scipio school improvement plan 2015-16 (1)

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  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Scipio Elementary 

    School Name Scipio Elementary 

    School Address 6320 N State Hwy 7

    Scipio, IN 47273

    School Phone 812-392-2055

    School Fax 812-392-2564

    Principal onna Eaton

    School Year Start-End Dates  !"#"$t 4, 2015-%ay 18, 2016

    Principal Ext. 1602

    Principal Summer Contact 812-592-0855

    Principal Summer Email &eaton'(c$c)or#



  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Di"ision Document Pa#e Num$er

    %ntroduction 4

    Sc*ool e$cription 5

    +"rric"l"m 6

     !$$e$$ment ool$ 7

    Comprehensi"e Needs Assessments

     i$ion Statement 8

    ec*nolo#y .lan 8

    +"lt"ral +ompetency  14

     !naly$i$ 14

    S"mmary  16

    &oals 16

    +ontent relate& to ISE./.erormance


     !tten&ance 18

    Strate#ies 'or%mplementation


    .roicient !&ance& eel$ o St"&ent !ca&emic !c*ieement


    %et*o&$ In$tr"ctionalStrate#ie$


    +ore !ca&emic .ro#ramS"pplemental S"pport$


    %aimiin# earnin# ime 20

    Serin# n&er$ere&.op"lation$


    oc"$ or nee&$ o all St"&ent$,partic"larly low ac*iein#



    How $c*ool a$$"re$ nee&$ o St"&ent$ are ein# met



  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


     !$$"rance Improement .lan+ompliment$ State


    (i#h School

     !ca&emic Honor +o"r$e$

     !ction .lan or !ca&emicHonor$ or +ore 40 +"rric"l"m

    Di"ision Document Pa#e Num$er



    Str"##lin# St"&ent$Interention .lan


     !&ance St"&ent$ Enric*ment.lan


    Comprehensi"e Needs Assessments


    St"&ent :pport"nitie$ 22

    eac*er :pport"nitie$ 22

    +ollaoration .lan 23

    eac*er Inolement ineci$ion-%a;in# .lan relate&

    to !ca&emic !$$e$$ment

  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    .lan to .roi&e .arent$ wit*St"&ent !ca&emic !$$e$$ment



    Strate#ie$ to inole .arent$ in.lannin#, >eiew,

    Improement o Sc*ool-?i&e.lan


    Transitions 27

    .re-Sc*ool ran$ition .lan 27

    @in&er#arten >ea&ine$$ .lan 27

    6t* Ara&e B 7t* Ara&e ran$ition.lan


    Sa'e ) Disciplined

    earnin# Plan


    .olicy or St"&ent >"le$ 28

    Statutes and *ules 29

    Stat"te$ >"le$ to e ?aie& 29

    +on$oli&ation o "n&$ in aSc*ool-?i&e .ro#ram


    %NT*!D+CT%!NCommunity Description

     !ccor&in# to t*e cen$"$ o 2010, t*ere were 28, 525 people an& 10,680 *o"$e*ol&$ in

    Cennin#$ +o"nty an& t*e total o amily *o"$e*ol&$ wa$ 7, 733) *e aera#e *o"$e*ol&

    $ie wa$ 2)64 people an& t*e aera#e amily $ie wa$ 3)06) *ere were 5,841 amilie$

     wit* a *"$an& an& wie an& 1231 emale *o"$e*ol&er$ wit* no male pre$ent) *ere

     were 661 male *o"$e*ol&er$ wit* no emale pre$ent) *e pop"lation &en$ity wa$ 75)7

    people per $D"are mile$, an& t*e lan& area wa$ 376)58 $D"are mile$) *e racial ma;e-"p

    o t*e co"nty wa$ 97)6 ?*ite, 0)9 Flac; or !rican !merican, 0)1 Natie !merican,

    0)3 !$ian, 1)1 two or more race$, an& 2)2 Hi$panic or atino)

    In t*e co"nty, t*e pop"lation wa$ $prea& o"t wit* 6)3 "n&er 5 year$ o a#e, 25)4

    "n&er 18 year$ ol& an& 13)5 oer 65 year$ ol& or ol&er) 50)1 o t*e pop"lation i$

    male an& 49)9 o t*e pop"lation i$ emale) *e me&ian a#e or male$ i$ 37)3 year$, an&

    t*e me&ian a#e or emale$ i$ 39 year$)



  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    47 o t*e pop"lation 25 year$ ol& or ol&er *a& a *i#* $c*ool &iploma or eD"ialency,

    an& 11 o t*e pop"lation *a& a ac*elorG$ &e#ree or *i#*er) 14 o t*e pop"lation wa$

    eit*er a *i#* $c*ool &ropo"t or not enrolle& in $c*ool)


    *e me&ian income wa$ 45,051) *e me&ian income or male$ an& emale$ wa$

    40,415 an& 31,356 re$pectiely) 13 o t*e *o"$e*ol&$ earne& 15,000 or le$$, an&only 3 o t*e pop"lation *a& income oer 150,000)

    *e poerty rate or t*e pop"lation wa$ 13, "t c*il&ren 18 year$ ol& an& yo"n#er *a&

    a poerty rate o 19) :nly 6 o people 65 or ol&er lie& at t*e poerty leel) 10 o

    all amilie$ an& 36 o amilie$ wit* a emale *o"$e*ol&er an& no *"$an& pre$ent lie&

    in poerty)

    -information from and

    School Description

    Scipio Elementary, locate& in Scipio, In&iana, i$ one o $i elementary $c*ool$ wit*in

    Cennin#$ +o"nty Sc*ool +orporation) It i$ a p"lic $c*ool w*ic* incl"&e$ $t"&ent$ in

    #ra&e$ ;in&er#arten t*ro"#* #ra&e $i) :"r c"rrent enrollment i$ 325 $t"&ent$ w*o are

    $ere& y 24 certiie& $ta, 7 teac*er a$$i$tant$, 1 $c*ool n"r$e, an& 12 $"pport $ta)

    :"r ma$cot i$ Scipio i#er$ wit* $c*ool color$ o #reen an& w*ite)

    Scipio Elementary i$ locate& in t*e nort*ern part o Cennin#$ +o"nty) *e $ite ori#inally 

     wa$ t*e *ome o Scipio Sc*ool wit* t*e ir$t commencement ceremony in 1895 an&*or$e &rawn $c*ool "$e$ in t*e early 1920G$) *e Scipio $c*ool wa$ re"ilt two $eparate

    time$ &"e to ire &e$troyin# two o t*e "il&in#$) ollowin# t*e la$t ire, t*e $ite wa$

    "tilie& to open t*e ir$t elementary $c*ool in 1949) Since t*at time, $eeral

    con$tr"ction an& renoation$ *ae ta;en place to create t*e "il&in# w*ic* c"rrently

    *o"$e$ o"r Scipio Elementary $t"&ent$)

    *e ma(ority o o"r $t"&ent pop"lation re$i&e$ in Aenea own$*ip an& are tran$porte&

    to an& rom $c*ool y "$) ?e *ae twele "$ ro"te$ or Scipio an& ie "$e$ t*at

    $*"ttle $t"&ent$ to t*e mi&&le an& *i#* $c*ool) *ere i$ al$o one $pecial e&"cation "$

     w*ic* pic;$ "p an& &elier$ $pecial nee&$ $t"&ent$ to o"r "il&in#)

    St"&ent emo#rap*ic$ Inormation


    Data Source


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)



    329- otal St"&ent$59- Special E&"cation12- Hi#* !ility 

    S;ywar& St"&ent%ana#ementSotware< i$trict>ecor&$

    aily !tten&ance >ate 97)28 Sc*ool-wi&e S;ywar& St"&ent%ana#ement

    Sotware< i$trict>ecor&$

    Socioeconomic Stat"$ 47 ree "nc* $tat"$16 >e&"ce& "nc* $tat"$36 .ai& "nc* $tat"$

    i$trict >ecor&$

    St"&ent Fe*aior 26 o $t"&ent$ wit* &i$cipline reerral$)02 o $t"&ent$ wit*$"$pen$ion$ecor&$

    imite& En#li$*.roiciency 

    )01 o $t"&ent$ wit* limite& En#li$*proiciency )01 o amilie$ w*o $pea; En#li$* a$ a

    $econ& lan#"a#e

    S;ywar& St"&ent%ana#ementSotware< i$trict



    Fa$e& on t*e elie$ an& mi$$ion, t*e $c*ool improement ramewor; or ScipioElementary an& Cennin#$ +o"nty Sc*ool +orporation i$ t*e Strate#ic .lannin# .roce$$t*at wa$ con&"cte& &"rin# t*e 2012-2013 $c*ool year an& "p&ate& ann"ally) "rin# t*eSprin#ea&ine$$ $tan&ar&$ to en$"re we *ae a c"rric"l"m t*at meet$ an& ecee&$ $tateepectation$) :"r teac*er$ al$o "tilie $tate approe& an& &i$trict a&opte& tet$ a$learnin# re$o"rce$ an& tool$ wit* $t"&ent$) *e ollowin# a&opte& tet$ are "tilie& yo"r teac*er$ or en$"rin# all IN !ca&emic Stan&ar&$ an& $;ill$ are ta"#*t t*ro"#*o"tt*e $c*ool year) +opie$ o t*e$e tet$, alon# wit* o"r c"rric"l"m an& $c*ool &ata areaailale at o"r "il&in# or p"lic iew

       Pearson/Scott Foresman Reading K-6 Harcourt Math K-6

      Scott Foresman Social Studies K-6 Harcourt Brace Health K-6

     Scott Foresman Science K-6

     MacMillan/McGraw-Hill Music K-6

     :"r core c"rric"l"m ollow$ t*e In&iana epartment o E&"cation +"rric"l"m %ap$ orteac*in# t*e IN !ca&emic Stan&ar&$ KI!SL or rea&in#, En#li$*

  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    a&&ition, pro#ram$ $"c* a$ %icro$ot ?or&, Ecel, .ower.oint, ."li$*er, .ear$onS"cce$$)net, Harco"rt %at*, !ccelerate& %at* an& rea&in#, St"&y I$lan&, !ca&emy o>ea&in#, Aoo#le +la$$room, Aoo#le rie, an& more are "tilie& to proi&e in$tr"ctionan& learnin# practice or $t"&ent$)

     Assessment Tools

     Assessment &rade e"el,s

    N?E! @-8

    ISE./ 3-8

    Seme$ter Eam$ @-12

    nit !$$e$$ment$ @-6

    >"nnin# >ecor&$ @-2

    S!AESea&-3 3

    Comprehensi"e Needs Assessment

    /ennin#s County School Corporation 0ision and 1ission Statements

    Our mission is to inspire and empower our students to reach their full potential aslifelong learners and productive members of a global community.

    !ur Core 0alues

      ? e $elie"e that . . .

    ●  An open and positi"e en"ironment promotes respect2 honesty and trust3● i'elon# learnin# encoura#es creati"ity2 responsi$ility and producti"ity3● The partnership amon# schools2 'amilies and the community is essential to the

    complete educational experience3● Each person is uni4ue and has "alue3●  5hen each person contri$utes2 the indi"idual and community thri"e3● +nderstandin# di"ersity enhances our li"es and community3● &oal settin# and hi#h expectations lead to success3● E"eryone can learn.


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Technolo#y Plan

    &oal 6

     !ll $t"&ent$ will e prepare& to ecel in t*e "$e o aailale tec*nolo#y or inormation

    proce$$in#, prolem $olin#, in$tr"ction, an& networ;in# in t*e comm"nity, wor; place,

    an& in o"r #loal $ociety, w*ile practicin# t*e importance o ein# a re$pon$ile i#ital+itien)


    Strate#y M1 E&"cational tec*nolo#y will e in"$e& acro$$ all c"rric"lar area$)

    Strate#y M2 !ll $t"&ent$ will &emon$trate proiciency wit* e&"cational tec*nolo#y,

    inormation an& &i#ital literacy, &eci$ion ma;in#, &i#ital citien$*ip, an& comple


    Strate#y M3 ec*nolo#y in$tr"ction an& content will e &e$i#ne& to en$"re &i#ital

    acce$$ or all learner$ wit*in an& eyon& t*e $c*ool wall$)

    Strate#yM4 !ll $t"&ent$ will *ae eD"itale &i#ital acce$$ to appropriate on-line

    re$o"rce$ an& ot*er &i$tance learnin# tec*nolo#ie$)


    Strate#y M1 - %etric M1 %o&el, maintain, an& $*are le$$on plan$ &emon$tratin# t*e

    in"$ion o tec*nolo#y into &aily $c*ool actiitie$)

    Strate#y M1 - %etric M2 Eme& tec*nolo#y into t*e learnin# eperience in all c"rric"lar


    Strate#y M1 - %etric M3 Enco"ra#e innoatie pro#ram$ an& ill #ap$ in implementation

    t*ro"#* tar#ete& #rant pro#ram$)

    Strate#y M2 - %etric M1 Incl"&e in plannin# at t*e c"rric"lar leel t*e ollowin#

    concept$ Implement a mean$ or on#oin# a$$e$$ment o $t"&ent pro#re$$ in t*e "$e o

    inormation an& &i#ital literacy $;ill$) emon$trate an& a$$e$$ $t"&ent pro#re$$ wit*

    local an& o"t$i&e a$$e$$ment t*ro"#* actiitie$ $"c* a$

    St"&ent interiew$


    Stan&ar&$-a$e& $corin# r"ric$


    :n#oin# perormance-a$e& a$$e$$ment$

    Strate#y M2 - %etric M2 orm $trate#ic partner$*ip$ wit* t*e e&"cation an& "$ine$$

    comm"nity to &eelop pro(ect$ an& proi&e re$o"rce$ t*at will en*ance $t"&ent

    ac*ieement "$in# e&"cational tec*nolo#y an& &i#ital literacy $;ill$)


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Strate#y M3 - %etric M1 +ontin"e to proi&e an& "p&ate

    Hi#* $pee& !N$ Kocal !rea Networ;L

    Hi#* $pee& ?!N$ K?i&e !rea Networ;L

    E-mail "$e

    ec*nolo#y-in"$e& le$$on plan$.ro&"ctiity $otware

    Inentory o *ar&ware an& $otware

    %onitorin# networ; "$e an& en& "$er nee&$ to tar#et tec*nical $"pport actiitie$

     !&mini$tratie $otware

     ! $ae Internet enironment an& !cceptale $e .olicie$ K!.L or all "$er$

    %aintenance o recor&$ t*at a"t*orie "$e o a $t"&entG$ per$onal inormation on

    &i$trict-or $c*ool-a$e& we $ite$)

    i$t$ o re$o"rce$ or $t"&ent$ an& parent$

  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    importance o *ow to in& an& "$e cre&ile $o"rce$ w*en "$in# t*e internet or re$earc*)

    eac*er$ are al$o "tiliin# &i#ital mean$ or ormatie an& $"mmatie a$$e$$ment$ t*at

    ali#n wit* In&ianaG$ aca&emic $tan&ar&$)

    &oal 7

     !ll e&"cator$ will eectiely inte#rate e&"cational tec*nolo#y to enale $t"&ent$ to

    ac*iee an& eperience $"cce$$ in a #loal $ociety)


    Strate#y M1 !ll e&"cator$ will participate in on#oin#, $"$taine&, *i#*-D"ality

    proe$$ional &eelopment actiitie$ oc"$e& on c"rric"lar an& in$tr"ctional practice$)

    Strate#y M2 !ll e&"cator$ will mo&el t*e $;ill$ nece$$ary to proi&e eectie an&

    inorme& lea&er$*ip t*at $"pport$ t*e in"$ion o e&"cational tec*nolo#y an&

    enco"ra#e$ learnin# eyon& t*e $c*ool wall$)

    Strate#y M3 I&entiy inra$tr"ct"re, emer#in# e&"cational tec*nolo#ie$ an& innoatie

    $trate#ie$ t*at $"pport t*e #oal$ o t*e .re@-12 learnin# enironment)

    Strate#y M4 !ll e&"cator$ will "$e tec*nolo#y to comm"nicate wit* parent$

  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Hi#* $pee& !N$ Kocal !rea Networ;L

    Hi#* $pee& ?!N$ K?i&e !rea Networ;L

    E-mail "$e

    ! $ae Internet enironment

    St"&ent $otware mana#ement $y$tem

    Strate#y M4 - %etric M1 %aintain &oc"mentation o !cceptale $e .olicie$ K!.L or

    all "$er$)

    Strate#y M4 - %etric M2 >eiew an& rei$e corporation policie$ re#ar&in# "$e o

    tec*nolo#y on $c*ool property)

    Pro#ress(st !pdate"

    .roe$$ional eelopment *a$ een *el& eore, &"rin#, an& ater $c*ool y internal an&

    o"t$i&e $o"rce$ on .360, %icro$ot :ice, Aoo#le !pp$ or E&"cation, S;ywar&,

    Harmony, e&"cational app$ or t*e Ipa& ,!pple , an& we a$e& c"rric"l"m relate&$ite$ or cla$$room "$e) eac*er$ "$e comp"ter$, + pro(ector$, %oi Sy$tem$, i.a&$,

     !pple , +.S St"&ent >e$pon$e Sy$tem$, an& &oc"ment camera$ a$ tool$ to &elier

    le$$on content in w*ole #ro"p an& &ierentiate& in$tr"ctional $ettin#$) Cennin#$

    +o"nty Sc*ool +orporation now *a$ a &i$trict leel ec*nolo#y +ommittee w*ic*

    con$i$t$ o repre$entatie$ rom eac* $c*ool an& meet$ to &i$c"$$ c"rrent an& emer#in#

    tec*nolo#ie$) +orporation policy encompa$$e$ t*e wirele$$ networ; t*at i$ in$talle& at

    all $c*ool$ in t*e &i$trict, an& t*ere *a$ een a recent an&wi&t* increa$e to en$"re t*e

     e$t connectiity or c"rrent tec*nolo#ie$ an& to etter prepare or a &i$trict wi&e 11

    pro#ram t*at we *ope to *ae in place y 2017) Cennin#$ +o"nty Sc*ool +orporation

    *a$ al$o $i#ne& a contract wit* 5-Star ec*nolo#yG$ +"rric"l"m Inte#ration eam t*at

     will e#in in Septemer 2015 to *elp improe tec*nolo#y inte#ration t*ro"#*o"t all o

    o"r $c*ool$) +omm"nication etween teac*er$ an& parent$ *ae improe& $i#niicantly

    t*ro"#* t*e "$e o email an& al$o t*e me$$a#in# aen"e$ proi&e& y companie$ $"c* a$

    Harmony, S;ywar&, an& Sc*ool %e$$en#er)

    &oal 8

    Cennin#$ +o"nty Sc*ool +orporation will e$tali$* a 11 &eice pro#ram in #ra&e$ @-12

     w*ile maintainin# t*e tec*nolo#y inra$tr"ct"re nece$$ary or all $t"&ent$ an& $ta to

    acce$$ &i#ital inormation on &eman& an& to comm"nicate irt"ally in a $ae manner)


    Strate#y M1 I&entiy an& &i$$eminate re$o"rce$ nece$$ary to $"pport eectie

    implementation o 11 &eice$ an& e&"cational tec*nolo#y acro$$ t*e &i$trict)


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)



    Strate#y M1 - %etric M1 %aintain an& proi&e *i#*-$pee& connectiity to #loal an&

    local re$o"rce$ t*ro"#*

    Hi#* $pee& ?!N$ K?i&e !rea Networ;L

    Hi#* $pee& !N$ Kocal !rea Networ;L%"ltime&ia comp"ter$ an& moile &eice$ incl"&in# i.a&$, .+$, an&

  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    cla$$room$ an& comp"ter laK$L) St"&ent$ *ae many re$o"rce$ t*at can e acce$$e&

    rom *ome or anyw*ere t*ere i$ Internet acce$$) *ey c"rrently can acce$$ St"&y I$lan&,

    Frain.op, %oy %a, Spellin# +ity, >ea&in# E##$, >enai$$ance .lace, an& ot*er

     we$ite$ t*at are appropriate or $t"&ent "$e) *e corporation we $ite proi&e$ lin;$ to

     we$ite$ t*at are appropriate or $t"&ent "$e) .arent$ an& $t"&ent$ may acce$$ t*e

    corporation we$ite to interace wit* t*e $t"&ent mana#ement $y$tem an& teac*er we

    pa#e$ to c*ec; #ra&e$, l"nc* alance$, atten&ance, an& *omewor; a$$i#nment$)

    St"&ent$ are epecte& to e ale to "$e t*e Internet $aely, &emon$trate ;eyoar&in#

    $;ill$, pro&"ce &oc"ment$ "$in# ?or&, create #rap*$ "$in# Ecel an& create .owerpoint


    O.roe$$ional eelopment

    *e "il&in# a&mini$trator alon# wit* o"t$i&e $o"rce$ will proi&e trainin# to teac*er$

    an& $ta on met*o&$ an& proce&"re$ o "tiliin# tec*nolo#y in t*e cla$$room or

    increa$e& $t"&ent en#a#ement) In&ii&"alie& in$tr"ction will e proi&e& to any

    teac*er t*at re$pon&$ to t*e $"rey &i$tri"te& eac* year oerin# in$tr"ction to a$$i$t

    teac*er$ an& $ta) rainin# ta;e$ place &"rin# t*e $c*ool &ay an& eore or ater $c*ool,

    eit*er in $mall #ro"p$ or in&ii&"ally)

    Cultural Competency

      !merican cla$$room$ are ecomin# increa$in#ly &ier$e) *ereore, c"lt"ral

    competency i$ a ;ey actor in enalin# e&"cator$ to e eectie wit* $t"&ent$ rom

    c"lt"re$ ot*er t*an t*eir own)

    :"r corporation ollow$ t*e ollowin# element$ t*at contri"te to a $y$temG$ aility to

     ecome more c"lt"rally competent)

    P ?e al"e &ier$ity)P "rin# t*e 2016-17 $c*ool year o"r corporation i$ creatin# a lea&er$*ip team to

    implement $en$itiity trainin# or all)P eac*er$ contin"o"$ly teac* $t"&ent$ ao"t et*nic, race, reli#io"$ an& $e"al

    &ierence$ in t*eir le$$on$)P %artin "t*er @in#, Cr) ay i$ celerate& an& reco#nie& at o"r $c*ool$)

     Analysis- %STEP9 'or 7:6;-6< 'rom Compass


    =th &rade A A> 1 1>


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    .a$$/ 5

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    .a$$/ 4

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    (istrict benc#mar) assessments will be utili*ed to determine student mastery o standards wit# a

     passing rate o 80 percent ,rades -$. will also utili*e semester assessments and /EA results


    Language Arts Scores

    "01'$"01.2 Scores will increase by "% or a passing rate o 8"%

    "01.$"0132 Scores will increase by "% or a passing rate o 84%

    "013$"0182 Scores will increase by "% or a passing rate o 8.%

    "018$"0152 Scores will increase by "% or a passing rate o 88%

    GOAL #2

    Scipio Elementary students’ 6at#ematics ISTEP+ scores will be raised to at least 80% passing

    Scores already at 80% or abo!e will be increased by "% Pro!iding consistent researc#$based

    uality instruction will #elp close t#e ac#ie!ement gap between t#e general population and t#e

     prior &"'% and t#e gender subgroups


    (istrict benc#mar) assessments will be utili*ed to determine student mastery o standards wit# a passing rate o 80 percent ,rades -$. will also utili*e semester assessments and /EA results


    6at#ematics Scores

    "01'$"01.2 Scores will increase by "% or a passing rate o 8"%

    "01.$"0132 Scores will increase by "% or a passing rate o 84%

    "013$"0182 Scores will increase by "% or a passing rate o 8.%

    "018$"0152 Scores will increase by "% or a passing rate o 88%

    GOAL #3


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Scipio Elementary students’ attendance rates will be raised to at least 53% Scores already at

    53% or abo!e will be increased by 0'% 7esearc# based practices will be implemented to

    increase our attendance rate


    T#e Sc#ool Impro!ement ommittee will de!elop strategies to utili*e in an eort to increase

    student ac#ie!ement Incenti!es will continue to be utili*ed and e9panded


    Attendance 7ate

    "01'$"01.2 A!erage attendance will increase by 0'% or a rate o 53'%

    "01.$"0132 A!erage attendance will increase by 0'% or a rate o 58%

    "013$"0182 A!erage attendance will increase by 0'% or a rate o 58'%

    "018$"0152 A!erage attendance will increase by 0'% or a rate o 58'%

    Content related to %STEP9 Per'ormance

     Areas o' Concentration

    Ara&e 3 !l#era "nction$

    Ara&e 4 iterary tet, writin# proce$$

    Ara&e 5 !l#era "nction$

    Ara&e 6 iterary tet


     2014-15 &aily atten&ance rate wa$ 97)28 an& 1$t $eme$ter o 2015-16 i$ 95)79)

    Strate#ies 'or %mplementation

    Pro'icient ) Ad"anced e"els o' Student Academic Achie"ement


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Scipio Elementary proi&e$ enric*ment in$tr"ction t*ro"#*o"t t*e $c*ool &ay a$ well a$

    proi&in# $"pplemental actiitie$ or $t"&ent$ t*at are i&entiie& a$ Hi#* !ility)

    eac*er$ incorporate enric*ment a$ part o t*eir actiitie$ &"rin# o"r i#er imeJ K>tI

     loc; o timeL)

    1ethods ) %nstructional Strate#ies

    Scipio Elementary teac*er$ will "$e t*e In&iana !ca&emic State Stan&ar&$ or +olle#e

    an& +areer >ea&ine$$ in$tr"ction #"i&e$ to e$tali$* #ra&e leel c"rric"l"m or lan#"a#e

    art$) *e alance& literacy approac* i$ "$e& in all #ra&e$ or an "ninterr"pte& 90

    min"te rea&in# loc; &aily) eac*er$ will al$o increa$e t*e "$e o ept* o @nowlee

    to proi&e ri#or in t*eir in$tr"ction) Felow i$ a li$t o a ariety o eectie met*o&$ an&

    in$tr"ctional $trate#ie$ "$e& y t*e teac*in# $ta

    iterat"re +ircle$ aily 5

    aily +aQ +ooperatie learnin#

    %o&elin# +omp"ter in$tr"ctionea&in#

     !ccelerate& >ea&er i.a&$

    Scipio Elementary teac*er$ will "$e t*e In&iana !ca&emic State Stan&ar&$ or +olle#e

    an& +areer >ea&ine$$ an& in$tr"ction #"i&e$ to e$tali$* #ra&e leel c"rric"l"m or

    mat*) eac*er$ will al$o increa$e t*e "$e o ept* o @nowlee to proi&e ri#or in

    t*eir in$tr"ction) Felow i$ li$te& a ariety o eectie met*o&$ an& in$tr"ctional

    $trate#ie$ "$e& y o"r teac*in# $ta

    Small an& w*ole #ro"p in$tr"ction Han&$ on learnin# eperience$

     !ccelerate& %at* %anip"latie$

    %at* (o"rnal$ %o&elin#


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    +ooperatie learnin# +enter$

    +omp"ter in$tr"ction

  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    P *e w*ole cla$$ Kall $t"&ent$L receie$ $cientiic, re$earc*-a$e& in$tr"ction in

    mat*ematic$ an& lan#"a#e art$)P ?*ole an& $mall #ro"p &ierentiate& in$tr"ction ta;e$ place)P 90-min"te &aily core lan#"a#e art$ in$tr"ction in t*e ie e$$ential$ Kp*onemic

    awarene$$, p*onic$, oca"lary, compre*en$ion, an& l"ency)L

    P 60-min"te &aily core mat* in$tr"ction)P *e core c"rric"l"m $*o"l& e eectie or approimately 80 o $t"&ent$) *ereore,

    i a $i#niicant percenta#e o $t"&ent$ are not $"cce$$"l, t*e c"rric"l"m an&

  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    noel oo; $t"&ie$) Hi#* !ility $t"&ent$ are c"rrently wor;in# on pro(ect$ t*at inole

    prolem $olin# "$in# m"ltiple mat* tec*niD"e$) ! "t"re pro(ect will inole in&in# a

    $ol"tion or t*e tra$* an& wa$te i$$"e$ aro"n& t*e #loe) St"&ent$ are meetin#

    $tan&ar&$, #oin# eyon& t*o$e $tan&ar&$, an& incorporatin# topic$ into real worl&



    Comprehensi"e Needs Assessments

    Student !pportunities

    St"&ent$ at Scipio Elementary *ae t*e opport"nity to participate in a ariety o

    etrac"rric"lar actiitie$) *e ollowin# i$ a li$t o $ome o t*e actiitie$ aailale to


    Spell Fowl %at* Fowl !rc*ery  

    Fa$;etall Scrapoo; +l" !rt air

    Science air alent S*ow itne$$ +l"

    Aoo& New$ +l"

    Teacher !pportunities

    eac*er$ at Scipio Elementary are enco"ra#e& to re$earc* in$tr"ctional innoation$ t*at

    may e &irectly applie& into t*e cla$$room) .roe$$ional &eelopment i$ enco"ra#e& an&

    "n&e& t*ro"#* t*e $c*ool corporation) Sta meetin#$ *ae proe$$ional &eelopmenttime "ilt in to eac* meetin#)

    Colla$oration Plan

    eac*er$ *ae common plannin# time eery &ay y #ra&e leel) In a&&ition, #ra&e leel$

    meet wit* t*e "il&in# a&mini$trator D"arterly to &i$c"$$ a$$e$$ment &ata, plan or

    in$tr"ction, an& receie proe$$ional &eelopment releant to t*eir #ra&e leel)

    Teacher %n"ol"ement in Decision-1ain# Plan related to Academic

     Assessment?Student Achie"ement

    Scipio Elementary $"pport$ open comm"nication amon# t*e $ta an& "il&in#

    a&mini$trator) Scipio *a$ a "il&in# &i$c"$$ion committee t*at rin#$ D"e$tion$,

    concern$, $"##e$tion$, etc) to t*e "il&in# a&mini$trator) *i$ #ro"p meet$ $i time$ per

     year) *e teac*er$G a$$ociation al$o con&"ct$ mont*ly &i$c"$$ion meetin#$ wit* central

    oice $ta)


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Sta alway$ *ae inp"t re#ar&in# $t"&ent ac*ieement an& a$$e$$ment$ &"rin# #ra&e

    leel meetin#$, $ta meetin#$, or in $mall #ro"p &i$c"$$ion$ wit* t*e "il&in#


    %emer$ o o"r Sc*ool Improement +ommittee incl"&e t*e ollowin#

    +o-c*airper$on-onna Eaton, .rincipal

    +o-c*airper$on-.amela oe#roe

    +o"n$elor-@elli Aamrel

    .arent-Heat*er Ein#

    itle 1 eac*er-Ce$$ica Hall

    eac*er-C"lian Smit*

    eac*er->o$e Fi$*op

    eac*er-!"&ra Hac; eac*er-+*eryl "%on&

    (i#hly uali'ied Teachers

    100 o $ta in o"r $c*ool i$ Hi#*ly ="aliie&)

    Strate#ies to attract ( teachers to the school

    In or&er to *elp attract t*e mo$t *i#*ly D"ality $ta aailale t*e ollowin# initiatie$

     will e implemente&


    • *e corporation will po$t all po$ition$ at eac* $c*ool, at t*e central oice, an&

    on t*e corporation we$ite)

    • .o$itie +limate KEi&ence& rom a $"rey o $c*ool $ta t*at re$"lte& in $ta

    $*owin# *i#* $ati$action wit* $c*ool lea&er$*ip, po$itie $ta relation$*ip$, an&

    a $ae enironment)L

    •  !cce$$ to re$o"rce$ an& material$) K+la$$room teac*er$ receie a yearly $"pply

     "et, cla$$room $"pplie$ or $t"&ent$, an& *ae acce$$ to a $c*ool leele& oo; 


    ime or collaoration Ara&e leel team$ meet once wee;ly or commonplannin# an& once a mont* wit* t*e a&mini$trator)

    • .roe$$ional eelopment Keac*er$ receie proe$$ional &eelopment &"rin#

    common plannin# time$, teac*erG$ meetin#$, an& corporation trainin# &ay$L)

    *ey may al$o atten& a&&itional o"t$i&e trainin# opport"nitie$ y reD"e$t an&

    principal approal) inancial $"pport to atten& o"t$i&e trainin# i$ oten



  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    • New teac*er mentor opport"nitie$) KNew teac*er$ are a$$i#ne& to a &e$i#nate&

    mentor) *ey al$o receie $"pport rom t*eir #ra&e leel an& *allway team$)L

    • eac*er$ may o$ere in ot*er cla$$room$ at t*eir reD"e$t)

    • >ea$onale cla$$ $ie$

    • Hi#* D"ality paraproe$$ional $"pport

    • eac*in# a$$i#nment$ in t*e $ta memerG$ *i#*ly D"aliie& area)

    • +"rrent tec*nolo#y an& ea$y acce$$ to trainin# a$ nee&e&)

    • None$$ential teac*in# &"tie$ are limite&)

    • .aperwor; i$ limite& to e$$ential component$) Item$ are re#"larly reiewe& or

    nece$$ity an& &elete& i nee&e&)

    • i$trict networ;in#- eac*er$ may $*are an& networ; in t*e &i$trict)

    :pport"nitie$ are aailale t*ro"#* e-mail, earnin# +onnection, le$$on plan

    $*arin# on %oo&le, Aoo#le rie, Aoo#le +la$$room, an& &i$trict team meetin#$)

    • ea&er$*ip opport"nitie$ are aailale an& enco"ra#e&) eac*er$ may ol"nteer

    to $ere on many &ierent $teerin# an& plannin# committee$ on a re#"lar a$i$• +omm"nity o aor&ale *o"$in#

    • +a&et teac*in# pro#ram wit* t*e &i$trict *i#* $c*ool

    • +ompetitie $alarie$ an& eneit$

    • Sic; &ay$

    • Fereaement &ay$

    • Sic; an; 

    • .roe$$ional &ay$

    • S"mmer acation

    •  acation time$ t*ro"#*o"t $c*ool year

    •ree *ealt* clinic or teac*er$ participatin# in t*e corporation *ealt* in$"rance

    Parental %n"ol"ement

    !pportunities 'or Parents

    +omm"nity memer$ an& parent$ are inole& in o"r $c*ool an& *ae opport"nitie$ to

    learn ao"t t*e e&"cation o o"r c*il&ren t*ro"#* opport"nitie$ to participate in ario"$

    $c*ool actiitie$) .arent$ an& comm"nity memer$ $tay "p to &ate an& t*ro"#* re#"lar

    $c*ool comm"nication$ $"c* a$ o"r wee;ly $c*ool new$letter an& contin"o"$ly "p-&ate&

    $c*ool we$ite) ! mont*ly Home-Sc*ool +onnection i$ $ent *ome to proi&e parent$

     wit* actiitie$ to complete at *ome, #oo& $t"&y practice$ or *ome, an& ot*er re$o"rcei&ea$) !t t*e $tart o $c*ool in !"#"$t, parent$ are inite& to atten& o"r Fac; to Sc*ool

    ni#*t to #ain inormation ao"t all $c*ool pro#ram$ an& proce&"re$ at Scipio

    Elementary) *ey *ae an opport"nity to meet t*e teac*er$ an& learn ao"t cla$$room

    proce&"re$ a$ well) *ey will al$o e proi&e& comp"ter acce$$ or t*e p"rpo$e o illin#

    o"t 6t* #ra&e application$ or 21$t +ent"ry Sc*olar$ an& "p&atin# $t"&ent emer#ency an&

    contact inormation or t*e c"rrent $t"&ent mana#ement $y$tem) !&&itionally, parent$


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    *ae acce$$ to In&iana !ca&emic Stan&ar&$ K+olle#e an& +areer >ea&ine$$ $tan&ar&$L,

    C+S+ c"rric"l"m, an& S;ywar& at *ome) :"r #"i&ance co"n$elor an& teac*in# $ta

    meet wit* parent$ t*ro"#*o"t t*e year to proi&e i&ea$ an& re$o"rce$ or wor;in# wit*

    t*eir $t"&ent$ at *ome)

    :"r $c*ool *a$ D"arterly .: meetin#$ in w*ic* parent$ may atten& to learn ao"t$pecial pro#ram$) In :ctoer, all parent$ are inite& to atten& o"r .arent

  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    P all an& Sprin# Foo; air$P SantaG$ Secret S*opP eteran$G ay pro#ramP C+ ."lic irary S"mmer >ea&in# pro#ramP E&"cational iel& rip$

    P !war&$ ay 

    Strate#ies to increase parent in"ol"ement

    Scipio Elementary will contin"e to enco"ra#e parent participation$ in $c*ool actiitie$

    an& in t*e &ay-to-&ay operation o o"r $c*ool) .arent$ will e contacte& ia tet, email,

    p*one call$, etc) to maintain comm"nication re#ar&in# o"r $t"&ent$)

    Plan to pro"ide parents ith student academic assessment results

    .arent$ are #ien copie$ o all a$$e$$ment re$"lt$) eac*er$ proi&e inormation on

    interpretin# t*e$e re$"lt$) ! portion o t*e all conerence i$ &eote& to $*arin#

    aca&emic a$$e$$ment re$"lt$ wit* parent$)

    Strate#ies to in"ol"e parents in plannin#2 re"ie2 and impro"ement o'

    school-ide plan

    .arent$ are inite& an& $ere on o"r $c*ool improement plan, tetoo; a&option

    committee$, an& t*e corporationG$ Strate#ic .lannin# committee)


    Preschool Transition Plan

    *e C+S+ pre$c*ool coor&inator comm"nicate$ wit* t*e ir$t Step$ a&mini$trator to

    a$$"re contin"al comm"nication re#ar&in# $t"&ent$ wit* &i$ailitie$ w*o are $ere&

    t*ro"#* ir$t Step$) or a c*il& enrolle& in t*e ir$t Step$ pro#ram,Ka#e$ irt* to t*irty-

    $i K36L mont*$L plannin# or t*e pre$c*ool pro#ram e#in$ at 30 mont*$ w*en ir$t

    Step$ proi&e$ a$ic inormation to C+S+) !t lea$t 90 &ay$ prior to t*e c*il&R$ t*ir&

     irt*&ay a conerence conene$ to &i$c"$$ any $erice$ t*e c*il& may nee&) *e

    tran$ition rom ir$t Step$ to pre$c*ool i$ to procee& $moot*ly an& $erice$ are proi&e&

    to a$$"re an appropriate pro#ram)

    Ginder#arten *eadiness Plan


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    @in&er#arten ro"n& "p at Scipio will eat"re $e$$ion$ or ot* $t"&ent$ an& parent$ to

    increa$e t*eir amiliarity wit* o"r $c*ool) @in&er#arten ro"n& "p eac* $prin# will

    eat"re inormational $e$$ion$ or parent$ to *elp ea$e $t"&ent tran$ition to Scipio

    Elementary ) !ter $t"&ent$ complete t*eir initial a$$e$$ment$, t*ey will al$o *ae time to

     wor; wit* $c*ool $ta on a&&itional *i#* intere$t actiitie$ to increa$e t*eir anticipation

    o $tartin# $c*ool) !n inormational an& e&"cational ta;e-*ome-a# will al$o e

    proi&e& to amilie$) *i$ a# wit* incl"&e inormation ao"t o"r $c*ool an& actiitie$

    t*at c*il&ren can complete to *elp t*em prepare or $c*ool)

    ollowin# ro"n& "p, eac* $t"&ent will e inite& to two %ini-Sc*ool &ay$ at Scipio

    Elementary)J .arent$

  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Sa'e and Disciplined earnin# Plan

    Policy or Student *ules

     ! ariety o emer#ency $it"ation$ can occ"r in a $c*ool $ettin# at any time) *e$e

    incl"&e nat"ral &i$a$ter$ Kire, torna&o, eart*D"a;e$, etc)L or man-ma&e cri$e$ Kom$,$t"&ent "nre$t, *o$ta#e $it"ation$, etc)L It i$ critical t*at $c*ool$ reco#nie t*e nece$$ity

    o *ain# appropriate emer#ency cri$i$ interention plan$ in place $*o"l& a cri$i$ occ"r

    aectin# a camp"$ or "$ in t*e $c*ool $y$tem) Eac* $c*ool i$ reD"ire& to con&"ct ire,

    $eere weat*er an& intr"&er &rill$)

     ?*ile $c*ool$ cannot preent all emer#encie$, t*ey can at lea$t e prepare& to re$pon&

    D"ic;ly, eiciently, an& appropriately w*en t*ey &o occ"r in or&er to contain &ama#e

    an& en$"re t*e $aety o $t"&ent$ an& $ta memer$)

    *e Foar& o Sc*ool r"$tee$ an& !&mini$tration o t*e Cennin#$ +o"nty Sc*ool+orporation ac;nowlee t*e nece$$ity to prepare cri$i$ interention #"i&eline$ in t*e

    eent an emer#ency $*o"l& occ"r) :"r c*il&ren an& $ta *ae a a$ic nee& or $ec"rity

    an& $aety) !ny eent w*ic* t*reaten$ t*eir $aety an& $ec"rity will e con$i&ere& an

    emer#ency) *ere are potential emer#ency $it"ation$ t*at co"l& impact t*e $c*ool

    corporation) *o$e incl"&e, "t are not limite& to t*e ollowin# ;in&$ o $it"ation$

    Nat"ral &i$a$ter

    •  !cci&ent$

    • Haar&o"$ material$ relea$e$

    •  !ct$ o iolence• ra"ma

    • eat*

    • S"ici&e

    Cennin#$ +o"nty Sc*ool +orporation implemente& #ime to #each in 2014) *i$ e*aior interention plan create$ re$earc* a$e& in$tr"ction to proi&e $t"&ent$ an&teac*er$ wit* t*e tool$ nece$$ary to mana#e cla$$room e*aior) eac*er$ proi&e#each-#o$s or ro"tine cla$$room proce&"re$ allowin# $t"&ent$ to $ee t*e appropriate way to complete t*e$e proce&"re$) eac*er al$o *ae een traine& in remainin# calm

    an& re$pon&in# correctly, &eterminin# w*ic* e*aior$ $*o"l& e i#nore& or a&&re$$e&,aoi&in# power $tr"##le$, proi&in# per$onal $pace, an& "$in# &i"$er$) St"&ent$ learn*ow to control t*eir action$ an& reoc"$ on an item t*at *a$ interere& wit* t*e learnin#o t*eir cla$$mate$ an& t*em$ele$)

    Statutes and *ules

    Statutes ) *ules to $e ai"ed


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Cennin#$ +o"nty Sc*ool$ ai&e$ y t*e r"le$ an& re#"lation$ a$ $tate& in t*e In&iana

    Sc*ool aw$ an& >"le$ or 2015-2016)

     ?e reD"e$t no $tat"e$ or r"le$ e waie& or Cennin#$ +o"nty Sc*ool$)

    Consolidation o' Funds in a school ide pro#ram

    Scipio Elementary c*oo$e$ not to con$oli&ate any "n&$ at t*i$ time) %any "et item$

    are wit*in &i$trict "et control) Scipio Elementary will wor; to coor&inate all "n&$ $o

    t*at t*ey may eiciently $"pport o"r #oal$ o rai$in# ac*ieement an& $"pportin# o"r

    $t"&ent$) *e$e "n&$ are "$e& to $"pport cla$$room material$, reme&iation actiitie$,

    parent inolement, *i#* aility $t"&ent$, E $t"&ent$, an& $t"&ent$ wit* $pecial

    e&"cation nee&$) i$te& elow are t*e "n&$ c"rrently "$e& at Scipio Elementary to$"pport in$tr"ction t*at will remain "ncon$oli&ate&


    P itle 1 ArantP Sc*ool "n&$P Cennin#$ +o"nty +omm"nity o"n&ationP Hi#* !ility ArantP Scipio Elementary .)):)P Special E&"cationP E


  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Scipio Elementa!

    Hi"l! $%ali&ie' Teace( &o Scool )ea


    Teace Name/ Teacin" A((i"nment/

    0n'icato o& H$ (tat%( on ei&ication Fo :ac#elor’s (egree earned;

  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    Elementary Teac#ing License


    9%Mon'4 Ce!l 3' "a'e :ac#elor’s (egreeElementary Teac#ing License

    100 points on BFSSE rubric

    E55in"4 Heate 1(t "a'e :ac#elor’s (egreeElementary Teac#ing License

    P7AGIS IIHac;4 A%'a 1(t "a'e :ac#elor’s (egree

    Elementary Teac#ing License

    100 points on BFSSE rubric

    Hip(;in'4 enn! Kin'e"aten :ac#elor’s (egreeElementary Teac#ing License

    100 points on BFSSE rubric

    Lo:e"o:e4 amela ,t "a'e :ac#elor’s (egreeElementary Teac#ing License

    100 points on BFSSE rubric

    L!;in(4 Li(a 3' "a'e :ac#elor’s (egreeElementary Teac#ing License


    on(le4 Emil! ,t "a'e :ac#elor’s (egreeElementary Teac#ing License



  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)


    School Name Scipio Elementary School H 88

  • 8/15/2019 Scipio School Improvement Plan 2015-16 (1)
