samuel weems-the-virgin-birth-swedenborg-foundation-1966


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Emanuel Swedenborg


  • 1.DedicatioILThis book is dedicated affectionately to aIl those who havedone anything toward the production from the time the authorwas born to the present.~."-~ d- r; ""- ~t.. r,6b (/" 13)

2. THE PURPOSE OF THIS REPRINTMerry Christma(i966)--My dear reader: This book is especially written for you. 1 want you to knowhow Jehovah God became the Lord God, Saviour Jesus Christnsen and glorified, the only God of Heaven and Earth, ourHeavenly Father. 1 want you to know the truth about thefirst and greatest tlung on earth because nothing bULthe trthcan make you free. There are many millions in this world at this day who donot know who the God of Heaven and Earth is. There arethose who believe in Jehovah God as the Father who is goodand evil, wrathful and angry, and who is capable of bringingus into heaven or hel!. There are those who think of JesusChrist as the Son of God, born of a Vir~in or as a good man.And there are sorne who believe in the 1:roly Spirit. There isno necessity for these millions to live in this state of confusionabout the most important thing in their lives for "The earthis full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover thesea." ThIs 1 know to be true after sorne seventy-fivL):ear~ ofli~ing. (f5>~"" 7,3)Since graduating from the New Church Theological School, 1 have spent more than fifty years teaching and reading the voluminous works of Swedenborg and comparing them with the religious writings published during that time. 1 had in tended to send you a book written in my own words, but this proved too much for my and was abandoned threc quarters finished. Rather than give up altogether this idea which 1 cherished so long and which 1 had promised the Lord 1 would do if He would give me the wisdom, 1 decided to make use orRev. Samuel ffirrens Compendium which was published sorne years ago. By the hand of Divine Providence( you are getting a better book than 1 ~ould have possibly pro duced in my own words. Here you have the writings of Swedenborg on the incarltion in his own words. You will find that he s h ~ t not only on this subject, but t also on l he seeming contradicti~ns, inaccuracies, historical1 erro~s, absurdities, obscenitles, etc., in the scripture. 3. ln order that you might know for yourself something of thegreat value of these writings, 1 have selected sixty-five pagesfrom a compendium from which is .tl).~reprint. These writingscan be had at most book stores, but it may interest you toknow that they have been given away for more than one hunl dred years by the Swedenborg Foundation in New York City,to ministers and theologlcaJ students. It is nope triat throughthese writings every reader will become a fisher of m..!;n and a{keder of sheep. The theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg have for more than two hundred years been telling us who the trueIl God is, and how J ehovah -God through the ivine lTan ;"stilliesscan any one be conjoined by love ta the very Ivme except bymeans of snch an idea. . . . It is for this reason that the Lord( as to the Di;ine Hu~an is called .the ~ediator and;l but He medlates and mtercedes wIth Hlmself. CA. C. n. S/Oo.) How THE LORD FULFILLED THE WHOLE LAW. It is- believed by mallY at this day that when it is said of theLord that He fulfilled the law it is meant that He fulfilled ailthe commandments of the Decalogue, and that thus He becamerighteousness, and also justified mankind through faith in this.This however is not what is meant, but that He fulfilled aIl things 54. THE DOOTRINE OF THE LORD. which are written of Him in the Law and the Prophets, that is in the whole sacred Scripture; for this treats of Him alone. The reason why many have believed otherwise is, that they have not searched the Scriptures and seen what is there meant by the Law. By the Law there, in a strict sense, the Ten Command ments of the Decalogue are meant; in a wider sense, aIl that was written by Moses in his five books; and in the widest sense, aIl the Word. (L. n. 8.)That the Lord fulfilled ail things of the Law means that He fulfilled aIl things of the Word, is manifest from the passages where it is said tbat by Him the Scripture was fnlfilled, and that aIl things were finished. As from these: "Jesus went into the synagogue, . . . and stood up to read. There was delivered unto Him the book of the prophet lsaiah; and when He had opened the book, He fO~tnd the place where it was UYritten, The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the bound, and sight to the blind; . . . to proclaim t~ acceptable year of the Lord. And He closed the book and said, This day is this Scripture fulfilled in your ea?s" (Luke iv. 16-21). "Ye sea?ch the Scriptures, and they testify of Me" (John v. 39). cc That the Scripture might be fulfilled, He that eateth hreadwith Me hath lifted up his heelupon Me" (John xiii. 18). "None. of them is lost but the son of perdition, that the Scripture might befulfilled" (John xvii. 12). "That the saying might be fulfilledwhich He spake, Of those whom thmt gavest Me I have not lost one" (John xviii. 9). cc Then said Jesus unto Peter, Put up thy swordinto its place; . . . how then should the Scriptures be fuifilled, that thus it must be? . . . But all this was done, that the Scriptures of the Prophets might be fulfilled" (Matt. xxvi. 52, 54, 56). "TheSon of Man indeed goethas it i.e; written of Him; ... that theScriptures may be fulfilled" (Mark xiv. 21, 49). "Thus the Scrip ture was fulfilled which saith, He was nllmbeud with the wicked" (Mark xv. 28; Luke xxii. 37). "That the Scripture might befulfilled, They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots" (John xix. 24). "After this, Jesus knmving that all things were now consummated, that the Scripture might befulfilled" (John xix. 28). "1Vhen Jesus had received the vinegar,He said, It is finished, " that is, "it is fulfilled" (John xix. 30)."These things were done that the Scripture might be fulfilled, Abone of Him shall not be broken. And again another Scripturesaith, They shall look on Him whom they pierced" (John xix. 36,37). Besides these, in other places passages of the Prophets areadduced whele it is not at the same time said that the Lawor the Scripture was fulfilled. That the whole VYOI:d was writtenconcerning Him, and that He came into the world to fulfil it, He 55. THE DOCTRINE OF THE LORD. S"~ also taught His disciples before He departed, in these words: " JeSllS said to them, 0 fools and slow of Aeart to believe aU that the Prophets have spoken. Ought not Christ to have sllffered this, and to enter into His glory? And beginning at Moses and aU the Prophets, He eX1?ound~d to them in aU the Sc?iptures the things con cerning Hnseif" (Luke xxiv. 25-27). Afterwards, Jesus said ta His disciples, " These are the words [vhich I spake ,[into Vou whilst I [I)as yet with Vou, That aU things mlist be flllfilled which we?e w?itten in the Law of lI1"oses, and in the P?ophets, and in the Psalms concerning Me" (Luke xxiv. 44). That the Lord in the world fulfilled aU things of the Vord, even ta its minutest particulars, is evident from these His words: " Verity I say unto yml, Tillheaven and earth pass, one fot or one tittle shaU in no [oise passj1om the Law till aU be fulfillcd" (Matt. v. 18). From these nowone may clearly see that by the Lords fulfilling aH things of theLaw it is not meant that He fulfilled aU the commandments ofthe Decalogue, but al! things of the Ward. (L. n. 11.) ALL POWER IN THE HEAVENS AND ON EARTH GIVEN Ta THE LORD. The Lord Himself says, " AU power is given unto Me, in heavenand on earth" (Matt. xxviii. 18). . . . In respect ta aU pmverbeing given ta the Son of Man, bath in the heavens and on earth,it sbould be lmown that the Lord had. power over aU things inthe heavens an on earth before He came into the world; for Hewas God from eternity, and ,J ehovah,-as He Himself plainlysays in John: "And now, 0 Pather, glorify Thou Me with Thineown self, with the glo?y which I had with Thee before the vJorld11)aS" (xvii. 5); and again: " Verily, verily I say unto you, BeforeAbraham was I a11l/ (viii: 58). For He was Jehovah and Gadta the Most Ancient church which was before the flood, and appeared ta the men of that church; He was also J ehovah and Gadta the Ancient church which was after the flood; and He it waswhom aH the rites of the Jewish church represented, and whomthe members of that church worshipped. And the reason whyHe says that an power was given unto Him in Heaven and onearth, as if it were then first given, is, that by the Son of ManHis Human essence is meant, which when united ta the DivineVas also J ehovah, and at the same time power was given untoHim; which could not be done before He was glorified, that is,before His Human essence by unition with the Divine had lifealso in itself, and had thus in like manner become Divine, andJ ehovab; as He Himself says in John: "As the Pather hath lijein Hnselj, so hath He given to the Son to have life in Himselj"(v. 26). (A. C. n. 1607.) 56. THE DOCTRINE OF THE LORD. THE LORD GOVERNS ALL THINGS FROM FIRST PRINCIPLES BY MEANS OF ULTIMATES. Ulam the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." This signifies that He governs an things from first [principles]by means of ultimates, and in this manner governs all things inheaven to eternity. This is evident from the signification ofAlpha and Omega, which is the first and the last, or in first[principles] and in ultimates; and He who is in first [principles]and in ultimates als gfJverns things intermediate, and so aIl.These things are said of the Lords Divine Human, for they aresaid of Jesus Christ, by which names His Divine Humanity ismeant. By means of this the Lord is in first [principles] and inultimates. But that He governs aIl things from first [principles]by ultimates is a mystery which until now has not been perceived by man. For man knows nothing of the successivedegrees into which the heavens are distinguished; and intowhich also the interiors of man are distinguished; and but littleof the fact that RS to his flesh and bones man is in ultimates.NE}ither does he perceive how from first [principles] by ultimatesintermediates are governed; and yet in order that He might thusgovern aU things the Lord came into the world to assume theRuman and glorify it, or make it Divine, even to the ultimates,that is even to the flesh and bones. That the Lord put on sucha Ruman, and took it with Him into heaven, is known in thechurch from the fact that He left nothing of His body in thesepulchre; and also from what He said to His disciples: " BeholdMy hands and My feet that it is I Myselj " handle Me and see, f01a spirit hath not fiesh and bones as ye see Me have" (Luke xxiv. 39).By this Human, therefore, the Lord is in ultimates; and bymaking even these ultimates Divine, He clothed Himself withDivine power to govern aU things from iirst [principles] by meansof ultimates. If the Lord had not done this, the buman race onearth would have perished in eternal death. CA. E. n. 41.)MEANING OF TliE PHRASES SON OF GOD AND SON OF MAN. He who knows what in the Lord the SOil of God signifies, anclwhat in Him the Son of Man signifies, can see many secrets ofthe W ord; for the Lord caUs Himself sometimes the Son of God,and sometimes tbe Son of Man-always according to the subjecttreated of. When His Divinity is treated of, His unity with theFather, His Divine power, faith in Him, and life from Him, HecaUs Himself the Son, and the Son of God,-as in John v. 17-26,and elsewhere; but where His passion, the judgment, His coming, 57. THE DOOTRINE OF THE LORD.and in general, redemption, sa1-.ation, reformation, and regeneration are treated of, He caUs Himself the Son of Man. (L. n. 22.) V ARIOUS N AMES OF THE LORD.Since the Lord alone reforms and regenerates men, therefore He is called in the V/ord the Former from the womb, as in Isaiah: " Jehovah, thy Maleer and Former fr0171 the womb, helpeth thee" (xliv. 2, 24); again: "Jehovah hath called me froln the ~uomb,f1om the bowels of my mother He hath re17M1nbered my nCi1ne. . . . Tkli8 saith Jehovah, my For1Ywr from the womb, for his servant, to bring bac7c Jacob ~lnto Himself; and Israel shall be gathend to Him" (xlix. 1, 5). In many parts of the .w ord the Lord is cancd the Creator, Maker, and Former from the womb, and also Recleemer;because He creates man anew, reforms, regenerates and redeemshim. It may be supposed that the Lord is so callcd because Hecreated man, and forms him in the womb; but it is a spiritualcreation and formation which is there mcant; for the Word isnot only natural, but also spiritual. (A. E. n. 710.)In the Wrd of the Old Testament, where Jehovah, the LordJ ehovah, J ehovah Zebaoth, Lord, J ehovah God, God, in theplural and singular, the Gad of Israel, the Holy One of Israel,the King of Israel, Creator, Saviour, Redecmer, Schaddai, Roek,and so on, are mentioned, by an these names not many are meant,but one; for the Lord is thus variously named according to HisDivine attributes (ib. n. 852).That the profoundest mysteries lie hidden in the internaI senseof the Word very manifestly appears from the internaI sense ofthe two names of our Lord, JESUS CHRIST. Few have any otheridea, when these names are mentioned, than that they are propernames, and almost like the names of another man, but more holy.The more learned indeed know that .T esus signifies Saviour,and Christ, the Anointed, and hence conceive a somewhat moreinterior idea. But yet these are not the things which the angelsin heaven perceive from those names; they are still moreDivine. By the name Jesus, when pronounced by man in reading the vVord, they perceive the Divine good; and by the nameChrist, the Divine truth; and by both, the Divine marriage ofgood and tluth, and of truth and good. (A. C. n. 3004.)PRACTICAL USE OF A CORRECT IDEA OF fHE LORD. The first and chief thing of a church is to know and aclmowledge its Gd; for without that knowledge and acknowledgment 58. THE DOCTRINE OF THE LORD.there is no conjnnction; thus there is none in the church withoutthe acknowledgment of the Lord. (H. D. n. 296.)The very essential of the church isthe aclmowledgment of theunion of the very Divine in the Human of the Lord, and thismust be in each and an things of worsbip. The reason why thisis the essential of the church, and hence the ssential of worship,i8 because the saivation of the human race depends solely onthat union. (A. C. n. 10370.) The chief tbing of the church is ta acknowledge the Lord, HisDiviIl [nature] in the Human, and His omnipotence in saving thehuman race; for by this acknowledgment man is conjoined tathe Divine, since the Divine ls nowhere else. Even there is theFather, for the :Father is in Him and He is in the Father"as theLord Himself teaches; they therefore who look ta another Divine [being] near Him, or at His side,-as is usuai with those who pray ta the Father ta have mercy on them for the sake of the Son,-turn aside from the way, and adore a Divine else where than in Him. And, moreover, they then think nothing about the Lords Divine [nature], but only of His Human, which yet cannat be separated; for the Divine and H uman are not two but one only Persan, conjoined as the soul and the body,-ac cording ta the doctrine received by the churehes from the faithOf Athanasius. Therefore ta acknowledge the Divine in theJ t Human [nature of the Lord, or the DiYine Ruman, lS the chief. thi? 0 of the c. ur~h, ..?y w3ic~conj~nc~ion i8 effe