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7-Day Goal Reboot Challenge


7-Day Goal Reboot Challenge 1

7-Day Goal Reboot Challenge WORKBOOK

Welcome to the 7-Day Goal Reboot Challenge. Use this workbook

after each session to complete your assignments for the day.

Day 1: Get Clear Day 1 is all about getting clear about your goal. It is impossible to achieve a vague or ambiguous goal. Write out your specific goal. What is your goal? And by when will you achieve it? If necessary, use this space to go into more descriptive detail about your goal. Exactly how many pounds? What will your body look like? What does the person you wish to attract look like? What are their character traits? What does your career look like?

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7-Day Goal Reboot Challenge

Last, but not least, describe in detail what will your life look like after you have achieved this goal. How will you feel when you lose the weight? How will you feel when you have the money? How will you enjoy your newfound financial freedom? What will you and your partner do together? What will you do in your new position or career? ACTIVITY: VISUALIZATION Now that you have defined your goal with specificity, you are now ready to visualize. Use what you have written to create a picture of your goal and yourself once you have achieved your goal and spend five minutes each morning before you get out of bed, and five minutes before you go to sleep visualizing. Make your vision so descriptive it excites you. Make your vision so real you can feel exactly what you will feel like. If your vision does not make you smile – if you cannot feel it, it is not compelling enough or descriptive enough. Do this every day for the remainder of the challenge. Want to talk more about gaining clarity? Get some feedback and coaching. Strategize? Schedule your coaching session today!

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Day 2: Know Your Why Day 2 is about knowing why your goal is important to you, and why it is important that you achieve it right now. Knowing your why helps to provide a sense of urgency. Write out 10 detailed reasons you want to achieve this goal, and why you must achieve it right now. Ex. My life depends on it. To feel better about myself. Tired of being alone. Tired of worrying about money. 1.










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List 10 ways in which achieving this goal will benefit you. Ex. I’ll have more energy. I can buy a home. I can get out of debt. I will feel fulfilled. I will be proud of myself. 1.









10. List 10 ways in which achieving this goal will benefit others. Ex. More time with my family. I’ll be able to help others. I won’t be so stressed or worried. I can volunteer more. 1.

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10. Name 10 things you believe you have missed out on having not achieved the goal before now. What regrets do you have? What are you facing now that could have been avoided? 1.


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10. Look down the road 5 years and give 10 examples of what your life will look like if you do achieve your goal. What will you be doing? How will you feel? What will you look like? Where will you live? What will you have? 1.



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10. Look down the road 5 years and give 10 examples of what your life will look like if you do not achieve your goal. What regrets will you have? How will you feel about yourself? What will you look like? What will your goal situation look like? 1.




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Day 3: Get Your Mind Right Day 3 is about aligning your mindset – your beliefs – with your goal. And it is about reprogramming your subconscious beliefs. Identify your top subconscious limiting beliefs – the ones that keep running through your head like a ticker tape – figure out the origin (the roots), and replace them with new empowering beliefs that are in alignment with what you need to believe in order to achieve your goal.




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BONUS: Imagine you are a person who has already achieved the goal you are attempting to achieve. What type of thoughts would you be thinking on a daily basis? What would you believe about yourself and your life? Ex. I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. The world is an awesome place. I love traveling the world. I have enough money to do anything I please. I have an amazing relationship. I have so much energy! ACTIVITY: GRATITUDE Shifting your mindset takes practice, and it can be a slow process as you work to undo previous conditioning and replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones. However gratitude is like a turbo engine for this process. At the end of each day state 5 things you are grateful for (having experienced, witnessed, done). Do this every night for the remainder of the Challenge. The second part of being grateful ties in with belief. And it’s about being grateful for what you have yet to experience and what you cannot yet see. Give gratitude for the amazing home, the body, the finances, the career, the relationship, or whatever it is you desire, as if you already have it. Last but not least, make sure you feel it. Gratitude should evoke genuine and deep emotion. Without emotion it’s just words. It may take a while to start really feeling it, so keep working at your gratitude practice – it will come. Have questions about getting your mind right? Want to get some feedback and coaching in this area. Schedule you coaching session today.

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Day 4: Get Your Words Right Day 4 is about understanding the power of your words in either helping you or obstructing you from achieving your goals. Words have tremendous power. The things you say to yourself and others have a tremendous impact not only on your ability to achieve your goals, but also on the trajectory of your life. If you want your life to change, it’s important to start being aware of your words.


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ACTIVITY: AFFIRMATIONS Affirmations are positive statements of your choosing. Some of the powerful positive effects of affirmations are increased clarity, increased positive feelings, increased confidence, and increased chances of personal success, just to name a few - all of which you need in order to achieve your goal. So take this activity very seriously. Choose one affirmation that you will use for the remainder of this challenge. How do you choose? The easy place to look is in the last section from within your ‘New Empowering Beliefs’ or you can choose it from this section from within your ‘New Empowering Phrases’. Phrases such as:

• “I am in a healthy and loving relationship…” • “I am awesome at managing my money…” • “I have confidence in myself…” • “I can do this…” (focusing on the achievement of your goal) • “I have an amazing career in public relations…” • “I am a money magnet…” • “I weigh and am in the best shape of my life…” • “I am financially free…” • “Good things happen for me every day…” • “I can accomplish anything I put my mind to…”

Your affirmation can be used each day – several times a day – to keep you, your mind, and your words focused and in alignment with the goal you are working to accomplish. Pick one affirmation that resonates with you and is in alignment with your goal and use it for the remainder of the Challenge.

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Day 5: Take Right Act ion Day 5 is about taking action – but not just any action. You must take right action. Right action is in alignment with your goal. It doesn’t have to be big or dramatic. And it doesn’t have to take a lot of time. In fact, it is less about how much you do, or how long you do it, as it is doing something every day that leads you to your goal. What right actions are you committed to undertaking today?

MY RIGHT ACTIONS Want to do some brainstorming around an action plan for your goal? Want to get some feedback and coaching in this area. Schedule you coaching session today.

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Day 6: Grow Toward Your Goal Day 6 is about growing toward your goal. This means feeding yourself content that helps expand your knowledge and stay on the path to achieving your goal. Choose up to five sources that will support you in achieving your goal. These sources can be about your actual goal (health, finances, relationships, career), about mindset, fear, or other areas you may be struggling with while working to achieve your goal. You will only get out of this what you commit to putting into it. Take your time and research your sources. Ex. online courses, podcasts, books, webinars, articles, blogs, etc.

RESOURCES TO HELP ME GROW TOWARDS MY GOAL ACTIVITY: PERSONAL GROWTH Figure out in which area(s) you need to pursue growth: mindset, procrastination, health, money, self-doubt, relationships, entrepreneurship, leadership, parenting, happiness, etc. and research resources to support your growth in that area(s). Choose one of your growth sources and take time to listen to it, read it, or engage in it in some way each day until you achieve your goal.

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Day 7: Cons istent Rituals Are Key Day 7 is where the rubber hits the road; it’s about your rituals. Rituals are what keep you in the right frame of mind. And rituals are the key to your personal transformation so that achieving your goal becomes certain. Pick up to five rituals you are committed to engaging in every day.

MY RITUALS ACTIVITY: USE YOUR CHEAT SHEET Print out copies of your Goal Momentum Cheat Sheet and use it every day. Now that you’re done, do you have any lingering questions? Do you need clarification or want to revisit one of the topics? If so, I’m available. Go ahead and schedule that coaching session.