r()p sec?..;:i i~ - national security archive · -3-11. b. the blank r epresents tho do. to ot tho...

'r()P SEC?..;:I IIEIIORAlmOII OF' OO:IVK!I SATIO:i - OR!ll?.AN OOII(>f!RZ'iCR Pittb Formal D ote: Tl n:o : February 8, 1945 4:00 Th e President u.r . Stett1 n1u.s Admiral Loahy Plnoo : L1vol1n Pnl noc, Yaltn l.lr , F. opk t na fl r, Byrae a Har r-1rnan Mr', r.r atthowe UX\J l)ohlon Hies Tho t> ritne U 1ni5tor >lr ,• Eden Cadog an S1r Archibald C lark Kerr 11r . Jobh B ri dges 1'/ Uson !£1· . ta .. "ton. 14 a Jor lllr.se t:l!o.r.shul ste.l1. n iAir. rco lotov hlr , Vyah 1nsk1 J5tl1 s kY .• G use v G::' omyko Mr. Pavlov World Secur ity O l' gant z atton ' .. Poland Periodic :.eat ings '' o::'olgn U 1n1ato ra YUgoslav ia and G rooae TOPSECREI .:....__ . .

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  • 'r()P SEC?..;:I


    Pittb Formal ~etlns

    Dote: Tl n:o :

    February 8 , 1945 4:00 p .~ .


    P~eaant: The President u.r . Stett1n1u.s Admiral Loahy Plnoo : L1vo•l1n Pnlnoc, Yaltn l.lr , F.opkt na flr, Byraea I~ , Harr-1rnan Mr ', r.ratthowe UX\J l)ohlon r~.r . Hies

    Tho t>ritne U1ni5tor >lr ,• Eden 51~ Aloxnndo~ Cadogan S1r Archibald Clark Kerr 11r . Jobh

    • ~r . Bridges ~&- . 1'/Uson !£1· . ta .. "ton. 14a Jor lllr.se

    t:l!o.r.shul ste.l1.n iAir. rcolotov hlr , Vyah1nsk1 ~!1' • J5tl1 skY :.~r .• Gusev ~!1' , G::'omyko Mr. Pavlov

    S~bJeoto • World Secur ity Ol'gantz atton • ' ..


    Periodic :.eat ings o~ ''o::'olgn U1n1ator a

    YUgoslavia and Grooae

    TOPSECREI .:....__ . .

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    TOP SECllllT - 2- Pobrunry G, 1)~5

    'l'I'.B PRESIDA!I'l opened tho lt8et1nc by otot1nr. t hat ho un1oratood tho Foreign Seerotorlea could repol't co=ploto auceoaa on~ h e ~ohed to co"4rotuloto tho~ on thei r work nnd to ask t:r . Eden to roport to tho Con-teronco .

    I.IR . EDEN t h en read the r eport of t:r.ot r.IOI'nin;;' s aeet1ng or the l~'oro 1gn Seere ta.ri oo :

    "Roport by Jl'oro1gn Seerotorio~ to Plontll'Y Mooting of Conference on Wor ld Organlzotion quootl ona,

    l . Tho J>oro1gn Socl'otorio" met on Follruury Oth

    (a ) To consi der the question ot ~omborahip ot tho \Torld Oq;onizatl on of two (or throo ) of the llepublico of the Soviet \Jn1on ,


    (b) To rec~end what stotos ohould bo l n-Vltod to tho propo3eci United Uo.-;;lonzs Conroronoe , and

    (c) To roco:>'t:ler.d tho t1cc 1111d placo nt •fnlch that Conference should oe held •

    .,. 2 . It we~ docido6 to :::ake tho f'ol lot'linc rocoro-1110ndut1ons to tho Plenary lloetln(l :

    (o.) Tho v:>itod Na t i ons Confaronco on tho Pl'oposed Worl d Orgon1zo.t 1on nhoulu be oul!lmonoa for l'o'odnesduy, 25th Aprll, 1945, or: Fobrunry ••• • , *1945, 1. e . thoso who had o.t that dato signed tho tin1ted Hatlone Declaration, would bo tho only. otuteo inv i ted to tho Contoronoe on Vlorld Or scn1znt1on. It "111 bo for tho Cont"oronco to dotor~o the liD~ of or1c ln41 moobors o: tl~ Orgnn1zatlon , At that stage oho DclosutoG of the u . x . and u. s . A. w111 support the propoco.l to ad..'"rlt to or1L1nal ~mbershlp t wo Sov1ot Soe1al1at Republ!ea .

    ::~ . '.t'he ?ox•o1cn t!l.niatero ' >nOCt lnr:; hn o ootn!'llls!:ccl a $Ub-comrrJ. ttce to o xa.

  • ' . . . .

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    11. B. The blank r epresents th o do. to ot tho end tho Conference. •

    ·, MR. Elll!ll concluded by sa:~ !.na tho.t thoy wore Glud to accept the 1nv1tnt1on of tho Un i ted S tot oo Oovern-~nt to hold tho mee ting on April 25 i n the Un1tod States. !lo o.ddod that he hoped thnt tho r.oxt meeti no ot Foro i nn Ll1n1 otcru would , t herefore, to.ko plt\Co 1n Lond.on. l.~. Eden stntod, in eommont.1ne: on t.ho report > thot tho llr1 tiah Do logut1on did not th1nlc 1t r1r,ht £or

    , otherD to shal'O tho otatus of Uni tad llut1ono 1':10l'ltb or-sh1p moro l ;,r in order t o pa.rt l.elpo.te in the Cl·mt'oronco , but ho ul'ldoratooa tha t the Un1totl Stnl.oo J)oloe~tion bud otbor viowe. no sn1d a su'":>- cotmni t toc ·~·o.o oonaic:1er -1ng the dotolls .

    !IARSI!AL STALIN ani d that a.-nons t ho otutoo v;h1ch woulcl 'bo represented at the conferenco thoro woro ton who hnd no d1plorw.t1c r e lntions 10ith tho Sovi et 1/nion. lle s llld tha t it 1>os soce..-ho.t strnn~-:o tor tho soviet Govornaont to a t tempt to build future world cocurity with otutoo ~hich did no~ de$1ro to hnve d1plo~at1c relnt1o."c with 1 t . !lo aaked what coulc1 bo acne about this crattor .

    'l'llll PRESIDENT replied th at he know t ho t moot oJ: theap ata too r.oul d l1ko to hcvo r ol t1ono v1ith the Sov1ot Union but 11ad just no t gotten nround to doinr:; anything about ,1t. 'lT.ere uero a rc ,, , howovo:x•, whore

    ·tho renaona "oro d11'f'orn1: and whOro tho 1n£luonco of the Catholic Churc h wun very strong . llo an16 t l111t he would l tl(o to po1rlt out, .hor1ever, t hnt tho ~oviot Un1o.n

    • hi ~ into h13tory. Throe yoars nr;o tho t!lo:> Act1nz Secretary of State , !-:r. ':;olle:;: , ho c\ tolti thccc te• Acor1ca.n nopu'!>l1cs that 1 t v:ne not noeeeso.ry to dcelaro uor on Gorunny but onl~ to brook diplo~n~ic rolot.lon:s . 'l'horoto:ro , there were flve or slx :louth

    Arno t•1 c o.n


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    TOP s r:CRET - 4.- l·'obrucu-:,· r: , 19 45

    Amorican countrico ~bo Celt that they had takon the adv1ao or tho lih1ted States Covcrnl:lent nn(l t~oro , there-foro, in 11ood otnnd 1n~;. It ~'"" a fnet, ho ndrtod, that t hoao otnteo r.nd holpod uo a grer.t clcnl 1n t ho wnr ef -fort . Ilo oo1d, upao.klng trnnkl y , t h1 u udvlcc l~ttl•o oldor,to or thooo six oountr1eo urg 1.ll.(t theo to declare wo.t\ O{!D..inat tl::.o eomr:on onoury. Equo.dor had nlreody dono co o.nd r'oru' c dcole.ro.t1on could bo cxpectoU a.:; uny t1mo , 4TH.!. he h oped tl>o other~ oororo lon&•

    UJIIlSi!/J. STALlli then inquired .,·oou t l.rp.ont .i.no. .

    T*.:JB Plt~SIDE:·f'i' aQ.id t-! lnt ao aro cons1c1.orlnr; a contoronco or Un1tod :io.tio!ls QJ'ld Assoc1atod lio..t 1on= who hAd holpod in tho war effort .

    UARSL!AL :l:l'ALTI! said he had no lovo for Arga n tir.n but he !olt tbo.t t~oro was a eontrd l c tlon l n loe!c. He 1nquirod whot wns the criterrn for ndm1uo1on or statoo nnd montlonod ir: this oon:>ectlon Turkoy. lie odd ho rolt there wero nations o hnd o tlmo l1m1 t should bo tho t:1r&t or l~nrch. ·

    . UI\RSI1AL S'.L'ALitl agreed with th1o Z>ur,r.ostlon.

    'l'!IB PIULill !l.Il ll:;TilR said :.o reco,..,ontlod tho l'roaidcnt ' • 31J8GOOt1on thot only t.'1oD,e countries WhO h 11d doclorcd war would bo 1nv1 tod. llc so.id he "Y"Pathlzod "1 th t!>e po1nt or v1otr or ~!arOI!lo.l Stalin 1>nd poin~od out t hat :::any countr1od had pl aye d n poor. p4rt . l!o folt, howe ver, there would bo somo advant age of ~v1ns o. wholo now group of no. tiona declare ... a.r on ~er~.-u.ny ror t he otfect on Oormon morulc.

    TOP SEC Hll'l'

  • ...... ' .· TOP SECrul'l' - 5- Pobruary 0 , 19~5

    'l'l!B PR!ll!IDRII'l' rolllarkcd that in c.dd1 t1on to tho South A~rlcnn countries thero wa$ , ot courao, IcelDnd, tho nowoat or the United Nc.t1on3 Republics .

    '!'liE P1

    MARS!U\t STt.tn; rc:>ckcd t hs.t thh did n.)t apply .. to termer onorly atutes who had rocently dcolQ.l'o.d wa1 ..

    .. ., .... ··' ..

    on Oerr-'411)" • ..

    TilE agrood.

    ".I'll£ Pllit'.E r.ll!USTil! salc:l thn t ho ocrtuinly d id not 1ncludo t iro runons the po ssi bl e oo.r1dlduto" , olnco they Dt1ll maint a ined Gcrmsn and Jnpuno oo m1na!ona. ' no on1

  • '


    ' TOP SECRF.T - 6- L'Ohl'Uoll'Y B, 1945

    WARSHAL STALIN repl i ed thfit 1£ Turkey doclarod war betore tho ond of FebruAry h e ngr e od to l:or be ll!(; invi ted to the conference.

    Tire Pl1IJ.u:: tJl lii STllll expressed gru t1t1cut1on uHh the Uorohul ' o at t itude.

    ·' · , , Tlm l'!lli:SIJJENT thon said t hAt t horo >'omn1nod tl1c ' ·· que~tipn ot llornnnrlc, t bs.t they hnd ooon ovur -rao by

    , tbo onom,-1n ono n1eJl t and thot tho l(lng Msorvod t l!A t he t bouch t J:'om!UU'k ahould wait .

    • Tilli !'llRSIII!:NT and '!'ill> t'Rl.l:E I!HII S':Sk U(;rocd llild t ho latter addod t ha t once she """ l 1bor a t ell oho vould

    · cer tainly hnve th e right to join tho orr,on1zot1on.

    ).(ARSllAL STALD! re:narked, howevnr ~ tt.&.t Vcnt'"'..ork lot tho Oormona 1n;

    , lH•RS!lAL Sri\tlll t hen said he hoped t h11t in t iLo roootnmend.a.t1ons or tho Porci~n M!niotero lt would bo poaoiblo to namo tbo Sovie t flopu1Jl1co , t l>nt. 1u, tho \lkra1n1o.n and Vlh ito Russic..n !lopubllcs. 'l' th wno ttc -cepted,

    l!!t . LiOLO'fO\' th an Mked woull1co no mombors

    ,. of tho noaombly i f thny 31gnod t ho !lni t ocl llat1ona Doclaro.tion bofore t be first o.f !.(arch.

    Tlm P!tESIDlliiT rovert1ng to tho H at of eou..,tl'loa to b e 1nv1 ted to the con.feren ce propoaod t h:>t 1t bo the Uhitod lln tior.o, tho Associat ed !!ntion• nnd '1'\lr~;r. provided tho la t ter declared war bof oro 't h c t1rot ot ltareh and aignod the United llntions Doelar~

  • ,.

    TOP SSCRS'l' - 7- Pobruary 8 , 1945

    THE PRI~ UIHISTER re~ked that tt would aot ooo~ quito r ight to him to toke in small countrlee uho hod done eo l i ttle, s imply by tho expedient ot tho1 r declar-1ng .war and to exclude tho two Sov1ot Republica from the ~ot1ng. He said he bed very muoh tn mtnd the martyr-do~ cnt'l curfor1nga of tho tn

  • ' .

    -B- Februn~y 6, 194~

    li/.RSII.U. STALDI thon said ho ..-1 tlldrew hlu pro;>oaal.

    'l'UE l'RASIDIDi'r e xpressed ernt1Ucut1on dt the . Uarehal 13 d oe1slon • ..

    'l'!U!: PRI!.l:t l!l!IIS'l'ER then rot>&rkod thll t llo bnd hntl t1:;o to utudy yeut&rdoy' a report or tho moot1n(; or tho

    • Foro1nn 1A1n1atoro nnd· that he coul d t,i vo it l>is n]>-proval .

    TilE :!'!!P.SI !lEli'P then turned to tho quo a tlon or tl:o propoonlo which he had sont to tho !lr1 tioh and tho Sovie t Dologa.t1on3 t.1':.1s morn1ne in l"ce arel to .Poland . l!o :1111

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    TOP B!:ORS'l' -9- Fobrunr1 8, 1945

    that with oome ol1ght amendment&, 1r a deoia1on in ._principle vaa reached he wu prepared to accept the

    President's propooala which have been under discussion.

    MR. MOLOTOV said ho had OOQ8 obaervntlons to make on the President's propotolo. Ho oaid that tbelr propooala cade yeatordny had been booed on certain rea11tios existing 1n Poland. It waa impossible to ignore the exiatenoe or the preaent Pollsb government and be said tbat the Bovlet Government had relt that it Yould be ueotul to have diecueaions on the basis or enla.rging tllD. t goverN:Jent ... 1th the addition or other decocratio elecents from vithln Poland and abroad, He enid that tho Lublin, or ~arsnv, govern-ment ebn

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    . ; "1: •.. , .

    TOP SECRR'1 -10- February ~. 1045

    li!R . I.IOLCTOV an1d in rognrd to tho quoetton of trqnt1!tra_.he wns Glad to noto tho oompleto ogroor.tont •On the ·eastern boundary, nama l :r tho c.trzon !,! no with alight wditionttona, but ho ubo nototl that on tho woatern boundary tllor \!OCS no unnn1tr.1ty . 'Eo naid that tbo;r lrno" tllL\t the l'rovb\or.ul Govorn,ont 3Cootl tor th8 waatern tronttor a~ o~tllnoa in the soviet proposo.la. Ho atldod tll:J: t:'lo:f \'ill :"W·:., to !l.~! tho Polos about thl:J• Out ito -ca:s 1!!. no donbt til."lt the:; would categorioolly s.tpport b11:l tt"ont1c:"" .

    !£~l . :.~JLC'I0\1 3Ult\ w1t!l l'Oteron.oo to ne:;ottn'&lt'l':l3 ill f.!O&OOW bOt\'IOOn h'lm!_1Clf, ,,:r. lhU,I."'11tl!ll1 O.nct 31r ArGh1bnld Clerk Kerr wG '"'" all s;1~ood it ,,.,uld ba desirable to have tl:ooo threo tal!t w1ti, t"J.., Polo". Ro sn1d that in ~o xnr as no l

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    -12- Pobru~~ 8, 1946

    the aoet eevere orltlo1em ln England, lt woUld bo eaid that ve did not .kno¥ what vaa going on in Poland--that vo coUld not even get anyone ln there to rlnd out what vas golng on·en~ that we bad accepted ln toto the view ot 1he Lublin gover~ent. Great Brl taln voUld bo obaraod with rorsaklng the oauoe or Polnnd and ha waa bound to oay that the deb•tee in Parl1n~ent would be moat painfUl P.Cd he ~1Kht ndd moot dno&eroue to Allied unity. He added that all the above w•e on the auppoaition that thoy m1~lt f1nd 1t pose lOle to agree to Mr. Holotov' e proposol. lie onld 1f they >~ore to give up the London ~overn:nent 1t muct be ov1aent tbat· a nov otart had been made on both el den from equal tormo, Before SUCli transfer ot r&00!1>nl tlon Sio MaJeaty' a Government would bnve to bo oonv1noed that a new goverllll:cnt, representative or the Pollsh people, had been created, pledbed to ~n cloct1on on the basic or un1vereal eurrer~ge by eecret ballot with the part1c1pat1on of nll demoor~t1c part1eo and the right to put up their candic!atea. Whon euch elections vore held ln Poland, he said Great Brl t •ln woUld oalute the aovor~ent whlch ocerges without regard ror the Polish governAent in London, He concluded with the etatollent that a 1s the in terval before &•Jch elections that 1a 41tt1e.:lt and alara.lng.

    KR. MOLOTOV suggested that perhaps the tAlk& in Moacov might give some result, but lt waa vary d1ft1oult to 4iaouaoion the Polish question ~ithout pnrtioipation with ·'the Poles.

    TilE PRll!E lUNIS'iEl1 r emarked it Wl\8 frightfully ,- important that agreecont should be roached on the question and that we ahould part over n o1gned egree-cent.

    'I'll!: PJU:SID!:Ni' said •·e were all agreod on tho neoea• ity of tree olections Bnd tha t tho only problem vas bov Poland wac to be governed·· in the 1nterv&l.

    KARSHftL STALIN said that he had hoard complaints troa tho Pri mo ~1n1ater thet he ~d oo lnrormation in roaard to tho oltuation ln PolBnd. ~r. Ohurch1ll could

    I!Ot thie

    TOP SZ9}il:'l'

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    fOP Sli:CliE'I' -13- )'ebruorr 8, 1945

    get th1e 1ntorantlon and he did not see wbr Great Brltaln and the United States ~ould not send thelr ovn people 1nto Poland. Be sald 1n regsrd to the populAr1tY or the Provloion.U Government he could oeoure the oonterenoe that ~e people runn1n~ the government wera popular . The throe leadore, Be1rut, Ooubka HorAwsk1 and Rola- Zamyerakl hAd not rlod rrom Poland but had et~yed on 1n War:o olrc\llllotnncn• lny nt the base or tba e;reat populllr1 ty or the lloldbero of the Provisional Go,·el:'r.:nent, al thou~,;ll they "'"Y not be ireot men. He &aid he d i d not thint we oould ignore theoe raoto nor f&11 to t~ke into "ccount tho r oelln&• or tho people. ~~. Churchill worrier thnt wo will loavo hero vl thout an agr-eccent. ·~'h·~t tborerore can ve do? We have different lnforcu1t1on--thu t:e:Jt aethod,


    'l!OP SECRET

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    -14- February e, 1945

    tbererore, would be to summon the ?ales rroa the dtrrerent O&llpe aDd to learn rrom them. It would, or course , be better it tree eleotiona could be held r1gbt orr, but up to no~ the var hae prevented thls, but tho 447 la drawin& near, however. when euch eleotiona could take place an~ tho peopl e could expreas their view 1n regard to the l'rovlo1onttl OovernMnt, He aaid ho saw little difference between tho poa1t1on or de Gaulle and thnt of the Pollsh Pr~vl~lonDl Government. llelther had been elootf•d a nd ho could not eny which ono enJoyed the greQ to ot

    l(Al\91\/IL STALIN roplied it lOlt!ht be pOsR1ble 1n a month provided no cata&tt•opheo ocourrod on the front and tho Gorman• began to beat them,

    TliE l'Rlll.li HUIIS'l'ER said ot oourse they would weloomo rreo eleotiooe but would not nok tor snythin6 that would hn1Dper n1llte.ry op&ration&.

    TK£ 1'RESID£NT proposed tbat the Q• ttor bo referred to the Foreign Ministers tor study, on4 thia wa o a greed to •

    TOP 5EC!l£T

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    TOf SJ:QR-,:'1' -15- rcbruarr 9, 1~46

    'l'Ht PRIME KlNIG'l'~R sald there wao one am.ll matter he vlehed to brlng up before 3dJournaeot, and that vas tha per1od1c meeting or Porolgn M1n1atere enry thrae aonthe.

    THE PR£9ID~NT sald he wno 1n favor ot tblo ide&, but he know that )!r , Stctt1n1ua wna very bu•y wlth eome or the Latln American countries ~nd he felt 1t would be beet to say they would meet when neoeGOtlry and not f1x any de!1n1te period for the meetln&•·

    'l'Ht PlllWi: MilUSTE:l! oald he houed thn t tho t'lra t ot those meet1nga could be 1n London, to which the 1>rea1dent and Harohal lltnlln allt'oed.

    IU.RSHAl. G'l'Al..!N tben oe1d he hnd ~no ~m•tll matter wb1oh he would l1ke to bt-1ng up, .He l·IOUlcl ll>

  • 'l'Of S&ORET -16- February B, 1945

    IIARSiinl. S'l'ALIII answered thll t be ..... not atrald.

    'ZOE PJUIIE MIIIIStti! sal