season after pentecost › wp-content › uploads › 2020 › 06 › ... · season after pentecost...

Season after Pentecost St. Peter and St. Paul June 28, 2020 9:30 am HAVEN LUTHERAN CHURCH 1035 Haven Road Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 733-5056 Worship on the Lawn: Sunday 9:30 am Tune your radio to FM 106.5 Ministers: All God’s People at Haven Pastor: Linda M. Alessandri A warm welcome to each of you as we gather for worship today, and a special welcome to our guests. As we offer God our praise, may you be richly blessed by God's gracious Word, Meal, and Community.

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Season after Pentecost St. Peter and St. Paul

June 28, 2020 9:30 am

HAVEN LUTHERAN CHURCH 1035 Haven Road Hagerstown, MD 21742 (301) 733-5056

Worship on the Lawn: Sunday 9:30 am

Tune your radio to FM 106.5

Ministers: All God’s People at Haven Pastor: Linda M. Alessandri

A warm welcome to each of you as we gather for worship today, and a special welcome to our

guests. As we offer God our praise, may you be richly blessed by God's gracious

Word, Meal, and Community.

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GATHERING HYMN “All Are Welcome” (vs. 1, 4) #641

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A: Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth.

C: Worship the LORD with gladness. (Psalm 100: 1-2a)

(after the announcements)

A: Rejoicing in God’s saving grace, we seek our Lord’s wisdom and strength:

C: “To honor God, to reach out with love to our members

and the community and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.” (Haven Lutheran’s Mission Statement)

PRELUDE “Amazing Grace" arr. Jack Schrader

OPENING HYMN “I Love to Tell the Story” #661

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P: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

the love of God from which nothing can separate us,

and the life-giving Holy Spirit be with you all.

C: And also with you.


P: Almighty God, we praise you that your blessed apostles Peter and Paul glorified

you by their martyrdoms. Grant that your church throughout the world may always

be instructed by their teaching and example, be knit together in unity by your

Spirit, and ever stand firm upon the one foundation who is Jesus Christ our Lord,

for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C: Amen.



READING Acts 22: 3-16

(after the reading)

A: The Word of the Lord

C: Thanks be to God

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PSALMODY: “Thy Word” (refrain, verse 1, refrain) WOTL

GOSPEL John 21: 15-19

The Holy Gospel according to St. John, the 21st chapter.

Glory to you, O Lord. (after the reading) The Gospel of the Lord.

Praise to you, O Christ.

THE SERMON Pastor Linda Alessandri

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THE HYMN OF THE DAY “Amazing Grace” #779


Called into unity with one another and the whole creation, let us pray for our shared

world. (A brief silence.)

God of companionship, encourage our relationships with our siblings in Christ. Bless

our conversations. Shape our shared future and give us hearts eager to join in a festal

shout of praise. Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great.

God of abundance, you make your creation thrive and grow to provide all that we need.

Inspire us to care for our environment and be attuned to where the earth is crying out.

Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great.

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God of mercy, your grace is poured out for all. Inspire authorities, judges, and

politicians to act with compassion. Teach us to overcome fear with hope, meet hate with

love, and welcome one another as we would welcome you. Protect those sent in harm’s

way for the sake of peace, especially Gavin Anderson, Ben Asbury, Richard Collins,

Cole Conrad, Matthew Donald, William Dorsky, Nick Graham, Jacob Kercheval,

Michael McKenzie III, Nathan Snell, Hunter Wiles and Ben Zinkand. Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great.

God of care, accompany all who are in deepest need. Strengthen those who are in prison

or awaiting trial.Comfort those who are sick, lonely, or abandoned especially,

Carol Shull

*Jack Latimer

*Raven Lucas

*Edward Staley



Bob Dean

*Nasrin Sotoudeh

*Karen Wyrick

*Courtney Belmont

*Caitlyn Battoe

*Debora Daniels

*Diane Pile

Sharon Hartsock

*Mike Barnhart

Danny Kiblinger


*Teresa Hoover

*Lindsey Hoover

*Johnny Wright

*Tally Uchima

*Jayne Layman

*Carolyn B.


Irene Giffin

*David Whitecraft

*Cheryl Nathan

Jim Hassinger

*Rob Johnson

*Duane Yeakle

*Sarah Duckwall

*Maxine Staley

Connie Kunkle

*Pamela Reaves Miles

*Holly & Rodney



*Susan Hutson

all who mourn the loss of Sandy Myers, and all those we name aloud or silently in our

hearts at this time. (Pause). Renew the spirits of all who call upon you. Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great.

God of community, we give thanks for this congregation. Give us passion to embrace

your mission and the vision to recognize where you are leading us. Teach us how to live

more faithfully with each other. Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great.

God of love, you gather in your embrace all who have died. Keep us steadfast in our

faith and renew our trust in your promise. Hear us, O God.

Your mercy is great.

Receive these prayers, O God, and those too deep for words; through Jesus Christ our



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P: The peace of the Lord be with you always.

C: And also with you.

P: Let us offer one another a sign of God's peace.

(Outdoor worshipers: Maintaining healthy social distancing, you may wave or bow

toward those to whom you wish peace. Those in cars may want to flash their lights, beep

or turn on wipers to pass on their peace.)


P: It's Offering Time!

C: Thanks be to God.

Thank you for your faithful generosity. May God bless what we give and use it to bring

wholeness, healing and hope to God's world. Amen

(Outdoor Worship: Offerings will be collected at the exits as you leave in your cars)


A: Lord, we know that there is much work to be done;

far more than we ever imagined. We ask that you bless these gifts,

that they be used for the work you have set before us.

C: We place our lives and trust in you. Amen.


A: Since I cannot at this moment receive you in bread and wine

according to your promise in the sacrament of Holy Communion,

C: I ask you to feed me with the manna of your Holy Spirit and

nourish me with your Holy presence. I unite myself wholly to you.

Never permit me to be separated from your love. Amen.


P: Lord, remember us in your Kingdom and teach us to pray:

C: Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us;

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and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.



P: God, the Creator, ☩ Jesus, the Christ,

and the Holy Spirit, the comforter,

bless you and keep you in eternal love.

C: Amen.

SENDING HYMN “Go My Children, with My Blessing” #543

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A: The Spirit sends us forth. Go in peace. Serve the Lord.

C: We will! Thanks be to God.

Copyright © 2020 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #31903.

New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the

United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Text and Music used with permission of Augsburg Fortress Copyright License

#SAS011903 & CCLI #1322444 Devotional taken from: New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989, Division of Christian

Education of the National Copyright © 2018 Clergy Stuff used with Permission. Find more at Council of the churches of

Christ in the United States of America. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

You can access the worship bulletin and service at (click on "Digital

Worship" and it will take you to the printed and video materials). You can also watch on the

Delaware Maryland Facebook page or YouTube (search under Delaware Maryland Synod)


Presiding Minister Rev. Linda M. Alessandri

Assisting Minister Pastor Dave Kaplan (taped worship)

TBA (outdoor worship)

Organist & Video Tech Stephen Pastena

Guitarist Bill Byers

Music Leaders Grant Wills, Aura Harbaugh-Wiles

(We practiced proper social distancing throughout this recording and drive-up service.

We pray you are blessed by this effort to provide worship on-line.)

We also Remember in Prayer:

All who mourn the loss of Sandy Myers.

Our homebound members: Francis Gift, Sari Kilheffer, Phyllis Meyers, Barbara Tyler,

Inez Winebrenner, and Dorothy Zinkand.

Military personnel serving in harm’s way: Gavin Anderson, Ben Asbury, Richard Collins,

Cole Conrad, Matthew Donald, William Dorsky, Nick Graham, Jacob Kercheval, Michael

McKenzie III, Nathan Snell, Hunter Wiles and Ben Zinkand.

Hospital Admissions: If you or a loved one has a planned or emergency admission to the

hospital, please have someone let the church office know. Though pastoral visits are not

yet permitted at hospitals, we want to hold you or your loved one in prayer.

The Readings for next week: July 5, 2020 – Zechariah 9:9-12, Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

ANNOUNCEMENTS COMING UP THIS WEEK: For the most accurate information

about church events and worship at Haven, please check the Haven website at or the Haven Facebook page for updates.

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IMPORTANT PRAYER LIST NOTE: We are trying to update our prayer list. If you

wish someone you placed on the prayer list to remain on the list, please call or e-mail the

church office this week. Usually persons remain on the prayer list for three weeks and are

then removed unless we have been told otherwise. IF someone is removed and you would

like them to be put back on, simply call or email the church office. Thank you for helping

us keep this list current.

WORSHIP AT HAVEN: For now, we will continue to have worship available on-line

AND we will also offer Drive-up & Outdoor Worship at 9:30 am at Haven IF the weather

cooperates. (Rain could endanger equipment and worship leaders.) We will put a message

on our church voice mail if worship is cancelled due to a rainy forecast.

Quick access to outdoor worship cancellation - Any time after 8:30 am on Sunday, call the

church at 301-733-5056. As soon as you hear the initial greeting, push the star button (*)

and you will be taken to the voice message about cancellations and special events. (You do

not have to listen to the entire initial greeting. Just push * after the message has started.)

Of course, we are hoping the weather cooperates, but we needed to be prepared if it does

not. And IF by chance we call off worship and it ends up being fine weather-wise at 9:30

am, please forgive us. We can only work off the information provided by weather

forecasters and storm maps. We will do our best.

PLEASE REMEMBER TO MAIL IN OR BRING YOUR OFFERING THANK YOU for your faithful stewardship to God's church. In a time when we feel so

much is out of control and chaotic, YOU profess your faith and trust in God's goodness

through your church offerings. Thank you. To God be the glory!

Lord, Your Servant Is Listening

DISCIPLESHIP OPPORTUNITIES Moving Forward Together with The Holy Sprit

CHURCH IS NOT CANCELLED. WE'RE SENT OUT TO DO GOD'S WORK! Wherever we are, we still have a mission: To honor God, to reach out with love to our

members and the community, and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. God IS with us.

God IS with you.

COLLECTION FOR HOLLY PLACE When we begin to gather again for worship, we

will resume collecting items needed for the ministry of Holly Place. Until that time, you

may send monetary donations for Holly Place and we will forward those funds to Holly

Place Alternative Living, Inc. so they can buy needed supplies during this time.

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Haven Mission Statement:

“To honor God, to reach out with love to our members and the community

and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.”