russia in the 1800s: reform and industrialization

Russia in the 1800s: Reform and Industrializati on

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Russia in the 1800s: Reform and Industrialization. Russia In the Early 1800s Before the Reforms. The Romanov Dynasty (1613 – 1917). Mikhail Romanov 1613-1645 Alexei Romanov 1645-1676 Peter I the Great 1682-1721 Catherine II (Catherine the Great) 1762-1796 Alexander I 1801-1825 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Russia in the 1800s: Reform and Industrialization

Russia in the 1800s: Reform and


Page 2: Russia in the 1800s: Reform and Industrialization

Russia In the Early 1800s Before the


Page 3: Russia in the 1800s: Reform and Industrialization

The Romanov Dynasty (1613 – 1917)

Mikhail Romanov 1613-1645

Alexei Romanov 1645-1676

Peter I the Great 1682-1721

Catherine II (Catherine the Great) 1762-1796

Alexander I 1801-1825

Nicholas I 1825-1855

Alexander II 1855-1881

Alexander III 1881-1894

Nicholas II 1894-1917

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The Holy Alliance

• Formed at the Congress of Vienna in 1815

• Conservative alliance of Russia, Prussia, and Austria

• United in the defense of religion and the established order (keeping things status quo)

• But, Russian intellectuals wanted to Westernize Russia (political freedom, educational, etc.)

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Decembrist Uprising (1825)• Russia’s ruling elites (tsar, nobles) were conservatives and were against

liberal reforms

• They censored the intellectuals (college students, etc) in favor of liberal reforms

• Army officers who wanted to Westernize revolted (Decembrist Uprising)

• Revolt was stopped, and Tsar Nicholas I

• As result, Tsar repressed liberal reformers even more

• As a result of the repression, Russia avoided the revolutions that swept across Europe in 1848

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Russian Expansion

• Maintained control over Poland (dated back to Partition of Poland, 1772)

• Defeated Ottomans and gained territory in Eastern Europe in 1830s

• Russia helped groups such as Greece and Serbia gain independence from Ottomans

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Economic and Social Problems: The Peasant


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Russia Fails To Industrialize

• Western Europe experiencing Industrial Revolution, but not Russia

• Russia still had serfdom

• To keep pace with West, landlords demanded more labor from serfs

• Russia remained a largely peasant society with an agrarian economy

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Crimean War (1854-1856)

• Russia fought Ottomans, claimed to be protecting rights of Christians in Ottoman owned lands

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Crimean War (1854-1856)

• Britain and France helped the Ottomans, and Russia lost

• Loss showed how far Russia was behind the West industrially and technologically

• Russia realized it needed to reform, and over next 20 years, series of reforms took place (1860s and 1870s)

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The Reform Era and Early Industrialization

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Emancipation of the Serfs

• Russia ended serfdom in 1861

• Serfs were given land when freed

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• Landlords (nobles) close allies to tsars

• The landlords had long controlled peasants for tsars

• Even though serfs freed, Russia made sure to preserve power of aristocratic class (nobles)

• Redemption Payments = Serfs got land, but had to pay for land (couldn’t leave village until paid for)

• Serfs angered over redemption payments, many rose up

Emancipation of the Serfs

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End of Serfdom = Large Labor Source

• In order to industrialize, a country need to have a large labor source, Russia now had it

• However, industrialization still didn’t take place right away (still took more time)

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Tsar Alexander II (1855-1881)

• Passed many reforms after loss in Crimean War (emancipating serfs just one of them)

• Zemstvoes = created these local councils that could build roads, schools, and provide medical service

• Only wealthy could elect members of the zemstvoes

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Trans-Siberian Railway

• Russia started building huge rail system in 1870s

• Trans-Siberian Railroad = connected European Russia (west) with the Pacific (east)

• Iron, coal, and grain industries grew as result of railroads

• Siberia became more developed, and Russia’s presence in Asia expanded

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Page 18: Russia in the 1800s: Reform and Industrialization

Russia Finally Has Industrial Revolution

• Railroads played big role

• Western business were encouraged to build factories in Russia

• By 1900 half of Russian industry was foreign owned

• Russia became leaders in steel, petroleum, and textile output

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Industrialization Still Way Behind West

• Lots of big factories in Russia

• But didn’t have best technology in those factories

• Agricultural technology was way behind the times

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Mostly, Reforms Failed

• Army tried to modernize, but military discipline and efficiently were poor

• Russia lacked strong middle class of artisans and professionals like the West had

• Intellectuals who wanted change felt there was not enough

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Protest and Revolution in Russia

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Social Problems

• Frequent famines led to peasant uprisings

• Peasants also revolted against redemption payments they still had to pay

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• Intelligentsia = radical intellectuals that were very aggressive and demanded liberal reforms

• Many devoted their life to revolution

Social Problems

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Social Problems

• Anarchists = people who want to end all forms of government

• Russian radicals turned to anarchism as a means to oppose the tsarist regime

• When anarchists failed to recruit many peasants to their cause, they turned to terrorism

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Alexander II Ends Reforms• Alexander II stopped his reforms in late 1870s

• He felt they were creating problems (ex: more freedoms allowed for the rise of anarchist movement)

• Censorship increased and political agitators sent to prison camps in Siberia

• Alexander II assassinated in 1881 by anarchist bomb

• Successors further stopped any reforms and political freedoms

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Minority Nationalities Targeted

• Government repression often aimed at minority nationalities living in the Russian empire (Poles, Ukrainians, and Jews)

• Pogroms = Mass executions that were ordered against Jews

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Marxist Reaches Russia (1890s)• Marxism promoted idea of a proletariat

(working class) revolution

• Vladimir Ilyich Lenin = Marxist leader who led movements to overthrow the tsar

• Bolsheviks = Marxist political party in Russia

• Workers formed unions and went on strike (which was illegal in Russia)

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Revolution Inevitable

• Peasants upset over power of landlords

• Urban working-class upset about lack of freedoms

• Intellectuals (intelligentsia) demanded liberal reforms

• Instead of compromise, tsar repressed freedoms even more

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Military Successes = Problems?

• Beat the Ottomans in 1870s

• Helped create new Slavic states in Balkans (ex: Serbia) which Russians vowed to protect

• Increased influence in Middle East and central Asia

• But, Russia expanded too far, and the military was stretched too thin

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Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)• Japan angry about Russia

expansion into east Asia (China, Korea) so fought Russia

• Japan won a shocking victory

• Resulted in the people of Russia revolted against the tsar

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Russian Revolution of 1905

• In response to the massive protests after loss in Russo-Japanese War, Tsar Nicholas II agreed to pass liberal reforms

• Duma = A national parliament that was created to make Russia a parliamentary monarchy

• Kulaks = Peasants given more rights, and some, called kulaks, got wealthy enough to own land

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Nicholas II Backtracks• Nicholas II comes from a long line of autocratic

tsars, and soon went back on these reforms

• He stripped the Duma of its power

• He once again began policy of political repression

• This led to even more Russians opposing the regime, and a bigger revolution would soon occur that would end the tsarist regime in Russia forever

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The Rest of Eastern Europe

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New Nations• Many countries were newly independent in Eastern Europe (had

broken from Ottoman Empire or Austria-Hungary)

• These new nations turned to Russia for help, guidance, and ideas

• Many copied Russia

• Most had autocratic kings (like tsars) that ruled with unlimited power

• Landlords had huge power

• Most began to industrialize, though even less than Russia did

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Page 36: Russia in the 1800s: Reform and Industrialization

Culture Thrives in Eastern Europe

• While there were many political and economic problems, cultural output thrived

• National dictionaries, folk tales, and music were created which enhanced senses of heritage

• Scientific advancements occurred (such as Gregor Mendel’s research on genetics)

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