

    follows. Replace the placeholder with correct server name:




    The port number suffix 636 is the default port number for ldaps connections. It's mainly not necessary to

    add this to address. You have to, if your Active Directory server is setup to use another port for ldaps

    connections. Please contact your network administrator to gain details about deviant port allocations.

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    1.7 Single sign-on using Kerberos

    In combination with an Active Directory server available in the network, the Manager grants your users access

    with a single sign-on. This means that they don't have to log in every time but are given immediate access to the

    areas assigned to them through automatic authentication.


    o It is not possible to use single sign-on in combination with Microsoft Server 2008 and its Service Pack

    1 due to a system-specific error interpretation. Consequently, Service Pack 2 is needed for Microsoft

    Server 2008 to guarantee proper operation.

    o It is not possible to play navigations (*.dnt) from the Manager when the single sign-on is activated and

    Internet Explorer 6 is in use due to a technical problem with the browser.


    o In case that some of your Active Directory Server objects have a large amount of group memberships

    or that you have groups with very long names you should consider to adjust the size of HTTP headers.

    This will avoid errors while transferring the credentials of those objects. Read the chapter Adjusting

    the HTTP header size to learn more about.


    This function is not supported in the Oracle Edition.

    1.7.1 Configuration


    o If you want to reference a DNS alias name created for this purpose instead of the native host name of

    the server, please keep in mind that this alias name must be defined in the table of the resource

    record as a referencing CNAME. If the host name is entered as an address alias (A record) an invalid

    keytab file will be generated.

    o Ensure that the version of ktpass is at least the same as your Active Directory version. To check right-

    click on the file ktpass.exe and select Properties > Details within the context menu. Now you can see

    the version number.

    If necessary update your system by downloading the Windows Support Tools in a version as same as

    your system version. Consider that there might be two different versions of ktpass (32bit and 64bit) if

    you run a 64bit system.

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    Security settings

    Follow the steps below to configure server-side single sign-on in your installation of the Manager:

    1. Create a user account in the Active Directory (LDAP). The account should be created on a top level

    domain server which contains the global catalog and must be different from the host name of the server

    on which the Manager is installed. Ensure that the password of the account used for the SSO connection

    won't expire. Enable the option "Password never expires" when creating the according account.

    2. Open the command line interpreter on the Active Directory server and enter the following commands,

    replacing the placeholders with the appropriate values. These create the keytab file necessary for the

    functionality. To specify an output path, enter it in the /out parameter along with the file name. Otherwise

    the keytab file will be created in the current directory.

    Firstly use this command to set SPN for created user account. Replace text in left and right angle brackets

    by your individual parameters:


    ktpass /pass /mapuser /princ

    HTTP/.@ /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /Target

    *Placeholders shown in upper case letters must be also written in upper case letters.

    **Use DNS name for domain. NetBIOS names are not supported.

    Following use this command to create the key tab file. Again replace text in left and right angle brackets

    with your individual parameters:


    ktpass /out () /princ

    HTTP/.@ /ptype KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL /Target

    /pass /mapuser

    *Placeholders shown in upper case letters must be also written in upper case letters.

    **Use DNS name for domain. NetBIOS names are not supported.


    Keep in mind that the princ HTTP parameter has to be entered in the following format:


    3. Place the keytab file somewhere on the Manager server (e.g.: C:\Manager\Managerpc.HTTP.keytab).

    Avoid placing the file in the webapp directory of the Manager because it will be deleted if the program is


    Now enter the appropriate data in the LDAP import wizard of the Manager. This data is explained in brief below.

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    Parameter Description

    Enable SSO Activate SSO for the LDAP import. To activate SSO for

    your users additionally activate Single Sign-on within

    the Server Settings. Note that SSO Will only work for

    accounts imported by LDAP.

    Service Principal*

    Enter the service authentication with the complete

    service description and domain ID of the Manager

    server here, e.g.

    HTTP/[email protected]

    Keytab File Name If there is already a Kerberos service set up in your

    network and a config file regulates service access,

    select the according file by clicking Select Keytab File.

    The fields Server name and Realm do not need to be

    filled out in this case. You can find more information



    Server name* Enter the host name of the Active Directory server

    here, e.g. master.

    Realm* Enter your domain here, e.g. MYCOMPANY.DE

    4. Now click Save LDAP Access to save the data you entered. You may now select the data to be imported by

    clicking the button Select or leave the assistant by clicking Close.

    5. To activate Single sign-on for your users go to Administration -> Server Settings and activate the Setting

    Enable Single sign-on within the section Single sign-on.


    Single sign-on based on Kerberos does not work by accessing the local host. You have to address your

    instance of Manager from a different computer to make use of the single sign-on.

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    1.7.2 Settings for Mozilla Firefox

    Open the advanced browser configuration by entering about:config in the address bar. Search for the setting

    network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris and enter the name of the server or the server domain.

    1.7.3 Settings for Internet Explorer

    Open the browser settings by clicking Tools > Internet settings and make the following changes:

    1. Open the Advanced tab. Activate the option Integrated Windows Authentication under Security.

    2. Open the Security tab and click Local intranet. Click the Custom level button and select Automatic logon

    only Intranet zone under User Authentication > Logon. Close the dialog box and click OK.

    3. Click the Sites button in the dialog window that opens and select Advanced. Enter the IP address of the

    host name of the server where Manager is installed in the upper input box. If the input box is not available

    for entry, contact your network administrator to add it to the listed values.

    1.7.4 Adjusting the HTTP header size

    In case of users which are assigned to a big amount of groups it may happen, that the length of the http header

    exceeds the maximum size as permitted by Tomcat server. This happens because of the need to send all group

    dependencies inside the header. In this case the Tomcat server unfortunately discards the authentication,

    resulting in a server error message which is display to the user after calling Manager. To solve this issue, an

    adaption of the default value (8Kb) within the Tomcat configuration will be necessary.

    Do as following to adapt your Tomcat configuration:

    1. Start your favorite text editor and open file server.xml which is located within directory conf of your

    Tomcat installation directory.

    2. Scroll to the part of the Connector definitions and add the parameter maxHttpHeader to each definition of

    an active connector. In box below you see an example of an adapted connector element. The added

    parameter is marked red.


    Input value has to be defined in Bytes. The example given matches 64KB.

    3. Save and close the file.

    4. Restart the Tomcat server service.

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    1.7.5 Troubleshooting

    Having trouble with your Single Sign-on configuration may have several reasons. To investigate what might be the

    reason for the error you will need to read out the server logs and the client-server communication.

    Log files

    The log files are written to Tomcats default log path - individualize text in left and right angle brackets according to

    your scenario. You will need a text viewer application to open the log files.



    Track communication

    To track the communication between client and server we highly recommend the use of Wireshark

    ( or an appropriate application. Exception log messages and possible reasons

    Exception message

    Syntax DEF length 84 object truncated by 46 - Additional A

    Pointer or duplicate SPN

    Possible reasons

    1. Check your DNS server if an additional A record has been set for the server hosting the Manager. Use

    CName instead.

    2. Use command setspn -X on your Domain Controller to find duplicate SPN's. If duplicates exist, you

    should either delete the user account which has the same SPN or use command setspn -d

    "\" to delete the duplicate SPN from that account.

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    Exception message

    Syntax No CallbackHandler available to garner

    authentication information from the user

    Possible reasons

    1. The account holding the SPN might be disabled. Re-enable that account in the Active Directory server.

    2. Check with the command setspn -L "\" if the proper SPN has been set for

    that account. If not, use ktpass to do so.

    Exception message


    "0x6 - KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Client not found in Kerberos database" OR

    "0x7 - KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Server not found in Kerberos database"

    Possible reasons

    1. These two errors usually indicate that an SPN has not been set correctly. Check with the command

    setspn -L "\" if the proper SPN has been set for that account. If not, use

    ktpass to do so. Recreate kerberos file after Java update

    If you update the Oracle JRE environment from version 6 to version 7 your currently running SSO scenario will fail.

    This a result of the incompatibility of the JRE generated kerberos files between both major versions. To fix this

    issue you have to regenerate the kerberos file with new JRE version.

    Proceed as following to do so:

    1. Open your browser and enter URL to access your Manager instance.

    2. Logon to Manager.

    3. Go to Administration > Server Import.

    4. Enter the credentials of the initial user account when asked for.

    5. On page Manager Import click LDAP.

    6. Select one data source you are using for your SSO scenario and click edit.

    7. On page Import LDAP Data ensure to have specified keytab file and service principal.

    8. Click Save LDAP Access.

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    Security settings


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    9. Close the browser.

    The kerberos file now has been regenerated using the newer JRE version. Your SSO scenario will run flawless



    If you run multiple Manager instances you will have to do this procedure only for each keytab file you are

    using, not for each Manager instance itself. Once the kerberos file is regenerated, it will work for all other

    Manager instances as well. Additional troubleshooting

    o Make sure the Domain Controller is accessible for the Manager and for the client. Use tools like ping or

    nslookup for checking.

    o Use the command klist on your client to see if you received the proper Kerberos ticket. If you did not

    receive anything, then there might be an issue with your Kerberos service on your Domain Controller or

    the Kerberos configurations on your client. Check if the setting "Integrated Windows Authentication" is

    enabled in your client's Internet Explorer.

    o Make sure that your Domain Trusts have been set properly if you try to use SSO across multiple domains.

    o Make sure that you don't use a second A record for your Manager. Same applies to your reverse lookup


    o Use Wireshark or appropriate application on the server hosting your Manager and filter for Kerberos to

    see if any Kerberos communication take place.


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    1 Security settings1.1 Individualising the initial login1.2 Origin restrictions for administrative roles1.3 Separating content and administrative tasks1.4 Password restrictions1.4.1 Applying restrictions to Excel import

    1.5 Communication encryption via SSL certificate1.5.1 Creating a Tomcat keystore1.5.1.1 Preparing the keystore

    1.5.2 Creating an internal certificate1.5.3 Installing an external certificate1.5.3.1 Creating a Certification Signing Request (CSR) Importing the certificate

    1.5.4 Adjusting the configuration file1.5.4.1 Allow encrypted connections only

    1.5.5 Displaying certificates

    1.6 SSL secured LDAP connection1.7 Single sign-on using Kerberos1.7.1 Configuration1.7.2 Settings for Mozilla Firefox1.7.3 Settings for Internet Explorer1.7.4 Adjusting the HTTP header size1.7.5 Troubleshooting1.7.5.1 Exception log messages and possible reasons1.7.5.2 Recreate kerberos file after Java update1.7.5.3 Additional troubleshooting