sacred heart rc nursery and primary school welcome to greet and treat!

Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

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Page 1: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School

Welcome To Greet and Treat!

Page 2: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

Our school is an extremely safe environment. The staff are friendly and there is no running in the corridors there is also lots of other things to do and play. We have a new play area for the children with a limit of fifteen children from all age groups.

We have MTA’s on

the playground to

make sure we are

safe and happy!

All the gates in are school are

locked during school hours.

However, the front office doors

are open for adults, with office

ladies keeping an eye out. There is a code on the

reception door, so they

cant go wandering off. It

is 1234

Page 3: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

At Sacred Heart we have a garden learning environment in which we can grow and Eat fruit and vegetables. Each class has their own box where they can plant fruit, Vegetables and plants such as rhubarb strawberries, raspberries, herbs, carrots andBeans.

This is our pond

Year 6 garden box

Page 4: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

The Sacred Heart R.C Primary School has a website with lots of different information such as DB Primary and all the kinds of events that happen in school . Everything is interesting in this environment and every child is safe. Parents can check the latest feeds!

Page 5: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

School staff is a important part of our school. They are such big help in the school, always help us if there is any trouble. Their always kind and caring, they treat everyone equally.

Reception-Miss. Weeks

Year 1-Mrs.Dickenson

Year 2- Mrs.Day/ Mrs. Ricketts

Year 3- Mrs. Cully/ Mrs Fraser

Year 4- Mrs Dodd/ Miss Hammet

Year 5- Mr Wood

Year 6- Mrs Kennedy

Head teacher – Mrs Brown

Page 6: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

Playleaders were introduced to this school when some of the staff realized that some younger kids weren’t getting any notice and left out. But now we have playleaders who are year 6’s, play with all the children to ensure that they have a fun lunch time!

Peer mediators help with children have problems with others and year 6’s help solve the problem. However we wish that peer mediators wont be needed due to the fact that play leaders make everyone have a great lunchtime but any problems that come up we solve straight away!

By Max ,Dara and Brandon (year six)

Page 7: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

In our library we have a wide variety of books for all ages.

Every week each chid has an opportunity to take out a book this ensures your child gets more time to read and learn amazing new facts.

Our library is a great place to learn and has two quiet rooms to sit and work in peace.

Page 8: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

Fit to learn




The Great Fire of London

Page 9: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

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We have lots of after school and lunchtime activities that will help you’re children bond and co-operate with other students in the school.

We have clubs such as:

Chess (lunchtime),

Alan slough football club (after school),

Dance club (after school)

Sewing club (lunchtime),

I.C.T club (lunch time) and much, much, more

Page 10: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

DB primary, is a platform for you and your child to write messages to your staff members, and to your friends. But it has to stay in are community and know telling anyone. Unfortunately, if you or your or child see’s anything bad you click on the yellow whistle on the left top corner and tell Mrs. Brown what has happened. And she will trace it back and talk to the child and there parents about the situation.

On db primary you can make your own back ground, talk to friends, send your homework to your teacher, paint.

Page 11: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

When we do sport, even if we lose, we play our games with a great big smile on our faces. Mr Wood runs a football club and we have achieved lots of goals and wins. But we just love to be active and have FUN!

Our SATS Results where


The netball club

The netball club

came 2 in the High

came 2 in the High

Five torment. And

Five torment. And

was the runners up in

was the runners up in

the Torbay League

the Torbay League

last year, and would

last year, and would

like to do better this

like to do better this


As you can see we have got given the Healthy Schools award!

Page 12: Sacred Heart RC Nursery and Primary School Welcome To Greet and Treat!

L4 + English 86%L5 English 38%L4 + Maths 86%L5 Maths 34%

L4 + in English and Maths 79%L5 in English and Maths 24%

Sacred Heart RC Nursery & Primary SchoolEnd of Key Stage Two Headlines 2011/12

2+ levels progress in English 96%2+ levels in Mathematics 96%