ruud · ruud ljghting a historyofsuccessful installations: and the led sensation conquersthe world

The Led Sensation RUUD LI GH TI NG ,' " •• : ., ' -: -0. I,> : f ..i··.....

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Page 1: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

The Led Sensation RUUDLI GHTI NG

,'"• • •: .,'-: -0.I,> : f.. i··.....

Page 2: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

Ruud LJghtingA History of Successful Installations:And the LED Sensation Conquers theWorld.


Page 3: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

~~~ IS Itus-.-:l

_ ~ iJf'IIlw .. ~.,..-..t

~ .........,., 01~ .,,;j duol.

.......-• VISION TUTlNG ......~ ...,

~ to check the~ elrteen<)'

01-:11 -..llIDtIOlh ..._oI

.,.~ r1Ien$Ol)' ond cob.r tenv­

ral<,n of lt1e 0</IpUI~


check for <om:ct~ d!he ernn

~><t.n ..-.d .. Y'Tie<l out on I~ 01


tt>e br «:do M!!<X'""'CI ".....,.e.o;h rod>-

CAr pn:n.ct< _ """ ""'r l~ b.t

obo w...s tffied \tYouth tot.rIIleo<

<:toKI<s _ .ntest to !he<"~y _

t'fro;>MCy.(Ar tests~

• VACUUM TEST1NG of lt>e '&"t ~~


R..o.d~ ca"\"IIeI 1M~

~ anr<>I on l OO!ll; of II>~.

tIOn Ud> product ...., .. ItS ...... e ot>.

I&t>t boon _ elecouc ~...­

co"I'd~CO'ed E.t>

..... br <<::>de Ilibd.""""'="~ IOtII

trK~ *"'I !he _ ,tt,­

..... Tho< _ ItIOI !he product-, _

""'-'S """""0"10'1 prtXe;;ses an be tr.­

eed._ .Il.... lt1e .....

most~~-..,oe ~ -­

bIe on lt1e mo<'«ol. bdI product IS !he

r-.n. of COI'tInuOuS ~I""" '" p¥.11d


& Development

her, 6ewl.ED fo<tln IS It-.~

d _ ~_d, _ 'l!lU'I& """d'l

trf>d LID. ...~ .uov-e poonl.

~ IS I r.lP<i'I'~~

nenl"'" led.~~ 8 'UIU",t*

to~~ .rei ""P"l'o'I"

mont " or'llor 10 w- tt.~

"',1te~ <l!.e P<":l8o:YlED. i

~ ...... "*'""_ to ..-.poi _Jed


The Evolution of a BetaLED Product,Ruud Lighting's LED Product Line


Page 4: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

The contn..o.4 -....... ~ lED ~doO'

-.os <Mr1C'" tno:<1l' .-.p d """"'" 6Cl:IlO

___ r,pe 01 taJ"doO'. (O.tIooed

........ Idded t:o'uL _ <0 '........1> do _

~1 Reduced EnergyConsumption for aBetter"Environment

LED is the FutureBetaLED is at the Forefront


• • ••

Page 5: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

~ of~ ""'" _ WI>­

pIN. d~ _ "'" phoIocdB


_ ret)I on CIT"et'''''_ \lEd. "'""P

.-.I tn/foc condobonI .01 If-' lnIH.

......h """''' .... 11"" """'¥I' _op­

The P'Of-"'-'i ond ........... 'ee

optIOnI b" _ 0yWmI. In m.n.

~ a'ld w,twoed """'"

I'I'UllpIe I'I'ICU"UI& syA<t'nl.. po - ,

opto.-duo..E--, __ dloow • Ileuil.fO

prOO;ct. _ ..... food ll'>e _ .....

toen k:r """~ P'c,ecl .­

.. _at.

IU .......... ~...~... I> ... 001 .. ~..... '

• Caiour lemper~

• No...- oIl£Dl,~ br !hi!


0'9"< -

The~(CO"PO""' ~ 01 Be­

w.EO r,><t~ .allows «n.r.rle rd

<U<lo<r'IOWd control d "",h 19'1

pc>Itll- In p.irtJ<..ur. lhf: spec...~ de·

vdoped wnln>l 'r;l""" lor lMoe

~~ petmII "'lell~ cO"troi 0/

"'" ligM ou tput ond _>rOnme<1t.ol

~ Flexible for All Types of Customisation

llomer .. v-en _~ 10

oeIecl _ bP" 01.. do5frD.A>on

fn;m_~orOOM 1 tAt .....

tr"C IOIIKn.. _ rure- of l.£Doord

_ «lIo.r tt'O i .....~ ""<:>'II "'""""


llo.I&fO lif'vf: ~ _


~~ L£D~~ooe"C)l

.. _oIbot1>~_

-..,.--.,~ • --.n 01

led.... ..., -...cfll optoons.

~ un be ....,..,...., 14' ., _

ode.> ~ pt<><Ium """ 0I<IapI 10

~ Q;rl"odenI 0/~ po ,oope,

~~, .. e.o<h (. l(\1S!! un

.n~ De.-.. .11~~ <t.l~,

Ra.od lJihtlng ..~ for the !'nO­

du lonty of ~, lighting ')"1""'"

This moduIMlly ".".\at'" ,",0 the

Page 6: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World


@ Long Life, Low Maintenance

HOUSing that Standsthe Test of Time:

Special DeltaGuard


..,.,..~ rcl ~~ port>

~ 1m cl\$. 1I""Ol rcl....-u. 0 AIr Ao.vTeetnology

• •

Page 7: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

BetaLED for PetrolA Light that is Enticing.Reassuring.Facilitating.

,',- e- Uniform Vision,Daylight Effect" '


Page 8: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

Simple InstallationThe IleuI.ED products \Md 10 ollurfwwt~~ <tot.,., C"""","" have~~

w>lh~f'I$~1lOn n "'""<1 ...t.eII.. Ior~"""""'& fo<l\n'S (~ots) or for

~..- f,mns. The v.r.cM~ syst ...... lor-aocpy prcduru oller. thlx.,

01c~ or _ ....~

Quick Maintenance

_ c.ncp,. ....... proQ.ocu~ ""' «110~ _1 KCO"S 10~ «>m­

pone<U~""""1( ..~_ to c.ry OUI ony t)'Peo(~

The ~><'l<ft.. .......,__~~""'"dlc.. be~~hrn

tI'Ie,...,....., -.,~_or I bnR\

Excellent ControlThe~ roo'COO""" 0( IluJd utrtrt L£D products *'" pelrol ouwn <M"OP'f

fO<llnS 10 be •• 'Witty monoged. The..,.,. emtlM bl' edIf~ """ be.........,:l

usrog mooon........,.,; 1t\il~~ a"'Q61I oIfW't ...~ to~ potit,iCf: or I"lCI'I­

~ 01 p.opIe- or~Tt..A ..,. .. ""'" emned _ ~ " ~ P""'

Unique Tenms of Warranty

· 5 ~·~for~ .......

• to,-.·pa'II~br~~

Page 9: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World


304 SERIESVersati le Components,Easy Maintenance.

The 304 Senes ~"' ...... has • ,~ dn...... for ...",.., nmlLwon ;nj """"'& The e....

of "'t~"'" from the lowe!<~ of \he fO<lutO: (tOOaI lor "",esse<! ltght",g) ar<l t~"

1'O''>ibiIrl'y of """'''''llthe~ lor..., ')'PI' (Of~~", WIth eXl"",,", """'.

c~ f. ,:.Iitdt"" ~""""",,, The exc"",,", ""itt di<"pa!,on <yStem reO..oc"" dust

t>JOd-up. wtilCh tr"3l"l<L<le'i nto '" 50% reduct>on"' the tJ:1'"needed to oem ther~

~ WIth trildroonol oed""" system>.

•~ ¥.....,. fo' ceOn£ <nd- t..",-lf'II"· r"" 'l'P">__ -IC <nd O(J l.fD

· o.. ro>l: e.'~~~

' _ Cbs J.~o(~P611

• N<n:>Opr,:0~ .. """"""'" """ D<rt Iq fI[SNA)· l.fD~_"wi ......... ,."Il~--• R«",",... >6:<l ~""...c. fS• CoIoLo """"ll!l.rel 0(1)0()() r.~300 I<: on! JSOO 1( __

•~ K oP!D' (of poi>I.,.,..".~ IIy~ «fI!I>'

Page 10: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

Series 304: the New Frontierfor Canopy LED Fixtures



•',' ";.•"

_l_ots ......

.. the ......, IlO """'PtJt ro;l the -.l _


30 oeconclo ...,j 30~~ tht Itt'!

...~ c.- oIl'lJ(N«!~

Sene> lO'I fO<l<n$ un bf: frMd __

~ ce"V3l C............ lb Componmerc

• "'OlCln _ to """rei lI'Ie IiC"l

""'"'--e <II ont_, or~~

_-.out..,~ ,nte+lae ....

I'¥ to olck.op d "oil

-~Uch _ can be fre,dy P'0C'a., ,,"'"

wt\h "'"~ t<nn ¥Ill il¥hl 0'lI_

......... tmlu&h the _1oibIe~


Page 11: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World



•~ ¥.....,. fo' ctoIn£ <nd-t..",-lf'II"• Mo<Ua """"" (from )0 '0 100 LED)· o.. ro>l: e.'~~~

' _ Cbs l'~o(~P611

• N<n:>Opr,:0~ .. """"""'" """ D<rt Iq fI[SNA)· JB)~_"Wi ......... ,."Il~--• R«",",... >6:<l ~""...c. fS• CoIoLo """"ll!l.rel 0(:1m r.~300 I<: onl 60001(_•~ K oP!D' (of poi>I.,.,..".~ IIy~ «fI!I>'

~~"Tho,mc><U.v~ aI\owo5 the 'Y't"'" 10~ r"OIl' ... . 'oM, fiorn

20 10 100 LED (I 10 S IigMI bar<), for lh<>~ Iit"t out;>ut T"", type< of EIXiE Pori<

a<l' M11ab1e for petrol <!.IlIOn (~,"'Iing (rno<¥1tr>g 0) and~ (""","",rlg Rj,

EDGl: Par1< rl><\""'"~ been~ to pn:Mde opt...., colour and ""00rTmy n

~ 'i<J(h as petrol SliII'''''~ c<M!f1.'d <ar~ rwd~ and

THEEDGE PARKProject Modularityand Flexibility


Page 12: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

• •

227 SERIESEnergy-Saving,Low Environmental Impact

The fo<tuf<!', LEDmodIJIes ha\-e 4~ p<l'M!f ..m'"ll' for 30, W.90 and 110liD

and~ 1M t/'oe~ product lor alI logt1br>g Jl"'I"<1-' UI<e all Ri..ud l~g', ~

ULED proOlct!.~ 227 s."-,,.,. " euttng edge "' 1.......,. 01 e<CKOI"rlP<llbl~l' guarMlleed

low~taI~ both '" terms of energy WIng> and "'.nbdily.

• Dtspd /0' ...,..,." """""'ll• Mo<Ua""""" (from 10 '0 I](J LED)· o.. ro>l: e.'~~~

' _ Cbs J'~o(~P611

• N<n:>Opr,:0~ .. """"""'" """ D<rt Iq fI[SNA)· JB)~_"Wi ......... ,."Il~--• R«"," ,... >6:<l ~""...c. fS• CoIoLo """"ll!l.rel 0(:1m r.~300 I<: onl6000 1(_


Page 13: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

Our product range includes


"""'" 304 SERIESTYPE 2p-cooct 304 SERJES


"""'" 304 SERJESTYPE 4

"""'" 304 SERJES










Page 14: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

N anoO ptic : Asymmetrical and Symmetrica l Diffused Lighting Effects

•• ••

.. "0""" .." .• •

• •

ACA$~ iof'lo't eIIecU w<1l • __ bNm ...~ W . p<m'Ot_~ """"" of .......fonnityto be~ ........ ....-to:oI pWIe. 'M\h

~ """-l <2' 1I>r peIr<lI~

FS~ <Iolf'-""'<l igh\In& effect> -1(llI ... .......-.:l ih' _ ... , _ 01~ to be~ 0" both ~ __

ZO"1UI ..-.d~ pIroo. _ to ~oorrq op<J<> (90%) TI>!: _ of tNl ~ _ pem>l> e>:<.trnI. _ of..-.lormnr

loroptonoI " ......~

'''''''''"of $ymmeln<:aJ d,flu..-d~ght.-.g ~ff«1S "\'001

.. .

Page 15: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World


HID Versus LED:An Illuminating ExperienceThe Murphy USA - O il & GasExperience

Page 16: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

Canopy and Surroundings

Outfitting of Perimeter Areas

o..tdoor-~~ rod~ _ ~ 01opeo.t, do' '\otd~ for..

~ ..-d$.",-~ l.Jlr""llhe Ie6'C Itfoln& led '''*'11~~ for

0"0: ¥ld for II ¥Ill U."""'i.C ......~ 1D~ '*' to, ",,"owe


Page 17: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World


f,. SlrftI. .. -.., dnolJ'ed lor _ .wd ...wn tit­

tOl'~The "'O<t.<I¥ W- olIowJ lor <O"I~

-awdIn& lOire'..... ...,.,, 10 12..,.,

bon.'-' 10 10240un Ro.u:l Lof"tI'"C".~..,..stem mN\ ~ P'-** 10 _ EdF s-tl: lor~ 10

~ lot> ond hlm~10..- ....... -. biene'



·~"''''''''''''''!Ir''''' _ ......."... ""r-.-.: I~_... : _ tr-ro'I 1)aod_".,. ""r--c I)

•__ ~1O.1fCl£Dj

• 0.. ...... _ i"Ira.-lf~

._ 0:.0 '•~ 0( ,...... . ""'"•~••• .W<..., "..,p '01) _ /lIloO S/IijI I!EWAJ• lID.....a..s <-.d" ........... _l:IOlIOI<Gl..........-........-..• ""-0I>lnAC-AQ. FlI. ...1\ M,1M. TM4 QvM. Q\'l• Cob..- _ <t lSOO .. ~JlXI' """ 1\OOl< _· _ .....-__do"__ I_O)

• r-_.,..", _-...,..(_ Sj


~ Road '" ee ......,.._ un IiIhtJrc .,.........~

ned to, Bo:t&Hl~ Road ..~.-..--

de<llor...-. ond~,..."...,.......The _

....,..,.; i)"Ob:m (m .tAy 1')""-" It toW'I be'.......ud on

....... or po\Io tDp (90") ond \Ol ~e<l .. ~. 0'l0'e­

.......,. to I<ftpot '""" "",lUI _ ~ p6'd • un be

used bolt> lor new ........on. or...,go(ltI. The ""OC:Uor

ledw., Road fJ'5lem...... lorconf~-. ..".

~ of 10nl 20 lIDs to obtIrl the de¥N l..nw>cM

Oe>i"OU~201O 120l.£Os.

Owacterstcs.- ..-' __lfo-lO.. ,lO lW!. o.. ..._-.~._ a-,• I::lo!I'w 0(, . ' ""'"•.~. "C>'o>, <l"(G4C.. '~, _[»0SIq~. 1HI__ ,............. ..",.............,.-,..-.,• ""--.,AC-ACA Pll "'ltln!!ill, 1M. 1M&. Q'>\'o( Q\'l·"*"",, _ 0(3500 J(4JO()J(crd6(Q)J(_• """"" ..... ...-__"'.,.__1_0)• I...__......"<n<k1ot.t"1_ 5,)


Page 18: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

CharaetenstKs' Dc- ..._,..."...~· _ 0. 1• llopop oft ........•~""", •• _ ' _, _0"." ~t£SNoI,I

• l1tJ__..w _l>dlW<d.....:0•..-, .. ' b

• - """""~ Q\'S• CGloLo .... _ ofl500 I<. ~ JOO ~ _(I(U) .: _• fot~.,. ..... __ ,.,·

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• • [l-­IMtt_l_

p~~... lhe '-<t~ d lhe Ilt1.ll.ED

brniy t:r '-1tI ..,~qL .oct.... ....,~ fO­

D 01..,~ ..~__.,., A'd"o!em,.

rol1t)oOe.-.llN-ol<>10 lhe~~~

~ _rene~ .. dos9> .-.l .. lhe~




-­SIo..- I !<x> , .........

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• tID mod<io5 ao<ftd .. , .......... -!JC/otaIlp..-....-,,.-..

• _ -.!LK.&~ I'Itll, 1\ M 1M fMII. QvM. Q\'S•e-.._o(J500 1<.4.1OO ~_ eooo.:_• 1Ii:>oe' ....._ ........ _00•••__ r_ 01• r- _ _ -... """"'9" r_liI

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_ 10"" 200DcIe l£O:"~ lNl _ lhe r.~

IObe~ _lOw 120LEDL


~ !"'Vll .. " ~o<I1ft <yUeTl_ hoM -. _

red br<rir>c.~rd~oppk~~ for



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u-- ;n ,,'Ot tie h;Jm 20 10 110 L£O(hlm I 10 1

'VllMn~ The f~ ...~ _ 01 r.- IUPJlO"1

.... 1T'O.6"tn& fer~ onRIIllo>

Page 19: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World


Mounting I

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Page 20: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World


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Page 21: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

BetaLED NanoOptic System: cd/kim photometries

QVS -o.--r",..,",oc-.O_1I'lhort}b-_'-' _


~ "0.11 .. <>pto< Itwol~l


TSB","-,"~~~", --.__.~b-_


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Page 22: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

.ll ....

~od 1«l" ' ••~110 lowIoRd-,.."V><tono ]1~2_161 J9fIOO~

F61 )'IIlOO\~JJ

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11889 Rc-. :0 , ~ )It ".,ON.e.-~4Y'1Il

T (8X:I) 41).12)1F (8lO) e'lO-7Yl1,.---""'"~~ St1 ~ s.uVIII dIlo""""" S1j.4SOI~Rcnnot...,.T )'J(fi~}4 b IF )9 (fi~ )1101 XIOw......-.-... " ......-.......,~_u.c

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...".""" l..-clo<!•••• _ PIe LTD~ 4lXlll...... Ho '"" M 10--,165 6&+I1B8ff>568+41H'["0 ..~


BoKol..ot""'llllell LED"I'.-..d 4IJ'oIrc c..........,.120092""~~~~)In

T (800) IJ6.4&:XlF:(2~)5l)I-~IS

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Page 23: RUUD · Ruud LJghting A HistoryofSuccessful Installations: And the LED Sensation Conquersthe World

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