russian sable to=day carnegie lamb...edward m. shepard bourke cockran will at carnegie hall...

.NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1901. James McCreery & Co., FURS. Sable Fox Boas, $0.50 Alaska Sable ** <ciaster taii»> 7.00 Mink " *' •• ...... 10.50 Russian Sable " ** " 75.00 and 00.00 Persian Lamb Coats. Latest 310 dels, with bell cuffs, $55.00. Seal Coats,— London Dye, , $165.00. Twenty-third Street. HOME SEWS. INDEPENDENT DEHOCRATS for EDWARD M. SHEPARD BOURKE COCKRAN will at CARNEGIE HALL To-ni^ht, 8 o'clock. NO TICKETS REQUIRED. If looking for overcoat warmth don't forget your legs warmth in spots isn't what you want. Medium weight long over- coats, exceeding graceful, rather loose, cover and warm the entire body. Hard and soft finished cloths of every possible shade of gray, as well as browns and blacks. $15 to $32. Misses' Suits and Jackets A Special Offering for To=day and Saturday. TAILOR HADE SUITS of Venetian cloth. Eton Jacket fancy velvet vest, trimmed with satin folds. Flare Skirt, finished with rows of stitching, blue or black. 14 to 18 | C AA year sizes, 1 *7«vr\J BOX JACKETS— Heavy kersey cloth Box Jackets, stitched fl f|O storm collar, lined with heavy satin, castor or black, V t VO Full Line of Misses' Raglans at Very Attractive Prices. Sale of Children's Reefers. A special purchase of Children's Box Reefers on sale to-day. They are made of melton cloth, double breasted, with two small capes piped with velvet, colors navy blue, red and brown, 6 to 14 year sizes. 3.98 Each. Latest novelties in Infants* Coats, Caps and Dresses at exceptionally Low Prices. Sixth Avenue, 20th to 21st Street. Schillinger, a butcher, who lay dead on the floor beside her and who had committed suicide. Superintendent George Blair of the Outdoor Poor Department received a letter yesterday from Everett. Va.. staling that labor is scarce at that point: that those who are willing to work can find plenty to do there, and that houses will be supplied for them, food given to them and work found for them. The superintendent Is asked to lay the chance for work for« needy families. Of course the suit under the overcoat should be equally well made, and as well cut. New cut, cloths and colors; $15 to $32. Underwear to fit. $1.50. Rogers, Peet & Company. IT'S Broadway, cor. Warren. nr.d 7 an<l 9 Warren St. CfiO Broadway, -or. Prince. We fill order* ICOrt Broad-ray, cor. ?23. ¦ »>> mat'- an.! .'.4 Wnl :«.l St. A GIFT HINT— SIMPLICITY. A point to fastidious tastes and slender purse*. A simple piece of furniture. if carefully con- structed, and of subtle contour, is an aristocrat. Frequently. in real grace and elegance, it will excel an ornamental piece of many timer, its cost. Such aristocrats are here "in allo their moste pride." Tea- Tables, almost Grecian in their simplicity, from $3.30. Hanging Cabinets, for reserve cups and saucers. £."».'..'">. Dainty Tea- Trays. $7.50. Muffin Stands, $10.50 -these are merely hints for tea-lovers There are kindred delights for all lovers, at factory prices, as you "BUYOFTHE MAKER" Geo. C.FLint Co. 43.45 mo 47 Wfi&T 2i»ST, NEAR BROADWAY. 1& purA Pine {%RNITUSE SPECIAL MENTION. THE REYNOLDS FARM. AT FORT CHESTER. TO BE TRANSFORMED INTO A PRIVATE PARK. James Blosf. a wealthy banker, has purchased the John W. Reynolds farm, at Fort Chester, on the Sound, for the purpose of laying out one of tht- finest country places in that region. The farm consists of sixty acre* in King-st.. and a large and costly manor house will be erected on the highest elevation, which commands an unobstructed view of Long Island Bound for miles. It is said that it is th* intention ot'the new owner to transform the grounds Into ... rivate park, and to erect large stable* and conservatories. for a rorxTRY rLui: oa rrr souxn. factory: 154-ans i&6 wEsr I9?STRct-:r A.lvfrtl.cmont. admitted Into these col* .iii.ii, »re re.omi.i^iirt^.t to the reader* nt THE TRIBUNE as thoroughly reliable, and basißrsiit can he done by mail with the a<l<. vertisers with perfect Bafety. Announoementa. PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. ALBEMARLE— F. J. Fish, of Boston, and Endi- cott Pea.body, of Oroton. Mass. CAMBRIDGE— Baron S. yon <"?. '.'.enb^reT. Austro-Hungaxian Charge d'Affaires, of YVashlnKton; Baron yon Hengelmul- ler. Austro-Hungarlan Minister, of Washington; Professor John Howard Mile*, of Glasgow, and N. H. ¦¦¦aim, of Toledo. FIFTH AVENUE— EIiot Hubbard. of Boston. GlLSEY— Colonel Frederick Phlsterer. of Albany. GRAND—Major J. C. Muhlenberg. U. S. A., and Major H. F. Hodges. V. S. A. GRAND UNlON— Booker T. Washington, Of Tuskegee. Ala. HOFFMAN— Charles Louis Dreyfus, of Paris; Benjamin Ida Wheeler, president of the«r6!ty of California; Commander W. H. Drtges. U. S. N.. and Baron Borch. of Washington. HOLLAND-Thomae Nelson Pase. of Washing- ton; David McClure. of San Francisco, and James H. Eckels, of Chicago. IMPERIAL— CoIoneI D. C. May. of Buffalo, and ex-Mayor D. C. Robinson of Elmira. MANHATTAN— Professor Charles Mcl- Jen Tyler, of Cornell University, and Winthrop Coffin, of Boston. MURRAY HlLL— Joseph H. Choate. United States Ambassador to Great Britain; Dr. A. T. Hadley. president of Yale Uni- versity; William R. Harper, president of the Uni- versity at Chicago, and ex-Judge J. Rider <""ady. of Hudson. NETHERLAND Ex-Mayor W. W. Jacobs of Hartford. PLAZA—H. L. Swift, of Chi- cago. SAVOY— Ludwig Max Goldberger. member of the Imperial German Conciliative Board for Commercial Measures, of Berlin. VICTORIA— Judge J. T. Marchand. of Washington; Colonel Her- man Brown, of St- Paul; ex-Senator Charles A. To*-ne. of Minnesota, and Congressman W. E. Howejl. of Maine. WALDORF— AIIen Kahn. of the Credit Lyornaise. Paris: Rutherford Trow- bridge. of -Haven; Dr. Manuel Johnston, of Havana, and Judge Lynde Harrison, of New- Haven. A New Collar. T. & VT. "Lubeok." •'L.ubeck." E. & W Beautiful ha:r ta alera»i pleesin*. ar.4 TARKF-RS HAIR BALSAM *i ' ... QRB\-ES OINTMENTmakea .. bealthy akin, BOc. "Ainuacmcnts. nnnfiTnn'o^ - ir ' vaudbviujs *• comedy. I'Hflt •IIIH N> lv - 5 Boc - No Hlsher I i.UL. U.I Uf LAUGHTER th» Main Feature. OQrl QT \ "A BACHELOR'S HONEYMOON." Lull Ul.< "Tour Wlfe-s Husband." Splendid Vaud. 511 111 < "M4VPV OPn " GREAT AUGUSTIN th nU HMul ft b'J. DALY COMEDY Hi Ml. ' All Star Vaudeville. Continuous Comedy. i«tm > s A N d o W ;;!',¦ j/J ST.' "Baby Chase." Vaudeville. Laushs. 1-oth UiUm. Butterfly" ! Beautiful T ©th "Mmc. DUiteniy iDeiasco put nfi ST. '"Her Last Rehearsal." Cream of Variety. SUNDAY HOTS& CONCERTS O piOGEyr AND PEST VAUDEVILLE IN TOWN. LYCEIi>I THEATRE Weil. Afternoon, LYCEUM TiiEATKL net. so-nt 31:10. Major J.^B-'Pina announces SARAH GRAND 15V"" 1 Toffo?" c * oflnfln bnflNU Vatkor "f "ThA Heavenly Twtai." "Bake, th« Imposeil- ble.' etc. KURJF.'T- I Madam Grand'a success as a lecturer iirric , | n C.reat Ilriraln the r>a<=t season IVI C. P* C I s \u0084..«. , of any lady speaker MAN. I knovro to the English L>ceums. Reserved Se fi t-i. 1.80 A 1.00 On Sale at Theatre. a If AP>BB RT < ! " Aye. A 2IU 5t. .." S:IS LAS In C" IB El DANIEL FROHMAN. Manager. Vi" Ski II IH IiANIKI- FROHMAN. Manager. Qa I"KmV »*2 Matir.ees Thur»d*jr 4 Saturday. BERTHA GALLAND Sla -^ . . f nvay t .Tlih ft At S:10 I | A I V *> DANiKL FROHMAN M«r. L/ril_/ I •*** Wed. and --it at 2. ,;ill RRGAT WEEK. Me-srs NIX >S & ZIMMERMAN PRESENT i.... 1..1«iir.1. -• 1...H.1..11 Gaiety SucrfM THE MESSENGER BOY with JAMES T. POWEBB THEATRE REPUBLIC^ *"&£?" l?.'*p SAT,. Matinees WVdneMiay v Saturday. 2:lft. J. 11. Stoddart in The Bonnie Brier Bush II VIII. KM VIOLA A1.1.i:.\. |Ev«s.. MI.V Opera llouta. i "In the p«ln<-e of ihe King." i Mat. s. v Week— Louis Mann— < :l.ira L'.ptuan. . Fat.. 2:15. waluck's E9R AIAB"TT do> |IM riAOKETT hi iikv. "lU-st I">mi Pirsar e.nce SaivllU.".— TV m. '.V:nt«r. ill I DD A V HILL THEA. Lex. Ay«. St 42: St. MUIinAT M\Tl>Ki: K\ KHY DAI U&o. Marie \\iiiii»rlthl in T\\«-lfll» Majht. II \ MMI !- : KIN S Bvt*. ">:ls. Matinee .^titurday. 2:15. \H TiillH, | lt« SSKLI- HIHIX. E . ,„ SWEET MASUB. HERALD Sfi&Sn CAN DALY MATS. WED: .t SAT.. 2:15. UU 2M |IU I I EVENINGS AT 8:15. UIIII Wllk I {jS£?iox"d7t:l| . THE NEW YORKERS. UHOAIUVAV THEATRE. 41st Street .v Broadway. I.\s'r WEEK >>f the rastl* Square Open Co. TO-NIGHT a.vJ TAHMBAUSER. SAT< MiKAOO. bat* mat. Ifinnflauotn. night. rn^AUU. PRICES -'. "¦'. l-f><>. Madison SQUARE garden. FLOWER SHOW TO-DAT TAIU.R AND WEDDING 1 >1> "ORATIONS. SATI"Kr>AY CHUYSANTHEaiITM DAY. CONCERTS AFTERNOON AND EVENING. OPES 10 A. M. TO 10 P. M. ADMISSION. 50c^ CHILDREN. 2Sc. m v VDVERTISISMICNTS and »ut»cnonon.i tor The Trtbuoe rtcelvrd Bl >n»lr Uptown Office. No. 1.212 P-roadw»r. 24 door north of 31st-«t.. until ft o'clock t> m. : *<iv*rt!e»- ¦Denta received at the following branch oiTli-es at regular office rates until S o'clock i>. in.. vis : 254 Sth-ave.. •. c. tor. 2M-*l. . IS3 6th-ave.. cor. 12th st.; Mac»*». «th »»•. and 14i'i st.; 142 Columbui* aye,.. near West o6lh-st. 10« West 42.1 at.. near 6th-ave. : 82 East 14th-st.: U ARISE ISTELLIGEXCE. MINIATUP.B ALMANAC. Eunri*e 6:23iSur.Eet r. :•>•• M •. sets ISO a m!Moon's age IS HIGH WATER. A.M.— Sandy Haah 5:07 Gov. Island .V.; 4 Hell Gate 7:27 P.M.— Sandy Hook 6*l l Gov. 1.-lani I M Hell Gate .A. JS( oiz/.v; fi 7 A.4 if /:/;>¦. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY, r'.ower Show at Madison Square Garden Free outing of the Bufine»a Men'» Protective, AfirKrlatlon. Lebohner's Dester Park. |M—M Shepard at Schuetien Hf.!:. Mmf^M «-1 Broadway. Urn« Island City; Caoatt* Hall. No. 101 Grand^i. Brooklyn; EckTorfl Ha. Eckford-tt. and Sormnn-av*-.. Brooklyn, evening; noonday meeting. No. 4.SG Broadway. Manhattan. Ee*h Low in Brooklyn: Turn Hall. Me*.erole-st.. '.-• S:20; Schiellein's Hall. »:1O to »:*?; Turn Ha.l. garter at »:35 to 9:50: PiMHar Hall. 10 o clock. Justice JeranJe in Brooklyn: Parshall's Hall. 7:«S to (=:1O; Acme Hall «>:-"'• to S:30; C3eran r.t Avenue Rink. 9 to aJO Alhen«fam. '.' S.. ;-. 4,'. Turn Hail, Sumpter-st., 10:10 to J0:20; Schlellein's Hall. 10:25. Citizens Union. VlHth ¦¦¦>!> District. Hall, Sixte**t. and Third-aye., 8 p. m. W. Burk« rv--krr.r. at Carnegie Hall, fe p. m. Hungarian Tolltical Union. Tammany meeting. Cooper Union, 6 p. m. Justice Jerome and Jacob A. Cantor. No. 147 Avenue B. evening. Manhattan Liberal Club. No. 220 East F!ft«,-et.. 8 p. m. Dinner for President C>'ru« Northn>j> of the, University of Minnesota. Hotel St. Andrew, eveninr. Dinner en new North German Lloyd *teair.;hlp Bremen. Hoboken, 7 p. m. Board of Education free lecture. Th» Catskll'.s anfl the Adirondacks." by <"- v .axles Barnard. Holy Communion PariEh House. No. 49 Wen Twentleth-st.. 6 p. m. ¦^mnarmcnia. FMPIRE Til EATHE. BROADWAY & 40TH ST Evenings S:2O. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. JOItfSDRtI. I iEtOtiU ii> COWMHI. ! SgSS^lVs CRITERION B^^ T & R ?4th s , \ Evenings 8:15. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. MM. FAVERSHAM i A KOYAL KIVAL. Preceded by PRINCE CHARLIE, by R. Marshall. , ¦ ¦ " I O\nniCK THEATRE. 35TTI ST. &BROADWAY. | Evenings at B:3C. Only Matinee Saturday, < II Mil h"« I "Great Success." Herald. HAWTREY 1 A MESSAGE FROM WARS. SEW SATOT THFATKE. 34TH iT. &. B'WAT. 'i^ast 2 Nights Last Saturday Mat. .LOUIS MANN i THF Rj"l^ HInor CLARA I.IIVMAX | IIIL l\»-U nL'JUI Next Monday Charles Frohman Presents Eber. Ho!d"en. MADISON »<*• THEATRE. 24TH ST.. NR. BWAY. Fverinrs S:3O. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. S&:,. THE LIBERTY BELLES. «;\nnE\ theatre. 27th st. * Madison AVI Rvenlnsrs *:\!> Mat. Saturday. Mr. E. H. Oa*\TUPDM IF ¦ »'EHK KIM(i. O\J I rt EL 5 18 IF I WERE KING. NVxt Tuesday— Special Matinee— RlCHAßD LOVELACE KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE. B'way & S^th St. HENRY IRVING. MISS ELLEN TERRY. TO-NIGHT « 15—THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. MATINEE TO-MORROW AT 2— KING CHARLES I. SATVKUAV SIGHT. LOUIS XI. i . SKXT WEEKS REPERTOIRE. MONDAY TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY SIGHTS. MAD- , AMF. S\NS'GBNE. THURSDAY NIGHT AND SATUR- DAT MATINEE. MERCHANT OF VENICE. FRIDAY EVG NANCH OLDFIEI-D AND THE BELLS SAT- 1 URDAY NIGHT THE LYONS MAIL SEATS NOW ON SALE. pi I All DAVID BELASCO presents ° WABFSEIO \i\ii\KK ¦ I.N THE v loinw SATIKDAT. HI 11IK AUTIO>EtK. WM FLOROOOBf ACADEMY OF Ml SIC. 14th St. & Irving PL h°o» ses . ARIZONA rXi Prlceji 25. 50 7? 1 . 100 Mats. Wed. A Sut.. 2. Eve.. J>:ls. EXTRA Grand Ccncert Sunday Eve.. 25. sl>. 75c. casino, l&iti&lA USI H ii-w»y.3ih st. ]#vSnll9#4 S£&sLur Mat.'sat. only. I THE LITTLEDUCHESS. IRVI\O PLACE THEATRE. Eveirs. at l >:2<>. nUht A Mat. Sat., "DAS INnESCHRIEIIENE BI.ATT." Saturday Eve.. "|»ol1.i." flDanbattan Ebeatre, tt r™™[. A\R_S FISICEL Mlrnniln of the Ilnli-ony. Ev. ?:2f>. Mat. Sat. 2:13. AIYIFRICA\ 42D ST. AND 3Sc Me Mat. l>ally except lion, 2S<-. I .MY PARTM II Ted Marks' But Concert Every Sunday Night. l/FITU'O Bwajr i papist I%Ob II II V 14th St. ::<> Other Arts. C" |-\ C" Mf WORLD IV WAX! New Orchestra. UL- IN ; CINEMATOG It a I* II . mi S X .< PRE3. M-KINLKY LYING in state. Dacn^nn'C continuous show. I*ii3 X Uli »3 :o AXD 30 cents. The Donovans. Cook and So* r.i TO-DAY. Versel From Line. Elswlck Manor Hamburg. October 3 Oleta Gibraltar. C»ct.>ber >• Button F.arbados. October 15. ...Lamp & H ;-. Laurentlan _.G!as-iraw. October •- ... Alan-State Lacroma Gibraltar, October » El Monte. New-Orleans, October 19 ... Morgan Moneibello Gibraltar. 10 Germanic Liven October 16 White Star Nord America Palermo. October 13 La Velo.-e Hindoo Hull. October 12 Wilson Nicola II Copenhspen. October 9 Scand-Am Pennsylvania Plymouth. October IS Bajnl Am SATUP.DAT. OCTOBER M Campania Liverpool. October 18 Canard Ft Paul Southampton October 19... .American Cymric Liverpool. October IS White Star Ccrr.anche Jacksonville. Oototx-r ..:.... •"!> Euljrar.a Hamburg. October 14 Hamb-Am Brltlfh Prince Antwerp. October 12 Ph.rnix Eeperania Havana, October 23... N. Y. & Cuba SUNDAY, OOTOBBR 27. El IMa New-Orleans, October 22 .... Morgan La Champaime Havre. October 19. French Manltou London. October 17 At. Trans. Poudam Rotterdam, October 17 H I- Am OUTGOIXG STEAMERS. Steamer Chester iDutch). Julfs. Antwerp October 8 In hallaFt to c II Randerbrock. Arrived at t, .- Bar at 'A p m. Steamer Britannia (Fri. Marrec. Maiwllleji October -. Almpna 7. Malasa « and St Michaels IS, with miw ani 23 ateerace i v ng«» to J W Elwel] A- Co. Arrived at the Bar at .': a m. Steamer Dart (Br). Clark. Antofocaata, Autru«t 2.">. Plsapua 30, I 'al*l - Buena Septeml><>r 1. Valparaiso ,'>. <:oronel 7. Montevideo 24 and St Lucia October IS, wilh mdFe to Flint Fli.Jy Trading i".im|iany: vessel to J H ¦Winchester .-. Co. Arrived at the Bar at lrt : .W a m Steamer Atlas. Rubelll, Sabine i'.is-. October 15. via Delaware Breakwater 24. with oil to the Standard Oil Company. ?tcam*r City of BirminKham. Burs. Savannah October 21. with radae and passengers to the Ocean Steamfhlp Company. Steamer Hamilton. Boas. Newport News and Norfolk, with mdM and passengers to the Old Dominion Steamship Company. Steamer City of Macoo. Savafie. Bojfon. with m'i?<» to the Ocean steamship Company, Sandy IM, N J. Oi-t 34, 9 SO p m Wind northwest; fresh breeze: clear. FAILED. Steamers Volao 'Brl. for Savannah; L'Aqultslne fFr). Havre; Sicilla il'ali. (lenun. etc; Ar&con, Newport News; Konlpin I^itse, (tjori. Bremen via Southampton: F4 Vail*, Ne-.v-Or!eans; Jamentown. Norfolk and Newport Ne'.v*; EaoUaxo, Nassau, Santiago, etc; t'umal. Galveston; Daj- gry <Nort. Pr"»fre!».->; [Uverdale (Br), Auckland, etc: Bene- factor. rhilaiie!ph:a: Kanj-as City. Savannah; City of Philadelphia. Bklttnjore; Themis rNor«. N«w-Or leans; Evelyn, Newport News (In tow of tun E3dward lji.-k»n- bach). THE MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. FOREIGN PORT3. Lizard. Oct 24. 11:40 a m Paf?ed. steamer Vaierlar.d (Br), Albrei ht, New-York for cherlourg and Ant- werp; 6:15 i> m. patted steamer '.* F:re:a*ne (Fr>. Alls. New-York f.r Havre. Brow Head. Oci 14—Pa«se.J. »l»jm»rs Bovlc (Hri. Jones. New- York for Liverpool; Weils city (Dr), Carey. New-York for Bristol. Prawle 1 Bt, Oct 24 Pa»s*<J pteamer Martello 'Mr*. Jenkins. New-York f.>r Hull. I^ndon Oct 24 Arrived, steamer Marque;!* <Br>. Oati*. New-York: sailed, hteamer Mes-il* (Br), I>owe. N«-n- V ik Queenftown. Oct 24. !»:3."> a it Ssll-d. steamer Majestic (Br», Smith (from Liverpool), Jfew-York. Rotterdam. Oct 23 Arrived, steamer Excelsior <Oer>. Courtin. New-York; 10 p m. arrived, learner itterdam (Dutch), It PK"veen. New— York via Doulosn*- sur Ifer; 24th. 10 a m. palled. »team»r Rott«rda>m (Dutch). Stenxer. Bouloßne^itur-Mer and New- York. Stettin. Oct 21 Arrived, steamer NaasovU <<"Je-». NeppT- sohmld, New -York vl tt Openhaß- n HambuiK. Oct 24. 2 a m Arrive 1. M».im»r Patricia (Ger), LelthausT. New-York Ma Plymouth and > •V»rb.->urit. Dnntzle. Oct 23 Arrived. steamer Eneirl« i(>r). Schaeffer. New -York. Lifhon. Oct 24 Arrived, «tenrrer Peninsular (Portt. Be: ter.'-ntirt, New-York via Pfeyal. Almeria. 0.-t rj ftille.J. si'smfr IV.ntlac (Brt. Scott <fr>m Venice. Trieste nni Ham, New -York. Marseilir-H. rict 21 Sailed, i-te.irnei MutKur.ila <Kri. Buhe. New- York. Marseilles. Oct 24—Arrive^, steamer Victoria (Brt. Warrts. New York via Naples, Paleri and Lerriprn. Naples, Oct 24. I<> a m— Arrived, steamer Hoh»nzoliern Cler). Cupperi" New York for 'I<ti..,i <anil proceeded). Para. *">< 23 Arrived. Fteamer (iruncnse iHr), S[rf>d'llnK. New- York. Stncap-.n-. Oct 24—Arrived (previously), steamers Afama (Brl. Bement, New York for Bhanjchal, etc; Athe,.* fOer>. Wajmer. New York for Mur'.la. etc. Pernnmbuco. r>r t 23— Sailed steamer II enrth (lln Tl ¦¦• lor. Kl-> .lanelro ror Ne« - York; arrived. »t*amef Hevi llus i Belt Stapledon. New-York f<-r Rio Janeiro. TO'RT'RAITS OF Our Late President We have arranged for a limited supply of Portraits similar to dUI I Sunday's Illustrated Supplement Sept. 1=;, on heavy woodcut paper, with black border. These may be purchased at our office, or willbe mailed to any address for five cents. Address THE TRIBUNE, New-York. TO-DAT. Vend For. i,:r.»- Mall» close. Vessel s>all». Arar&r.oe. furl— tnn Clyde 3:00 pm City of Washington. Mexico, N V & C. 12:00 m 3:<K> j, m Rio Grande. Brunrwick. Mailorj 3:it'i p m Henperlies Argentina, Houston ... 12:00 m H/ijim Hamilton Norfolk. OM Dominion 8:00 ; m Coronda.. ArKentlna, Norton 10:00 am 1J:OU m SATURDAY, OCTOBER M. Etrnrta. Liverpool. Cunard lf»:*i a. m 2H»pm liycdam. Rotterdam. Uol-Am 7:.^>am 10:110 am Anchoria. Olaacow, Anebor IJtin 12.-00 m Inland. Denmark. Srar.d Am 11:00am 1 :fi<> V m Talatia. Hamburg. ! -.:•:¦• 3:'"' p m mince, L«ondon. At Trans 3:oopm Buffali. Hull. Wilaon ¦ Bntlrh King. Antwerp, Phnpnix Morro Caatla. Havana. N V & Cuba. :ooa m 1 '¦<' p m X ntabi fit Thoinfis. Qn^bec 9:80 a. to. 12:00 m Mara>ca!ho. Curacoa. R«l D '.*:'i<»iiin 12:00 m I'once. Porto Itiro N V Ac r R 0:00am 12:00 m rr,~r. Bt Kltis, Demerara '.>:") a. m >Om Allfßhajiy. Jamaica. Atlas 0:30 am 12. -00 m I^ampasa*. Oalveston. llallory ¦' '"l m Iroquois, r*h>ir!eston. Clyde :::<Mpm Protena, New-Orleans. Cromwell 3:<«>pni J»-ffer«on. Norfolk. Old Domini n. ... 3KK)pm Xl CM. New-Orleans. Korean 3:<>o p m MONDAY, OCTOBER 2S. Jameetown. Norfolk. Old Dominion ... ¦ 3:i/>pm SHIPI'IXG VEWB. (The £nrf. MORRIS PARK RACES. ITS Election Forecast Edition will also predict the result of the elections in the prin- cipal Cities in New- York State and the results in New Jersey, Ohio, Massachusetts, lowa and all the States which hold elec- tions this year. You cannot afford to miss this Great Election Forecast Edition. 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 ORDER OF YOUR DEALER AT ONCE. AUTUMN MEETING 1901. E\TK v DAY. Kit IDA V. OCTOBER 25. MX OVEU.M»iHT RACES. FIRST RACE. 2 P. M. .^^ Take 3d ay "I." to Wills ay.. thence by Special Tri^ wane n t.anpfr kield. w> ft"* SAX FRAXCISCO stocks. Sin Francisco, Oct. 24.—The official closing quo- tations for mining stocks to-day were as follows: Alta 01 1Kentucky Con '<¦• Alpha Con Oil Lady Washington C">n... "i Andfs "t Mexican 21 H<?lch«r (ft ii. Idvntal Con "7 n**i & IVlcher l.VOphlr 13 I!u!!!on "i Ovei man >-, Cniedonla .. l".»; I'otoHl ik Con 20|8aragt> .10 Choltar " s ;Sjk Belcher .03 iConfidence S»l Sierra Nevada 16 I Con Pal & Va l>'> standard 3. 50 I foil Imperial "11Syndicate "7 ' Crown I'Mnt ofl st l^'ii- 08 i Gould .-. Curry Ml Union Con '..'.'. !.; j Hale .•. Norcro>» lSi L'taJi Con M i Jul-a 01 1 Yellow Jacket is i Justice in YORK CITY. The 6e<Jlcatlon service of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church. Seventy-third-»t. and Madi- fson-ave., will be held on Sunday. At 11 a. m. the A Rev. Dr. Theodore L.. Carter will preach, and at fin. m the Rev. Dr. Thomas C Hall will deliver a sermon. The r.iFine«6 Men's Protective Association, which Is supporting the fusion ticket, willgive a free out- ir.c to patrons and employes to-day at LebofcMTii I•• th Park. A dinner In commemoration of the l.QnOth annl- rrrsary of the death of Kin* Alfred the Great Is to be held at Delmonico's on Monday evening next. It will be a. notable affair. Among- the speakers will be the Mayor of Winchester, England; Gen- eral Stewart 1,. Woodford. General Wager Swayr.r, Hamilton W. Mai. if and the Mayor of Toronto, Canada. Tickets are now ready for distribution, at |T. a pate. Those desirous of participating in thi6 occasion are requested to address at once the So- ciety of American Authors, No. 33 Broadway. New- York City. The special committee of the Merchants' Aero- rlation on revision of the Bankruptcy act met at the rooms of the association yesterday alternoon. An executive committee of five wat appointed, with power to conduct an investigation and to com- municate with other trade organizations and with Individuals. The committee consists of Ora How- ard, chairman; W. T. Evans, E. D. Page, K. B. Hirsch and E. W. Riker. The body of the woman found dead at the Melvin Hotel, a Raines law plac* at No. 201 East Seventy- «lxth-st.. was identified at the Morgue yesterday as that of Mrs. <""adlHn. thirty years old. of So. 246 Cast S:xty-flfth-st.. by her husband. The police, think the woman was shot by her paramour, Emll PORT OP MEW-TOBK. THURSDAY. OCT. 24. IPOI. ARRIVED. Btesjner Deutechland (Ger), Albers, Hamburg Octoh«>r 17 and Southampton ami Ctierboiirg 18, with mdM, 801 cabin and 3'ji) *t<><.raßc pajaeej n to the Hamburs- Amerlcan Line. Arrlv«^l at the liar at S:.VS a m. G ntJMSiNB I * FO^ TIOiI «-— m .-v : . Va!; ALL SUBJECTS i Ml-- SEE THE THOS. J. STEWART CO. _-,-„.,_ SO years' experience. TDj OiI UL ——- 1554 Broadway. New York. llt 1 D II 11L. i^CCCCT Erie and .'.th Sts.. Jersey „"_ STORAGE ""WAREHOUSE A muNlu AND MOVING VANS. HLIIJMIIMIJ Telephone. Send for la- CO IQ~I terestinif circular. rUn itJJI. 14 Ovir Next Macyor ? ! Will it he LOW I or 7 15he TRIBUNE Will tell you on 27th.

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Post on 17-Apr-2020




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James McCreery & Co.,


Sable Fox Boas, $0.50

Alaska Sable**

<ciaster taii»> 7.00Mink

" *' •• ...... 10.50Russian Sable

" ** " 75.00 and 00.00Persian Lamb Coats. Latest 310 dels,


bell cuffs,$55.00.

Seal Coats,— London Dye,, $165.00.

Twenty-third Street.HOME SEWS.




will at

CARNEGIE HALLTo-ni^ht, 8 o'clock.


Iflooking for overcoat warmthdon't forget your legs —

warmthin spots isn't what you want.

Medium weight long over-coats, exceeding graceful, ratherloose, cover and warm the entirebody.

Hard and soft finished clothsof every possible shade of gray,as well as browns and blacks.

$15 to $32.

Misses' Suits and JacketsA Special Offering for To=day and Saturday.TAILOR HADE SUITS of Venetian cloth. Eton Jacket

fancy velvet vest, trimmed with satin folds. Flare Skirt,finished with rows of stitching, blue or black. 14 to 18 |C AAyear sizes, 1*7«vr\J

BOX JACKETS— Heavy kersey cloth Box Jackets, stitched fl f|Ostorm collar, lined withheavy satin, castor or black, VtVO

Full Line of Misses' Raglans at Very Attractive Prices.

Sale of Children's Reefers.A special purchase ofChildren's Box Reefers on sale to-day. They are

made ofmelton cloth, double breasted, with two small capes piped withvelvet, colors navy blue, red and brown, 6 to 14 year sizes.

3.98 Each.Latest novelties in Infants* Coats, Caps and Dresses at exceptionally

Low Prices.

Sixth Avenue, 20th to 21st Street.

Schillinger, a butcher, who lay dead on the floor

beside her and who had committed suicide.

Superintendent George Blair of the Outdoor PoorDepartment received a letter yesterday from

Everett. Va.. staling that labor is scarce at that

point: that those who are willing to work can

find plenty to do there, and that houses will besupplied for them, food given to them and work

found for them. The superintendent Is asked to

lay the chance for work for« needy families.

Of course the suit under theovercoat should be equally wellmade, and as well cut.

New cut, cloths and colors;$15 to $32.

Underwear to fit. $1.50.Rogers, Peet & Company.

IT'S Broadway, cor. 7 an<l 9 Warren St.

CfiO Broadway, -or. Prince. We fillorder*ICOrt Broad-ray, cor. ?23. ¦ »>> mat'-

an.! .'.4 Wnl :«.l St.

A GIFT HINT—SIMPLICITY.Apoint to fastidious tastes and slender purse*.A simple piece of furniture. if carefully con-

structed, and of subtle contour, is an aristocrat.Frequently. in real grace and elegance, it willexcel an ornamental piece of many timer, itscost.

Such aristocrats are here "in allo their mostepride." Tea- Tables, almost Grecian in theirsimplicity, from $3.30. Hanging Cabinets, forreserve cups and saucers. £."».'..'">. Dainty Tea-Trays. $7.50. Muffin Stands, $10.50 -these aremerely hints for tea-lovers There are kindreddelights for all lovers, at factory prices, as you


Geo. C.FLint Co.43.45 mo 47 Wfi&T2i»ST,


1& purA Pine {%RNITUSE




James Blosf. a wealthy banker, has purchased

the John W. Reynolds farm, at Fort Chester, on

the Sound, for the purpose of laying out one of

tht- finest country places in that region. The farm

consists of sixty acre* in King-st.. and a large andcostly manor house will be erected on the highestelevation, which commands an unobstructed viewof Long Island Bound for miles. It is said thatit is th* intention ot'the new owner to transformthe grounds Into ... rivate park, and to erectlarge stable* and conservatories.

for a rorxTRY rLui: oa rrr souxn.

factory: 154-ans i&6 wEsr I9?STRct-:rA.lvfrtl.cmont. admitted Into these col*

.iii.ii, »re re.omi.i^iirt^.t to the reader* ntTHE TRIBUNE as thoroughly reliable, andbasißrsiit can he done by mail with the a<l<.vertisers withperfect Bafety.Announoementa.


ALBEMARLE—F. J. Fish, of Boston, and Endi-cott Pea.body, of Oroton. Mass. CAMBRIDGE—Baron S. yon <"?. '.'.enb^reT. Austro-Hungaxian Charged'Affaires, of YVashlnKton; Baron yon Hengelmul-

ler. Austro-Hungarlan Minister, of Washington;

Professor John Howard Mile*,of Glasgow, and N.H. ¦¦¦aim, of Toledo. FIFTH AVENUE—EIiotHubbard. of Boston. GlLSEY—Colonel FrederickPhlsterer. of Albany. GRAND—Major J. C.Muhlenberg. U. S. A., and Major H. F. Hodges.V. S. A. GRAND UNlON—Booker T. Washington,

Of Tuskegee. Ala. HOFFMAN—Charles LouisDreyfus, of Paris; Benjamin Ida Wheeler, presidentof the«r6!ty of California; Commander W. H.Drtges. U. S. N.. and Baron Borch. of Washington.HOLLAND-Thomae Nelson Pase. of Washing-ton; David McClure. of San Francisco, and JamesH. Eckels, of Chicago. IMPERIAL—CoIoneI D.C. May. of Buffalo, and ex-Mayor D. C. Robinsonof Elmira. MANHATTAN—Professor Charles Mcl-Jen Tyler, of Cornell University, and WinthropCoffin, of Boston. MURRAY HlLL—Joseph H.Choate. United States Ambassador to GreatBritain; Dr. A. T. Hadley. president of Yale Uni-versity; William R. Harper, president of the Uni-versity at Chicago, and ex-Judge J. Rider <""ady. ofHudson. NETHERLAND

—Ex-Mayor W. W.

Jacobs of Hartford. PLAZA—H. L. Swift, of Chi-cago. SAVOY—Ludwig Max Goldberger. memberof the Imperial German Conciliative Board forCommercial Measures, of Berlin. VICTORIA—Judge J. T. Marchand. of Washington; Colonel Her-man Brown, of St- Paul; ex-Senator Charles A.

To*-ne. of Minnesota, and Congressman W. E.Howejl. of Maine. WALDORF—AIIen Kahn. ofthe Credit Lyornaise. Paris: Rutherford Trow-bridge. of -Haven; Dr. Manuel Johnston, ofHavana, and Judge Lynde Harrison, of New-Haven.

A New Collar.T. & VT. "Lubeok." •'L.ubeck." E. & W

Beautiful ha:r ta alera»i pleesin*. ar.4 TARKF-RS


QRB\-ES OINTMENTmakea .. bealthy akin, BOc.


nnnfiTnn'o^-ir'vaudbviujs *• comedy.

I'Hflt•IIIH N> lv -5 Boc- No Hlsher

Ii.UL.U.I Uf LAUGHTER th» Main Feature.

OQrl QT \ "A BACHELOR'S HONEYMOON."Lull Ul.< "Tour Wlfe-s Husband." Splendid Vaud.


th nU HMul ftb'J. DALY COMEDYHi Ml.

'All Star Vaudeville. Continuous Comedy.

i«tm > s A N d o W ;;!',¦j/J ST.' "Baby Chase." Vaudeville. Laushs.

1-oth UiUm. Butterfly" !BeautifulT©th "Mmc. DUiteniy iDeiasco put

nfi ST. '"Her Last Rehearsal." Cream of Variety.


LYCEIi>I THEATRE Weil. Afternoon,LYCEUM TiiEATKL net. so-nt 31:10.Major J.^B-'Pina announces SARAH GRAND15V""1Toffo?"c* oflnfln bnflNUVatkor "f "ThA Heavenly Twtai." "Bake, th« Imposeil-

ble.' etc.KURJF.'T- I Madam Grand'a success as a lectureriirric, |n C.reat Ilriraln the r>a<=t seasonIVI C.P* C I s \u0084..«.

, of any lady speaker

MAN. I knovro to the English L>ceums.Reserved Se fit-i. 1.80 A 1.00 On Sale at Theatre.

a IfAP>BB RT <!" Aye. A 2IU 5t. .." S:IS


Qa I"KmV »*2 Matir.ees Thur»d*jr 4 Saturday.

BERTHA GALLAND Sla-^ . . -« r« f nvay t .Tlih ft At S:10I|A IV *> DANiKL FROHMAN M«r.L/ril_/I•*** Wed. and --it at 2.,;illRRGAT WEEK.

Me-srs NIX >S & ZIMMERMAN PRESENTi.... 1..1«iir.1.

-• 1...H.1..11 Gaiety SucrfM


THEATRE REPUBLIC^ *"&£?"l?.'*p SAT,. Matinees WVdneMiay v Saturday. 2:lft.

J.11. Stoddart in The Bonnie Brier BushIIVIII.KM VIOLA A1.1.i:.\. |Ev«s.. MI.VOpera llouta. i "In the p«ln<-e of ihe King." i Mat.

s. v Week— Louis Mann—<:l.iraL'.ptuan. . Fat.. 2:15.

waluck's E9R AIAB"TT do>|IM riAOKETT hi iikv.

"lU-st I">mi Pirsar e.nce SaivllU.".—TVm. '.V:nt«r.

illID D A V HILLTHEA. Lex. Ay«. St 42: St.

MUIinAT M\Tl>Ki:K\ KHYDAIU&o.Marie \\iiiii»rlthl in T\\«-lfll» Majht.

II\ MMI !- :KIN S Bvt*.">:ls. Matinee .^titurday. 2:15.\H TiillH,




{jS£?iox"d7t:l| . THE NEW YORKERS.UHOAIUVAV THEATRE. 41st Street .v Broadway.

I.\s'r WEEK >>f the rastl* Square Open Co.TO-NIGHTa.vJ TAHMBAUSER. SAT< MiKAOO.bat* mat. Ifinnflauotn. night. rn^AUU.

PRICES -'. "¦'. l-f><>.

Madison SQUARE garden.



m v

VDVERTISISMICNTS and »ut»cnonon.i tor The Trtbuoertcelvrd Bl >n»lr Uptown Office. No. 1.212 P-roadw»r.

24 door north of 31st-«t.. untilft o'clock t> m.: *<iv*rt!e»-¦Denta received at the following branch oiTli-es at regularoffice rates until S o'clock i>. in.. vis :254 Sth-ave.. •. c.tor. 2M-*l.. IS3 6th-ave.. cor. 12th st.; Mac»*». «th »»•.and 14i'i st.; 142 Columbui* aye,.. near West o6lh-st. 10«West 42.1 at.. near 6th-ave.:82 East 14th-st.:


MINIATUP.B ALMANAC.Eunri*e6:23iSur.Eet r.:•>•• M •. sets ISO a m!Moon's age IS


A.M.—Sandy Haah 5:07 Gov. Island .V.;4Hell Gate 7:27

P.M.—Sandy Hook 6*llGov. 1.-lani IM Hell Gate .A.

JS( oiz/.v; fi7 A.4 if/:/;>¦.


r'.ower Show at Madison Square Garden

Free outing of the Bufine»a Men'» Protective, AfirKrlatlon.Lebohner's Dester Park.

|M—!¦M Shepard at Schuetien Hf.!:. Mmf^M «-1

Broadway. Urn« Island City; Caoatt* Hall. No. 101Grand^i. Brooklyn; EckTorfl Ha. Eckford-tt. and

Sormnn-av*-.. Brooklyn, evening; noonday meeting.No. 4.SG Broadway. Manhattan.

Ee*h Low in Brooklyn: Turn Hall. Me*.erole-st..•

'.-•S:20; Schiellein's Hall. »:1O to »:*?; Turn Ha.l.garter at »:35 to 9:50: PiMHar Hall. 10 o clock.

Justice JeranJe in Brooklyn: Parshall's Hall. 7:«S to (=:1O;

Acme Hall «>:-"'• to S:30; C3eran r.t Avenue Rink. 9 to

aJO Alhen«fam. '.' S.. ;-. 4,'. Turn Hail, Sumpter-st.,

10:10 to J0:20; Schlellein's Hall. 10:25.Citizens Union. VlHth ¦¦¦>!> District. Hall,

Sixte**t. and Third-aye., 8 p. m.W. Burk« rv--krr.r. at Carnegie Hall, fe p. m.Hungarian Tolltical Union. Tammany meeting. Cooper

Union, 6 p. m.Justice Jerome and Jacob A. Cantor. No. 147 Avenue B.


Manhattan Liberal Club. No. 220 East F!ft«,-et.. 8p. m.

Dinner for President C>'ru« Northn>j> of the, University ofMinnesota. Hotel St. Andrew, eveninr.

Dinner en new North German Lloyd *teair.;hlp Bremen.Hoboken, 7 p. m.

Board of Education free lecture. Th» Catskll'.s anfl theAdirondacks." by <"-v.axles Barnard. Holy CommunionPariEh House. No. 49 Wen Twentleth-st.. 6 p. m.



Evenings S:2O. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday.


&R?4th s,\

Evenings 8:15. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday.


, ¦ ¦

——" I

O\nniCK THEATRE. 35TTI ST. &BROADWAY. |Evenings at B:3C. Only Matinee Saturday,

< IIMilh"« I "Great Success."—



'i^ast 2 Nights Last Saturday Mat..LOUIS MANN i THF Rj"l^ HInorCLARA I.IIVMAX | IIILl\»-U nL'JUINext Monday

—Charles Frohman Presents Eber. Ho!d"en.

MADISON »<*• THEATRE. 24TH ST.. NR. BWAY.Fverinrs S:3O. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday.

S&:,. THE LIBERTY BELLES.«;\nnE\ theatre. 27th st.

*Madison AVIRvenlnsrs *:\!> Mat. Saturday. Mr. E. H.

Oa*\TUPDM IF ¦»'EHK KIM(i.O\J Irt EL 518 IF IWERE KING.NVxt Tuesday— Special Matinee—RlCHAßD LOVELACE








piIAll DAVIDBELASCO presents°• WABFSEIO\i\ii\KK ¦

I.N THEv loinw



h°o» ses. ARIZONArXiPrlceji 25. 50 7?1. 100 Mats. Wed. A Sut.. 2. Eve.. J>:ls.

EXTRA Grand Ccncert Sunday Eve.. 25. sl>. 75c.

casino, l&iti&lAUSI Hii-w»y.3ih st. ]#vSnll9#4 S£&sLurMat.'sat. only. I THE LITTLEDUCHESS.

IRVI\O PLACE THEATRE. Eveirs. at l>:2<>.nUht A Mat. Sat., "DAS INnESCHRIEIIENE

BI.ATT." Saturday Eve.. "|»ol1.i."

flDanbattan Ebeatre, ttr™™[.A\R_S FISICEL

Mlrnnilnof the Ilnli-ony. Ev. ?:2f>. Mat. Sat. 2:13.


Mat. l>ally except lion, 2S<-. I .MYPARTM IITed Marks' But Concert Every Sunday Night.

l/FITU'O Bwajr ipapist

I%ObIIIIV 14th St. ::<> Other Arts.

C" |-\ C" Mf WORLD IV WAX! New Orchestra.UL-IN; CINEMATOG Ita I*II.mi S X .< PRE3. M-KINLKY LYING in state.

Dacn^nn'C continuous show.I*ii3XUli »3 :o AXD 30 cents.The Donovans. Cook and So* r.i

TO-DAY.Versel From Line.

Elswlck Manor Hamburg. October 3Oleta Gibraltar. C»ct.>ber >•Button F.arbados. October 15. ...Lamp & H ;-.Laurentlan _.G!as-iraw. October •- ... Alan-StateLacroma Gibraltar, October »El Monte. New-Orleans, October 19 ... MorganMoneibello Gibraltar. 10Germanic Liven October 16 White StarNord America Palermo. October 13 La Velo.-eHindoo • Hull.October 12 WilsonNicola II Copenhspen. October 9 Scand-AmPennsylvania Plymouth. October IS Bajnl Am

SATUP.DAT. OCTOBER MCampania Liverpool. October 18 CanardFt Paul Southampton October 19... .AmericanCymric Liverpool. October IS White StarCcrr.anche Jacksonville. Oototx-r ..:.... •"!>Euljrar.a Hamburg. October 14 Hamb-AmBrltlfhPrince Antwerp. October 12 Ph.rnixEeperania Havana, October 23... N. Y. & Cuba


ElIMa New-Orleans, October 22 .... MorganLa Champaime Havre. October 19. FrenchManltou London. October 17 At. Trans.Poudam Rotterdam, October 17 H I-Am


Steamer Chester iDutch). Julfs. Antwerp October 8 InhallaFt to c II Randerbrock. Arrived at t, .- Bar at 'Ap m.

Steamer Britannia (Fri. Marrec. MaiwlllejiOctober -.Almpna 7. Malasa « and St Michaels IS, with miw ani23 ateerace i v ng«» to J W Elwel] A- Co. Arrived atthe Bar at .': a m.

Steamer Dart (Br). Clark. Antofocaata, Autru«t 2.">.Plsapua 30, I'al*l - Buena Septeml><>r 1. Valparaiso ,'>.<:oronel 7. Montevideo 24 and St Lucia October IS, wilhmdFe to Flint Fli.Jy Trading i".im|iany: vessel to J H¦Winchester .-. Co. Arrived at the Bar at lrt:.W a m

Steamer Atlas. Rubelll, Sabine i'.is-. October 15. viaDelaware Breakwater 24. with oil to the Standard OilCompany.

?tcam*r City of BirminKham. Burs. Savannah October21. with radae and passengers to the Ocean SteamfhlpCompany.

Steamer Hamilton. Boas. Newport News and Norfolk,with mdM and passengers to the Old Dominion SteamshipCompany.

Steamer City of Macoo. Savafie. Bojfon. with m'i?<» tothe Ocean steamship Company,

Sandy IM, N J. Oi-t 34, 9 SO p m—

Wind northwest;fresh breeze: clear.

FAILED.Steamers Volao 'Brl. for Savannah; L'Aqultslne fFr).

Havre; Sicilla il'ali. (lenun. etc; Ar&con, Newport News;Konlpin I^itse, (tjori. Bremen via Southampton: F4 Vail*,Ne-.v-Or!eans; Jamentown. Norfolk and Newport Ne'.v*;EaoUaxo, Nassau, Santiago, etc; t'umal. Galveston; Daj-gry <Nort. Pr"»fre!».->; [Uverdale (Br), Auckland, etc: Bene-factor. rhilaiie!ph:a: Kanj-as City. Savannah; City ofPhiladelphia. Bklttnjore; Themis rNor«. N«w-Or leans;Evelyn, Newport News (In tow of tun E3dward lji.-k»n-bach).


Lizard. Oct 24. 11:40 a m—

Paf?ed. steamer Vaierlar.d(Br), Albrei ht, New-York for cherlourg and Ant-werp; 6:15 i> m. patted steamer '.* F:re:a*ne (Fr>.

Alls. New-York f.r Havre.Brow Head. Oci 14—Pa«se.J. »l»jm»rs Bovlc (Hri. Jones.

New-York for Liverpool; Weils city (Dr), Carey.New-York for Bristol.

Prawle 1 Bt, Oct 24—

Pa»s*<J pteamer Martello 'Mr*.Jenkins. New-York f.>r Hull.

I^ndon Oct 24—

Arrived, steamer Marque;!* <Br>. Oati*.New-York: sailed, hteamer Mes-il* (Br), I>owe. N«-n-V ik

Queenftown. Oct 24. !»:3."> a it—

Ssll-d. steamer Majestic(Br», Smith (from Liverpool), Jfew-York.

Rotterdam. Oct 23—

Arrived, steamer Excelsior <Oer>.Courtin. New-York; 10 p m. arrived, learner )¦itterdam (Dutch), ItPK"veen. New— York via Doulosn*-sur Ifer; 24th. 10 a m. palled. »team»r Rott«rda>m(Dutch). Stenxer. Bouloßne^itur-Mer and New- York.

Stettin. Oct 21—

Arrived, steamer NaasovU <<"Je-». NeppT-sohmld, New -York vltt Openhaß- n

HambuiK. Oct 24. 2 a m—

Arrive1. M».im»r Patricia (Ger),LelthausT. New-York Ma Plymouth and >•V»rb.->urit.

Dnntzle. Oct 23 Arrived. steamer Eneirl« i(>r).

Schaeffer. New -York.Lifhon. Oct 24

—Arrived, «tenrrer Peninsular (Portt. Be:

ter.'-ntirt, New-York via Pfeyal.Almeria. 0.-t rj

—ftille.J. si'smfr IV.ntlac (Brt. Scott <fr>m

Venice. Trieste nni Ham, New -York.Marseilir-H. rict 21

—Sailed, i-te.irnei MutKur.ila <Kri. Buhe.

New- York.Marseilles. Oct 24— Arrive^, steamer Victoria (Brt. Warrts.

New York via Naples, Paleri and Lerriprn.Naples, Oct 24. I<> a m—Arrived, steamer Hoh»nzoliern

Cler). Cupperi" New York for 'I<ti..,i <anil proceeded).Para. *">< • 23

—Arrived. Fteamer (iruncnse iHr), S[rf>d'llnK.

New- York.Stncap-.n-. Oct 24—Arrived (previously), steamers Afama

(Brl. Bement, New York for Bhanjchal, etc; Athe,.*fOer>. Wajmer. New York for Mur'.la. etc.

Pernnmbuco. r>rt 23—Sailed steamer II enrth (lln Tl ¦¦•

lor. Kl-> .lanelro ror Ne«-

York; arrived. »t*amefHevi llus iBelt Stapledon. New-York f<-r RioJaneiro.


Our Late PresidentWe have arranged for a limited

supply of Portraits similar to dUI ISunday's Illustrated SupplementSept. 1=;, on heavy woodcut paper,with black border. These may bepurchased at our office, or willbemailed to any address for five cents.



TO-DAT.Vend For. i,:r.»- Mall»close. Vessel s>all».

Arar&r.oe. furl—tnn Clyde 3:00 pmCity of Washington. Mexico, N V & C.12:00 m 3:<K> j, mRio Grande. Brunrwick. Mailorj 3:it'i p mHenperlies Argentina, Houston ... 12:00 m H/ijimHamilton Norfolk. OM Dominion 8:00 ; mCoronda.. ArKentlna, Norton 10:00 a m 1J:OU m

SATURDAY, OCTOBER M.Etrnrta. Liverpool. Cunard lf»:*ia. m 2H»pmliycdam. Rotterdam. Uol-Am 7:.^>am 10:110 amAnchoria. Olaacow, Anebor IJtin 12.-00 mInland. Denmark. Srar.d Am 11:00am 1:fi<> V mTalatia. Hamburg. !-.:•:¦• 3:'"' p m

mince, L«ondon. At Trans 3:oopmBuffali. Hull. Wilaon ¦

Bntlrh King. Antwerp, Phnpnix

Morro Caatla. Havana. N V & Cuba. :ooa m 1 '¦<' p mX ntabi fit Thoinfis. Qn^bec 9:80 a. to. 12:00 mMara>ca!ho. Curacoa. R«l D '.*:'i<»iiin12:00 mI'once. Porto Itiro N V Ac r R 0:00am 12:00 mrr,~r. Bt Kltis, Demerara '.>:") a. m l« >OmAllfßhajiy. Jamaica. Atlas 0:30 am 12.-00 mI^ampasa*. Oalveston. llallory

—¦' '"l m

Iroquois, r*h>ir!eston. Clyde :::<MpmProtena, New-Orleans. Cromwell 3:<«>pniJ»-ffer«on. Norfolk. Old Domini n. ... 3KK)pmXl CM. New-Orleans. Korean 3:<>o pm


Jameetown. Norfolk. Old Dominion... ¦ 3:i/>pm



ITS Election Forecast Editionwill also predict the result

of the elections in the prin-cipal Cities in New- York Stateand the results in NewJersey,Ohio, Massachusetts, lowa andall the States which hold elec-tions this year.

You cannot afford to miss thisGreat Election Forecast Edition.





Take 3d ay "I." to Wills ay.. thence by Special Tri^

wane n t.anpfr kield. w> ft"*

SAX FRAXCISCO stocks.Sin Francisco, Oct. 24.—The official closing quo-

tations formining stocks to-day were as follows:Alta 01 1Kentucky Con '<¦•

Alpha Con OilLady Washington C">n... "iAndfs "t Mexican 21H<?lch«r (ft ii. Idvntal Con "7n**i & IVlcher l.VOphlr 13I!u!!!on "iOvei man >-,Cniedonla .. l".»; I'otoHl ik

Con 20|8aragt> .10Choltar "s;Sjk Belcher .03iConfidence S»l Sierra Nevada 16ICon Pal & Va l>'> standard 3. 50Ifoil Imperial "11Syndicate "7'

Crown I'Mnt ofl st l^'ii- 08i Gould .-. Curry MlUnion Con '..'.'. !.;jHale .•. Norcro>» lSi L'taJi Con Mi Jul-a 01 1Yellow Jacket isiJustice in


The 6e<Jlcatlon service of the Madison Avenue

Presbyterian Church. Seventy-third-»t. and Madi-fson-ave., willbe held on Sunday. At 11 a. m. the

A Rev. Dr. Theodore L.. Carter will preach, and at

fin. m the Rev. Dr. Thomas C Hall will deliver asermon.

The r.iFine«6 Men's Protective Association, whichIs supporting the fusion ticket, willgive a free out-

ir.c to patrons and employes to-day at LebofcMTiiI•• th Park.

A dinner In commemoration of the l.QnOth annl-rrrsary of the death of Kin* Alfred the Great Isto be held at Delmonico's on Monday evening next.It will be a. notable affair. Among- the speakerswill be the Mayor of Winchester, England; Gen-eral Stewart 1,. Woodford. General Wager Swayr.r,Hamilton W. Mai.if and the Mayor of Toronto,Canada. Tickets are now ready for distribution, at|T. a pate. Those desirous of participating in thi6occasion are requested to address at once the So-ciety of American Authors, No. 33 Broadway. New-York City.

The special committee of the Merchants' Aero-rlation on revision of the Bankruptcy act met at

the rooms of the association yesterday alternoon.An executive committee of five wat appointed, withpower to conduct an investigation and to com-municate with other trade organizations and withIndividuals. The committee consists of Ora How-ard, chairman; W. T. Evans, E. D. Page, K. B.Hirsch and E. W. Riker.

The body of the woman found dead at the MelvinHotel, a Raines law plac* at No. 201 East Seventy-«lxth-st.. was identified at the Morgue yesterdayas that of Mrs. <""adlHn. thirty years old. of So. 246Cast S:xty-flfth-st.. by her husband. The police,think the woman was shot by her paramour, Emll


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