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  • 8/8/2019 SDH Layered Architecture


    Feature Articles: Telecom Operation & Management

    China Communications August200572


    This paper discusses the evolution path for core and

    metropolitan networks taking into account the cur-

    rent economic recovery as well as the changing tele-

    communications environment. At the beginning of

    the paper, the current status of core and metropoli-

    tan networks is presented, including a brief presen-

    tation of such networking technologies as: MPLS,

    Ethernet, Resilient Packet Ring (RPR), SDH/

    SONET, and OTN. Then, the evolution scenarios

    are provided in three stages: short, medium and long

    term. The following factors are taken into account

    and referred to at each step of the evolution scenario:

    available services, quality of service/traffic

    engineering, connection provisioning/connection

    set-up control methods, network resilience and other

    functions. The short term scenario involves the in-

    Planning of Optical Transport

    Networks Layered Architecture

    A. Jajszczyk A. Lason, J. Rzasa, R. Stankiewicz

    AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Telecommunications,

    Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

    e-mail: {jajszczyk, lason, rzasa, rstankie}

    M. Jaeger

    T-Systems, Goslarer Ufer 35, 10589 Berlin, Germany

    e-mail: [email protected]

    S. Spadaro, J. Sole-Pareta

    Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), C/ Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain

    e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

    troduction of reconfigurable WDM networks, while

    in the medium term the Generic Framing Procedure

    (GFP), enhanced SDH/SONET technologies, and

    Optical Transport Network (OTN) will be adopted.

    The long term scenario deals with the addition of a

    control plane, either ASON or GMPLS based.

    Key words: OTN, SDH/SONET, ethernet, RPR,

    IP, network planning, ASON/GMPLS, GFP, LCAS,



    The late 90s were boom times in the telecommuni-

    cations industry. Thousands of kilometers of fiber

    were installed, many transport systems implemented,

    dozens of new companies, both operators and vendors,

    started their fight for profit. However, the subsequent

    slowdown in the world economy has brought some


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    companies at the edge of catastrophe. Recently, the

    mood seems to start not to be so pessimistic. However,

    the question how to develop the most effective and

    cost efficient telecommunications infrastructure is of

    utmost importance. At the beginning of the paper, wepresent the architecture of current core and metro-

    politan networks and point out their main drawbacks.

    Next, we propose an evolution path which meets the

    increasing requirements for performance, function-

    ality and cost efficiency, and is applicable to both core

    and metropolitan network operators. The paper shows

    a feasible way to solve difficult task of building an

    evolution path for transport networks. The path pro-

    posed here, presents one of possible ways which the

    core and metropolitan networks may follow.Certainly, depending on the type of networks, busi-

    ness model, technical constraints, etc., a different evo-

    lution path can be drawn. For example, some tech-

    nologies may be implemented faster by a newcomer

    than by an incumbent core operator while metropoli-

    tan carriers can omit such technology at all. However,

    our evolution path seems to be representative for cur-

    rent core and metropolitan networks. During the pro-

    cess of building the evolution path, a wide range of

    issues has to be taken into account, ranging fromtechnical, economic, organizational to social ones.

    Nevertheless, our paper is mainly focused on techni-

    cal and, in some parts, economic issues.

    The following factors are taken into account at

    each step of the evolution scenario:

    services, e.g.,Bandwidth on Demand Service,

    Provisioned Bandwidth Service and Optical Vir

    tual Private Network,

    quality of service/traffic engineering,

    connection provisioning/connection set-up con

    trol methods (permanent connections (PC),

    soft-permanent connections (SPC), switched

    connections (SC)),

    resilience functions, such as protection and


    control plane functions, such as routing and


    drivers behind each step, etc.,

    All these factors will allow us to evaluate current

    as well as future steps of the evolution path in a way

    which permits network operators to offer services to

    customers. Provisioned Bandwidth Service (PBS)

    denotes here static near-real-time provisioning through

    management interfaces via a network management

    system (NMS) or an operations support system (OSS)

    with a client-server relationship between clients and

    the optical network. In contrast,Bandwidth on De-

    mand Service (BDS) denotes dynamic and real-time

    provisioning in seconds or sub-seconds with signaled

    connection requests via a User to Network Interface

    (UNI). Optical Virtual Private Network(OVPN)

    specifies a set of provided network resources, e.g.,

    link bandwidth, wavelength, and/or optical connec-

    tion ports that may be used. For clients belonging toan OVPN, a Closed User Group (CUG) and a virtual

    network are defined, where optical connections may

    be based on static or dynamic (signaled) provisioning.

    The resource visibility and its control vary depend-

    ing on the service contract.

    The organization of the remainder of this paper is

    as follows. We start with a description of the current

    status of transport and metropolitan networks. Then,

    an evolution scenario for a short term time scale is

    provided. Subsequently, medium and long term sce-narios are presented.

    Throughout the article, the authors refer to the stan-

    dardization process which is carried out by theIn-

    ternational Telecommunication Union Telecommu-

    nication Standardization Sector(ITU-T), theInternet

    Engineering Task Force (IETF) as well as theInsti-

    tute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

    Moreover, the authors refer to other bodies, e.g., the

    Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF), theMetro

    Ethernet Forum (MEF) and theResilient Packet RingAlliance (RPRA).



    We start this chapter with an overview of main net-

    working technologies used in modern transport

    networks. Next, we present the layered structure of

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    Feature Articles: Telecom Operation & Management

    China Communications August200574

    transport networks and outline their crucial


    1. Wavelength Division Multiplexing

    Todays transport networks widely use the wave-

    length division multiplexing(WDM), i.e., circuit

    switching technology and, in some cases, single-

    wavelength optical fibers, referred to as Tradi-

    tional Fiber Optics (TFO). Wavelength division

    multiplexing is deployed for point-to-point com-

    munications with manually configured links. The

    spectacular increase of the capacity aggregated

    by the fiber optics removed the bandwidth bottle-

    neck in the core, regional and metropolitan

    networks. WDM systems already installed by

    some network operators offer up to 40 Gb/s data

    rate per optical carrier and 160 carriers per fiber.

    The ITU-T recommendations specify a broad

    range of aspects related to optical networks

    including, e.g., the physical layer and WDM.

    Recommendations on the fiber optics physical

    layer are already in place (G.65x series of

    Recommendations), coarse WDM (CWDM)

    wavelength and dense WDM (DWDM) fre-

    quency grids are available as well (G.694.2 andG.694.1, respectively) [1], [2]. The recent advances

    in optical layer technology enable the architec-

    ture optimization of telecommunication transport

    networks. Currently, the main effort of equip-

    ment vendors and network operators concerns the

    architectural aspects of the optical layer. The in-

    troduction of optical cross-connects OXC and op-

    tical add-drop multiplexers (OADM) are ex-

    pected to lead to major cost reductions in over-

    all networking due to reduced electronic signal

    processing and limited use of expensive opto-

    electronic conversion.

    Besides WDM, single-wavelength fiber optics

    systems are in use as well, however, usually at much

    shorter distances (less than 50 km). Hence, the TFO

    is typically applicable to some metropolitan

    networks. Nevertheless, it is broadly believed that

    the number of traditional fiber optics systems in

    transport networks will decrease.

    2. SDH/SONET and Virtual Concatenation

    On top of WDM or TFO, the Synchronous Digital

    Hierarchy (SDH) or Synchronous Optical Network

    (SONET) is extensively used. The SDH/SONETis a circuit switching technology and is applicable

    to both metropolitan and core networks. It is well-

    understood, mature and standardized [3], [4], [5]. Since

    it was initially designed to optimize transport of

    64-kb/s-based TDM services, a rigid capacity of

    payload as well as a coarse fixed-rate multiplexing

    hierarchy was defined. Today, SDH/SONET sys-

    tems are built with bit rates as high as 10 Gb/s

    (STM-64/OC-192), with 40 Gb/s (STM-256/OC-

    768) on the horizon. Current SDH/SONET core

    networks have a switching granularity of VC-4/

    STS-3. A majority of all client networks are set up

    on top of SDH/SONET.

    By the use of Virtual Concatenation (VC)

    procedure, SDH/SONET may be improved to better

    meet todays requirements, e.g., various switching

    granularities. Virtual Concatenation [3] allows flex-

    ible concatenation of several SDH/SONET payloads.

    It assures an effective use of SDH/SONET capacity.

    Virtually concatenated payloads constitute a Virtual

    Concatenation Group (VCG). Members of a VCG,

    as opposed to contiguous concatenation, may not

    reside in the same STM-N/OC-Ncontiguously. They

    may even reside at different STM-N/OC-Ninterfaces

    and are treated within the network separately and

    independently. As a consequence, members of a

    VCG may reach the destination through various

    routes. Intermediate nodes do not need to handle

    virtual concatenation. The VC functionality must be

    implemented only at path termination nodes. This

    feature makes it possible to deploy virtual concat-

    enation on legacy SDH/SONET equipment of ex-

    isting networks, thus to smooth transition to en-

    hanced networks. On the other hand, it should be

    noted that differences in the delay of an individual

    concatenated signal may occur due to pointer pro-

    cessing at intermediate nodes. Compensation of dif-

    ferential delays is handled at the destination node.

    Another advantage of virtual concatenation is its

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    ability to divide STM-N/OC-Nbandwidth into sev-

    eral subrates. Each of the subrates may be used for

    accommodation of a different service. The band-

    width of STM-N/OC-Nmay be shared, for example,

    by both telephone service and data signals. An of-

    ten-mentioned example [6] of a practical use of vir-

    tual concatenation is Gigabit Ethernet. VC-4-16c

    (STM-16) is required to accommodate Gigabit

    Ethernet signals at full speed under conventional

    SDH. However, the capacity of 1.4 Gb/s is then

    wasted. On the other hand, contiguous concatena-

    tion of four VC-4 containers (VC-4-4c) provides too

    small capacity to fully accommodate Gigabit

    Ethernet signals. The best solution would be con-

    catenation of seven VC-4 payloads. It is possiblewith virtual concatenation. Bandwidth of 1.05 Gb/s

    provided by a VC-4-7v VCG is suitable for Gigabit

    Ethernet. More examples of bandwidth efficiency

    in carrying Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit

    Ethernet data signals in SDH with and without VC

    are shown in Table 1.

    3. Ethernet

    Ethernet networks are important clients of the trans-

    port layer. We use the termEthernetin the mean-

    ing of traditionalEthernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit

    Ethernetas well as 10 Gigabit Ethernet[7], [8]. The

    Ethernet technology is well understood and robust,

    its applicability to local computer networks cannot

    be questioned. Since years, 10 and 100 Mb/s

    Ethernets have been used for building cost effective,

    high speed data networks. In recent years, Gigabit

    Ethernet widely found its way into the metropolitan,

    regional and even wide area networks. 10 Gigabit

    Ethernet continues the evolution towards higher bit

    rates and an extended range, although, data are

    transferred by fiber links only. In this case, two

    types of physical interfaces were defined, the first

    one is suitable for local and metro area networks

    operation (LAN PHY: 10GBase-X, 10GBase-R),

    the second for wide area networks (WAN PHY:

    10GBase-W). The 10 Gigabit Ethernet standard

    proposes physical interfaces based both on single-

    and multi-mode fibers. 10 Gigabit Ethernet LAN

    PHY offers an extended reach compared to Giga-

    bit Ethernet, i.e., over a 40 km long single-mode

    fiber link. WAN PHY differs from the LAN PHY

    implementation by the use of the SDH/SONET

    framing with reduced functionality. The framing

    for WAN interfaces takes place at the WAN Inter-

    face Sublayer(WIS). The output from the WANPHY is compatible with the synchronous frame

    format (VC-4-64c or STS-192c) and can be easily

    transported over an Optical Transport Network

    (OTN). The output from the LAN PHY interface

    of 10 Gigabit Ethernet has to be adapted before

    entering the OTN. The newly proposed Generic

    Framing Procedure format promises to provide this

    function. The Ethernet technology was also pro-

    posed as the base for new high speed access

    networks. TheEthernet in the First Mile working

    group, 802.3ah, was formed within the IEEE 802.

    3 CSMA/CD working group. The scope of the work

    is the adaptation of the Ethernet technology to

    point-to-point and point-to-multipoint (E-PON)

    access networks [9]. A successful standardization

    process will extend the Ethernet coverage so that

    end-to-end Ethernet services can be offered to both

    business and residential customers. Future improve-

    ment of the quality of service functions offered in

    Ethernet networks can be achieved through the use

    of 802.1D (Class of Services) and 802.1Q (Virtual

    payload mapping bandwidth efficiency payload mapping bandwidth efficiencyEthernet (10 Mb/s) VC-3 21% VC-11-7v 89%

    Fast Ethernet (100 Mb/s) VC-4 67% VC-11-64v 98%

    Gigabit Ethernet (1 Gb/s) VC-4-16c 42% VC-4-7v 95%

    Data signalSDH without VC SDH with VC

    Table 1 Bandwidth efficiency of virtual concatenation

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    LAN) specifications. Unlike SDH/SONET, the

    Ethernet technology does not provide any fast pro-

    tection mechanism. Ethernet generally relies on the

    spanning tree protocol to eliminate all loops from

    a switched network. Even though the spanning tree

    protocol can be used to achieve path redundancy,

    it recovers comparatively slowly from a fiber cut,

    as the recovery mechanism requires the failure con-

    dition to be propagated serially to each upstream

    node. IEEE 802.1DRapid Spanning Tree Protocol

    (RSTP) improves resiliency of the Ethernet [10].

    However, SDH/SONET-like services still cannot

    be guaranteed, hence, the Ethernet suffers from in-

    ability to provide carrier class services. Although,

    some early works have been done by the MetroEthernet Forum in its specification [11], it seems that

    it is still too early to fully introduce Ethernet based

    carrier-class services in the metro. Metro Service

    Model Phase 1 proposes service building blocks or

    service attributes and specifies how to build an

    Ethernet service. Such services, described as

    Ethernet Line, i.e., point-to-point services and

    Ethernet LAN, i.e., multipoint-to-multipoint

    service, may be offered over fiber, SDH/SONET

    or WDM technology.

    4. Resilient Packet Ring

    Resilient Packet Ring is a new technology for ring-

    based metropolitan area networks that enables an

    efficient transfer of data traffic as well as fast pro-

    tection mechanisms. RPR technology, which was

    standardized as IEEE 802.17 RPR, is based on two

    symmetric counter-rotating rings that carry data and

    control information [12]. Additionally, the ring to-

    pology based on RPR is also studied by ITU-T.

    Specifically, ITU-T Recommendation X.87 speci-

    fiesMultiple Services Ring(MSR) based on RPR

    and a way of multi-service provision over RPR[13].

    RPR is designed to operate over a variety of physi-

    cal layers, including SDH/SONET, Gigabit

    Ethernet, DWDM and dark fiber, and is expected

    to work over higher-speed physical layers. Some

    RPR technology features (distributed control,

    scalability in speed and number of nodes, plug-and-

    play operation, support various classes of traffic,

    advanced protection mechanism, etc.) triggered

    many pre-standard installations by some players in

    the telecommunications market (e.g., Sprint,

    Luminous, Bell Canada, MCI and SUNET). Thefirst major pre-IEEE 802.17 RPR standard deploy-

    ments were Dynamic Packet Transport (Cisco Sys-

    tems proprietary solution) networks introduced by

    Sprint in 1999 and Macedonia Telecom and China

    Telecom in 2001.

    RPR technology implements the spatial reuse,

    which increases the overall aggregate bandwidth

    of the ring. Unicast frames are removed from the

    ring at their destination, which means that they

    occupy bandwidth on the links from source to des-tination only. RPR networks support three class of

    traffic. Specifically, IEEE 802.17 RPR supports

    three types of services, namely Class A, Class B

    and Class C. The Class A service is designed to

    support real-time applications that require a guar-

    anteed bandwidth and low jitter while the Class B

    service is dedicated to near real-time applications

    that are less delay-sensitive but that still require

    some bandwidth guarantees. Finally, The Class C

    service implements the best-effort traffic class. This

    service is subject to weighted fairness mechanisms,

    which ensure that each station gets its fair share of

    the bandwidth available.

    Two protection mechanisms may be used: steering

    and wrapping, both of which provide fast protection

    switching comparable with that of SDH/SONET

    networks. Neither of these mechanisms requires dedi-

    cated protection resources. RPR protection mecha-

    nisms have been designed and optimized to maintain

    the network connectivity and to minimize the packet

    losses in case of fiber cuts or node failures.

    RPR seems to be a promising technology, since

    most of the major carriers have actively participated

    in the standardization process and have shown much

    interest in the evolution of the standard. RPR sys-

    tems are seen by many carriers as the inevitable suc-

    cessors to SDH/SONET ADM-based rings. Indeed,

    RPR network may provide performance-monitoring

    features similar to those of SDH and, at the same

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    time, maintain Ethernets advantages (e.g., low

    equipment cost, high bandwidth granularity and sta-

    tistical multiplexing capability). We can note that

    inability to operate over multiple rings may impede

    implementation of RPR in some areas.

    5. Multiprotocol Label Switching

    Multiprotocol Label Switching(MPLS) is a connec-

    tion oriented packet switching technique providing

    mechanisms for engineering network traffic patterns

    independently of routing tables. MPLS assigns short,

    fixed-length (20-bit) labels to network packets that

    describe how to forward them through the network.

    In an MPLS environment, the analysis of the packet

    header is performed just once, when the packet en-

    ters the MPLS domain. Label forwarding tables in

    routers store information on where to forward the

    packets. Additional information can be assigned with

    a label, such as class-of-service (CoS) values that

    can be used to prioritize packet forwarding. Usage

    of MPLS is not limited to IP networks. It may peer

    with ATM or Frame Relay networks. Appropriate

    standards were defined by IETF [14], [15], [16]. Label

    switched path may be tunneled (extended) in such

    networks. This functionality extends capabilities ofIP services. Currently, the two main roles of MPLS

    are traffic engineering and Virtual Private Network

    support. MPLS provides functional traffic engineer-

    ing capabilities required to implement policies that

    facilitate efficient and reliable network operations

    in an MPLS domain. MPLS decouples the routing

    and forwarding functionality. Finding an optimal

    routing scenario in presence of constraints imposed

    by limited capacity of connections and network to-

    pology is facilitated. These capabilities can be used

    to optimize the utilization of network resources and

    to enhance traff ic oriented performance

    characteristics. MPLS TE (MPLS Traffic

    Engineering) provides capabilities for traffic

    tunneling, load balancing and explicit routing.

    Moreover, it eliminates the need for manual setting

    up of explicit routes. TE functionality encompasses

    also resilience issues. MPLS provides fast protec-

    tion and restoration mechanisms. The network re-

    covers dynamically from a failure by adapting its

    topology to a new set of constraints. MPLS VPNs

    do not need a predefined logical or virtual channel

    provisioned between two endpoints to establish a

    connection between the two endpoints. Traffic of

    various users is treated separately within the MPLS

    network without the need for encryption or tunnel-

    ing at lower layers. MPLS VPNs are scalable (as

    opposed to connection oriented Frame Relay (FR)

    or ATM VPNs requiring hundreds of virtual chan-

    nels for each closed group of users). Moreover,

    MPLS provides a capability for consolidation of data,

    voice and video services. Each VPN may use its own

    independent addressing plan. An incumbent opera-

    tor does not need to change its addressing plan whiledeploying an MPLS VPN. MPLS also facilitate

    Quality of Service (QoS) assurance but it must be

    remembered that putting it on a par with QoS archi-

    tectures such as IntServ and DiffServ is a miscon-

    ception [17]. Its role is different. IntServ and DiffServ

    network models are not dependent on OSI/ISO layer

    2 technologies and define a general QoS architec-

    ture for IP networks, which can integrate different

    transmission technologies in one IP network. MPLS

    is another networking technique, like ATM andFrame Relay, defined in layers 2 and 3. MPLS was

    originally intended to simplify packet forwarding in

    routers rather than to address service quality. Some

    features of MPLS can facilitate the QoS assurance.

    It can extend IntServ and DiffServ capabilities to a

    wider range of platforms beyond the IP environment.

    It facilitates offering IP QoS services via FR or ATM

    networks. Other MPLS features, such as capabili-

    ties for load balancing, flow control, explicit rout-

    ing and tunneling are also important from the QoSperspective [17].

    6. The architecture of current core and metro-

    politan networks

    The circuit switched voice traffic was tradition-

    ally a major part of the traffic in core and metro-

    politan networks. Recently, however, besides the

    voice traffic, leased lines service has become an

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    Feature Articles: Telecom Operation & Management

    China Communications August200578

    important source of profits for networks operators.

    Additionally, it usually consumes a large part of

    the networks capacity. As the data, which may

    be identified with IP traffic, proceeds from

    narrowband towards broadband connections, it

    starts to play the dominant role in transport

    networks. Usually, IP routers are simply connected

    by SDH/SONET links with STM-16/OC-48 or

    STM-64/OC-192 interfaces. If protection is needed,

    the connections are transported over SDH/SONET.

    Otherwise, if it is sufficient to provide resilience

    purely at the IP layer, the IP router connections are

    directly mapped into static WDM wavelength-

    based connections. The MPLS technology, which

    additionally improves the functionality of the IPlayer, is installed in IP networks today. Resilience

    functions are possible at the MPLS layer and may

    be implemented on a per service basis in future

    networks.Broadband Leased Lines Services are

    based on SDH/SONET as well as on WDM

    technologies. At the same time, the position of dark

    fiber services is continuously decreasing. The trans-

    port of voice traffic is mainly performed by SDH/

    SONET networks, however, the role of packet

    switching technologies, mainly the IP protocol, is

    growing. It can be noted that voice traffic may be

    conveyed by IP protocol over SDH/SONET tech-

    nology or by IP over MPLS over SDH/SONET or

    by MPLS without usage of the IP protocol. A way

    in which voice payload may be directly encapsu-

    lated is defined in [18]. In this paper we use the term

    voice over IP to indicate that voice is transported

    over packet switching technologies. The protocol

    stack for the current transport networks is shown

    in Figure 1.


    Currently, the core and metropolitan networks pro-

    vide Provisioned Bandwidth Service at the IP and

    the SDH/SONET layer. Additionally, it is possible

    to offer VPN services at the IP, WDM and SDH/

    SONET layers. At both, the SDH/SONET and WDM

    layers, service provisioning may be very time

    consuming, particularly at the WDM layer, where

    provisioning of a service is a mostly manual process.


    Referring to the QoS and traffic engineering (TE)

    features the situation is nearly the same in the coreand metropolitan networks. At the IP layer, MPLS

    supports traffic engineering, but quality of service

    parameters are still insufficient for a majority of ser-

    vice providers. QoS at the SDH/SONET usually

    meets expectations of users.

    Connection provisioning

    It can be noted that at the IP layer switched connec-

    tions may be provisioned while the SDH/SONET

    technology allows only permanent and soft-perma-

    nent connections. At the WDM layer, permanentmanually configured connections are feasible only.

    Hence, connection provisioning may be very

    laborious, time consuming and expensive. It seems

    that such a functionality, in most cases, is sufficient

    for operators of core networks. In contrast, in the

    metropolitan networks there is a growing demand

    for fast connection provisioning.


    Protection relies on pre-provisioned backup

    resources, whereas restoration, in principle, assigns

    backup resources only after the occurrence of a

    failure. Currently, both protection and restoration are

    possible in the core and metropolitan networks at

    the MPLS/IP level, while only protection mecha-

    nisms are provided at the SDH/SONET layer.


    Several factors play a significant role in the evolu-

    tion of current transport networks. The growing vol-

    ume of data traffic to be transported over networFig.1 Current transport networks - protocol stack

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    ks is commonly referred to as an important driver

    impacting the transformation of the network

    architecture. However, especially in the developed

    world, dozens national and international fiber

    backbones have been installed. Hence, besides

    some developing countries, there is no need for

    new fiber links crossing continents. The situation

    in the metropolitan areas is similar, even though

    it seems that there is still some room for new

    installations. Therefore, especially in the short

    term perspective, drivers different from those

    purely increasing demand for bandwidth are ex-

    pected to dominate. Taking into account the world-

    wide economic slowdown, which we experienced

    in last years, the huge investments done recentlyby telecommunications operators and the strong

    competition on the telecommunications services

    market, it is obvious that cost reduction will be

    the predominant design constraint of the future

    transport networks. Spending of telecommunica-

    tion operators can be reduced by limiting the nec-

    essary capital expenditures (CAPEX) on one side,

    and by optimizing the network operational costs

    (OPEX) on the other. Possible savings in opera-

    tional expenditures together with enhanced net-

    work flexibility will be critical for the commer-

    cial success of network operators.



    The first step on the evolution path to cost reduc-

    tion and increased network flexibility is the in-

    troduction of integrated and reconfigurable WDM

    systems (denoted here as rWDM). This step

    complements the need for increased bandwidth

    and the need for cost reduction at the lowest opti-

    cal layer of the transport network. So far, at the

    WDM layer there are mostly static cross-connect-

    ing elements. It is not possible to allow in-service

    selection of the optical channel to be switched,

    added or dropped by the use of software control.

    Instead of early deployed point-to-point WDM

    systems, future systems will deploy a wavelength-

    routed network. It may be accomplished by the

    use of flexible or reconfigurable optical add/drop

    multiplexers, optical cross-connects, as well as

    tunable lasers and receivers. Hence, Leased Line

    Service and Ethernet will be increasingly basedon the optical layer. Improvement of flexibility

    seems to be particularly important in metropoli-

    tan networks, whereas in the core, usually

    underutilized links do not have to be equipped

    with reconfigurable elements.

    In the metro environment, some (mainly

    newcomer) operators will deploy Gigabit Ethernet

    and RPR technology-based networks. Furthermore,

    single-wavelength fiber optics systems will play a

    minor role in the transport networks. The layeredarchitecture for the short term scenario with

    reconfigurable WDM is shown in Figure 2.


    At this evolution step, the IP and SDH/SONET

    layer service provisioning is still time consuming

    and static in both metropolitan and core networks.

    However, the introduction of reconfigurable ele-

    ments at the WDM layer allows network operators

    to offer PBS at the optical level. In contrast to the

    current situation, service provisioning at the opti-

    cal layer may be performed faster. In addition to

    permanent and soft-permanent connections, which

    are feasible at the IP and SDH/SONET layers, in

    WDM networks with reconfigurable elements it

    will be possible to provision connections via the

    management plane. Additionally, in the metropoli-

    Fig.2 Network Evolution - reconfigurability at

    the WDM layer

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    tan networks flexibility of services may be im-

    proved by the increased number of Ethernet and

    RPR installations.


    Traffic engineering aspects do not change at this

    stage. Similarly, the QoS remains the same in the

    core networks. However, in the metropolitan area

    quality of service may be slightly augmented by

    implementation of RSTP and RPR.

    Connection Provisioning

    At this stage, rWDM will boost the connection

    provisioning in the core and metropolitan

    networks. Additionally, wider, than in the previ-

    ous phase, implementation of Ethernet and RPR

    will increase the capability to deliver connections/services to customers.


    At the IP and SDH/SONET layers, resilience re-

    mains the same as in the previous scenario, i.e.,

    IP uses its rerouting capability in failure cases and

    SDH/SONET offers pre-provisioned protection

    options. At the reconfigurable WDM layer, at this

    stage, it will be possible to perform pre-provi-

    sioned protection, i.e., an rWDM device may de-

    tect a Loss of Signal (LOS) and automatically

    switch traffic from a faulty to a pre-provisioned

    working link. However, proper procedures to co-

    ordinate protection/restoration mechanisms at the

    electrical and the optical layers to provide a sur-

    vivable network with QoS support and race con-

    ditions avoidance mechanisms have to be

    implemented. Similarly as for core networks, re-

    silience in some metropolitan networks will be

    affected by the introduction of reconfigurability

    at the WDM layer. In other networks, the imple-

    mentation of RPR may help network operators to

    ensure efficient protection at the required level.


    Strong competition on the market and continuously

    decreasing profit margins will force telecommuni-

    cation operators to find new customers and to of-

    fer new services. This cannot be done using the

    business model based on the cost reduction only.

    We believe that the offer of new services is the key

    for success. The development of applications as-

    suring fast and reliable access to remote resources

    - data storage applications, network-wide compu-

    tation services, virtual reality - will affect network

    architectures as well. This can be translated into

    technical requirements as a need for flexible and

    standard framing methods for a wide range of cli-

    ent signals, starting fromFiber ChannelorEnter-

    prise Systems Connection (ESCON) formats to

    Ethernet or IP protocols. However, at this stage,

    there is still a problem with adapting the SDH/

    SONET layer for transporting data traffic with ei-

    ther block-coded data streams such asFiber Chan-

    nelor Fiber Connection (FICON) or packet-ori-

    ented data streams, such as IP/PPP or Ethernet.Moreover, the legacy infrastructure in both core and

    metropolitan networks does not have the ability to

    adjust already established connections to changing

    conditions in the network. The equipment and/or

    control software are needed to allow a network

    operator fast adaptation to needs of a customer. This

    is particularly true for metropolitan networks.

    Hence, the TDM infrastructure, i.e., the voice ori-

    ented technology, has to be adapted to the data cen-

    tric environment with proper flexibility and adapt-ability for the changing requirements. The need for

    cost effective solutions is still essential for network

    operators. The cost reduction may be achieved by

    transition of data transport and switching from the

    electrical to optical domain. Therefore, the core as

    well as metropolitan networks should be continu-

    ously transformed towards the optical domain.


    1. Implementation of Generic Framing Procedure

    In this phase, the Generic Framing Procedure (GFP)

    will be implemented. The Generic Framing Proce-

    dure defines a very effective way of mapping a wide

    variety of data signals into transport networks [19]. It

    adapts traffic from higher-layer client signals over

    SDH/SONET, OTN or dark fiber into a common

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    format. The ITU-T recommendation defines two

    transport modes. The first mode, referred to as

    Frame-Mapped GFP(GFP-F), is optimized for the

    adaptation of PDU-oriented streams such as IP, na-

    tive PPP, MPLS or Ethernet traffic. The second

    mode, optimized for block-code-oriented streams,

    is called Transparent GFP(GFP-T). This mode is

    used for Gigabit Ethernet, Fiber Channel, FICON

    and ESCON traffic. Both transport modes may co-

    exist within the same transport channel. GFP ad-

    dresses requirements of delay-sensitive applications

    such as storage area network (SAN). It is also ex-

    pected to support the new IEEE 802.17 RPR

    standard. Another advantage of GFP is its particular

    suitability to high-speed transmission links stemmingfrom reduction of processing requirements for data

    link mappers/demappers as well as simplification of

    receiver logic [20]. At this stage, it seems that the cen-

    ter of gravity will shift towards services offered

    through GFP over WDM rather than SDH/SONET

    over WDM. Functionally, GFP consists of common

    and client-specific aspects. The former apply to all

    traffic. It encompasses data link synchronization and

    scrambling, PDU delineation, PDU multiplexing and

    client-independent performance monitoring. The

    client-specific aspects include mapping of particu-

    lar client PDUs into the GFP frame, client-specific

    performance monitoring and OA&M functionality.

    Interrelation between GFP-F, GFP-T, the client-spe-

    cific and common aspects as well as GFP relation-

    ship to client signals is shown in Figure 3.

    Examples of client payloads that can be mapped

    on SDH/SONET via GFP are as follows [21]:

    Fiber Channel (850/1062.5 Mb/s);

    VC-4-6v/STS-3c-6v (900 Mb/s);

    Gigabit Ethernet (1000/1250 Mb/s);

    VC-4-7v/ STS-3c-7v (1050 Mb/s); FICON (850/1062.5 Mb/s);

    VC-4-6v/ STS-3c-6v (900 Mb/s).

    At the same time more efficient use of avail-

    able network resources will be achieved. For many

    metropolitan areas it seems that there is still some

    room for resource usage optimization on the per

    day basis. Together with the switching capability,

    capacity of links used by business customers dur-

    ing the day can be re-used for residential users in

    the evening. Such a resource usage optimizationat the medium time scale can be achieved at this

    stage by the use of theLink Capacity Adjustment

    Scheme (LCAS) protocol with support of agile

    management systems. LCAS [22] is an extension

    to Virtual Concatenation. It allows the dynamic

    alteration of bandwidth of SDH/SONET transport

    pipes. This is a key functionality for the transport

    of data-traffic coming from IP-applications while

    saving bandwidth. The number of concatenated

    payloads may be increased or decreased at any

    time without affecting traffic currently being sent.

    Moreover, LCAS will automatically decrease the

    capacity if a member of a VCG experiences a fail-

    ure in the network, and LCAS will increase the

    capacity when the network recovers. When one

    of the constituent channels experiences a failure,

    the failed channel will be automatically removed

    while the remaining channels are still working.

    Thus, the available bandwidth will be lowered but

    the connection will be maintained. It can be noted

    that such a solution provides a lower probability

    of a complete connection failure in the system.

    The synchronization between endpoints during the

    addition or deletion of channels to a VCG is done

    via signaling. Similarly, single-wavelength fiber

    optics systems will be less used due to still in-

    creasing traffic. Their use will be mostly limited

    to access and metro areas. The development of

    new telecommunication services will also impose

    Fig.3 GFP mapping relationships

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    more stringent requirements on methods respon-

    sible for providing and controlling services with

    guaranteed quality. Presumably, the growing

    amount of voice traffic and data traffic with strin-

    gent requirements will be conveyed by the IP/

    MPLS and Differentiated Services (DiffServ)

    networks, which will be introduced at this stage.

    Differentiated Services architecture is a solution

    for providing different levels of service quality[23]. Independent flows choose one of the limited

    number of predefined services. Flows (packets)

    that choose the same service are aggregated and

    receive the same level of QoS. Aggregated packet

    processing by a network node is calledPer Hop

    Behavior(PHB). Currently, the DiffServ archi-tecture defines expedited forwarding (EF) [24] and

    assured forwarding (AF) PHBs [23] beyond the best-

    effort service. Traffic entering a network is clas-

    sified and conditioned at the boundaries of the

    network. Active queue management mechanisms

    within a DiffServ domain are responsible for in-

    telligent dropping of packets not conforming to a

    contract between a customer and an operator.

    In metro environments, it seems that the

    Ethernet as well as RPR standard systems will be

    widely deployed at this stage. Dynamic develop-

    ment of the Ethernet networks will probably es-

    sentially impact services offered in packet

    switched networks as well. In the medium term

    perspective, high speed, widely used and matured

    IP networks with MPLS support will be used for

    circuit emulation and for transparent transport of

    ATM, FR, Ethernet or even SDH data units. Such

    a network architecture - the architecture enabling

    transfer of layer two data units (e.g., Ethernet) over

    layer three (IP or IP/MPLS) may be very interest-

    ing for low cost and efficient interconnection of

    different network domains in highly competitive

    metropolitan environment. The IETF has already

    published first RFC standard on architecture of

    Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3)

    services [25]. Next documents are expected to deal

    with mapping procedures for encapsulation of

    specific technologies, set-up and maintenance of

    the tunnel for data encapsulation, traffic policing,

    data fragmentation, connection verification and

    others. Internet drafts on the enumerated issues

    are already available at the web site of PWE3

    working group [26]. Taking into account introduc-

    tion of PWE3 services, layered architecture of

    transport network for the medium term scenario

    is shown in Figure 4.


    Under this scenario, at both core and metropolitan

    networks, at the IP level, Provisioned Bandwidth

    Service and Bandwidth on Demand Service may be

    offered while in rWDM networks still the former

    one only. Due to the introduction of LCAS it is pos-

    sible to dynamically increase or decrease the band-

    width of a connection at the SDH/SONET layer.

    Hence, the SDH/SONET better meets user

    requirements. Non-broadband connections such as

    STM-1/OC-3, up to now realized by using the SDH/

    SONET technology, will be provided by the IP/

    MPLS protocol as well. At the optical layer, only

    high bandwidth connections may be offered.

    Moreover, it seems that at this stage pseudo wire

    emulation service will be implemented.


    In the core networks, the QoS remains the same as

    in the previous scenario while quality in the metro-

    Fig.4 Transport Network Evolution - implemen-

    tation of GFP

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    politan networks may be enhanced by DiffServ. Traf-

    fic engineering, however, may be improved by

    implementation of LCAS in both core and metro-

    politan networks.

    Connection Provisioning

    At this stage, the connection provisioning capabil-

    ity remains the same as in the previous scenario.


    In the previous evolution steps, protection and/or

    restoration mechanisms were available not only at

    the SDH/SONET layer but also realized at the IP

    layer using MPLS functions, and at the WDM layer.

    In a network based on IP over rWDM with GFP

    framing, regardless of type of network, majority of

    functions of the next generation SDH/SONET (NG-SDH/SONET) technology, including resilience

    aspects, will be distributed over the IP and rWDM

    layers. NG-SDH/SONET denotes here SDH/

    SONET with the VC and LCAS functionality. The

    need for proper coordination of protection/restora-

    tion mechanisms is still valid.

    2. Introduction of Optical Transport Network

    An Optical Transport Network (OTN) is composed

    of a set of optical network elements connected byoptical fiber links. An OTN is able to provide func-

    tionality of transporting, multiplexing, routing,

    management, supervision and survivability of op-

    tical channels carrying client signals. A distin-

    guishing characteristic of the OTN is its provi-

    sion of transport for any digital signal indepen-

    dently of client-specific aspects, i.e., it provides

    client independence. As such, according to the

    general functional modelling described in [27], the

    OTN boundary is placed across the Optical Chan-

    nel/Client adaptation, in a way to include the

    server specific processes and leaving out the cli-

    ent specific processes. The client specific pro-

    cesses related to Optical Channel/Client adapta-

    tion are described in Recommendation G.709 [28],[29]. The standardization process of the OTN is

    conducted by the ITU-T. Namely, ITU-T Study

    Group 15 has been designated as a Lead Study

    Group for two important activities - the project

    onAccess Network Transport (ANT) and Optical

    Transport Networks & Technologies (OTNT). The

    OTNT Standardization Work Plan describes the

    activities towards the specification of architectures

    and technologies forMetropolitan Optical Net-works (MON), as well asLong Haul Optical Net-

    works (LHON) [29]. The main difference between

    these two networking domains is the network re-

    quirements posed by telecommunications

    operators. The main driver forcing the evolution

    of metropolitan optical networks is low cost

    connectivity. This drives the adaptation of the lo-

    cal area network technologies (e.g., Ethernet). On

    the other hand, pervasive ring topologies force the

    introduction of RPR technology in the metropoli-tan networks. The issue of service dynamics also

    has to be considered. An increased demand for

    fast provisioned data transmission services char-

    acterizes rather metropolitan than long haul opti-

    cal networks. The technologies considered to sup-

    port MON include SDH/SONET, DWDM/

    CWDM, Optical Ethernet, RPR and APON/EPON

    (ATM/Ethernet PON) [29]. The most promising

    technologies applicable to LHON implementation

    include almost the same set of technologies, ex-

    cluding probably RPR and APON/EPON. The key

    recommendations on the OTN transport plane are

    at hand. A framework for OTN as well as refer-

    ences for definitions of high-level characteristics

    of OTN along with a description of the relevant

    ITU-T Recommendations is provided in G.871 [30].

    The network architecture is characterized in G.

    872 [31]. G.709 defines the interfaces of the opti-

    cal transport network to be used within and be-

    tween subnetworks of the optical network, par-

    ticularly the optical transport hierarchy (OTH),

    functionality of the overhead in support of multi-

    wavelength optical networks, frame structures, bit

    rates and formats for mapping client signals [28].

    G.806, G.798 and G. 805 specify the equipment

    functionality [32], [33], [27]. At the same time, G.874,

    G.874.1 and G.7710 describe equipment manage-

    ment functions of transport network elements [34],[35], [36]. Specifications of protection switching in

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    OTNs, e.g., G.808.1 and G.873.1, are available

    as well [37], [38]. G.8201 and G.8251 are related to

    the error performance parameters for multi-opera-

    tor international links and the control of jitter and

    wander within OTN [39], [40]. The physical issues,

    besides [1] and [2], i.e., the physical layerinter-do-

    main interface (IrDI) specifications for optical

    networks, are provided in G.959.1 [41]. The intro-

    duction of the OTN at the optical layer will en-

    able telecommunications operators to provide

    digital services of controlled quality to the most

    important customers, customers requesting high

    data rate and high quality services. OTN support-

    ing protection at the optical layer is the step at the

    network evolution path supporting the demand forhigh quality services, while implementation of

    restoration protocols at the same time will addi-

    tionally assure better resource usage and prom-

    ises cost reduction for offered services. The lay-

    ered architecture for the medium term scenario

    with OTN is presented in Figure 5.


    The implementation of the OTN ensures that digital

    optical services may be offered, in contrast to the purely

    analogue WDM technology. OTN guarantees client

    independence, hence, a wide range of client signals after

    GFP encapsulation may be transparently conveyed.


    The introduction of OTN allows network operators

    to ensure QoS parameters at the optical layer. This

    can be achieved due to the Reed-Salomon 16 byte-

    interleaved forward error control(FEC), as de-

    scribed in G.709 [28]. Additionally, some proprietary

    FEC schemes are allowed and even better param-

    eters of optical signal may be achieved. Moreover,

    OTN connection monitoring capabilities allow op-

    eration in a multicarrier environment. Namely, G.

    8201 defines error performance events, parameters

    and objectives forOptical Channel Data Unit

    (ODUk) paths of the OTN [39].

    Soft-permanent and permanent connections will

    be provisioned by using the OTN technology.Moreover, at the OTN layer, connection monitoring

    will be conducted. Therefore, connection provision-

    ing capabilities will be increased. Additionally, due

    to introduction of FEC, the strong limitation on some

    parameters of optical elements may be reduced.

    Hence, more economical network elements may be

    used. Furthermore, in contrast to current networks,

    longer transparent optical paths may be established.


    At the optical layer, besides LOS, a link or path deg-radation may be detected and proper mechanisms will

    be used to protect data traffic. The process of path

    selection for protection/restoration will be presum-

    ably performed in the management plane. G873.1

    defines the APS protocol and protection switching

    operation for the linear protection schemes for the

    OTN at the ODUk level [38]. This recommendation

    defines subnetwork connection protection with a

    sublayer, inherent and non-intrusive monitoring.


    It seems that at this stage three main drivers will force

    the development of both core and metropolitan

    networks. Firstly, the voice revenue will dramatically

    drop. The growing number of mobile telephony users

    on one hand along with the increasing number of cli-

    ents using packet voice techniques on the other, will

    probably dry up todays main revenue stream. Hence,

    the pressure on carriers to find new sources of revenues

    will grow. Secondly, the number of broadband users

    Fig.5 Transport Network Evolution - OTN imple-


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    will likely multiply. Ubiquitous broadband service of-

    fered to thousands of clients may force operators to

    transform their infrastructures towards networks with

    data centric technologies only. Additionally, broadband

    services may cannibalize the traditional voice service

    offered by operators by common usage of packet

    telephony, which may hasten the withdrawal from fixed

    telephony. Thirdly, it seems that the market for corpo-

    rate telecom service will grow. Hence, network op-

    erators may start to offer new and more intelligent

    services. They can take part in the growing trend to-

    wards outsourcing and offer, for example, not only

    dumb connections but a whole package of services. It

    can be hosting the IT equipment, the management of

    data centers, the backup or disaster recovery serviceor a new comprehensive service. Such a single inte-

    grated service may be combination of knowledge

    about networks, possessed by network operators, and

    skills related to software integration, which is per-

    formed today by the IT sector. An example of such a

    convergence is the voice over IP (VoIP) technology.

    Undoubtedly, the key issue is the ability to offer flex-

    ible and customer tailored services. Hence, automated,

    or so-called intelligent network is a matter of ut-

    most importance.


    1. Implementation of Automatically Switched

    Optical Network

    The introduction of intelligence (by means of sig-

    naling and routing protocols) in multilayer optical net-

    works will enable network operators to meet emerging

    requirements, such as: dynamic and rapid provision-

    ing of connections, automatic topology discovery and

    network inventory, reactive traffic engineering, and

    faster optical restoration. All these functions and fea-

    tures are important for the implementation of cost

    optimized, high quality telecommunication services

    offered in a flexible, high data rate telecommunication

    network. TheAutomatically Switched Optical Network

    (ASON), and its more generic counterpart, i.e.,Auto-

    matic Switched Transport Networks (ASTN), are a set

    of control plane components which provide the possi-

    bility of setting up, maintaining and releasing connec-

    tions [42], [43]. By using ASON, networks operators will

    be able to offer services which may be initiated by a

    client through the UNI interface [42]. ASON as well as

    ASTN, which are being developed by Study Group 15

    of ITU-T, is the architecture that defines components

    and a set of reference points and rules which must be

    applied at the interface between clients and the net-

    work as well as between networks. The architecture

    defined by ITU-T is protocol independent and suffi-

    ciently generic to support various business

    requirements. The control model assumed in the archi-

    tecture is the overlay model while connections may bysignaled or may be provisioned in a hybrid way [42].

    ITU-T Recommendation G.7714 describes the speci-

    fications for automatic discovery techniques to aid re-

    source management and routing in the ASON networks[44]. G.7713 provides the requirements for the distrib-

    uted call and connection management for both the User

    Network Interface (UNI) and theNetwork Node Inter-

    face (NNI) [45]. G.7713.1 is the answer for the require-

    ments provided in [45] and is based on the PNNI/Q.2931[46]. Meanwhile, G.7713.2 meets the same requirements

    but is based on the RSVP-TE [47]. In G.7715, the re-

    quirements and architecture for the ASON routing func-

    tions used for the establishment ofswitched connec-

    tions (SC) andsoft-permanent connections (SPC) are

    specified [48]. However, the protocol-neutral require-

    ments for a hierarchical link state routing protocol are

    provided in a newly proposed G.7715.1 [49]. The trans-

    port of distributed call and connection management and

    signaling messages may be performed by a data com-

    munication network (DCN) described in [50]. The Opti-

    cal Internetworking Forum proposed the User Network

    Interface (UNI) 1.0 Signaling Specification [51]. OIF is

    a non-profit organization with the aim to foster devel-

    opment and deployment of interoperable products and

    services for data switching and routing using optical

    networking technologies. The organization, which has

    the official liaisons with ATM Forum, IEEE 802.3,

    IETF and ITU-T SG 15, has six working groups. The

    groups cover a wide range of technical issues related

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    to optical networks. OIF Implementation Agreement

    OIF-CDR-01.0 specifies the usage of measurement

    functions that an Optical Switching System will need

    to perform in order to enable carriers to bill for OIF

    UNI 1.0 optical connections using their legacy billing

    systems [52]. It also specifies three formats for storing

    these usage records in files for processing by the

    carriers billing systems. OIF-SEP-01.1 defines a com-

    mon Security Extension for securing the protocols used

    in UNI and NNI [53]. The OIF-E-NNI-01.0 specifies of

    External NNI(E-NNI) signaling abstract messages,

    attributes, and flows for end-to-end dynamic establish-

    ment of transport connections across multiple control

    domains and, so far, applies to SDH/SONET connec-

    tion services only[54]

    . It can be noted that with ASON,Generalized MPLS(GMPLS) family protocols may

    be used as well, e.g.,Resource Reservation Protocol -

    Traffic Engineering(RSVP-TE) [55]. On the other hand,

    there are some differences which can make the pro-

    cess of reusing GMPLS tools in the ASON scenario

    difficult for networks operators. Firstly, UNI is not a

    trusted reference point, and hides all routing and ad-

    dressing information pertaining to the interior of the

    network from the user. Moreover, a user belongs to a

    different address space than the internal network nodes.

    Hence, the ASON scenario may be identified with the

    overlay model only. Secondly, the ASON concept as-

    sumes a distinction between call and connection sig-

    naling which is not present in the GMPLS set.

    Therefore, from todays point of view, in some areas

    the GMPLS set is well suited to operate over the ASON

    architecture and at the same time some mechanisms

    taken from the ITU-T and IETF standardization seem

    incoherent. Furthermore, ASON focuses merely on

    SDH/SONET, OTN and PDH while GMPLS embraces

    packet, time-division, wavelength and spatial switching.

    However, the authors believe that a solution based on

    a constructive compromise between ITU, IETF as well

    as OIF will be found.

    Essential advances in optical technology will prob-

    ably enable a new transfer mode of data in optical

    networks. In the long term scenario, at the edge of next

    generation optical networks, data addressed to a par-

    ticular destination will be collected together and formed

    into an optical data unit, referred to as burst. The burst

    is to be forwarded towards destination with the use of

    any available wavelength. All the control information

    necessary to transfer the burst to the final destination

    will be sent with by using an out of band control chan-nel (next wavelength, for example). The optical net-

    work adapting the presented idea is referred as Optical

    Burst Switching(OBS) network. Bursts, composed of

    data of distinct users, can share in an OBS network a

    single wavelength. It is expected that OBS networks

    will offer much higher flexibility, will increase network

    resource utilization ratio and will essentially improve

    efficiency of the optical and IP network interface. In

    the perspective of long term scenario it is expected that

    some open issues specific to OBS networks will besolved, for example, optical routing protocols, QoS

    assurance, burst assembly procedures, resource

    reservation, as well as security issues. The layered ar-

    chitecture of future transport networks with possible

    implementation of the OBS idea in the transport plane

    is shown in Figure 6.


    The implementation of ASON or GMPLS in both core

    and metropolitan networks significantly changes the

    spectrum of services offered to customers. Under this

    scenario,Bandwidth on Demand Service (BDS) is in-

    troduced at the optical layer. Therefore, a client may

    Fig.6 Transport Network Evolution - implementation of


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    request a connection through the UNI interface.

    However, under UNI 1.0 specification it is possible to

    create and delete SDH and SONET connections only.

    The authors believe that a later version of the UNI speci-

    fication will improve the functionality of the current

    UNI interface. Additionally, ASON enabled transport

    networks will allow network operators to offer optical

    VPNs created and modified on demand.


    At this stage, the QoS issues remain the same as in

    the previous scenario. However, the implementation

    of ASON or GMPLS in the control plane improves

    significantly traffic engineering in optical networks.

    Namely, the infrastructure of core and metropolitan

    networks may be effectively and dynamicallyadapted to changing conditions. Though, it seems to

    be too early to specify how it will be performed.

    Connection provisioning

    A switched optical network will provide bandwidth and

    connectivity to an IP network in a dynamic manner (i.

    e., based on current demand patterns) compared to rela-

    tively static services available at the previous evolu-

    tion steps. Under this scenario, all types of connections,

    i.e., permanent, soft-permanent and switched connec-

    tions may be provisioned at the optical layer. However,it is assumed that a connection request at UNI orEx-

    ternal Network to Network Interface (E-NNI) will con-

    tain only the requested Class of Service and not the

    explicit protection and restoration type [42]. At this stage,

    the overlay model may be used only. Hence, separate

    protocols and/or separate instances of the same proto-

    col exist in the control plane for each layer. It can be

    noted that at the IP and optical level, routing and sig-

    naling mechanisms used here will be derived from the

    GMPLS set. An interesting option for the ASON ar-

    chitecture is the usage of thePrivate Network to Net-

    work Interface (PNNI) protocol instead of the GMPLS

    set. PNNI has an advantage over GMPLS in the sense

    that it is a mature solution. Moreover, its characteristics,

    e.g. support for CoS and QoS, protection and

    restoration,Permanent Virtual Connection (PVC), Soft

    Permanent Virtual Connection (SPVC) and Switched

    Virtual Connection (SVC), make PNNI well suited for

    the ASON concept. Additionally, contrary to the

    GMPLS protocol family, PNNI provisions Call Ad-

    mission Control(CAC) functions. On the other hand,

    there are some drawbacks which may prevent network

    operators from using PNNI. Firstly, PNNI have to be

    adjusted to operate over the ASON architecture.

    Secondly, PNNI signaling messages are exchanged in-

    band only. Thirdly, it usesNetwork Access Service Point

    (NSAP) addresses and not ubiquitous IP addresses.

    Moreover, it is not as common as the Internet Protocol.

    Therefore, special mechanisms have to be standard-

    ized and internetworking devices installed to translate,

    e.g., RSVP messages into PNNI. Additionally, the us-

    age of PNNI is inconsistent with a general trend to-

    wards convergence of IP and optical networks.

    However, so far the question which solution, PNNI orthe GMPLS set, will be used is still open.


    So far, protection and restoration mechanisms in

    optical networks with dynamically provisioned con-

    nections are not specified. However, intensive stan-

    dardization processes carried out by ITU-T, and other

    fora, indicate that specifications related to resilience

    in ASON networks will be provided soon.

    2. Implementation of Generalized MultiprotocolLabel Switching

    Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching(GMPLS)

    is a tool by which various electrical and optical

    elements, e.g., routers, switches, add-drop multiplex-

    ers or cross-connects may be commonly controlled.

    GMPLS extends MPLS to encompass time-division,

    wavelength and spatial switching (e.g., incoming port

    or fiber to outgoing port or fiber) [56]. Hence, by the

    usage of GMPLS, the signaling and routing part of

    the control plane will be facilitated in comparison to

    the previous scenario, where independent control

    plane tools for each layer exist (see Fig. 6). Moreover,

    it should also reduce operating costs. GMPLS extends

    intra-domain link-state routing protocols already ex-

    tended for TE purposes, i.e., OSPF-TE and IS-IS-TE

    as well as proposes a suitable signaling protocol, i.e.,

    RSVP-TE [55]. The GMPLS scenario differs from

    the previous one in that, here, a client has visibility of

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    China Communications August200588

    topology of a provider and may participate in the pro-

    cess of setting up a connection. Hence, connection

    set-up may also be the responsibility of the end user.

    It can be noted that under this scenario many mecha-

    nisms remain the same as in the previous case.

    Namely, at the electrical layer the same protocols may

    be used and some changes are necessary at the opti-

    cal layer only, i.e., signaling and routing at the UNI

    and NNI interface have to be improved. Therefore,

    implementation of GMPLS in the peer model in-

    volves a more significant change of policy for net-

    work operators rather than changes of the

    technology. Certainly, this scenario may be used by

    some operators earlier, e.g., newcomers, while for

    others it may be unacceptable, especially for a shortterm perspective. On the other hand, proper proce-

    dures for automatic connection negotiation at the

    user-to-network as well as the network-to-network

    interface have to be standardized. It can be noted

    that both IETF and ITU-T are very active which

    holds promise that proper standards will be avail-

    able soon. By using GMPLS signaling it will be pos-

    sible to offer PBS, BDS as well as VPNs at various

    levels (packet, TDM, wavelength and fiber). In

    addition, a user may participate in the process of

    setting up connections, although it imposes higher

    requirements on users equipment. Referring to the

    connection provisioning, the same functionality will

    be available as in the previous case. The usage of

    GMPLS allows to achieve smooth coordination be-

    tween protection and restoration mechanisms in both

    electrical and optical layer, because a single control

    instance is aware of the status and the resources of

    all network layers. The protection and restoration

    level may be chosen in an optimized way. However,

    the coordination of the resilience functions on all

    layers involved is a complex task and needs a fur-

    ther study. Moreover, looking at another dimension

    of these mechanisms, so far, MPLS protection and

    restoration is being standardized for intra-domain pur-

    poses only. It can be noted that with the GMPLS pro-

    tocol family it is possible to use the overlay, the aug-

    mented as well as the peer model. Although the con-

    trol plane evolution scenario may vary depending on

    type of network operator (e.g., incumbent, newcomer),

    it is quite possible that the control plane will evolve

    from overlay, through augmented, to the peer model.


    In the paper, we addressed the problem of construct-

    ing an evolution path for transport networks. At the

    beginning, we presented main networking technolo-

    gies and the current status of transport networks.

    Additionally, we provided the readers with the main

    limitations of todays networks. Motivated by the

    need to enhance both metropolitan and core networks

    we outlined the evolution path towards future

    solutions. The path was provided in three stages,

    namely, short, medium and long term. We believe

    that it is potentially possible, under some conditions,

    that these stages may be identified with one-, three-,

    and five-year time scale, respectively. The main fo-

    cus was on the data and control planes. This evolu-

    tion path was referred to the standardization pro-

    cesses in the main standardization bodies (e.g., ITU-

    T and IETF). We evolved our proposals in two

    directions. On one hand, we indicate that substan-

    tial progress towards transport networks with im-proved functionality by the enhancement of already

    installed equipment may be achieved. On the other

    hand, we propose the introduction of new

    technologies, e.g., OTN or ASON, in later evolu-

    tion steps for further optimization and transforma-

    tion of core and metropolitan networks. We discussed

    the proposed evolution steps regarding technical

    aspects like offered services and resilience functions.

    With the ever increasing amount of data traffic it is

    seen as necessary to provide higher switching

    granularities by the optical layer and increased flex-

    ibility in the transport networks on both the range of

    acceptable client formats as well as configuration dy-

    namics for fast provisioning of new services and effi-

    cient networking functions such as resilience. Depend-

    ing on the special requirements of the network pro-

    vider and the business case, different concepts have

    been identified. The implementation of GMPLS based

    networks promises to be most cost efficient but is not

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    China Communications August2005 89

    suitable to all network scenarios.


    The authors wish to thank all participants of IST

    Project LION and the European Commission that

    was partially funding the project.

    This work was supported in part by the Polish

    Ministry of Science and Information Society Tech-

    nologies under Grant No. 4 T11D 012 25.


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