scott walker's plan: natural resources and sportsmen

Paid for by F riends of Scott Walker , John Hiller,Treasurer P .O. Box 1 00828 • Wauwa tosa, WI 53210 For more information or to volunteer: (414) 453-2010 • info@scottw alker .org DO Y OU CARE ABO UT SPORTSMENS RIGHTS &OUR N  ATURAL RESOURCES? I DO TOO. THIS IS MY PLAN TO PROTECT THEM BOTH. THE  W  ALKER PLAN TO PROTECT SPORTSMENS RIGHTS  AND PRESERVE N  ATURAL RESOURCES

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Paid for by Friends of Scott Walker, John Hiller,Treasurer

P.O. Box 100828 • Wauwatosa,WI 53210

www.ScottWalker.orgFor more information or to volunteer:

(414) 453-2010 • [email protected]



I D O T O O. T H I S I S M Y P L A N T O P R OT E C T TH E M B O T H .







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Taking the politics out of the woods and putting the deer back in.

“We must restore trust in the Department of Natural Resources by requiring more transparency and accountability while ensuring decisions are based on objective science and the best interests of the taxpayers and license buyers. The DNR works for us, not the other way around.As governor, I will ensure the DNR becomes an ‘opportunity’ agency, giving job creators the opportunity to grow, sportsmen and women the opportunity to be heard and not ignored, and all Wisconsinites the opportunity to enjoy our state’s abundant natural resources.” 

--Scott Walker 

Two Grea t Lakes…over 15,000 inland lof ac res of forests…the na tion’s g rea test river. The

are a sma ll but signific ant sna psho t of Wisc onsin

fantastic natural resources where Wisconsin families

c amp , fish and hunt. Family businesses related to

tourism, rec rea tion and hunting and fishing c an b e

found nea rby, while g oods a re transported through

our forests and ove r our rivers. From the Horic on Ma

to the Ap ostle Islands and eve rything in b etween,

Wisc onsin is truly a na tura l ma rve l whose resources

must be effec tively mana ged and protected






anaging a nd p rote c ting our resource s is no e asy


y Core Values to Preserve Our Sporting Heritage


task. It req uires peo p le who und erstand their va lue

and the need to use them in a susta inab le m anner.

Wisc onsin can have bo th ec onomic g row th and

c lea n environm ent a s long we ma ke dec isions ba

on fac t a nd ob jec tive sc ienc e, not politic s and



ur sta te ne ed s a c om mitment to a c c essib ility of land



and wa terways for sportsmen and wo me n of a ll age s to hunt, fish and trap . Our polic

lea ders must use simp licity in the d ra fting of hunting and fishing reg ulations so law-

ab id ing c itizens c an hunt, fish and trap without fea r of b rea king the law . As Governor, I

will be a stew ard of the trust betw een sportsmen and the Dep a rtme nt of Natural

Resource s tha t manages our fish a nd ga me .

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Changing the Culture a t the DNR – Restoring Trust and Ac countability

Under the Doyle Administra tion, the DNR has bec om e a dversaria l to the c itizens of o ursta te . As Gove rno r, I w ill make sure the DNR trea ts Wisc onsinites as c ustomers, no tc riminals. The DNR works for us, not the othe r way around . To this end , I w ill req uire theDNR to:

•  Effec tively ma nag e g ame, fish and hab itat ba sed on p roven sc ienc e to providea susta ina b le a bund anc e o f these renew able resourc es for all of Wisc onsin’scitizens.

•  Allow inc rea sed ac c ess to sta te land s for forest ma nagement a nd a ll ofWisc onsin’ s c itizens,

•  Imp lement simp lified and understandab le reg ula tions,•  Imp lem ent a fa ir and c om mo n sense p ermitting proc ess, req uiring a ll permits to

be processed in a rea sona ble and p red ic tab le p eriod of time , and•  Disc ount the permitting fee for permits not p roc essed in a rea sona b le a mo unt of

time.•  Use a ba lanc ed and sc ienc e-ba sed approa c h to p rote c t our lakes, rivers and

streams from invasive spec ies.

Whiteta il Deer Trustee for Better Deer Herd Managem ent 

We must estab lish a hea lthy dee r herd fo r us to hunt now and mo re imp ortantly forfuture g enera tions of hunters. First, I will ap point a Whiteta il Dee r Trustee, an outsideindep end ent expert to rev ise our dee r c ounting system . Sec ond, polic yma kers inMa dison must rec og nize tha t our Chronic Wasting Disea se e fforts a ren’ t working andshift to a strategy tha t makes sense fo r our hunte rs. Third , our sta te should return to

trad itiona l hunts – enough with T-Zones and Earn-a-Buc k – makingWisc onsin the best p lac e in thenation to hunt white ta iled de eraga in. Fina lly, Wisc onsin must beallowed to ma nag e its own wolfpop ula tion free of outsideinterference.

Balanced Representation

Wisc onsin needs a responsiveNatural Resources Board thatrep resents the d iverse interests ofthe p eo p le o f our sta te, not narrow spec ial inte rests. As governor, I will appoint ac tiveand q ua lified boa rd m embers who will ba lanc e the c onc erns of, sportsme n andwomen, shooters, c onserva tionists, job c rea tors, and fa rmers. I will look for BoardMemb ers who will eliminate frivolous barriers to job grow th a nd take a c oo perativera ther than hea vy-hand ed ap proa c h to the p eop le o f Wisc onsin.

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Making Your Voice Heard

To ensure the DNR governs in the peop le’ s best inte rests, I w ill require them to listen toyou. Spec ific a lly, I w ill crea te G overnor Advisory Groups c onsisting o f eve rydaysportsmen, conserva tionists, business ow ners and rank-and-file DNR em ployees toadvise m e o n new and existing reg ula tions and p rac tic es. By ma king a ll voices hea rd ,

e c an foc us the DNR on the c ommo n sense solutions tha t w ill prote c t our na tura lwresourc es while restoring our position as a top sta te for sportsme n a nd wo me n and jobgrowth.

Ac countab ility and Transpa renc y

The DNR is a b illion dolla r agenc y. Fac ing a $2.5 b illion budget defic it, I w ill direc t the

d wild life a c c ounts to e nsure tha t we a re p rioritizing expend itures an

tma king the b est use o f our taxpa yers’ and

c ense b uyers’ money.

DNR sec reta ry to e xamine it from the ground up to find savings.

I will also req uire inc rea sed transparenc y and ac c ounta b ility by req uiring annua l aud itsof our fish a n

get ting ma ximum va lue for our sportsme n and w om en. I will req uire the same stringenrev iew of a ll DNR expenses to ensure we a reli