sass-front-end developers taiwan party - 5

CSS with superpowers

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Post on 08-Sep-2014




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CSS with superpowers

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.menu ul {..}

.menu li {..}

.menu a {..}

.menu{ ul {..} li {..} a {..} }

.menu .. ul .. li .. a ..

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body{ color:#f00; }

$text-color:#f00; body{ color:$text-color; }

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$blue:#ae81ff; .menu a{color:$blue} .shop h1{color:$blue}

.menu a{color:#ae81ff}

.shop h1{color:#ae81ff}

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$text-color:#f00; $font-size:13px; $big-img:"../images/big/"; $width:960px; .shop li{ width: $width / 4 240px }

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.menu h2{..}


.content h2{..}


.sidebar h2{..}

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.menu h2,.content h2,.sidebar h2{10 line..}


.content ul{..}


.sidebar span{..}

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%site-h2{10 line CSS..} .menu h2{ @extend %site-h2 } ..300 .content h2{ @extend %site-h2 } .content ul{..} ..300 .sidebar h2{ @extend %site-h2 } .sidebar span{..}

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.menu h2,.content h2,.sidebar h2{10 line..}


.content ul{..}


.sidebar span{..}

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%btn{10 line CSS..} .btn-primary{ @extend %btn; background:blue; color:white; }

.btn-danger{ @extend %btn; background:green; color:white; }

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.btn-primary,.btn-danger{10 line CSS..} .btn-primary{ background:blue; color:white; }

.btn-danger{ background:green; color:white; }

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@mixin hide-text { text-indent:110%; white-space:norwrap; overflow:hidden; } .header h1 { @include hide-text; … }

.header h1 { text-indent:110%; white-space:norwrap; overflow:hidden; }

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@mixin circle($size,$bgcolor) { border-radius:50%; height:$size; width:$size; font-size:$size / 3; background:$bgcolor; } .box { @include circle(30px,#fff) }



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.shake { @include animate(shake,3s,2s) }

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@import mixin //放置所有全域變數與Mixin

@import reset // reset.css

@import extend // 都放@extend用的檔案

@import layout //共同框架

@import index //首頁

@import page //內頁

@import xxx //各單元CSS

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